The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 10, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The NoifQIk Weekly News-Journal
The i 1RS1.
Tin.loiinnil , Katnulltiliod 1S77 ,
WTN. lln * N. A. lluiu ,
I'rc'Kldont. Sccretnry
i vTry rrlelny. Uy mall per your , $1.CO
tl nt tiniiontolllce at Norfolk
Noli. , a noccmU I'lnsB mallei' ,
To7eii1iowf > r ICiltoihtl Dopiirlmoni
No. J2. ! HiiHlin'Hg Olllce i\nil Job Rooms
No. 1 1 22.
A C'liciokco Intltnn Rlrl Is lo aimli
Brand oporn. Hoiio she will crowd ou
some ot tin- Imported glirlokerur
CallfornlB lint voted n loan oC $18 ,
OOO.otio for the purposes of building t
oyHtom of jmbltclilRliwnya to ronlnci
I ho old toll rends or tlio present. *
.Innnn IB now negotiating n treat ;
with Cnnndn. Apparently the .Inpn
nt'Hp wish to bo on good terms will
nil tliolr Anglo-Saxon neighbors.
UtisHla has fallen captlvo to tin
moving picture show. Poor Russia
it seems ns thodgh she had trouble
enough without adding this affliction.
"Ho this engraved , " says nn eli
Hindustan proverb. "Tho man win
his chance , the monkey * wlv
his branch , cannot bo saved. "
It must bo a. severe strain for til
\\entlier man to keep nn studying th
barometer for form's sake Februnr
J , all the time the ground hog Is mal
JIIK real history.
Missouri stands ( list among the t (
mate growing states , which la quit
u dlHtinctlon , when the commercic
\nluo of thin popular vegetable 1
taken Into consideration.
Congress started In to do a Job c
real work one day when seine one r <
ll.'itod that one or two members ha
not practised their spoil binding fc
presidential election.
.1. I' . Morgan traveled from Was !
jngton to New York In 2HO minute
Uio other day. Perhaps they teli
phoned him from the house that the
had fresh strawberry shortcake fc
( tinner.
The Mexican revolt Is not ye
crushed. In fact , it seems by late r
ports to be spreading. It will soei
a sad ending to President Diaz's Ion
find successful administration if li
fchould lose control of tlio govcrmnei
now in his old ago.
Sailors have many odd superstition
Ono of the most peculiar Is their b
lief that when the wind has died awn
and they are becalmed that contlnu ;
whistling by the crow will bring cloiu
and Kind. This superstition Is al ;
prevalent with the rain makers of A
jica and other pagan peoples.
In itself the preservation of fet
Ity rold storage is a good thing. Hi
monopolistic plans to gather in fet
supplies and 'run up pi ices nccordii
to the necessities of the people are !
entirely different proposition , and tl
ultimate consumer rejoices when su <
jreed ; overreaches HsoTf and conies
Tennessee has a new senator. II
unmo Is Luke Lea , but ho will lei
"ho known as the "psychological in
juent" senator. IIo had not boon a
nounccd as a candidate for senat
until an hour hoforo ho was chose
Not limu lo do much expensive or n
derhamled campaigning before elc
tion , that's sure.
Instead of advising young men
liecp out of politics we should advi
them to go Into politics and take \vi
them a high Ideal of the responsll :
Ity of public service. The public bu
ness has to be attended to by son
body and the situation as a wlic
should be such as to make the servl
attractive to good men.
' "i no tyranny of technicality , "
the name given by the Atlanta Cons
tution to that altogether too comm
form of law evasion which consists
freeing criminals , known by all
bo guilty , by means of some legal io <
hole , which was never intended to
so used. President Taft declares tl
our judicial proceduio needs n th
ough renovation , both to open t
courts to the poor man and to ma
the term justice mean something.
The government of Cuba Is again
the point of collapse. Public sei
niont Is turning against Gomez agaii
whom there are charges of gross c
ruptlon and extravagance. The (
administration represents Cub
second experiment at self govornnu
and a collapse now would lend mv
encouragement to the interests tl
have been demanding over since I
close of the war with Spain that 1
United States take permanent cent
of Cuba.
Every newspaper one picks up tc
of some fugitive criminal being fet
and brought to justice. The world
growing altogether too small with r
Id transit and quick communtcat
for a man to hide In successfully. C
Is reminded of an old picture of :
mesls n dark faced criminal flee
Jor safety while over above him
angel of justice with sword and horn
gltiflfl waited for the time of hl doom
Tlio pleluto has bucomo a ruallly. The
angel IH clvlll/allon.
