The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1911, Image 8

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"Blind Plj" ( and Irreoularltles In Re-
norts , It Is Reported.
Norfolk citizens nro looking each
ollx-p In ( he fiico and asking the qucs-
lion.Vluil la the grand jury culled
for. and who called It ? "
Prom tlu > various conversations and
OI.MUHHloiu ) on ( he subject by prom-
fin nt county olllclalH , business inun
and city officials It IH plain that thuro
ar > a number of e-aaos to bo investi
gated and plotted Into by the grand
Jtny. ThoHf ellbciisHlems bring ottt the
probable fad that County Attorney
Nichols Is about the inoHt persecuted
olllc-Ial In the county. HundrudH of
people have iiHki'd him recently why
something IH not done with the blind
pis on East Norfolk avenue , and ninny
liuvn aim ) naked him to look into cer
tain reported Irregular affairs at sonic
iot < orts lii ( ho 1'iiHt portion of the city.
Other canes are also hinted at , but
whut they are IH only guesswork.
tiowuvor , it IH believed ( hat the fact
that the county attorney wan tired of
many complaints on which bo wns
poworleBB to act bocauac of lack of evIdence -
Idonco , caused him to bo behind tbo
movement to call the grand Jury and
let that body ascertain whether or not
there Is any truth In the reported lr-
The blind pig in charged by many
with selling lliior | not only to minors
but to habitual drunkards who are on
thi' saloon men's "blacklist. " Many
"free-for-all" have boon
eases of - - lights
reported from ( he vicinity of this
place , and reports of shooting have
also reached the oars of the county
There have also como reports from
th * resorts east of town that minors
an- allowed the freedom of the housea
ami a number of cases of robbery , gun
playa and knifing have been reported ,
'All this has much to do in tbo way
ot work for the grand Jury , " says one
official. The county attorney at the
present time cannot probe Into those
affairs na a grand jury can. This body
can subpoena as many witnesses an it
wishes and these witnesses , if found
testifying falsely , can bo prosecuted. '
Bride Claims Self Defense.
Aberdeen , 3. D. , Feb. 22. Accord
ing to the story of Mrs. Eva May Krei
tor , a brldo of six weeks , in Jail here
charged with the murder of her hus
band , the killing of Philip Krcltei
was In self defense.
Mrs. Krelter , who claims to bo bul
20 years old , asserts that she was mar
rl''d to the dead man at Topeka , Kan.
six weeks ago against her will , as she
was in love with another man , but hei
parents insisted upon her marrylnf
Kreltor , who was fifteen years hoi
Krelter had purchased a farm neai
llecla and after the wedding took hit
bride to that town , she remaining nt t
hotel In the town most of the time
\shilo Kreiter stayed on the farm get
ting the hotibc in readiness for occu
pancy. She went to a dance last Fri
day night , which she claimed arousci
her husband's Jealousy. On Sundaj
she went out ( o the farm and the daj
paused peacefully , but at night as the }
were about to go to bed they got tc
quarreling and she claims Kreitor at
tacked her with a butcher knife
threatening to kill her. She says shi
grabbed the knife and in the strugglt
it was plunged into Krelter's body
penetrating the lungs.
The couple rushed to a next dooi
neighbor , who wanted to take Krcltei
to a doctor in town , but Kreiter re
fused , saying he wanted to die..J
doctor was telephoned for , but Kreitoi
was dead when he arrived.
Mrs. Carllne Bare.
Nellgh. Neb. . Feb. 22. Special t <
'tlio News : Another one of Antelope
county's old settlers passed away Mon
day morning in the person of Mrs
Carllne Dare , \\lio died at the home o
ht-r son , Abe Hare , at Grecian Bend
lx > lng IS years of age. Funeral ser
vices were held at the First Congrc
miliomil church in this city. Rev. Dt
Bench ofliciated. Burial was held ii
Laurel Hill cemetery.
Rebels Kill , a Police Chief.
Andrade , Calif. , Feb. 22. Twenty
six Insunectos from Mexicola begai
shooting up Algodoncs , a small towi
in Mexico opposite thla place. Tin
chief of police was killed and a Me.xi
i nn i m.toins officer sol lemsly wound
ed. The rebel bullets mused a ptml
vr.onc ; the inhabitants.
Sioux City Journal. "Hilly , " the :
> car-old son of Edward T. Kearney c
J.icUson , Neb. , died at St. Joseph ho ;
l.ital Tuesday morning at 1:10. : Th
child had been in the hospital forsom
time. Mr. Kearney is a banker n
, 'ackson and "Hilly" was his only boj
The body will be held at the hospiU
until Wednesday morning , when th
funeral will bo hold in the hospltf
i Impel at 8:15 : o'clock , after which th
remains will be sent to Jackson fc
One of Principals In Land Case In Th
County , Is Hopelessly Insane.
