TIIK XOKKOLK WICHKhY NHW.S-.IOnRNAL. FRIDAY. MAKCII 10 , WHY ARMYiWAS SENT ( Continued from llm tiago. ) piirtincnt ha * been knocking at the doors of congress for mlilltlontil of lie-urn gave giomid for the conjecture ( hut the real purpose for the Invlta tlon watt to UHO them to oominane ! troopa. The need of the nrmy foi inoro offlcoiH for command position ; lent color to this version. Congress nt HH hint session passci n Itlll authorizing 2I0 ! additional of IlcorH. The war department la now arranging to examine officers for pro motion under this law. Even will thin iimnhcr , It is said , the quota wil fall wliort of the necessary offlcla personnel for the army under Us pros out , organization. The war department gave- emphatic denial to the suggestion that the mill Uu offlcprn would bo UHCil to ill ! vn ninclcs In command and relteratet the Hlatemont that the assembling o the national guard olflrers wouli morcly lie for the purpose of Instnic I- - tlon.Three Three aeroplanes of standard type It wan made known , will be purchase ! and niHhed to the front for servlci with the troops. This carries out tin Idea of the directors of the prescn campaign lo equip the army which 1 being moMH/od as a modern orgnnizn lion with all departments of mllltar ; science. These aeroplanes will hi lltted with wireless telegraph Inslrn month and will operate with the cnv airy In reconnolsance. U Is said tin .situation will present a splendid or portunlty for a further trial of acre planes for war purposes. Congress at the last session apprc printed $125,000 for aeronautics litho the army and made $25,000 of till amount Immediately available. Diaz In Excellent Health. Mexico City , March Jt.- General DIa received Admiral La.lorte anfl mem hers of his staff at 5 o'clock in th national palace. At 8 he was In conference feronco In his town residence with th governor of Guanajuato. In reply to i query from Barcelona to a member o the president's staff regarding as t < the truth of the rumors which hai reached there , Colonel Parforla Dia5 Jr. , cabled that his father was In ex cellent health. The president possei the morning in his offices in the nn tlonal palace and walked In Chapulte pee grounds as usual. Taft Reassures Oiaz. Mexico City , March P. Setting a rest all rumors that the United State Is preparing for intervention in MCJ ice , President Taft sent to I'residen Diaz a telegram in which he says th military maneuvers being conducte along the frontier In Texas have n significance which should cause cor corn to Mexico. The message wa transmitted lo the department of foi oign relations by Fred M. Deering , th charge d'affaires of the American en bassy. Mexico Seizes Press Wire. Laredo , Tex. , March 9. It was 11:1 : o'clock last night before the regula Associated Press leased wire from L ; redo to the City of Mexico was allowe to be put into operation. This circu ordinarily opens at 0:40 : p. m. Las night the Mexican telegraph office her informed the Laredo office of the Ai socialcd Press that no orders had bee received from Mexico to make up th circuit and that they could not mal : the connection until authorized to d oo. No other explanation was vouci . safed and as the wires were in worl ing condition It Is presumed the prv ernmunt was using them for extrao ( Unary federal affairs. At 11:40 : p. r connection was made and the wii turned over to the press service wit ! out any explanation of the delay. Dakota Regulars are Off. Sturgls , S. D. , March 9. Troops and D of the Fourth cavalry , a bar and a gun- platoon left Fort Mead 1 two sections for El Paso. Tex. , to jo : the other troops of the same re-simou Lieutenant W. H. Cowles and elghtec men were left at the fort. Nebraska Militia Could Hurry Lincoln , March 0. Two regiuiun of Infantry , a signal corps , .and a m chine gun company , including l.K men and 100 officers , can be mobill ed in Nebraska within twenty-foi hours after the Nebraska nation guard is called Into ben ice by tl national go-.eminent. One day aft the call is. received tit theadjuta general's office In Lincoln , the tree will bo ready to embark tor the Me : can border , should go\ eminent debt to send militia to the Mexican fro tier. tier.This was the statement made lie- by Adjutant General E. H. Phelps the Nebraska militia. Adjutant Ge oral Phelps was unable to say wli would be the outcome of an optior invitation of officers of the militia join in the troop movement until had conferred with the different fleers. NO FORMALJNQUEST HEL Funeral of John McLeod Postpom Remains at Home of Fiancee. Nollgh , Neb. , March 9. Special The