Oreaden , 0110 of thu most bcnullfu
mid proxrosQjva of ( Icnmui cltlos , U
preparing to entertain the world ni
nn International exhibition next your
Ureiden Is In reality an exhibition If
lUolf It combines the modern nttrnc
lions of Paris with the highest atlnln
menu of HIP landncftpe gai ( loner. Am
Americans say II combines Amerlcai
progress and European culture nl Hi
host. If llioiio ( ittrnctloiiH arc as rep
resented , visitor * should come nwnj
Impressed with the Importance of tin
city nsldo from the merits of the ex
hlbltlon Us offers.
The "treating habit" which ha
come to cover everything from strcc
car fare to nn expensive theater scat
or n nickel drink nt the bar to a sis
course dinner nt n high clnss rostnti
rant , 1ms become a nuisance. Decaus
acquaintances happen to meet on i
car or nt n theater entrance , Is n
reason why each should Insist on jmj
Ing for both. If each would pay thel
own way It wduld place neither'on
under obligation and the chances nr
that both would enjoy It bettor. Th
fooling so prevalent that It Is necc !
snry to treat In order to bo a "goo
follow" is responsible for quite a shnr
In the high cost ot living.
Articles made from alligator skin
have always commanded so high
price hi this country as to bo classc
among luxuries , and we have boo
frequently reminded that the alllgatc
was being rapidly exterminate * ! In th
southern bayous. Investigation provei
however , that our own southern wi
tors are by no means the only plac
where the alligator nourishes. I
Ecuador an alligator hide may be pu
chased for thirteen cents and coul
be laid down in Now York or Dosto
for 50 cenls , which would enable mm
ufaclurors to produce alligator goot
at a very reasonable figure. Why tli
skins are not Imported when ships r
turn from Soulh American porl
seems very strange. And nlligatc
skins are not the only llilng of whlc
Hie same criticism could be made.
The new Pennsylvania slalion whlc
has just been completed In New Yoi
City Is the world's greatest railror
station and cost over $100,000,00
The great steel tunnels running undc
the Hudson river and into Ihe termini
cost as much If not more than tl
station Itself. Through these tnnnc
1,450 trainloads of human freight ai
lo be daily unloaded into the lerminr
One hundred and twenty-six passe
gor trains ran unload at the san
lime. The excavation for Ihe static
was made from solid rock and tu
Ions of dynamite wore used in the o
oration. Three million cubic yards <
rock was blasted out to a depth i
sixty-one feet in the center of No
York so that the * lov.'ost level of tl
station should moot Iho enlrance
Ihe tunnels as they emerge from li
nenlh Ihe Hudson. All Ibis va
amount of money and great ability hi
been spent to save a ten or Ilfte <
minute ferry ride. Time is certain
money in Gotham.
\\'o hear a great deal about the pi
tnrcsquo collages' of Ihe English r
ral villages , but you will observe th
all the descriptions given of their i
tractivoncss are confined to the exte
lor. No one could admire the inl <
lor of a cottage 300 years old , whereof
roof leaked , whose walls were dan
and crumbling and where no II
places are provided to radiate comfc
in the damp , cool weather so previ
out In England. Hccauso of Ihe la
of comforts and sanitary convenicnc
in Iheso medieval villages Ihe Infai
mortality Is something fearful. T
English look down on the Irish , b
the Irish are not so bound by tra
tion and are gelling things done in
way thai Hie English fail to do. T
lack of comfortable sanitary dwollin
Is undoubtedly responsible for mil
of the degeneration and dissipation
which we hear so much among t
English peasantry. It is a hopelc
task to try to be men when for g <
orations your ancestors have lived 11
There is no field In which reform
more seriously needed than in thai
education. There Is now a gene
recognition that In this line there
a tremendous waste of time and
fort. The greatesl misfortune Is tl
there is so much required that is u
less to those who obtain it and tl
there is a continual forjclng proc <
along wrong lines and against the c
rent of thought and action as tl
3t have lo be mel in a practical , hi
world of affairs. It is not true tl
everyone must bo a specialist and tl
every specialty Is so important tl
It must bo in the course of study ,
is a grave mistake to instill the it
into the minds of the youth thai
order to succeed each one must
necessity apply himself to one prof
slon , or one business , or one tn
for a life timeAs n very sensl
wilter has said : "An executive is
executive wherever placed ; so is
organizer capable of martlaling for
of many kinds. A mnn does not I
his judgment , his common sense ,
tegrity , mastery of details , power
concentration , energy and loyalty
cause ho changes his employment ,
ig will succeed in any business en !
