The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 24, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Auto Wrecks Woman' * Buggy.
An automobile driven nt the rate of
about tbirty-llvo miles nn hour nnd
running with only onu light , rnn Into
n buggy bcliiK driven by n woman ,
mashing thu buggy , on Norfolk avenue -
enuo , nenr Tenth street , last night
The nutomobllo drivers hurried away.
The nnmo of the woman In the car
riage WIIH not Icurnud.
The nutomobllo WBB a grey car. The
mutter was not reported to the police.
Miss TosHlo Ilofloborry of Norfolk ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W ,
lloseberry , H09 Hastings avenue , be
cnmo the hrldo Monday morning of 8 ,
8. Miller. The ceremony was perform'
cd at the Htnto hospital , where both
have been employed. Hov. Mr. Hindu
of NowciiHtlo , formerly of Norfolk ,
performed the ceremony. The bride
IB a prominent young woman of this
Eating House Is Destroyed.
The Northwestern railway catinf
houoo at Norfolk Junction wan burn
i'd to the ground Sunday afternoon
The IOBS IB estimated nt from $10,00 (
to $12,000. The Northwestern rnllroai
cnrrlcs no Insurance on any of Iti
property. A defective chimney li
thought to Imvo been the cause.
The eating house was nn old land
mark In Norfolk , having been built It
1879 by the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mia
Bourl Valley railroad. Up until twt
years ago the eating IIOUBO was operated
orated by Homo Miller.
The railroad put on dining car ser
vlco Monday morning between Omahi
and Long I'ine.
Junction restaurants did a rushini
business Sunday night when thi
trains arrived nt supper time.
Mrs. M. O. Wolcott , wife of the man
ngor of the eating house , had boon 11
for some time and had to bo carrlc <
to safely from an upstairs room.
The 11 ro was n spectacular one
starting in the roof and fanned by i
strong northwest wind. Fircmoi
saved the depot , a few feet west o
the eating house. An ice house am
n building used for storage by tin
American Express company , wore alsi
It Is not known whether the eatlni
bouse will be rebuilt
Save the Furniture.
Firemen saved most of the furnltur
in the eating house and oven tin
heavy safe was carried out Thi
kitchen equipment , however , is a tola
Wind carried the llro to the expres
building nnd from there It made it
way to the Ice house , located a shor
distance to the northeast of the eai
ing house.
The Jlro was discovered by Firemai
Harry Wltto and several other June
tion men , who noticed a tiny tongu
of flame burning between the tw
chimneys of the eating house. Th
men immediately made for the built
Ing nnd were met by the cashier o
the establishment , who declared sh
was unable to sleep in her room b <
cause she smelled smoke. The alari
was turned in and the Junction fir
company soon had their lioso playin
a stream on the roof. This work wa
not effective , owing to the absence c
the hook and ladder wagon.
When the hooks nnd hose wagon
arrived , much of the furniture ha
been taken out. Chief Green had nc
yet arrived and E. E. Coleman , chali
man of the tire and police , put Mat
Shaffer , jr. , In charge. Firemen Di
via and Mulertz wore sent into th
garret with a line of chemical hos
from the new tank on the fire wagoi
This was the llrst test with this tanl
but the llro had gained too much heat
way and the men came back.
The hook and ladder men soon ha
ladders leading to the roof of th
building and several lines of hos
were soon playing on a fire whlc
grew more terrific every rnlnuti
Chief Green stationed Fireman Mi
lertz and several Junction ilromen o
the top of the depot with a line c
hose , which was played on the top c
the west end of the eating housi
These efforts resulted in 'the savin
of the depot , which was In danger t
the beginning.
Gasoline Explodes.
From the middle of the building th
fire burned slowly west , but the heav
wind fanning the fire soon gutted tli
cast portion. From the main room
traveled to the laundry and kitchei
It was when a portion of the hook nn
ladder company wore at work on th
store room near the kitchen that For
man Ed Hans chopped a hole into tli
room and discovered a large tank <
gasoline. He ordered Firemc
Schmledeberg and I.aubsch away an
ho nnd Harry Witte also made the
escape in time to escape from the e :
plosion which followed shortly.
A report was circulated among tl
firemen , that 100 gallons of gasolli ;
was stored In the cellar , but this r
port had no tendency to keep the fir
men from their work. Chief Grec
gave up the Ice house nt about
o'clock and later sent back a numb <
of lire lighters with a line of hose ar
saved some portions of it.
