The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1911, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY ( NEWS-JOURNAL. , , , , . NORFOLK NEBRASKA Kill DAY PHIiKUAKY 24 1011. WANT DATA ON TREATY THE SENATE CALLS FOR ALL OF TAFT'3 INFORMATION. REGARDING CANADIAN TREATY Resolution Offered by Cummins la Adopted With Amendment , Providing - ing for Information , "If Consistent With the Public Welfare. " Washington , Fob. 23. A resolution calling on the president submit in the senate all the information ho has bearIng - Ing on the Canadian reciprocity agree ment together with the ! A'0/jnd sta- tUUci gathered by the i. . % ; ' ' was offered today In the senate . ° Cummins and adopted. Au nmci. mcnt making the romtest "if consist ent with the public welfare" wns Adopted. May Change McCall Bill. That a determined effort will be made on the floor of the senate to amend the McCall bill and that the movement will receive the support of a considerable number of republicans , both regulars and insurgents , became apparent after Mr. Cummins' resolu tion had boon submitted. The resolution received the approval of several old guard senators and es- jpeclully of Senator Halo , who said he wan In sympathy with the Idea In that H might load to entirely now negotla- 'tlons with Canada. "Cummins Will Try to Amend. This statement was In response to a I'rank avowal by Mr. Cummins that he purposed to offer amendments to the McGlll bill to the end that articles which farmers have to buy shall bo re duced to the plane of products of the soil , which are put on the free , list by the Canadian agreement. WAYNE KICKS ON DEPOT Complaint Filed With Railway Com mission Against Omaha Road. Lincoln. Feb. 23. Special to The News : The \Vayne Commercial club today filed u complaint with the rail road commission alleging the depot at that place of the Omahatroad is inad equate. WILL GO AFTER BOSS COX. Judge Names Committee to Investi gate Alleged Contempt. Cincinnati , O. , Feb. 23. Judge Gor- tuan of the court of common pleas tnnde good today his announcement yesterda > of the Intention to appoint n committee of attorneys to investigate and possibly prosecute George B. Cox and a morning newspaper for con tempt of court because of Cox's state ment regarding the grand jury which indicted him Tuesday. The Judge named the committee be fore the crowded court room this morning , they being Edward Barton , Aaron A. Ferris and Clyde P. Johnson. HATFIELD BILL TO THIRD READING HOUSE REFERENDUM BILL DIP- FERS FROM SENATE BILL BUT SLIGHTLY. Lincoln , Feb. 23. Special to The Newa : The Hatfleld Initiative and ref erendum bill was ordered to third reading this afternoon in the house. H differs from the Sktlles bill , which has passed the senate , in only a few details. The members killed an amendment to raise the referendum petition re quirement from f > to 10 percent. The senate spent the morning in committee of the whole with the Ottls .stock yard bill under debate. A vote may bo taken this afternoon. Lincoln , Feb. 23. Debates in the house of representatives on the sub ject of Initiative and referendum ac complished nothing but one slight change in the bill. The amendment offered by Speaker Kuhl In the com mittee of the whole changing the re quirements for initiating petitions from 10 to 15 when the contemplated measure is an amendment to the con stitution , was passed. This has been offered as a substitute to the Nelr ol Hamilton amendment to make all ln < itiating petitions 15 instead of 10 per cent While the house was discussing the direct legislation problem the senate was bickering over the stock yards bill. The afternoon session of the senate did not take It up , but the de bates In the morning wore spirited and developed n strong and detormln ed opposition to the bill which may defeat it when It comes to a vote. Neither house took any definite ac tlon upon the Important measures be fore It and the debates were continued this morning. 8ICK MAN ENDS LIFE. -Dakota Farmer Fires Bullet Into Hie Brain. Aberdeen , S. D. , Feb. 32. Despon dent because of an attack of asthma of long standing Christian Keppler. a farmer , living twelve mlleu from Aber deen , committed suicide by Bonding s revolver bullet through bis brain. Hit wife attempted to prevent the act , bul failed. Keppler bad boon acting otrangely for several days and la be ilered to have been mentally-deranged CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum -31 ! Minimum ' 4 Average . 18 Daromotor . . . 80.40 Chicago , Fob. ! 