THK XOKKOLK WKKKIA * NKWS-JOt'KNAL , KKIDAY , MARCH 17 , 1911. WEDNESDAY WRINKLE * . W. Phelps of Madison wti here A. T. Harbor of Oinnd Inland w.i hero. C. I. Hurnnnl of I'lnlnvlow wr horo. dun ire K. Hchlllor , after ti few day vlclt here , icliiincd to Ills homo I cVntral L'lty. OeorgoV. . Smith of Columbus wt it visitor In the city. ( ' . V. Mitchell of Crolghton was I the city on business. Dr. C. J. Verges returned from btislnuHS trip to Madison. C L AndcrHon i ctnrncd from bnslni-HH trip to Nnpor. S Itandolph of Omaha was In tl city transacting business. I Hloom of Crolghton was In tl city transacting business. Shoilff C. S. Smith , omoute to No' ' man ( liovo. was tu the city. Attoinoy .lohii A. Ijluhault of Staten ton wan hoio tiaimactlng business. / \i \ Tliorliurn , apodal agent of tl Aetna limuiancc company , IUIH KOI to Chh ago to attend a. company inuc lns . MID. John UUhr , who has boon bo veiling \vlth thi ! A W. Finkhoii' ' famll } , has i etui mil to bor homo ' n Ighton Mi and Mis Hey H Foster , onion tiuiii Cliojonno to Sallun , Kan1 weio hoie visiting with tbo Chnil siioi lei liimlh. luno KOIIO to Iowaf < tew dajB1 visit with iclatUos. visiting with Mr and Mrs John Phi noy. II .1 SandeiH of 1 low oils was a v ! iioi in the city. M J. Sanders lotuined fioin a bir inns tilp to Pllgor. Dr. I' . H. Salter wont to Foster < business. Uobort King wont to Lincoln < business II. K. Mason of Meadow Grove w in tbo city. M H. Smith of Nlobrara was a vl Uor In tbo city. Mia lUsor of Fremont and Mrs. C Hlshon of Lincoln are In tbo cl Captain I\or S. Johnson of Stanti was In tbo city visiting with Capta C L. Andoison. \mong tlie daj's out-of-town vlslto in. Noifolk wore. 1C. 10. Krlckso Newman Gnnc ; Dr. and Mis. Howe Wakellold , J. II. Filcdericksen , Ce toi ; Joe Tioutt , Platlo ; Henry Eric son , Hastings ; Dan Schwoiin , Plcic Dr. J. Weiss , Ponder ; Nlla Hannhi Wlnnobago ; Giaco 13. Manall , Mai = 011 , H. J. Sanders , Howolls. John Scbwlchtonboig hat * gone Hoskins , whoie ho will build a IK bam on hlh lanii A steel ( .oiling is being placed i ho Abe Lovlne loiin olllco Other i iUod"HliE is being done In the ollice. Handsome new book cases and iuw set of law books ha\o been tailed in the olllco of Mapes & I ZlMI. ZlMI.A special meeting of the Lllks h IK in called foi no\t S.ttuida > evt ink. to ellseuss plans foi futuio cm ! IJ Aha K Leoiiaul , 11. 1 ! . McKinn and I ) . T. Hold ictuined trom : i si cebsful bunting e\pedltion at Hue Tuobday night. Sol G. Mavci lotuinocl last nit iunn New York , whom he and M Mn > oi. with their child ) en , have be uniting foi two months \l the leguhti mooting of hose co i tnv No I ! , held in the citj hall Tu u o night , John Miami and John H U < MI > initiated as new mtmbeis , I ho Ladles , ' Aid soclctv ot the Pi ' oiuiogntloual clnne-h will meet the homo ot Mis P. H. Sailer , w Mis ( ! . H Saltei assisting , Tlnnsc ate moon Hoiboit King , who will manage i in w automobile gaiago on 1'nst N tolk avenue , has put chased the F McGinnls losldonce on West Noif UOMIO. Woid was leiehed fsom IJochesI Minn , lopoiting the successful ope tion on Mis. H. F. Schiller. Mi. ; Mis. Sebillei will roluiu to N'ort Fiiday. Moil is In In and A. Kojen w .unong the laige partj of hunteii. nola Tuesday evening. The bunt lopoit the ducks plentiful , but tlj too bigli. Twlbb , a foimei NoitolU I who has been mauagei ot the L hotel at Piono , 8. D , hab been ' ' a ehnige or the Wulmann notel Mitchell. S. l > Fudav ih .St PatiicK's daAm 'io ' loiemost ot the colebiatoi& wll MIKi O'ilnra of Not folk , who iep < 1 > lias oideud .1 gtoeii vest with p < i.titii.h ab largo as dollaib. I n luc-t Tiuelock has completed uulldiiig ot the lliemen'b lockois in < .itj hall. The loekeib are noatb b mil the Hi omen who lm\e vie' 'iom declare them snlisfactoi } . Much btoc'k f iom the noitli ib IH -nipped tluouh ( Noitolk to the Sc Omaha market A double headoi \ HI cxttaemlimuy laigo number of < tasked thiougli hoie Tuobdny nigli In a pii\ate gjmna&ium on PI avenue Tiicsda > o\oning , Cleo Led n a wiostling match defeated be\ ilhh bchool iithlotob The joungi ire pi opal ing to bo In condition the opening of the V. M C' . A ? iiasiuiu. The freight business on the vni rnllioads of this city is leported idly Inci easing after the reg slump. Mobt of the freight consibt merchandise and the carload lots Noifolk shows an Increase over