The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 10, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Round About
Now York , Feb. 4. Ilnnlly ti case
of Mny mill December , perhaps the
nmtrlnioiilal iillliuicu to be. effected on
next Tuesday between MBH ! Ilclon
Vlvlun ( lotild , aged 17 , niul John Graham -
ham llopo Horaloy Hcresford , lUth
Huron Dueled , aged 15 but It might
bo referred to IIH a May-and-October
nffnlr. Not Unit Lord Ueclcs himself
considers ( lint there IH any remark-
nblo disparity In his ago and that of
IIB ! soon-to-be bhiBlilni ; brldo. Oh , Hay ,
no. Thnt'H nil blnwatcd tonimyrot ,
hid lordBhlp IIUH explnlned to the re
port e PH. Really , don't yon know , it's
finite extraordinary , nil this pother
about n man of only -in being too old
for n maiden of 17. Why , mo innn ,
in England no gentleman thinks of
assuming matrimonial ties until ho
la 40 or more. Deuced strange , these
dashed American ideas most astonishing
Houl. So we-all who
ishinglion my -
have been bothering our noddles about
the matter will just luive to let It gent
nt that.
Senator Timothy D. Sullivan , who IB
bolter known an "Ulg Tim , " has prepared -
pared for his annual February dlstrl-
bntlon of shoeH among his constitu
ents by ordering 5,000 pairs from n
IMnghnmton factory. "Dig Tim" hns
specified the best quality of leather
and workmanship in Oiling his con
tract nnd the footgear that will soon
bo distributed among the poor of the
oust side will bo waterproof , durable
nnd of a It hid usually retailing for $4.
For many years "lllg Tim" has made
it a custom to distribute several thou
sand pairs of shoos on n certain date
in February , which Is rumored to bo
the anniversary of some important
event in his life. Exactly what it is
that is thus so munificently commem
orated , nobody knows but Me. Sulli
van , and he has neglected to explain.
On board the Kronprlnz
which is now nearlng New York , is
Count Albert Apponyi , formerly Hun
gary's minister of public instruction ,
who is coining to this country to advance -
vance the cause of International peace.
Ho will bo the principal speaker at a
great pcaco meeting in Carnegie hall ,
February 1C , taking for his subject ,
"Somo Practical Difficulties of the
Peace Problem In Europe. " Several
other distinguished Hungarians arc in
the party.
All reports to the contrary notwith
standing , Julius Caesar Is still very
much alive. Ho arrived in Now York
recently from Germany , and on a mis-
sionx of conquest , although a purely
commercial one. Julius now owns a
wall paper factory near Cologne , Ger
many , nnd will visit various American
cities to get acquainted with his cus
tomers , present and prospective.
Dry goods merchants who have visit
ed the city within the last few weeks
have placed exceptionally liberal or
ders with the Jobbers and manufactur
ers. Practically every merchant and
buyer interviewed has stated that busi
ness prospects are excellent , and near
ly all have commented on the higher
grades of goods now demanded by
their customers. Cheap and shoddy
merchandise now llnds no purchasers ,
and , in the dry goods trade , the de
mand is now all for the better grades
of fabrics.
One of New York's most distinguish
ed citizens , John Mitchell , the labor
leader , is today celebrating his forty-
first birthday. As vice president of
Mho , American Federation of Labor ,
and chairman of the trade agreement
department of the National Civic Fed
eration , Sir. Siitchell now finds it nee-
oa ary to spend most of his time in
the metropolis. His home , however ,
is at Wount Vernon , a pretty little
suburban city just beyond the north
ern city limits , but practically a part
f > t New York. For some time ho lias
interested himself largely In-projects
tor Ul ° protection of the life and limbs
of > vorkngmon. | Basing his statement
"on ft most complete collection of sta
tistics , 1)9 ) asseits that more than n
hundred workmen arc killed dally in
the United States , on an average.and
that the number of killed and maimed
annually reaches the stupendous to
tal of ouC.OOO. The annual number of
accidents of all kinds to workmen , ho
says , is over 2,000,000. Compared with
the number of men employed in In
dustries , three times as many are an
nually killed in this country as in any
country In Europe.
