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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
\ THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS JOURNAL. , , , , . NOKFOIiK NBBHASKA KH1DAY MARCH 10 1011. WHY ARMY WAS SENT NEWSPAPERS GUESSED RIGHT AS TO REAL MOTIVE. HIGH OFFICIALS VERIFY .T FEARING ANTLAMERICAN MOVE , UNCLE SAM PREPARES. MEXICAN REBELLION IS DEEP Learning That the Revolution Has Spread In Many Directions and That President Diaz Is In Poor Health , Taft Sought to be Forearmed. WiiHhingtoti. March ! . The real sig nificance of the sudden moblll/atlon of a quarter of the United States army and a formidable portion of the nav > along the Mexican frontier and In the waters adjacent to the ends of the International boundary , Is gradually leaking out In Washington From various sources , yet without the possibility of official verification , creditable Information has been ob tained which , pieced together with known facts , makes up a whole that goes far to substantiate the interpreta tion placed by the public on the great movement of military force now In progress. Revolution Is Widespread. At about the time of the return to Washington of Henry Lane Wilson , ambassador of the United States to Mexico , the administration' received advices indicating unrest in Mexico and that the revolution , notwithstand ing assertions of the Mexican govern ment to the contrary , had extended in many directions. The whole country was said to be In a condition which was made the more aorlous by what was said to be the precarious state of health of President Diaz. There Is known to be no little anti-American feeling among the Mex icans generally , and it was feared that developments at any moment might precipitate a chaotic condition with probable demonstration against for signers. To Protect American Interests. This alleged state of affairs , It is nald. wa8 learned with deep concern at the white house , with the result that 11 suggestion was made that it would be the part of toiethought to concen trate near the Mexican border a torce sufficient to meet any situation which might arise This movement was to take the form of maneuveis and all parties to the plan sincerely hoped that nothing else would be necessary. The Newspapers Guessed Right. The Interpretation which was in stantly placed on the move by the newspapers and the people of the oountrj is said to have discounted the administration and the president and his advisers hastened to relieve the tension of feeling in this country and in Mexico by emphatic declara tion of the harmless intent of the movement. Maneuvers It will be , and maneu vers on American soil exclusively , ac cording to this view 01 the situation. Anxious as to Diaz' Health. Meanwhile accurate information as to the real condition of affairs In Mexico ice , especlallj as to the health of Pres ident Dlais awaited in Washington with Intense Interest. El Paso , Tex. , March 9. Madero , with his army of GOO men , was routed at Casas Grandes Monday with heavy losses on both sides , according to the statement of a party of Americans who arrived here at an early hour this morning and claim to have been eye witnesses of the battle. Now York , March 9. A thick haze lay over New York bay this morning , biding from view the three big ar mored cruisers which have been mak ing hurried preparations to sail for the Gulf of Mexico to participate in the joint naval and military movement In Texas and on the Mexican border. Coaling of the warships the armor cd cruisers Tennessee , Montana , and North Carolina was completed last night and there were apparently no obstacles to the sailing of these unites of war fleet except the adverse atinos pheric conditions and the low tide ol the early morning hours. The ships were expected to leave at any mo raeut. The lower harbor , whore Rear Ad ralral Staunton's trio of big crulsen were awaiting sailing orders , was th ( one remaining seat of activity todaj in this vicinity in connection with th ( mobilization movement southward The detachment of marines orderei from here to join the force headed fo Ouantanamo left yesterday and las night the 1,500 coast artlllerymei from the harbor forts , mustered into i provisional infantry regiment , sallei for Fortress Monroe on the steame Jamestown. Array officials stationed here wer congratulating themselves on th smoothness with which the work o getting the men and supplies read and hustling them off toward th scene of operations was accomplishec Troops Headed South. Washington , March 9. Still unde the guise of peaceful maneuvers , th CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hourt Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum . . . 07 Minimum . "I Aerngo . . . . I'1 Huron / . . ' . ! ! 70 Chic * % Mui eh H The bulletin IH- sttod I ) } i/ > > Chicago station of the United . s weather bureau gives the foree. ° tr Ncbtaska 03 follows : Genet all , .i tonight ami I'rlda.v , colder tonU ° i O n advance of th % " toward the south- cm frontier c& United States IH proceeding In i . .tout order Inniinieinhlo telegrams are being re ceived \ > y ( leiieinl LconatdVood , chief of staff reporting that his sud den oidcis , Hashed fiom the eapltol onlv tin ce dtt > s ago me being cat- tied out with tapldlty and precision The Htiiu oftltei.s ha\Ing set their machine ) y In motion , aie enjo.vlng a tosplto today. The telegiaphlc ad- vires Indicate that all of the men ordoied nut aie moving inpldly south- waul with ammunition supplies Captain .lohnsoii llagood of the coast aitllleu and a member of the genet al stall have been ordered to San Antonio. T \ , to join the start of Majoi Oenoial C'attei , commanding the at my division which Is being con- ccnttated at that point The navy lllce the other aim of the lighting establishment is carrying out Its patt of the operations without any semblance- a hitch. The vessels of o fifth division of the Atlantic fleet have beti supplied with their comple ments and arc prepared to sail for Guantanatno at the word of the secretary - rotary of the navy. The real purpose of the unprece dented move of soldiers , sailors , and marines' Is still enshrouded in mvs- tery. Official Washington persists In the previous announcements that the movement is a technical mllltar.v ex periment and that it has no relation to the Mexican situation Navy Wants More Men. Des Moines , March 9. Chief Master at Arms G. Dusch , in charge of the Des Moines na\al recruiting station , recehed orders today to make all pos sible eflorts to Induce men to recruit for naval service. Davenport , la. , March 9 Orders were received today by C. E. McNan- ny , ofllcer In charge of the Davenport aecruiting station , to increase the en listinent of men a\ailable for service In the I nited States na\y. LONDON APPROVES MOVEMENT Leading Newspapers Say Uncle Sam is Justified in Metallization. London , March 9. That the United States cannot afford to tisk being talc en by bin prise in the Mexican situa tiou and that the Washington govern ment is justified in taking precaution nry measutes , is the general view of the London Morning News. It is considered that a violent change of government is a possibility to be leckoned with and It is pointed out that there is a strong party behind the re\olutlonists seeking to establish a Mexican federation of Central Amer ican tepubltcs , which would prejudice the iutetests of the United States in Panama. The Morning Post says that Amerl can go\ernments have had a bitter expetience over the embarrassment caused by lack of readinesb for naval or military action when such action had become Imperative. The assem bling of ships and troops , It adds , may therefore be a wise measure. FRENCH ARE INTERESTED. That Sountry has Probably $100,000- 000 Invested in Mexico. Paris , March 9. The officials of the foreign office today informed the As sociated Press that the French gov ernment had made no representations to the United States regarding the protection of French interests in Mexico. News of the American action was received with extraordinary Interest by the foreign office where , in the absence of special advices from Wash ington on the subject , it was assumed that the report was true. Local finan cial interests are somewhat concerned regarding events In Mexico , where It Is toughly estimated this country has $100,000,000 Invested. The explanation of the latest de velopment current on the Bourse is that the United States government has in mind the ultimate possibility of be ing required to protect the immense American interests in Mexico whch might bo imperilled in the event of the death of President Diaz , by wide spread disorders In that country. MILITIA OFFICERS INVITED. State National Guard Officers May Participate In Maneuvers. Washington , March 9. Militia of fleers of all the states will bo invited to participate In the operations ol the army at San Antonio , Texas. Thit announcement was made by the wai department and was coupled with the