The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Home Course In
Health Culture
Vll.Seasonable Health
ropyrluht. IMO ! , by American Press
lias lieen estimated tbiH our
IT sun glows with ( bo somewhat
feverish temperature of about
10,000 degrees F. and radiates
light In the amount of lr > 7fOCO.)00.- ) ( ),000,000 caudle power.
This Is "going some , " even for Old
Sol , but there are younger suns , like
Slrlus , that glow with an even higher
temperature , not to mention those vast
orbs In the uttermost depths of space
whoso tierce llghl , traveling 8,000,000
times faster than an express train , re
quires thousands of years to make the
Journey to our earth.
Considering these facts , one must bo
impressed with the exceedingly nar
row physical limits within which life
exists on tills planet. A few degrees
more or less of heat or cold ami the
phenomena wo call life would coaso.and
a blankness of which we can form no
real conception would follow. In en
deavoring to form n mental picture of
such a world wo are reminded of
Huxley's reasons for standing mldwaj
between die Idealist and materialist
unable to picture either a world li
which there was no mind to mlrroi
its conditions or a mind usMlutj with
out nn external world from which ll
could receive Impressions.
Keep the Mind Busy.
But arc these good hot weather prob
lems ? Isn't the latest "best seller'
a moro appropriate subject for tlu
"dog days ? " Not necessarily. Any
thing that will really make you thin !
lu hot weather and keep the mine
from dwelling on a misfortune whlcl
cannot be helped and which come.-
regularly every season Is of value ti
pruvoniiug the physical Ills due tc
high temperature. Barring babies um
those who are unfortunate enough ube
bo compelled to overexert themselve :
physically In the broiling heat , mosi
if the I lines and physical depressioi
: hat iiilllcf people during the heatci
term are duo lo vapid mind wnndoriiif
nnd to drink.
People who have something wort !
while to think about afe not wast in ;
much time in abusing the went hot1
This dues not mean that it Is wNe U
woil : at high pressure , either physical
ly or mentally , during the extreme ho
spells. On the contrary , there shoulc
to a slotting down of exertion and in
a\oldnnce of excitement. But occupn
don will lighten tlie mental strain um
depression which arcsmli Importan
factors In causing heat prostration.
Evil Influence of Drink.
I hesitate to stijto that alcohol tnkoi
freely lowers the body temperatur
lest snme one sel/e this us an exciis
jfor drinking In the honied lerm It I
true , however , that alcohol red noes ill
body temperature and H therefore
d-ingc-rous drink lu cold weather Bu
it does not follow that alcohol is ind :
cated In hot weather. Alcohol Is a
anaesthetic aud depressant , lesseuin
the bodily resistance to disease aud s
affecting the nervous system that it I
peculiarly vulnerable to heat stroke ;
or thermic fever as well as to grl |
pneumonia and other cold weattii
During the heated term it Is wise t
keep out of annoying conferences an
disputes. Heat Induces a peculiar !
sensitive and Irritable condition , whic
! s aptly described by the phrase "ca
eying n chip ou one's shoulder. "
Dressing For the Weather.
Some persons arc guided by the en
endnr Instead of the thermometer :
the matter of clothing. During mode
ate winter weather they are ovcrdrcs
ed. and In extreme hot weather th (
continue to wear clothing adapted
temperate summer heat.
The wisest plan Is to dress especial
for the weather. Wo should ha
extra light clothing for torrid wentlu
Just as we should have extra hem
outer clothing for blizzard weather.
Lightweight and light colored clot
Ing la most healthful when the he
nnd humidity are exceaalvo. The e
trorao coiwrvutlsm of Americans
the matter of dress and n fear of I
Ing conspicuous have deterred ma
people. In the. northern section of t
f country from adopting white duck..I
suits dur *
en crash or white llannel
thu cxtieiiif HUinmei weather.
It i.i not uncommon to nee dark col
ored , thick clothing , more appropriate
for spring wear , worn with dumb and
[ ml I cut persistency right through the
sl/.7.11ng heat of midsummer. ISve-n an
occasional .sillily starched shirt bosom
may be noticed
I.OOHO. light colored , porous clothing
will exert n marvelous Influence for
ciiinfort. The money wasted In futile
iittetupts to quench thirst would be
heller expended on a linen suit anil
linen mesh underwear.
