The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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THi Norfolk Wtrtly Naws-Jeurnil
The NOWH , KHtunllHhcd 1881.
The Journal , KHtabllnhoil 1877.
W. N. Hun. ) N. A. HUMO ,
I'roRlilont. Secretary.
Svory Friday. Uy mull per ycnr , $ l.r > 0.
Hntcrt'd ut tlio pOHtoIllco ut Norfolk ,
Nob. , IIH Hui'oiul cliiBH mutter.
Telephones : Kdltorlnl Uoimrtment
No. 22. IlUHliU'RH Olllcc nntlJob HOOIUH ,
No. II 2L .
The match truttt IB harder to ex-
than uny other.
"Wlmt I ono for Norfolk" outfit
to make nn InturoHtliiB book from the
pen of the tnnyor.
Mr. Cnrncgli ! IH giving some church
organs , but this by no means UBSiiros
hivrniony within the choir.
Now York bunkorH loan ? 10,000,000
to IIondurnB. This should bo enough
to llnnnco Hovurnl rovolutlons.
Queen Mnry'H coronation gown IH to
bo eighteen feet long. Probabiy the
bill will bo of corresponding length.
What can J. I' . Morgan bo doing ?
Over across two weeks , and not oven
Westminster Abbey bought for Har
lem Hats ?
Missouri Is to build a now capltol.
New York and Pennsylvania have
shown her striking examples of how
not to do It.
Washington's birthday Is the next
holiday on the calendar and to the
joy of the school children It does not
come on Sunday.
0. Stanley Hall denounces college
coaches for demoralizing athletics. So
do nil the Htudonts of the colleges
whoso teams lose.
Dr. Cook talks about , the "dogs of
the editorial chairs. " The doctor prob
ably got mad because they were not
eatlsllfd with gum drops.
A Maine sea captain was killed by
a hatpin Jab in a Hoston street car.
Ho could bundle sharks and swordtlsh
but not lovely woman's weapons.
Two of King George's sons have
the measles , and we hope they have
not forgotten to nail up a red card
quarantine notice on Windsor castle.
J. 1 * . Morgan lias been staying a tew
days at Monte.Carlo. . . This makes us
fpel uneasy about his art treasures ,
particularly those on his $1,000 bills.
Mayor Friday seems to like his job
of bossing the city. He's determined
nobouy else shall have a chance at It
Does he think that ho was elected for
life ?
The Filipino commissioners have
been visiting Harvard university , and
it Is rumored that one or two of the
freshmen condescended to speak to
Money is getting short for raising
the Maine , and we may decide tc
leave the bones of our brave boys or
Cuba's front doorstep a few years
Mr. Taft denies that there Is anj
Idea of annexing Canada. Our rivci
and harbor bill Is big enough now
I without having to deepen all of Hud
son's bay.
Colorado is unique in having thre <
women among Its legislators. The :
arc very active and succeed In mak
Ing things interesting for their fellov
Eggs have dropped six cents In Chicago
cage In a fortnight , but your fainll ;
won't be tiatlsllod unless you hustl
around and get some toast for then
to drop onto.
A master plumber has been admit
ted to the German house of lords
Perhaps he will look down on his nev
associates who hnvo been less sue
cessful In life.
Governor Wilson of New Jerse
Bays audacity is needed in our pol
tics , but most of our statesmen ar
more attached to the hitching pos
and the tie-rope.
Not much debate will be possible i
the new house of 433 members , bu
the representatives can perhaps con
munirate with each other'on the wij
wagging system.
Harry Thaw's counsel arc workln
to get him out of Mntteawan asylun
It seenis too bad to disturb such
conspicuous instance of the right me
in the right place.
While wo enjoy moving pictut
n shows , it gets rather tiresome to ol
serve 17,035 different ways of upse
ting a peanut stand by unsteady b
cyclists or motorists.
Chump Clark says he Is not rui
nlng awny from the presidential nom
nation. This is a cheering assuranc
that at least one man will bo wlllln
to take this unpopular Job.
The promoters of the Grover Clev
land memorial expect to have the d
Ntrtd amount raised before bio blrtl
day , March 18. Ho narrowly escaped
celebrating St. Patrick's day.