statement that the invitation will be extended with a view to giving the officers of the national guard practl cal field experience. There are abou 8,000 of these officers but as th < acceptance of the invitations to then to is to bo exceptional it is not foretolt of how many will avail themselves o ly the opportunity to participate. Thi 10d. announcement gave way to furthe d. speculation in Washington in counec tlon with unprecedented movement o troops. The dearth of officers o er army and the fact that the war dc 10 ( Continued on eighth page. ) TAKE TEAM , BARN HOrtSETHIEVES ADD ARSON TO THEIR THEFT CRIME FOUR HORSES ARE CREMATED PERCY JONES , NEAR NELIGH , VICTIM - TIM OF THE DEED. NOT MEMBER OF ASSOCIATION Between 10 and 11 O'clock Wednes day Night Thieves Stole a Team of Brown Geldings from Farmer's Barn and Then Set Fire to the Building. Nillgh. Neb. Mat ill 9 Special to The News Horsethieves last night stole a team of horses and then set the barn allie , burning two other teams , at the farm of Percy Jones , five and a half miles northeast of Ne- ligli Mr Jones was not a member of the Nebraska I/he Stock Protective association. A team of brown geldings were stol en and the barn fired , Mr Jones was awakened between 10 and 11 o'clock by the fite , the barn being completely ciesttoyod. Tluee cows In the barn had escaped through the door , which the thieves apparently had left open. Mr. Jones tracked the stolen team to his pasture , where the wire fence was cut. His barn was insured for $1,000. He has offered $50 reward for the arrest and conviction of the thieves. NO IMMUNITY BATH FOR BATH TUB TRUST JUDGE DENNISON DENIES APPEAL OF THIRTY-FOUR INDI VIDUALS. Dt'troit. Mich. , March 0. Judge Dennison - nison of Grand Rapids , in an opinion handed down in the federal court here todaj , overruled the plea for immunity enteied by the thirty-four Individual defendants in the criminal suit of the government against the socalled "bath lub" ttu t The plea of the defense was based on answers filed In equity suit against them in Baltimore No definite date has been set for the trial oi the cases PRESIDENT OFF FOR THE SOUTH TAFT GOES TO ATLANTA AND WILL BE AWAY UNTIL MARCH 20. Washington , March 9. President Taft left Washington shortly after 4 o'clock today to be away until March 20. He first goes to Atlanta , Ga. , where he will make an address tomor row night before the Southern Com mercial congress. From Atlanta he will go to Augusta , Ga. , to remain un til March 19. Mrs. Taft will join the president at Augusta , probably on Sat urday or Sunday. BOSS COX MOT IN CONTEMPT Committee Named by Court to Investi gate , Acquits Him. Cincinnati , O. , March 9. George B. Cox , indicted republican leader of this city , was held today not to bo in con tempt of court by two members of the committee of three attorneys appoint ed by Judge Gorman of the common pleas coutt to investigate a statement purporting to have been made by him in a morning newspaper reflectlnE on the grand jury which indicted him. The other member of the committee filed a minority report in which it was said that Cox was in contempt. PRINT STAMPED ENEVLOPES Hitchcock Signs Contract for Four Years More from July 1. Washington , March 9. By affixing his signature to the contract for the manufacture and printing of stamped envelopes and stamped newspaper wrappers today , Postmaster General Hitchcock put an end , for at least four years from July 1 next , to a contest that has waged Intermittently for more than a quarter ot a century. MISSISSIPPIJIVER OPEN Ice Moves Out of Upper End of the Stream , Navigation IB On. La CroBBO , WIs. , March 9. The ice moved out of the harbor here today , marking officially the opening of navi gation on the upper Mississippi. Reformers Win In Seattle. Seattle , March 9. Final returns from yestorda > 's city election make certain the victory of five nldermanic candidates who are members of the Pacific Welfare league and of four who were Indorsed by the league , thus putting the reform element in entire control of the city government. WARMIN' UP arott HOMtt owa f Jhli ( HEjHO r v , -TX / \ TvPd - MONEY IS EASIER , DISCOUNT RATE DOWN THE BANK OF ENGLAND REDUCES RATE FROM 3'/a ' TO 3 PERCENT. London , March 9. The rate of dis count of the Hank of England was re duced ttoui ! { * < to 3 percent today. The influx of gold and the return of cash fiom the country during the last week have so strengthened the bank's position that the directors found no difficulty