On the other hand , neck mulllors
iiml heavy furs worn during moderate
winter weather simply Invite colds.
grll > and pneumonia by rendering the
wearer unduly dependent on such gar
ineniH. Furthermore , during moderate
we.itlier heavy furs are a burden and
Induce fatigue and depression. Com
mon sense should be exercised In such
inn Hers and due allowance made for
Individual peculiarities of constitution
Old people ami Invalids may require
extra protection against cold , but the
average Individual should endeavor to
become adapted to the wearing of
medium weight clothing for ordinary
winter weather and take extra precau
tions when "blizzard" weather Is to be
Dnthincj nnd the Weather.
Thu dnliymoriilng shower or plnugo
will brace the nervous system for thu
ordeal of a hot day ; likewise It will
give poise to the circulation and de
velop u ri'slstauce to cold weather perils
of grip , bronchitis , etc. A tepid bath In
( he evening will often prove refreshing
nnd soothing. A cold bath at night
may prove exciting rather than cool
ing and restful.
Children should not bo allowed tc
paddle around In the water with hcnd-i
exposed to the sun. A sea dip Is good
for them , but they should not be per
mitted to piny around the water ifii-
less their tender llttlo brains are well
protected from the sun's rays. Cool
feet and hot head make n bad combina
Restful Sleep Necessary.
Ilestful sleep Is very necessary to re
store the nervous system exhausted by
prolonged hot weather. Late supper.-
and indiscretions In eating and drink
ing are often responsible for disturbed
sleep. Cure In this regard Is especially
necessary when the heat and humldllj
. ire extreme.
A tepid tinth. before retiring will
> fli u prove elliclent In promoting rest
ful Sleep
Diet and the Weather.
It is nut wise to starve oneself it :
lot weather. I'.ut there is little riali
if this happening In prosperous Amer
ca. The fact that thu poor of Indli :
ire starved for fats aud proteids Is IK
> roof that any considerable nuinbei
of people In this country are underfed
On the contrary , the average Ameri
can family probably cats too mucl
most of the time nnd especially during
he heated term.
If much exercise is taken a fairl.s
generous diet will be required to sup
) ly energy and rcpnir tissue waste , l !
i pretty quiet physical existence Is le <
i light diet Is the rational course
rccn vegetables should have the
preference over meat. Milk is not i
; oed hot weather food for nil nduli
mil should bo withdrawn from the
child or Infant at the first sign ol
jewel trouble. Soda fountain drinks
ire belter than beer or gin fi/.zos , bui
water is the- best thirst quencher.
In the cold weather the proportiot
of fats and starches , which arc hen
mil energy producers , may be In
reused. Milk Is n moro valuable fooi
n cold weather than lu hot wenlhei
mil is less likely to be contuminntei
y germs in winter season. It is no
in Ideal food for the average adult
itiwever , who should be able to secim
sulllelenl tat from the elements of t
mixed diet. It should be borne It
mind that there Is a close relatlonsliii
between constipation _ and intestiun
loxemia and susceptibility to colds
L'ongestlon of the nasal passage :
-.ocms to be directly caused in man :
JIM'S by i be so called "bilious" state
I'his is simply a toxic condition due t <
overeating or faulty eating. Rich
indigestible foods , and especially nfte
theater Mipper.s. are frequently respon
le for attacks of grip and other win
ler troubles.
i * I have stated , alcohol Is not a ren
fond at any lime , and In the white
time it distinctly lowers the resistanc
to such ellM-uses as pneumonia , cell
umptioii. bronchitis , etc.
The Ice Water Habit.
Ice water is not only harmful i :
checking digestion nnd dilating th
stomach , but Ice often contains germ
01 their spores , which when taken Int
the system raphlly multiply. tc
should never bo placed directly It
drinking water.
Heat Stroke and Exhaustion.
