The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 17, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journa
ThoNOWH. KbtiibllHhcd 1881
Tin.Journal , KtitnlillHlicd lfc"7
W. N. HUHO N. A. Hum1.
I'niHldcitl. Suciotnry
iSvery Krltlny. Hy nmll per year , $1.50
Kntored nt tlio po.stolllco nt Norfolk
Neb. , IIH Bccond class matter.
Telephones : Kdltorlnl Departmcn
No. 22. UuHliioHH Offlco nnd Job Kootus
No. II 22.
A pliyHlclnti recommends xnwlnt
wood to break up u cold. Hovll
never be n popular doctor.
If MRH | Arnold IB nllvu and decide !
not to corao back , there tire plenty o
Klrln that would take her Job.
Sleeping car berths are lower , bu
it Btlll coBtu live cents a whlHk t <
make the porter's straw broom movt
The ItallaiiH are Bald to be looklnt
for fioinoono to rcorKanlzu their navy
Wo could spare them both , Peary am
Chi'BtnutH are said to be scarce1
this year than formerly. Haven't no
tlced It. There acorn to bo as man :
old oiios as ever.
PlttBhurs high school girls are or
dorcd to wear simple gowns at gradu
ation. That means four years' hart
work for nothing.
ProHidont Taft Is only following ii
the footsteps of James G. Dlaine am
William McKlnley In his earnest de
hire for reciprocity.
The man who does not possess <
fur overcoat is always wishing tha
the weather man would make it warn
tor those who do.
A Chicago millionaire has beconu
famous as an artist , but so far no art
1st has distinguished himself by be
coming a millionaire.
Having received the garden seeds
we have cut out the stinging edltoria
we had In type about the decline o
statesmanship in congress.
Wellesley college girls vote two t <
one against woman suffrage. Thej
would rather have husbands of theii
own to govern than try to rule th <
Miss Jane Addams is considered ai
unquestioned authority on children
while Miss Ida Tarbell knows al
about the Ideal mother. Let no on <
Miss the point.
Peace may be more expensive thai
war , but It is certainly worth more. I
it were true that peace cost doubli
what war would it would still be fa
better than war.
Governor Wilson of New Jerse ;
says a good deal about publicity. Bu
he will never get the politicians t <
put on squeaky boots as long as gun
shoes are to bo had.
The thermometer has been at 95 ii
Texas for the past week. The Texan
will have to tuck a little sage brusl
into the stove to keep warm on thl
relatively low temperature.
In the New York legislature the ;
arc still voting for Depew. Whil
we have given up expecting Uncl
Sam's clerks to do much work , wo a
least are looking for some new stories
Juno 22 will be a big day in Lor
don. Thousands of Americans hav
already engaged passage for Englam
in May and June in order to be pres
ent at the coronation of King Georg
They had two feet of rain in sever
teen days in San Francisco , and i
the wicked were treated on buslnes
principles as they were In Noah's daj
no tickets for an ark excursion woul
bo sold around there.
There was a woman jury recentl
convened in the state of Washingto
who found a man guilty of swearln
and the lone man was fined. It's
pretty safe gamble that he doesn't b (
lieve in woman suffrage.
It proves the exceptionally big
standard of the United States arm
that out of 100,000 young men wh
sought enlistment last year , nearl
82,000 were rejected , and they wer
average young Americans.
Thus far the socialist rule of Mi
waukee has not been particularly ci
onomical. For the lirst six months 1
cost the tax payers $118,593 moro tha
ever before , due largely to the Ii
creased pay rolls of the city.
The opponents of reciprocity wit
Canada are working overtime to d <
feat the measure. Somehow It seem
as if those men who are opposed t
the things the people at largo war
are always first on the job and mo ;
persistent in their efforts.
An English statistical writer coi
eludes that there are about 10.000 pe
sons in the United Kingdom who hav
the right to titles indicating arlsti
cratio station or connections , an
these run from dukes down to th
widows , cousins and aunts of raer
knights. He stops short ot lords , may
ors nnd county JudgeR. Ten thousand
titled persons out of 40,000,000 arc no' '
so very many. Think of the oolonob
In Kentucky alone.
