The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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P * tor Ruuoll OUrtUt Hli AudUne *
by Confirming Bobby Durni , "A
Mnn' M n For A' That. "
Iiuflftlo , New York ,
January U. 1'nnlor
lluiael ) preached
twlc * hr loflnj In
the Opera llouffl.
1I had rxcellrnl fct *
tentlon and a crowd * |
td houna. We rt
port on * of hli d I
drtiuei from the
text , "What l
man ? " ( Pnalm rill. I
4-1. ) He Mid I
C6nfuilon prevail *
reipeotlng man'n na |
ture , well fis In mard to hli orlKln i
ml dentlnyVe hn\o no quarrel with
ilione who bonut of monkr ) parentage nlid
Xvolutlon and who hope aculniit fact *
that mankind will noon be a race of god * i
nnd that dying , somehow , li a tep up *
ward Into life while It appear * to be a ,
top down Into death. To those who are
liuppy In thl * llloKlcnl view I hnve nothing I
lo ny now I nddrr-m the more humble-
winded , who conform their perplexity and
who have not become eo worldly-wise a * .
to reject the lllblc n * the voice Divine
However we may understand the Ulble I
declaration rmpcctlni the lower animal *
tlmt ( he water nwarmed nnd broucht |
forth varlotii klndH-we rnimt adtnlt that
Ita itatemeritB renpectlnic man are ex
plicit : he UN not thu * brought forth , but
1 * declared to have been a direct creation
of Ctod In hln own Itnngc nnd churacter- j
llkenein only on n lower plane of organ-
Ism. Adam ponsrrmed God a llkencFS In
Ilia mental and moral qualities hlxhcr
than thoan of brutes , bj which man I *
ble to rrnHon and phltoajphlxo respect-
Inn * clentlna and moral problem * Then *
higher human power * were dwarfed und
tTie lower And more animal powers main
tained to the full , by renion of the fall
and Ita nnitenco "Djlnj ? thou ( halt die"
Jcu * Waa Made a Little Lower Than
the AnQtl *
The Scriptures do not eiiCRent that man
J ns an Imperfect or undeveloped epeclen
whose denth could be a chanxe to another
future and etlxrenl form nnd a heavenly
Home. Quite lo the contrary The hope
e t before Adam was everlnntlng life and
an eartlilj IMcn It wan this that he lost
and It Is thh iiirthly nature and human
perfection In O < wl n IninKo In Para dine re-
atored that the Scriptures hold out as the
hope of Hit- world throtiRh the Klorlflcd
Mernliili's Kingdom u Hplrltual Kingdom
In which tin- faithful , elict Church of thti
OK" will participate That Kingdom of
rtKhteouHiicit TV 111 be "bexoml the vnll" of
hiiinnn alKht Yet Its powtr will bo uni
versal and exercised on ninn bthitlf for
the restraint of Satnn and every adverse
Influence nnd for humnti n l ! tnnc' > Imtk
to nil that was loft by disobedience In
Eden nnd nil that \\na redeemed by the
obcdlenco of Calvary
Nor even then will-the Image of God , as
represented In the humnn will , be coerced
Worelv the glorious opportunities of rcc-
onrlllntlon nnd of roitltutlon will be nf-
fordtil to every crcnture nnd those who
decline them nlll be cut off from life In
the Second Denth ( Acts til 19 23)
God answers the question of our text ,
TVhnt IH mntiT" He declares "Thou
nntleat him ( In hlH Edenlo perfection ) n
little lower than the angels Thou
rownedst him with Klory and honor ( the
dignity and power of the perfect Adam )
Thou didst set him over the worts of
thine hands ( an enrthlv being , he was at
the head of all earthly creatures the
King of earth ) , o\er the beasts of the
field , the fowl of heaven , the fish of the
afeo thou hast put all things under his
feet" ( with kingly power clearly outlined
and his subjects nnmcd ) . Evidently man
had a mental power for the control of
the lower creation aside from phjslcnl
force , I\B Intimated In hln primary deal
Ings with them nnd gh Inn them their
names ( Hebrews II , 6-E We hnve known
men possessed of wonderful magnetic
power horsi-tralncrs , such ns Rnrej , nnd
tamers of wljd beasts nnd reptiles IJut
oaro , perfect , must have pojfpessed this
power In n , still superior degree
A little lower than the nngels , yet very
much higher Jhnn the beasts was this
.Kins of earth In his perfection And
uncli man will be as a redeemed nnd re-
\ etored rnce , when the Divine Tlnn shall
hn > e been fullj outworked , when "evciy
.creature In heaven and In earth shall be
tienni caj Ing , I'rnlse and glory nnd hon
\ or , dominion and might , be unto him that
Itteth upon the Throne and unto the