Although it was hoped by sotno a
torneys that It would be possible f <
Carl Teske to be taken from the stal
hospital to Madison and be placed c
the wltncsss ( and to testify for hlr
* elf in the last of the well know
Teske land cases , which have been c
the district court docket for mai
joars , it is now announced by Atto
uey M. IX Tyler that Mr. Toske's rail
is still a blank and that ho will not t
placed ou the btand.
The Tesko land cases commence
morale years ago when the father <
Carl Teske died. Previously the f
ther promised his son his propert
valuable- farmland lu Green Gard <
district , with the understanding th
ho would not marry and would gl
each ot his two sisters $1,000. Aft
the mother's death the father loft t :
old home and went to llvo with
daughter and cancelled the agreemoi
Lawsuit after lawsuit followed , wi
the result that Carl Ti-sko came out a
winner by a good portion of the land.
After the father's death one sister re
ceived a quarter ecion ( of the land
and tin- other sister , who previously
refused the land and wanted the cash
$1.000. found that the land was more
valuable and Is now claiming that Carl
Tenlie promised her a quarter section
of the land. This Is the case Teske
was to have testified In , and this case
will probably wind up the Teske es
tate cases.
Carl Teske was taken to the hos
pital some tlmo ago. Monday Attor
ney Tyler visited Tesko in his room
at the hospital. He was accompanied
by Dr. Dishemg. Mr. Teako failed to
recofiiil/.o Mr. Tyler , who scorned
greatly surprised when Teske asked
him whether or not ho know the cap
tain of the ship on which ho had cross
ed the Atlantic. Of course the attor
ney did not , and this seemed a great
Joke to Teske , who laughed and said
he didn't either. It was soon evident
from other rambllngs of the farmer
that his testimony on the stand would
bo of no value and the attorney left
the hospital.
D. D. Brunson of Ewlng was here.
A. D. Fellera of Fullerton wns hero.
H. E. Stormont of Oakland was in
the city.
F. J. Webb of Emerson waa a visitor
in the city.
M. II. Leahy of Pierce was a visitor
In Iho city.
Mlaaes Lenorn Hnna and Mabel
Brechler of Battle Creek were visitors
in the city.
George Krumm of Tlldon was a vi-
Her In the city.
Joseph Skaloy of Madison was a vis
itor In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bishop of Fairfax
were in the city.
J. L. Everett of Nebraska City was
in the city on business.
J. H. Becmcr and J. E. James of
Wakelleld were In Iho city.
Miss Minnie Braasch went to Val
entino to visit with friends.
William Ahlman went to Omaha to
attend the automobile show.
Mrs. Otto Maurer of Spencer was in
the city visiting with Mr.and , Mrs. C ,
P. Christiansen.
Miss Emma Braasch wont to * Lin
coln and Omaha to spend a few days
visit with friends.
Mrs. C. P. Christiansen returned
from Madison , where she spent a short
visit with relatives.
Mrs. F. I. Russell nnd children ol
Livingston , Mont. , are in the city visit
Ing with her daughter , Mrs. Mlllard
Rev. D. C. Colegrove went to Omahr
to attend a committee meeting of the
Episcopal diocesan commission whicl
meets in Omaha today.
New gum slot machines are to be
installed In several stores In the city
The Presbyterian Aid society wil !
meet with Mrs. Percy all day tomor
row for work. A full attendance h
Members of the Christ Luthcrat
church will give an entertainment ir
the school house on South Fifth stree' '
Friday night.
A mandolin club has been organized
by a number of firemen who have sur
prised their brother firemen by enter
tnining them at a rehearsal Tuesday
Ed Monroe , the fire driver , has or
ganized a quartet among the fire fight
ers nnd the practice of these singers
kept a number of the councilraeii 01
pinpoints Monday evening.