Although the actual anniversary was
yesterday , the observance of the ceiv
tonnial of the birth of Horace Gree
ley will continue throughout the
month. In order that school children
and their parents , as well , may be
come familiar with the career , the
aims and the ideals , of the great jour
nallst , a series of public lectures ir
the city schools has been arranged
and will continue through February
Greele > 's greatest monument is , o
course , the New York Tribune , whlcl
will reach the mature ago of three
score years nnd ten during the present
ent year , having been established bj
Greeley in April. 1841. At that Unit
.Mr. Greeley announced the policy o
the Tribune as "devoted to 'tho Inter
ests of labor , to liberal sentiment !
nnd generous purposes , to temperanc <
in all things , to inflexible morallt ;
and to the exposition and defence o
the principles of a beneficent am
wise national policy. "
In connection with the cxhlbitioi
of the child welfare committee , sorai
Interesting data was collected as ti
the likes and dislikes of the youth
ful patrons of moving pitcuro shows
Several hundred youngsters In al
parts of the city were Interviewed 01
the subject , One of the question
nnkvd wan , "I low often do you go to
Iho picture shows ? " To this Inquiry
a little girl responded , "I go just about
an often as my mother will let me. "
About once a week was the average
for enjoying such delights. Among
the boys , there wns expressed a do-
elded preference for picture plays
dealing with cowboys nnd Indians.
From thin It IB to be derived that , al
though Mr. Ileadlean d the flourishing
dime-novel Industry ho founded are
nllko dead , the Interest In "wild west"
exploits continues keen among the
youthful population. The dramatic
tastes of the girls , however , were not
do definitely expressed. Few of the
girls exhibited any marked prefer
ences. On the whole , hpwever , the
feminine critics agreed with the 10-
year-old young lady who said she liked
sad ones and funny ones. " Hut for
the hoys , cowboys and Injuns , and
then some more Injuns and cowboys ,
and.for an extra special feature pic
ture , seine cowboys nnd Injuns.
Want-advortlso In the News.
Oil , for yo Rood old dnys of apart
When Arthur ruled yo famed
Round Table.
When c\cry champion of yo court
At coining back proved quite ,
qulto ixblol
No purse of cold was e'er In sight
To pay yo smltcr or yo smitten.
No novelist spoiled pnpcr white
In tclllnt ; how yo debt waa fytton.
No authors ( price , 0110 word ten
cents )
Wrote columns on yo brutes abys
Nor protoplasmic elements
Nor other high brewed language
No tour of yo ten , twcnt and thtrt
Would make yo lucky winner
wealthy ,
Out ho must don yo Iron shirt
And llRht some challenger quite
And at yo end of Eome great match
Yo base reformers , with their
strictures ,
No mollycoddllBh plots could hatch
And stop , perforce , ye moving pic
Arthur Chapman In Denver Re
"Human Fish" S ys He Will Not Be
Member of Next Olympic Team.
The competitive field Is soon to lose
0. M. Daniels , the champion swimmer ,
of the New York Athletic club. And
this time It Is no Idle rumor. Tile
great swimmer himself vouchsafed the
Information before the race for the
220 yard metropolitan title recently ,
nnd he added that he would not bo a
member of the American Olympic
team In 1012. The news comes ns n
sad blow , for If ever nn athlete was
qualified to represent his country nnd
to hold its hoi nIn nn international
contest Daniels Is the man.
I'ossesscd of sprinting speed the like
of which the world has never known ,
nble always to do a little better than
his best when the occasion required
and blessed with nerve nnd grit , ho
has been the Ideal of the successful
competitor and one upon whom one
could always rely. Ills loss will bo
irreparable , for. though other nnd
. mincer men nro fast developing , It
will be bard , If not Impossible , to find
another swimmer able to give his wasli
to all comers at any distance from
fifty yards to one mile.
And there is small hope of persund
Ing the champion to change his mind
Growing business Interests and the
care of a family take up so much ol
his time that it is impossible for bin :
to train properly , and ho wisely con
tends that U is uo use trying to dr
anything unless one can do it In the
right wny.
