The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 17, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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At Last nil Beats are Filled to Try the
Band of Murderers.
Vltorho , Itnly , March 1C. Aflor
much difficulty u Jury was secured to
day for the trlnl of the thirty-six mom-
liorB of the Cnmorrn who nru charg
ed , In various degrees , with the mur
ders of their follow thieves , ( lonniirro
Cuoccolo and the Inttor'x wife , Marie
Cutlnolll Cuoecolo. The four HoutH left
vacant whnu court adjoiinicd yeslor-
day were tilled during the forenoon
and two Jurors In nddlllon to thoHo
required liy law also were Hworn In.
.When the Innt Juror had ( iiialllled
President Hlanohl iidjourned court un
til thin afternoon when the proceed
ings were reHiinicd.
Dr. Noyer Injured.
Vnlontlno , Nub. , March lli. Special
to The NOWH : Word Jimt reached
here that Dr. NoycH , United States
veterinarian , who lives hero , was quite
vorloiiKly hurt In a runaway near
Sprlngvlow Hoinowhcie. Ills team bo-
cnino frightened and ran away , throw-
In ? ; the doctor out Into a wire fence ,
cutting htm and bruising him up quite
iNidly. An automobile will leave hero
Thursday and go over and bring him
to hln homo In tliln city If he IH so ho
cnn bo moved.
Newspaper Men Safe.
San Diego. Calif. , March If. . . Albert
vVuest , clubman and driver of the mo
tor car In which Kdltor W. 1) . You
niarlcom , of .tho San Diego Tribune ,
and a party of newspaper men started
for Knsomida , Lower California , early
V'unday and lost his course , arrived
hero yoHtorday. Ho ivportod the rest
of the party Halo at Tijuana , Mex. ,
though having undergone great hard
Wiienl reports that a baud of rebels
killed the. Alcalde at Real Castillo ,
when ho refused to obey a demand for
provisions and horses. Real Castillo
Is llfty miles south of th6 border.
Wuest says that rebels In bands of
ten to twenty-five are occupying the
country between Esenada and Tljuna ,
robbing ranches and hamlets of horses
and provisions. Leaders of these
bands assorted that when fully equip
ped they would consolidate and attack
Olllclal Information received here is
that Governor Vega sent a force of 140
Mexican troops from Ensonada to
clear the country of Inmirroctos and
This force started northward and
must inarch llfty miles to the llrst
camp of the rebels.
Western Tennis Tourney Dates.
Chicago , March 15. A schedule of
the western tennis tournament was
adopted here by the executive com
mittee of the Western Tennis associa
tlon. 'The chief tournament , the wes
tern championship , was dated for the
Onwentsla club .Inly 22 to 20.
The following 'events ' were sched
uled. North Dakota championship ,
Grand Forks. N. p. , July 10-15 ; I III
nois Htate championship , Azote club ,
July 8-15 ; Northwestern champion
ship , Minnctonka , Minn. , July 17-22 ;
Kansas City tourney , Kansas City
July 20 ; National doubles , preliminary
August 1-2 ; National clay court chain
plonship , Omaha , August 5-12.
Dates for the Wisconsin state cham
ploushlp and city and county tournoy.s
will bo decided within a week.
"Unk" Russell Wins.
Kansas City , March 15. "Unk" Una
sel of Philadelphia gained a well earn
cd decision over Young Otto of Now
York in a ten-round bout hero.
\ McFarland Outpoints Owen Moran
Now York , March 15. Packoy Me
Farland , the Chicago lightweight , out
pointed Owen Mornn , claimant of the
English lightweight championship , a
every stage of their ten-round figln
before the Fairmont Athletic club
hero last night. It was a clean , hard
found battle throughout.
A Bout at St. Joe.
SI. Joseph , March 15. Freddie Dau
tola of St. Joe , to a fiercely fough
contest , knocked out Eddie Howard o
8t Louis in the tenth round of
scheduled fifteen-round bout.
New Kansas Utllltiea Law.
Topeka , Kan. , March 15. Govorno
Stubbs signed the public utilities com
mission bill. The bill limits the juris
diction of the commission to the state
wide utilities , leaving local utilltic
under the Jurisdiction of local govern
Republicans Hold Caucus.
Republican councilmanic nominees
First Ward Dr. H. J. Colo.
Second Ward J. C. Larkin.
Third Ward B. A. Amarine.
Fourth Ward Robert Eccles.
Following are the delegates to the
city convention :
First Ward Dr. H. J. Cole , W. H.
ninkoman , Hurt Mnpes. M. D. Tyler ,
Dr. C. S. Parker. W. A. Wltzigman , N.