John Robinson , after being able t (
be out of bed for ono day after :
week's illness , found it again neces
sary to take to his bed Tuesday ot
account of a second atlock of the grip
Fred Hoche , Nebraska's giant win
is suffering from an attack of appen
dicitls. was visited by n number .o
friends Tuesday , who report that Mr
Boche's conditon is somewhat iraprov
ed and that an operation will not tx
Organizer C. A. Pray of the Owls re
ports that ho nowthus sufficient appli
cations for membership nnd will * dop
a class in the Sons of Hermann hal
Thursday night. The public Is invitee
to be present at this meeting when hi
will deliver n lecture-
Voget's Beethoven quartette returu
ed from Plainview , where they gavi
a concert. Among the quartet were
Professor Otto Voget , Misses Marioi
Gow , Carrie Thompson and Uutl
Bee'bo. Miss Laura Durland accorr
panlod the young ladies and acted a
chaperone. The party were guests a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Coi
The Norfolk Board of Charity dlrec' '
ors held their first annual meetini
t Tuesday night in the office of the Dui
land Trust company. Permanent o :
fleers were elected , but the public nr
nonncement of these officers Is bein
temporarily withheld on account c
their not yet being confirmed by se
oral members of the directors' con
William Smith , who was taken si
riously ill with rheumatism when h
entered the Keleher saloon at th
Junction , where he is employed a
bartender , is reported no better. ,
large number of friends have decide
that Mr. Smith should go to Excelsic
Springs , Mo. , for treatment , and the
are endeavoring to make preparation
to take him there.
Tramps in Norfolk do not go Inn
gry when calling for food at the bac
door of some Norfolk residences. Mr
Charles Rice feel one of this clas
Tuesday and before the Weary Will
finished hia attack on the hospltabl
table he had made a record. An eno
mona amount of mout uud bread , thre
> r bowls of soup and live cups of coff
constituted this man's ineul. This d !
the "trimmings. "
Y , not include
C. B. Durland has received woi
H from Yankton , S. D , , reporting tt
death at Washington , D. C. , of Mr
John Nlchol , Jr. Funeral abrvices at
interment took place at Yankton , tl
homo of Mrs. Nichols. Mr. Nichols
well known in Norfolk , having atten
ed the public schools. Ha Is now 01
ployed In the navy department at
Washington. Mrs. Nichols before mar-
ryjng attended the Yankton college.
"About the tlmo The News came
out last night telling about me knowIng -
Ing who stole my dog. " says Ed Hans ,
the artist , "the dog anddoilly appeared
In my yard. I am glad It's back. It
cost me $ JI. . " This valuable dog was
brought fiom Hchnylor by the artist a
few dnya ago and waa greatly admired
by many people. The day after its ar
rival it waa stolen and Mr. Hans de
clared ho had a clew to its where
abouts. When this became public the
dog was returned.
A inun arrived In the city with a
crutch and a supply of shoo strings
and lead pencils. Ho la selling the
latter two artlclea and the crutch ho
Is endeavoring to use with much diffi
culty. A number of citizens wore sur
prised to aee him forgot to use the
crutch nt various times , and one de
clares he was surprised at hearing n
man in this gentleman's position re
mark that ho lost more money at a
card party Tuesday night than any
Norfolk native has seen.
Many exceptions are being taken to
Mayor Friday's speech before the
council Monday night. One Norfolk
citizen who was quoted by the mayor
in his harangue as paying but $75 taxes
declares his taxes reach the $000 mark
and others who were misrepresented
in thu matter of tax payments by tin
mayor feel Indignant that they should
be. The mayor's information on these
taxes is probably without foundation
according to one councilman , whc
says the mayor's every quotation 01
this subject was wrong.
City Physician J. H. Mackay wouk
como back to Norfolk if he could b <
assured that ho would not meet a bllz
zard here. According to a letter re
celved from that official by City Clorl
Eil Harter , Dr. and Mrs. Mackay an
enjoying their visit in Texas , and fron
the doctor's letter It is not probable
that he will return here for som <
time. "Everything is strictly casl
here , " bo says in his letter , "so sonc
mo what the city owea mo. After go
ing around In my shirt sleeves for s (
long I am afraid to como back for feai
of sticking my head into a blizzard. "
Rev. John Melmaker of the Bnptis
church hold short services at the Ses
slons & Bell undertaking parlors a
10:30 : Wednesday morning over tin
remains of George Loan , who dice
hero Tuesday morning. Many flora
tributes wore brought by friends nn <
both the Masons and Odd Follows net
ed as pallbearers. After the service :
the remains were put aboard a Unioi
Pacific train and taken to Gram
Island , where services and intermen
will take place. Mrs. Loan , her soi
George Loan , Jr. , Miss Loan , n siste
of Mr. Loan , and M. C. Hazen , mnste
of the local Masonic lodge , accompn
nled the remains to Grand Island
The pallbearers were : S. H. Grant
M. P. Suiter , D. Kees , M. L. Ogden , J
W. White. 0. Kish.
"Lost" Ad Finds Dog.
A want ad came to the rescue of an
other dog owner. V. V. Light lost i
terrier pup last Friday. Yesterday h
put a "lost" ad In The News and wltli
in an hour the little dog was restore
to its rightful owner.