By 5 o'clock all danger of the d
pot being destroyed had passed and
was only at this time that the party <
three firemen on the roof of this bull
ing had a chance to rest for a fo
moments. The men had been co
stantly at work for over two houi
playing the hose over the west end i
the eating house. Hooks wore brougl
to play tlio loose portions of the wal
of the eating house and these wei
torn down. An engine attached to
number of freight cars which hold tl
furniture of the destroyed bulldin
was uncoupled and a heavy rope tic
to a hook , which was fastened to
portion of the west end of the eatir
house wall. This was connected wil
the rear end of the engine. The rep
however , proved to bo bad hemp at
broke , and the llremen returned i
work with human strength.
It was not until dark that the 111
was entirely extinguished.
Other Restaurants Busy.
The restaurants at the Junction d
a iood ; bualnepa Sunday night nn the
result of the destruction of the com *
mny'a building.
Out of the stored goods deportment
only n few Rncko of Hour were saved ,
Flic losa of the stored goods reaches
over ll.GOO.
M. O. Wolcott , manager of the cat-
ng hoiiKe , Buffered the moat In loss ol
iiTHonul effects. His IOSB Is estimated
it JfiOO. Mr. Wolcott has moved Intc
ho Hotel Garni , of which ho Is pro
Two line now roller top desks and
a typewriter wore among the destroy
ed property.
A dining car was put on train No. 1
Monday morning. The dining car ser
vice will bo In vogue between NorfoU
iind Fremont.
Among railroad employes It IB re
ported that the eating house will no
jo rebuilt.
Agent Davenport of the expresi
company says there wan nothing It
the express building at the time of tin
fire. "Wo cleared up everything Sun
day noon , " said Mr. Davenport , "nnt
Lhoro wan absolutely nothing loft it
the building. " The express compan ]
is seriously handicapped by the de
structlon of this building. All cxprcsi
IB now being brought to the uptowt
As to Rebuilding.
"I cannot tell whether the eatini
house will be rebuilt or not , and cat
give out positively no Information a
this time , " said General Supcrintcn
dent 8. M. n radon , when nbked if thi
destroyed building would bo rebuilt.
It is now estimated that the North
western's loss is about fl2C 00. Thi
does not Include the loss sustained b ;
the express company.
Immediately after ho had ascertain
cd what damage was done Superln
tondont Bradon's telegraph set in hi
ofllco waa connected to that of General
oral Manager Walters at Omaha ant
the two ofllclals talked the sltuatloi
over by means of dots and dashes. I
is known that should a now buildini
ho erected orders will first have t
como from the president of the road
The New Diner Service.
The dining car which was put 01
train No. 1 Monday morning will serv <
trains No. 2 , 3 and C between Norfoll
nnd Fremont. Breakfast to Frcmon
on No. 2 ; lunch to Norfolk on No. 1
lunch to Fremont on No. 6 and suppe
to Norfolk on No. 3.
Nellgh to Talk Chautauqua.
Neligh , Neb. , March 20. Special t
The News : A meeting is called fo
this evening in the court room t
take up the matter in regard to holt
Ing a chautauqua this year in Nellgl
A representative of the Midland Chai
tnuqua circuit was here last week t
make arrangements with the commi
too who had charge of the affair las
year. The general sentiment is 1
favor of this city holding anothe
Nellgh to Elect School Board.
Neligh , Neb. , March 20. Special t
The News : The committee selecte
at the citizens' caucus held last Moi
day even to ascertain whether N <
Ugh is in a class to vote on a boar
of education at the regular spring elei
tion , issued a call for the voters c
this school district to meet in th
court room Saturday night. O. t
Williams , chairman of this committei
called the meeting to order and sta
ed that the status makes it possibl
for a town having 1,500 population c
over to elect their board of educatlo
at the same time the mayor and com
oil were voted upon.
Joe MeCalg was elected chairma
and E. E. Beckwith secretary. Th
caucus proceeded to nominate si
members of the board of education
two for ono year , two for two yeat
and two for three years. There wet
nearly ono hundred voters preson
and the following men were til
choice of the convention :
George Godkin and C. B. Van Kir
for ono year , George Fletcher and (
L. Wattles for two years , R. B. Skii
ner nnd ar. O. Daxon for three year
Fletcher , Skinner and Wattles wet
three of the old board renomlnated.