A. Huse , E. M. Clements , E. R. Hayes ,
C. C. Gow , W. J. Gow. ( Chairman and
secretary to 1111 all vacancies. )
Second Ward S. D. Robertson , J.
A. Porter , John Phinney , J. C. Larkin ,
Jack Koenigstoln , C. P. Parish , D. B.
Duffy. A. II. Kiesau , C. E. Hartford , J.
W. Ransom , F. E. Carrlck , Z. F. Me-
Ginnls , R. F. Bruce , George- . Lain-
jf bert. S. D. Robertson _ was chosen
Third Ward R. II. Reynolds , C. F.
Shaw , William Beswlck , George N.
Heels , M. C. Hazen , J. II. Vanhorn , E.
L. Loucks , N. S. Weetrope , S. T. Ad.
ams , F. S. Genung , J. M. Covert. R ,
H. Reynolds was ivido commlttoeman.
In the First ward caucus , E. R ,
Hayes was elected chairman and N. A ,
Huse secretary. In the Second ward
S. D. Roborteon was chairman and V ,
V. Light secretary- Third ward , J. II ,
Lough , chairman , M. C. Hazon secre
Vote to Move the University.
Lincoln , March 15. The report ol
the university committee was approv
ed by the flonato after a delay of sev
ral wceka. Tlbbots tried to get
trough a motion not to concur , but
as defeated , 14 to 19. Ollln , chair-
inn of the committee which reported
or removal , Insisted that some action
o taken upon the decision which has
Iready been approved by the house.
Ibbets spoke Against the removal , do-
larlng that It would bo unwise Ilium-
lally and educationally to remove the
Milldlngs from the city minims to the
ma campus.
The house spent nearly all day In
onslderatlon of the general malnlcn-
nco bill. The recommendations of
he llnanco ways and means commit-
ce are still under discussion and
vhen ( ho house adjourned the division
f the stato'n tlnances had not been
Feathers Stay On Milady's Hat.
The Nebraska senate killed the bill
ntonded to prohibit the salof feat li
nt for women's liats , whether the
lumage be taken from birds killed
n Nebraska or other states.
County Option in Missouri.
Jefferson City , Mo. , Marcn 15. Lo-
al option , county unit , won in the
louse when that body reconsidered
ho action by which the bill was made
special order for Thursday and not-
i'itliKtanding a filibuster against the
neasure , patmed it late In the after-
loon. Product local option for the
arger cities was defeated. The bill
or a municipal court for St. Louis
ailed of passage in the senate , by
urge vote. A bill paused calling for
pt'rlnllection In November to deter-
nine whether a commission to pro-
are a now state legislation shall be
allod May 12 , 11)12. ) Senate conferees
311 the now capltol bill agreed upon a
ubstltuto measure Increasing the
unount fiom $3,000,000 10 RHOO.OOO
o as to include n fund for furnishing
ho building.
Express Drivers in New York Prepare
for a General Walk-out.
New York , March 15. The calling
) f a general strike of express drivers
n New York and Jersey City was
auctioned at a joint session of the
greater New York executive council
f the International Brotherhood of
'canisters and the general council of
canisters of Jersey City. The strike
vas not ordered but a committee was
ippointcd to present the strikers'
rlevances to the Adams Express com
pany today and ask for a conference
o adjust them. It was said at the
itrlkers1 headquarters that sentiment
vas for calling a general strike if the
onference was refused.
No Leading Politicians Indicted Ad
journ Till Election Day.
Danville , 111. , March 15. After re-
timing thirty-seven indictments , but
'ourteen of which were political of-
'enses , the grand jury was dismissed
by Judge Kimbrough until April 17 ,
the day preceding the city election ,
s'o politicians or leading citizens were
indicted , , the accused being all pre
cinct captains and workers about the
lolls. William F. Brown , a member
of the city election commission , was
ndictcd for receiving money from a
candidate , to Influence his vote.
The grand jury adopted resolutions
which will be sent to the governor
ind members of the state assembly
that a law bo enacted making the
first offense for purchasing votes dis
franchiscment for five years , and the
second dlsfranchiscment for life.
Other resolutions wore adopted com
plaining of the obstructive tactics of
leading men and condemning County
Judge Lawrence T. Allen for appoint
ing Brown on the city election com
For Carrying a Gun.
Crcighton , Neb. , March 15. Speclu
to The News : Ed Rubel , a farmer
living near Creighton , was fined $25
and costs for carrying concealed weap
ons. II is alleged that a few days ago
Rubel made a wild west gun play on
the street , and threatened to fill Ax
toll Anderson full of lead , and thai
Anderson merely smiled and Inrlted
Rubel to blaze away. Further hostl !
itles weno prevented by Mrs. Rube
stepping in front of the gun and im
ploring her husband to desist and go
home , it was said.