Smile at Friday Talk.
The ridiculous self-promoting poll !
leal harangue delivered by Mayor Fr
. day to the city council on Monda
night , Is the political topic of the da
in Norfolk , the brazen self-praise c
the mayor In a city council meetin
calling forth smiles upon all sides.
The "speech" is characterized b
both democrats and republicans as
little bit the "best farce comedy" tha
ever held the boards at n city counci
meeting. Not only Is It laughed at a
an outrageous violation of all ethic
governing political office , but the It
tlated egotism expressed in the whol
ungrammaticnl effort gives cause fo
considerable merriment.
The idea of the mayor that he Is it
dispensable in his present capacltj
to the city of Norfolk , and that Noi
folk never made any progress until h
became its executive head , and ca
not now amble along without him a
its guiding hand , has caused no end c
"Whenever any man in any posltio
gets the Idea Into his head that ho' '
Indispensable that the whole work
will stop without him it's about tim
to name his successor , " said one don
ocrat. "For when a man gets an idc
that the city can't get along wlthov
him as mayor , he becomes a would-l
dictator of the most objectlonabl
kind. When a man gets BO sure thi
he can whip hia party into nomlnatln
him and then whip the public int
maintaining him in a public office tlu
he has already held three terms , it
about time for a change. A chang
now and then in public offlco Is
healthy process for a community , an :
how. And what is the real reasc
why this man Friday seems to cllti
to the Job of mayor with such bul
dog tenacity ? "
Laugh at "What I Done" Talk.
Some of the people of Norfolk wt
have helped in every progress
movement that lias been made , at :
who have fathered many of the mov
monts , are inclined to lough const
erably at Mayor Friday's bold clal
that nothing ever was done for No
folk by any other mayor than himse
and that he is to be thanked for r
the good things that have over com
"We have had some pretty go <
mayors before , " one business tnr
said. "John Koenlgsteln , H. K. G
reeke. Col. 3. W. Hayes , II. C. M
trau , M. C. Walker , Dr. Bear , J. :
Simpson , W. M. Robertson , D. J. Koc
igsteln , M. C. Ha/.en , C. B. Durlai
and J. D. Sturgeon have all been ma
era of Norfolk , and It strikes me
good deal of 'crust' for a man 111
Friday to stand up In council meet ! )
and claim to have done so much mo
than all those men put together. "
The fact that the mayor took occ
slon to attack a new Norfolk industt
to cast on insinuation nt the Comme
] . clal club and flay a number ot mi
a. whom he wants to punish for o ;
thing and another , In his speech ,
caused sonio consternation. The Idea
that a city's mayor should belittle
, himself nmi humiliate his community
i by this kind of political tactics , did
not meet with favor , oven among
members of his own party.
The Eagles May Build This Year.
At n meeting of the Eagles held
Monday night the construction of a
i $20,000 building on that order's property -
| erty on Norfolk avenue and Third
street was discussed. It is reported
that the outcome of the meeting was
that the order would atari the con
struction of this building early this
coming summer. The Eagles thought
seriously last year of commencing op
erations on this building , but there is
no doubt in the minds of several mem
bers that the building will go up this
A Clyde Fitch Comedy Coming.
Clyde Fitch's best comedy , "Girls , "
\\I11 on Tuesday of next week intro
duce to Norfolk theatergoers a new
kind of stage girl.
Unlike many wo have soon who , no
matter how natural they may seem ,
are never quite able to make the audi
ence lose sight of the grease paint
and glamor of footlights , these girls-
there nro three of them -are said to
be the real thing. They do not act ,
they do not speak lines and do things
arranged by someone else ; they sim
ply live in public the private life of a
trio of bachelor girls who swear fre
quently to be Independent of men , and
whose oaths arc broken since the first
woman made up her mind she could
ive without the first man , and then
onnd she couldn't.
The play opens in a studio shared
) y the three Independent manhaters ,
t gives tbo spectator a graphic pic
ure of how it is ponsible to live and
eep UQ appearances on a small and
ncertaln Income. Even tb * way in
, 'hlch a studio which Is also n living
oem , dining room and kitchen la
onverted Into a. sleeping apartment
or three by the making up of a fold'
ng bed , a sofa and a Morris chair , is
epicted with a realism that includes
lot only the donning of night robes ,
ut a glimpse of pink toes peeping
rom beneath the coverlet. It Is at
his rather inopportune moment that
ho man who afterwards causes all the
rouble appears on the scene. He on
ers hurriedly from the hall for the
mrpose of escaping a Jealous bus-
jand , who , as the young man is really
he hero of the play , is of course tc
mvo no grounds for his Jealousy. Be-
ore this conies out , however , the
oung man escapes across an air-shaft
n a bridge hastily improvised from n
nantel board , but his brief stay hat
) een long enough to entirely upset
he future of the delightful Adamless
Selen. A theatrical manager and si
aw clerk complete the work begun by
ho hero , and at the end of the third
act It Is very evident that the "Tc
t" sign will replace the belongings
of the bachelor maids almost immo
liately. Clyde Fit'ch has always
cnown how to transplant real womer
rom the various grades of life to the
stage where his plays have been seen
but in "Girls" it is said he has out
lone himself in this , his best line.