News : Because of an ok brother and sister being on the w from Stlllberry Center , Canada , t funeral services of John McLeod ha been postponed until Friday afternc at 3 o'clock at the First Congregatl al church , this city. The remains arrived yesterday aft noon from Lincoln and were taken the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans 1 ronzen , who reside near the city llm In the extreme east part of Noli The deceased was an old friend of i family , and only during the early p of next month was he to have b < married to Miss Christina , daughter the parents. Those returning from Lincoln Bt that all Indications pointed to the ac cidental discharge of his automatic shotgun , and that those Interested In the case at Lincoln had arrived at the- same conclusion before the Nellgh people had left this city. However , It la still an unsettled fact In the minds of a great many people here that the cause of death was as given out. tin Inquest was held. Royal Items. Hoyal. Neb. , March I' ' . The 6-year- old son of Marvin Dawson Is critically 111. Mr. Hoell , the mall carrier on route No. I. has resigned. Judge Krake Leaves West Point. West Point , Neb. , March ! L Special to The News : Judge S. S. Krake anil \\lfe have removed from West Point and will locate on their farm neat Plainvicw. This family has resided In Cumlng county for the past twenty two years , one-third of which were iipent In West Point. Judge Krake held the olllco of county judge very acceptably coptably for nix years and that ol county attorney for the same period Next fall Judge and Mrs. Krake con template a visit to Baltimore , where their son , Prof. L. S. Krake Is of the faculty of Johns Hopkins university. Oakdale News. Miss Agnes Dworak returned U school at the state university , Lincoln after a week's visit. Luther Swanson was a pascoiiger 01 the noon train Sunday to Counci Bluffs , from where lie will go In a few days to Chicago to Join the surveyln ? corps of the Chicago & Milwaukee railroad. Mrs. S. I. Nles was down from Ne ligh visitng her parents , Mr. and Mrs W. U. Launt. Rev. Mr. Jones , a missionary fron Burmah , India , was here Sunday morn ing and gave an interesting talk be fore the Methodist Sunday school 01 the Sunday schools In Burmah , and a 11 o'clock gave another very Interest ing address during the preaching hour He will probably return and give an other talk Friday evening , accompa nled by another missionary. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Worley of Siou : City are moving back here again al ter an absence of about a year. Mr Worley is to be connected with Clan Cooper In the operation of a barbe shop to be opened In a few days ii the O. J. Evans building. Miss Jess Malzacher returned ti Omaha after a few days' visit wltl relatives and friends. C. E. Nelson , brother of Dr. L. L Nelson , also his son Lloyd , are visit ing him from Moudamin , la. SOUTH DAKOTA AT A GLANCE. Rapid City Is to have a publl plunge bath. Bruce business men will organize : commercial club. Teams are still crossing from Pierr to Ft. Pierre on the ice , but such trav el will have to be abandoned thl week. Lead has taken up the agitation fo a commission form of government. The senate refused to confirm th appointment of Charles F. Hacketl editor of the Parker New Era , for posl master at Parker. The new high school building a Pierre has been completed and will b occupied at once. Articles of Incorporation have bee filed at Pierre for the Fanners' Stat and Savings bank , to be located a Wessington Springs. The instltutlo will have a capital stock of $30.000. Neligh News Notes. Neligh. Neb. . March 9. Special t The News : The Auditorium manage ment has secured for Saturday evei ing of this week Laurant , the mag cian and the man of many mysterie : who is considered the best in his lln traveling today. He will present In new part entitled "Magic of the Or ent. " James and Will Reefe of Royal , ol ( time friends of the late M. B. Huffmai attended the funeral of the latter i this city. George Forsberg and wife of nen Royal were In Neligh last Saturday. William Gunthorpe of Brunswlc was a county sent visitor on Friday ( last week. Wilber Mahood left for Orchard las Sunday , where he will make his futui home and assist his brothers in tl Implement business. The city council met in regular se sion Saturday evening of last wee and discussed at length the seweraf proposition for Neligh. It was final t decided that a survey be made of tl city and plans be immediately form luted to call a bond election to be vc ed upon by the citizens of this plac U is planned