Anderson and Rubel were associat
cd in several business deals.
Adsmc Express Company Strikers
Places Filled by New Men.
New York , March 15. Practically
the entire service of the Adams Ex
press company was put into operation
this morning , about 100 wagons being
manned by crews of strikebreaker
who have taken the places of the regular
ular drivers and helpers who have
been on strike for several days.
TYy Woman for Murder.
Hartington , Neb. , March 15. The
trial of Mrs. Maggie Davis for the
murder , November 2 last , of Ira
Churchill , a well known farmer , who
lived near Coleridge , Neb. , was begun :
in the district court of Cedar county
at 11 o'clock and at the same term of
the district court is set for hearing the
petition of Mrs. Davis , filed more than
a year ago , for a divorce from her
husband , William Davis , so that she
would bo free to marry Ira Churchill ,
the man she later killed. Great inter ;
est is being shown in the case.
Insanity May Be Defense.
The nature of the defense Attorney
Mlllard will offer for liis client is un
certain. At any rate ho refuses to
divulge his hand until the proper time
to play it. Ho does not deny that he
will try to show that Mrs. Davis wae
not in her right mind when she killed
Ira Churchill. It is understood that
the only witness that has been sub
poenaed for the defense is Mrs. Clara
Karo , formerly proprietor of the Mer
chants hotel , the place where Mrs ,
Davis was kept for several days aftei
ifher arrest on the murder charge. Mrs ,
varo has told friends about town that
Irn. Davis acted etxremoly queer
vhen she wan boarding at the hotel.
Vhat else Mr. Ilubbard may have up
ils sleeve is not known ,
Glad She Killed Him.
Mm. DavlK , when questioned after
er arrest as to the motive for the
rime , said that she was glad shu had
filed Ira Churchill , as he had "done
cr dirt. "
The authoi itles say she murdered
"hurchll ! becauno ho disappointed her.
They think she started suit for a dl-1
oroe believing that Churchill \sould
narry her. Last summer Churchill
vent away and married n young girl.
'hen ho caino back to his farm with
Us new bride. Stung by the bitter
eellng that she had been thrown
side for another woman after she had
acrlllced a home , the Davis woman
vas filled with a raving desire to got
t > \cngc. She went to a farmhouse
icar the Churchill homo and secured
vork. While she labored during the
lay. she planned on getting the life
f the man who , she said , promised to
n.ike her hia wife.
Often after night had fallen she was
een to leave the little farmhouse and
; o in the direction of the Churchill
dare. She explained that she was
ifter fresh air and wanted to bo alone ,
lor little child , a girl 10 years old ,
vas not with her on the farm , so she
lid not see her mother on these HOC-
urnal parades.
On the night of November 2 , last ,
ho determined to end the llfo of
. 'Inn-chill , and started for his homo.
f was after 8 o'clock when she found
ilm in the barn milking cows. She
Irod four shots at him from a . 'AS-
lbor revolver. All went true to
heir mark. Three entered his head
ind ono went into his left breast ,
lo died a few minutes later , resting
n the arms of his wife.
Uncle Sam Tells Mexico to Turn
Loose Two of Our Men.
Washington , March 15. An investi
gation having convinced the American
; ovornment that Edwin Blatt of Pitts-
mrg , Pa. , and Lawrence Converse of
,09 Angeles , Calif. , hold as prisoners
at Juarez , Mexico , had been captured
on American soil , the state depart-
iit asked the Mexican government
to release them. The request was do-
ivercd to the Mexican embassy at
Tim case has been under Investlgo
: ion for several weeks by the depart
ments of the state and justice. Thn
inquiry has developed that the m n
undoubtedly wore apprehended on this
side of the boundary , not very far
from the line , but in the United States.
It remains for the Mexican authorities
to prove that the scene of the entire
procedure has been within the Jurla
diction of Mexico or else set the men
at liberty.
Blatt and Converse were arrested
on February 22 and confined In the
federal prison at Juarez on charges
in connection with the plot against
President Diaz. The state department
shortly after the arrests was assured
that the men would receive fair trial * .
One Bunch Says Woman Is Insane ,
Another Bunch Contradicts.
Albany , N. Y. , March 15. A battle
of medical experts was in prospect
today when the trial of Mrs. Edith
Melber , charged with the murder of
her child , was resumed before Su
preme Court Justice Howard. Three
alienists have testified that the ac
cused is insane , has always been in
sane and will bo until she dies. They
say she is a victim of "imbecile insan
ity , " and upon their testimony and
that of the lay witnesses who have
told of her erratic conduct , Mrs. Mol-
ber'a counsel hopes to save her from
the electric chair.