2S.--Tho bulletin Issued - sued by the Chicago station of the United States weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Fnlr tunlRht and Friday : not much chnngo In temperature FRENCH OFFICIAL SUDDENLY EXPIRES GENERAL BRUN , MINISTER OF WAR IN BRIAND'S CABINET , DROPS DEAD. j , Paris. Fob. 23. General Brun , inln- war in the cabinet of Premier " "IM'ed ' dead from a paralyt ic Hti- * at the offices of the minis try hero today. General Brun entered the cabinet formed by Brland In July , 1909 , when the Clemonceau ministry retired. Ho had been head of the general staff of the army for three and a half years and was a personal .friend of Presi dent Falleries. He Ifns born In 1849. General Bruu was enthusiastic over the possibilities In the development of aeroplanes and dirigibles for use by the French army qgfl encouraged fre quent experimental Last fall he gave a luncheon in honor of aviators then at Paris. Later ho announced rewards for aeronauts who participated in the armv maneuvers at Grand Vllliores. OKLAHOMA LIQUOR LAWS BEING HEARD SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ON INTERSTATE SHIPMENT PROBLEM. Washington , Feb. 23. Practically all the time of the supreme court of the United States today is to be consumed with arguments In cases In which the state of Oklahoma is requesting ac tion. tion.The The first cases Involve the right of the federal courts in Oklahoma to grant Injunctions , which would result It Is said , in the state officials being prohibited from seizing liquor coming Into the state as Interstate commerce. Another case involves the right of railroads to carry liquor into that sec tion of Oklahoma that formerly was Indian territory. In still another case the state seeks to obtain an injunc tion to prevent the Atchlson , Topeka and Santa Fe railway company from charging a higher freight rate In Ok' lahouia than Is charged In Kansas. FREMONT MAN IS SHOT BY A FRIEND JOHN BECK , KNOWN AT WISNER KILLED IN RIFLE TARGET PRACTICE. Fremont , Neb , , Feb. 23. John Beck an employe of the Kendrick meat market kot , was shot and Instantly killed yes terday afternoon by C. H. Bych Buck lin while- the latter was shooting at target. The affair occurred at Ken drlck's slaughter house west of town A number of young men were dowt there shooting at a target which was put up opposite the end of one of th buildings. Bock stepped out from be hind the building just as Buckliu shot the bullet striking him in the neck severing the jugular vein and killing him almost Instantly. The gun uset was a 32-callbre rifle. Both of th men were employed by the Kendrlcl company. Beck was a sausagemakei and Bucklln delivered , sometimes wait ing on customers. Beck was a German , 26 years olt and unmarried. It Is not know : whether he has relatives in this coun try and ho has only been here n shor time. He has some acquaintances a Wlsner. Bucklln Is about 20 years oh and has lived In Fremont for the nios of his life. He is almost prostratet with grief over the unfortunate affair A Large Steamer In Trouble. London , Feb. 23. A large steamer supposed to be a trans-Atlantic liner is ashore off the Scilly islands. Tin funnels and masts have gene by thi board. Lifeboats have gone to thi assistance of the vessel. London , Feb. 23. The craft ashen off the Scilly islands Is the derelict o the French warship Richlleu. Thirty-nine Perished On Ship. Victoria. B. C. , Fob. 23. The flndlni of two survivors of the French steam ship Bln-Thuan , which mystoriousl ; disappeared in January , has cleared ui the mystery in connection with thi loss of the vessel , according to ad vices brought by the steamer Chlcagi Maru , which arrived from the orient The two Chinese , the sole survivors o the vessel , were found on Tiger Islam off Annam , by the French destroye Mousquet. The Bin-Thuan sailed eai ly In January from Palphong for Li rain with 16,000 cans of oil. Accord ing to the story told by the Chines survivors a terrific explosion set fir to the ship , which burned all nigh and finally sank. Thirty-nine of th forty-two men In the crew were losl LORIMER VOTE MORE REMOTE NO PROSPECT OF ITS COMING TO SHOWDOWN SOON. WOULD WIN IN THIS SENATE An Interchange Between Senators Preceding Bcveridge's Long Speech Against Lorlmer Thursday , Shows No Vote is Likely for Some Time. Washington. Feb. 23. The validity of the election of Senator Lorlmer of Illinois will not come to a vote In the senate today and probnhl } not for sev eral days yetif at all at this session. That was made