The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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\ Q , . , . - . - . . .
Hy .lAMIi A. mr.lHlTON.
tlio llrst tltno In itphtocn
FOH n Democratic ways niul
means committee Is to frame
a liirlff bill. TlKi last like o < -
rr Nlon was In ISM , \\hcn the \Vllnon
Mil wont tliruiiKh the house In fairly
respectable HlinjM' , but wan so amend-
txl in tlio senate Unit ( Jrovcr Clove-
Intiil would not put IIH ! iiiiiiu ! lo It ,
but lot It become a law without tl-tit
Blight token of bin regard. Because
of tlmt law ni'd for other roiiHonn
tlio Democratic party went out of
power , to nlay until tlio overturning "f
lost fall iiKiiln landed It on top in the
house of representatives.
Tlio ways ntul means committee , itl-
ways Important , becomes supremely
no wlion a tnrlfi' bill IH on ( ho boards.
Now It IH given a yet greater authority
II becomes tlio commltteo on committee
toe ? ) and names all ( ho standing com
uiltlcGH of tlio IIOIIHO. Tlmt will make
1t a bigger nolRo than Undo .loo Can
iion. Indirectly Undo .Too In himself
responsible for this new dignity of
the ways and means. For four eon
KresHcs now ho has appointed the com-
irilttccH and generally has run the
IIOIIHO according to bin own plans and
specifications , or did HO until tlio house
uroso on KM hind legs and concluded In
flo a little running for Itself. Insur
gency broke out In the npeaker's hap
Q.--f.- . - . - . - - - - . . . . . . . < -i. . . § .
of | u-.j.l > rinnlly It orlg
InateH till tnrllT bllK
Slim Republican Qlory.
There IH some dims to being u mem
ber of the ways and means committee.
If ( he said member happens to bo a
Republican , however , there IH class and
nothing inure. He Is a mere ornament.
The Democrats have walled long for
their chaiu'o and will not let any of II
Blip away from them now.
There are fourteen of the fortunate
Democrats who have been elected to
thin most puissant committee. In ether
or days there were nineteen membor.s
all told , and tlio ItepubllcaiiH were sat
lolled with twelve of these. When the
Democratl < " CIUH-US llrst considered thn
matter they decided to take thirteen ,
seven from the Houth and six from the
north. Tin' northern men kicked at
the unequal division and carried the
matter to Chump Clark. Now , Chajnp
has a horror of the number thirteen
and favored adding one more , making
woven from each seel Ion.
It Is said that when the speaker to
he was once scheduled to orate at a
dinner ho discovered that there were
thirteen at tnblo nnd would not say a
word until ho had gene out and picked
up the tlrst mini he could find as an
extra guest , tbu man happening to be
a policeman. At any rate , Unit thlr
teen would have been an unlucky thing
a ' \ \ . M profession mid hag boon
lu h < > in.iiill d
Second Only to Speaker.
Second to the speaker , iho chairman
of ( ho ways and means commltteo Is
the most powerful man In the IIOIIHO.
With the M'leetlon of the standing
committees practically In his hands ,
ho Is more Important still. Ho Ic
floor leader of. the majority , the big
nolKo on tbu tarllf , the man who de
cides the fate of the common or gar
den need vatlety of congressman. Un
der these circumstances It become.s es
sential to krrow what manner of man
Underwood Is. Rolng modest , how
ever , hu will not tell us. Flo IH not a
good .self Intlatlng press agent. About
all wo know for sure IH that bo Is an
able citizen , a believer In tarllV foi
revenue only and a Democrat every
day in tin1 week.