To combat this testimony , the pros
ecution has engaged four medical ex
Entertain for Mrs. Kelper.
Pierce , Neb. , March 15 : Special to
The News : The Woman's club enter
tained in honor of Mrs. Keipor , for
merly wife of the superintendent of
insane hospital at Norfolk , but now of f
Los Angeles , at a four-course luncheon
at 1 o'clock yesterday at the home of
Mrs. Woods Cones. Mrs. Kelper just
returned from a trip around the world
and is visiting friends at Pierce. She
organized the Woman's club llfteen
years ago. The color scheme was IXM !
and white. Table decorations were
American beauty roses and white car
nations. After luncheon a short mu
sical program was rendered. Mrs. F.
J. Rastede and Mrs. C. W. Ulrlch fa
vored the guests with piano solos.
Mrs. Charles Stewart sang a solo.
Mrs. Helper gave a talk on her trip [
around the world and gave a very
good and interesting description of
the costumes and the mode of travel
ing in the different countries. She
saw the Passion play at Oberammer-
gau. Mrs. W. E. Bishop was also a
guest of honor.
Ptomaine Kills a Child.
Des Moines , March 15. Louise
Mann , aged 5 , is dead and three others
Mabel Mann , Andrew Mains and M.
V. Jones are seriously 111 as the re
sult of ptomaine poisoning from eat
ing canned peas. The child died about
3 o'clock yesterday afternoon , death
being due to the breaking of a blood
vessel while In a paroxysm of suffer
ing. Physicans say the others will ro <
The School Board View.
Norfolk , Neb. , March 14. Tp the
Voters of the School District of the
City of Norfolk : In yesterday's issue
of The Daily News wo had printed the
legal notice of an election to decide
whether or not this school district
shall issue bonds in the amount o !
$25,000. We feel that ( he public Is en
titled to a full explanation of the con
dltion of our schools and school prop
erty , and of the causes leading up tc
this request for bonds. We then asV
the public to decide the case of wheth
er or not the bonds shall bo Issued ,
flatly upon Its merits.
The purpose of the bonds Is to erect
I an addition of two rooms to the Grant
' school building , and to provide a mod
ern system of heating and ventilation
In the same , and to orcct a four-room
addition to the West Lincoln school
lo take the place of the old Lincoln
building , which must be abandoned In
the very near future because of Its
, dangerous condition.
I Tim addition to the Grant school IH
an urgent necessity an all patrons of
that school will testify. The over-
| 1 crowded condition there has caused
the sumo condition in all our build
ings except the high school. Wo
should bo able to accommodate six
grades at the Grant school. Instead
of that we have none of the sixth
grade there , and only one-half of the
llfth. Those classes the 5A , < 3A and
GB , must bo accommodated at the Lin
coln schools. This of course crowds
those buildings , which in turn over
flow Into the Washington school.
Even without those three classes at
the Grant school , many others who
live In the Grant school district are
compelled to cross the tracks and at
tend the Lincoln schools in order to
keep the Grant school enrollment low
enough to be handled by six teachers.
The bad results then of this over
crowding are as follows :
1. Ten of our twenty-throe grade
teachers have an enrollment of llfty or
more , no name counted twice in the
enrollment , and some have sixty or
more enrolled. No teacher should
have enrolled over forty-live , and
every pupil above forty in any school
room greatly lessons the efficiency of
the work done.
2. Many children are compelled to
go long distances and across danger
ous railroad crossings. This is both
Inconvenient and dangerous.
I ! . The Kindergarten grades aiid
the 1A grades in all buildings can
have but half-day sessions.
The addition of two rooms at the
Grant school would for some time at
least alleviate these evils.
The addition to the Lincoln school
is necessary because the East Lincoln
building is in a dangerous condition.
Our attention was recently called to
the fact that the floors of this build
ing were very unstable. Upon exam
ination by competent authority , it was
found that the whole building was in
an unstable condition , and that while
it might bo repaired so as to last for a
year or two , It ought as soon as pos
sible to bo abandoned. The stairways
in tliis building are so constructed as
to constitute a veritable trap in case
of fire. We have taken steps to have
the floors sufficiently repaired to last
through the present school year , but
we feel that the risk to the welfare
and even the lives of our children is
too great to warrant us in attempting
to use the building another year. We
are , therefore , asking these bonds that
a modern usable building may replace
the dangerous fire-trap now occupied
by 200 of our children.