Australia Is considering the ndvltrn
blllty of following the United Statei
nnd Canada In establishing a decima
money system. Whether the unit wll
ho the sovereign or the dollar Is no
as yet decided.
A statistician asserts that the auto
mobile Industry In this country fur
nlslu'H a livelihood for ono million per
sons , but falls to specify the numbc :
of phyHlcians and ambulance driven
Included In that total.
About a million and a linlf dollar ;
of the money stolen by tricky officer :
and designing contractors who had t <
do with the erection of the Pommy !
vanla capltol , has been recovered an <
incidentally a number of rascals sen
to prison.
The Chinese have been distinguish
ed by their queue for moro than 251
years. In its origin It was eoinpollci
as n badge of humiliation , but In tlnv
It became a national pride. Now It I ;
diftnppearlng before the advance o
modern civilization.
A Toklo correspondent says that Ii
case of war with Japan , the flghtim
would take place in the far cast , tin
Japanese would wait for Amerlcai
troops to attack them in their owi
strongholds. If this is the case the ;
will wait for many a long day.
Governor Woodrow Wilson of Nev
Jersey declares the present system o
taxation obsolete , having been devise *
in another age for conditions no long
er existing. He urges a now modori
system of taxation. Governor Wllsoi
Is nothing , if not up-to-date.
A farmer in Mercer county , 111. , hai
collected ? 2,800 from the county treas
ury for groundhog scalps. At thii
rate there will not bo a survivor o
the groundhog tribe by the second o
next February next year to tell whether
ther winter is over or only half gone.
The reciprocity measure with Can
ada , if defeated , will be defeated b ;
those who want a low tariff or fre <
trade in the other follows' goods whili
keeping protection up high on hli
own. This class of selfish citizen :
will nevqr make a. successful republic
Progress in educational advantage :
in the Philippines has reached tin
point where it is hardly considers
necessary for pupils to visit Amerlc :
in order to complete good thorougl
educations. This is a tremendous ac
complishment in a little more than i
King Gustavus of Sweden has re
cently knighted ten Americans o
Swedish birth , most of them clergy
men , for their activities In religion
or charitable work. While American
profess to despise titles , they do no
decline them when offered for honoi
able service.
Cats are becoming recognized a
carriers of contagious diseases. I
has been proven that they carry tin
germs of scarlet fever and measle
In their fur , and recently it has beei
discovered that many of them arc al
dieted with tuberculosis. Their popi
larity will diminish in most families.
Governor Harmon of Ohio has dc
cided to establish headquarters at Cir
clnnati and go out after the nomine
tion for president on the democrat !
ticket. And Champ Clark says he caj
tell , with eyes closed and hands tiei
behind him , who the candidate wll
be , and his name will commence witl
Ellen Terry is extravagant in ho
praises of Chicago. Probably th
windy city would seem attractive t
anyone who was enthusiastically rt
ceived , beautifully entertained an
sent on their way with a fat pockci
book and glowing press notices. Elle
has seen Chicago's best side , and tha
is very good.
la\Is Elkns ! , who was let-ontly ai
pointed senator from West Virgin !
to succeed bis father , Stephen B. E
kins , is the third generation of tha
family who have served in the senat <
The Bayard family of Delaware hav
a similar record while that of the Ha :
risen family is even more remarkabl
in line of public sen-ice.
The bubonic plague in China is tx
coming a source of international dai
ger. The superstitions of the orien
als make them resist the burial of th
dead and all sanitary and quarantln
measures. Foreign physicians who n
tempt to assist those stricken wit
tlio malady are abused and bcatei
The situation in Harbin Is serious.
It seems a litting thing that th
llftieth anniversary' of the call to arm
for the preservation of the unio
should be celebrated by the grantiu
of Increased pensions to the remali
IngjHimbers of the army which save
the union. The house has alrcad
passed the bill and the concurrence c
the senate by a largo majority Is e :
Uncle Sam Incurs considerable o :
pense to return an official reply t
the question , "What is the corrcc
time ? " To ascertain the instant whe
it Is noon on the soventy-llftli met til
Ian and to send that liiformatloi
broadcast i a costly task. The true
time is dally calculated by the olllelals
nt Washington and transmitted b )
electricity to every Important city am !
town in tbo country.