in reducing the minimum rate when they held their weekly meeting today. The bank's reserve Is now In the neighborhood of pounds sterling 30,000,009. BANK STATEMENT IS CALLED Washington. March IK The comp- tioiler of the tieasing today issued a call for a statement of the condition of the national banks at the < lo-e of business Tuesd.iv Match 7 Iowa Official Asks Inquiry. Des Moines , Match 0 John Cownio oimeily member ot the Iowa board f contiol today filed a leque&t with ho Iowa senate that a committee of ve senators investigate the charge rought against him by Govvinor Car- oil when the latter demanded his res- gnutlon some months ago Mr. Cow- le includes a demand for an investi gation of the affalts at the girls' in- u&tilal sihool at MUchellville , which vas Involved in accusations made by joveruor Carroll. % NINETEEN RUSSIANS KILLED. Avalanche Sweeps Down While WorkIngmen - Ingmen Are Asleep. Tlfils , Trans Caucassla , Russia , March 9. An avalanche swept down 'ii ' and crashed a workingmen's tene ment near here while the occupants k-ere still asleep early today. Nineteen persons were killed out- ight and sixteen others received in- urles that probably will prove fatal. Seventy more sustained minor hurts. More Honolulu Cholera. Honolulu , March 9. The twenty- rifth case of cholera , the first outside of quarantine since Sunday last , was reported today. The total of deaths o date Is twenty-one. Matched to Fight. St. Joseph , Mo. , March 9. Jack flrittoln , the Chicago lightweight , and Jake Barada of South St. Joseph were matched today to box fifteen rounds before the Robldoux Athletic club here he night of March 28. Dynamite a Viaduct. Springfield , 111. , March 9. Early to day unknown persons dynamited a viaduct over the Chicago and Alton railroad tracks southwest of the city , lolng much damage. The works of the Capital coal mine was also dyna mited. RAGE RIOT ON A STREET GAR NEGRO MAKES INSULTING RE MARK ABOUT WHITE WOMAN - MAN FIGHT ENSUES. Plttsburg , March 9. In a riot be tween white men and negroes on a street car at Braddock , a suburb , shortly after midnight , eleven men , five women and a baby sustained in juries , several seriously. Shots were fired but none took effect. The trouble started when five ne groes were asked to stop Into the car from the roar platform in order that a woman carrying a baby might board the car. An Insulting remark from one of the negroes angered the whites and a free-for-all fight began. FACE DEATH IN THE SEA LIFE SAVERS RESCUE EIGHT OF A CREW OF FORTY. THEN THE STORM GROWS WORSE Fi.inlly the Waves Drive the Lifo Sav ing Crew Back so That it Would be Suicide to Make Further Attempt. The Ship Leaking. Norfolk , Va. , March 9 Undaunted after a day and night of continuous battle in one of the worst storms this coast has experienced in years , life savers rescued eight of the thlrty-lHe or more men on board the stranded steamer Manchuria , which lies 300 feet from the beach , three mile1 ? south of Little island. Blinded by a tomfic snow storm , with a northeast gale dashing high waves over the ship on whose decks clung the ciew , the lifesavero for hours tried to shoot a line to them The life savers often were caught hv the angiy waves and dashed high upon the beach They finally made the lite line fast shot the baskpt out to the stranded ship and brought ashore , one by one , eight members of the crew. Their journey to shore was almost entitely under water The storm increased in fury until the waves beat back on the beach for several hundred feet and the life sav ers , recognizing it would be suicide to attempt to take off any more of the crew , abandoned the work of rescue for a time. From the Manchuria signals were flashed that the ship was leaking but would probably withstand th storm for the night. The wire to Cape Henry went down with the storm , and no word froirt the ship was received after 10 o'clock last night. There are forty life savers standing watch from the beach near the stranded ship. CATCH A BATTLESHIP THIEF Aide to Paymaster , Who Stole $45,000 , Is Returned in Irons. New York , March 9. According to advices received at the Brooklyn navy yard , the government has captured the thief who stole $45,000 from the strongbox boxof the battleship Georgia at Guantanamo - tanamo bay several weeks ago. It is said he was an aide to the paymaster and non-commissioned. Fie has been returned aboard the Geoigia In Irons. BLOWN OUT OF ENGINE. Young Fireman Knocked Clear of Right-of-way Fence. Fremont