Sunstroke , heat stroke or therm !
fever is generally caused by alcoho
Ism. The patient falls uncousclou :
the fnce Is congested and the breathin
Cold Is the remedy-Ice pack to tli
head nnd cold water sponged over tli
body , or n full cold bath may be glvei
Cold water may be sprayed or pourc
over the body until the tcmperathi
In most cold weather complain
heat Is the emergency remedy. Tl
hot foot bath , hot drinks such ns tin ;
seed ten , ginger ten , lemonade , eti
are really of wonderful service
abating colds , grip , etc. . especially
they are taken In n proper manner at
a good perspiration Induced The da
gor of taking oxtrn cold after sm
treatment hns been greatly etagge
Many years ago a now clorgymi
Was taking Sunday duty In a remc
hamlet among the Yorkshire welds
After morning service the old cle
came up to him and observed : "So
In culls them Snunrns , ' do ye ? Nee , i
never know what to make o' that '
I' . We allus calls 'ein 'Spasms. "
London Scraps.
ig ! The Newt will B t tt for you.
Kt. Paul , Minn. . Feb. HO. Teams
from Chicago. Don Molues , Winnipeg ,
Superior , Sioux City , Aberdeen , H. U. ,
and Wlnona , Minn. , held the alleys
yesterday and last night In the Inter
national bowling tournament.
The brewers of Sioux City made
Hie highest score of the dny In the
live-men event , putting them In ninth
place , lloynls of Winnipeg were next
high with -,000.
Llpe line ] Knight of Dos Molncs were
high in the doubles with 1,173 mid are
now In third place , while a score of
1.1 CO by Cuthbertson and Gibson of
Winnipeg landed them In fourth place.
McKoun of Winnipeg went Into
fourth place lu the singles , with G1I3.
.Neblett of Dos Molnes was next high
with COS ) .
Digger Stanley Discouraged by Treat
ment He Received Here.
Now York , Feb. 20. AH outgoing
trans-Atlantic liner this week will
have as 0110 of her passengers Digger
Stanley , the English bantamweight
champion , on his way home. Stanley
says ho Is discouraged by the treat
ment some critics of boxing In this
country have accorded him.
"I was truly dumfoundcd , " said
Stanley , "when after beating Franklo
liurns safely on points , 1 read in
some papers the next day that I had
lost. I'll bo glad to box Burns In Lon
don and will guarantee him a square
deal , too. "
Stanley was charged by some crit
ics with using unwarrantedly rough
tactics in the light with Hums.
Three New Families Quarantined Wllb
With the Disease There.
Gordon. Neb. , Feb. liO. Special to
i'lio News : Three new families have
been quarantined for smallpox hero
during thocpast week , while the quar
antine has been raised on two of the
families that have had It.
Lloyd George Recovers.
London.Feb. . . 20. David Lloyd
George , the chancellor of the exche-
luer , Is reported to have completely
recovered his health hero. IIo will
resume his place in the house of com-
1.11 us today.
Timber Lake Gets Land Office Moved
From Aberdeen , S. D.
Washington , Feb. 20. Senator
Brown recommended the appointment
of W. C. Foster to be postmaster at
Meadow , Neb.
The village of Humphrey lost one
soul during the last decade. Its popu
lation today is SlS ! as compared with
SO ! ) in 1)00 ! ) and G ! > ! in Uii'O. '
I'nsldent Taft signed an executive
order removing the land oflice from
Aberdeen to Timber Lake. S. D.
Ask Sunday Postofflce Closing.
Chicago , Feb. 20. Christian En-
denvorer workers stormed the Chicago
cage postoffiee and substations with
2,000 printed appeals to abolish Sun
day labor for postal clerks and' car
riers. Pamphlets setting forth rea
sons for the abolition of Sunday la
bor and asking the co-opeartion of
the public were distribued among per
sons calling for the mall.
Gordon Wins Debate.
Gordon , Neb. , Feb. 20. Special to
The News : Gordon high school won
in the debating cent < > st with Chadron.
The debate took place at the Gordon
opera house. The building was crowd
ed. The question debated was : "Re
solved , That the policy of maintaining
the United States na\y at Its present
strength is preferable to the policy oi
substantially increasing it. " Gordon
had the affirmative.
The debate was especially interest-
in f ? because the Gordon nnd Chadron
teams each won last year in every de
bate with high school teams in north
we. t Nebraska , until at the close ol
the season these teams met and Chad
ron carried off the honors. Natural ! }
Gordon is jubilant in reversing condi
tions this year. Wayland Case , Host
Hash and Glenn Gaely comprised the
Gordon team. Kenneth Scovel , Franli
Morlssey and Charles Lowenthal rep
resented Chadron.