10 prise if he can succeed in one , " 1
pfoHunt educational system Is penile-
ntod through and Ihioiigh with obso
lete melhodR and Ideas and It naoils
a thoioiigh weeding out process anil
a rejuvenation along progressive' and
common HOIIBO linos. Like nil other
, things thnt effect the dtilly life of Uio
' American people the movement for
, UB bpltermenl and Improvement IB nl-
, ready under way and dally gathering
Iy ) persistent effort , Iho Fremont
Commercial club has secured n freight
ralo placing It on Ihe same basis an
Omaha , according to nn Omaha news
This fact carries tremendous Ini ;
portanco to Norfolk. It can only mean"
It would scorn , that Norfolk Is entitled
to have a readjustment of rates made
so that this city will get a square
deal. The fact that the Inlerslale
commerce commission hearing has re >
suited1 favorably to Fremont , which it
not on the Missouri river , brings nn
optimisllc message lo Norfolk.
Announcements already being made
show that the coining year will bo c
great one In Norfolk. There will be nt
abundance of building of all kinds-
business houses , homes and Indnstrla
Aside from a factory thnt Is abou1
to be built , announcements have beet
made of several store buildings'tho' '
will go up on Norfolk avenue and I' '
is said n great number of homes nn
In prospect.
Besides this , there are other nev
industries In the air.
Norfolk Is beginning to come lnt <
Its own as the commercial hub of tin
richest agricultural territory In th <
world and there'll be things doing It
the old town as soon as weather per
Uncle Sam. got impatient last November
vembor with the agents who had bcoi
managing his business with some sue
cess most of Ihe lime for flfly years
so he proceeded to put a number o
new men on the job. It is Interostini
to note what they are up to.
Governor Wilson of Now Jersey ha
put his foot on a rusty old machine
nut many people think the man h <
got lo do It is the kind thai ordinaril ;
does not get beyond Iho slale legis
hitnre. Jersey may not know it nil.
In New York , In former days , abou
all that was needful was to display
picture of the tiger. Knowing lha
this creature does not live on kitloi
food , the sensible cllizen used lo prt
for some moro domesticated kind o
But this year there was an entlr
unwillingness to examine Iho quo *
lion of what should bo given the tlge
when it caino time to feed the an
innls. It's dinner time now. The sei
atorship is the particular morsel thn
is wanted. If nol served up in on
form , il will come in some oilier.
Down in congress lafit summer , on
heard miicl aboul Russia and ante
crats and czars. It was good talk , an
it made Iho cracker barrels , rnlllo i
the grocery parliaments from Main
lo Texas. But when il came to vo
ing in January , this tyranny began t
look very good. II was decided , Ihr
while one does not like exile in S
bcria himself , there are ceitain type
of people for whom the place is we
For a few days now , there is a di
maud among Uncle Sam's new agent
for an instant ratification of the no'
Canada treaty. The alacrity of soni
people on this is like the willlni
ness of Ai tennis Ward to sacrifice h
wife's relations. If cotlon could 1 ;
raised in Canada , some people won !
sec things differently.
The tupubliran pnily , we have fait
to think , will do the square thing c
. this treaty. It will sacrifice no const
erablo industries into building i ;
which toil and tears and sacrifice ha\
gone , but if the Canadians are willir.
. ' to trade fair , there will be a lot moi
, business between the two countrie
and some household supplies will I
The commuting of the sentence i
Editor F. D. Warren of the "Appe
to Reason" by President Taft is r
act thnt will to American
" appeal coi
mon sense. Our revolutionary write
Is and orators ought not to be taken t <
seriously. Oflon il would bo mm
it more useful to present them with
boiled cabbage than to hurl the thu
derbolts of the law at them.
It was well enough to inlllct a ml
punishment on Warren for suggei
Ing ex-Governor Taylor's kidnnppiu
But if anyone else save a super-he :
ed socialist had done it , it would ha
been regarded as more of an effete
to demonstrate the brilliancy of li
wit , than as a suggestion of crime.