March t > Blown clear out of the cab of an engine when one of the circulating pipes was burst by steam pros > ure , Han > Kerlin , a jottng Northwestetn fireman , was badly burn ed about the face , neck , hands and feet in the yards at Loretto. a little station just west of Albion. He was brought to his home in Fremont yesterday and is now under the cate of the com pany's physician. Korlln was firing on Northwestern freight train No. 339 Monda > night The train- was just pulling out of the yards and he was standing close to the circulating pipe. When the pipe burst he was knocked clear off the cal and fell close to the fence along the edge of the right-of-way. The steam and hot water in which he was envel oped as the pipe burst burned him severely voroly , but ho was not rendered uncon sclous. He was hurried in nn automobile from Loretto to Albion , where the com pany's physician attended him before having him brought to Fremont. Th' ' physician in charge declares be wil recover and the burns will leave m scar * , WOULD REDUCE TELEGRAPH RATE NEBRASKA SENATE PASSES BILL MAKING 20 CENTS MAXIMUM LOCAL CHARGE. Lincoln , March 9. The state senate recommended for passage a bill mak ing 20 cents the maximum charge for a ten-word telegram for any place In Nebraska. The house wrangled all forenoon over the senate's initiative and refer endum bill and wound up the session by lecommendlng It for passage Just one change was made and it raises the required number of peti- tioneis for the Initiative from 5 per cent to 10 percent Various amend ments were passed to make the sen ate bill conform with the house bill which was passed before If differed at the close of the forenoon session only in the particular that 10 percent of the voters , must sign a petition for the initiative A unique bltuatIon is presented b > ( lie house tavotabh recommending on bill while it has. pas ed another bill that is practically the same It was the enemieb of the bill who slipped in the 10 pet cent amendment and it was tacked on just before final action was taken The house set H R S2 for hearing at - p. m Thursday The senate passed the following bills : Volpp's S. F. 148 , giving cemeterj associations the right of eminent do main Volpp's S. T. 2C7 , providing that town and Incorporated township road taxes bo paid in cash and used in them respectively. The following bills were passed in the house : H. R. 274 , by Cronin , providing one- fifth mill state levy to provide one- half the cost for all bridges over streams 175 feet or more In width ; S. F. 21 , by Placek , permits now trials In damage suits regardless of the smallness of damages obtained ; H. R. 174 , by Jones , requiring clerks of dis trlct courts to stamp exact time of filing on all papers ; H. R. 169 , b > Quackenbush , motion In district court to be written and supported by affl davit ; H. R. 180 , by McCarthy , defeat In abstract or title may be corrected by affidavit which shall be in evidence of facts. MUST FIRE NEGRO FIREMEN Otherwise the White Firemen on This Road Will Strike. Cincinnati , March 0. Unless an af firmative answer to the demand that white firemen be given preference uver negroes is given by 5'30 p. m. to dav , the eaitlre bed > of firemen em ploved by the Cincinnati , New Orleans and Texas Pacific railroad ( Queen and ( u scent route ) will walk out. Tni.s decision was readied by a com nilttec here after the result of ballot tig on a "strike vote' which has beei in progress in the last two days was announced. The vote was almos unanimously In favor of allowing tu < committee to declare a strike In casi it saw fit. fit.A A Tug Nearly Capsized. Norfolk. Va. , March 9. For elgh hours 100 enlisted men from the bat lleshlp fleet in Cuban waters were in momentary danger of losing their live when the naval tug Uueas wentashor two miles south of the Ripraps , nea here. The supply ship Celtic arrive from Cuba with a big draft of me whose terms of enlistment have or w ill expire shortly and the Uncas was dispatched from the Norfolk navj yard to bring the men here. When the tug started back to Norfolk , despite the fact that the channel Is wide and deep , she went about 1,000 feet off her course and hit the beach. She finally floated herself. The men mi > the tug on several occasions nearly capsized. DROPS DOWN EMPTY SHAFT BURKE , S. D. , MERCHANT 18 FOUND IN THE CELLAR. FIRST THOUGHT TO BE DEAD Frank M. Truesdell Opens Door Into Elevator Shaft and Steps In , In the Dark Elevator Had Been Moved and