Here's Another "First" Robin.
Scottsvllle. Neb. , Feb. 20. Kditoi
News : I saw the first robin on mj
ranch today and it surely must bo the
first robin of the season.
Cliarleb Mulhan.
Seven Perish in Fire.
Sutton. W. Va. , Feb. 20. Seven per
sons lost their lives in a lire whlcl
destroyed the home of J. D. Hardlni
of tilts city. Only Mr. Harding OF
cnped , the six remaining members o
his family and a little girl who mad <
her home with the Hardlngs perlshlni
in the flames. The flro was caused b ;
1 a natural gas grate.
To Try Long Over-Water Flight.
Tampa , Fla. , Feb. 20. An attemp
to break all over-water flight record
will bo made this week as a featur
of the census celebrntlou. J. A. D. Me
" ' Curdy , who recently attempted
" ' night from Key West to Havana nn
' * ' cnmo within ten miles of his destlm
" tlon , is expected to participate , an
1 Ely , Post , Ward and Beachy nro otl
' ' er entrants.
r' I The route which the aviators wl
'attempt ' to cover Is from the Tanii |
'aviation ' grounds down the bny I
' Fort Dnde , thence to Snrnsotn fin
nnnd | return , n little over n liundre
to miles. No flyer hns yet negotlntt
that distance over wnter.
re Oakdale Items.
re E. D. Hammond of'Norfolk wns
re town trnnsnctlng business.
John C. Jenkins of Nollgh was
Uitslness visitor here.
C. ' n. Beer returned from Omni
Saturday , where he been In i
tendance on him wife during her op
M. L. Thompnon Is nearly ready for
bimlnom ; In his new location In the
Strlnglellow building.
James Lohev of Kwlng wan n bus !
nrssl tor In town Saturday.
The ( Jakelale musicians nro to or-
ganl/.c a band Monday evening. Oak *
dale has considerable talent along this
line and a strong organization lu
looked forward to.
George Jackson and wife of Nellgh
were tl.own over Sunday visiting rel
A number of the young ladles met
upon Invitation of Miss Lulu I. Dur-
land and formed a club called the "In
dependent Order of Unappropriated
Blessings. " The olllcors elected wore :
Leila Admire , president ; Agnes Hob-
Inson , vice president ; Gertrude B.
Govo , secretary , and Lulu I. Durland
treasurer. The object of this club is
to act as auxiliary of the lloostor club ,
primarily In an endeavor to Improve
the social conditions in Oakdulu.
Dorsey L. Shenefelt of Nollgh was
KOCH horn.
A. G. Hunch made n trip to Tilden.
HoMier McDonald spent Sunday with
his family at Tilden.
Miss Lulu I. Durland Is reported as
confined to the house with measles.
Jnps Renounce Canadian Contract.
London , Feb. 20. Japan has re
nouiiced the Anglo-Jnpaiicso conven
tion of 1900 regulating the commercial
relations between Canada and Japan.
The convention will thus expire in
Nellgh Raises Oakdale Bid.
Nellgh , Nob. , Feb. 20. Special to
The Nowa : Now comes the "boost
ers' club" of Nellgh , Neb. , with a. sub
stantial raise of Oakdale's bid on the
removal of the state capital from Lin
coln to Nollgh , Neb.
Hesolutlons were passed to raise
the cash bonus froln ? 250,000 to $400-
000 , ami In addition to furnish light ,
heal and water for a period of 100
As a further special Inducement
they promifc that the 8 o'clock clos
ing1 law will not be enforced during
the- sessions of the legislature , and
that n spotted coach dog will be fur
nished to parade at all times under
the water wagon.
A bond will be executed by said
"Booster club , " signed by the mayor ,
city council and George Summers for
the faithful performance of their con
So Many College Students Attacked
That They Overtax Infirmary.
Ithaca , N. Y. , Fob. 20. Cornell stu
dents suffering from the mumps , have
so mertnxud the capacity of the in
firmary that the university will adver
tise for accommodations for the cases.
Thirty-live are now severely ill and
the epidemic is still spreading.
Mexico Basis for Peace.
