The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 24, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Tit fkflOlk WMkly Hm-Joufnil
The Hewn , Kbtabll hed 1881.
The Journul , Established 1877.
ProHldont. Secretary.
flvoryFriday. Hy nmll per ycnr , Jl.GO.
Entered at llio poHtoffico nt Norfolk ,
Nob. , nH second class matter.
Telephones : Editorial Dopurtmont
No , 22. Business Olllco and Job Rooms ,
No. II 22.
The fanner , unlike Ihu consumer ,
KOCH to M-ed In the spring.
Bonn ; pcoplu got n great deal of
pleasure out of making UiHinflelves
The carnation IK to bej the English
coronation ( lower , which nhowB the
nffnlr will bo carrlud out In the pink
of propriety.
They arc organizing a f30.000.000
bread trust In Now York , but the
small boy won't care unless they try
to control cake.
The Japanofio have started the man *
ufacturo of paper pulp from millet ,
which grows abundantly In Man
churia , Clover
Why should Now York voters bother
about choosing a senator , wheu Char
lie Murphy will do It for them and
save a costly election ?
They have been stoning President
Dlaz'n palace , but it does not look so
bad n our white , house after a cam
paign of mud throwing.
Young Americans would better coino
back from Mexico and do their intnirg-
Ing at homo , where they'll got nothing
worse than political death.
Mr. Taft says ho is going to have
efficiency in the government depart
ments , which makes one more luxury
for the people to pay for.
The express drivers are striking
again , but it IB not because the com
pany required them to hustle around
so fast delivering packages.
The Jeffries-Johnson nght pictures
were stopped in Arkansas , but fistic
methods of debate are still current
among the thinkers of that state.
Much is said about the Jlrst gun In
the presidential campaign , but more
experienced observers listen to find
out who is whetting up the knives.
Mexican rebels and federals say
Uioy would unite to light Intervention ,
This reminds us of the old saying , thai
"a boy is a boy , two boys are half a
boy. "
American prisoners in Mexico arc
reported safe , and their friends should
bo still more thankful that they art
not having to put up at Mexican ho
The Mexican insurgent generals
may scale the heights of fame , bul
they won't win the huzzas of the mul
titude like the chief cook at a clam
Elinor Qlyn says wealthy Amoricar
women lead empty lives. The facl
that they sometimes go homo at 2 a
m , to rest a bit seems to impress El
inor unpleasantly.
Richard Lo Gallionne , the poet , It
said to earn $3,000 a year. If ho son !
his poetry to the newspapers at cur
rent rates of a cent n column , he musi
have worked some.
Mr. Taft's pouco plan is well re
celved in England , but our senate wil
never sign away its rights to take an
other twist In the British lion's tal
every once In a few years.
Andrew Carnegie is said to him
lost money in the Carnegie Trust Co
But ho had to do something with it
until one more town came along thai
was willing to take a library.
They are paying $1,600 for windows
where they can see King Georg (
crowned , but wo would give more t <
see Jeff Davis of Arkansas put on i
plug hat and walk into the senate.
Mr. Taft defeated Congressman Lit
tleton at golf the other day. The re
suit of the game will not surprise
some people so much as the fact tha
a democrat was caught playing golf.
"No smoking here" was the sigi
posted in a woman's cloak room at t
recent society function at Washing
ton. Women smokers , however , wouU
not bo likely to smoke where thej
could not bo seen.
The army supply scandals of 1891
came soon after the democrats hac
been In power four years ; the efilclen
cy of the present mobilization is th (
result of development under repub
Hcnn administrations.
The National Baking company , will
a capital of $30,000,000 has been or
ganlzcd and is ready for business
Uncle Sam is giving it very carofu
attention , however , and will determine
whether it Is a "trust" before It does
There are indications that Presidoni
Taft and Governor Wilson of Nev ,
Jersey may be tin- opposing candi
dates for the presidency in 1911 !
Should this be the en Be the country
will be sure of a good chief executive
In either alternative.
Through the generous gifts of Uiret
Chicago philanthropists. Julius Itewen
wald , N. W. Harris and Cyruo McCor
mlck , a fund of f lliO.OOO la iianurcd foi
the erection of a Y. M. C. A. building
in Chicago devoted exclusively to tin
use of the colored men.