For the race which ho won by u
scant margin from James Uellly li :
New York recently ho had absolute ! }
uo preparation , and ho realizes thai
the day has passed when ho can expecl
to bent his rivals without trninlug
Newcomers nro Improving so rnpldlj
thnt even ho must bo at his best tc
win , and one must commend his de-
clslon In retiring nt the zenith of his
3" career , much as all will regret his low
Home Course In
Health Culture
V Bathing For
Copyright. IPtO. by American 1'rcss
> ! > -
Y one who has watched u group
of small boys diving from the
docks of our seacoast cities
docs not need a scientist to
ell him thill they are thoroughly nt
lomo In the water , but the scientist
nny suggest thnt this "nt homeness"
B nn Instinct transmitted from remote
ancestors In the sllurlnn ngc and In
upport of this view will point out
hat human brings in the cnrly stages
of their development exhibit certain
Ishllkc characteristics , which warrant
the belief that away back in dim an-
.Iquity our ancestors were quite as
well adapted to water as we now nro
o land.
The practical application of the above
reflections is tbnt bathing has a wide
range of usefulness aside from its
cleansing effect Every self respecting
American citizen desires to bo clean
and will bathe for that purpose more
or less frequently , but the mistake
should not bo made of looking upon
the bath simply as a cleansing proc
ess. Possibly for the reasons suggest
ed above the mere contact with water
stimulates and invigorates the body
entirely apart from the Influence of
: cinpcrnturc and the removal of dirt.
Warm water and pure soap are con
sidered the essentials for a cleansing
bath , but a cold bath , followed by vig
orous rubbing , will accomplish nil that
s really necessary for cleanliness.
Dangers of Warm Bathing.
The vast amount of supposed dirt
removed by the Turkish bath is most
ly epithelial scales from the various
layers of skin. To remove an excessive
amount of this scarf skin may impair
ts protective qualities ; hence the ad
visability of not tnkiug the Turkish or
Russian bath oftcncr than once a
week. However , the warm bath gives
n greater feeling of confidence in one's
cleanliness than the cold bath nud is
doubtless beneficial if not employed
too often and to the exclusion of the
more valuable and tonic cold bath.
It is u good plan to spray or sponge
the neck and chest with cold water
after finishing the warm , cleansing
bath. This precaution should always
bo taken by those who rely solely on
the warm bath , especially if they
bathe every day ; otherwise undue sus
ceptibility to colds may develop. As
a rule , the warm bath should bo taken
In the evening.
Most people who have employed the
cold shower or plunge will testify to
its delightful and invigorating effects ,
but there is no reason why it should
bo forced upon delicate children or
feeble adults.
Baths For Babies.
A daily bath for the young baby is
of the utmost Importance. At Drst the
temperature of the water should bo 00
degrees F. , but by the end of the flrst
month it may be reduced to 70 de
grees F.
When the child reaches eighteen
months a cold sponge may bo given
as a finish to the warm bath.
Delicate children who have not been
thus trained may bo-gradually Inured
to the cold bath and enjoy Its benefits
if caution is used. For such children
the temperature of the water should
bo warm or tepid at first nnd dally reduced -
duced until it Is obvious that a vigor
ous and healthy reaction will not fol
low n further reduction.
It Is really dangerous , not to say
cruel , for obstinate-nurses or parents
to force an anaemic child with a pool
circulation to take a cold bath from
which It Is physically incapable of reacting
Very often the cold shower or sponge
bath Is well borne if one stands In n
tub of warm water
Value of the Cold Bath.
The cold bath is n most valuable nerv
DUB nnd circulatory stimulant When
well borne It Improves the circulation
not only in the skin , but in the remot
cst recesses of the vital organs.
The cold bath trains the nerve ccn
ters that control the production oi
body heat and those that control tb (
blood vessels In such a way that thi
Nystem H fortified against exposure
find draft * An earnest effort , there-
fmc. should be made to accustom otic-
self to this \alunble Ionic and protec-
I himeasure. .
llnrrlim physical disability , no one
cull ntiei unlld excuse for neglecting
tin- dalllintli A tin tub , n Jug of
water , -punia1 and a course towel
Kiillli < > tni n hath quite ns refreshing
IIH loind hiimd In llu * luxurious balls
of ( . 'iinicniia
Dangers of the Cold Bath.