Henry T. Italnoy was a champion
boxer In hi * college days and In con
gro .s has raised < e\ernl kinds of rows
ni i r iliu ruimnui canal , the sugar trust
and oilier subjects , lie stirred up so
much partl-nn trouble that the lie
publicans refused to place him on the
I'inchot-Rallingor committee even after
the Denim ratio caucus had chosen
him. He Is llfty-one years old , has
been in congress eight years , In an
A. M. friiin Amherst and a practicing
lawyer. Ss for the tariff , ho believes
in liiHt a * little f it as wo can gel
py family , and the insurrectos forcl-
| bly nnd violently removed the old
man from the rules committee , took
the appointment ot that comuiittno
army from him nnd stumped the coun
try on the issue of "Cannonlcm. "
Burden Taken From Champ.
Now , having elected a Democratic
bouse , thus removing Undo .Too from
the face of the political map and elim
inating him ns an issue , his foes will
lake out the remainder of their wrath
Jm his unfortunate olllce. This IH harden
on Champ Clark , who , though lie has
tought Cannon on many congressional
Jields , Is thus mndo to suffer for the
Bins of his enemy. Perhaps Clark is
fclafl to bo rid of the appointment of
those troublesome commltfecH , but
whether he Is or not he cannot help
himself. The ways and means com
mittee 1ms the Job , and with tlmt
transfer of power opens a m > w era In
the history of the house of representa
Legislation is made by the standing
Committees. It Is all very well to talk
about taking a bill away from a com-
jiiUteo and passing it regardless , but
it Is seldom done. It sounds well in
theory , but does not work In practice.
The power that appoints the standing
committees Is the power that rules the
tiou o. Thus the ways and means com
mittee becomes the most Important leg
islative group In the government. It
names the committee on rules , other
wise the house machine. It selects
the appropriations committee , having
chareo of $1.000.000,000 onuunl expend-
Iture. It chooses the rhcrs and liar
bors and public buildings committees
which preside over the "pork barrel. "
It apitolnts the JudUlary. mnal. mill
tnry , Ubor , agriculture and all the oth
er commlitccs' which control the laws
tor the north.
It Is announced tlmt hearings on the
tariff will be held during the spring
and early summer and that the rules
committee will bo chosen nt once , so
that it may devise the regulations for
the next house. As for the other stand
ing committees , they will go over till
fall. If tin extra session should be
called this program would bo material
ly modified. In that event the Immor
tal fourteen would have to go to It at
The Democratic Members.
The Democratic members of tin-
ways and means committee of the Six
ty-second congress us chosen by the
caucus of their party are as follows :
Oscar W. VmJonvooil. Alabama , chair
man ; Ui'iuy T. Ualney , Illinois , ; Lincoln
ntxon , Indiana , Ollte M. James , Ken
tucky ; Atulnw J I'cterg , Massachusetts ;
\VlniloklScott Hammond , Minnesota ; Dor-
teyV. . Shavklefnrd , Missouri ; William
IliiKhci. XeJirsoy ; Krancls Utirton
TIniil on. New York ; Clautlo Kltchln.
North Pniollna ; A. Mitchell rainier. Pcnn-
Nylvnnln , C'orUcll liunt , Tennessee ; Choice
R Hnmlell , Tvxos ; William G. Urantley.
Oscar W. Underwood , whoso name
will go down the years attached to the
next tariff bill , has been assistant mi
nority loader nnd member of the pres
ent ways and means committee. He
was born in Kentucky In ISO.fls
educated In the University of Vir
glnla , moved to Birmingham , Ala. , auc
has represented that district In con
gress blueo 1S95. In his first race foi
the house Mr. Underwood had but little
tlo more than 1,000 plurality , but In
Mihspqmut contests has been practi
cully unopposed. Notwithstanding HIE
fact that he represents a illbtrict Ui
which the great steel mills are lo.'ud'd
he has been ' consistent tariff reform
er , voting for all reductions proposed
to tbo Payuo bill. Mr Underwood I"
along with.
Lincoln Dbon : Is the same age i
Rulney.n college graduate , a ! aw\i
prosecuting attorney for elirlitca ,
and ha * * been In congress four year
Hi * i that rar.i avis , a noiseless state
man. and for this reason has been ra
Idly adMiuid , the other .statesmen ! !