of other tow lit. . These reports by railroads show upery well for a r porous year. Judge H. E. Evans of Dakota ( who was in Xoifolk Tuesda > In ncctlon with the Virginia land i being heard by Judge Isaac Pow IB referee in the famous Omaha C of Police Douohue case , lu the promo court. Judge E\ans lop that ho has heard almost the > ei oral testimony In this cast. With the exception of one men of the local national guard comp the entire company have decl themselves ready to go to the fi The exception referred to"Is a men bor of the company who declared t the commandant that because ho 1 physically unable to stand the heat c the southern cllmato he will beunabl to accompan.v the soldiers. Workmen Tuesday commenced o | ciaUotiH on the construction of th William Koll cement factory on Mai Imm avenue' , west of the Union P ) rifle tracks. Tlie factory will bo mad of artificial stone and enc < stor.v I height Mr. Koll recently purchase the lot and at the same time ordcrc artificial stone machinery from tli east , lloboit King will build a almllt factoiy near the same place. Wit the ( omplotlon of those two factorlt Noifolk will have three cement bloc tactoilcs. ] ] dwatd Whlto , a hack dilvor , wr ai tested on a chat go ofagiancy I Patiolman Sasso at 1 o'clock Wodno day moinlng. Whlto has been flee ing In VIM ions hacks during the nigl time and Hovoial hack dilvers hav complained of missing money Tin also charge White with being slight Insane at times lie was found gulll of the chaigo In Judge Klsoloj's con Wednesday moinlng and t em uncled i Jail until after Judge nisele.v furtln tonstdc'icd his case. He will eltin bo given a tlihly-day term in the cou ty Jail 01a legular monev line Di. C. A. McKim has iccoived fie Covunoi Aldilcb his olllclal appoli uienl as assistant state veteiinaila Di Mi Kim will have e bin go of th distilit but will be iimb-i snpc > ivisic of the state ve-teilnai Ian foi elutv any pai t of the state Pie'sldent C H Dm land of the A seuhitcd ( toaid ol Chaiitlus Is havii laigo phtcaids piinted on which w appeal tlio names of olllcois anil cot mlttees of the association. The ; cauls will bo placed in conspicuoi places In various ofllces and bulletin ! for the pin pose of rofoienco strangoiB to anv of those who a i concemeel. Judge Isaac Powers , appointed I Judge Mungor as special referee the- United States circuit court en of an Important Virginia and Km county ( Nebiaska ) land deal , hold teim of court in his edictin tl Hlshop block , Tuesday afteinoon. Tl couit adjoin nod late Tuesday aftc noon and will reconvene at bloomtlo at a latei date to be set by Jud | Poweis. 1'dwaid C. Hynard of RIooi field , one of the defendants In tl case , was piesent at the taking of t ( tliuony. Tineo witnesses were exai ined , while the lemnindcr of teatlmoi was taken fiom record evidence ai exhibits Among the attorneys Intt estcd in tlio case who weie piosent the heating weio Senatoi W. V. * Ion , Madison , Judge U Evans , Dako City , Judge KeU'her , Cieigbton , L toinoy W D. Funk , Uloomheld. Jud Povvois letuined liom Vitglnin onlv tow montlis ago , where ho was t { .aged In taking te timonin coum ' lion witli tliis case John Hobiiibon , ptopuetoi of t Xoi folk "Metal company. Is in pecull tiotible Wednosdav mninlng lie d ibaiged t\\o employes because th insisted on di Inking whiskey while duty , and a lew moments later he w attested bj Chief of Police Maiquai on ehaiges Hied bj ! A Jenkins , o ot the discliaiged employes , w claims Mr Hoblnson tlueatcncd kill him When Uobinson appear bcfoic Judge Insole } be was let go ln& own lecognizance and the ti was set foi late this atteinoon I Uobinson's stor > of ibe affair she that Jenkins came lientiom Oina a week ago and bad no inonej J Hoblnson gave him woik and Wedn dav moininu he dcelaies , Jenkins w diunk and liis companion had a lieeu di inking He did not object i til he discoveicd both drinking wl kcv out of a lottlc > in bis place of bt ness and when he made known ' . objection tlie men abused him. then discliaiged both Tlie men < a > s , cnteicd into a eoiibpiiacy agal : him and Hied the ehaiges which claims have no foundation. Kill Prohibition in Iowa. DCS Moines , Maich 15 Th& lo senate today killed the lesolution a constitutional piolnbitor > anie , incut convention by adopting the ce I mitten lepoit foi indefinite postpu iiient , 127 to 21. k . I Barefoot Boy Also Arrives. 