L mb forc\er , " nnd when there shall be
no more sighing no more crying and no
more d > Ing because nil the former things
of sin nnd denth ehnll hnve passed
way , because the great King , Messiah ,
the Redeemer of mankind , shall deliver
Mm from the power of sin nnd death
and the tomb Well did he state his mis *
Ion work : "The Son of man came to seek
and to trroicr that uhicti ( ran lost"
r "The Earth Abldeth Forever"
Mnn , then 1 an animal of a high , glori
ous t > pe , adapted to his earthly homo nnd
It adapted to his welfare when he nnd It
ehnll both be In perfection Of the earth
It Is written thnt "God made It not In
vnln , but to be Inhabited" And again
The "earth abldeth foreer" "seed time
nnd harvest cold nnd heat , summer nnd 1
winter enduilng as long ns them are sun
end moon ' Again "Enrth Is God's foot-
atool nnd he will make the place of his
feet glorious " To this end the earth will
shortly bo turned over to the great Re
deemer , who will "take his grent power
and reign " He w 111 put down all ene
mies and lift up mankind , redeemed by
his sacrifice gl\lng an opportunity of
everlasting life to all , and then , as St
Paul declare * after having accomplished
the restitution work for man nnd for the
earth , the Redeemer-King will turn over
the government of the world to God even
the Father ( I Corinthians 15. H )
Our grent mlstnke In the past has been
In not studying the Bible correctly Hence
we failed to see that only an elect "little
flock" Is Invited to a heavenly reward for
following the Savior In the narrow way of
eelf-sacrlflce and that then the earthly
reward will lie bestowed during Messiah's
reign upon ult the willing nnd obedient
and that thus will be accomplished the
original Divine intention of having an
forth full of people amongst whom God's
will shall be done ai In heaven
At some future time we may take up
"What Is the eoul of man ? " For the
present let us briefly say that the word ,
oul finds Its s\non > m In the word being
and that when God had created man of
the dust of the earth he was a man only
in form , he was not a soul cr telns. ha
had no thought or sentient being When
God started Adam's phjslcn ) c > stem bv
blowing Into his nostrils the breath of
lives ( as the Hebrew Scriptures state It ) ,
then Adam , n.u pnrt of him , but the
whole of hltn. became a living soul living
being It wa not Adam's breath that
was on trial , that was sentenced , nor waa
it his flesh It was the toul Adam that
was tried the soul Adam that sinned , the
oul that died and the foul Adam
that Jesus redeemed and that I * to be
Kansas Butts'ln , Also.
Top-jka , Kan. , Jan. 28. * Without
mentioning any names , the democratic
members of the Kansas senate sent a
message to Governor Diz of New York
the election of n progressive an
I'nltcil Stilton senator. The message
declared , "that we , the democrats of
Kansas state ncnato , deprecate tlio
conditions that make your senatorial
deadlock nosfllhlo and hope you will
elect a progressive democrat to the
end that Kansas may ho safely con
sidered democratic at thu next presi
dential election. Please communicate
to your democratic members In the
house and senate , " '
I ) . Millies went toVn.vno . on busl-
B. P Wentliciby went to Iowa on
Constalile .lolin Fl > nn letiuned from
a business trip to Omaha.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Woods Cones of Pierce
were vlhltots In the city.
Hdwiud Chase of Stanton was In
the citj vlsltng with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dletilck relum
ed from Omahn , wheie they were vis
itors al the land show.
Mrs. ( ieorge Loan and daughter of
( lOthenburg were In the city spending
a day's visit with Mi. Loan.
Mr. and Mrs. S M. llrnden and Mr
and Mrs. C. II. Reynolds have returned
from Omaha , wheie they attended the
land show.
Horn , to Mr. and Mis. U. Ilairing-
ton , a son.
G. P. Bilger Is ( ' ( infilled to his home
ul.h Illness.
Vrs. linns Vogt Is stifleiing from an
attack of the grit *
R. B. McKlnnoj is leported conduce !
to his home with illness.
Tlio A O. II. club met with Miss
Oeitititle Lenz last evening.
Paul Wet/el is conllned to his bed
with an attack of the giip.
| One of the exciting bowling games
of the season will be plajed at the
Kuuffmnn nllcvs tonight when the
Bankers meet the Peerless team. An
oyster supper will be enjoyed after *
[ waul. .