I'erMiimll.N I question ( he udvlsnbll-
llv tit in- | < cold plunge as u dally
I nu Hi I- I'lic - > hocl < of this plungp
Is well rcm ted from by many , but
thenH danger In some cases of tin
due strain iiiiin | the arteries and Inter
mil orpins
The moderately cold plunge or show
er fullllls all | iurm | es of health , and it
Is ( lie pin I olvlMlom to be. moderate
In thin us in nil things.
The lee cold liath la to be avoided by
those suffering from heart or kidney
trouble or rheumatism , but such sub
JectH may Mill enjoy a daily tepid
bath , especially If It Is followed by n
vigorous rubbing of the skin with n
coarse towel. Also these subjects may
harden themselves against colds by
lightly sponging the neck nnd chest
with cool water.
The best time for the cold bath Is
before breakfast. Following the bath ,
vigorous rubbing with n coarse towel
nnd a few exercises adapted to the
strength and endurance of the Individ
ual are advisable.
A very valuable measure In cases
of nervous exhaustion nnd occasion
ally In cases ot Insomnia Is the drip
sheet Imih. employed its follows :
The patient , stripped , should stand
In n tub of warm water. A sheet dip
ped in cool or tepid water , the temper
ature depending upon the ability of
the subject to react , Is then wrapped
around him from head to foot. Brisk
friction of body and limbs Is applied
by an attendant , and the patient him
self may rub the front of his body.
Except on the advice of a physician
such a bath should last but n few mo
ments , and then the bather should be
put to bed.
Bathing In Fevers.
When typhoid fever , pneumonia or
other serious Illness exists the ques
tion of cold bathing must be left to
he attending physlchui. In n mild
'everlsh condition much comfort will
) e afforded the patient by cool spoug-
ng. Even sponging with tepid water
will reduce the temperature and allay
lervous excitement The sponge should
lot be "sopping" wet , but only wet
enough to leave a light Olm of water
on the skin.
The nightly hot foot bath is a valu
able restorative measure , especially In
nlddlo life and old age. It promotes
healthful , restful sleep and relaxes and
refreshes the congested nnd tired
After taking a hot foot bath the
bather should go to be'd at once and
compose himself to rest before the ef-
'ects of the bath pass away. No at-
cmpt should be made to Induce n per
spiration when the bath is taken for
ts sedative and restorative effects.
The value of a hot foot bath In check-
ng n common cold is well known , but
this measure Is not employed ns frc-
nucntly ns It should be. It is an ex
tremely valuable remedy In the early
Binges of a cold , especially if the pa
tient is wrapped In heavy blankets
while taking the bath and its action
assisted by some simple hot drink ,
Biich as llaxsecd tea , lemonade , etc. ,
with a view to Inducing a profuse per
Value of Hydroth'erapy.
The other applications of water ,
massage , etc. , In disease come within
the province of the attending physi
cian , nnd his judgment must bo exer
cised In each Individual case. Wo be
lieve that such remedies are not em
ployed as frequently ns they should
be. The failure to use them results
not from lack of knowledge on the
part of physicians , but because it Is
difllcult to carry out such measures in
the ordinary household without em
ploying skilled nurses. The average
patient prefers to swallow a few pills
rather tlmn put himself to any Incon
venience. This explains the resort to
BO many Irregular lines of treatment
when drugs have failed to effect a
Wreck on Boston and Maine.
Potersboro , N. II. , Feb. 4. A pas
senger train on the Boston & Maine
railroad , bound from WInchondon
Mass. , for Concord , was wrecked to
day near East Jaffray , ten miles
south of Petcrsboro. Ono person If
reported to have been killed and sev
cral injured.
Farmer Legislators Organize.
DBB Molnes , Fob. 4. The formntloi
of the "Farmers' Legislative Associa
tion of Iowa" was completed by thirty-
llvo farmers In the Iowa legislature.