Contracts have been let to nn Eng
lish linn by the Turkish government
for the construction of a hugo dan
which IH to begin a modern system ol
Irrigation in McROpatnmla. It calif
for the reclamation of a.000,000 acres
at a total cost of $37,000,000.
Lord Charles Beresford urges the
United State's to toke the initiative ir
bringing about world peace. Ho be
llcves England and the United Statoi
standing together could compel Inter
national disarmament. This sounds
like having peace even if wo have U
nght for It.
Mr. Bryan expresses the belief thai
Senator Bailey should be retired froir
public life. Mr. Bailey thought HC
himself for a few minutes , then UK
thought of what a pitiable condltlor
the country would bo in without hit
guidance , made him think better o ;
his withdrawal from the senate.
Following closely upon Uio advent
of the wlrelesu telegraph and the lire
less cooker comon news of a flourlcss
broad , in which the process of grind
ing the wheat Into flour is eliminated
The now method Is of Paris origin
and the machine takes the wheat as Ii
comes from the threshing machine ani
transforms It into bread. What ne-xt'
The city of Prague , Bohemia , a cltj
of about half a million inhabitants
has lost only about $20,300 by lire an
nuolly for the past three years and II
has been fifteen yoare slnco a life was
lost by fire. Compared to the recort
of any American city of equal sizt
this IB a marvellously small loss tt
the iiro flcnd.
Canada Is a large importer of eggs
by far the largest part of which come
from the United States. Last yeaj
about 1,000,000 dozen crossed the border
dor from this country to the Domln
ion. The reciprocity agreement woult
remove the duty of three cents a doz
en on the 1,000,000 dozen eggs sold t (
the Canadians and so prove a decide *
benefit to American poultrymen.
No wonder the English desire inter
national disarmament when the navn
estimates for this year ask for a tota
expenditure of $222,000,000 on UK
British fleet. Five Dreadnoughts ?
three protected ciulsers , one uunr
mored cruiser , twenty destroyers , si :
submarines and 3,000 ni ( u more ii
the naval service. Such is the year'i
program. No wonder it appals them
The attempt on the part of some o
the senators and congressmen to a )
sociato President Tart's mobilizing o
the army on the Mexican frontier wit !
a determination to protect the pror
erty of "the special Interests , " will fal
flat The people of the country havi
not always agreed with the preslden
but they will be quick to resent an ;
charge against his personal high mind
cdness and lofty patriotism.
California is the only state in tb <
union where olive raising is a comrnor
cial success. Although California olIve
Ivo growers have about 0,000 acres o
bearing trees , they consider the ollv <
industry as yet in its early infancy
and the inducements for its mor
active development most flattering
Prices for olives today are higher thai
over before and the per capita of cor
sumption constantly increasing.
Mr. Carnegie's latest gift to educs
tional advancement is a now lens , 10
inches in diameter , a lens three time
more powerful than any yet made , fo
the telescope in the now obsorvator ;
at Mount Wilson , Calif. , which was CF
tablished by the Carnegie Institute
and has already become world famou
for its nstronomioal discoveries. Thi
gift raises the total amount appropr !
ated by him for the use of the Instill
tuto to $2G,000,000.
Where there Is so much smoke ther
is usually some fire. The repeated re
iteration from representatives of foi
eign nations that Japan is preparini
to attack Uie United States througl
her island possessions in the Pacific
and that she means to strike seer
taken with indications known to all
makes it seem probable that whethe
wo wish it or not , wo must prepare I
cross swords with the stolid , silent HI
tlo brown men before many month
The new trans-Atlantic liner En
ropa , now being built in Germany , i
to bo not only larger than any precetl
ing floating palace , but IB to be oqulr
ped with several luxuries and conveniences
voniences unique to ocean linen
Among those will be a complete tele
phone service , by moans of which foi
low passengers whose staterooms ar
several city blocks apart , may talk Ii
comfort , The now vessel will be 90
feet long , with ninety-six feet bean :
but a better Idea of Its size is cor
voyed by the fact that 2,000,000 fee
or Oregon plno or fir will bo used fo
the decks alone. This lumber wa
aolvctod with the grenteet rare anil
has been waxonlng near Portland
On ; . , for months ,
In nil the myntcry governing th <
Mexican oittmtlon , concerning which
our Btnto department undoubtedly has
Information not accessible to the yel
low editors , ono fact remains clear
that the American people would be
very much averse to any actual hos
tilitles. It Is a veritable Under box o ;
a situation. Here nro hundreds of nd
venturous Americans committing se
ditlous acts , against a government
with which wo have had long rela
tlons of friendship. As soon as thej
get into trouble , their friends besiege
Washington to get them released ai
any price.