A small portion of our populatii
seems lo be suffering from volcai :
brain storm. It Is a question how
deal with these people. If some
them are given absolute freedo
crimes like the assassination of Prc
dent McKinley will be encourage
But in almost every case , . vlolo
language Is self destructive.
The ordinary man Is not anxious
see all the foundations of society i
of set in some wild economic upheav
Everyone who has a lltllo farm ,
lo little home , or n litllo bank nccoui
ir- questions whether that would not al
10 be lost In the shuffle. So when he
told that the human race should take
the buck track ever the course It ha
boon traveling wlnco Abraham lived
on the plahiH of Shlnar , ho begins le
wonder whore he would be by the
time they Rot back to the preaonl
tlnte of advancement.
The boBt wny to deal with people
whose economic views threaten the
safety valve , is to "pc-rsnado thorn thni
by dropping the pencil stub ntn
etreet onUor.v for the boo and thi
hithp ; they can multiply their famllj
Income by two.
The News Is nee-used of Inconslsten
cy In Its position on the munlclpn
lighting plant piopoBlton now undo
discussion for the city , whorens It li
recited that not BO very long ago Tin
News offered to bccotna a , storkholde
In n plant thai was planned In onpr
slllon lo the Hullock en'tet prise. At
Bimie for the sake of the point thn
The News did' make such nn ouoi
Assume that The News Is one of th
largest consumers of electric curren
in the city , and thnt previous to thi
offer its business had been harassr <
and handicapped by Intermittent elec
trie power. Assume also Hint Th
News was not pleased/ the treal
nient It was receiving nt the band
of the Norfolk Electric Light nn
Power company. Even then Th
News did not want to go into Ihe bus
iness of producing electricity , bflt t
view of the kind of n service that ha
been furnished , It seemed as thong
It would be necessary to enable It t
continue business.
But shortly nfter thnt , condition
changed nt the electric light slatloi
The new equipment was Installed an
this gives n Rtranger , more rellabl
service. A working agreement wn
made with the electric plnnl nt th
Sugar City Cereal mills , thus givin
nn auxiliary in a different part of Ih
town the light stallon , located s
far away that if an accident happen
to one It Is highly improbable thnt th
same accident would Incapacitate th
other , and this condition comes a
near insuring uninterrupted service n
is possible. *
The installation pf a municipal Ugh
ing plant will also affect , but to a lesi
er degree , the Norfolk gns compnn ;
depriving that company of a sourc
of revenue from slreet lighting. Th
News Is likewise one of the heavies
consumers of gas as well as electrioit
in the city , and it has on more Urn
one occasion been seriously handlca ]
ped by failure of the gas company t
keep up needed supply , one day mis
ing its entire three editions becniiE
of gas Iroubles.
So Ihe argument hardly holds goo
against The News thai wo are flgh
ing Ihe municipal proposition becans
of personalities or friendships. Th
is a question that must be selllcd froi
a broader viewpoint thn'n person !
likes or dislikes. It is n question e
what is for Ihe bosl interests of 111
town as a whole , nol Ihoso of one ii
dividual or set of individuals , but (
all. Out here in Ihe west the slogn
cry has always been "patronize honi
industries. " . It has not yet lost il
isofulness. It is as much needed t
lay as it was when the llrst infai
industry plendcd for patronage of i
iclghbors forty years ago. It is
principle thai is as apt to a city go
eminent as it is to an individual. Y\ \
want new industries. We solc <
among our fellows , members of Coi
nercinl clubs to offer inducements I
industries to locate among us. At
after we get these home indnstrli
Iho people of a cily should make
possible for them lo live and prospc
And while It is right and a dm
every Individual owes the town
which he lives to do all he can
help his neighbor become prospcroti
yet it is much more a duty for tl
city government to help build up tl
enterprises that have already locate
The greatesl good lo Ihe greatest nm
her means the upbuilding and not tl
destruction of a home industry by 11
city where it hab located.
Supposing Ihe city finds that it c :
install an electric lighting plant he
and thnt the interest on bonds , le'
for sinking fund and cost of opei
tion , will all amount to no more tin
similar service performed by plan
already in operation oven If it cou
be done nt a slight saving , still t !
clly Is not justified In voting bon
for Iho purpose of pulling one pin
out of business nnd seriously cr :
pllng another , as would undoubted
w the case In this Instance , nor Is t
clly council juslilied in calling an elt
tion for that purpose.