for the election to 1 held about the first Tuesday In Apr S. B. Lookabaugh was called fllockford | , 111. , Monday in response a message stating the serious illne of his father. Attorney J. B. Smith attended legal business at Clearwater on Mo day last. Lloyd Bailey , who is making li headquarters at Portland , Ore. , w home Sunday and Monday visiting 1 : parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bailey. Mrs. W. F. Conwell visited a she time with friends and relatives at On dale Monday. County Surveyor W. L. Staple w in Tilden Monday transacting buslne In connection with his office. Mrs. E. Wolfe was a Tilden visit on Monday of this week. State Regent George Coupland Elgin was one of the out-of-to friends at the funeral services of Mr ison B. Huffman. Miss Lottie Miller visited with re lives at Ewlng Sunday and Monday Mrs. E. A. Pohlman of Pierce L been visiting with her sister , Mi Hannah Haasch of this city and r many Nollgh friends. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. He ford , n daughter. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kell a son. William Wolfe went to Chicago F day morning of last week In the Inter est of the Nollgh and Elgin stores. John May was down from Ewlng Friday transacting business In this city. city.W. W. W. Shoemaker of Plainvlow pur chased theP. . E. Kryger restaurant and took possession last Thursday day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kryger left Friday for Wayne , where they will make their future home. Mrs. Ruby Parshall and Mrs. Nan Mulllck have opened up the third mil llnery establishment in Nellgli In the Nash building. The firm will be known UH the Peerless Millinery Co. M. A. Decamp of Clearwatcr , one oi the early settlers of Antelope county , attended the Huffman funeral services here last week. Representative F. M. Housh return ed to Lincoln Monday after visiting home folks here for aeveral dayn. IJr. A. F. Conery received medical attention in Omaha from Saturday un til Tuesday of this week. 1) . L. Shenefelt was looking aftei his business Interests in Oakdale or Monday. Mrs , M. T. Kryger and son visitor on Monday of tills week with ' 101 mother at Oakdale. W. B. McQueen was down from Haj Springs Sunday and Monday of tills week visiting ills wife. Frank Woodard of m > ar Royal was called to this * clty Monday by the re port of the death of his brother-in-law John McLeod. Mrs. J. W. Tegarden returned homi from Lincoln Monday evening. John Johnson was in the city fron Wayne the first of the week visitln ; his parents , Mr. and Mrs. M. M. John son. son.Mrs. Mrs. C. A. Jacquitli returned to Ne llgh Saturday evening from Slou : City , where she underwent a serloui operation some time ago. Mrs. S. B. Lytle Is recovering fron a recent severe illness. Elbert Odren of Orchard was a conn ty seat visitor on Monday of this week Mrs. Howard Johnson Is slowly re covering from a severe attack of tin grip. grip.L. L. S. Weiler and family have thii week moved Into the John Maybur ; building , south of the Register office Mr. Weiler has traded his restauran for eighty acres of land in the westeri part of the state. Mrs. II. C. Hnxford was a visitor a Atkinson Thursday and Friday of las week. week.W. W. J. Bogardus had an operatic ] performed at the Methodist hospita at Omaha last week and had his righ eye taken out. Two days later it wa found necessary to perform a secom operation , which resulted in the re nioval of a tumor that was In the eyi socket. Mr. Bogardus arrived hoim yesterday and is feeling as well a could be expected. He is a member o the firm of Bogardus & Sellery of thl cit-y. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. James R. Kolar of Bloomfleld was 1 he city. H. E. Stormont of Oakland was 1 he city. W. J. Noble of Scrlbner was a Noi oik visitor. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blckoll of EJ ter. Neb. , are In the city visiting wit ilrs. F. I. Russell and the Millar Sreen family. Dr. II. T. Holden returned from isit at Hoskins. George Sadovsky of Colome was isltor In the city. R. S. Lackey went to Stanton t isit with relatives. Ernest Raasch returned from a bus less trip to Hoskina. August Sonne of Tilden was in th Ity transacting business. Miss Frieda Korth returned from day's visit with friends at Hoskins. Mrs. Aaron of Hoskins was her isiting with her daughter , Miss Mett Aaron. J. S. McClary went to Omaha to a end a meeting of the Scottish Rite -fasons. - Lyle Nichols , who has been here vli ting with relatives , has gone to Ma eilles , Mich. Mrs. Otto Grueber and Mrs. Job luebner of Hobklns were In the