Now a word as to the rate of inter
est asked upon the bonds. Six per
cent school bonds will be easily mar
keted. We believe 5 percent bonds
can bo marketed. If the bonds are
voted at ( J % it does not illegali/.e is
suing them at 5 % , but if voted at 5 %
they cannot be issued at G % . The
bonds will be issued at 5 % unless the
bond market is so close as to compel
us to make the issue at 6 % . In call
ing for the 0 % issue wo feel that we
are merely playing safe , for experi
ence in marketing our recent high
school bonds taught us that occasion
ally very small technicalities may be
taken advantage of.
Wo feel that in the expenditure of
district money in the past we have in
some degree at least merited your
confidence , and we shall put forth
every effort to prove worthy of the
further continuance of that same con
fidence in this matter.
Respectfully submitted ,
A. II. Viele , President.
8. G. Dean , Vice Pres.
John Welsh. #
A. Degner.
C. S. Bridge.
Fred M. Hunter , Supt
An Additon to the Cotton Block ,
The preliminary work looking to
ward the building of an addition on
the Cotton block wag done yesterday
when City Engineer Tracy , with the
assistance of his brother , was busy
measuring off the ground on the south
end of the building. The addition will
bo one story high and extend to the
alley between Norfolk avenue and
Madison avenue and will adjoin the
A. L. Kllllan store.
Could Entrain Within an Hour.
After a conference held between
Captain C. L. Anderson , his staff of
officers and the entire number of en
listed men , In the company's armory
on East Norfolk avenue last night , an
nouncement was made at the officers'
quarters that the company is prepared
for any orders Uncle Sam cares to
give them and that they can entrain
within ono hour's notice.
After a conference between the of
ficers of the company a discussion was
hold regarding the recent hurried
movement of troops to the Mexican
border. Every member of the com
pany took part in this discussion' and
it was apparent that the soldiers are
eager to go to the front.
The report that Captain Andoreor
has received confidential orders to be
in readiness to leave at a moment's
notice was strengthened by the com
mandant's announcement that those
who care to join the company with a
chance to go to the front , if such ar
opportunity should present itself , could
do so by making applications through
him. Captain Anderson has beet
swamped with letters from othei
towns sent by men who wish to en
list in his company. Some of the letters
tors have been sent by married mei
and these have been turned away.
Captain Anderson declared that al
though he wants a large company t <
represent Norfolk at the Mexican bor
dor , ho prefers men from this vicinity.
"I bollevo Norfolk will get the op
portunity to go to the front with the
first call , if such a call Is given , " said
the captain. "Wo can leave on ono
hour's notice. Wo discussed the situa
tion thoroughly last evening and all
our Hold equipment Is In splendid con
dition. "
Two Battles Reported.
1C1 Paso , Tex. , March M. Federal
troops from Matainoras and Torreon
caught a band of rebels at C'oyoto ha
cienda , near Torreon on Saturday last ,
according to mall advices , and there
was considerable loss on each side.
The rebels had just robbed the ha
cienda. Friday in a fight at Sauelllo
hacienda , 300 rebels and 100 regulars
met and six rebels wore killed , all
Americans , but unidentified.
Governor Dlx Says Progress Is Made
at the Conference.
Albany , N. Y. , March 1-1. Following
a conference at the executive mansion
today with Mayor Gaynor and Charles
P. Murphy , Governor Dlx stated that
progress toward settling the senator-
shift deadlock was being made and
t'at ' : ho hoped to have some. Interest
ing information to announce later In
the week.
Marries Wisconsin Girl in Rnclne Col
lege Chapel.
Hacine , Wls. , March M. In Racine
college chapel at noon today Miss Hel
en Mills Rogers , daughter of Mrs. lien-
jamln Talbot Rogers of tills city , and
Ogden Mills Reid of New York , son
of Ambassador and Mrs. Whitolaw
Rold , wore united in marriage. Rev.
I. Talbot Rogers , D. D. , of Fond du
Lac , Wls. , a brother of the bride , per
formed the ceremony. Ambassador
and Mrs. Reid were present. The
groom Is a director and secretary of
the Tribune association , publishers of
the New York Tribune. He is a grad
uate of Yale law school and a member
of the Now York bar.
Hold-up Man is Captured.
Through shrewd detective work on
the part of Chief of Police Marquardt ,
assisted by Patrolman O'Brien , Earl
Ray and Sheriff Baumann of Fremont ,
the capture of J. W. Laff , charged witli
holding up and robbing an old man in
Lincoln a few weeks ago , was effccled
Tuesday morning when Laff was put
under arrest in the postoffico lobby ,
where he had called for a Mtcr , a me
dium through which the authorities
) ad planned to make the arrest.