Ing a ninn who would let them mal
all the nols ( > . on the same prlnc-lp
that nn industrious talker Is fond of
good listener. "DIxou Is at present c
the rules rommlttee. lie voted f <
every amendment to reduce schednli
In the Pnyno tsirltf law.
Ollie James a Member.
Olllu M. James weighs close to "i
pound * , all Democrat. He Is only fc
ty yenr . olti and is perhaps the large
man of his nge In congress. He h :
been Hin'rmnn of the Kentucky del
gatlun IM mi" or two national coiive
tlons sec. tided Bryan's noinln
lion In I'.Kts : After hearing that so
atidary s.t-e b Bob ( 'hauler , bmth
t > f Lewis Stn.vto < * aut ' 'hauler und tei
porury husband of Linn Cavalier ! . 1
ilsted mi cn'.llng Ollle Jaires " 01
Jam. " Mr. James is a strong tariff i
ductlon'm. lit ! bus served In congre
eight yo.nrs and was a member of t
Plm liJt-Balllnger committee. In ti
old days he was > one of the attorne
for Governor Goebel.
Andrew J. Peters Is the New En
hind member of the committee. He
thirty-nine years old. born In Best < i
educated In Harvard , was a meuib
of both bouses of the Massachusot
legislature nud ban been In congre
four years. He Is an attorney , U
good family , both by birth and mi
riage. bus , money and social poaftli
and Is averse to much speaking. I
tors voted with Fit2geraM on the Ca
non rult'fc. lut supported nearly i
amendments for tariff reduction.
Wlnlleld Scott Hammond Is the ma
who beat the redoubtable Jumcs 'I
McCleary. Hammond Is nearly fortj
eight , a graduate of Dartmouth an
has been a high school principal , com
ty attorney , state normal school dlroi
tor and a member of congress for foil
yearn. Ho made the speech nomlna
Ing tiovernor Johnson for president I
If/OS. Mr. Hammond voted for pra (
tlcally all tariff reduction amendment
In lOOt ) .
Original Anti-CnnnonUc.
Dorsey W. Slmckleford Is the orlg
tml anil-Cannon man In the botisi
having scored "Cannonlsm" more tha
tlvo yean ago. Shackloford Is lift. !
tflvuu years old , was educatoa In th
public schools , bus been prosccutin
attorney nnd Judge and has been I
congress ifcarly twelve years. IL
voted for practically all tariff redu <
lion amendments.
William Hughes is the advocate t
the labor cause In the house , nc wn
born in Ireland , is not quite thlrti
nine years old. served In the Spanls
war , Is u lawyer and ban been in coi
grcss HX ! years. Mr. Hughes vote
consistently for a down-ward revlslo
of the tariff.
Francis Burton Harrison la a men
ber of tlie present ways and mean
committee. Ho Is thirty-seven year
old , a graduate of Yale , was an udji
tant genenhl In the Spanish war , cai
dldate for lleiitenuut governor of No
Vork and has been In congress si
years. He voted for most tariff rcdiu
lion amendments , but was with tb
Republicans In the rules fight.
Claude KltHim Is a brother of Go\
ernor W. W. Kltchln of North Can
Una , Is forty-two years old , a collcg
graduate , a lawyer and has been i
the liouso for ten years. He is ono c
the wittiest speakers In congress an
a conslstciitnurll'f revisionist.
A. Mitchell Palmer Is a Pcnnsylvj
nla Quaker , who Is serving his fin
term In congress. lie Is thlrty-nln
years old , a college graduate , a lawye
and believes In lower tariff.
Spanish War Veteran.
Cordell Hull has been In the hous
four years , prior to which ho was
Spanish war captain and a Judge. II
is forty years old and bellovca In ta :
Iff for revenue.