1 Unlimited ic-ports of robins , me ovv laiks , blue birds and black bir and little Peter CJiaham walking and down Noi foil ; avenue barefool _ b , announce the fact that spring --alb an heel Peter Cliaham Is the son of Mr. i Mrs William Giaham and the sigln him nudging along the cement sIP It walk on his tiny barefeet caused m comment on Noifolk avenue Tuea morning. : ' Syracuse Still in Rowing Game : U Syiacuso , N. Y. . March 15. The. lacnsc unheisity boat crews h been saved. The students ha\e g' ' IP antecd the payment of the $ G,000 the athletic goveunng board lastn : I 'gave Coach Teneycko authoiity to Ml ahead with his plans. The era nr will be lepioscntcd at Poughkee : this year. us Movement for More Pavlnq. usP Pin - A movement Is on foot to r inot North Ninth , Noitli Tenth and N < ot 1'loventh streets as far as Pros ] or awMiue , and Noifolk a\enue wes at Thirteenth street Petitions cal je for such pa\ing are now being ci is- lated. Refuse Quincy a Franchise. n- Itloomlngton , III. , March 15. Pi nso so dent Plerson says the southern c rs , will not bo represented in any niai ; cf at any meeting of the league until ni northern clubs ngreo to grant Qu nils ls n franchise. ro Meadow Grove News. or F. W. Cologrovo , carrier on U , I No. 2 , who has been off duty on cd count of sickness , is able to bo it. again and expects to bo able to MI inn bin duties In a few da > L L Foe shipped a car of inlghl good horses and mules to the Soul Omaha maiket Sunday evening. N Lee left for Canada on tlio not 11 alii Sattudny , whore he has puicha ed land and expects to make his f MHO homo. Ills car of stock and IIOUH hold goods went out the fore part i the week In charge of Leo Hoffma Mr Leo's wife and family will folio him in the near futuio. The Meadow Grove News has aga changed hands , C. W. Clifton havli sold It to M N. Collins. Mr Collli has had about eight joins oxperieni In tlio newspaper business and durli a pint of this time ho was omplox on The Not folk Dally NOWH. 12. II Woods , manager for the Cl cage Lumber company at this plac has commenced the election of a 111 huge lo.sldonie on the lot ho recent put chased fiom C. C. Wilson , on Noi West .sheet. The mill has again losumod opei tion with 1C E. Neelo.v at the wheel Mi and Mis J 11 Colegrovo Redmond , Oie , came In on No. I Mo da ) foi a few da > 8' visit with the foil Fiank , who lias been qulto ill. A call has been Issued lor a cl /ins caucus at Hcecho's hall Tlunsdi evening at S o'clock lor the pmpo nf nominating thue ttustcos to ' placed on tlio ticket at the comii v illage election. 1 C ! Al.voa , tiavoling loptosrntall en the Advance1 Thieshei Co. , came' ' Satuidav night and leniaincd ov Siinilav with his lamily. The conceit nnd dance given by t Omaha Conceit Co at the opoia lion Filda > night did not call out a ve huge attendance , but those who we theie icpoit a very nice time , wl plenty of good music. J W. McCallum is guiding up 1 : lot and putting it in shape to co iiienco the election of a now dwellli as soon as completed. Geoigc1 Mulder was in town t latter part of the week looking aft business for the Lytlo Construct company of Sioux City , with whom i connected. V E Twiss , H H. Die and J. Dve left Sunday evening with thr cais of stock and household goods f Chaplin , Sask , Canada , whoic th expect to establish permanent honii Their families followed on the no huln Monday. Cliailos Uotsfoid , who icoently mi rd heio from Fieepoit , 111. , has leas the piopoitj known tin the Eabt hot and alter lenovating it and making few improvements lias opened doois to the public. Oakdnlc News Notes. Mis. Hanson of Fremont was ovei Sunday from Ficmontisitl relatives. O I ) . Main Hie ical estate agen sold the F. E. Cow in foity ac'ies , tin Dalles noitheast to Wendell Warner , H M An lei son was down from E met Stindav v ( biting his family U M. Nesbit i etui nod Irom Omal wheio he bus been lor seveial d.i attending the ictail 11101 chants eonvi ion. ion.The The Uoosteis have been busy ted nitting in the new hitching pofc They make a laigo impiovomont tlio looks of the streets. Tlie.v s ia\e moio to put In Mis McKinney , wiio ib visiting the homo ot D C Loach , gave the in attendance at the Aletnodist cliui i ticat in the wav of a veij beauti < -olo Slie lias a splendid voice. Miss Alice Evans and Miss Lei fiom Neligh were down irom Nell lo attend the seivices at the Me