The spring poetry season Is close
on UK , with the imvial number of gen-
limes who think you CHII grind out
poetry merely by picking put of
words from a rhyming dictionary.
.John Hays Hammond In appointed
ambassador to attend the coronation.
We trust he has nn eye enough for
millinery so ho could toll King George
If his crown wax not on straight.
The Gideons have placed fi5,000 bi
bles In hotflH , but on our last Journey-
Ings we found no evidence that either
proprietors or bell boys had taken to
heart the principles therein inculcated.
The Union Pacific and Southern Pu-
clllc roads had no fatal accidents last
year. Considering all the Sun Fran
cisco grafters , the roads evidently
have not seen their duty and done It.
Government Export Winton lluds
fiOO.000,000 germs in a cubic centimet
er of Chicago ice cream. Impecunious
youth should cut this out and show
It to the summer girl at times next
The magazines say they would be
driven out of existence if higher post
age rates went on. Wouldn't It bo aw
ful If we never found out If Algernon
Saphend won the love of Genevlevo
Softlelgh ?
The hotels at Palm Beach are re
hearsing Sweet Adeline. This provi
dential warning comes in the nick of
time , and we have abandoned the trip
wo had planned to that hitherto cul
tured resort.
Miss Pankhurst has a very poor
opinion of American sleeping cars
Wonder if they afford less comfort
than the English Jails so often occupied
pied by suffragettes of Miss Paak-
hurst's cla&s ?
The University of Illinois Is charged
with spending millions of public
money to teach students football
Now If they could put In a good course
at baseball , the taxpayers would be
well satisfied.
More Immigrants arc coming to th'lf
country now than ever before , and an
increasing number of laborers in oui
large industries are foreigners. Ir
fnct , we could not carry on our busl
ness without them.
On reading that the league bal
teams have gone south for practice
many people rub their eyes and peei
about them sleepily , after the mannoi
of the groundhog on llrst emerging
from winter quarters.
There are 9,113,279 people in Nev
York state , and the only one of then
who is not saying things about th <
senatorial deadlock is Governor Dlx c
the man whom the state elected to b <
Its guldo and leader.
Luther Burbnnk , the plant wizard
says he has produced a world beate
of a strawberry- Now if ho woul (
invent a box that would hold a ful
quart he will receive the heartfel
thanks of the public.
1 Indiana is endeavoring to pass ; u
s antl-treatlng bill which provides tha
a man may only give another a drlnl
to save his life. Should this bill b <
passed it will be surprising ;
hooslers will be found dying of thirst
I. Some people are always referring t
"the good old days , " and coniparini
the present unfavorably with it. I
is a pity that such people could not b
put back into the midst of things a
they were half n century or more age
Already tlio programs for Fourth o
July celebrations are being prepare
with sack races for the women hole
ing n prominent place. It is believe
that their long practice In wearln
hobble skirts will render them cxperti
The coinage of gold Is to be llmlte
to the amount necessary to suppl
business. Thp secretary of the treai
ury , also advises the issue of gold ce
tiilcates against the bullion in th
treasury. The proposition has its ai
vantages and will probably be favo
ably received.
The smooth shaven man has bee
lu fashion for some years but his da
will soon pass. Eleven seniors In n
eastern educational college have antl
Ipated the change In style by raisin
Van Dyke beards. But the girls <
the Institution did not approve an
havif promptly boycotted the bewhls !
cred youths.
The rungnillcpnt memorial to VlcU
Emmanuel , which was begun In 188
is now completed and ready for u
veiling. It Is crowned with a colossi
bronze statute a id is a lit ting mon
ment of the great king , who wit
Garibaldi , tlrraly cemented the mar
little kingdoms Into a united Itnl
half a century ago.
Persia has requested this gover
ment to send six or seven compete !
n- men to take charge of Its finnncl
lice affairs , for the next five years. It
ce u high compliment to this country , b
the men who undertake the task a
likely to llnd it anything but a sin
euro. Persian affairs both politic
e- and financial are In a sorry plight
h- Philadelphia tae been called a elo )
town , but they are the llrnt town down
there to place before the children of
that city , moving pictures of the fall
of Jericho , Samson slaying the Phllls-
tlnofl , Gideon conquering the Mldlan-
Hen , Jonah swallowing the whale , etc.