For over sixty years In New Yoil
harbor , a strange structure has lloatei
a plain old fashioned church whost
bell has called the sailors from the
anchored c-raftH in the harbor to it !
services. It is now to end its days
as n mission chapel on Staten Island
while a splendid new church witl
every modern facility for coiitlnulnj
the work among the sailors will In
opened soon on the land.
That the problem , of what to do witl
the large headgear worn by women ii
not a new one is evidenced by an oh
record unearthed In a Now Englant
town , that it had been decided by i
majority vote that the women shouh
take off their bonnets when In UK
meeting house and hang them on pegi
as the men did. It Is also recordtn
that there was great difficulty in en
forcing the law. Evidently women o
"ye olden time" were of much tin
same mind as their descendants.
Democrats in Washington have fo
some time been predicting war to thi
hilt between Speaker-to-be Cham ]
Clark nnd Senator Bailey of Texas
While Bailey has not been trustee
with the leadership of his party , he i :
an old timer and Is in a position t <
make considerable trouble. Balle ;
would reduce the tariff to a local issui
nnd is ready to grab all he can for hi :
own people out of a tariff scramble
Ho is for Texas first , last and all tin
What do you think of fifty men
bachelors , who meet and oongratulati
themselves that they are not married
Get that ? Fifty men , eligible to mar
riage , who might do much to mak <
fifty women happy and contented , getting
ting together and nil by their lone
some congratulating themselves tha
they were not mixed up in entnnglini
alliances or otherwise , whore womei
were a prominent part. This happen
ed In Forest City , la. Is It any sur
prise that Iowa shows a falling off ii
population ?
Oklahoma is as fond of experiment
ing with state powers as a boy with :
new jack-knife is of showing what h <
can do with it. Some of the attempt :
have been more sensational than satis
factory , but she is not discouraged am
Is now planning to build and operate i
state railroad. The obstacles both po
llticnl and financial to one state sue
cessfully carrying on such nn enter
prise without the co-operation of othe :
states are so serious as to make i
seem doubtful if Oklahoma will eve
materialize her state railroad plans.
In Senator Elihu Root of New York
those who are behind the movcmen
for direct election of senators havi
found a foe- worthy of their steel. J
great statesman , a man of known in
tegrity and a constitutional lawye
without a superior , EHhu Root's void
is a power when he takes sides in an ;
legislative struggle. His speaking on
against any change In the presen
method of electing senators , must in
evitably prove a stronge factor in th <
fight , for his conscientious belief , i
will be recognized at once , is back o
his speech.
A fellow named Mike Ivlwalkouski
of some place in Michigan , had a wif <
nnd $300. Both departed at the sain *
time with fellow named Valent
Sockoske. The indignant husbant
had the couple arrested and held un
til he could catch up with them. Thei
he demanded the money ; the wife hai
$200 , gave him half and he drew ou
of the game , told her to go with he
Sockoske and never return. That's !
case where there was nothing doini
for the lawyers , all parties satisfiei
nnd "God Bless Our Home" was nail
ed over the door.
It has taken years for the idea I
permeate the public mind that a pris
on should be a place not so much o
punishment OR of reformation. Fo
centuries it has been believed tha
criminals should be drastically punlsl
cd , but to quote the words of a prisoi
warden : "There is coming a feelini
that although a man bos gone wrong
kindness and fair treatment arc th
medicine he needs and will win mermen
men than the old discipline. Trust :
man and he repays the faith plocei
in him. " Out of 800 men in ono ir
stitution run on this system only tw
In ten years time broke faith and al
tempted to escape.