cit , -lsiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lackey of Stai on leave Wednesday for Floridi .vhere they will spend a few month Mrs. J. B. Hlght and Mrs. C. R. Rec .vent to Lincoln Wednesday noon fe i short visit at the home of their pa cuts , Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Estabrook. R , M. Waddell has traded his pro erty on Madison avenue and Fou ; eenth street , known as the Willla : Marple residence property , for tl farm of W. H. Parriott , two miles ea of the city. Alfred Bohlander went to Rocheste Minn. , where he will undergo an o oration for gallstones. The Warnecke lot , southeast corm of the intersection at Fifth street ai Madison avenue , was sold yesterdi to G. L. Carlson. Mr. Carlson w build an office on the west end of tl lot and A. Koyen will build a garai on the east end. A large sum of money , probably tl first ever sent from Norfolk to BI glum for breeding horses , was so Tuesday. The first amount sent w 17,750 francs In payment for a few the pure bred Belgian horses whl < arrived here only recently. A fe more of the horses are being held the Carlson's breeding barns for loc breeders who wish to purchase the Mrs. August Zltkowskl Is report very 111 at her home In Edgewater. Mrs. Brown , mother of Mrs. Fr Perry living near Wornervllle , dl Tuesday nlgiit Two cases of destitution have ready beeu reported to Secretary 1 Harter ot the board of charities. A regular meeting of the fire depa ment Is called for tonight. The pr < osltion of bringing the state toun raent to Norfolk Is to be further d cussed. T. E. Fitch , a Northwestern ropi gang employe , IB suffering from strained back as the result of a pllo lumber falling on him In the Junction ynrdH. Miss Mac llarrt'tt , accompanied by Mrs. Burke , IISIH returned from Chi cago. Mrs. Burke has accepted n po sition as trimmer for the Barrett mil linery. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet with Mrs. M. A. Franco , ! M2 South Fifth stieet. Thursday afternoon. A Hhlpment of roul southern smllax , from Evergreen , Ala. , was received at a local store Tuesday. The smllax will be used by the firm for decorat ing purposes. William O'Brien Is substituting as night clerk at the Pacific hotel In the absence of Phillip Hill , who is spend ing a few days' vacation with relatives at Hadar. A. J. Wilkins has moved with his family to Lincoln. The Wllklns resi dence on South Eleventh street has been rented by Mr. Harmony , a hard ware salesman. Friends of Julius Doche. who visited his hangar a few days ago. report the biplane which the Norfolk acrobat has built , Is ready for its trial flight. The motor has already been Installed. Plans looking to the building of a ew Elk club house will be discussed t the meeting of ( lie lodge next Sntur- ay night and every member is urged o be. present. The annual election of Illcors also will take place. At the regular monthly meeting of : ie St. Johannes Luther league last ight Rov. Otto Bargfeldor. Miss A. Thle and Miss M. Reiche were chosen elcgates to a convention to be held in lay at Lincoln for the purpose of or- ani/.ing a slate Luther league. John Bland of Omaha , son of Wil- am Bland , a Northwestern employe , as purchased the skating rink from treet Commissioner William Uecker , ; ho has announced himself as a candi- ate for the water commissioner's job. olitics , It'is said , will keep the street ommissloner too busy to look after Is business at the rink. "If the city is too poor to expend o tile money In cleaning the streets , " ays one Norfolk business man. I for ne am willing to help the city with a alf a day's work loading the dirt into wagon in front of my place of busl- ess. I believe If some of the officials eally want to do anything for Nor oik they should use a few scrapers nd bring the dirt from the gutters ute the middle of the street , from which place It could be taken ajvay in ragons. The fire hose should be used o wash away what remaining dirt here is. " GIFTS OF HALF MILLION. From Roosevelt , Taft , Emperor William - liam , Children , Grandchildren. Pasadena , Calif. , March 8. What is aid to be the most elaborate golden redding anniversary ever celebrated nywhere in the world took place h re with Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Busch as he central figures. The most beautiful and costly of the resents was the diadem presented tc Mrs. Busch by her husband. It Is n rown of gold , studded with diamonds nd pearls and valued at $200,000. II vas made In Frankfort , Germany. Al ho wedding feast at the Busch man ion , Mrs. Busch was crowned and giv in a seat beside her husband on a niniature throne. The presents received by the couple ire valued at $500,000. The childrer presented the parents with a dozer 'ull sized dinner plates made of sollci gold and valued at $25,000. A sollt 'old flower basket valued at $15,00 ( svas received from the grandchildren A solid gold vase from branch man jgers in the employ of the brewing as ocintion cost ? 