Laff had a partner with him when
ho held up the old man in Lincoln and
they came together as far as Fremont ,
whore they parted , Laff coming to Nor
folk and his partner remaining in Fre
mont. When descriptions of the hold
up men were received by Sheriff Ban
mann , that official arrested the part
ner and Laff was traced to this city.
From a confession obtained from the
partner at Fremont it was discovered
that Laff would call at the postofflco
here for a letter. Chief of Police Mar
quardt stationed his men in the lobby
and Tuesday morning his man appear
ed and was arrested.
Laff came to Norfolk from Fremont
only a few days ago and has been en
gaged as a carpenter for a local con
tractor. Behind the bars , he declared
hat Jail was an awfully cold place
and that it was his first experience in
Patrolman O'Brien took Laff to Fre
mont at noon , where ho was met by a
. .Incoln officer , who took both Laff and
ils partner to Lincoln.
When the man was first taken , it
vas reported about the postoffice that
was one of the fugitive Nebraska
penitentiary convicts.
Charles McKibben , Wealthy Black
Hills Pioneer , is Cremated.
Deadwood , March 14. Charles Mc
Kibben , aged 55 , a wealthy pioneer
jrospector , was burned to death in
bis cabin near here last night. A
amp IB supposed to have caused the
Turn from Porter.
Den Moines , March 14. The Iowa
democratic legislature today turned
from Claude R. Porter , for whom they
have been voting since the session bon -
n , and cast forty-seven votes for
Frank O. Connor of Chickasha county.
O'Connor alone voted for Porter.
Judge Deemer received fifty-two votes ,
Judge Kenyon forty-six. Four were
paired and six were absent. Neces
sary to elect , 74.
Vetoes Kansas Inheritance Tax.
.Topeka , Kan. , March 14. Governor
Stubbs today vetoed the Inheritance
tax law passed by the recent session
of the legislature. The now bll
changed the old law to exempt direct
heirs from liability under the law.
Was Burled by a Cave-in.
Frank Genung , the plumber In the
employ of J. W. Ransom on the pro
limlnary work of the new garage on
East Norfolk avenue , is today thank
Ing both his luck and his working
companions after surviving burial in a
cave-in of dirt on the avenue.
For several days past Genung an <
his companions have been digging
through the pavement in search o
the sewer for the purpose of making
connections for the new building. One
large hole had been refilled after n
fruitless starch for the sewer , and an
other large hole was well under way
Genung was working alone In this holr
when the loose dirt caved in and bu
rled him. His companions saw th
dirt fall and the warning cries wer
too late. They extricated Genung af
ter some difficulty. He was not In
Among the day's out-of-town visitor
in Norfolk were : Joe Blorn , Crelgh
ton ; Otto H. Kruger , Pllger ; Wllllai i
lloford. Crelghlon ; John lloyor , Hum.
phroy ; C. W. Loach , Naper ; T. ( . ' . ( MI-
bert , Mtirdo ; E. A. Murphy , Crelgh-
ton ; S. M. Wyatt , Anoka ; 10. W. Vor-
IWPKU , St. Edwards ; F. E. Frances ,
fill-roll ; JamoH Stephen , Carroll ; W.
U. IJellowH. Carroll ; Mrs. 13. Crook ,
Winner ; Peter Volte , liosklns.
Hay Baker of Pllgor was here.
H. C. MeKliiHot of Stanlon was In
the city.
.Miss Hertz of Fairfax was a visitor
In the city.
James linker of Hloonillcld was here
in business.
George 13. Schiller of Central City
Is In the city.
J. J. Steart of Yankton was In the
city transacting business.
George Krumm of Tlldon was here.
E. E. Miller has gone to Chicago on
A business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stllson of Atkin
son are visiting their daughter , Mrs.
August Dock of Hosklns was in the
city transacting business.
Mrs. John Saoger of Plorco. who has
boon visiting relatives , returned home.
Misses Edith Herman and May
Johnson returned from a visit with
friends at Madison.
Mrs. J. W. Dletrlck , who has boon
III , has gone to Dubtiquc , la , , to spend
n few weeks with relatives.
S. G. Mayor Is expected In the city
tonight from Ms extensive visit in
New York City. Mrs. Mayor and chil
dren will remain in Lincoln for a few
days' visit with relatives.
Mrs. Arthur O. Blmson Is reported
ory 111.
Engineer M. C. Howe is laid up with
n attack of the grip.
Mrs. Sherman Wllloy , who has been
nitc 111 , Is much better.
Mrs. Wade of Eleventh street and
Taylor avenue is reported suffering
from pneumonia.
Frank Canole Is ruporled recovered
nfter several days' Illness.
E. A. Young , who has been very 111
with an attack of the grip , Is well on
the road to recovery.
The Trinity guild of the Episcopal
church will meet with Mrs. W. R.