The centenary of Horace Greeley rt
calls a memory of his characteristic
and idiocyncracies. He was one o
the greatest moulders of public opit
ion this country ever saw. Ho wa
not merely one of a group of great ed
tors ; he was the one man who mad
his newspaper a combination of new
and views. He occupied a unique pc
sltion as advisor to President LIncol :
and general Instructor of congress
But he was not satisfied with boin
the power behind the throne. Ho want
ed to wit-Id the power of the chle
executive. This ambition never lef
him and at last ho got his chance t
run for the office , but on the tlckc
of the party he had always fought E
intensely. It was Impossible for bin
to forget his past antagonisms , no
could the party of his late adoptioi
forglu > or forget. His candidacy un
th > r the democratic banner did not ap
peal to the good HOIIHO of voters um
ended In n ml rablo fiasco. His faint
was Bhakcii , his foi tunes crumble !
nnd his life ended In bitter disappoint
meiit. Gradually his real worth am
greatness is being recognlxeil nnd th <
honor due to his memory Is belli )
In all our judgments much depend :
ns to how near the decision hits o
disturbs us as to how they are given
There are editorial writers In Amorl
ca who are now arguing that the grea
plague which Is destroying thousand
of the inhabitants of northern Chlm
Is not an unmixed curse. They ovei
go so far ns to say that it is a blcsslni
in dlBgulse , ridding the country of i
surplus population that Is not needed
If , however , any scourge should ovei
threaten to take members of Uicl
family in the neighborhood wher
they live they would without qtiestioi
promptly pnss upou it ns an unmlt :
gated curse. Yet love of home am
family Is as strong in the hearts o
Chinamen as It Is with the Anglo-Baa
We are f > o accustomed to hcnrlni
great corporations abused for thel
greed ami selfishness that it is a pleas
tire to be able to heartily commend ni
unselfish act by one of them. Th
Diamond Match company has fo
many years owned legal patents whlcl
gave it the exclusive right to manufac
ture a kind of match which does no
injure the health of those who mak
it. Two kinds of phosphorus are usetl
One kind is harmless the kind usei
in the Diamond factories. The othe
is poisonous and its use annually re
suits in the death and disability o
many employes. The Diamond com
pany have given up these patents am
dedicated them to the free use of tbi
people of the United States. It Is :
praiseworthy donation to the publl
Ono petition is now out for the pav
ing of a street this summer in Norfolli
It's a good time to present to tin
council any petition's contemplatini
paving for the coming summer. DC
lay may mean a repetition of las
year's experience when the pavlni
work ran clear over into winter.
If there's to be more paving thi
year and everybody In Norfolk hope
there will be now's the time to go
The Canadian reciprocity agreemen
promises to become one of the mos
important factors in the noteworthy
administration of President Taft. Act
ing independently of all the politi
cians , the president has taken up thi
support of this measure as he ha
never done before , and with all of thi
power of his office he is pressing congress
gross for ratification.
The president has declared to tin
party leaders that unless they adop
this agreement , in an effort to reduct
high prices , a sentiment will swee ]
the country to wipe from the statuti
books the last vestige of protectivi
He has shown that the farmer neet
not worry ; that there is no more con
raised in all Canada than in one con
gressional district of Illinois and tha
the price of wheat , while it may b <
steadied , will still depend upon Livei
The argument that the only line es
Isting between Canada and this couc
try is now the line of customs houses
and that this barrier to trade inter
course between two nations so closel ;
allied otherwise , ought to be ton
down , is meeting with approval in a !
parts of the country , without regan
to political party , and the farmers fo
the most part are not worrying eve
the result of closer relationship witl
the neighbors on the north.
The president has declared that a :
extra session of congress will b
called if this congress falls to act o :
the agreement The country think
he means what he says , and for th
most part Is glad of it.
The Norfolk Commercial club is dc
ing a great many things just now tha
are of vital importance to the deve :
opment and growth of Norfolk , am
the club should be given the hearties
co-operation and support of every cit :
zcn of the community.
Without organization such as th
Commercial club represents , efforts a
developing the resources of the cit ;
and tributary territory would prov
futile and headway would be as diff
cult as with a drifting and rudderles
Among other undertakings of th
Commercial club , it is to bo noted tha
that organization has begun a vigoi
ous and practical campaign towar
greater development of that richest o
all industries in this vicinity th
farm. And the campaign in this direc
lion , so commendable In every wa
and based upon such sound logic , i
bound to bring great results In puttin
Norfolk on the map In red Ink.