And there are the millions of Aincr
ican money exposed in the shape o
easily wrecked property , located ir
turbulent and hostile cities , with Wai
street wanUng to know what It pays
taxes for.
An army separated from this her
net's nest by only a river is a dangerous
gorous plaything. Fortunately ou :
president is a man who sleeps at leas
ono night before ho makes an Im
portant decision.
The move of the Commercial clul
directors toward employing a score
tary who shall devote his entire time
to the upbuilding of Norfolk , is f
move in the right direction and wil
unquestionably meet with the mora
and financial support of Norfolk bust
ness men and citizens.
A city that spends some $40,000 pel
year by way of maintenance , is i
pretty good sized business proposition
No private business enterprise of sucl
calibre would feel that it could go1
along without systematic effort U
ClUea , like business enterprises
will attain a certain growth without
special effort ; but beyond n 'ertair
point , systematic , up-to-date , businesi
methods must be exerted if oxpansioi
is to come.
Norfolk offers ono of the choices
locations on the map for many sort :
of enterprises. K is a city of homes
Many enterprises might bo Induced t <
locate here if sufficient effort wen
made to get in touch with the propoi
parties and point out to them Nor
folk's advantages. But it must hi
specialized effort.
Many cities are spending thousands
of dollars nowadays to advertise , ant
are getting results. Des Moines is at
example. But first of all must com *
a man whose business it Is to tak <
care of prospective newcomers.
The game is worth the cost of an ex
periment , at least.
Edwin Blatt of Pittsburg and Lawrence
renco Converse of Los Angeles havi
become involved in a little scrapi
down in Mexico. Our governinen
asks for their release , saying the ;
were taken on our territory. Thes *
are but two of many cases when
Americans are charged with too grea
Interest in Mexican politics. Some o
them will not bo able to put up thi
defense that will probably set thes <
two men free.
To our citizens , most of them youni
and adventurous , who go to southen
countries for business and speculation
the revolutions seem about as seriou
as a boy's gam * of leap frog. As thi
turn of the game may mean fortuni
or bankruptcy for them , they naturall ;
take n hand themselves.
As shown in Richard Harding Davis
stories , many South American ontei
prises have their departments for thi
promotion of revolutions. Hundred
of Americans have lined up with th
Mexican insurrcctos in the prosen
trouble , often commanding armei
But the play shifts rapidly froii
farce to tragedy , from detail of bi |
business to the secret tangles of d :
ploraacy , when one gets caught
The fact that a Central America ]
republic may look about as serious a
a theatrical king with pasteboan
crown and glass jewels , is one tha
our state department can take no coj
nizanco of. It must go through all th
formal motions required by the mos
august sovereign of Europe. Red tap
must be oven more carefully unwound
else sensitive diplomatic puppets o
the tropics will imagine slights tha
would not bo dreamed of in Europe.
Our citizens who meddle in troplca
politics can therefore expect no mor
protection than if they played th
game of anarchy in a European car
Hal. Wherefore they should spem
nine hours a day in the office , pla ;
bridge whist evenings in the boardini
house parlor , sleep nightly In thol
own little beds , pass out the cigar
equally to all factions. Thus the ;
will prosper under any regime.
The supreme court decision sustain
ing the corporation tax law permit
the government to tighten Its grip 01
those slippery octopuses which hav
so many times wriggled out of thi
hands of the law. The $27,650,00
revenue so far collected is cleai
money. Its first result Is not to ndul
ternto the poor man'e sugar or woah
en his coffee , but it draws first am
foremost upon the golden coffers o
Much ban been paid of the unfal
treatment given the mnaller corpora
tlocs , by making public their account *
to the powilblo inspection of compel
Horn. But small corporations thai
foci thlu handicap , have Uio alterua
live of returning to the partnership
under which their competitors an
Btnall corporations * , made up of r
few Individuals , have In many cose ?
no doubt so handled tbolr returns thai
they are paying but a trilling tax
Such concerns * , with a net Income o !
hut $236,000,000 , report a total capita
of $0,088,000,000. That IH , they claim
to be paying less than 4 percent.