odist duncli. They were the guo 01 Miss Jennie McCoy while heie. The piospects are good that theg club of the Weslejan univcisity v pive theii entertainment here on i -Otb ot Api II , although not definlt < k cidcd. l' ' SOUTH DAKOTA AT A GLANCt O. II. Tnrbell is in a piecarlous c dition at Watertown. The annual May musical festl al will take place at Mitchell May 18 : 10. L. G. Oclipoineiter of Wenster ' enteied on a foity-day fast. Tlie anniiiil meeting of county a itors will bo held at Piono March The people of Glenham are rej ing over the starting of a mill at t I- place. J W. Urowning of Atlanta , 111. , been elected superintendent of Hiookingh schools. Commencing tomouovv night ov gelists will hold a terios of ievi meetings at Mitchell. ) f 1 Tlio annual convention of laymei ! the Methodist church will be held h Sioux Falls Maich IS and 16. y | Colonel Adams died at Mitchell parabsis and will bo buried at his iner home In Hichland Center , WIs Michael Smith , aged 28 , bartonde > 'Abeideen ' , attempted to commit re cido by shooting. His employer - the room In time to snatch d gnu fiom his hand. Despondenc ; given as the cause. Lemmon residents presented C E F. Harrett with a handsome c upon the eve of bis dcpartuio for 1 neapolls. Captain Uarrett was lust newspaper at Lemmon and ( list auditor of Pot kins county. , -e thl Neligh News Notes. ° l | Nellgh , Neb , Maicli 1U. Spocla 'Tho News' At a iccont meetliij the school board of this city Dr W. Chambcrlln was elected to fill vacanc ) caused by the removal of L McAllister from Nellgh. The tion of superintendent and teacl Ji Jibs was taken up at this meeting. ' high school teachers and ono for or iie sixth grade are still vacant. Tbo cy lowing were re-elected for the e ing year : Superintendent , C. A. M man ; Gertrude Alton , Mrs. O Housh , Perclo Cass , Grace Jack D. Lcona Shenofolt , Mildred Then ; ' Grace Warner , Mao Cnvanaugh. ut' ' Simon Hoby and wife left thee eof the week for Sheridan , Wy where the > will make their futun homo. Hert Wattles went to Lincoln Mon o moinlng to bo absent n couple o da.vH on Inmlnc.HH W L McConnell , vvlfo and daugli tor weio passeMigcrs Tuesday mornlni for Omaha. Getugo Sellerj was conllned to hi home bv sickness last Thursday. Columbus Penn and wife returnoi homo fiom their winter quaitom ii I'loilda last Thuisday afternoon C L. WaltloH , H H. Hausor and N 11 Swell/or wont to Omaha last Frl da.v to be piosent at a meeting of i Masonic gatheiing John Gotcholl , jr. , received inedlcn treatment at Tlldon on Friday of las week Ho IH planning to return t Culver Mtlltai.v acadom > about th first of April Fiank Moses was down fiom Cleai water last Fiidaj on business. Cliailos Glldeisleeve and vvlfo wen to Chciokeo , la. , on Fiiday of \t\s \ week to bo absent a nhoit time Albeit M Cool of this cit.v has u icntly boon granted an incioaso c pension undei the special act H will now loceivo Stl pel month C J. Allison left for Llmon. Cole 'luesday morning , whcie he Is Intel estod in lands In that viclnHj Aitliur Hltchlo hti < * accepted a pos lion as lielpci for the Northwostei laihoad , and left for Meadow Grov Tuesdav lo losume his duties in tli depot at I hat place U W Paik was up fiom UaKdal Tuesdav on business Mis H J Fors.vtbo lias been coi lined to lici homo bj SOMICillnoc tlie past sevoiiil da > s C'ail Kicbs of Albion was in tow Tliuisda.v and Fiiday visiting ill many fi lends in this citj F L Puttie ; , ot Tilden was lenev ing old acquaintaiues in Nellgh tb Hist of the week. MIH J W. SpiiK was compelled t leave foi Omaha last Fiidav , wbei she underwent an opeiation on Moi da > of this week The latest icpoit fiom the patient is- that she is iccovc Ing nicely. Mrs. C. II A Smith left foi Stai ton Monday to visit a few dajs wit friends. Mis. Hub.v Parshall was an Oniali visitor Sunda.v and Mondaj Sam Huff will look after the bus ness inteicsts of John MiAllistei clu ing the absence of tbo latter in Cal foi nia. Mis. N L McGinitle went to Stai ton Tuesdaj moniinc for a shoit vis with relatives and fi lends C H A Smith was transactin business in Omaha a couple of da.v this week Ewing News Notes Mis. S. P. Uoiden. who lias hoc visiting a sister at 1'.atticCieek , i tinned homo Moudav A. Kilgoic is spending n couple i weeks with fi lends and lolatives 1 low a At the late meeting of the to\viibln boaul ! | iL'o was voted foi tlio buildh up of the