It Is agreed by all thai Iho slree
should bo boiler lighted , but do i
really need at this time the abui
mice of light thnt Is contemplated t
der the municipal proposition ? Woi
it not bo moro lo Hie inleresl of I
t people lo give us an adequate servl
now and then gradually Increase it
the necessities grow ? This plan
gradual 'expansion would not precl
talc us Into Ihe position of malnla
ing a plnnl al a high cosl whether
Us product Is needed or not.
When the matter of lighting is s
tied this time it will uneloubtedly
for a number of years. If Iho c
fails to vote bonds for the installall
of a new plant , then conlracl will i
questionably bo made with exlsll
companies to furnish light for t
streets. When this is done , such rej
lutlons should bo thrown around the
companies ns will not only assure t
city good service but private const !
s ers ns well , because ns a matter
fact , private as well ns public nor
vice Is at stake In Iho present ngltn
tion. The city council .should naminu
the responsibility to which It Is en
titled and by oidlnanro regulate tin
ralos which these companion may eel
loci from private consumers , batu > t
upon the kind and amount of servlci
nwl , till' rates to ho compensatory t <
the companies and fair to the con
BiimerB. fn this connccllon. provtstoi
hhenild bo made foi heavy potmltlcm fo
failure of service when needed. Thosi
compnnles are serving the public nm
should be subject to public regulation
the snmo as n railroad Is.
The city should stand tn the sum
position to the light companies tha
Iho railroad commission does to th
railroad compnnles. When n perso :
has n complaint the city should stmn
ns n court of redress , to whom appeal
may be made , and the rights of hot
sides to the controversy determine !
Under the slipshod manner at prosen
In vogue , a consumer who does no
think he has been fairly treated ca
only argue the matter with the con
pony , and if he jloes not like the d <
clsiou of the company all that Is lei
for him to do is to discontinue th
service. This , however , Is not the on
sought by the ordinary consumer , be
cause electricity and gns have passe
the stage of luxuries and have becotn
necessities. As necessities , the pin
chaser is entitled to tholr use r
prices nnd under conditions which nr
fair and square between man nnd mm
Rigid restrictions should , be throw
around the transactions of these con
pnnles and It should be made posslbl
for the veriest enemy of one of thei
to I'ompel the company to give hli
just ns ndequate service and nt th
same price that his neighbor receive ;
nnd for all consumers to demand an
receive , through the city regulation !
just what they nre paying for fin
< lnss service and that at reasonabl
cost. -
If a consumer Is receiving insu
flclent current to operate his plan
there should be a manner of dotormli
ing whetuer the current sent to hi
place Is being restricted , and If it I
so found there should be a way e
compelling an ndequate flow. Unde
their charters , these companies nude
take to do certain things and the
must keep their plants in condition t
perform the services which their cha
ters call for.
We are nol saying that their price
are too high thai is a mailer fc
a competent coinmltleo lo find out n
ter studious investigation bul tl :
rates thai Ihey are allowed to charj
should be fixed by the city , so that
business man who contemplates instn
lalion of fixtures for either gas or ole
tricky may know just what he wi
pay fho years irom now as well c
he does what the cost will ho for tl
lirst year.
Regulation of such matters ns thes
come clearly within tlio jurisdiction <
the city council , and should be dor
for the protection nnd satisfaction <
companies and consumers , that tl
queslion of rales and Ihe quesllon i
llghl may be selllod fairly and oqul
ably and permanently.
Shovel , darn yon , shovel.
Whoso street is to bo paved th
Maybe the little cuss of a grouu
hog did mean that , after nil.
Flash Reported U. M. was &een i
a daucofew _ _ nights ago wearing ovc
Has Hie slreet commissioner fe
loved tlio groundhog into Ills wint
hiding place ?
Corner lots aic least attractive whe
there Is a foot of snow lo bo clean
away from Iho sidewalk.
They're eating strawberries in Ka
sas City , but they'll taste better
Norfolk for the longer wait.
Every time we see a plug hat , \
feel sure the man under it is a she
man trying to attract attention.
Hatlield Introduced a bill in the N
brnskn legislalnre lo abolish hnlpii
Ilalflold , hatpins. Now wouldn't th
knock your bonnet olT ?
s If you did your duty toward t
t snowdrifts on your sidewalk , you ha
i- a lame back today. Sore muscles a
iy the sign of good citizenship just
tills writing.