The majority of these returns mil5
be fair enough , as a small group o !
them probably Increase their salar )
charge and diminish their dividend re
turns , a mere matter of book-keeping
Even at that the salaries paid maj
not be large.
Such juggling of figures would be
stopped in the bigger corpotatlons bj
a growing sentiment against fancy sal
arics. The faU that the big ttnancla
corporations .showed a net income ol
$395,000.000 on a capital of $2,723,000 ,
000 , or over H percent , suggests thai
this is as fair a tax an the nationa
government over devised.
The government has spent millions
in measuring the height of every llttU
hill and the depth of ou-ry stream
while vast industrial forces have beer
allowed to burn , ravish and pillage ai
will. The time has como when thej
must walk up to the ofllce regularl }
and smilingly and give account 01
themselves like the railroads.
At no time in its history has th <
republican party ever presented a bet
ter all-round ticket than the om
which asks the support of city voters
at the coming municipal election. Ii
is a Ucket that deserves and no doubi
will receive the hearty endorsement
of all republicans and it is ono thai
can be consistently supported by thai
great number of democrats who art
disgusted with the arbitrary methods
of the present administration. If tin
men who have been put forward bj
the republicans to conduct the cltj
business shall be elected , no one wil
need be tvshamed of them. These mci :
understand that they are being placed
in positions of trust to look after tin
interests of the city and without favoi
of partisanship , and that the wants
at one part of the city will receive
the same consideration as another
without discrimination because of per
sonal friendships or dislikes , ever )
issue being treated from a just stand
point upon Its merits alone. In tin
new position of importance whlcl
Norfolk is fast assuming in the- great
territory of which it is the natura
center , Norfolk needs an. adminlstra
tion that is broad enough to see tin
merits of every goo.d proposition thai
IB offered for the city's benefit , ant
such is the character of the candi
dates on the republican ticket. Undei
the guidance of such officers , loca
matters will not be looked at througl
the eyes of prejudice but from UK
broad standpoint of whether a pro
posed measure is for the real good o
the city , and it will be treated accord
E. E. Colcman , republican nominee
for mayor , IH no novice in municipa
affairs , having served the Secont
ward for a number of years In the ca
pacity of councilman , and having don <
it well. As a business man , he hai
the interests of the city at heart , am
he Is conservative enough to guart
well those interests.
Ed. Harter for city clerk , W. .1. Staf
ford for city treasurer , A. H. Viole fo ;
member of the school board , and C. F
Eiseley for police judge , all renom
inated , have their excellent recordi
to speak for them in this campaign
and that they will he re-elected goei
without sa > ing.
Frank Carrick for water opmmis
sioner , is a young man of ability ant
a competent mechanic , and if electee
he will render good service to thi
The councilmanic candidates offeree
by the republicans are every one o
them deserving of election , and I
they succeed at the polls the differon
parts of the city which they severall ;
represent will be well taken care ol
Ernest Raasch from the First ward
J. ( " * . Larkin from the Second ward , A
E. Amorine from the Third ward am
R. J. Eccles from the Fourth ward
are the candidates , and they are ever ;
one of them deserving of the votes o
thote who want to see good men 01
the council.
Mr. Taft's proposed arhitratloi
treaty with Great Britain is boini
very favorably received. Little trou
bio will bo found in getting such ai
agreement by the English parliament
The principal difficulty will bo thi
jealousy of our senate for its old tra
diUonn as maker of war and peace.
It IB singular that international re
lations continue in a state of barbar
ism which men In their individual re
latlons have abandoned. The groa
difficulty in arbitration is to get no
tions to submit what they call ques
tlons of honor and questions affectini
territorial boundaries. Yet In parailc
cases in men's personal relations
these differences no longer load te
physical force.
Two generations ago , it was felt it
many communities that a man coult
not preserve his honor unless ho wai
willing to fight n deadly duel. Today
men find no difficulty in protectinj
their honor In other ways. The trutl
cornea out far morv clearly through
actions at law , discussion in newepa-
pint , and personal BUUouicnts to
friends , Uiun It over was madu clear
through swords and plutoln.