Although quite cold , a little German
band "made good" on Norfolk avenue
last evening.
The Woman's club will meel with
Mis. C B. Dm land Mondn > afteinoon
at 2 DO o'clock.
A meeting of the Klks will be held
tonight and membcis me specially
niged to be piesent.
Or C. A. McKim is conllned to his
homo as the lesult of Illness contract
ed after a sKty-mile diive the caily
part of this week.
Clght ladies bilnging their lunch
smpilsed Mis. D.uld Kulin Friday he-1
tote theii dcpaitme tor Califomia
next week.
The Woman's Home Mlsslonniy so
ciety of the Methodist church will
meet witli Mrs. F F. Brown on South
Eighth stieet Tuesday afternoon at 3
John Robinson , manager of the Nor
folk Iron and Metal company , left the
city Saturday morning for Chicago
with a car of scrap iron nnd a large
number of animal skins.
There will be n special meeting of
the Eastern Star club tonight nt Ma
sonic hall to complete organisation ,
nnd all members of the Eastern Star.
and the Masons aio asked to attend.
While standing in.fiont of the Low
feed store Filday evening a horse belonging -
longing to W. B. Rogers suddenly fell
over and lay on the pavement for some
time. It was lalsed to its feet after
some difllculty.
Mrs. McMnrphv , state food inspect
or , will be in Norfolk next Tuesday
i afteinoon to deliver an address in the
I First Congiegational church on "Pure
Food. " Mrs. McMuiphy conies to
, Norlolk under the auspices of the W.
, C. T. U.
Leonaid Bolin , dlstiict foieman of
the Nebraska Telephone company. Is
In the city making arinngements to'
I place cables in the prominent business
i buildings foi better distribution , and
i in connection witli the woik of the
undeiground service.
Work of paving was lesumed Sat-
m day morning when Superintendent'
James Craig and n foice of men put
. in opeuition a large gasoline blower'
lor torch which is being used to thaw
out the conciete that has become
frosted and covered with Ice. Mr.
Craig says that the conciete is not
fion'ii and that a week will complete
the paving work in Norfolk.
The pi Ice of upper berths In sleep
ing cars will suffer n decrease of 20
pei cent commencing February 1. This i
applies only to upper berths. Agents i
of sleeping cais in Noifolk have re
ceived this humiliation The tegular
sleeping car rates to Deadwood aie
now S3 , to Rapid City and Buffalo Gap i
$250 , to Chadron $2. These jates will
also get a JO percent cut commencing
Rosa A Beels , formeily Mrs. Fiank
Beels , was in the Millnid hotel at
Omaha when that hotel was paitl.v de |
stroyed by ( Ire last Sunday night
Mrs. Beels , according to icports , be
came veiy excited during the bla/e
and made her escape to the stieet ,
forgetting that she lelt her C-months- [
old baby behind In a loom which she
occupied. A porter making an Investi
gation to see It all had escaped , found [
the baby and dellveied It safely into
the arms of its mothei
Judge C F. IClscley levlved n judg
ment Friday which had been on his
docket for live years. The case in |
question was A H. Kiesau versus W.
.1 Braasch of Platte county for $150 j
on a note The judgment was Hist t
entered in the justice docket five years
ago by Judge Chester A Fuller Fii *
day morning the attorneys for the
plalntift appealed and declared the
judgment had become dormant nnd j
asked that it be revived. This will be
done if the defendant does not appear
before January 30 and show cause why ,
the case should not be continued.
Mrs Luclncla U. Mapes , aged 84 ,
mother of Hurt Mapes , Is suffeilng
from a sprained wrist and several 1
bruises , among them one on the head ,
as the result of accidentally falling
down a few steps leading to the Mapes
nt 515 North Tenth street ,
where she Is making her homo with
her neil and family No one was pres
ent when the accident took place , but
the aged Ind.v was found bing uncon
scious by her giamlHon , Andrew
Mapes , and Miss Ah Ira Durland. who
were alone In the house Mrs. ( ! . T
Sprocher. who w'as called In when Mis.
Ala lies was found , aided In carrying
her to her room Shu was reported
much hotter Satuiday niotnlng.
Manager George Loan of the Pee
ple's Department stoic Is n much woi *
rlod man today over an aeeident which
ocelli red at the I'nlon Pacific depot
Friday morning. The Madison train
had stalled , leaving a number of pas
sengers behind. Among these passen
gers was a woman with two small chil
dren. While the woman lap after the
Iialn carrying two heavy grips , the
two children followed her. .Mr. Loan
happened to be present and picked up
both children , but In some way one nf
them dropped out of his arms , falling
heavll > on the frozen ground. The
tialn was stopped on Norfolk avenue
and the woman nnd children safely de
posited on n platform of a ear. The
injuiojl child was crying bitterly nnd
Mr. Loan fears it was seriously hurt.