loads leading to Ewing Homy Fiy and daughter weie di appointed on going to Xoitolk to mei his sistei liom Iowa to find tliat si had come via tliebhoit Line to 0 chaid. Waller Fuilej has lesipiud Ills 11 sition in Wimiier Uios store and going into tlie- hog i awing buslne : with J. S Weaverljng Contiactor Davis luth loin tes deuces to elect and has aliead > sig cd the coiitiaets lor tliem This the beginning the end i not jet II. H Poitei has ieslgu < d bis poi tion in the llo > stoic and lias accept * a chief clerkship foi Wuunei Bie : The change is consldeied a piomotlo "Montana" Gene Sullivan will act i icfoieo at the boxing contr-st Ftidi evening. What with a dispersion sale of fj cy and pcdigieed cattle and hogs ai the ten-round boxing contest of Goti and Kane , all roads will lead to E ing St. Pat tick's day in the morniii . As a piclimlnary to the bout prop l' on St , Patiick'.s night , Claren Thompson of Ewing nnd an athlc fiom Staffoul named Wollman , in s wrestle for t catch-ab-catch-can . championship of noithwestern Is , ' braska will bo an inteiesting featu ' of the evening. . A iiinior to the effect that an 01 while widow of Ewinp and a pie Inent widower of Neligh weio iccei ly wedded tin us out to l > c incorie It is too bad , as many intended cc gratulations are now up in the air. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cialg and \ . Combes Sioux City to cc suit a specialist , and have ictinn gieatly leliovcd. Even the eyes of Sandy Giisvve would have twinkled with envy b I lie witnessed a feat performed on t banks of tlio Elkhotn the other di . S. W. Drown , jr. , cashier of the P . neor bank , pumped five loads of si into a flock of ducks fljing overlie and succeeded in bagging eleven . them. It just rained du6ks for 18 while. . A now steel structure will take t place of the old wooden bridge Ji east of town. The county board 1 oppropilated $5,000 for that purpo 10 ROASTS BOSS COX. Cincinnati , March 15. In a sen tlonnl utterance Judge Frank Com of the court of common pleas tot dismissed the contempt chaii against George B. Cox , banker n 10V. political lender. Ho declared the V. terancos of Cox , which wore publl ed after the latter's indictment rs perjury , were "Insolent and false. " In dismissing the charges Juc lie Gorman followed the finding of a i ol- jorlty of the committee of the th attorneys appointed to Investigate i iran - cumstances of .the Interview. Two an these men held that neither Cox i anm the newspaper that published his marks regarding the grand jury i the court , was In contempt. The oil st member of the committee absol' n. , the newspaper,1 but hold that It v the province of the court to dotermln whether Cox should bo hold on th contempt charge , lu his finding Judg Gorman said ho agreed with the in norlty of tho- committee that Cox wa found guilty of contempt , but Inloi ot the fact that an nlllduvlt chnrgln prejudice had boon filed against hit by Cox , ho mild ho would abide b the findings of the majority of th committee. Japan a Buffer if China Awakes , "III the yciiiH to como whe-n ( . 'him has awake-nod either as a great mill lary power or UN a mighty comiueie-lii people w hose millions dwarf the luem ory of the Anglo Saxon race of todn the Ameiean people will flint thnt ti tc'ichlng Japan Its tlrst footsteps li the klndcigaiiL'n of western olvlll/u ( Ion its Inoad minded uneoators wer ruiuiiig a I'llend that would be ne-cdcM in times of stioss , " declined Ir Ml uo.sukoaiuaguchl , M A , Ph D M. 1) ) , giadiiato e > f Yale , who Is takliij a I'-jurse of studies ut Columbia Med Irrl school "I llilnk Llotileuanl Hobson'a theoi , tlint Julian Is pit-paring for war wit ! Auieiiia has been pn-Mv well osploil oil , but 1 would like to point out som ejl Ihi' leasons vli. . \ .injUnu bu ( ii idshii | liitwci-n the two countrii Is impossible- "I was bom In .Inpin and grew u there i have been the pastor of on of thegreati st cbuii he- , lit Japan , ante to make mv woik nioie thounigh lla-r I have mine ln < k toiiuiica and lu como a dot tut of inedi me 1 kno\ Japan 1 gindinteil from Yale , wn fem je.its at the Western Kcsci v Medical si heel in Cleveland and bav lived a grc'at deal In Now Yorlt , nnd know Ameiii a. Sentiment For America. "Theie were alwaja ic-asoiis wh Japan could not attack America siii cessfully Theie have for iiiany je-uv been sentimental IC-.ISOIH why sh would not if