The organization is formed to pro
mote the agricultural welfare of the
state. J. 1) . Robins of Mills county
was mndo president , E. R. Seller of
Madison county Is'socrotnry.
Shatter Hie Alibi.
Mnryvlllo , Mo. , Feb.I. . In the trial
of Hezo Rnsco , charged with the mur
der of the four persons of the Ilubbell
family , n number of witnesses were
Introduced today by the state and
they shattered the alibi which RIIBCO
liad provided In a statement Imme
diately following the murder. The
cnso Is expected to go to the Jury
Miss Arnold Still Missing.
New York , Feb. 4. Mrs. Dorothy
Arnold Is still missing and there Is no
Immediate prospects of finding her.
She may have been in Philadelphia
since she disappeared from her home ,
but she hns not been located there , is
not staying with her friends , and not
seen at the Quaker city hotels , nor
was she kidnaped In an automobile ,
taken to Philadelphia and hold for ran
som , so far as her relatives and her
father's lawyers hnve been able to as
Kentucky Woman Thought That At
torney's Body Would Rise Again.
Stanford , Ky. , Feb. 4. "A vision
from God to mo that ho would rise
again , " said Mrs. Amanda I. Harrison ,
In confession before Judge Bailey ,
that she worked all of Tuesday night
digging Into the grave and removing
the casket containing the body of
George B. Saulley , the attorney ,
which was found above the grave In
the cemetery early Wednesday.
Mrs. Harrison , who was arrested In
n remote part of Adnir county nearly
100 miles away , rendlly ndmltted her
connection with the attempted grave
robbery and said she hnd no accom
In explanation of the weird story in
which she says she wns the sole ac
tor , Mrs. Harrison said that on last
Saturday morning she experienced a
vision from God In which she was as
sured that the attorney would arise
from the dead if the earth covering
him should bo removed. Confiding
her intentions to no ono , Mrs. Harri
son went about her plans for freeing
the body.
Secretary Nagel has Plan for a More
Even Arrangement.
Washington , Feb. 4. Secretary Nn-
gel has formed a plan to accomplish
a more healthy distribution of immi
grants to the country districts and
prevent further congestion of tne
A system of co-operation with the
immigration authorities is hoped for
as ono of the results of the effort.
J. L. McGrow , chief of the informa
tion division of the department of
commerce and labor , has been sent to
visit the immigration authorities of
Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Nebraska , Wis
consin nnd Michigan to learn if those
states desire immigrants and how
many are needed.
Other states will bo visited later.
The department then hopes to have
the means of directing Immigrants to
sections where there is labor nnd
New Body Called Great Central Circuit
and Offers $450,000 In Purses.
* ' * Idlnnnpolis , July 10 to 15. *
X Grand Hnjilds. July 17 to 22. . * .
X ICalamazoo. July 21 t < > 20. X
4 Detroit. July 31 to Aug. 5. : -
X Cleveland. Aug. 7 to 12. $
. * . Columbus. Aug. 14 to 20. *
y Jollet. Ans 2S to Sept- . j
j Indlnnapulls , Sept.I to 0. -I-
X Milwaukee. Sept. 11 to 10 $
'j' Detroit ( fain. Sept IS to 23. *
X Columbus , Sept. 2. > to 30.
* Lexington , Oct. 3 to 14. *
Xext season the grand circuit will
not have as easy sailing as It has had
In the past , for a new trotting i-lri-ul'
has been formed here , known ns tin
great central dreult , and has selected
the same cities for some of Its meets
ns used by thu veteran body. Four
hundred and fifty thousand dullais In
purses will bo offered by the nen
The reason for forming the new i Ir
cult Is because of the tight between
Lexington nnd Columbus In regard to
the dates awarded by the grand circuit
stewards nt their annual meeting.
The dates given Columbus dovetail
ed Into those claimed by Lexington ,
and when the latter refused to change
or become u member of the grand clr
cult the Columbus nbsoclatlon decided
to declare war on the pnrem body.
Graduate Coaching at Syracuse.
Syracuse university mny ndopt grad
natc system of football coaching.
World Champion Billiard Player , Who
Retired , Holds Unparalleled Record.