20,000. President Taft sent a $20 gold coir of the newest St. Gaudens design Ir in ivory case. Theodore Roosevelt sent a solle ; old loving cup , and there was also j old loving cup from Emperor Wil lam. His Escape a Miracle. Charles Hulac returned from Fre nont yesterday , where he visited wltl : iis brother , E. V. Hulac , the North ivestern brakeman who after a mar velous escape from death is recover ng slowly from a broken ankle , an other one sprained and bad bruise ; over his face and back. The detail : of the accident are brought direct t Norfolk from the Injured man whosi explanation makes his escape fron death even more marvelous than i seemed from first reports. "I was ordered to cut off eight car from the train Saturday night , " sail the injured brakeman to his brothei 'The conductor called my attention t the fact that I cut off but seven , then started to count the cars and wn running along the top of them whe a water spout in the east end of th Fremont yard struck me over the ey < It was dark and I crouched low , bu I was too near the end of the car an fell in between two of them. The were moving slowly. I must hav broken my ankle in the fall. I did nc strike the bumper but just fell undc the cars and two or three of thet passed over me. I did not lose coi sclousness , but I instantly realized m danger. I threw my arms around th axle of ono car and let It drag mi It kept turning and I called for hel ] The cars were stopped and I crawle out myself , but as I stood up my ankl gave way and I must have fainted. " Busy Days for Norfolk. April 24 , 25 and 26 will be busy daj in Norfolk because of two conventiot to be held hero. The state threshe men's convention and the district W man's club convention. The form < convention will bring about 400 del gates and the latter about 100. B cause of these three busy days U directors of the Commercial club pi in much of their time at lost night meeting planning entertainment fi the visitors. Miniature Thresh Machine Show. C. .7. Bullock met with the dlrecto : and declared that not only will tl f delegates to the threahermen's ass elation be here , but three or four cars of machinery will be put on ills- play during the convention , making It a miniature thresh machine show. The machinery will probably be taken euro of al the Bullock warohounoK , where the visitors will be shown the different makes of macfilnes. There are possibilities , said Mr. Bullock , that some of the firms coming here may open up branch houses for their com panies. The Commercial club agreed to co operate with Mr. Bullock and they will endeavor to make the convention n decided success. Auto Ride for the Ladles. The Woman's club convention will also be taken care of by the club. An automobile ride around the city is be ing planned for the Indies. Much time was also given over to discussing the preliminary work of the entertainment of the teachers who come here to participate In the north Nebraska teachers' convention March 29 to ni. The Implement men's convention for April 4 was also discussed and a smoker for tills convention was talked of. Discuss Paid Secretary. A committee was appointed to call on business men In connection with the raising of funds for the employ ment of a permanent secretary for the Commercial club. The committee- expected to be at work within one week. ROOSEVELT OFF ON JOURNEY. New York. March S. Colonel Theo- ( lore Roosevelt started today on his six weeks' trip across the country ta the Pacific coast and back again. It is the first tour the colonel has made since the recent political campaign. His first stop will be at Atlanta. Ga. , tomorrow. "I have nothing to say about any thing , " said Colonel Roosevelt as he boarded the train. Omaha General On His Way. Omaha , March 8. General Fred , crick A. Smith , head of the depart ment of the Missouri , who is to com mand one of the brigades near San Antonio , left this afternoon at 4:30 : over the Burlington. He was arcotn- ponied by Colonel D. E. McCarthy and Lieutenant Watson. Why the Brickbats ? "Those brickbats lying in the mid dle of Norfolk avenue , on top of the mud that covers the paving , look fa miliar , " a Norfolk business man said Wednesday. "I well