When announcements of new bill
ings begin to spring up even befo
the groundhog comes out lo stay , i
( i good sign there'll bo" things doing
Norfolk during the coming season.
We didn't see the groundhog but '
did see a pair of sundogs Iho morni
nfter the 2d. That's enough niiiini
to have around at this time of t
year , so we're going lo console 01
if selves over Iho facl lhat the g. h. we
back into his hole.
Moro might be said of the shape
ness of the chorus girls in "T
Golden Girl , " which comes to Iho 2' '
dilorlnin Wednesday night , than w
written In thai article on another pn
by a staff correspondent. Perhn
this much may bo within the boun
of discretion : The man who assc
bled the bunch , had his eye with hi
Yesterday's flash announcing tl
B. M. wore an overcoat , is confirnn
He did ! He even declared the ov
coat was his own. But he's not <
tilled to tlio credit for wearing t
) f overcoat thnt you might suppo
Umloriionth Iho nvorcont was a fill
dross suit splkutnlls and all-and hi
merely wore the eivoiTnat as Iho hw
of two tnlls Just as a shield for the
Ill-enter olfonso that II covered. 'Hull's
Just iH'nr-IiiMUi'Keincy against the a. o
bilgndc. Ho can't got n front se-nl li
llie band wuxon on that kind of (
ticket. ( Hut \\o'ro hopeful , now tha
ho has renounced his folly of ( ho oarl.i
winter even to this extent. )
Besides his other mistaken the tin
usually over-ostlmntes human en
Too many enndy Ulds go on tin
theory thnt n little hard work \\ouh
moll them.
A woman can carry a lot of stTu
in n handbag , Including , occntdonnll.x
a little money.
Alfalfa always does better on low
er land , as the whiskers remarked t
Iho bald head.
Time nies. all right , nnd nothln
overgoes wrong'with Its propello
after you are 25.
It Is said of nn Atchlson man tha
ho broke down nnd cried out loud n
his own wedding.
When n baby Is homely Is n
ways somebody ready to say thnt I
looks like UB father.
Your rheumatic leg must be prolt
bad If you don't prefer n cold wax-
to warm and sloppy weather.
As people grow older they are les
Inclined -lo "put on , " either In th
mailer of lalk or clothes.
We hope wo hate It ns much n
uiyone , but there Is this about Insli
orlty , It spnres the feelings.
Cultivating a thirst Is another fen
of intensive agriculture thnt does'n
ncrense the net yield much.
iVnyono who quarrels for the suit
of being forgiven , puts entirely tc
ilgh nn estimate on forgiveness. "
Among other things in which wi
nan Is man's superior , might bo mei
Honed her gift for blaming it on Hi
Tlio Irouble with the Young
, vho want to marry is thnt they coi
suit Iheir henrls more than the
Men nre so contrary they probnbl
wouldn't cnre to smoke If the hnb
were generally believed lo be ben >
If Ihe average family were askc
lo make n sacrifice , 11 might go lini
with Father If Ihe invitation were a
You will observe , also , lhat U
iiromissory note isn't Ihe only fen
> f promise Uml has lo bo renewed o
You can also gel a pretty good llr
on how badly a man is smitten 1 :
ho length of time it takes him to sr
jood night.
After the average man passes
10 is too busy with the bread ai :
butler question to engage In joshli
or sculfllng.
Nenily every woman under 50 wl
lives near a railroad , pretends to 1
afraid that some man on a train mlgl
wave al her.
When a woman acts finicky si
says it is nervousness , but when
man gets thai way it's nearly alwa ;
called meanness.
When it comes to belonging to tl
unloved variety , Iho fat man wl
originated the complaint hasn't an
thing on Iho mule.
No man has much faith in medicii
when he is well , and ho is apt to 1
disappointed in what lltllo bo In
when ho gels sick.
Speaking of Iho loss expensive v
Holies , there is also Iho gent wl
prints Ills envelopes and lotlerheni
with a rubber stamp.
A bill collector may bo late occ
slonally , but , as a general propoi
tion be Is about as punctual as tl
alarm clock or an almanac.
Home inlluenco is that which di
courages the ambition of many bo ,
to be mean enough to warrant e
polling them from school.
"When a man conies to mo to in
advice , before he goes away il net
ly always develops Ihal lie also as
for money. " Count McGowan.
Occasionally the majority lines i
on Iho wrong side , ns every man i
marks when ho happens to Iliul hi
self affiliating with the minority.