Willie Hoppe , the most mnrvclou
bllllnrdlst of generations , champion a
the 18.1 and 18.2 balk line game , has
announced his retirement from profes
sional billiard * . lie will become a
partner of his father-ln-Iaw , Thomas
W. Walsh , a wealthy clothier of New
ID doing so Hoppo sacrifices & salary1
of ? % .000 n your he hns been receiving
from the manufacturers of billiard
Indies nnd an Inoome from billiard
matches of about $20,000 n year. Ilo
bus been receiving JfWH ) for every ex
hibition In addition to the gnto re
ceipts , n big percentage of which went
to him. Ills custom was to bet $ . " > 00
In every match , nnd ho has been n
consistent u Inner.
Willie lloppe has been playing bil
liards since he wns twelve years old.
At thnt time tils father , Frank lloppe ,
took him nnd bis younger brother ,
Frank Hoppe , Jr , around the country
WIM..U . : norm , WOHLD'H oiinATraT un >
giving inhibitions. It was necessary
for the bojs to bland on soap boxes In
order to see over the top of tables and
mala1 shots. 'Vlllle became known ns
the "boy wonder. "
When still In his teens ho went to
I'uris and defeated Maurice Vlgnnux.
recognized nt thnt time ns the "old
master" of billiards , liy this feat he
attracted International attention. On
his return to New York ho wns chal
lenged by George Slosson , known ns
"the Student. " He defeated Slosson
decisively In u match game In New
From that time Willie lloppe has
been known ns the greatest billiard
player in the world. He has defeated
such experts ns Harry ICIIne of 1'hiln-
delphla , George Sutton nnd Calvin
Dcmnrest of Chicago , Albert G. Cutler
of Boston nnd Ora Mornlngstnr of
New York.
Hoppe Isthe only bllllardlst who
ever held the 18.1 and 18.2 billiard
championships nt the same time. On
Dec. 27 Hoppe appeared nt the White
House at the invitation of President
Tnft nnd gave an exhibition of bil
liards for the entertainment of the
president nnd his official family.
New York , Feb. 4. Victor Herbert ,
composer of "Naughty Marietta , " playIng -
Ing nt the New York theater , is 52
years old. Ilo celebrated on Thursday
and his office still looks like the spring
exhibition of rare plants and flowers
up at the Botanical gardens.
It is certain that during the entire
eight weeks of her engagement at the
Knickerbocker theater , Miss Maude
Adams In "Chantecler" will play to
S. R. P. Perhaps a greater sensation
was never created in Now York than
this wonderful play of Rostand's. The
critics disagree regarding its merits ,
but nil agree that It is n masterpiece
of philosophy. Miss Adams is , of
course , superb In her role.
Otis Skinner in his new comedy
'Sire" ' at the Criterion thenter , hns a
piny that gives him splendid oppor
tunities to display his talents. The
plot deals with the mysterious career
of the lost Dauphin of France , but
no attempt Is made In the play to
clear up 'this great hysterical mystery.
"Tho Slim Princess" has proved
such a success , with Miss Elsie Janls
In the lending role , suportcd by Joseph
Cawthorn , that It is very probable that
Miss Janls will finish the season nt
the Globe. Miss Jnnis' Imitations of
famous people are unusually clover
and the one of Bernhardt never falls
to score a hit.
Edmund Brecso in "Tho Scarecrow"
enters his fourth week nt the Garrick
theater next Monday night. The star
has won many friends by his clever
chnracterizntion of the Devil , and is
ably supported by Frnnk Relcher ns
the Scarecrow , Alice Fischer ns the
Witch nnd the other players in the
"The Fnun" in which William Fnver-
sham is appearing at Daly's theater
has proved a distinct novelty. Mr.
Faversham Impersonates n faun a
creature of the woods and fields. lie
Is captured while disporting himself
In a fountain nnd introduced into pres
ent day life with many ludicrous and
surprising results.
The repertoire at the New Theater
this wel-k Includes "Tho Piper" and
Vanity Fair. " The Piper , of course ,
takes precedence over Thackery's play
in Interest , for it is the production of
nn American woman , Mrs. Penbody ,
who won the ? 1GOO Shnkespenre thea
ter prize in London , and had its first
American presentation this week at
the New Theater.