Jones Thursday of this week.
Fred Hellerman has been granted a
few weeks' vacation from the Star
clothing store and will leave soon for
a visit on the western coast.
Miss Edith Herman has resigned her
osltlon as bookkeeper at the Star
lothlng store and will leave for Los
Angeles , Calif. , in a few weeks.
Word was received from Rochester ,
linn. , Tuesday morning reporting that
Vlfred Bohlander underwent an op
ration for gallstones and that his con
Itlon was favorable.
Louis Ottmor , shoemaker in the
Norfolk shoe store , is the luckiest
unter of the season. Yesterday
e brought in a large wild goose and a
arge number of ducks.
W. S. Wanser of Plainview and his
on , W. L. Wanser of Oklahoma , are
n the city packing up a stock of dry
goods which they have purchased for
he purpose of shipping to Oklahoma.
R. S. Lackey reports the sale of the
Sirs. Mary Conrad lot on Hayes av-
nue and Eleventh street to Rev. E.
J. Hammond. It is believed a resi-
lenco will bo built there In the near
E. S. Monroe commenced his duties
is rural carrier on route No. 5 Mon-
lay morning. E. E. Trulock was put
n charge of the lire station. Mr. Mon
oe will have charge of the station
luring the night.
Cleo Lederer returned from Omaha ,
vhero. he attended the convention of
lie state Y. M. C. A. association. Mr.
adorer reports the convention well
attended. This convention , lie says ,
vas the best held in Omaha in six-
eon years.
A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jdward Thompson caused some ex-
itement in the Thompson home yes-
erday when she swallowed a chicken
bone which became fast in her throat.
V physician had to be called to re
move the bone.
Ira E. Atkinson , general superinten
dent of the Security Mutual Llfo In
surance company of Lincoln , is in the
city for the purpose of establishing a
district agency of his company here ,
for which an office will bo opened in
he near future. He was accompanied
< y J. L. Edwards , who will have
charge of the olllce and become the
district agent.
Wild ducks are very numerous in
.his part of the country just now.
Pour Norfolk hunters returned from
Enola Monday night with the record
number of ducks for the season. Six
ty-three ducks , not counting tho&o
which could not bo found In the water ,
were killed by Norton Howe , S. E.
Martin , A. Koyen and E. Dahm.
F. A. Beeler returned from Now
York and other eastern cites , where
ho spent a month transacting busi
ness. Mr. Boeler declares the Sulli
van boys of O'Neill are making good
in the east and are popular In athletic
circles. He declares the fight Jack
Sullivan is reported to have lost was
a hard fought one and that neither
fighter received a decision.
Ono crate of seed corn , the firsi
shipment for the use of the local Con
Growing club , arrived from Blair yes
terday and is to bo distributed auion ?
the members of the club within thf
next few days by G. L. Carlson , whc
Is donating this valuable seed corn at
an Inducement to the club. Each cratt
of this corn Is valued at $10. Eacl
has been tested and great results ar 'C
being looked for by the Commercla
club , under whose auspices the corr
club was organized.
The two tramps arrested at tin
Junction Monday noon were no
brought before Judge Elsoloy for trial
and according to the judge they wen
probably ordered out of town. Fron
the window of the jail can bo seei
the large pile of unbroken rock am
this is usually criticised by tramps win
spend the night In the jail , and tin
request of ono of yesterday's prisoner
that the marshal give them "a chauc <
to got out of town" may have beoi
Induced by the sight of the rocks.
Prospect Hill Cemetery assoclatloi
hold its annual meeting yesterday am
the ( niHtooH were all lo-oloetud , as fol
lowi , : S. H. Cotton , C. II. nurhuul , W.
J. ( Jew , S. G. Dean , H. D. Robertson , L.
SoHHloiiM and Dr. II. J. Colo. The HOC
rclary's report , showed a balance fiom
lust year of $1,152.11 ; collections for
Urn year- $1.107.12 ; expenses for the
year , $ < iit.i7. : ! of which $11.IIS was for
labor. There Is $11.000 In the perpetual
turn fund In the hands ol Special
Treasurer C. U. Durland , and Joit :
general fund In ( he hands or Troax
urer W. J. ( Jow. There were forty-
four burials during the year , from No
70i ; to No. 7IS. A committee wax se
lected to consult with the olllclals of
the Catholic church with the view to
having a wet Ion In the cemetery sot
apart for the o.xelunlvo use of the people -
plo of that church.
Every Mamnilo lodge In the state of
Nebraska IUIH received from Henry T.