Don't expect everything to bo c
actly right ; when the weather Isi
lit to work on Iho farm , Iho roads a
so bad It is hard to come to town.
Hibtory may repeal ilsolf occask
ally , bul with about the same disi
gard for the text that the avora
man displays when quoting poetry.
e A man with whiskers may g
along pretty well , bul unless they a
long enough for sideshow exhibit !
purposes , his hirsute elccorallo
don't he'lp him much.
Automobile manufacturers have e
elded that the horse must go.
must , of course , but the one y
place your money on and the old i
liable family nag will continue to
e , slowly.
Pnitor fUiosnll Finds Much In the Dlbl *
on Satan's Pnst , Present
nnd Future.
Washington t > t' . '
Jutuinrv 39 Pundit
huge nudloneps her * *
twins lodny at tin
eipern House lll
nftPi noon lh ine wan :
" I lei e f tor " In hi *
addroHS h > * . *
Satan and !
Irsmun fiom his or. .
ion Inclilcntnlly Ii T
Nlio\\i > il that many !
nf UN hilvn ltptn
wt'ong In tl\li\Uln > ; of him ns a ( Ire Mutter
In n fur off tin tin olwmiior : otliors * .
cnunllv In wor ami mil of ni nl with
lha Horlpliirr * . In ( li-njlim H'B jci
lionnllty nml rl.ilmltiK tlml th" niiino rcji
rfsenln nu ii'ly Iho pilnrlplo f i > vll. From
llio Scriptures 1'ixilor Kit " "oil pointed nut
that ho who In known ns SiUnn , or Ailvci
snry of Qotl , v n not another Oed i \tl of
dlapoBltlon mid Hum rontrarv to out i'i--
ntor. nor \xn ho in nny nenao errntfi ! < vii
Ho wns nn anscl of light , or inther , Th"
Angel of Lltflit. tin was a I'rlneo or Hu '
perlof iimonsit the angols-a "co\crln
oheruh , " as clcncrlbei1 In lh Scripture-i
Ho wns Rlorlouft , Imnutlful , Intelligent , on t-
of the highest of dod'n crenturo'i on thn
eplrlt plane. Anrtcln In Rvnerfil In th-i
BarlptufQM urn referred to MS HOIIH of fln.l
nnd an Btnrn , bright , lumlnoiiK. glorious
The original numn of Snlim lirforo til-i
trnnsgrcislon was Lucifer. \ \ \ \ \ < - \ \ nltnl
fles n. bright nnil morning nlnr.
Ono mlRht MippnHe thnt an ang < 1 "t
I uclfer'B dignity ami Rlorv would lmv <
bc n thoroughly content with the ttondcr
ful position of Divine favor which ho en
Joyed. But It Is not always thoio wh.
are without immo and fnm ami blnas
Ings who Rro nmblUoua for higher thing'
As the millionaire desires moro million <
BO Lucifer , rich In Dlvlno favor and bles <
Ing , hortor nnd groutnnsa , longed for Htlll
more. IIo waa nmbltlouB. It geemcd to
him that the Dlvltia Proginm t\orko > l
Blowly. Uo longed for an opportunity 11
put lifto pxrrclxo his ottti
Schemes. Thofo BohemeB naturally wet
secreted In his own heart. Ho reveil < ii
thorn to-no ono Ho said In hli heart , h
would uscenil uho\o Iho Murs , hn wouU
be ns the Most lUrch ( Imlnh xlv. IS. H >
Not that ho thouiiht "f usurping Jch.j
vah's Emnln- , but inlly that he coveted
n llttlo conn r of the Unlvorxn wheia h <
could bn Biipreme , above the other imgr-li
oxerclnlng lil i own gonlus. This unhol
thought , to his Creator , ho h.u
bored , InBlenil ot lepelllnu as moral t > ol
non Instead of Ba\lns , "To ni > - Oed I
will bo true. " My life and every blesilnr
I owe him. lie Is All-wife , whether I un
derstand all of his doings or not.