"Tho Gamblers" at Maxlno Elliot's
theater , have entered their fourth
month and will probably remain sev
eral months longer. They are Gcorgo
Old Dutch
IrvTKe FarmKitckn.
is ( he greatest btlp and convenience.
It Gleans , Scnahs ,
Scours , Polishes.
Pots , Lctt ! ( t jwns , loiltrs ,
ji'nAs mi < { flat-iron * ; milk
; xti7 and teiwrators ; wood
Jloort , etc. , easier , quicker
and bitter.
Some cleaners arc harmful.
A void caustic and acid. Use
this One handy , all-'round
cleanser for all your cleaning
a time and labor saver
throughout the house.
Wood , Linoleum or Stone
Wet sprinkle with Old
Dutch Cleanser and rub
with mop or scrubbing
brush ; then mop with
clean water.
This will give you quick , \
unusual and most satis
factory results.
Nnsh , nnd his supporters on ono aide , *
stacked against Charles Stcphonson ,
who acts as a reformer. Jane Cowl
as Stophenson's wife who gets disgust
ed with his methods , makes a strong
and effective character in this wonder
ful Klein play.
Interest of theatergoers in "Rebecca
of Sunnybrook Farm" at the Republic
theater with Edith Talifario in the
title role , shows no signs of abate
ment. The success of the engngompnt
Indlcntes thht tberajB In tills cifc ; a.
clientlello that makes the production
of clean plnys not only a. pleasure for
the producer , but profit as well.
Henry Miller Is ending his fourth
week In "The Havoc" at the Bijou the
ater. This stage story of a wronged
husband who plans and carries out a
vengeance ns powerful as it is unique
hns aroused discussion.
.Toe Weber's theater has passed the
IGOth performnnco of "Almn , Whore
Do You Live ? " with Truly Shattuck
nnd J. McCloskey in the principal
parts , nnd the finish is not in sight
Miss nillie Uurke , whose beauty and
charm have gained a following among
theatergoers , hns entered upon the
second month of her engagement at
the Lyceum thenter. In her new piny ,
"Suznnna , " a comedy of Belgian life ,
she plays the part of n daughter of an
amusing old brewer , who finds that
she can succeed In doing anything she
wants to through her sunny tempera
The genius of public entertainment
possessed by George M. Cohan Is ro-
venled at its best in his comedy of
business , "Get Riclt Quick Walling-
ford , " at the Gaiety. The young dra
matist is logical in his story. His
crooks turn honest because it Is the
best policy financially and they are
loynl to the women In the case be
cause It Is the most convenient thing
to be.
Preparations are being made to celebrate -
brate the 200th performance of "Baby
Mine" next Monday evening. Mar-
saret Mayo's famous farce seems to
hnvo found a warmer welcome than
over in Its now quarters nt Nazlmova's
Miss Ethel Barrymoro has entered
the second month of her engagement
at the Empire theater in "Trelawney
of The 'Wells. ' " None of Pinero's
characters have quite so strong nnd
appealing a hold ns this Impulsive ,
gypsyliko girl of the stage.
At the Hoppodromo the circus of
twelve nets nnd the three spectacles
are drawing crowds twice dally that
are a puzzle to any but the real New
Yorker. Visitors to the metropolis can
not realize where the people como
from to fill such an immense house as
the HIppodrome two times a day dur
ing an entire season.
"Pomander Walk , " at Wallack's is a
refutation of the theory that a clean
play is not a box oflico success. The
picturesque scenery is ono of the main
features of an all-around good piny.
At the Plaza Music Hall , Corse Pay-
ton and his company are presenting
"Lend Mo Flvo Shillings , " Mr. Paytou
appearing as Mr. Goliglitly. It is re
markable to note that Nut Goodwin
who Is making his flrst venture into
vaudeville is also presenting the same
piece on n rival circuit.
The twenty-two act at the American
Music Hall is headed by Marlotto Oily ,
the dramatic star , who presents "He-
lone , " by Henri Bernstein.