The promotern.of the Idea arc mem
bers of the Presbyterian city
In Knnfias a bill Is before the legis
lature which provides that any person
convicted on a charge of oarrylng a
weapon shall be sentenced to the pen
itontlury one year for the llrst offense
and not loph than two years for the
second. If such a law could be enforced -
forced in every state in the union It
would go a long way toward wiping
out crime.
Mayor Friday ought to hitch his
wagon to a star. AH part of a political
harangue to the city council , point
Ing out what a great mayor ho had
been and why he must be retained In
the position , he said : "I know moro
about city business than old man Huso
or the whole Huso family. " That
ought to qualify him for the white
house , instead of a mere mayoralty.
It might be just as well to turn
some of theee convicted Norfolk bootleggers
loggers over to the rock pile In the
city Jail yard , and let them help do a
little good work toward the city's
streets , as to give them their liberty
on a small fine. Now that the rock
pile Is at hand , them Is no reason
why it should not bo oftener used for
the purpose for which It was Intend
Michigan defeated woman suffrage
by a vote of fifty-JIvo to forty-five. Ye
none of the legislators will deny tha
the average woman is as well qualified
to vote as the average man. The
thing that prevents a moro rapid ad
vance of woman suffrage is that so
few women want to vote. When the
Americans are as anxious for equa
suffrage as English women are , they
will have It granted promptly.
Mayor Friday , for some reason o
other , seems to want to hold onto the
office of mayor. He's not at all pleas
ed that some other democrat should
have the audacity to bo mentioned fo
the nomination. And ho goes on record
ord as guaranteeing that the demo
cratic city convention will renomlnnte
him. What's the use of holding a con
vention apparently the democrats
won't have anything to say about it ,
Great Britain has Spain's political
alliance , but the German drummer
has grabbed the Spanish market and
the German investor is building elec
trie railways and establishing banks.
The Germans have made salesmanship
scientific as they do everything. They
n study the language and customs of
the people , their economic needs and 1
trade habits. They are obsequious and
e' persistent , but trust the German drum
mer to sell the goods every time.
It was feared at first that in the
west and northwest that local interests
ests would lead the people to use
shortsighted judgment and oppose
reciprocity , but such Is not the case
The republican insurgents have been
at a loss to know what the popular
trend was going to be In regard tc
this subject. But they may feel ful
ly assured that in approving the
president's Canadian policy they car
be right and popular at the same
< The president sees th.e crisis not sc
very far away at best that must be
met by every industrial nation as pop
illation .increases , industry thrives
trade expands , and a surplus of manu
factured goods require a foreign mar
ket. England met this crisis one wnj
in the forties , Germany met it in an
other way in the eighties. In Ger
many agriculture and manufacture :
kept protection together , in Englanc
they lost it altogether. Every notioi
mutt meet the crisis in one way 01
the other. Free trade in farm pro *
ducts means free trade in the thlngi
farmers buy.
: A magazine writer pertinently in
quires , "Is house cleaning , the ol <
fashioned variety , which represents i
ir- general tearing up for a week or more
eating in the kitchen , feeling cautions
ly for your bed at night , when the ga
-a has been turned off for the Installo
tlon of new chandeliers , a matter o
m housewifely conscience or America ]
Ic- restlessness ? " Sometimes It's one B
ig brother , and sometimes It's the othoi
of but it results in the same state of dis 5
idk comfort for suffering mankind , whatever
k- over the motive that prompts the ur
heaval and its semi-annual recui
rence draweth near.
15 , G. W.
nnl The foregoing fateful InltlnlH ar
nl read by the average person with th
feeling tiftvt they signify chiefly
th Joke about hatchets. If their possqi
Bor came back to earth Washington'
birthday , he would hear more abou
cherry trees than about his super
military genius.