This is a high grade attraction ant
> vill play at prices from 50c to f 1.50.
Friday's Hobby is Put to Sleep.
Mayor Friday's pet scheme to estab
ish a municipal electric light plan !
with which to illuminate the streets o ;
Norfolk , by calling a special electioi
o vote $55,000 bonds , was put to sleei
it a meeting of the city council lasi
Councilman Dolln , whoso absenci
two weeks ago was given na the may
or's excuse for delaying aclion at thai
ime , was present and voted agalnsi
the proposition. Those voting agains
t were : Blakeman , Coleman , Dollr
ind Kauftman. Those voting for ii
were : Winter , Fuesler , Fischer ane
This Is the measure which the maj
or personally championed , circulatlnj
the petition in favor of the propositlot
ilmself and bringing all his officla
nfluence to bear upon those ho sollc
tcd to sign , many of whom afterwardi
withdrew their names from the docu
nent when they had given the matte
serious consideration and dlscoverei
the real inwardness of the proposi
( ion. This is probably the most stren
nous effort ever made by the mayor
ind its utter failure to meet the np
proval of the council or the city , show ;
a lack of confidence in the buslnes
Judgment of the mayor that will prol
ably give that gentleman cause for rt
flection for some time.
Move for Better Street Lighting.
A movement for better street llghl
ing was set on foot when the counci
adopted Kauffmnn's motion that th
public works committee should go eve
the situation and formulate plans fo
lighting the streets , reporting nt th
next meeting.
Before putting the light plant resoh
lion to a vote , the mayor Indulged In
political speech by which ho appai
ently hoped to get votes for his hobbj
In the course of this address ho gav
expression to these idens :
"I'm the Only Real Mayor. "
That no other mayor of Norfolk ha
over done anything for the city C :
ceptlng himself.
He took exception to the publlshe
story that ho would seek re-electlo
on an independent ticket if the demi
crats failed to renomlnate him. H
declared that the democrats would n
nominate- him and that he would b
re-elected. Hut he did not deny tlu
ho will run Independently if they fate
to select him as their candidate.
The reason why he wants to bo ma ;
or again , he said , is to get muntcipi
ownership of the light plant
Attacks New Norfolk Industry.
He attacked n new Norfolk industr ;
the Norfolk Oil & Chemical work ;
which enterprise he continually dul
bed "a grease DOL" He was again !
It , ho said , because It would "tali
bualneRH away from local buslnee
men" ( which , of course , Is a ridlc1
tously untrue statement , and aU U
itoro ridiculous when coming from the
layer of the city in a political speech
o the council ) . He declared with
( ime gusto that he had Mibscrlbcd $10
o the Commercial club's fund for buy
ig a site for this Industry , forgetting
o mention that he at llrat flatly re
used to give a penny and then some
Ime afterward concluded to sign ( per-
apa for political reasons ) but not nu
ll various business men had pleaded
vith him.
Rapa Commercial Club ,
Ho attacked the present Commer-
ial club , declaring that three
ears ago the club had the best preai-
lent it over had had or ever will have
, nd that the present "ring" HO dla-
: ourngcd that president that he left
ho city.
Aa more argument why he must be
e-elected mayor , he declared : " 1
< now more about city business than
Id man Husc or the whole Huso fain-
ly. "
He said he knew where the blind
> lg cast of town is , but thai il was
mtsldc the city limits and up to the
ounty attorney.
"What improvements have been
done in this town besides those
under my administration ? There
were none.
"My ambition to be mayor was to
get gutters on Norfolk avenue. We
needed them bad and we got them.
The man that put them in beat us
on them by not putting them in
"I'm accused of trying to drive a
new Industry out of town. I only
done what people askerf me to do.