evident In an inter change which preceded the long nut I- Lorlmer speech delivered this after noon by Senator Uevoridge of Indiana. Senator Burrows of Michigan , chair- mnn of tVr committee which Investi gated the case and exonerated Mr. Lorlmer of the charge of being the beneficiary of bribery in the Illinois legislature , sought to fix by unanimous consent an hour for a vote. Executive Session Pressing. Senator Lodge objected ; he said it vas of the utmost importance that the enate go into executive session at he earliest possible moment pro- umably having In mind the Japanese reaty. Senator Stone of Missouri said ho esired to make a few remarks on he Lorlmer case himself. Mr. Bur- ows suggested that a vote be had at i o'clock on Saturday. Mr. Stone aid he had no objection to a vote , he objected only to fixing a particular lour for it. Mr. Ueveridge , who had he floor , thereupon refused to yield urther and the remote prospects of in early vote became still more re- note. Lorimer Doesn't Hear It. Mr. Lorlmer himself'did not listen o the Indiana senator's speech. He sat through most of the other attacks on his election , but he does not Intend o speak again in any event. There were a good many people in the gal- erieb today , but the crowd was never to be compared with that which sat vesterday during Larimer's defense ot limself. It is not part of the intention of the friends of Mr. Lorlmer to allow his neniles to close the debate. Senators , Gnlllnger and Burrows are among those who will be heard on his side. Hitter feeling has arisen among the . contending factions so the prospect is that from this time on. the debate will be more lively. Lorimer't , friends now claim fifty-four votes of ninety. The opposition to Lorimer gives no fig ures. A Clash With Depew. In the course of a brisk interchange ' between Senators Beveridgo and De- pew during the former's speech Sen ator Depew declared he had formed his opinion of the case , not on the whole printed record , but from an ab stract made by counsel. "But it was made by counsel for the prosecution , " he added. In the course of his speech Senator Beveridge practically charged that the report in the case originally prepared and signed by the members was not the same report which afterwards was submitted to the senate. When appealed to say. whether this was the fact , Senator Depew said he could not remember all the details and suggested that the Indiana senator call some other witness. A 14 MILLION DOLLAR CUT. c Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill Ready for the House. Washington , Feb. 23. The sundry civil appropriation bill , carrying a total - tal of $140,590,031 including 13,000,000 for fortifications on the Panama canal , ( was completed by the appropriations committee today and immediately reported ported to the house. This is a cut of $14,486,503 from the estimates. ld TWO AMERICANS ARE IN JAIL. n n. Arrested in Mexico aa Rebels Who rt the Prisoners Are. lt Los Angeles , Feb. 23. Lawrence Converse , the young American report ed arrested as a rebel at Juarez , is a son of Charles Converse , a lawyer of Glendore , Calif. The young man Is 22 years old. He was a member of the California national guard. He served for a while as a flre warden in the mountains. El Paso , Tex. , Feb. 23. Edwin M. Blatt , the other American now being held in the Juarez jail along with Law rence Converse , is a son of Peter re Blatt , a wagon maker of Plttsburg , Pa. Mexicans Honor Washington. Laredo , Tex. , Feb. 23. Nueva La redo. Mox. , appropriated an American national holiday and joined with this city In the celebration of Washing ton's birthday. Bull fights across the river , an attack on the city hall hereby by a band of malce-bellovo Indians and a pageant Including floats , cowboys and soldiers , interested 40.000 visit ors In the two cities. German Royal Yacht Salts. Kiel , Germany , Feb. 23. The Ira porial yacht Hohenzollera srtled today for Venice , from whence It will take Emperor William and Empress Au gusto Victoria and their grandchildren to Corfu early In March. It is ex pected Crown Prince Frederick wll come and the Crown Princess wll join the partr later. NATURE FAKES BEWARE 1 ( Copyrlfflit , 1911. ) Col. Roosevelt Is Preparing for a Trip Through the West. Pass Veto Bill. London , Feb. 23. Premier Asmiith was the recipient of a tremendous ova tion from his supporters in the house ast night when the parliament bill , otherwise known as the veto bill , a neasure designed to curtail the power