'n *
Washington had a temperament tha
. would make him a master of men 1
nny age and among any race. In hi
struggle with an overwhelming fore
ho was usually defeated In batth
But the fee ho faced in the Held wa
the least of his troubles. Ho fougb
against hunger , disease , lack of me
nnd money , plots against his author
W ty among the band of raganii ffins the
onntltuted bin aniiy , and In the Feats
of legislative authority.
Amid all those baffling fntoa ho wns
culm , linn , persevering , prudent In
ittsbumllng narrow resources , confi
dent , trustful In a higher power , and
n the certainty of American destiny.
Backing the force of his personality ,
ho American colonies could not hnvo
vou Independence until at least n
nter generatlom.
The city council for once refused to
n > bulldozed by the mayor into adopt-
UK his honor's pet hobby. And he
even tried to lead tin ; council Into vot-
for the resolution by declaring
that "it meant nothing at all , " that
It "had nothing to do with calling n
Ijond election for 'i $55,000 street
lighting plant. " Thia wns pretty near
ly as raw as the mayor's tactics of a
few weeks ago when ho refused to
allow the council to act on the resolu
tion , declaring that no matter could
bo brought up for reconsideration ,
showing either the grossest Ignorance
of Roberts' rules of order , or else a
deliberate intent to deceive the city
council in order to railroad his own
t hobby through tlmt body.
Governor Aldrlch in a speech at
Lincoln the other night advocated a
legislative appropriation for advertis
ing Nebraska. This is in line with
a movement which was set on foot al
most a year ago in Norfolk , and it is
in line with modern business methods.
If Nebraska Is to gain her fair pro
portion of population , judicious ad
vertising of the stato'n resources must
be done and the people of Nebraska
will have something charged up to
the present legislature If that body
falls to meet this demand.
There Is complaint because farmers
are Hocking to Texas and to Canada
Complaint , however , won't prevenl
the emigration. Only the right kind
of advertising can overcome thih
movement , or , rather , bring about :
similar Immigration for this state.
Nebraska is a state of Ercat possl
blllties , not nearly so thickly settled
as its rich lands would justify. But
the people looking for locations of
this kind don't know the facts.
The state could well afford to appropriate
propriato $100,000 for advertising pur
> oses , and If it fails to approprinte a
; bed portion of that amount , we cm
je classed as back numbers.
The proposed amendment to the
Nebraska 8 o'clock saloon closing law
which would permit cities of over
r > ,000 population to decide at wha
hour of the night their saloons shouli
close , will not find favor with UK
people of Nebraska. The bill wil
not find support in even the cttiefc o
over 5,000 , unless it be in Omaha.
Nebraska people now feel that thej
have a pretty good snloon regulation
law. The saloonkeepers , themselves
are well statisfied with the law as I
stands today. And to so amend the
present statute as to give cities o
over 5,000 option as to whether o
not they should live up to the exist
ing law or extend the time limit foi
saloon closing , would merely preclpl
tate an everlasting local row betwecr
the 'early" closing faction and the
"lato" closers.
It Is easy to contemplate the bitterness
terness which such an amendment te
the Jaw would inject into municipa
campaigns. The whole fitness of i
man for office would come to be meas
ured by the view ho took of the sa
loon closing hour.
There is perhaps no better llquoi
regulation anywhere than in Nebrns
ka right now. And the liquor inter
ests , themselves , ought to have learn
ed by the narrow escape they jus
sustained over county option , tha
they'd be wise to let well enougl
The tendency of Europe to take a
its face value the offhand remarl
of our politicians la one of the hum
ors of International relations.
The starched , bewlgged and frlllei
statecraft of the old world has oftei
referred to our frequently impulslvi
leadership as "shirtsleeve diplomacy.
Language to them should be a mean
of concealing thought.
So when Champ Clark got up Ii
the house February 14 , and rctnnrkei
in a semi-humorous vein , that ho b <
Moved the stars and stripes would on
day float over the entire western here
Isphore , there was a commotio
P * among premiers and kings.
They do not understand the Amer
t.can temperament over there. On
gets some idea of it by comparing di ;
ferencee between the various section
of our own country. With the conson
atlvc New Englander , speech is guari
cd , premeditated. In his mind ther
a Is u certain obloquy attaching to an
failure to realize all of his words i
actual performance. He Is not nrj
to announce his plans until ho ha
the means for carrying them out nal
it cd down tight.