remember that the bricks were left lying on top of the pavement last fall and it appar ently hasn't occurred to the mayor or his street commissioner that they ought to be hauled away within a year or so. " The street commissioner has just sold his skating rink , declaring he's too busy with politics to run the rink Maybe he and the mayor are too busy with politics each wanting a political job to look after the bricks in the street. The Sullivan Boys Are Landing Scalps Dan Sullivan received a popular de cision over Billy Burger at Phlladel phia a few days ago and Tuesday he put "Kid" Reynolds to sleep In the first round In New York. His brothet "Montana" Jack Sullivan beat Dave Smith in the same city last week. This information was included in a telegram received by "Montana" ( Sent Sullivan at O'Neill , who lights YOUUE Gotch on March 17 at Ewlng. Burger is a top notch middleweighl and Reynolds is claiming the middle weight championship of New York The O'Neill fighters are meeting will great success in their search for the : niddleweight belt. Germany Issues Warning. Berlin , March 8. In a speech before the diet Chancellor Von Vcthmann lollweg admonished the Curia that persistence in the recent tendency te the Issuance of decrees affecting Ger : nany without previous consultatlor with the government would lead te retaliation. The speech was cautiously and diplomatically prepared , but iti ono could not bo mistaken. An Ainsworth Pioneer. Ainsworth , Neb. , March 7. Specia o The News : Mrs. Mary Margare Fowler , widow of Isaiah Fowler , was buried here today , aged 74. Thej were pioneer Brown county settlers Hose Co. No. 3 Wins Year's Prize. Hose company No. 3 of the Norfoll fire department won the first prize fo laying the most lines of hose at fire during the year. Hose company No. was only ono line behind , winning second end prize , and hose company No. won third prize. The hook and ladde company , although not in the contest was given the fourth prize for ell' ' cient duty. Company No. 3 had clove : lines to its credit ; No. 1 had ten am No. 4 had five lines. Chairman E. E. Coleman of the fir and police committee and Councllma P. J. Dolln of the same commute wore referees in a committee meotln of the hose companies held In the clt hull last night , wh ro the close coi test was decided. What the prizes ar to be Is not yet known , but this pai of the program has been left to th fire and police committee. The contest ends a year of probabl the most heated rivalry among hos companies ever held among the llr < men and the meeting brought out th fact that the firemen fought deuperati ly for the first line of hose at eac fire , making it possible to give rauc quicker water service at all fires , pro ! ably saving much property. Chairman Coleman in a neat a < dress of defense for the hook and lai dor company declared that the tlra has not yet come when the depar ment could do without the hook an ladder company. It was pointed oi that this company was the oldest I the department and has been doln j very effective work. Chief Gre n was present at th neetlng and declared It would be 1m possible for the department to do with out the hook and ladder wagon. "Wo need them the mlnuto n fire U reported , " he said "I look for thai company the first of any nt flros. It ins cost the city but $0 to keep this company for six months. " The talk of holding the hook com pany at the barn until called for cami about when two very small ladder were placed on the hose wagon. The ioe > k and ladder members are smiling broadly over the gossip and declim the city would only need one trial ol his proposition before they would find i grave mistake was made. Insurance Company Officers Re-electci Immediately after the board of dl lectors were elected Tuesday after noon by the Elkhorn Life and Accl lent Insurance company , every member ber of the old stalf of ollicors was re elected , as follows : P. II. Sailer , M. D. , president am medical director ; J. B. Maylurd , vice president and secretary ; R. B. Mclvin noy. assistant secretary : T. F. Mom mlnger , second vice president : Jaeli Koenigsteln , treasurer : Burl Mopes counsel ; D. W. Zelgler. suporintondenl of agencies. The. meeting was attended by more : members than any previous annual meeting. Among the out-of-town mem lers pro-sent were : I. M. Snider Clearwater ; H. W. Mitchell. Clearwa ter ; T. J. Adams. Elgin ; S. Hanson Fairfax , S. D. ; William Bennett. Bat tie Creek ; P. I ) . Sullivan , Meadow Grove : Charles Green , Hoskins ; Aug iibt fleluner , Hoskins ; S. F. Relchort Wlnslde ; Andrew Henrlckson , Stan ton ; Andrew Svenson , Stanlon. Ex-Gov. Hoch at Ewlng. Ewlng , Neb. . March 8. Special te I'heNews : Ex-Governor Hoch ol Kansas delivered a lecture last even Ing before one of the largest and most select audiences ever assembled li : : he opera house His subject was entitled - titled "A Message- from Kansas , " am : tor two hours , although It did not seem Imlf so long , lu- kept his hearers In the best of humor. Mr. Hoch Is si lileasing and entertaining speaker , ami Ircquently in his address sallies of wil were injected which were highly ap predated by those present. At the close of his speech the ex-govcrnoi shook hands with several hundred clt izena before retiring to his hotel. The speech of Governor Hoch was the lasl of a series of entertainments deliverer through the winter and was the mosl successful number of them all. Troops Are On the Way. Washington , March 8. Telegrams are pouring inlo headquarters of the iriny showing that the movements of the troops to the southern frontier ol the country is proceeding with the ; smoothness and regularity of clocli work. More than 100 telegrams already have been received and the celerity with which the orders nave been car ried out , it is said in military quarters tors , would give the impression that . .tie IP Yemeni was an every-duy oc currence. ' . Practically the entire force of 20 , 000 'men is now eiiroute to the lowei part of Texas and California. Carry Real Cartridges. The troops are equipped with ball cartridges , although it is the invar iable practice to supply troops with jlank ammunition for practice exer cises or peaceful maneuvers. Know ing Ihis , however , official Washington slill maintains that the government is merely n plan of practice to deter mine the efficiency of the fighting arms of Ihe country mobilizing on short notice. While this is held to be true , tech nically , the general impression pre vails that the sudden and extensive military activity has a vital and dl rect relation lo the revolutionary movement in Mexico. Caused by Mexican Situation. The idea which is generally accept ed even In the face of official pro nouncement that no significance should bo atlached lo the movement Is that the government of the Uniiee Slates is preparing for an eventuality that may develop with progress of the revolt against President Diaz. The orders to the troops stationee at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyom. , have depicted that post and the war de partment today ordered a ballallor of the Second infantry at Fort Assini boine , Mont , to Fort LA. . Russell te care for that stalion. This was tin only additional order for movemen of soldiers issued today by Genera Leonard Wood , chief of staff of tin army. The navy department continued iti preparations for the dispatch of tin fifth division of the Atlanlic Heel am Iho large detachment of marines ti Guanlanamo , Cuba. Will Have Its Effect. Washington , March 8. Whether o not the concentration of a fourth o the standing army of the Unltei Stales along the Mexican border am the moving of a portion of the nav ; southward along the sea coasts mere ly is an extensive maneuver , man ; persons hero familiar with polltlcn conditions in Mexico regard the ac tlon of the United Stales at this pai tlcular time as likely to have an In portant bearing on future events i Mexico. Porslslent reports have reached thl city that a change In the cabinet o President Diaz soon will bo made an that the state department also ha been Informed officially. In thcs changes the American government 1 keenly Interested. Apart from any moral effect on th treatment accorded American Intel cats In the present disorders , it I 1 suggested that the military domoi stratlon of Iho United States , whothe , so intended or not , may have n pe . lenllal influence on the political crlsl In Mexico City. Senor Llmantour , Mexican miniate of finance who Is now In New Yorl Is slated for the post of minister c foreign affairs. UP haw long boon recognized as nn advisor In whom President Diaz placed much rollanco. Honor Do La Harm , the Mexican am- liiiHsador. will confer with Senor Llm- antonr In New York today. Tin- purpose of the conference ban led to much speculation and It Is bo- llou'tl the political tnrliuloiico In Mexico ice , especially Senor Llinantour'H plans for restoring the republic to civil as well as political tronqulltty , will bo discussed. Senor Do La llarra had Intended ( o go to New York last night but changed his plans and left at li o'clock today. Before leaving hero lie declared that the inoblll/.a- tlon of troops by the Vnllod Slates