of the lords , was passed on its first eadlng by the government's full ma- ority of 121 , the \ote being 351 to GLASGOW'S FOG DEADLY , ACCORDING TO SCIENTISTS. One Year's Death Roll Because of It Totals 1,063. The queer superstition still eiists that somehow smoke Is good for the licalth. Perhaps it la the Londoner's way of consoling himself for having black instead of pink' lungs I'.ut Glasgow runs London very closely in the matter of opaque atmosphere. StaiKtic-x show during the an tuinii fogs in Glasgow In 1001) ) l.Oli.i people died from fog. From beiun thirteen in the thousand the Glasgow death rate went up to twenty In the thousand during the fog season. When the nation lost about the same number of mun during the "black week" in the Boer war It was panic stricken , but not much notice Is taken of the com monplace smothering of a thousand people in the Glasgow "black weeks. " Sir Wllliifm Richmond , an expert in fog facts , has recently had something to say about the way sulphuric acid bites Into pictures , u fact flfdt diutov cred by Faraday when he reported upon the proposed removal of the Na tional gallery. The Elgin marbles ap pear to be suffering too. The bits of color have gone , and the surface has lost Its old transparent look. Sir Wil liam Richmond compared the present surface to "opaque putty. " Smoke costs London $23,000,000 n year. R. Russell , another authority , says that If London were only smoke less It would be sunny enough to bo a health resort for the rheumatic anil aged. Pennsylvania's Highest Po k. The highest mountain peak in Penn sylvania Is located In Lincoln town ship. In the northwestern part of Bed ford county. H U known as Blue ICtiob and has an elevation of " > , ' , ZM feet above main sea level. The nearest approach to H In Pennsylvania la Rip ; Bald Kv.t'b. 'J.000.7 fuel above tide , a few iuics ! snntliweitvvnrdly from Blue Knob , at tbe Bedford and Somerset countv line Traffic U Restored. Berlin , Feb. 23. A dispatch from Tsin Tnu says that second and third class traffic on the German-owned Bhang Tunk railroad , which was sus ' pended on account of the plague , have been restored. TWO DAKOTA CHILDREN BURN. Little Boys , Left Alone In House Near Pierre , Perish In Flames. Pierre , S. D. , Feb. 23. Two little sons of Ilarley Kefhart , a farmer liv ing near Fort Pierre , were burned to death yesterday. Mr. Kefhart was not at homo and the mother had left the llttlo ones , aged 2 and 4 years , In the house whllo she went to a pas ture to get n horse. The building caught flro in some manner during her absence. SHOOTS GIRL , KILLS SELF. Plttshurg , Feb. 23. Harry Kemp , 3 * . years old , owner of a small theater and proprietor of confectionery store , shot and slightly wounded 3&rla Stelnecke. 1T > years old , and then killed himself. The Rlrl formerly worked for Ke-mp. As Kemp's body was being hurried to a hospital the girl's father appeared and attempted to make an assault oa the dead BITTER JUDICAL ROW LOOMS UP IN DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES OF VARIOUS CANDIDATES APPEAR AT PIERRE. Pierre , S. D. , Feb. 23. The new \ \ oman's party organization adopted resolutions endorsing the movement for ample appropriations for carrying on the work of agricultural education through the farmers' institutes and ex periment farms for the purpose of building up the state and making farm life more attractive and profit able. Governor Vessey has sent a reply to H. O. Richards as to his- reasons for declining to support the Richards primary bill , giving a number of de tailed reasons , one of which is that the hill seeks to destroy party or- gani/ntion and the partj pro\idir ior government by faction- , which in the end will mean a number of fac tional followings with minority nomi nations and no benefits to be gained. Since the bill to create the now eleventh and twelfth judicial circuits has passed both houses , representa tives from both districts are becom ing numerous and the fight for ap pointments to the two judicial places Is not only warming , but is becoming somewhat boated , with indications of bitter personal fights over the mat ter before the question can be settled by appointment. A WRESTLER'S ' NECK BROKEN FARMER BALDWIN OF IOWA FA TALLY INJURED BY FULL NELSON HOLD. Iowa City , la. , Feb. 23. William ( Farmer ) Baldwin , who claims the mat championship of Iowa , sustained a broken neck in a match with "Dad" House at Iowa City last evening. At n late hour he lingered , but attending physicians said