In the BHinu way , the findings ) of an
arbitral court would establish the rep
utation of nn honorable people better
than guns and warships.
It is a long time since men in their
Individual relations have been fools
enough to resort to fighting to settle
the boundaries between land. They
know tliat it Is far cheaper to put such
questions up to the courts , that nn un
just verdict costs less than a broken
head , In the same way the nations ;
could save billions by going to law
about such International differences.
Big armies and navies with attend
ant pensions are the greatest single
cause of high cost of living. The hu
man effort that ought to go Into the
production of things to eat and wear ,
is put Into the support of an idle sol
diery and the crushing burden of mod
ern munitions of war.
The family name Is preserved.
He'll soon bo old enough to caddy ,
He'll have a right to wear the green
for all there is In It , on every St. Pat
rick's morning.
Who cares who's elected to what ?
Has the grand Jury como to your
case yet ?
Don't act nervous. Maybe they'll
pass you.
Some parents have the nerve. It's *
bad enough to feel the force of fath
er's palm when you're 7 years old , but
it adds to the sting when , inlater
years , father declares the last time
ho spanked you was when your little
brother was three days old , and moth
er upholds him In the claim. Just as
if the victim of later engagements
couldn't remember moro distinctly
than the assailant. It docs help a
little when the mother admits she's
mad yet about that affair when bro
ther was three dnys old , but that
doesn't altogether make up for such
faulty memories.
Spring is officially announced.
Unofficially , it's been noised around
for some time.
It's about time to rake the yard and
sprinkle a little grass seed.
But don't get rash and change 'em.
Did Lee got you ?
Keep your hand on your pocketbook.
It's a wicked world.
Been indicted ? .
You might as well forget that money
that Leo touched you for.
Wo didn't sleep any last night. No ,
you guessed wrong. Merely worrying
lest the Northwestern might take up
Oakdnle's offer on that new eatinR
house hullding.
We hope those two women , who are
quarreling about whicli one climbed
highest , won't moke such spectacles of
themselves as Cook and Peary did ol
Bo still , fluttering cardiac pumping
station. Next week Uie teachers.
Every man dreads ridicule.
One fisherman won't believe anothei
A last year's straw hat never get ?
over it.
Don't try to do so much you do it
all wrong.
Don't talk about trying to do right ,
but do right.
A boy's idea of a good Ume is tc
eat too much.
A bad day for you is a good day foi
the other fellow.
When an engaged couple argue they
call it a discussion.
Awkward girls attract more attention
tion that awkward boys.
When it comes to dividing the
blame , we are all socialists.
There isn't much hope for the
drunkard who is proud of it.
Women seem to fuss with other wo
men just for the excitement.
Did you ever loaf around homo ail
day without eating too much ?
So many men can get onUiusiastic
about everything but their work.
A good many men study the game
law BO as to know when to break It.
It Is as impossible for some , men tc
go Blow as it IB for others to hurry.
When a bad man turns good sud
denly it Is a sure sign he Is fright
"I like some men drunk better than
some other men sober. " Fred Bar
A good deal of bile is gotten rid of
by abusing hotels. They never fight
Some loafers got n reputation for
restlessness by their efforts to dodge
Ono way to spot a tricky man is the
way ho believes everyone HBO Is
It to hard for a baseball fan to mi
derstaiid why anyone wants to g
Your excuses , like your children , nl
ways look better to you than to anyone
ono elBo.
A good many quarrels are prolongoi
unnecessarily because hoth eldos ait
afraid to light.
There In a good deal of talk aboui
hunpiicked hUHhandsi , but did you cvci
really know of ono ?
No man over got the host of OIK
who refoirod to a horse trade as t
huplness transaction.
"He's closer than the next second , "
nald Count McGowan thin mornlni
about a stingy neighbor.
Too nmuy men turn down the rt-a
opportunities , and hang on to whai
are merely slim chances.
As a general rule , a man gets thi
fishing fever a good deal earlier In tin
season than the fish do.
It is generally believed around this
office that a sharp knife is a goot
deal rarer than a day in June.
Some families never fool real neigh
borly until after they have knocket
a board off of the partition fence.
When a man says ho is trying tt
avoid trouble , it generally means tha
ho is trying to get out of trouble.