Choice B. Rundell Is not a friend e
Senator Bailey In Texas , but he is
good deal of a man for all that. Ho i
fifty-two years old , an ardent tariff n
former , has been In congress ten ycai
and Is already a member of the waj
and means commltteo.
William Gordon Brantley is the sli
gle one of the fourteen who believe
In protection on some things , ono <
the things being lumber , In which h
district abounds. He IH fifty-one yeni
old , a lawyer , has been In congre. '
fourteen years and Is a member of tl :
present ways and means committee.
Most of the fourteen are young me
and are ardent tariff reformers. Lool
as if something Mart ling may happc
to the Payne law In the next elulitut
Vnluable Asiatic Medicinal Plant
Cultivated Successfully.
The cultivation of ginseng , the plai
once worth Its weight in gold and stl
exceedingly valuable. Is a tiourlshlr
Industry in the vicinity of Antlgo , Wi
The plant is of Asiatic origin and big
ly esteemed as a medicine , being ui
versally regarded as an cxtraordlnai
remedy for many diseases , but partlc
larly for exhaustion of mjml and bed
The plant , which Is a native of Cl
ncse Tartary. has a stem from one
two feet hlch. long live fingered lcav <
which are quite smooth and umbels f
a long terminal slock. The fruit
succulent , with two or three leathei
one seeded cells.
j * Call me not with scornful numbers ,
Like "two-seven-O-rlncr-threo ! "
Snapped out In disdainful accents.
Pray be courteous to mo ! llko to bit hero with a
Tclephono strapped on your head ,
All day lone to answer summons ?
Wouldn't you wish that you were
dead ?
When I say the line IB busy ,
Honestly sometimes It Is.
Why do you net ho Indignant
When you hear the buzzer's whiz ?
And wronR numbers naturally
Som.etimes I am tit a loss ;
Utlt , In fact. I ilvo them mostly
To subscribers who are cross.
Bo polite : It will not hurt you.
Even though I'm In u box
I am human , although hidden.
> And am sensitive to knocks.
He polite ; do unto others
* As you'd have them do to you.
J , It's n teed rule lo observe , and
You'll gnt better tervlce too.
Somcrvtllo Jouinal.
Friday's Scrap.
Washington. Feb. IS.--With on
eleven days remaining , the house
lopresontatives was held at a stan
still by a filibuster planned and co
ducted by Representative Mann of
It was private calendar day nndi
the rules and business in order wi
the consideration of the omnibus wi
claims bill which already had be (
passed by the senate. The bill large
aflocts southern claimants and tl
democrats , with the assistance
many republicans , endeavored to pa
At times the majority in favor of tl
bill \\as as high as 1/10 , but It is sa
Representative Mann is opposed
the bljl and his tactics succeeded
preventing action , although thehoui
was in session from 10 a. in. uni
'JiLTi ' o'clock last night. At that hoi
the advocates of the measure secun
a recess until 11 a. in. today und
the assumption that the legislative s
ting of yesterday would ho resume
Kansas Beats Missouri.
Columbia , Mo. , Feb. IS. Missou
state university IB. Kansas state ui
vorsHy 32.
The Well Urcsscd
N. \ \ Yoilt , Fob. * 1S H Is wlntei
the smnit shops , but spring-
delightful , Haliihrlous springtime In
side. Alleged humorists may talk o
Easter bonnets and snowballs , sprint
onions and sleigh bells , cowslips am
Iclclea , but with Dame Fashion It Ii
spring simply Hpring. with all that I
means of newness of life , fresh hopes
of invlgoratlon and exhilaration.
In the world of dress , wo are look
Ing ahead and all Is consistent.V <
revel In spring fabrics and sprlii !
trimmings , spring bonnets , sans tin
snowbalrt and cowslips for the bon
nets , sana glacial appendages. Evoi
the spring wraps are light and frci
from the suggestion of comfort assc
elated with the more substantla
cloths and velvets of winter.