slii > could It was Amei ten who came knot king at our doot when wo weie a cl < ise corpoiatlon , slay nt home1 piovlnelul people In the kliidei niens of Japan todn the little1 elnldtenne tiumht put no ism , winch bee oines a tioice tne i eveiy 1 he Ilitle ones aie taiij , ! thestoi.v of how vonr .villein mi saik'i ' tame to Japtui and pointed thew.ij t oieldenlal < \ \ ili/utlon and how tl United S : u < 's vv is the fust and be- * lend \ve litnl in the confess of woil povvcis Jap in novel forgets tin What weno toiiias a gloat ? woil people we owe to Ami'ilc.i , and doc nnv one think tint we slnill so sou foiM'lV "Mode-Hi Janin | Is too busy to thin of the Impossible- task of nnstciliig ( Me It like Aim-Ill tl It 111 bep.i siiiV'sted thatve want tl : Philippines Now , It is not general ! known that the- climate of the Phlll | pines Is us bad for Japanese as It toi Ameiiciuis Japan Busy Colonizing. "Wo have been tijlng to c'olonl : and 'eltle 1 in inn--i , im , alter all tl time wc > hi\e held Hint island we at still lightm theie lo maintain a st ib fiov einmenl and to establish de < ci 'aw ' s \ \ L , n e ti j iny ; to colom/o it , In at lieiiuMidons i est In tic.isiue ai : nie-ii It is not vet a pnjincf piopof tion And v\liat would the Philippine be ? Foiniosi olleis a fertile field ti ' > nr i'\uifiovvim : population for at lea twi'iilj five .veins to come , and en Host neil IK-MI Island In Japan is hit y spttltd H has loom lor millions i 1101 Ipi Opll- " 1 have ofti'ii pointed out that would Impossible to send a Jap nose fleet with soldieis to Hawaii hold those islands against the foil that Ameiiea could lush thereLvc f we took Hawaii how could we coi > n nnd nttack anj part of America ai hold It long enough to get our bieatl If weciu to sel/o the Philippines some- lingual dod moment , wouldi tlic-j be ! iu elephant on our hands the supioine stiugglc with the Unid Slates that would follow ? It won leave our home country exposed to t " " Japan Too Poor to Fight. "Fiimll.v , Japan's finances are not n condition to vvaiiaut Us nndcrtakli such a foolhmdy thing as war wl Ann-lie a , and ' > far as I can sec v hue i lettj well mapped out how \ an- going to spend our spare cash the next fifty yeais by the things tt we aie planning to do In Korea , Mil < Jimin and Foimosa. "Like all the lest of the world , i aie piop.uing for emergencies Wo a tia'nluj ' ; our joinit , ' men to shoot , n we aietn.ildiin , ' biittlcahipa and for The pioblems In the cast are too gie China Is awakening No one can t at this moment what turn the grc Hlccpin , ; m.vstei.v of the ages will ta Mien she wakes up. \Vhit would happen if when a finallj be-sths heiself a Xapoleon , Attlla or a Mahommed should step f waul and point to world empire ? would bo in such a case that the w doui of Japan In maintaining armed fist would bo vindicated , 'i lest of the world would bo glad tl China's neatest neighbor , Impregnal on Its own islands , as England , wn ; sea power capable of acting as poll man for the awakened giant. And y may rest assured that modern Jaji would cost Its lot with the rest of I world UH against such a monster. " Carty-Kluge. At the home of the bride's brotli In-law , H. D. Kluge , at Hadar , al o'clock Tuesday afternoon , occuri the wedding of Mrs. Addle Kluge f II. P. Carty. Rov. Theodore Rrauer the Hadar church pronounced i words which bound the couple In w lock. The brldo was accompanied her sister-in-law , Ida Kluge , and groom was attended by H D. Klu Only the Immediate relatives w present at the ceremony , after wh a 4 o'clock dinner was served. 1 couple left for Chadron Wednesd near which place they will make tli home. Mr. Cnrty is a well-to-do farmer Chadion and MIH. Kluge lt > well known at Hadar and thin vicinity. For some tlmo he has been teaching ut Santee In the mission school INSURED AGAINST BANDITS. But Robbort Ttiemielvai Conducted th Profitable Duilnait. The bundlti ) of Manchurln and Mini golIn have adopted a now way of ac quiring at least n portion of tlio goodi of the traveler. Tbeso mounted high waymen In band * not only constantly attack the peaceful native population , but even rob travelers In broad day- light. Aa n provision against this danger an Insurance ) bureau where ono buys a banner at a cost of about onc-llvo-hun- drcdth of the value of the property to bo insuied Is established there. This banner cairled by a traveler