"I guarantee the democrats will
renomlnate me for mayor. I am
going to run and I will be nominat
ed. "
Extracts from Mayor Friday's
political speech made to the city
Before the municipal light rcsolutlor
was put to a vote a number of thi
: ouncllmon kept a fire of questions
joing at the mayor as to whether ot
tot the passage of this resolution
would mean that the council would
all a special election to vote bonds-
'or the plant. The mayor declared
not , and it looked as if he wished U
railroad the resolution through and tt
smooth it over by making the council
believe that it had nothing to do what
L-ver with the starting of the miinici
pal plant. But the members of the
council were not satisfied and they fin
ally drew out of the city engineer thai
the passing of this resolution was the
first step toward a municipal plant
mid then Mayor Friday , looking aboul
I lie room in search of some one , de
ulared now was the time for any re
marks on the plant , that the resolu
tion was about to be voted upon.
K. A. Bullock in a few words dc
hired that at present there was not
room in Norfolk for two electric light
plants and asked the mayor if the
council did not passi the resolutior
could he ( the mayor ) mandamus that
"I can mandamus tnc'in to call n
special election , " said the mayor
"whether they pass this resolution 01
not. " Then again differing with the
city attorney's decision that the reso
lution was a first step in the way of .1
new light plant he said , "but this resolution
elution has nothing to do with It what
ever. "
"Mr. Mayor , " said Councilman Cole
man , "I take exception to one remarli
you made in your talk. That's aboul
people in my ward coming lo me and
protesting against the chemical plant
I did not know anything about the
plant being built until one of mj
brother councllmen told mo about It
And about the municipal lighting plant
I will say that at the present time 1
am opposed to it. Not because I be
long to any certain clique , but because
I think I am doing it for the good o !
the people. And for your Information
Mr. Mayor , yon will find me against
It first , last , and all the lime. "
Councilman Dolln was also up Ir
arms against the plant. When he
asked why a resolution adopting n
plant not yet built was necessary te
be voted on before an election foi
bonds. The mayor then remarked ii
was for the purpose of "making it le
gal , " and the city attorney again de
clared It "necessary for the first step. '
"Mr. Mayor , " said Councilman Do
lin , "I nm not ready to vote on thii
question now. We are in no positiot
for it nt the present time , and I havi
to have more time before I can saj
yes or no. We are now in debt abou
? ! )9.000 ) and we have to accumulate i
second fund to pay the interest an <
bonds. I would like the councilmei
who started this resolution to with
draw and give us more time lo con
slder the proposition. I am not goini
to either way. "
Then a long pause followed befon
launching the resolution for a vote
during which Councilman Kauffmai
declared some action should be takei
one way or the other toward getllni
belter street lighting. Roll call fol
lowed with all councllmen votlni
against the mayor's pet resolution will
Ihe exception of Winter , Fueslei
Fischer and Koerber.
"I guess the motion is lost , Mi
clerk , said the mayor to City Cler
Harter , who was "on the Job" in spit
of the fact that he underwenl a ver ,
serious operation on his amputale
leg a few days ago.
Then severnl of tbo councllmen too
up the question of better lighting fo
the streets , and several motions I
have certain committees of the com
ell advertise for bids or investlgal
the situation with a view of reportln
to the council what they could do 1
the way of securing better light wor
made. Councilman Kauffman final !
withdrew some of his motions an
made one to the effect that the publl
works corntnilteo should go over th
situation and formulate and propos
plans for lighting the streets and n
port at the next meeting. Every men
her of the council voted in favor c
During the efforts on the part of th
few councUmen to gain thla point , th
mayor put obstruction In their way by
remarking that they could not contract
for over ? 200 per month , which
brought Councilman Uliikemun out
with retort that if Ihe council had
power to spend $ 'jr.O for a set of light
'ilnns. why could they not make a e'tm-
( rac-l for ( he lighting of the streets
for eivor $200.
E. A. Bullock made a atatemciij before -
fore the council that he stood ready to
furnish Norfolk with light for about
cost If not nt COB ( , and although lie
wan about to expend $ lt.OOO by remov
ing hla poles from Norfolk avenue , he
would do all he could for the city's
welfare and he felt aure that compet
itors for the lighting of the streets
would do the same.
He charged all other mayors of Nor
folk , excepting himself , with doing
nothing for the city. Nothing was
done- for the Improvements ) of the
town , he said , until he was elected.