Yet , however , one must now oml
velvet from the list of spring mate
rials. It has graduated Into the roaln
of perennially popular fabrics. Ii
winter It Is a costume fabric , In sprini
and summer an ultra-chic trimming
Even the lingerie frock Is to have it :
embellishing bands of velvet rlbhoi
this year ,
A word about wraps before passim
on to the lighter things. These nr
enveloping and lovely , designed to prc
tect the frock , without producing un
due warmth. They are made of beav ;
satins and gray seems to be taking Ui' '
lead from old rose , which has been Ii
such high favor for the past few sen
sons. There are also delicious shade
of blue , notably gentian. Alice Bin
gives way to Helen Pink and one cai
easily guess who the charming youni
woman Is who Inspired color expert
not only with the name but with tin
latest tone.
Miss Taft was partial to pink Jus
as Miss Uoosovolt was to blue , and s
a color has been concocted for her dc
loctatlon and honored with her name
A wrap which will bo liked for Its sin :
plicity of arrangement , although I
may be a piece do resistance for th
home dressmaker , Is developed Ii
Helen pink satin. The robe Is cut ii
one piece , falling to the bottom of th
skirt. It is wound over to the side
where it fastens Invisible and is trlir
med only with a big , floppy rovei
which Is bound with pull braid Ii
black , with a tassel of black and plnli
The sleeves are rather full , with fltte
cuffs stitched around the edges wit
black silk braid.
The satin tailor made is making fal
promises for the spring. The ver
smnrt models which have drifted int
their departments as advance types c
the coming style are being adoptc
with avidity. Black , it looks now , wll
be well in the lead and there Is som
evidence that brown will also bo I
good favor. In the new suits one lind
some Interesting features. The Eto
Jacket has arrived , for instance , force
in the hothouse of the forehanded tal
or who has nn eye on those fortunat
pations who tilt southward as soon a
the fun of the holidays has lost a hi
of its sparkle.
The Eton jacket of the present Is
smart little affair , as it is wont to b <
whatever style it lends itself to. A
present It Is figuring In kimono guise
trimmed with bands of satin or fane
braid , which define the Eton offec
then having the front cut low almos
to the proportions of a Dutch neck-
aud bound with rovers of satin or ve
vet. Sometimes almost always-
there Is a close-llttlng girdle of th
trimming that outlines the Eton.
A model after this idea is in woo
brown satin , the skirt being triniine
with a hip yoke , stitched down closel
upon the foundation. A band of th
braid continues down the front of th
skirt , running slantwise to the knei
at one side , then the front panel I
sharply cut off In another slant t
simulate a tunic.
There seems to be no possibl
chance that the kimono sleeve will b
disturbed In the least by the comln
in of another season's styles. It
vogue at the moment is too Ilrmly c ,
tablished to be shaken suddenl ;
Everything , from the cheap littl
waists to the smartest and rlchcf
gowns , has it. And the fact that it i
universally used seems not to affe <
its standing. When the public likes
fashion so well that It clings to It I
spite of changes of the season , it take
sonio'tinio to uproot it. Fashion mal
ers are not the iron-handed tyrant
that they would like to be.
Last year a touch of color crept int
many of the blouses and this year th
color note Is more dominantly soum
ed with , it must be admitted , attrai
live results , although the very pnn
tlcal woman murmurs ominous fen
bodlngs about laundry problems an
insists upon buying all white blouse
In spite of the temptation held out b
the others. It is unquestionably tru
that color in a line blouse means in
cessity for extraordinary care In lam
derlng If the blouse Is to keep It
freshness ; but many of the new moi
els aie simple In line and are of iln
marquisette or the imported cotto
voile so that laundry problems othe
than that of color are reduced to
Tucks are creeping into the prom
nent decorative schemes of the no
blouse models , sharing laver with 11
tie yokes and deep fitted cuffs fc
sleeves that show a decided fullne ?
above the elbows. The fancy for n
tlier vivid and audacious color comb
nations which has developed durin
the winter Is echoed In some of tli
new blouses , bits of embroidery I
strong Russian Oriental tones boln
intioduced upon the white material
Skirts continue to bo of Interest hi
cause of their varied treatment by di
feront leaders of fashion. Strnlgl
tunic effects are used in many of th
soft net and marquisette models , tli
tunic often separating In front tosho'
thf petticoat , which is of the snm
material trimmed with lace , Inaertloi
or embtoldory.