Dr. Noyes Badly Hurt.
Valentino. Neb. , March 20. D
Noyes , United States veterinarian
who was "hurt in a runaway aboi
sixty miles northeast of here , wr
brought in and found to bo very bad !
injured , as he was thrown into n wli
fence and in trying to hold on to tl
team was dragged quite a distant *
the barb wire cutting clear to the nor
in the calf of ono of his logs , maklr
n bad wound , which may provo vei
McFarland Meets Ryan.
Oswego , N. Y. , March 20. Pack
McFarland of Chicago will meet Bill
Ryan of Syracuse tonight In a te
round bout here. Ryan Is considerc
ono of the fastest lightweights in tl
This "Hope" is Sick.
Syracuse , N. Y. , March 20. Cc
O'Kelly , Tommy Ryan's "white man
home , " started today for New York 1
sail for his homo in Ireland for
three months' visit. O'Kelly is in po <
health nnd his weight has dropped i
200. Ho hopes to re-enter the rit
about August.
I. C. Telegraphers May Strike.
Chicago , March 20. Fourteen hu
drcd telegraphers in the employmoi
of the Illinois Central railroad b
tween Chicago nnd Now Orlean
threaten to strike as the result of
refusal to grant a 2G percent Increai
with 30 cents an hour for overtlm
A strike vote is now being taken ai
has been ordered returnable In Ct
cage between March 27 and April 1.
Postal Bank Satisfactory.
Washington , March 20. "The POE
nl savings bank system has been mo :
successful than reasonably could ha1
been expected. " This was the cot
mont mode by Postmaster Gener
Hitchcock on the analysis of the r
1 turns from the forty-eight postal sa
nga bnnks which have been in opera-
ion Hlnco January. The reports cover
10 period front the establishment to
February 28 , 1911. In that time 3,923
ccounts were opened and 6,861 sop-
rate deposits made , the average
mount being $21,00. Only 259 nc-
ounts were closed , the total number
f open accounts of February 28 being
,064. The net amount on deposit
fter two months of operation was
133,869. If the snmo ratio of deposits
ml withdrawals is maintained for a
ear , the amount on deposit at the end
f the year would be $803,214.
i M | H-H-H-H-H H-H
Arkansas Ball Player Think *
Their Length Hinders Hii
Suoooti as Baae Runner.
Probably laboring under the
theory that Mordocal Brown ,
star pitcher of the Ohlcng * Na
tional baseball team , gained his
efficiency when a finger was
ftnlpped off by n thrashing ma
chine , Edward Griffith , who re
cently signed for the Fort Smith
team in the Went em nosoclotion ,
baa bad hla toes cnt oft to in
crease bin Hwlftneea of foot.
Smith formerly wns a City
league pln.ver of prominence In
Little Hock , Ark. , but found the
abnormal length of his toes mil
itated iigalnst attaining nny
kind of ( speed nu n base runner
nnd ultimately retarded his ef
forts to attract managers in the
larger Imweball circles.
4-H-H-H-H-H-l 1' ' 1 I ! I 'i-H-H-H-1-
Big Thing * Expected of Pennsylvania' *
Qreat Runner This Season.
Pennsylvania meu are expecting
great things of Wilton Paull In the
half nnd mile runs this season. Last
year Paull was n disappointment , dne
to the ftict that ho failed to get into
good condition. This year without the
burden of the captaincy to bother bin
Trainer Mike Murphy expects him t <
duplicate bis records of 1000.
Paull hns been practicing for thi
pnHt few weeks nnd has dlsplaye <
some of his old time form. In 190S
when he won the Intercollegiate mile
Pnull was considered to bo one of th
greatest runners Pennsylvania eve
produced. As this Is Pnnll's last yea
t the university ho will strain everj
point to make a cleanup In all th
events Inwhich he Is entered.
Series For Fisher Cup Will Take Plao
on Lake Ontario Sept , 2.
The only international sailing race
on this side of the Atlantic this yea
will bo those which will be contcstc
between boats from the Royal Cane
dlan and Rochester Yacht clubs for th
Fisher cup , now held by the formei
The llrst race will be sailed on Sept '
the bccoud Sept. 4 and then contlnu
ench day until the ncrles is ended.