He took exception to the announce-
inent made Monday that he would be
a candidate on the Independent ticket
should the democrats * fail to nominate
him. He guaranteed that the demo
crats would nominate him , but he did
not say he would not take an indepen
dent nomhiatlim. His ambition to be
mayor , he Mild , was te ) get gutters
phu-ed on Norfolk a\enne. The gu- (
teTs were used but a few years and
had to be torn out. He blamed this
em the city engineer of that time. The
blind pig on East Norfolk avenue , he
8-aid. should be looked after by the
county attorney. His explanation on
the coming of tin- Norfolk Oil and
Chemical factory here was received
with smiles by several councllmen
and spectators. He accused the fac
tory of taking business away from lo
cal business men , which IH not true ;
ami declared he did not see why we
should put up with a company which
competes with people bore. Ho de
clared he subscribed with the com
mercial club $10 to buy n lot for this
factory , but he did not say that ho wa-s
probably the last to sign and once bad
refused to sign and did so after sever-
il attempts and arguments -wore made
ivith him by several boosters.
In his speeuh the mayor nttacked
Mr. KauH'num who , he said , made a
tntement tc. the effect that the people
ple living In the territory of the first
proposed site of the oil factory should
move out if they did not like "it. This
brought a protest from Mr. Kauffman's
oriit'i- and he demanded an apology ,
aying lie had mad * no such remark.
The party at Montague Is orderly.
Fresno , Calif. , Feb. 21. In a con-
"erenco at the county Jail with city
nfflcials members of the Industrial
Workers of the World sent there for
. -iolating the speaking ordinance , re-
ected u compromise offered them. It
was proposed that they should be re-
eased if they would confine their
speech-making to county property
within the city and refrain from con
gregating and speaking on the streets.
They refused to accede to this and
announced that they would continue
heir crusade.
Fly Twelve Miles , Five Minutes.
Tampa , Fla. , Feb. 21. In a twelve-
: nllo speed lest between Lincoln
Beachy and J. A. D. McCurdy in which
; ho new Belmont seventy horsepower
machines were tried , Beachy defeat
ed McCurdy about half a mile.
The time was a fraction over five
minutes , unofficial.
Railroad President Tells Why He Lay
Still , as Commanded.
Cleveland , Feb. 12. "I couldn't say
that I was terrified that I felt that dis-
creliot , was the better part of valor , so
t lay perfectly still as I was command
ed to do , " said President W. H. Can-
niff of the Nickel Plate railroad in re
lating his experience with a burglar nt
iiis home at 2:43 : o'clock u. m.
President Canlff awoke Just In tlmo
to see the burglar , with a revolver and
electric flashlight , enter Iho room.
Simultaneously with the awakening ,
the burglar threw the flashlight onto
Mr. Cannlff and Jumped toward him
with revolver pointed at his head.
The burglar cut the wire of Ihe tel
ephone and kept on backing to a
dresser on which slood a Jewel case ,
from which he look several rings val
ued nt $150. Ho then backed out of
the room and disappeared.
Manila Carnival Is On.
Manila , Feb. 21. Manila's annual
carnival opened today. Thousands
came in from the provinces and as
usual there were many visitors from
China and Japan. The most novel fea
ture was the first flight In the orient
made by J. C. Mars , the New York av
iator who sailed aloft in a Baldwin
biplane. The exhibition excited the
keenest interest The speclacular mil
itary and civic pageant has never been
surpassed here. The industrial exhlb
Its are creditable to the promoters
and the Illuminations tonight were on
a large scale and pleasing.
Russia Mobolizlng Troops.
St. Petersburg , Feb. 21. A dispatch
from Harbin saya that Russian troops
are being concentraled at Kiakhta , a
.settlement in Siberia close to the Chinese
neso frontier and opposite the Chinese
neso town of Miumachln. Orders
hnvo been Issued to strengthen the
watch on Iho frontier.
The Chinese residents of Mongolia
have received orders from Pekln le
mobolize tbo banner troops.
Train In a Ditch.
Pallsada , Nov. , Feb. 21. Southern
Pacific train No. 10 , castbound , known
as the Chlna-Jnpnneso fast mull
which left Snn Francisco at 9 o'clock
last night , went Into the ditch shorll. %
aflcr 9 o'clock nun nnd a half miles
wesl of here. No ono waa killed bul
n number of passengers ore reported
Must be Labor Party.
Indianapolis , Feb. 21. "A construe
live progressives , radical labor party
must soon enter the field of polltlce
a against the republican and democratic
turtles , " mild Samuel ( lomperH , prcsl-
lent of the American Federation of
.abor , In a speech to members of the
ndlana legislature , "Tho republican
Kirty If It remains as It Is now , will
oproHont power of wealth , " continued
Mr Oompers. "and the democratic
iart\ will compete1 with It for the
mum- leadership unless the democrats
urn to the people to lead them out
if bondage. "
Death or Vac Tomek.
Nleibiara , Nvb. , Feb. 21. Special to
The News : Vac Tomek , one cif the
early Bohemian tu'ttlors ( if Knox coun
ty , died Sunday morning after an Ill
ness of Hc\cral mouths' duration.