Paris , Feb. 20.--In a review of the
crisis in Mexico , made today for the
Associated Press , Jose Yves Limaii-
tour , minister of finance in the cabi
net of President Diaz , declared that
the only basis for peace was that the
Insurgents lay down their arms pend
ing negotiations with the government
whlcll on its part should grant a re
form of the revolutionary party.
Canada Favors Recfprocity.
Ottawa , Out. , Feb.20. . That Can
ada lias a good bargain in the reci
procity agreement with the United
Suites , and that It will stimulate
rather than check the investment of
Hritisli capital in the Dominion is
the opinion of A. M. Grenfcll , son-in-
law of Earl Grenfell , the governor
general' mid English banker with Ca
nadian connections.
Deathof Mrs. J. E. Campbell.
Noligh , Neb. , Feb. 20. Special tc
The News : Jessie , the wife of J. E
Campbell , d'ie.d at her home five mile :
north of this city Saturday morning
of typhoid- fever , after an Illness ol
about ten days. The family have onlj
made their home in this county foi
about one year. The body was ship
ped yesterday afternoon to Dignola
la. , their former home , for burial. Tin
deceased is survived by a husband
and four children.
Ault Was Acquitted.
Bonestecl , S. IX. Feb. 20. Specia
to Thu News : A. J. Ault wns acquit
led of the charge of assault and bat
ttjry upon the person of Mayor A. W
Lintveum by a jury of six Bonesteo
business men after a trhil lasting unti
While technically guilty of the of
foime charged , the testimony adducee
at the trial was considered by thejur ;
to have been sulllclent provocation fo
tile assault.
Llntecuui removed Ault last fal
irom the Job of chief of police. HI
claims it was because he refused ti
perform certain disagreeable dutie
relating to th government of the su
loous. Since that time he claims May
or Llutccum has persecuted him. Ai
article appeared in the Gregory Cour
ty Herald critcislng Ault , signed b ;
the mayor.
Ault approached the mayor in tli
postollice , requesting him to step oul
side where he could talk with bin
Ault claims no violence occurred i
the postollice , but that when Llnte
cum was approached by Ault on th
sidewalk and civilly .asked why b
persisted in abusing the latter an
was requested to suppress the artlcl
that was about to be published , th
mayor sought to rebuff Ault and Au
claims his manner Invited the fir :
blow In the eye. This , it would ni
pear from the verdict , was the vie
taken by the Jury.
Miss Berthn Howe of Norfol
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. How
wns married Monday morning nt
i o'clock at the Cnthollc parsonnge
in tills city , to Hobert Orndy. Followii
t. u wedding breakfast at the homo
the brlde'n slater , Mrs. J. J. Lolk , Mr.
and Mr . ( Irmly loft for their future
homo at Lincoln , where Mr. ( Irmly Is
a brakeman on the Burlington rail
road. Among the guests were Mr , nnd
Mrs. Arthur Dehler , the latter a sys-
ler of the groom.
Congressman Allen Dead.
Washington , Fob. 20. Hepresenta-
llvo Amos L. Allen of Washington ,
died of pneumonia at his apartments
hero early today , following no\ornl
days' Illness.
Iowa Law Granting Them Right to
Damages , IB Upheld ,
Washington. Fob. 20. The constltu
tlonallty of the law of Iowa passed In
18H8 , enabling an employe of the op
erating department of a railroad to
sue a railroad for Injuries , notwith
standing the fact that ho had received
Injury benefits from a relief depart
ment supported partially by the rail
road , was uphold today by the su
preme court of the United States.
Size of Crews on Freight Trains Can
Be Regulated by a State.
Washington , Feb. 20.---The "full
crew" act of Arkansas , regulating the
sine of crews on freight trains , was
held today to be constitutional by the
supreme court of the United States.
Boycott Case Dlsmlsocd.
Washington , Feb. 20. The noted
"boycott" case brought by the S.
Bucks Stove and Hange company
against the American Federation of
Labor , came to an end today when
the supreme court of the United
States dismissed formally the appeal
to It from the lower courts. The ac
tion eloes not affect the contempt case
against President Gompers and two
other fi deration olllcials.
A Railroad Wins Decision.