The Rochester ( N. Y. ) club has nnme
the Seneca , which was the winner c
the Canada cup two years ago , a
challenger. It is likely that the Cn
sadcr will be the boat to represent th
The races are to be palled on Lak
Ontario , and the courses will altcrnat
between triangular and windward. Th
triangular course will bo ten and oni
half miles , Railed twlco over , nnd th
windward and leeward course fou
and one-half miles to each leg , elgh :
een miles in all.
Has Virginia Athletes Dash Unde
Rope to Make Them Run Low.
Something entirely new has bee :
sprung by "Pop" Lnnnlgan. the verse
tllo trainer of the University of Vli
glula athletes. In order to teach th
men of bis track squad to run low b
makes them dash underneath a rope
While the scheme is novel nnd origlua
It will no doubt bo of great benefit t
the sprint candidates.
Starting out with not the brlghtes
prospects in the world this year , "Pop
has developed n track team that wfl
hold Its own with anything in th
Need a Pall Club Secretary.
Norfolk needs ono man who can d <
oto his entire time to boosting Nor
oik to such an extent that Norfolk
and ItB wonderful prospects of n grow-
ng city will bo before thu tnlnda ol
ho people who are looking for n loco.-
This Is the idea of the Norfolk Com *
iKTclnl club directors , who declare
lint sut-h n man will not alone help
he business men of Norfolk , but the
roperty owners and other citizens HE
veil. With his services it will be
u'eii In a very few jearn that tin
mmoy expended for his salary hat
iMilly earned for the city ns tl whole
nort1 than double the amount expend
ed. Th. ' Commercial club also bo
ic\ps that within a few years , thlt
nan's j-ervk-es will H < > indispensable
With the proper boosting under tin
guidance of the directors of the clul
ind this man , value of Norfolk prop
erty will be Increased and nnothui
census enumeration will see Norfolk
topping tlu 10,000 population mark.
This man , say the Commercial clul
directors , Is to be known as the secrc
tary of the Commercial dub. Ho is tt
do nothing else but work for Norfolk
It Is for this reason that memben
of the Commercial club are to call or
every business man some day nox :
week and ask for u pledge separntt
from that of the regular monthlj
membership dues to the club , whlcl
are indeed very small. This separat *
pl'-dgo is to go toward the fund to em
ploy this secretary. Many members
of the dub are enthusiastic over thli
[ imposition Inasmuch as many othei
towns of Norfolk's size have fount
the proposition a paying ono. Fro
mout hns had a paid secretary foi
some time and have found It a gooi
Investment. Besides Norfolk , Has
tings and Kearney are about to em
ploy such a man.
The club Is to commence a cam
paign among all citizens of Norfoll
who , they believe , are desirous o
boosting for the city and at the saim
time increasing the value of Norfolk" :
property. This campaign is in tin
form of subscribing for membership
The club believes that every citizei
can afford 50 cents a month as due :
toward this enterprising proposition
Agree As to School Board.
P. J. Stafford , nominated by tin
democrats for member of the bean
of education , has decided not to nc
cept the nomination and has notillei
the democratic committee to that el
feet. The committee held a meetiiii
Saturday morning and nt about tin
same time the republican committei
was attempting to , 1111 the vacanc ;
caused by the resignation of J. II
Lough as republican candidate. Afte
a conference between the two com
mittees , it was decided to leave botl
positions vacant on the tickets.
As two members of the hoard ari
to be elected , this leaves A. H. Vielc
republican , and C. S. Bridge , dome
crat , as the candidates , nnd as bet !
are now satisfactory members of thi
board , the arrangement of the twi
committees to have no opposing can
didatcs will prove highly satisfactor ;
to everyone.
Ft. Niobrara Nearly Burns.
Valentino , Neb. , March 20. Speclu
to The News : Ono of the bigges
prairie fires this region has had elate
late , has been burning on the militar
reservation east of here. It has beei
burning for two days and nights am
como very near getting into old For
Niobrara , where there are many hi ]
buildings , but the llro guards and :
gang of men saved the fort.
For hours the flames being plainl ;
visible to citizens of the town , makiti ;
a very pretty sight. It must hnv
burned over a considerable area as ai
the hills in sight today are blac
and it looked as if the fire was sti !
going. No word has yet reached her
of any further damage than burning ol
the range.
Dollar Dinner at Lincoln Tonight Ma
Have National Significance.
Linc61n , March 20. William :
Bryan , who was 51 years old yestei
day , returned from his eastern speal
ing trip and will this evening partic
pate in an anniversary dollar dinne
tendered in his honor.