there was no possible chance of bis recovery. The sustain ing vertebra at the top of his spinal column snapped from the force of a throw overhead , House having entrap ped him Into n-powerful full Nelson hold. "One-Round" Hogan Win * . ' , N'ew York , Feb. 23. "One-Hound" Ilogan of California gained the popii- 1 : r decision over "Knockout" Brown of Now York in a ten-round bout at ' the Madison Athletic club here. Gotch Throws the Boer. Hartford , Conn. , Feb. 23. Frank .Gotch threw Peter Nogert , the Boer , [ twice within an hour hero , llo se- .cured the first fall in 20 minutes and J45 seconds and the second in G min utes. Fight Ten Fast Rounds. Indianapolis , Feb. 2S. Jimmy Gard ner of Lowell , Mass. , and Jack Dillon of this city , fought ten fast rounds to ( n draw before the Indianapolis Athlet ic club. They weighed In at l.r > 4 pound.- ) . This a Vicious Knockout. Rochester , N. Y. . Feb. 23. Tony Ross of Plttsburg knocked out Hank : GrtfUn of Los Angelea in the first round. Ross twice knocked the negro , through the ropes. When he saw ho i had things his own way Iloss used his i right glove to hold up Griffin's face while he swung his left for the knock out punch. Hack Wlni Match. Denver , Colo. , Feb. 23. George Ha kenachraldt defeated Cbarkw "Kid" Cutler of Chicago in two straight falls at the Auditorium. The first fall came after 41 minutes and 29 seconds of wrestling , with a half Nelson and crotch hold. The second Hacken- schmidt took easily in 9 minutes 30 seconds , with a half Nelson and bar- lock. McFarland the Better Man. Philadelphia , Feb. 23. Packey Mc Farland of Chicago and Frankie Ma- dole of Pittsburg fought six rounds here , and although no decision was tendered , McFarland had the better of it. They fought at catchweights. Keep Schmidt Out of Ring. Fort Smith. Ark. , Feb. 23. The fif teen-round boxing bout between Char les Schmidt , catcher for the Detroit American baseball club , and Joe Gor man of Moskogee , which was sched uled , has been postponed. U is said an effort is being made to keep Schmidt out of the ring. Morris-Flynn Bout Postponed. Oklahoma City , Feb. 23. The Carl Morris-Jim Flynn fight , announced to take place here , has been indefinitely postponed. Morris , in charge of Con Riley , is training near Sapulpa. It is said he probably will fight again with in the next sixty days , but his oppon ent has not been selected. Knockout in Fifteenth. Akron , O. . Feb. 23. Phil Brock , the Cleveland lightweight , won the do cislon over Jack Redmond of Milwnu kee in the last round of their fifteen round bout at Akron. The bout was fast and fierce all the way. Redmom had the better of his opponent unti the last round , when Brock came back 'with surprising vigor and overwhelm ed him. Whipped by Harry Lewis. Paris , Fob. 23. Harry Lewis , the American welterweight , won a twenty- five-round fight from "Blink" McClos- key. McCloskoy , who a few weeks ago was compelled to quit in the third j round against the same opponent be cause one of his seconds threw - ammonia monia In his face by mistake , put up a good fight but was outclassed. A Half Million Dollar Fire. White Plains. N. Y. , Feb. 22. Fire starting In a chop suey restaurant on South Lexington avenue here today burned through the block to Ora Lamptum street and destroyed n num ber of valuable business buildings. The loss Is estimated at more than $500,000. So far as is known there was no loss of life. One fireman was | badly injured through the explosion of , a gas tank. GET THREE TRAIN ROBBERS. Money and Jewelry Found on Them. j Two of the Men Confess. GnlncsMlle , Go. , Feb. 23. Three men have been nneated and more j than $2,000 in money and jewelry has | been recovcred as a result of three dajs' search for. the gang which he'd up and lobbed the Southern railway t fast mall train at Whlto Sulphur | Springs last Saturday morning. , Two have confessed. It is the bo- i lief of the office.s ! of the express and railway rompanle- , that the entire gang has hoen rounded up , but their identity has not lieen determined. Following the capture of a man sup- po-ed to be one of the robbers about { four miles from luhlonega , two were ' arrested by a posse. Tbo men were surprised on a mad about fourteen 'miles ' from Dnblono a and otYored lit- tlo resistance. Neaily $100 In cash j and jewelry valued at between $500 i and $600 was found The ) refused to give their mime * 1 Whilti they kept thdr Identity sec ret , the > said tlit * man arrested ear lier near DahloneMU wan ono of the