The greatest effort along this line i
the Commercial club's plan to mak
Norfolk a producing center of big
grade draft horses , for which purpos
twenty high grade Belgian horses ar
now enrouto across the Atlantic t
this city. This is a now industry tha
the Commercial club knows will b
successful , and It Is sure to give Noi
folk not only a unique niche in th
live stock world , but a constant lutlov
of money from nil over tbo country , ai
Another Important achievement Ii
the oiling of a road out of Norfolk
into the farm country , to be done Ii
the spring by the Commercial club ni
contractor Jor the county.
And then the movement to glv <
away a quantity of fine seed corn , am
to give prizes for the best corn pro
duced from It , Is another Commercla
enterprise that will be n starter for ai
Important industry. Blair , Neb. , 1 :
said to bo one of the seed corn centers
ters of the world and most Blair con
sells for ? 6 to $10 a bushel. There I :
no reason why Norfolk fanners shoul <
not do as well.
The Commercial club directors an
doing big things for Norfolk , am
every citizen of the city should glvi
the club his moral and financial sup
port by joining. Membership come
at fifty cents a month nnd there ough
to lie 300 members , or more.
The tercentennial of the Kini
James version of the English Bibl
was observed February 7 all over th
British empire , and 1ms been notci
In many American churches.
The genius manifested by this fn
mous translation Is Indicated by th
difficulty with which it Is being su | :
planted by the revised version. 1
is an open question whether the mn
Jority of the protestant , churches havi
or have not adopted the latter , tin
New Testament form of which wa
issued just thirty years ago. Tin
King James version came Into general
al use forty years after it was print
ed. Although the present is a tlnn
when new ideas aiv accepted witl
comparative rapidity , the IP vised vet
sion is accepted with much more dlf
flculty than the version It succeeded
The hold of the King James or an
thorized version is due to Its styli
of matchless vigor. In the emleavo :
to secure a more literal accuracy , tin
revisers of 1881 blurred and tonei
down many virile old phrases , and of
ten broke up the musical rhythn
which gives the older version a poet
io charm.
The Bible owes Its peculiarly viril <
language which has immeasurably In
fluenccd English speech largely to tin
genius of John Wlclif and Willian
Tyndalo. Wiclif's purpose was to pro
duce a translation suth that the "pon
man might read the truth. " Hence hi
adopted homely every day terms o
English speech , discarding the mon
elegant and literal , but less vigoroiii
forms of Anglicized Latin.
Charles A. Dana of the New Yorl
Sun , In some respects tlio most bril
llant journalist over produced in tbii
country , once spoke of familiarity witl
the Bible as one of the most desirab ! <
qualifications for a newspaper writer
Mr , Dana's genius was not of a church
ly type. But his keen intellect recog
nlzed the immense stores of practlca
insight into human life , and the won
derful vigor of English style , whicl
makes the Bible a peerless book , evei
apart from all spiritual significance.
The fanners' moving day is oulj
lv o weeka away.
These are great days for a Boge >
score at the furnace kind of golf.
As forecasted in The News , nov
that the administration wants to mak <
the magazines pay somewhere neai
half of the actual cost of trausportim
their tremendous advertising sections
those periodicals have discovered tha
the postoffico department is a greai
farce , inefficiently operated. The
query arises : Why haven't they beer
exposing this out-of-date system al
these years ?
A young Stantou county farmer , ac
companied by his bride-elect , euterec
a local clothing store to purchase hit
wedding outfit , and was sornewha
slighted when the salesman failed t <
lecognize him. "Well , don't you knov
me ? I bought a suit of clothes fron
you ilv.o years ago , " he said.
Just look who's here. The Nor
folk and Yankton has bobbed up enc <
First thing you know Easter'll b <
here , and then the Fourth of July , am
then school will start again am
Thanksgiving shortly after and thei
we're right up to Christmas. Do you
shopping early.
The prodigal sun Is returning am
the light bill before 6 p. m. Is belni
cut to a minimum.
Winter's just about over , thank you
Picked out your new car for 191
yet ?
Here either.