The American weeterner , on th
contrary , is accustomed to revet
it those more transitory purposes fern
ed by all of us In secret thought , eve
Is If the cold reflection of the niornln
after should reveal those purposes a
The former temperament is th
safer , the latter the more Interestini
It Is In the latter spirit that man
of our statesmen often speak wit
it regard to national alms. The Kurt
penn temperament goon beyond even
the New England attitude lu Ita cau-
tloun reserve. They are as much at
sea over there lu estimating underly-
tig alms. us a Uostonlnn would bo In
leallng with an Inhabitant of Reno ,
U will be a long ( lay before the
stars and stripes are extended over1
nny very considerable additional
\inerlcnn territory- Some of It needs
our control badly enough , goodness
diows. Hut Americans do not like
he idea of having their domestic nf-
'airs settled by representatives In con-
; ross from the hot blooded Latin bred
aces of the tropics.
There is this advantage In shaving
at night , ns compared with the next
nornlng : When you cut yourself , nt
night , the wound has time to heal be
fore you get your collar on ; but when
you cut yourself lu the morning , your
face and collar make you look like
the residue of a slaughter house all
A Norfolk 'bridge" club now spends
it's time playing the , scientific game ol
"rum. "
Back to the mountains , you are
wild you Rock county robin.
According- Mayor Friday , Norfolk
just has to re-elect him or the town
will go to the dogs. He's the only
mayor who ever has done anything for
the city. * He's held the job two terms
and there's something about It that
he likes so well , that he's willing-
nay , anxious to keep right on boss
ing the town. And OF COURSE he'll
be re-elected. OF COURSE. HO\t
could this town run without him ?
Will the first robin last ?
We hope both Oakdale and N
succeed In getting the state capital.
Is the barometer high enough foi
you ?
The mayor says he won't have to
run independently. He says the dera
ocrats have got to renomlnate him
And who gives the democrats of Nor
folk their orders , if not His Honor9
Shoulder arms , democrats ! Forward !
March ! ! Hep. Hep. Hep.
How these rfrls do grow up ! A
former Norfolk school girl came back
to town the other day for a visit , and
got her name in the paper as "Miss
. " Now it transpires that she's
been married three years. The re
porter who did it , ought to "buy. "
A Norfolk woman planning to send
away to a dressmaker to have a gown
designed , found that among othe'r
i'acts she'd have to tell the dress
maker , Is her age. So she wrote : "I'm
52 , but everybody say * 1 look younger
than that. "
We'd like to be right sure that that
"robin" which was seen by "Rock
county school teacher , " wasn't a snow
Wu often wonder , in reading over
the "Around Town" column , why the
man who runs it doesn't print an item
now and then about "furnace golf"
or just straight golf the kind that's
soon-to-be-played. It's a great little
u Poor Marjorlc Gould ! Think of the
humiliation of having to sit there and
see your husband knocked out by your
brother-in-law's brother , in three short
If the state capital is to be moved ,
here's hoping the Oakdale bid will be
Another sign that spring is near :
3T The tramps are arriving.
tMayor Friday declares the demo
crats will nominate him. That ought
to settle it , whether the democrats
want him as their candidate or not.
But then the mayor also declared up
and down that the limit of seven
would be taken off the number of sa
loons in Norfolk. When he found he
. couldn't bulldoze the council into his
way of thinking , he got pouty , put on
his hat and went home , refusing to
put any motions for the council to act
on. So if the democrats fall to obey
his command to nominate him , he'll
probably get sere , put on his hat and
e go home.
Norfolk has had three terms of Frl-
day-overy-day-In-the-week. And foi
some reason or other Friday likes the
n job of bossing the town so well that
he Insists on a fourth term. In faci
he says he'll have it.
She Ouflht to Be Promoted.
Bassott , Neb. , Feb. 21. "Around
Town" Editor : Let not your heart
be troubled. A Rock county schoo !
teacher knows a "robin" from a snow
10 bird and insists that It wasn't anj
"mountain canary. "
Rock Co. School Teacher.