Washington , Fob. 20. A transporla-
llon rate Is not "unjust and unreason
able" within the meaning of the inter
state commerce laws merely because
It may bo inequitable , according to a
decision announced -today by the su
preme court of the United States , the
court holding invalid an interstate
commerce oreler reducing1 the rates on
lumber from the Willamette Valley ,
Oregon to San Francisco.
Washington , Feb. 20. The supreme
court of the United States today grant
ed a reeiucst that it review the con
viction of ofllclals of the American
naval stores company , accused of hav
ing violated the Sherman anti-trust
The American naval stores com
pany , whose oflicinls were concerned
In the action of the court today , has
been referred to as the "turpentine
and rosin trust. "
As a distributor and exporter of
what Is claimed to be more than fifty
percent of the turpentine and rosin
obtained from the long leaf yellow
plno of the Carolinas , Georgia , Flor
ida , Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana
and Texas , the company long has boon
a prominent figure In the trade of the
world. Its customers nre scattered
through the United States.
Today's action was the outcome of
prosecution begun In 1908 in the
United States circuit court of Geor-
la , against the company , Its officers
ind others for alleged violation of the
herman anti-trust law.
It had been preceded by oth r pros
ecutions. In one of these Spencer P.
Shotter , whose activities as chairman
of the board of directors lias made him
; he most prominent figure in the com
pany , was found guilty of violating the
nterstate commerce laws and fined ,
In another , he was found guilty of vio-
ating the Sherman a'nti-trust law and
lined. In the case before the court to
day he has been sentenced to prisoner
; or alleged violation of the anti-trust
, avr , in addition to payment of a fine ,
The government's claim of conspir
acy among the defendants was based
partly on the pecuj'iar system of mar
kets for turpentine and rosin. It wag
> j" the government that the only opener
or quotation market in the United
States for the sale of naval-stores wns
at Savannah , Ga. At all1 the othei
ports or markets , It wasolalmetl , the
prices wore based on the closing
prices at Savannah.
This being the case , the government
claims the defendants conspired tt
stay out of the Savannah market ir
the early part of 1905in order to de
press that market nnd during thai
time to make large purchases at clos
ed markets , whcro the prices wouli
be depressed becaiiEO of the depression
sion at Savannah.
Can't Understand Why Police Tun
Loos. * Arreatod Men.
Although xho police made two ar
rests Satuwlay night , Judge Elseloj
says there has be u no official recon
made of them. It is reported two mei
were arrested for fighting in a loca
cigar store , but were probably turnei
"Officially there are no prisoner
todny , " salei Judge Elseloy , "but other
wise there were probably a few ar
rests since Sunday. I cannot accoun
( or the reason why the police do no
bring the prisoners before mo for trial
I know I can get money from the pris
ou&ys in many cases where the police
men are unsuccessful. Some of th
police suy they do not like to scare !
the drunks they arrest because the
nro too drunk and too dirty. "
Friday to Run Without PartyT
There is a pretty well authenticate
story going the rounds of political cli
cles that Mayor John Friday hns di
clnrcd that , in cnso ho is defeated 1
: , J the forthcoming domocrntlo city coi
9 volition for ronominntlon , ho will see
n I re-election to his present position o
g an independent ticket.
> f The announcement some time as
Docs Not Strain the Eyes
Don't use a small , concentrated light
over one shoulder. It puts nn unequal
strain on your eyes. Use n tllfFused , soft ,
mellow linlit that cannot flicker , that canal
izes the work of the eyes , such as the Kayo If
Lump uives , nnd avoid eye strain ,
The Kayo is desiKncii to tfii'fl the
best light , and it does.
It has a strong , durable shade-holder
that is held firm and true. A new burner
gives added strength. Made of solid
brass and finished in nickel. Gasy to
keep polished. The Rayo is low priced ,
but no other lamp gives a better light at
any price.
Once a Rayo User , Always One.
Dtattri Kvtnti'litn If net al y * ri u " 'e fir ttit < Hftiif >
circular to Hie niarnl afcny , ef ihi
Standard Oil Company
( Incorporate. ! )
that Coun < ilmnn KaiilYinan wnn likely
In lie tlir dcniocinllc nominee for tilt'
mayoralty. Is mild to havt resulted In
Mayor Friday's declaration that ho
would make the race Independent of
llic democratic imrty , If his party
failed to rciioinluate him. Ho would
make the raee for re-election , It la
said , on a municipal light plant owner
ship platform.