will save him from the bandits' attack , for , curiously enough , they themsolvoM conduct this Insmance business Hut It has Its limitations "Wo paid our picmlum at the Insur ance bill can. " sajs a Jiipaneso tiav elor , "secured a ted banner , nud our patty ( hen started from Hinbln , using sevcial stutdj ponies for omselves and tlie c.itrjiin ; of our luggage. Aftei traveling al/ont / te n mile ? wo reached i small tow n i nlle-d Takln "Sevcinl of out customers came to fieo us lu the evening and warned us that theie weie many mounted ImndltH lu the ncigliboihood When wo told them theie was no i mm for anxiety on tlioii ii < count because of the lusur anee thej Info ! mod us that by It out > afety was guatantecd only on the hlgliwavs , but thnt the bandit btneau was nut iestoiislliie | for what might happen Inside of any building. " SNAPSHOTS _ OFJHE MODES. Individuality ta Point of Freaklshnen a Characteristic of New Parasols. Indlviduiilltj that goes to tbo point of freaklsliness Is a characteristic ol the parasols of Hill While there arc some absolutely plain styles that depend pond for their eftect upon the beauty of the silk of which they nro made , mot o p.nasols aie to be found of odd Rbapc ami with unusual trimmings. Quite odd and pretty la the stat shaped patasol ' 1 his is made of two four-pointed silk tops placed ono above the other , with tlio poinLs and space * alternating so that the center Is clou ble and tbeie arc eight pointed sec tions of single silk lllnck and white effects In sun shades aie wonderfully good , and the ONE rinon nousB aowM , bordering IR u6en In a great ma : models. This is a most attractive house gov with the waist cut In one , with t sleeves after the latest fashion , ui the closing is made at tbo left froi The skirt is narrow without eraggei tion . JDDIO CHOLLET This May Munton pattern la cut In at : from 34 to 42 Inches bust measure Sc 10 cents to this ofllce. ulvlne number. Cl and Uvlll be promptly forwarded to > by mall It In tiaste Bend an nddltlnr two cent stamp for letter postnc * . whl Insures more prompt ilnlli > > ry 10 FRANK CARRICK ENDORSED. in , Third Ward Republicans for Him f Water Commissioner. s- Frank Carrick received the una sin in mous endorsement of the Third wa 10 republican caucus for the nomlnuti nt for water commissioner , in the c < loa \ontion Tlnnsday night ' 0 Below Zero In the North. 0U ) U St. Paul , Minn. , March 15. Ono i in greo above zero was the official to lie peraturo hero today To add to t discomfort after the tompornti : weather of the last week , a wind of mated at sixty miles an hour , sw < 2r- over the city 2red In northern North Dakota and Ci ed ada zero temperatures prevail. Devi ndof Lake , N. D , reported 2 below ; Win of peg 6 below , Minnedosa 12 bole ho Quappello 8 below and Prince Albi id 8 below. The forecast Is for contli idby by cd cold today and tonight hep Duluth , Minn. , March 1C. With ; p drop of 70 degrees In eighteen hoi ire the thermometer this morning on t cb city streets showed five below zero he Cold Wave Moves East. iy. Washington , March 15. Stori 3lr weather will prevail along the Atli j tic coast tonight and warnings ha of been displayed all the way from E ; Port. Maine , to CaH' | llattonm. The Htenm Is moving eastward fioin the ) gieat lake legion Decidedly colduf t weather IH predicated b > the weather bureau for the entile country east of the Mississippi within the next fifty- six hours. In Noifolk the loinporaturo dropped Mi elegtces , fiom till to 111. Valentine Nominees. Valentino , Neb , March If' ' . Special to The News At the clllretm caucua held heio , Howard Laporto , Cldo Davenport and ( Jeorgo Chapman vvoro nominated for the town board , Lu- poi to and Davenport have been on , but their term explios this spring , nnd Mr Chapman will take the place of Mr Kcoly WOMAN CHILD-3LAYER INSANE ? Her Man Friend Was an Expcit at Making Embioidcry. Albun.v. N Y Mineh II With a long list ol witnesses , miniv of thorn women , summoned lo test if v to tlu < mental unsoundiu'ss ol Mis I'dlth Melbei , on dial foi tbo minder of hoi ; little ne n It Hooiued todav that the defense might not he abli > to lepoit heloie tomoiienv Iheii expeitn upon whoso leslliuonv lliev hope to estab llsh the fail that tile doleiidinit was nientnllv Im ompoteiillieii she com milted l ho cilnie Alvstoiv i ontiniie-i to nttinli lo the leason of the deleime