The mayor must have a queer no
tion of things If he thinks that he car
gain favor with the people of Norfott
by attacking Norfolk Industries In r
political speech at a council meeting
and incidentally boasting of his recent
effort * to keep out of this city a no\\
factory enterprise that promises to b
one of the blpgeat Industries In tin
te town.
A little man falls under the test o
Old fashioned folks llko young pee
pie who blubh.
Every woman exaggerates compli I-
mcnts about herself.
"Sh looks like the last run o
Blind , " wo heard a girl remark todny
ibout another girl.
If you have a good friend you can
prove miMliItu ; by hm. |
Some persons talk nbout taking a
bnth ns If It were nn event.
Every woman nccuflonnlly says : "I
nlwayn mind my own buslnoHH. "
Wo all mix a great deal of medi
cine wo refuse to tnko ournelveH.
Hatred Is n worse hnblt than cigar
ette smoking , and harder to break.
When a man tries to drown Ms
troubles in u goblet , he only Irrigates
No man ever gets so poor tlmt he
can't on'er something , usually a sug
Physiclnns nearly always act sur
prised when they tind their patient *
No chorus girl can over hope to get
her board from the cafu scene In n
comic opera.
Homo of the varieties of people It
lakes to make the world hardly seem
to do their share.
How many married men enn spend
nn evening at home without being
asked for money ?
Fatlit'i- rarely has time for fads ,
being so busy paying for his
children cultivate.
You mny exaggerate occasionally ,
but you won't be accused of it as
often ns tlie gas meter is.
One of the most pitiful sights in
town is a man void of ambition. Re
member this and get busy.
While enthusiasm is contagious tea
a degree , don't waste all yours trying
to inculcate the whole town.
There is no nwd of looking for trou
ble. Get elected to the city council
: ind trouble will come to you.
Occasionally one meets a mini so
considerate he blames his blunders
on Fate Instead of his friends.
So many women believe men Join
lodges just to get another excuse for
coming down town after supper.
What has become of the old fash
ioned woman who saved all the paper
snckn that came from the grocery ?
Plenty of people reserve the bulk of
their politeness for occasions when
they figure on asking for something.
As ii rule , there is little complaint
against those who can't pay their
debts ; it is against those who won't.
An old fashioned industrious wo
man's idea of shlftlessness is to do
the washing on any day but Monday.
It isn't the man who really hns a
complicated past who runs it In serial
form for the beuellt of his steady girl.
It doesn't ease the grief of the be
reaved ones much to tell them the
object of their fears is better off dead.
It is every dentist's opinion tlmt
few people take good care of their
teeth , and the dentists must be right
to be so numerous. .
When a boy gets the notion in his
head that he can make money selling
junk , Mother has to watch the cool ;
stove pretty closely.
An Atchison woman suys most men
who have been married twice , treat
their second wives a heap better than
they did their llrst ones.
There are still ( or still are ) a few
people who don't understand how n
reporter can get an interview without
resorting to shorthand.
Not every maiden can become the
heroine of a novel , but there are' .n
few in real life as useless and tire
some ns the noval variety.
What has become of the old fash
loned man who thought he couldn't
keep house without a bootjack and n
bos of vegetable liver pills ?
In homes where father Is stroiiR
for discipline , the children believe
father would have made n great trag
edian had he taken to the stage.
Lacking the artistic temperameiil
and other Finer Sensibilities , we art
unable to see a great deal of differ
eiico between nude and linked.
"Whenever a man tries to sell me
anything , " said Count McGownn thit
morning , "ho Is so enthusiastic I won
der he doesn't keep It himself. "
While it may take n smart man t <
play a good game of checkers , t
smart man can do a number of thlngi
of more Importance to the rnre.
Occasionally there IH a woman wlu
cau put up with a worthless mai
pretty well because of the satlsfactlor
she gets telllug him about her sue
cessful kin.
A number of years ago It was . '
common thing to * ee a man with c
( lower pinned on his coat by his wife
Where Is ho now ? The wives anc
Mowers are still here.