Drummund is a Candidate.
Water Commissioner August Ifnim-
inund announces ( hat he will again bu
a eandldate for the position an water
commissioner. At the snme time he
declares there arc at present about
one do/eu other men after his posi
tion , lint Is confident that he can eas
ily be- elected If he is named in the
democratic city convention. Among
the other candidates are Street Com
missioner I'ecker and Frank Carriek.
Light Proposition at Wymorc.
Wymore , Xeb. , Feb. 20. The city
council met and considered the water
and lighting question in all its phases.
The committee appointed to investi
gate Hie cost of putting in a combined
water and electric plant reported nn
favorably to the proposition , but rec
ommended that a motor power plant
be used in furnishing the power.
Manager Capps of the Heatrlco Eloc-
trie company was present and made a
proposition to" furnish the power for
I1- ! , : cents per Uillowat , the same rate
ac charged at Hcatrice , and $00 min
imum. It is quite probable that the
city will eater into a contract with
the company to furnish the power for
the plant.
Mrs. Sheriff Was Overcome by Smoke.
Fire from an overheated cook stove
and a defective Hue in the kitchen of
the Aden Sheriff residence at 1101
Taylor avenue , partly destroyed the
interior of the small house and dam
aged the furniture. Mr. Sheriff , who
is employed as night electrician at the
mill , was visiting with his mother who
is ill , and Mrs. Sheriff had replenish
ed the fire in the kitchen stove and
had gone to the back yard for a chick
en which she was to send to her sick
mother. When she returned she
found the kitchen lllled with smoke
and the fire making great headway.
She was overcome by the smoke
and had to be carried in an uncon
scious condition to the Wade resi
dence. Although the roads were in
very bad shape , the fire department
arrived on the scene in time to pre
vent the total destruction of the little
Mrs. Charles Eble Expires Suddenly
Mrs. Elsie Eble , for forty years n
resident of Norfolk , died suddenlj
Monday morning at the age of 62 ,
Funeral arrangements have not yol
been announced.
Mrs. Kble was the mother of fifteei ;
children , fourteen of whom survive
her. Her husband , Charles Eble , died
some years ago.
Mrs. Caroline Boldt.
Funeral services over the remain ?
of Mrs. Caroline Holdt , who died al
her home on South Fifth street Frl
day night from a stroke of paralysis
of the heart , took place nt2 _ o'clock
Monday afternoon at the family home
where short services were held. A1
2:20 : regular services ? were held bj
Rev. J. I' . Mueller at the Christ Luth
eran church , alter which the remalni
were interred in the New Luthonu
cemetery. Mrs. Holdt leaves to mouri
her loss beside-s the husband , Krnos
Uoldt , four sons William , Hubert
Otto and Richard and one diuujhtor
Mrs. Fred Itauermeister of Stantoi
county. Two other daughters won
born to Mr. and Mrs. lioldt.
Mrs. Uoldt was 07 years old at tin
time of her death. She was born li
Mecklenburg-Strelitis province , Qcr
many , on March 1 , 1S1Band in 18G !
she Immigrated with lK-r parents t <
the United States , settling in Chicago
A year later she. was- married to Er
nest Holdt and in. 1,573 , she came witl
her .husband to Nulrraska , settling 01
a homestead four * miles northeast o
this city. Four years ago. last fall Mr
and Mrs. lioldt moved from their farn
to their homo on South Fifth street
where a short time later Mrs. Hold
suffered a paralytic stroko. She re
covered a. d was altlo to use her limbs
Friday ulgut she seemed very cheoi
ful aud conversed with her husbam
and son Hlcliurd. She retired shortl ;
iiftor 9 o'clock , but at 10 o'clock sin
arose , complaining of the closeness o
the room. She then suffered pain
about the heart , but refused to have i
physician called , thinking the attacl
was temporary. She grew worse , however
over , and at 11:10 : she passed away.
Surgeons Prepare to Operate on Wlf
. of United States Senator.