Clnik of Omaha a gift In the form of
a gavel made from wood of the old
trading post established In llollovuo
by John Jacob Astor In 1S10 and a
largo picture representing the ntato
for 100 yearn. The Norfolk ledge re
ceived Its gift a few days ago and It
IIIIH been neatly framed by Mlsn Killtti
Ylole and has already been viewed and
admired by a largo number of local
Masons. While the gavel IH a val
uable rolle the picture of the state
seems to tnko the fancy of many who
have viewed it. Among the represen
tations on the picture are photographs
of John Jacob Astor ; his trading post
of 1810 ; Antor'H representative , Wil
liam Price Hunt ; an Omaha village
In 1855 ; General A. Sarpy In 1855 ;
Logan Fontauollo , the Indian known
as the "white IUIUI'H friend" ; a bank
note issue by ( lie Fontanollo. . bank lu
185i ( ; old tinio tin Masonic jowolu on
Nebraska ledge No. 1 , made by J. A.
N'yo ; old Camp Clarke bridge across
the I'latto 450 miles west of Omaha ;
Fort Clarke ; old Deadwood mall
coach ; mission house at Bellevue in
1810 ; Astor memorial tablet , erected
by the State Historical society in
1910 ; dedication of the Clarke monument
ment of the 100th anniversary ; Clarho
Hall of Holloviie ; photograph of Mr.
Clarke and many intorcHting relics of
ancient Nebraska. Mr. Clarke was
born in Now York in 18114. Ho camu
to Nebraska on May 10(1855 ( , and wan
one of the first members of Masonic
lodge No. 1 , which was organized in
1854 , and he is the first Master Mason
of this state.
Fire in a Wisconsin Town.
Superior , Win. , March 14. Fire
broke out in the Strege hotel at Iron
River at an early hour today and before -
fore it was checked had burned tolvo
of the city's main business buildings
witli practically all their contents.
The total loss will not , bo less than
Is Arrested at Humphrey.
Valentino , Neb. , March 14. Special
4) The Ne\\.s : Special Deputy Bush
r > 'i\v > d hero with John Hall , a man
rrt'stcd for horse stealing al Hum-
inrov , Neb. Ho is alleged to have
tolon a horse from Henry J. Low of
.lullen . , Neb. , and sold it to a man by
ho name of Bush ,
Hall was apprehended at Humphrey ,
eb. , while trying to soil some horses
it that place. Hall , the man arrested
or the stealing , was accompanied
icre by his wife.
To Ervin Grosscup , non-resident dc
endant : You are hereby notified that
> n the 24th day of August , 11)10. ) Re-
> ecca Grosscup filed : i petition against
on in the district court of Madison
ounly , Neltraska. the object and
irayor of which are to obtain a di-
orce from you on the grounds that
ou have willfully abandoned the
il.'Untiff ; for non-support , without good
auso for more than two years last
last , and for the custody of the minor
children , the issue of said marriage ,
o-wlt : Pearl , ago nine , and Clinton ,
ago twelve years. You are required
o answer said petition on or before
Monday , the 24th day of April , 1911.
Rebecca GrosHcup , Plaintiff.
Notice of Probate of Foreign Will.
In the county court of Madison conn-
y , Nebraska.
To William Ely , son , Spencer Ely ,
sou , and Harriet Ely , daughter , and
ill persons Interested in the will and
estate of Richard S. W. Ely , late of
Whitcsido county , state of Illinois , de
Whereas , Arthur H. Parsons , the
owner of northeast quarter of section
7 , township 24 , north range 2 , west of
sixth P. M. , in Madison county , Ne
braska , formerly owned by deceased ,
has filed in my office a duly authenti
cated copy of an instrument purport
ing to bo the last will and testament
of said Richard S. W. Ely , deceased ,
and of the proceedings of the probate
thereof in and by the county court in
and for Whltesido county , state of Il
linois , and also bin petition , duly veri
fied , praying that said instrument may
lo probated , allowed and recorded in
this court as the last will and testa.-
mont of said deceased , and for such
proceedings as the law requires.
It is therefore ordered that the 14th
day of April , 1911 , at 1 o'clock p. m. at
the county court room in Madison , in
said county of Madison , Nebraska , is
the time and place appointed for hear
ing said matter , whou all persons In
terested therein may appear at the
hearing in thn county court to be held
in and for said county , and show
cause , If any there bo , why the prayer
of the petitioner should not bo granted
and the said Instrument probated , and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereon bo
given to all persons Interested by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the Norfolk -
folk Weekly News-Journal , a legal
weekly newspaper , printed , published
and of general circulation In said
county , throe successive weeks prio-
to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said court at my olDco in tho. city of
Madison , In said county , this Nth day
of March , A. D. 1011.
Wm. Bates.
( Seal ) County Judge.