While it isn't advisable for th <
average outsider to dip Into a kin row
there Is no denying that lawyers hav <
been known to do pretty well by tholi
efforts In that line.
Preachers are underpaid , but i
Imean man suggests that occasional ! ]
they are overpaid in the mutter o
wedding foes ; to many of the bondi
f of wedlock fall to i > ay Interest ,
Patter Runtll Show * From th * BlbU
Thtlr Origin and Th lr Pernlelou *
Influence Upon Mankind ,
Trenton , N. J.
February U. Urook-
lyn Academy of Mu
sic wns crowded lo-
dny to hear I'aator
Itusicll nn tlm abov *
topic , lie declared
Hint , notwithstand
ing our modern In
vention * the tel
with wires mid without -
out the innsnes find
It dlmriilt to
Use-lift , nsppcllni ; plrlt phenomena. Yet ,
on HIP nlhrtImiul. . limn IN u clan grow-
Infer. TThlcli , under ( he natnn of
unit piychlc phenomen * , ar b -
nwny , drcrlYfd by wicked irptr-
UK mho iKifl < iimtn Uie drnri unfl who gtv * .
through rplrlt mrdluni * . olutrvoynnta , etc. .
vartotin dpinnnxtruttoni of ttitrlllH nc * ant
of tu-qualntunco with luiinun ufTuln. ThH >
rlKiM , wlltiln tlio hint ( CM yiarn , hai Kntb-
fft'J tu HH number thn n a in en of ROTO *
prominent clcnllu < n , both In America , aiWl
Gri'Ht IlrttHln. are trlllne th * worlfl
that they ure not ulrltunlUU , but acleti
MM * , ami DiHl ( hey are iclentlflonlly dtm
onfitrntlnir Rrnilunlly , with more and tnori
of ratlpfuctlon , that they are In touoli
with Miprthumim Intellliciiccs.
Ulvlnfr Ihrxi ) KcltntlRtH niul tha aptrlt
medium * whom ( hey tine full I'ledlt tor nil
diet they claim In the wny of mnnlfnuU
tlou anil full clod It ( or Kinrerlty , 1'nntar
ntlPFell holds that the lllbln lve a tot
ter pxpltnullon of ( he phenomena a mar *
rational one nnd , In bin opinion , the enl )
atlNfiiutory explanation of the flndlnr *
of vptrlltmllMn find icIentlMa along thMt
line * .
In heathen lundn inftglo and black art
ar practiced nnd , to conilrternhlo extent ,
the demon * nr worshipped. In China , tor
Instance , onr ordinary flrerrnrliern ar
muiiiif&olnrrd nnd UB d In Brent quantltU *
In endeavor to rid themcolves of Intrua-
Inp plrltr , who haraim their llvea anfl
even make fem * > of them InsHiin throutfi
obscpnlon : niruiy of the Insane of clvllla < l
landn arc likewise mi-rely obsessed. 81
Paul Irllp UR that the KcnJn whom th
heathen worship nro demon" imd not goAf
( I CorlnthlnnK x. Kl ) . Afiuln h * tell * of
"iloctrlers of dijmon r ( I Timothy Iv , 1) )
All over henlhc.nOom tbce > fntsc ilor.trlnrn
have boon more or IUHM established , tnkltvK
ono form or nnother to milt thu corvtt-
llntiH nd projudk'xi of Iho people. And
wb will my that ChrlHtomlom has n t
had UK shore of thefo doctrlnrfi of de
mons ? Who will any thiil mime of thw *
false doctrine * did not Kvt woikcd Into alt
of our crt > ( ] n of tlm "dink ngvn , " both
Catholic and I'rotentanl ?