The dinner , for which seats have a
ready been engaged by 900 , will brin
to Lincoln many of the prominer
democrats of the country. Two of th
early arrivals were Senator Owen c
Oklahoma and Senator Kern of It
diana. Today Speaker-to-bo Cham
Clarke and Governor Shafroth of Col <
rado will arrive. These four gentl <
men are on the program for addressc
and the toast list , In addition , include
the names of Senator-elect Hltchcoc
of Nebraska and a number of prom
nent Nebraska democrats.
The function , which is Intended a
an endorsement of the position an
principles declared by Mr. Bryan , 1
regarded locally as ono of the opei
ing events prior to the campaign t
1912 , on the port of the so-called pn
gresslves of the party , though assu
anco is given by the promoters of th
dinner that it is not intended as o
iginatlng a boom for any possible cai
dldato for the presidency.
Monarchists are Spending Money La'
lahly tp Increase Trouble.
"Lisbon , March 20. The monarcl
Ists , taking advantage of the antoi
onisnis among the republicans , are dl
tributlng money lavishly to spread dl :
satisfaction in the capital an
throughout the provinces.
The government's postponement c
the elections for the fourth time no
until May 14 has made a dlsagreeab !
impression on the public. The ai
nouncod reason for tills delay in sul
mittlng to the people the choice of
president nnd government IB that th
clergy have undue anti-government li
fluonco in various northern district
and there is need of moro time to fu
ther the republican campaign , Tli
British foreign office has Informed tli
Portuguese government that It will n
cclvo n representative of the republic
quite unofficially and will not recog
nize htm In a diplomatic capacity.
It IB on tboso conditions that Tolx-
etra Gomez , tbo new envoy , goes to
London. It IB understood that Wash
ington will follow this course. In the
case of a Portuguese representative
sent to the United States.
Oakdale Teachers Re-elected ,
Oakdnle , Nob. , March 20. Special
to The News : At the caucus of tlio
citizens' party hold Thursday night
George F. Boyd , George Sweet nnd
W. A. Elwood were nominated as can-
lidatcs for village board , nt the coni
ng election.
At the caucus of the municipal ro-
'orm party O. B. Manvlllo , C. B. Boor
and J. S. Stringfcllow were nominated
'or village trustees for the coming
The school play delivered by tlio
seniors , "Mr. Bob , " was greeted by a
ull house. The play was very ably
rendered as were the musical mini-
jcrs between acts. The piny was re
peated Saturday night.
At the meeting of the school board
the present staff of teachers were nil
re-elected , as follows : E. R. Schle-
nann , superintendent ; Miss Inez Dun
ham , principal ; Miss Lulu I. Durhtnd ,
assistant principal ; Miss Nellie Mor
ris , grammar room ; Miss Ellen Tron-
uaile , second intermediate ; Miss Ncl-
lie Cllngman , llrst intermediate ; Miss
Agnes Robinson , primary ; Miss Ma
bel Morris , Kindergarten.
Frank Payne returned to Norfolk
again Thursday to resume his position
with the Northwestern railrond.
Big Tent Failed to Arrive.
Ewing , Neb. , March 20. Special to
The News : The dispersion sale of
thoroughbred cattle and hogs by Mes
srs. Leahy and Swain was held hero.
While the onttlo brought , in some
cases , very satisfactory prices , the
sale as a whole did not eamo up to
ho expectations of the owners. In the
Irst place the weather was not Ideal
and in tlio second place the large tent
ed last year by M. T. Sanders , fail
ed to get hero as ordered and ex-
leeted. Had it arrived In time it Is es-
iniated that the aggregate amount of
the sale would have reached at least
one-third more. However , neither Mr.
Leahy or Mr. Swain take their loss so
seriously as to cause them to abandon
tlio cattle business , but will keep
right on raising thoroughbred stock.
Quito a number of outside towns were
Meadow Grove News.
F. W. Colegrove , carrier on R. F. D.
No. 2 , who has been off duty on ac
count of sickness , is able to bo out
again and expects to be able to re-
Mime his duties in a few days.
N. Leo left for Canada on the noon
train Saturday , where he has purchas
ed land and expects to make his fu
ture home. His car of stock and house
hold goods went out the fore part o (
the week in charge of Lee Hoffman ,
Mr. Lee's wife and family will follow
him in the near future.