Wlilo bias ColilH at tlio bottom o
tdioor sklitH form another decoratlvi
treatment that Is much liked by wo
men of fashion , and although ( best
tfinimlngH abound there IH uialntalnei
Hto nariow effect of familiar vogue
lloleroes may be In luce or embrol
dciy , but they are asserting themselves
solves on advance Numtnor f locks , just
as thry are on Hpilnu models. Othei
coats of hue 01 ol llnoly onibroldoiot
thin material aio in various length *
some of them short , bo\-llko affairs o
Imp length , other * falling almost 01
quite to the skirt bottom In a bewll
derlng ma/e of hand wet k and lace
Separate coats f this long typo Ii
linen , marqulsottu , etc. , are offered foi
minimor weai and Home are priced a
appalling llgures. the sheer quality o
the mateilal demanding elaboration o
detail In order that the coat may liavt
Anothoi accessory to the mimine
toilet is the weaif of embroidered lawi
or llnon extiemely line and soft am
exquisitely embioldorod with or with
out Insets of laco. These scarfs are o
the width and sl/.o familiar In the chit
fen and lace and gau/e scarfs of tin
winter , and In HOUIO cases are vor
liable works of art In the needleworl
Only Eight Kansas Senators Knew I
on First Call.
At a session of the Kansas senate a
Topeka a few days ago the Hev. A. F
Sandal , the chaplain , requested tin
senators to repeat with him the I/ird'i
Prayer. Eluht senators only were abli
to Join In Us audible repetition.
Since then the chaplain has dlstribut
fd copies of the Hook of Commoi
Prayer of the EpNcopnl church /
few days later fully half of the sena
tors were able to repeat the prayer
Americans Active at Shangba * .
Only ! ) ! ' ) Americans reside at Sluing
hal. but they are energetic factors ii
the foreign settlement , numbering K ! ,
nnti. Tb. ' inithes number -l&S.OOri
The British total l.Kl.'i. Jnpanosi
1W01 and Portuguese 1,105.
Ocullcr Arnst to Visit America.
Richard Arnst of Australia. UK
world's champion sculler , who recent
ly defeated Ernest Barry In SontI
Africa , will go to England next sum
mer , where he will again row agalns
Barry. Ho will also very likely com <
to this country.
Innovations nt Yale's New Boathouse.
At Yale university's new boath < ms <
one of the Innovations Is the phvim
of largo mirrors beside the rowing ma
chines to enable the novice
to observe better rowing form.
"I don't have no opinion of thus ,
newfangled women's notions , " bait
Mr. llydo when Ills wife timidly e >
pressed hcr , desire to Join the Woman'
Self Improvement society.
"But we learn so much there , " vet
lured Mr" . Hyde.
"Don't belie\c It ! " snapped Mi
Hyde. "Women don't know mucl
that's a fact , but let 'em stick to the !
domestic duties and learn them. That1
my opinion. Let 'em follow St. Paul1
Injunction stay at homo and ask the !
husbands if they want to know iinj
thing. "
"But , John"-
"I've settled it , and that's enougl
Jane. "
"But , John , that's what women Itav
been doing all this time , and perlmp
that's the reason they don't kno >
much. "
And then Mr. Hyde threw his boi
at the cat and boxed Freddy's ears fr.
grinning. Pearson's.
An Eye to Business.
One day a man with a case full c
handbills entered a restaurant in Oil
cinnatl run by an astute old fierman.