along the Moxle-an border was not Interpreted by his country IIH the fore runner of Intervention. Ho declared Mexico \\as ublo to cope with Us lo cal disorders. Early today three bat- torlem of Hold artillery left Fort Myor , Va. , for San Antonio. Officers at the fort admltled Ihal the store of pro visions and ammunition taken along was larger than Unit carried on for mer maneuvers. England Greatly Interested. London. March S. The mobiliza tion of an American army at the Mexi can fronller has oxclte-d great Inter est among London politicians and in commercial circles , but all are still In Ihe dark as to whether the move ment Is for political or purely mili tary reasons. The- foreign office1 denies thai Iho British government suggested the ac tion taken by the war department , lull these officials speak In such diplo matic terms that their statements are not necessarily convincing. Thcre is little doubt expressed by the public and In newspapers that the politievil situation In Mexico canned President Taft's movement , whether or not this government had any such u matter in mind. So far as any extension of the pow er of the United SlaloK on the Am erican continent Is concerned , it Is doubtful that such un outcome would ! ) ( > popular with the British public. The lulk of Iho future annexation of Canada has created a prejudice on this side and this prejudice Is just as strong against the political expansion of the Vnlted Slnles generally at the present moment. Dealings In American securities in dicated that the stock exchange did not consider that the security of the country was seriously Ihroaloned. .Mexican bonds remained unchanged as did Southern railway shares. Wilson Not Informed. New York , March 8. Henry Lane Wilson , the American ambasHador to Mexico , was In New York for a short tlmo and said in positive terms that lie > had not been summoned to Wash ington by President Taft to discuss the situation in Mexico. Ho said he was on his way lo.a . visit to his mo ther , who was crtically ill at her home In CrawfordsvIMo , Inel. Of the situa tion which developed , ho said he had no knowledge other than the state ments printed in the newspapers. What Mexican Rebels Think. New York. March S. Gustavo A. Aladero , brother of the leader of the Mexican revolution , said that ho did. not believe the mobilization of Unit ed States troops near the border meant this country intended to inter vene. He professed to feel confident that the United States was making a show of force expressive of its de sire for a speedy termination of bos- tllilies. Dakota Soldiers Go. Sturgis , S. D. , March 8. Orders have been received at Fort Meade for Trops A and D of the Fourth cavalry , gun platoon and band , also wagon train to prepare to move to El Paso , Tex. , to join other troops , same regi ment , there. The men are expected to leave here some time today. It will require thirty cars to transport them. Mexico's Interpretation. Mexico City , March 8. The Mexi can government has no reason to doubt the word of the state depart ment at Washington that the move ment of the 20,000 troops to the bor der is for nothing more than military maneuvers designed as Instruction for senior officers. "Wo do not believe that in the sit uation as it is at present there is any occasion for intervention by the Unit ed States or any other power. No American property has been damaged by either side and so far as I know no complaint has been made by any American. " Enrique C. Creel , minister of for eign relations , so commented on the dispatch from Washington. Nothing in the events which have Iranspircd in Mexico up to now , in the opinion of Mr. Creel , would justify Intervention. No representations , ho said , have been made to the Mexican govern ment by the United States , Great Brit ain or any other nation that foreign ers had sustained loss or would bo placed In jeopardy to an extent that would suggest Interference. "Mexico Needs no Aid. " New York , March 8. Mexico needs no aid in keeping peace or In pro tecting foreign Interests within her border Is the opinion of Jose Ivos Limantour , Mexican minister of fi nance who arrived hero tonight from Europe. As to the outcome of the in surgent struggle , ho added , the fed eral government was sure of ultimate success. "The sending of American troops to the border has nothing to do with af fairs In our country , " said Senor Llm antour. "Of course , the presence of a largo body of soldiers might have n good moral effect upon the Insurgents , \ but the United States troops certainly \ are not going across the border to N fight. "