Now York , Feb. 20. Mrs. Wllllni
A. Clnrk , wlfo of former United State
Senator Clark , l.s si-rlounly 111 with
appendicitis in Hoose\elt hospital and
Kiirgeoiis were prepared to operate
this afternoon. Senator ( Mark was at.
the hospital until late last night and
again this morning.
It was proposed to operate on her
yesterday but she was too weak.
.1. P. Riddle of Crelghton wan bore.
.1. W. Chrlatonson of Tllde.ii was
George F. Thels of Pllgor was In
the city.
D. L. Host of Buttle Greek was In
the city.
William I. . Thompson loft for At
kinson for a week's visit with rela
P. II. Davis went to Wood Lake on
A. A. Atkins of Neiign was a visitor
in the city.
Rev. Otto Horgfoldor went to Colum
bus on business.
Mrs. L. Cf. English of Lincoln was a
visitor In the city.
Henry Woorth of Scribner was hem
transacting business.
I ) . T. Hodson of Madison spent Sun-
flay here witli friends.
If. C. Peckbam of Phillip , S. D. , was
in the city transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mclchcr return-
erf from Chicago and other eastern
cUles , where Mr. Melcher transacted
John R. Hays returned from Lin
coln , where lie attended a committee
meeting of the state postmasters' as-
Bernard Quant , who was here visit
ing witli his cousin , Professor Court
ney Quant , has returned to his home
at' Woodland , Wis.
City Attorney II. P. Harnhnrt , who
has been quite ill , is now again able to
bo at hla oflice.
MmII. . G. Hrueggeman , who has
been confined to her bed with an at
tack of the grip , is recovering.
George Stalcup is moving Jim
Lodge's house , recently purchased by
Thomas Malone. It Is being1 moved
from Pleasant Valley to one mile west
of Enola.
The shipment of fancy bred Belgian
horses for Norfolk have been delayed ,
according1 to a telegram received at
the local express oflice. It Is expected
the horses will arrive hero about next
Mrs. William Lovutt. living on
South Sixth street , has been havlnp
quite a serious time with an infected
wound in one of her feet as the result
of stopping on a nail. A physician
lanced the Injured member Monday.
The automobile show which opens
a week's session in Omaha tonight
will bo attended by a number of auto
mobile enthusiasts of this city , who
will go to Omaha Tuesday. Among
them are : Morris Irvin , II. A. Paso-
walk. L. P. Pasewalk. W. P. Logan , .1.
W. Hansom. C. P. Parish , George U.
Christoph. Charles Ahlman.
Mrs. W. J. McNamee loft yesterday
noon for a few weeks' visit with her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Webb of
Toronto. Canada. She will reacli
home to attend a concert tomorrow
nigilt of 200 selected voices , assisted
by Mine. Nordica. Mrs. McNamee's
sisiwr. Miss Fannie , who spent some
months in Norfolk a few years ago.
sings in thi concert.
Should William Goebler return to
Norfolk soon he will be served will )
summons to appear before Judge
Else-ley in whose court there have ,
b/rtit ( lied four suits against him to re-
caver an aggregate sum of $ ! ! 00
Among those filing the suits against
Goebler are : 11. A. Pasewalk , Ed
wards Bradford Lumber Co. , and the
German American Life Insurance com
pany. Charles Splering , an employe
of fJoebler , asks for $107 wages in
Judge Lambert's court.
Mrs. Rosa Boels wishes to deny the
statement given out the ether day
that she did not notify her former
husband of the illness of their child
until the day before the death. Mrs
Heels exhibits a letter from her hus
band dated February in In which ho
acknowledges "a went favor" notify
ing him of the child's sickness. A
short funeral service over the dead
child was hold , at the home of Mrs.
Butler Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bools
declares she Is being persecuted by
the circulation of false reports In re
gard to her.
Announcement has been received by
Norfolk friends of the nmrringo at
Blair on Saturday of John DIngmnn.
formerly of Norfolk , to Miss Martha
Elizabeth Foss. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ding-
man will reside at Council Bluffs ,
where the groom Is a druggist. A
pretty romance was the foundation
for this marriage. The bride was for ,
morly a trained mirso nnd attended
Mr. Dlngman when ho was-lnjured in
the North western- railway service.
This acquaintance the beginning
of the romance that resulted ( n Satur
day's wedding.