The Meadow Grove News has again
changed hands , C. W. Clifton having
sold it to M. N. Collins. Mr. Collins
has had about eight years experience
in the newspaper business and during
a part of this time he was employed
on The Norfolk Daily News.
R. B. Woods , manager for the Chi'
cage Lumber company at this place ,
has commenced the erection of n line
large residence on the lot he recently
purchased from C. C. Wilson , on North
West street
The mill has again resumed opera'
tion with E. B. Neeley at the wheel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Colegrove ol
Redmond , Ore. , came in on No. 1 Mon
day for a few days' visit with theit
bon Frank , who has been quite ill.
A call has been Issued for a citl
xens caucus at Beeche's hall Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose
of nominating three trustees to be
placed on the ticket at the coming
village election.
I. G. Alyea , traveling representative
of the Advance Thresher Co. , came In
Saturday night and remained ovet
Sunday with his family.
The concert nnd dance given by the
Omaha Concert Co. at the opera house
Friday night did not call out a verj
largo attendance , but those who wen
there report a very nice time , wltt
plenty of good music.
J. W. McCallum Is grading up hh
lot and putting It In shape to commence
monce the erection of a new dwellint
as soon as completed.
George Mulder was In town the
latter part of the week looking aftei
business for the Lytle Constructlor
company of Sioux City , with whom kt
Is connected.
V. E. Twiss , H. H. Dye and J. L
Dye left Sunday evening with thre <
cars of stock and household goods foi
Chaplin , Sask. , Canada , where the )
expect to establish permanent homes
Their families followed on the noor
train Monday.
Charles Botsford , who recently mov
ed hero from Freeport. 111. , has leased
the property known as the East hotel
and after renovating It and. making i
few improvements has opened its
doors to the public.
Then the Income Tax Amendment Wll
Become Effective.
New York , March 20. Nine mon
states must ratify the proposed federal
oral Income tax amendment before ii
con become a part of the constitution
Reports received hero from tlio cop
itnls of forty-six states show favor
able action In only ono branch of tin
legislature. Among the sixteen whlcl
have not yet acted , the question It
pending In Louisana , Now York , Mas
sachusetts , Maine , Connecticut , Penn
sylvanla and Now Jersey.
The matter is scheduled to como ui
before the Florida legislature next
month. West Virginia has "postpon
od" action and Arkansas , Tennessee
Wyoming , Minnesota and Dolawan
have not considered the matter.
The amendment passed congress h
: ho form of a resolution on July C ,
1909 , It sookn to ndd to the constitu
tion a. now article number 16 , reading
us follows.
"Tho congress shall Imvo power to
ay and collect taxes on Incomes , from
whatever sources derived , without Ap
portionment among the novorn ) states
and without regard to any census
enumeration. "
The constitution provided that pro-
, Kflod amendments to become valid
muat bo ratified by throo-fourths of
the states. Thla nocosaltatoB favor-
nblo action by thlrty-llvo of the forty-
six states boforp the government can
proceed with this method of lncroas <
ing ita rovonuo.
There is no limit to the time of ratl
llcatlon and negative action by a leg
islature is not conclusive , the state
having the right to reverse Its judgment <
At the close of 1908 the amendment
had been ratified by only Alabama
Georgia , Illinois , Maryland , Mlsslsslp
pi , Oklahoma nnd South Carolina
whllo last year the legislatures ol
Louisiana , Massachusetts , Now Yorli
and Rhode Island ro fused to adopt II
nnd the other states took no action.
Since 1891 the following additional
states have voted favorably :
California , Nevada , Montana , Wash
Ington , Oregon , Idaho , TOXBB , Nortl
Carolina , Kentucky , North Dakota
Ohio , Iowa , South Dakota , Nebraska
Kansas , Indiana , Missouri , WiscoiiBlr
and Michigan.
Pitteburg Painters Strike.
Plttsburg , March 20. Ono thousant
painters and decorators struck hort
today , demanding an advance In wagoi
of $1 for eight hours' work over tin
scale of $3.40 , which expired March 1
Fifty small shops have signed the nov ,
agreement , but the moro importanl
contractors have refused.
Follow Their "Spirit" Call.