Only a few drug clerks get rich , bu
it is a common notion that they al
would if they got paid for overtime.
The theory that all men are createt
equal isn't very popular with anyone
who attempts to apply it to himself.
A drunken loafer delights in telliii )
how sober , industrious men are grind
ing him down and crowding him out
Hardly anyone seems to think ii
makes much difference whether tin
cut of father's trousers ia In style 01
When a man advocates a measure
by saying "it will bo a good thing Coi
both of us , " he expects to get the bif
So many people know how to keei
hotel and run newspapers that UK
wonder is there are so many pooi
Some of the men who mysteriouslj
disappear from homo probably belong
to that factions\vhich advocates peace
at any price.
And there is no doubt that the aver
age woman can catch a man without
wearing those trousers skirts to facilitate
itato her stride.
Efforts at welcoming the bock beei
season are as badly overworked as the
poker joke , and with the same lack o
knowledge of the game.
Father's Lenten sacrifice isn't sucl
a difficult cross to bear wheu mothei
and daughter follow suit and let up 01
the entertainment game.
Ever occur to you that this comptil
sory education you hear about Is an
other instance of driving to watei
without power to make drink ?
Speaking of appealing looks , have
you ever observed a calf coming u
town and the slaughter IIOUHO in the
back end of a farmer's wagon ?
Doubtless woman wouldn't have los
her reputation for keeping secrets i
slio had nothing more interesting te
safeguard than those a man learns ai
While there Isn't any excuse foi
side whiskers , no man who wean
them should make them worse b ;
wearing a cap as accompaniment.
A 16-year-old girl's Idea of helplnj
Father is to work down town so shi
can buy moro clothes for herself thai
the old man can afford.
It is the hired man's theory that f
farmer invests in hand corn shcllon
and fanning mills so there wilt b <
something to do on rainy days.
When a man tries to break nl
speed records in an automobile , he ii
the one who lives up to that old-fash
ioned slang wager of betting his neck
When a man wins cigars on a sio
machine , ho usually gives away the
surplus. There are some games yoi
can't beat without leaving them alone
There are still a few households ii
Atchison , wo regret to say , where the
mall order catalogue occupies a place
on the center table with the familj
Speaking of the deep disappointments
monts of this life , there Is the meet
ing of a real cowboy by the man whe
got his wild west notions from a pop
ular fiction.
Every married woman believes she
could bring a breach of promise sul
against her husband , if there wore an }
hopes of collecting without reducing
her own allowance.
Another popular He among the hunt
ers is the story of the man with at
old muzzle loader , who gets inert
game than the gent wlUi nn auto
matlc , choke-bored gun.
It is quite possible for a boy to g <
to the bad without reading any mon
demoralizing literature than Louisa M
Alcott's novels. A boy Is a good doa
harder to understand than a woman.
Print n want ad and the finder wil
probably bo glad to return It to you.
Puitor RUIM ! ) Point * Out Mar * D -
cf ptlve Additions lo th * W.rd of Q *
C nt lnd In Our Common V ml n 1
nlbj.t , but Shown to D PalM B- >
oiui * Not Found In th OlcUit Qr * k
MBS. On * of Th0 "Fll * * " hUe
Moulded Accepted Theology De 4 |
Fllei Caue * th * Apothecary' * Olnt * I
ment to SUnU. EcoleiUiUe 10i1 ,
Not long ago &
polntod out that
the Inut twolr * >
of fit. Mork'o
l , In our Cootr , -
mon Version , ar * > *
Mpurlouo BO recog >
ntirel by all Bchol <
nra , became thoa *
veirncs nra not tj
bo found in any o4C
the oldest Greek 1 *
turn were evidently nauca to in *
Word of Ocxl in the .Seventh Century ,
or Inter. Moreover , we gava preen *
of the untruthfulnofl * of thin ndditlon.
Is it true Unit whouvcr boUores th *
GoBpcl of ChrlHt runy hnndlo ncrpenU ] , '
with impunity anel mn.r drink doadlj ] , j
polhou without linrni ? Surely not 1C
IB nothing abort of n HII ! for these vrho
know bettor to acknowledge then * '
verses and to use themi to bolster njt
theories of Dlvlno Henllng. It in HP
much a crime to nelel to the Word of
God an to tnko nway from It.