Here's another Sunday , and what'i
become of the week ? Doesn't seen
moro than yesterday that it was Sat
urday night a week ago. Is that :
sign of advancing age ?
Why Is It that some women can d <
up their hair in wavelets so mucl
easier than others ? Those that car
sit down before a mirror nnd toss tin
billows around Into shape wlthou
half trying , are the envy of their sex
Ife were a woman we'd practlc *
that till we got It down to a fine art.
. Not in twenty years has there beei
as much ginger in Norfolk as there I :
today. Never before did a year star
out with as much promise for activity
and growth , as this year of 1911. It'i
going to be a great year in Norfoll
nnd wo'ro on the way to that 10.001
In 115. '
February's half over.
Did you send her a vnlentlno ?
One gentle reader thinks there'i
danger of the "Around Town" depart
nioiit spraining its shoulder playing sc
much preliminary golf before the sea
son arrives.
But furnace golf Is more apt to b <
To bank account as well as nliou )
.Most of the time the inaga/tnes pu
In their time telling the advertiser :
how much moro influential niagazlm
pages are than those of the nowspn
pers. And when the magazines wan
to really intluenco public opinion , the ;
buy newspaper space to do It.
What's a man to do when his seal )
gets sere and he has a falling out witl
his hair ?
We Inquire to know.
Ought Officer Sasso to feel compll
men ted ?
Really now , why not an alfalfa mill
If we thought we'd get as much at
tcntlon ns Miss Arnold did , we'd dig
appear just for advertising thoro'i
bo In it. She ought , to be able to drav
$12 a week In vaudeville.
Here's a compliment for The Now ;
from far off Mexico. In a letter to tin
Sprlngvlcw , Neb. , Herald , J. W. Me
Leran says , in part : "Aw to the rove
liition , wo have seen nothing of It am
know probably not as much as you di
about it. We take a dally Mexico Cit ;
paper but we have actually had mori
news of the revolution from The Nor
folk News than from any othe
source. "
Speaking of Miss Arnold : Wi
thought all along she had probabl ;
run away with some follow.
What n tendency there is , when yoi
get to be near-middle aged , to thinl
that the young people don't have tin
Rood times any more that your crowt
used to have. But If you enl ;
An old fashioned man in Norfoll
says he can get all the joy there Is ii
sleigh riding by sticking his feet onti
u cake of ice at home.
Won't somebody PLEASE see a rob
in ?
And the more emphasis to th <
"please , " for the reason that it's onlj
a little journey from the first robin tc
the first golf game.
is It a sign that a newspaper mm
needs a vacation when he arrives a
the point where ho worries from dnj
to day for fear there won't bo any
thing on the morrow to put in the pa
per ? Well , we haven't got to tha
point yet , but we'd like to know , fron
an authoritative source , for future ref
ore nee.
, lt takes a pretty fair mechanic tc
keep a pipe In running order.
About the only thing some men art
ever responsible for is a delay.
In real life people don't bathe nt
dlten m , they do in the Saturday Posi
An artist can't prove he is a gcniu ;
by the simple process of neglectiiu
tlio barber.
When one Town Drunkard dies 01
reforms there is always another tt
take his place.
Occasionally a man has some trou
ble sticking to his friends when hi
needs them most.
A good many men have become
agents becnu&u someone told tlu-n
they were good talkers.
A man can keep a knife a long time
if It isn't worth keeping ; the good out
he nearly always loses.
Whenever there Is a beggar on f
corner people remark : "I'll bet lit
has more money than I have. "
No one has ever yet had the nervt
to refer to beating carpets or curry
Ing horses as physical culture.
There are mothers who don't spent
much time teaching their daughters tt
say "no" to matrimonial proposals.
Speaking of excuses , there is some
curiosity to know what kind of a om
the guinea hen has to offer.
A man can keep a knife a lent
time if it isn't worth keeping ; tin
good one he nearly always loses.