Flndiay , O. , March 20. Seeking t
sacred stream in southern Callfornlt
in which a "spirit" commanded then
to bathe in order that they may become
como chosen people of the Lord ant
reach the now Jerusalem , twonty-sl )
revived spiritualists left in n spocla !
car. The party is made up of tor
families. There are six chlldrcr
among them. John W. Hurley Is th
leader. Tlio trip was financed by several
oral members who sold property at !
sacrifice. Several gave up good posl
tions to follow the spirit. According
to the members the "spirit" appon"
to them in the form of a mist °
speaks so that all may hoar. They L- ,
the stream Is nenr Los Angeles.
Train Left Track.
Valentine , Neb. , March 20. Spccla
to The News : Passenger service wai
laid up here for several hours owinf
to a peculiar accident that hnppenet
to No. 1 , the westbound passengoi
train that is due hero at 7:17. : Ai
Thatcher , first station east of here
the rails spread and let the baggage
car off the rails and all the cars Ir
the train got off the track except UN
engine. No. 2 was delayed and dit
not get in hero till 9 o'clock , waitinf
for men to get the cars back on th <
track and out of the way. Luckilj
none of the cars upset , so no one wai
Cut Hole Through Jail Wall and Ge
Away in the Night.
Monmouth , 111. , March 20. Car
Carroll and George Reed , charged wltl
robbery of the Swan Creek bank Jan
uary 31 , escaped last night. Friend !
from the outside cut a hole througl
the jail wall and then filed open th <
They Don't Relish Idea of Shootlnj
Old Guns on New Hampshire.
Norfolk , Vn. , March 20. Majo :
Charles G. Kizer , chief of police o
Norfolk , has been requested to arros
several men who are missing fron
the battleship New Hampshire. It ii
said that seventy deserted. The Nov
Hampshire today or Tuesday Is to fin
on the battleship San Marcos , former
ly the Texas , in Chesapeake bay. Th <
guns to bo used in shooting are sai <
to bo old ones having already beei
used 200 times.
Tlio desertions are said to bo duo ti
the fact that the men did not relisl
tbo Idea of remaining on the Nov
Hampshire , while it was opening fin
on the San Marcos with old guns.
Chief of Police Kizer said his mci
had picked up about ton of the strag
Washington , March 20. Secretar ;
Meyer , with n few official guests , lof
Washington on the Dolphin for thi
Tangier Sound in Chesapeake bay ti
witness an attack upon the battleshii
San Marcos ( formerly the Unite *
States ship Texas ) by the big twelve
inch rifles of the New Hampshire
With the secretary are Senator Clap ]
of Minnesota and Representative
Roberts of Massachusetts , Loud o
Michigan and Gregg of Texas ; Ail
miral Wainwrlght , chief of operations
and Commander Andrews , the secrc
tary's naval aide.
The torpedo boat Stringham , will
newspapermen , had preceded the sec
rotary's party down the river. Othe
spectators of tlio test will bo sovora
ordnance exports of the army , honde <
by General Crozler , who will boon
the destroyer McCall at Fort Monnx
Sudden Summons of Banker and Rail
way Man.
Now York , March 20. David H
Moffatt , the "silver king" of Colorado
died in the Hotel Belmont
Although Mr. Moffatt had boon con
fined to his room for ton days or s (
with an attack of grip , bordering ot
pneumonia , death came from hear
failure. Ho never before had hat
trouble with his heart.
Denver , Colo. , March 20. For manj
years David II. Moffatt hns been roc
ognlzcd an a citizen of Colorado. Ilia
connection with the dovolopmonto ot
thnt ntnto linn Rained for htm the
nnmo of "empire builder. " Porhnpo
hla greatest recent work of develop
ment wan the Denver , Northwontoru
and Pacific road , known an the Moffatt
roiul In honor of the builder. Thin
road , which In to extend from Denver
to Bait Lake , bos boon completed be
yond Steamboat Springs , Colo.
Mr. Moffntt WOB rated many tlmoo
a inllllounlro , hln wealth being estl-
'natod nn high as $40,000,000.
School Notes.
The Northern Nebrawka Tonchoro *
association will be In mission In Nor *
folk March 30. 31. The annual exhibit
of work will bo made by the Bclioola
at that time. Considerable work la
being done at present In preparation
for thin event.
In the iiBBombly room of the high
school building Thursday morning Dr.
Parker gave a very Instructive talk to
the puplln of the Hovonth and eighth
gradon on "Teeth , Tholr Care nnd
Preservation. " Dr. Parker gnvo hlo
address lit his usual happy Htylo , and
demonstrated what ho Bald by meant *
of charts. This IB the second of n BO-
rlos of locturoB by momborfl of the
dental profession In thin city , glvon In
order to further the cause of dental
Htttiltatlon among the Bchool children.