Today I Invite attention to some oth
er "dead flies , " norao other nddlUona I *
God's Word , which hnvu hud much IP
do with twlHtliig the theology once du- ' \
Hvcrwl to the saints. Take , for Instance - \
stance , the closing worels of the Lord1 * .
Prayer :
"Thine Ii the Kingdom * nd Power anil
Qlory. "
These words , if uttered by our Lord ,
should bo found in the old Greek MSB.
But tlioy nro not found therein.
They are , therefore , to bo rejected
ati additions uiiido by people cenitirloa
after Matthew's * a on ] nil wna written.
These words were Introduced when tb
faith of the Church ruttitttcting th
Kingdom 'of Messiah waa changed or
changing from what It was originally.
All through Uio Now Testament th *
second coming of Christ In power ant *
glory to establish Tllti Kingdom and to
glorify the Church , His Bride , ia sol
for Uio end of this Goupcl Age. But
as the time grow long n chniigo of sen
timent cnmo into the Church. It be
come popular and rich. Us bishop *
were rcspecteHl. Finally the theorjr
prevailed that God did not intend to
delay the establishment of the King
dom until the ! coming of Christ ,
but did lute-lid to establish it in
hands of the Church during this Age
and to use the Church for the con
quering of the world anel the fulfilling
of nil the promises of the punt.
In line with this the most prominent
bishop of ( lie time was recognized DB
Divinely appointed to represent Christ
In the ivorlel anrt to reign over the na
tions in his uteod and to bring about
the Messianic reign , etc. This was thi >
Bishop of Rome , who Btibaequcntlj-
was styled the Pope and who clulinofl
and was accorded the honorable UUe ,
"Vtec-vercnt of the Son of Ood. " It in
eald that the equivalent of thla UUtv
Is worn to this day by the Pope on hi *
tiara , or threcrovciied hat Toor < *
Dei run ,
" Com Earth. "
"Thy Kingdom * on
The I/ord'B prnyer was already In th < /
Scriptures' , and VCHH known to many.
It could not bo eliminated. But aome >
eealous person , fully believing that
God'o Kingdom had come , felt juatlfted
In amending Uie prayer to correspond
to what ho Kupposcd wore the facte.
Hence the prayer which begins , "Thy
Kingdom come , " IH mnde to end b >
saying , "Thy Kingdom baa come In Its
glory and power. "
How glnd we are to sco the Truth on
this subject ; that the Kingdom of
God'u dear Son has not yet been sot up-
In any sense of the word that It is aUU
future. It cannot be sot up until thla
Gospel Age endfl and the "elect" saint
ly few of every nation , Jew and Gen
tile , shall be changed from earthly te >
heavenly nature by the Flint Resurrec
tion , which will qualify them to b
kings and priests unto God and nnto
Christ and to reign with Him a thou
sand years ( HcvelaUon xr , 0) ) .
It is well that all Bible student *
should mark thla "fly" and extract it
from the Precious Ointment and noUcf
bow much sweeter and fresher the
Lord's prayer is to them forever.
"Oh , What Whopperl"
Who cannot sympathize with the
great infidel , Thomas Paine , who when
reading the loot verso of 8t John's
Gospel , exclaimed , "Oh , what a whopper
" reads "And there also
per ! It ) , are
many other things which Jesus did , the
which , if they should bo written every
one , I suppose that oven the world it
self could not contain the books that
should bo written" ( John rxl , 25) ) .
Surely anyone of reasoning mind
should see the absurdity of such n
statement. Surely all Christian minis
ters should have informed Uio Lord'ft
sheep under their care respecting what
is and what is not the Word of God ,
the Bible , as it wan recognized by the
Apostolic Church and written down
In the original Greek MSB. Why any
Christian minister should assail mo
because I endeavor to do for the people
ple what he has neglected to do I
cannot understand. I must leave it to
the Lord to jndgo between ua.
I rmcnt Higher CriUcism and accept
the Word of God in full. I reject noth
ing because of my own or other men's
Hurmiscs , but merely go by the facts.
If the oldest Greek MSB. do not con
tain certain passages of Scripture , how
could they get into later MBS. except
as spurious additions ?
A Good Joka.
"What is a good joke ? "
"Any Joke you have read that mok s
you sore because you didn't think of It
yonreolf. " Eichanito.