Lucifer Tested Proved Dlsloynl
None of I he holy angels WPIO dHloval ( >
God and fooll < li enoiiRh to prefer Hatnn
Satan'fl first opportunity for putting hU
ambition Into practlae caino when molhoi
Eve waa created nnd ho heard the Plvlnn
message that , through the human pair
the earth would be peopled with n race
of their Idnd. Ambition whispered , Secure -
cure the pair as the foundation for you-
empire nnd soon they will fill the earth
anil- your long-cheiNhed desires will hav >
The story of the deception of mothi
Kvo by falsehood , nnd of father Adum'i
dlsobedlenco nnd pnu't4cal suicide btcuuso
of his love frr hlw wife , la the well
Unowiv Klblo study. Salmi hi
ends and became , us Peijptui'illy d' ein ;
cd , "The PrlieJ of thin WorM" ( John xlv
SO ) . Hut. alas ! his Kingdom Is ono of
darkness Sin reigns. And death , tli-
penalty of Mn , hah brought to ni.inkin i
pain nnd sorrow , mental and phv-i
with mornl d < pruvlly. Today Satun em
plro of-1,600 OOo.fiOO Is a wretched on
who o onlv hope li in nod and thn Di
vine provision that In due tlmo tin U
cleemer. ns the world's Mi-Mali , shall tak t
the Scepter of earth and bind Satnn foi i
thousand years , lebasn mankind from th
bondage of sin nnd death , and give t < >
Adam and nil lUs race a full opportuiuiv
for ic turn to Divine favor , as at flnu i
Joyed , and of knowledge , both of good ar i
evil , of which mother Kvo too precipi
lately partook.
Untruthful and a Murderer
The speaker fjuoli d Jesus , ihe pr < i
Teacher , as hajing tint "Satan \ % n n
murderer from the beginning , and al > u I
not In the Truth" ( John vlll. 44) ) Th
ho said , corroborated the many u'l
statements ot Scripture respecting th v
personality ot Satan. An evil prim tp !
could not truthfully bo termed u mm
derer nnd a falsifier Such terms < mni
apply only to on Intelligent being , su
ns the Hlblo describes Lucifer , now cil' '
St. Paul likewise refers to Satan ai a
person. Baying. "Vs'o are not Ignorant of
Ills devices" ( IT Corinthians il , 11) ) , an I
ngaln , "We war not with llesh nnd bloo 1
( merely ) , but with wicked spirits In
power" ( Kpheslnns vl. 12) ) . Thu
held lhat Satan has ceitaln evil nngeK
of an Inferior grade subordlnato to him
nnd over whom ho Is the prince or ruler
"Tho I'rlnco of demons " These , hn said
ho inlrfht refer to more particularly next
Sunday. Through these evil spirits for
[ > lx thousand years a nwlevolc nt Inlluenco
line been exercised upon mankind
Not only have they preyed upon human
weaknesses and passions , but , as adver
saries of ( Joel , they have used e\ci\ d--
vlco at their command to misrepresent th *
Dlvlno character nnd 1'lan , putting da- ( -
ness for light and light for darkmss It
wns these false teachings , propagated by
Satan nnd ht.s demon bubordlriatcs , thi'
the Apostle rcfetied to as "doctrines it
devils" ( I Timothy iv , 1) )
The Logos In Contrast With Lucifer
Tlio speaker believed that St Paul hid
) n mind the rebellious and degenerate
course of Lucifer nnd Intended to Insu
Into a contrast between the course of
those In the passage whleji declares thif
Christ , the Logos , meditated not a usurpa
tion , not to ho like God. but , on the con
trary , was willing to hunibla himself and
tnko a bondman's form and then to b-i-
como obedient unto death , even the death
of the cross. Tha Aposilo declares , "Him
hath God highly exalted nnd given a nam-
which Is nbova evci y name" to which
angels bow. The contrast la thnt Luclfei-
ollowed prldo lo rankle. In his heart an 1
to lead him to rebellion , while the Logos
fully loyal to Jehovah , submitted himself
obediently to every test of loyalty ap
plied. The ono who Fought lo exalt him
self will be abased to tha Second Death
The ono who humbled himself In obedi
ence to death , the death of the Cross , will
experience the great reward glory , honor
nnd Immortality , much moro than Satan
ever dreamed of.
"Thlnoas the chastisement , with no re
lease ,
Thnt mine might bo the peace ;
Wounded for my transgressions , stricken
That I might Bin no more ;
The hrulelng and the cruel stripes w n >
Thnt hcnllng might bo mine :
Thlr.o ro the sentence ) and the condom
Mine the aciulttnl and the full lalvatlon "
Call and ECO tlio COOK or servant
It whoso ad today makes her aeeta
u "eligible. "
0 Look for the ad that describes tin
place you would like to own.