foi liislsling on tlie attendance In loint ol Howard Khk who lias llguied as .Mrs .Melhei s i loses ! filcnd pi lor to the tiagedy foi uliiih site Is on tiial Imposing ov bibits of ail einbiotdeiv bv Kill ; , piled on the desk of tbo defendant's lotin- scl , aie highly stimulative ot union IIV A Rcdmonite Chosen. Dublin , Maich 15 Augustine Hoche a Hodmonlfo , was elected today to the scat lor the north division of Louth made vacant by the court's decision that Hlchaid Hn/lctonV oloctlon at tlio last pailianuMitary pollings waa seemed by fiaud. Today'n oloctlon was unopposed , Timothy Healy refusIng - Ing to reeontest the' seat from which he was ousted by Ha/leton. Robins Stay All Year. llurke. S D Marcli 15. Special to Tlio Newtiiegoiy county people bave > been passlvel > interested In the excitement attending the discovery of tlio 1011 lobin in Nebiaska , an noted by The News' correspondents in v in ions paits of that state Robins have boon plentiful in thiu vicinity fe > r tlie last siweokH , and the fact that tlioj appear about Fobiuary 1 each jear piobabl.v explains why the oc- cinicnco excites no comment , It hav ing become tbo ic-gular annual thing so that tlio people here do net seem to icallye that theie Is anything remark able about It , and no one ban thought it woitli while to tii' to explain It or find out why It is so However , this week the subject was brought to mind by Chailes F Doegan , a lanchman living em Whetstone clock , twelve miles noi th of Huike Mr Deogan says that loblns do not como to this pait of the' countiy from the Houth nnj eailb i than they do to any othoi ) ait of the countiv liit the se'ciot of he-ir e.nlv appoaiance hoio each year lies in the fact that they never leave- He doc-hues thnt he can show anyone i lobin within ten minutes' walk of his house any day in tlio jear. It seems that nature has provided In n can > on on Mr. Deogan's ranch a na- tuial w intei homo for biids , where tlie > stay instead of migrating upon the approach of w inter. Mr. Deogan descilbes tbo place as a eleop canyon sheltered from the north winds by a high bluff. At the base of this bluff is a low of hot water springs small goy- sois , as it weio and the steam and waim vapor ailslng fiom these , it is presumed , oveicomos the frigid atmos phere of winter and keeps the tem perature of the canyon near temperate - ate all winter. Mr. Doegan declares thnt snow falling In the canyon molts nearly as fast as it falls , the ground alwa > s being warm , owing to the res- oivoiiB of hot water which evidently underlie the locality , and that the giass and other verdure near the springs does not die , but remains green and continues to grow all win- tor. And hoio the robins and other biids iemain all winter enjoying the comforts of a steam heated flat until spilng , when they scatter over the surrounding country and select places for Hummer housekeeping. Mr. Dee gan declares that the birds which win ter In this canyon usually start house- Ifooplng cailler In the sprhig than those which come In from the south , and Is confident that they are already nesting this year and that within a week or two lie will bo able to Invite doubters to como and \levv joung rob ins in tlio nest Ho states that ho Is going to attempt the growth of trop leal plants and trees In the canyon , although tbo available space is so small that his efforts will necessarily bo on a small scale , the entire area of the canyon being not over an acre However , ho will try lemon and orange - ango tre' Mils year , nnd If h6 IH suc cessful with them will endeavor to lay out nnd develop a real tropical garden on n small scale. The canyon Is now heavily timbered with largo trees and shrubbery Indigenous to this soil and climate. Mr. Deegan was formerly a resident of Lindsay , In Platte county , Neb. , and Is a man of nmiuestloned veracity. His reports have excited a great deal of Interest here and bin place will un doubtedly bo visited by parties from this town in the near future , and some project along the line of a winter re sort may bo broached. The News' correspondent waa rais ed in the town of Bassott , In Hock county , Neb , , and remembers when a boy of thinking It strange that the first robins each year arrived appar ently from the north Instead of the south , ns the books teach. The rea son is now undoubtedly made plain in t the discovery of the Doegan canyon.