There are mothers who don't upend
much time teaching their daughter.-
to say "no" to matrimonial proposals
If a man should let his enthuslasn
for u lecture run away with him , il
wouldn't run fast enough to do mucl ;
Our notion of ignominious deatl
would be to choke to death with the
bouo of a German carp in oneV
AB a general proposition , the Terri
ble Toothache has the Terrible Turli
outclassed as an honest , hard-working
"The most fun 1 get out of a letter , '
wild Count McGowan this morning
"is tearing open the envelope , because
when I get inside I generally find oul
that it contains a patent medicine ad
Qed Not Negligent , but Mindful f
Mnn Pniter Rutted CrltU
oliet Temmyrol. "
IlrooUlyn , February
t , Pflitorllussellixlt-
drepscd ft large alidl-
enon nt Drooktyn
Academy of Mu la
today on God's MlnA-
fulneu or Man , from
Die teit , "Whet It )
nmn tint tliou iirl
mindful of Mmf"
( Pulmlll , 4. ) UK
WAI terry thitt U
oouia not fullfa -
don * th * ChapmAit-
At * . " 1I would not objiot to thei * fenrwtt
men carrying awiy Twcnty-Vlvo Thouitnf
Dollars ai ft remit of a fw WMki" work
if th * riulti could be eiptctcd to Juttlfr
It. It wai not hli builneM what lh * *
and other v n ll t might do with their
goodly mini of earthly trraiur * . He pr
turned that ninny lupport them elncerriir
fjuoli will undoubtedly have a reward for
their good Intrntloni. Other * , howwor.
thoroughly out of harmony with tha un
rwionabU and unscrlptural teaching * of
the evnngrllitc , nevertheleri itlfl * tholr
onvlotlont nnd anlBt In the mlirept -
ientatlonn of the Divine character and
rinn. Buoh iiaitaWeri of evil de di anA
faae teachlnei can hope for no reward ,
but may mrely expect Dlvln * disappro
1'a.ctor nunifll exprtufied his eympkUir
with every movement for the uplifting-
Immunity. Hut he did not believe that
Anyone In really benefited by doctrine *
which tr lulu co the Divine character anil
inlnroprpHfnt tlio treat Creator , the Ooil
of Ixve ) > , BH vengeful , unjust , unnympa-
thetlo , toward his crentnrci. Thoa * In
fluenccd by uurh teachings are , he bn
Hove * , cerloiiRly Injured. The inlncono p
tlon * given thorn of Oed and of the t40n-
Inge of the lllble will ntuy with mnnr of
them for yearn , to their duinnge.
Love Divine uliould be preached a lor *
which hai tnndo n provision for Adam
And every member of his race to come Io
* knowledge of the Truth and , by otodt-
cnce , to attain eternal life , either on Ui
iplrlt plane , as ihareri In Meenlah'n King
dom , or on the earthly plane , aa hr tv
In the great blensliigs of the "tlrn of
rentltutlon ot nil things which God hath
poUon by the mouth of nil tli hnlr
propheti" to follow the Hecond omln r if
Meiitali nnd the establishment of hl
Kingdom , for which we Mill prny "Thy
Kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth
aa It U done In heaven. " It ulioulil b
preached that now Is the time for secur
ing a place nmongst the "elect" on th *
iplrlt plane by wiilliliiff In tha footitepn
of Jems preecntlnc our bodies to him
nnd his sen Ice aa living sacrifices. It
should bo preached that with the bnglu
nlng of Messiah's Kingdom of glory Par-
adlve Loet will begin to letnrn and evin-
tuiilly be world-wide , nnd human perfec
tion and harmony with God , likewise.
"Whatsoever man Boweth that shall h
Also renp" nppllcs to everybody to thosi
who now come to a knowledge of th
"high calllnc , " to snlntahlp and Joint
helrshlp with Christ ns God's "eleot. "
nnd also to the world In general , the nan
elect. Every wilful disobedience , every
violation of conRclcnca , means just
much of Divine displeasure nnd chastise
ment to be experienced before recovery
Is made. Only \vtnknetsfs and frill
ties which havii come down to us from
Father Adam , and which hinder us nnfl
distress us nt every turn , nrn forgivable
sine , because only for such Adnmlo con
demnntlon does the Krcnt lledeemer malt < -
satisfaction. Surh UN sin willfully
full light shnll perish In the Hecond
without hope of rectvery.