Jesus Cast Out Demon * >
The Scrlptuies toll IIM thai not only
r.MiH cust out demon" , bill tlmt a * an
evidence of tlu-lr authority and bin au
thority he KBVC this power lu bl Apostles
when hi1 "cnt them out to preach. Every
one Is f.imlllar with the Hlblo niirraUvM
r - / > pectli\K these domnns some of them
very .itnrlllrur. For Instance , our J.ord'
visit to Ihe. country of the Oiidarene .
where lit WIIN met by a oraxed mnn.
obse.Mfed of evil spirits. The Master ad
dressed , not the man , hut the. dcmonn o *
whom a Irtrlon hud taken ponacAnlon
crazing their victim by various a.n < l
contradictory KUKKesllon.M am ! command ;
A lnlon of them were In him nnd the :
ru | lfti > ( l that If they must oorno out thtv
bo Kcantrd opportunity to go Into Hit-
herd of .twin * nearby so ftnxlons were
they for earthly , sensuous life. Jeau *
granted their request , becaune > wln -
ownlng wan forbidden to the Jew under
Ihe Law. The effect of the de.monlncal
of the swine waa to craze tha
herd until they ran violently down a t p
. place and were choked In the ea. Th
object of the dc-mona may have been a de-
slre to reside In and obicsn the swine , or
possibly , by destroying the twine , to
arouse Indignation K lnst .lean * ( Mark
. v. 1-14) ) .
Another remarkable Instance wan the
one when Pt. Paul commanded the rl'
splrlta to come nut fit the obsenscd wo-
mun , who was a coothsayer or fortun-
tfiler and prophesied that Paul and HHu'
were Henanls of God. AlthoiiKh the me *
sage was nn endorsement of them , Bt
Paul realised that n endorsement from a
demoniac source wns unworthy of hi *
Macter and of his Gospel ( Acts xvl. JUS )
Spirits today , Including mediums , fre 1 >
acknowledge that many of the aplrlt *
which communicate through ( hem ar
"wicked Hplrlls" and "aeduclnir spirit" , "
just K SI. Pnul xald ( t Timothy 4 : 1) ) .
Hut bcllevluK the .splills , that they repre
sent dead human belngf , the medium *
naturally uppo."e t.ome of them good
Thn Hlble alone U'llw that they or * all
fal. o. and that they am not human iptr-
lln at ttll ; that dead men are dead and
know nothing and can communicate noth
ing , no long UK they re dead , and that
they will remain dead until the resur
rection morning ; when the sleeping liost.i
of humanity will hear the vole * of th
Son of Man.
Demon * Once Holy Angl *
At one time , raid Pastor Russell , all the
anvels were holy , Satan being first to de
flect. Early In man's experience as a
sinner the holy aneeln were permitted to
have fellowship with him for a two-fold
nurpote :
(1) ) To KV ! them the opportunity to do
all In their power to lift up the fallen
race , * o that , subsequently , It might be
seen that this WHS Impossible and that the
Plan devlptd by God IH not only the b Jt ,
but the only plan of iftlvatlon for man
(2) ) , God wished to prove or
tent the holy nngelH In respect to their
loyalty to him and the principles of ht *
government , as ( hey never had been test
ed previously , because cverythlnc wan
harmonious and sinless.
In ancient times the nngels appeared as
men , amimlng human bodies and cloth
ing , etc. Note , for Instance , those who
came to Abraham ut Mnmre nnd who ate
with htm. and talked with htm , but whom
he know not to be angels until the con
clusion of their visit ( Genesis avtll )
And there. rn many other Scriptural ac
counts of fclmllor Import. Do It noted ,
however , that nil Ihe accounts of aucl.
materializations after the flood were by
holy angels. becaiiKe. from that time on
ward , the unholy angvla , on account of
In , were deprived by the Almighty of the
powtr of materialization. Tiiey were put
under restraints of darknea * , Invisibility
Ae the Apoxtl * pay * , Those angeH which
kept not their first estate , He cast down
to tertorut and reserved < iem In chains of
darkness until the judgment of the great
day ( II Peter II , 4 ; Jude , C ) . Elsewhere
they are referred to ns having been dU-
obedlent In the days of Noah , while th
ark was preparing ( I Peter III , ft ) .
Th * Sin of th * Fallen Angela
Th * Apostle declares that their aln wa
In Itavlng their own habitation. Dy thU
wa * meant that they preferred to llv * In
a materialized form a * human belnr-
ratb r than to live on the iplrlt plan *
trhlch wan Ood'i will and provUlon for
th m.
Call Mid aee the cook or currant
whooe ad today makM her leern
"eligible. "
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