ring leaders and was known as John D. Anderson. JAPANESEFRIENDLY FRIENDLY AMERICANS RESIDING IN ORIENT HOLD A MEETING. NO FOUNDATION FOR WAR TALK There Is Said to be No Thought of Anything but Kindly Feeling In the Japanese Empire Toward the People ple of the United States. Toklo. Feb. 21 ! . A mooting of Am ericans resident In Japan wits hold n Yokohama recently In the Interest of the International peace movement lUnoiig the business done was the idoptlon of a resolution designed to refute the reports that public uoatl nont In this country is hostile to the rnltcd States as follows : "Uesohed. thiit In our opinion , the leoplo of Japan liavo at all times ntei tallied the most friendly and cor- llnl sentiments toward the govern ment and people of the United States and thnt there never has been nor Is now nny fooling but of confidence- and gratitude.Vo believe , upon evi dence which cannot be doubted , that there Is not to bo found In the Japa nese empire any wish or thought other than to ijyilntalu the most friendly and cordial relations with the republft of the United States , and that any representations to the contrary , wherever emanating and from whatever cause proceeding , arc baseless calumnies , which , if uncon- tradicted , can only result in the vast material losses to the people of both governments and in creating an tin liappv prejudice between thorn. " WITHDRAWS JS OBJECTION Following Talk With Secretary Knox , He's for New Treaty. Washington , Feb. -Secretary of State Knox today talked with Senator Hale concerning the tariff feature of the new Japanese treaty .and as a re sult It was stated that the latter would withdraw his objections to ratification WOULD RATIFY NEW TREATY. But Opposition from Unexpected Quar ter Develops in Senate. Wabi'inyton ' , Feb. 21 ! . An effort was made to crowd through the senate the now treaty with Japanese on com- mcrce , and navigation , but It met with resistance from an unexpected quar ter. Senator Hale bald the treaty rep- rerouted a voluntary surrender of a commercial advantage which this country would enjoy for another year over the nations of Europe with whom Japan is negotiating new commercial relations. Senator Lodge , who reported the treaty from the senate committee on foreign relatives , which agreed to re port it after its provisions had been explained by Secretary of State Knox , was unable to satisfy the objectors. Considerable feeling was exhibited by Mr. Lodge In answering the Maine senator's criticism. It had been ex pected there might be Borne opposi tion from Pacific coast senators be cause of the elimination from new treaty of all reference to the immigra tion of laborers as covered by the ex isting treatof 18H The western senators offered no arguments against ratification beyond demanding time in which to obtain an understanding of its provisions. | _ j March on Rebels. El I'aso , Tex. , Feb. 23. General Nnvarro broke camp at Guadalupe : ird began an advance toward Apu- nmda where there Is a considerable force of insuriectos with Madoro. HP Is reported to bo camped out about forty miles from Apiinmdn. Twenty-five Men Rescued. LaCro.sse , Wis. , Feb. 23. After be ing many hours ndrilt on the Ice hi the Mississippi river , twenty-five men and nearly a dozen teams of horses were rescued by strenuous efforts of LnCiosso boatmen. None of the men suffered from the experience. Anarchy Spreads in Japan. Toklo , Feb. 23. The eprc-ttd of .Minichlstlc doctrine In Japan was the basis of an attack upon the govern ment in the diet today. Members of the opposition introduced a resolution censuring the government for having permitted outlawry to roach a point where an attempt upon the life of the emperor had been planned. The reso lution was defeated by a largo ma jority. The debate retived the re cent conspiracy which resulted In the execution of Donjlro Kotoku and his wife and ten ether anarchists and the Imprisonment of fourteen others. Premier Katsura outlined the efforts which were being mndo to prevent the growth of the movement. Dawson Declines the Job. Washington , Feb. 23. Representa tive Alfred F. Dawson of Davenport , la. , to whom was offered the post of .secretary to the president , called on President Taft and told him that he did not care to bo considered In con * no'tlon with that office. Mr. Daws * * Is to become president of the First N'atlonaJ bank of Davenport , with u salary considerably larger than he. sets In congrosa and bo told the proaidont that ho preferred to. feturir to Iowa. '