"Vot baf > ou dore ? " the latter a&Uo
as he observed the man about to di ;
play several of the bills on bis walls.
"Railway circulars excursion. "
"Oh , ho , " exclaimed the propricto
"one of dose cheap ten day exgu
Molts ! ( Jo avay cheaper vet you sta
at home , eh' : "
"Hxactlj. " said the bill man.
"I'nd you \ant to hang dem u
here ? "
"Certainly. Vou'\e no objectionV"
" 1 haf 11101 clear objections. " sal
the tiuniiiin decidedly. "DaKu del
avay ! Do you dake me for a foeman
man , dot 1 vouid vant my cnsloinei
to read dose bills und den go av.'i
nnd cat at some cheap place for tc
days ? " Detroit Free Press.
Baltimore , Feb. IS. Count Albei
Apponyl , the Hungarian htatesma
who delivered an address here , tall
ed with interviewers regarding th
objections raised by Slovaks of Ch
cage to his public appearance In thr
Referring to tiie charge that n
minister of education ho was rcspoi
sible for the death of many peasant
in Cernova , tlio count said :
< lWliy , in my official position , I ha
no more to do with this trouble tha
an American. I can only characte
ize this accusation as audacious an
the mildest term 1 can use Is that c
base slander. There Is not one wor
of truth In It.
"So far as the criticism of th
achool system Is concerned , that I
in keeping with' the other. Thorp i
absolutely no Interfcienco with th
eondiict of the schools , the only n
strlcilon being that they must nc
teach unpatriotic hymns.
"Tills is no more or less than won !
bo done in this country if similar 'oi
dltlons prevailed. Assuming that 1
Now Mexico and adjoining territor
there was Spanish settlement an
that the pupils were taught to dorld
and belittle the flag , the governmcr
would take prompt action In supprcsi
Ing such disloyalty , "
On The
New York. Feb. IS Thec. . I.
which ends today ban been an Impon
ant one lei changes and impendliiR
changes. Tonight two fnvoillen , who
have enjoyed long rutiH at Broudxvav
llitulci-H close their oiigagemontH t"
fulllll contracts In oilier cllleH. Tlie\
are Otis Skinner In "Slro , " and Mis *
Millie llurluIn "Siuanim , " which if
preceded by "Tim Philosopher of the
Apple Orchard. " The Lyceum , Mieui
ed by Miss Burke , will have a n \ \
play , so will tbo Otlterlou , where Mi
Skinner has held forth during the i > .i-t
few months.
At the Gnrrlck theater "Tho 7ebi
has succeeded the phort-llvod "Our
\\oild , " and after one' week seems to
bo growing In popular favor. "Tin
Zulu a" Is ti farce from the Fieiab bv
I'aul Potter.
On Monday night "Gut-Rtch-QukU
Walllngford" will move fiom the Qci
lety theater to the new George M. ( 'n
ban theater , at Forty-third street , and
Broadway , where It will continue it"
run. "Excuse Mo , " a new farce b >
Ruppert Hughes , produced by llonr >
W. Savage , will follow "Walllngford'
at Iho Oaloly theater.
Miss Ethel Barrymore concludes
her engagement in "Trolawney f the
Wells" at the Empire theater tonight ,
and will begin a new engagement at
the same theater on Monday eveiilup
in "An Evening with . ) . M. Barrle , ' a
combination presentation of Barrio' *
new one-act play "The Twelve Pound
Look , " and his three-act comedy , "Al
ice Sit by the Fire , " In which Miss
Barrymoro appeared in 11)05 ) and 1900.
At the Herald Square theater , "The
Balkan Princess" appears in the per
son of Miss Louise Cunning , \\hone
delightful singing Is always sure to
please a largo following. This produc
tion Is described as a "ne\\ musical
play In prologue and two acts , " the
book being by Frederick Lonsdalo and
Frank Cur/on , and the music by Paul
A. Reubens. The lyrics are by Mr.
Ruebens and Arthur Wlmperls. Tlw
story Involves a plenty of romance-
and gives ample opportunity for , i
number of splendid songs.