The Bccond entertainment of the
Latin Bocloty was given Friday ovnn-
Ing , March 10 , at the homo of Bernlco
Mapon. The Invitations for this affair
were written In I itln. Latin gamon
were played and the program closed
with the representation of a Roman
wedding. RefroshmontB were then
corvod , as nearly nn posalblo In imita
tion of the old I > ntln wedding foaata.
Ono of the most pleasant nnd elab
orate functions of tlio present year oc
curred last evening when the junior
clnsB wan entertained by Lolfl Hardy ,
Buford Rocs , Both Spreehor , flladyo
Cole , Guy Parish and Thomas Odlorno.
Since the Issuing of the invitations
"nxin" ' the "IddB" to como to the
"mnskorndc. " the membero of the
class have been very inudi oxcitcd
over anticipating the event and plan
ning their costumes. Upon reaching
the II. E. Hardy homo they were mot
by their hostesses prettily attired in
athletic costumes , the boys' football
Bwoatern being borrowed for the occasion
casion , and by their hosts represent ,
ing the "Irish Gentleman" nnd the lit
tle "Dutch Boy. " The house had boon
decorated In the clasH colors , pink and
green. The costumes of the company
were unusually good. Especially ad
mired was the "Class Spirit of 1912 , *
represented by Marlon Dietrich. Af
ter a pleasant time spent in varloun
games , the company moved to the I ) .
Rocs home , where they found every
thing In beautiful readiness. Tito ta
bles were artistic in their pink and
green , everything to delight the oyo.
After the elaborate four-course ban
quet had boon daintily served , the
Riiosts lingered for a short time sing
ing nnd playing games , reluctant to
suy good night. But ns the "wee ma'
hours" approached , they bade tholr
hosts and hostesses adlcu ( voting It
ono of the most pleasant evenings of
their lives.
Norfolk Is In Need of a Better Law
Regulating Contagion.
Norfolk has a very poor ordinance
covering sanitation work , according
to undertakers who were called Thurs
day to embalm the remains of little
Lyle Hamilton , who died from the effects -
fects of diphtheria.
After going over the city ordinance
thoroughly with the mayor , the under
takers found very little information
about quarantine enforcements nnd
nothing whatever which would give i
them information as to the length of
time a contagious case should bo hold
before interment.
They sought the ordinance regardIng -
Ing the shipping of a contagious cose
out of the city and whether or not any
of the family could accompany such n
case if they were in any way exposed
to the germs. The undertakers used
for Instruction the state health ordi
nances , which tbey sny are very good
and should be copied by the city.
War Department Says the Motive la to
Fill Up Inadequate Garrison.
Washington , March 18. The Second
Infantry is being sent to Honolulu in
accordance with a general order Is
sued by General Ixionard Wood , chief
of staff of the army , on November 16
last The two battalions of this regi
ment , which are now enrouto for San
Francisco , will sail within a few days.
It was the original Intention to send
them March C , but their departure was
delayed by the sending of the Chinese
relief expedition on the army trans
port Buford , no transport being avail
able. The Third battalion of the Second
end Infantry Is now at Fort D. A. Rus
sell , Wyom. , taking cnro of that post
In the absence of its regular garrison
in the south. This battalion will sail
for Honolulu July C. Two batteries of.
Hold artillery will sail for the island
on July G. The one battalion of Twen
tieth infantry now at Honolulu will re
turn to the United States. All this , It
is pointed out at the war department ,
is merely carrying out t\ plan worked
out several months ago for Increasing
the inadequate garrison at Honolulu.
Federal Troops Bottled Up.
Presidio , Tex. , March 17 , via Marfa ,
March 18. A number of casualties are
reported in the resumption of insur-
recto operations outsldo the city of
Ojlnaga , where a federal command la
supposed to bo bottled up. While Col
onel DorantoB , second In command of
the Ojlnaga garrison , waa on a tour of
inspection ho was cut off by a rush of
Insurrectos and now ho nnd eighty of
his soldiers are surrounded in a group
of houBos moro than a mlle from the
garrison. The fighting Is at close
range. Fatalities have been-limited ,
however. Seven federal soldiers wore
killed and ono insurrecto was mor
tally wounded. Ojlnaga has been cut
off from supplies and water.