The God-Dishonoring Teaching *
Hut , nlns ! many of the teaching * of out-
day have their toot * In the darkness nt
the past. Sometimes theca teaching * ar
plainly Ktuteil and those who iufus In
Join one or another party or sect n *
either directly or Indirectly Klven to un
derstand that their fate In eternal torture.
Surely neither the fjcrlptures nor reason
support puch theories , which the ApoiiU
styles "doctrines of devils" ( I Timothy tv
1) ) . Indeed , too , the majority of mlnht r
freely confess , In pilvnte , that they do
nut ut all believe the doctrines of the.
eternal torment of all humanity excflpt
the saintly fev.1 among Church membirfl
Pastor Russell declared that such preach-
Ine not only xlamlers ( he Creator but iHs
honor H human reason and common ncnse
-i II as the Hlble. JIo knew that mon
of the motives leading
cy-KcttlnK IK only ono
ing up to siu'h a misrepresentation of Mif
God of all Ki'ace. Another motlvo Ii the
adding of membership to Churches ami
the cosier moving of the work alon *
financial lines. Still n third motive , and
the beht of all , Is u deHlro fo uplift man
kind from xtn and selfishness.
However , Pastor Kussell claimed , first.
that the dishonoring of the Creator ls too
hlKh a price to pay for the social uplift I
of thoHu who would he claimed a con
verts ; recond , he claimed that th * lira *
persons could b M > II-I ! better Influenced
by the proclamation of the Truth. H.
rom-ldered It H reflection against human
InlfclltKence for H lequeat to be made for
t.ll preferring an ctcinlty of bliss to an
eternity of torture to Indicate their pref
erence ; and then to say that such are
converted , In the Scriptural nense. ll >
longed to see the zeiil thus misapplied in
a way so dluhonoilng to God and to hu
man lulRlUgfnue turned tonmd the proc
lamation of the Trulhthe length ' < nil
breadth itnd height and dfjilh of the love
of God.
Ged't Wayi Ar * Not Man's Wayi
Oed clei-liilfjr that as the heavens > . '
higher than the earth , to his wnysind
plaiiH Me. higher than man's ( Uniah 1 . 9 <
Hovr we rejolcu In thlal Instead of l ar-
Ing inn nk I ml to HO down to eternal tor
ment for forty-one hundred and fifty yearn
before Christ , and all but a saintly faw
Inc * Christ' * sacrlflce-Ood has bs n
working out ft. Klorlous plan of lalvatlon
for all who will accept It on the Divine
terms of obedience. God Intimated thl
plan through the sacrifice of Christ when
he covered the nakednesi of our first par
ents with Eklnr , each of which cost H
life. He Intimated It again In the dca-
ratlon that the "seed" of the woman
would brulKe the serpent's head. lie re
peatedly taught It In the types of tb
Jewish Law , During this Gospel Ag * he
has been preparing th * Royal Priesthood
of which Jesus Is the Head and Chlftf
Priest. Hoon these "elect" will b * corn-
pleted "then shall the righteous si1n :
forth as the eun In the Kingdom. "
The "election" of the Church Is onlv
God'H preparation for th * blessing of all
the non-elect the world of manklr.d-
Adam and all of Ills children.
Messlnh'ft Kingdom will- not only re
strain evil and overturn It , but It will
ksher In righteousness nnd the full knowl
edge of the glory of God , to every cm\- :
If God were honored by the proclanvi-
llon of the Truth which the angels pro
claimed , great will be the blessing to m n
Love will melt more cold and stony heart *
than can ftur. The nngello Messier
"Fear not , nbring you good tldliiK-i of
Kreat Joy which shall be unto nil pcoMi. ?
rightly , plainly understood , U much i.ior *
forceful and helpful than all the api | < n ! < i
to fear and nil the portrayals of an e'er-
mil tortiirf vhleh. fortunnuly , sane m'id
do not tuke cerloiiily.
Call and cue tne coon or serrant
whoEe ad today makes her S * QI
"eligible. "
Look for the ad that describes the
place yon would like to own.