Slne'o the death of hia wlfo some ye ara
igo he has made his home In Nlo-
Immi with his daughter , Mrs. Vac
Vlasnlk. lie * la survived by ono aon.
Vac TomeU of Lynch , Neb. ; two daugh
ters , Mrs. Vac Vlaanlk and Mrs. F.
Opocensky of thin place , and several
grand children. The funeral will bo
lield Wednesday morning at 10 ei'cloclc
troin the V. . C. B. T. hall.
Fatalism of Chinese Regarding Cre
mation , has Been Overcome.
Pekln.-Feb. 21. ' Tlicro Is noticeable
activity b > the Clilneao government to
stay the spread e > f the plagno ami
sanitary measures nro being strictly
enforced In all the teiwns where a few
weeks ago the disease was allowed
full swing. Instructions have been
Issued that every village burns its
The panic and fear of the plague
hiue overridden the Chinese suporati-
tion o\er the cremation of the bodies
of the victims and now almost dally
the torch lu applied to piles of baa-
tlly constructed among which
nro often neon bodies wrapped only
In shrouds. In Kwang-Chsuigtsej , near
the Mnnchnrlan railway , whefc tbo
daily death list hus numbered moro
than 100. masked men go abe > ut with
sleds and pick np the bodies lying in
the- streets where they have boon
placed by relatives. The sleds trans
port them to the west gate nnd from
there they are removed In carts to
the cremation groiiiida.
A correspondent whe ) visited Hu-
Lan , thirty miles north of Harbin ,
found that the town was sorely afflict
ed. For many weeks the governor ,
with the customary fatalism , wtis In
different to the awful work of the
plague. Ha has now been huddcnly
aroused Into activity and , clad In
mask and bandages , personally super
intends tlie cremation of die accumu
lated bodies.
in emo vlllago near by , whore for
merly seventy people lived , there are
now thirty-four , the either thirty-six
liaving died of the plague and been
Merrimac Hero Paints Gloomy Pic
ture of Our Unpreparedness.
Washington. Feb. 21. Saying Japan
Is now ' 'hard up" because that gov
ernment ha > already financed her next
war , Representative Hobson in the
house drew a gloomy picture of the
unpreparedncHS of Iho Unlled States
for war.
Ho said the government was In such
a state of unreadiness that it would
have to fight the equivalent of three
wars before really beginning war on
a prepared basis.
Mr. Hobson predicted that the Pan
ama canal would never bo used by
this government in war time because
it would either not become completed
and adequate means would bo found
to prevent its use instantly xtpon a
declaration of war. Ho pictured Japa
nese occupancy of the Philippines ,
Hawaii , Guam , Samoa , Alutlan is
lands , Alaska , Puget Sound and other
parts of the United States and Its
Alfalfa Show for Creighton.
Croightou , Neb. , Feb. 21. Special to
The News : Under the joint auspices
of the C. & N. AV. nnd the Creighton
Commercial club , the alfalfa model
farm , which was on exhibition at the
Omaha land show , will be on exhibi
tion at Green'B hnjl Wednesday , Feb
ruary 22. The Northwestern will
bring the exhibit here on a special
train , nnd Creighton will be Iho only
point between Norfolk and Boncsteel
which will be favored with the exhibit.
The excursion will be in charge of
Prof. Hunt of the University of Ne
braska , who will deliver a series of
lectures on the preparation of the soil ,
seeding , growing and harvesting , and
the many ways In which a crop of
alfalfa may be utilized to the advant
age of the farmer.
Ninety Rebels Reported to Have Been
Killed No Confirmation.
Mexico City , Feb. 21. El Dlario
published a special under El Paso
date that In nn encounter between
revolutionists led by Enrique Flores
Mngon and a force under General Navarro -
varro near Guadalupe moro than
ninety rebela were killed nnd many
wounded. No mention was mudo of
federal losses ,
The fighting was said to have con
tinued all morning , the rebels retreatIng -
Ing when they found themselves near
ly aurrounded by Navarre's men. No
confirmation of the news was to bo
bad here. Guadalupo Is twelve miles
Houth of Juarez. Al Iho office of the
national railway it was said that the
through railway train service via Jua
rez has been resumed.
San Diego , Calif. , Feb. 21. A tele
phone mcsaago from Tla Juana on the
American sldo of the * international
line says that an American , suspected
of being an insurgent , was arrested
nnd thrown into the cuartel at Tla
Juana on the Mexican side. Sylvo
Blanco , a Mexican resident of the
place , protested without avail to the
police against the arrest. The name
of the prisoner cannot bo learned.