He Received a Terrific Fall. Huiko. S. I ) . March ! - Special to The NVvv sr Frank M Tittosdoll of the Tim > HdoIl Mercantile Co , was found about 10 o'clock p m at the bottom of the elevator shaft In the basement of the Tiuesdoll block In an uiiconuclotm condition with blood oozing fiom his nose and eain It was at lltHl thought he was dead , but the doc lot's ox ainlnation showed no fnietutos and Mr. Tuienloll Is e\ldently suffering only fiom concussion and the ptobablo iiiptuie of a minor blood vessel Mr Tiueydell had gone Into the stoto thiough the back door to gut some grocetlos which had be-on pur chased by a farmer during the day and piled near the- back door for conveni ent loading. Doing perfectly familiar with the building Mr. Truemloll did not turn on the lights After loading the farmei'fl wagon he decided to go up to the second floor for some pur pose and opened the door of the ele vator shaft and stopped In , with the result that ho fell to the bottom , landIng - Ing on the hard cement floor of the basement. The elevator was at the third floor , whore someone had ovl dently carelessly left it. Mr. Truesdoll regained conscious ness at S p. in. and is apparently not seriously Injured. ROOSEVELT DAY AT ATLANTA The Colonel to Talk on South's Obliga tion in Statesmanship. Atlanta , March 0 This is Roosevelt velt day at the session of the South ern Commercial congress Although the former president will not address the southern business men in conven tlon here until tonight , ho arrived hero early this forenoon as the guest of the congress and the Atlanta chamber of commerce. Mr. Roosevelt was met at the railway station by the Atlanta companies of the Fifth regiment na tiouul guard of Georgia , the govcinor'a horse guard , the officials of the cham ber of commeioo and the commercial congress At 3 o clock tills afternoon Mr Hoosevelt will delivei an addioss at a nenio chinch nftoi which he will be entottalncd at the Capitol City club His address to the coiigiess this evening will he on 'The Souths Obligation in Statesmanship and Bust ness Undeavoi " The nominating committee decided on the following to be oltioer- , fet the next tear Piesident , Senatoi Duncan U Tlet cher , Flotlda , vice piesident , John M Parker , New Orleans ; second vice president General Julian S Carr , North Carolina ; secretary , ftlwin L Quarles , Washington ; managing dl rector. G Grosvonor Dawe , Washing ton. These selections will be acted on at tonight's session of the whole con gress. THERE'S HEALTH IN A FAD. New York , March 9 New York has just about wrested the palm from Beaten - ton as the home of fads. Hardly a week goes by In the me- tiopolis nowadays that some now fan gled cult is not sprung on a now ex pectant public. The author ? come from all over the earth , Persia , Hin dus , English w onion of title , women from western mining camps , Boston- ese and native sons and daughters , all with some "message" that will i educe the fearsome put Milt of happiness tea a lead pipe cinch But wherever they hail from , the creators of these cults and vagaries wait until they reach this fertile spawning ground before giving their "boons" to the woild Next to a flim flam business propositon , there Is nothing that will thtlve quicker in New Yoik than some new turned iSychic btinU Only a few days ago a much of Hindus began preaching that i certain brand of music , extracted from a queer stringed instrument , was the cure for all ills They are still all the rage in select gatherings of soul perfection aspirants. This week it is "triumphant oneigy" that is being put forward as the means of becoming beautiful and rich , with luxuiiant hair , pearly teeth and a full ness of all things sweet The "discov erer" Is Mrs. Mary E. Chapln. Dr. Carlos MacDonald has a possible explanation of why New York is such a hotbed for these vagaries : The large number of men and women here who live In Idleness. These persons must have some vent for their energiesand being averse to going into the usual occupations they give themselves over to these esoteric pursuits. ' If you have a hobby. " Doctor MacDonald - Donald says , "you are on the high road to health and sanity no matter how depressed mentally or physically you may be. If you haven't a hobby , beg , borrow or steal one , whether it's col lecting beetles , old coins or postage stamps. Join the company of illus trious persons who dedicate their lei sure hours to , the pursuit of some harmless object of amusement or cu rloalty.