Enthusiastic capacity audiences eon
tliiuo to greet Maude Adams in "Chan-
ti'elcr" at the Knickerbocker the.rer.
It Is already evident that tin'we *
months' season allotted to the play in
New York will prove altogether too
short a period in which lo meet the
enormous domain ! for seats. Not in
all his career as a pioducer has Mr
Charles Froliman given the stage n
more gorgeous yet perfectly fitting pro
dilution than the various nets of
"Chantocler. "
llolbrook Bllnn and "The Boss" h.m
begun what promises to liu a lonn
run at the Astor theater. Edviard
Sheldon's latest play has qualities thai
while they arouse discussion and cri
ate differences of opinion have "i dr.i
malic power that compels attention
"The Boss" has been called n IIHMI -
play , and yet the romantic intone t i-
strong , and Mr. Bllnn in the leading
role has drawn a character that Is not
able for Uulh and realism.
"The Gamblers , " Charles Klein s
play of bankers that use tbo money ot
their depositors wrongfully , contii.iKs
on its way to a record run at Maxim
Elliot's theater. The play is IntfnIv
interesting and holds its audience in H
iPinarkablo way through every srim
and act.
'Baby Mine , " which will soon bi-jnn
duccd nt Sir Charles Wyndhain' * Cti
lorlon theater in London and within
the next few weeks will have its pre
miere in half a dozen European cities ,
has apparently taken on a new lease
of life at the Nazlmova theater.
There has been a steady growth in
popularity for "Over Night , " Philip H
Bartholomae's farce at the Ilaikdt
Margaret Lawrence , Jean \\combe. .
Iloibert A. Yost , A. P. A > lswoi < Ii and
others contribute to the pcrloimaucc
Miss Elsie .lauis and her singing and
dancing absihlanto In Charles Dilllng-
hnm's new musical comedy , "Tim Slim
Princess , " are scheduled for an .topar-
ently Indefinite stay at the Globe the
ater. .Joseph Cawthorn is the chief
comedian and there are all types of
girls in oriental costumes and = ihart
modern gowns.
"Marriage a la Carte" at the Casino
theater , boasts of Emmy Wehlen , the
new prima donna ; half do/en si-k-M.l (
beauties from the London Gaiety the
ater ; Harry Connor , the roly-poly fo
median , and Charles Brown and bis
recitative song , "Cassio's Not a Bit
Like Mother. "
Henry Miller .has begun his se < , ui ,
month at the Bijou theater in II. S
Sheldon's play , "The Havoc. " Tin
play deals with the familiar irhmgU-
In a new \\ay by divorcing the coupi. .
and causing the husband and his i. il
to change places.
William Collier continues hi * on
gugfincnt in "I'll Be Hanged If I Dn. "
at Hie Comedy theater. The \\ok Is
the production of Mr. Collier hiii.-Hf .
with the. assistance of Edgar SeluMi
and was staged by Mr. Collier. P i
that reason it Is crammed to the brim
with situations and Hues as only < ' < > !
Her can deliver with inimitable effec i
The Hippodrome show has i \.r ,
been more xnrled or full of int. u.-i
The circus with Its twelve excellent
European and American feature acts
and the throe complete shows , "Tho
International Cup , " "Tho Earthquake'
and "Tho Ballet of Niagara" make up
the program.
"The Star Bout , " Taylor Grain 111. > .
melodramatic vamlovillo offering , ami
William Coiutlclgh's act , "Peach-s. "
divide honors at the Plaza Music ball
Juliet , the young mimic , In nn entir.-b
now act Is another Important fen tun
of the bill , together with nineteen oiii
er line acts.
Look for the ad that oflorn It to
you , econd-hnnd , at A real bargain !