Abe Hummel Says He's Never , Never
Coming Back.
New Yoik , Jan. 2S Abe Hummel
sailed on the Adriatic. He will not re-
tin n , he sa.vs , to this "ungrateful
land. "
I "I call myself a citizen of the woild
now , " he said with tragic gestuie. "I
will make my home in Pails. I never
expect to see the Statue of Llbcity
again. "
Abe Hummel , an attorney with a
leputatlon along Hroadway , locently
served a vear In prison for perjury In
a divorce suit.
I New YorK , Jan. 28. Not in many
weeks have so many peisons left New
York in a day foi foreign ports as
sailed today. The number of them is
close to 2,000 , and the majority of
them aie going to warm climates.
Halt of these are going to southern
Km ope and noithein Africa , and the
other half to South Aft lea and the
\Vest Indies. One thousand and eigh
teen cabin passengeis me booked for
Km ope by seven steamships , four of
Which will steam toi northern poits
and thiee for the Mediterranean.
1 To Protect All from Fire Danger.
With the installation of the large
chemical tank on the hose wagon of
the Norfolk liio depaitment , distncts
\\heie there aie no water mains are
now piotected from Hie as well as the
distilcts where theie is sufficient wa
Diher Monroe , assisted by Walters
& Son , completed the installation of
the tank and its apparatus yesterday
and the wagon is now ready to go to a
1 fire in any part of the city where
heretofore , it could only be used in
districts where there was plenty of
. The wagon is now as complete as
any combination hose and che.nical
wagon used in anj lire department in
the state.
The workings of this tank are very
interesting. The tank itself holds for
ty gallons of fiie fighting fluid. Each
[ gallon of this is equal to forty gallons
of water in flie extinguishing quality
The tank has been placed directly
underneath the drivel's seat. To this
tank is attached 150 feet of small hose
which is carried in a large iron bas
ket elevated high enough above the
| box of the wagon to allow the storage
of 700 feet of regular fire hose. Ont
another side of the wagon is a contrivance -
trivance connected with this tank
whereby ordinary water can be used
should the chemical not be required.
The "average lire lasts about forty
[ ' minutes and it is claimed bj Mr. Mon-
that theie is sufficient fluid in the
tank to put out a fire. Mr. Monroe
manufactures the fluid for the chemical -
ical tanks at the fire station and says
; lie can recharge the tank after It has
been emptied at the flie , in three min
' ' utes. Two ladders will also be in
stalled on this wagon.
Heretofore the wagon carried about
1,400 feet of common fire hose , mak
ing the weight of the wagon with < ts
full equipment 3,860 pounds. vVith
about 700 feet of hose taKen off and
with the Installation of thf > chemical
tank it will now weigh about the same
_ _
Governor Reappoints All Save Two of
Former Staff.
Lincoln , Jan. 28. Governor Aldrlch
has made his appointments under the
new bank laws and they will go Into
effect as soon as the mandate Is re
cehed from the supreme court an
nouncing the fact that the bank guar
anty law is upheld. Those who are to
be reappointed are- Secretary , Ed
Royse ; clerk , N P. Persinger ; assist
ant , Maude Hoge ; examiners , Clar
ence W. Eiwin , F M. Stapleton , Ed
ward Emmett and E II. Mullowney.
A new stenographer is appointed in
Ella J. Stevenine. The new examln
ers are Joseph L. Swoboda of Able
and Claude M. Trltter of Brady. They
icplace J. A Bartos of Wilbur am
O. II. Beaumont of Lincoln. The gov
einor Intends to appoint three more
making a total of nine.
A Representative Says He Was Threat
ened as to Vote.
Denver , Jan. 28. Representative
. Judkins , democrat , of Aspen , create <
an uproar in the house this morning
I by declaring thnt ho had been appoint
ed by Speer men and told that unles
he voted for Mayor Speer of Denve
for United States senator he need no
hope to get any bills through the
house ,
Mr. Judkins1 charge was made prio
to today's ballot , the Aspen report ris
ng to a question of personal prlvl-
ege. Representative Betts of Lead-
Ille asked him to state who made
lie threat , but Mr. Judkins declined ,
, ntcr Mr. Judkins , under a fire of
uestlons from other members , quail *
led his statement. He said he did
ot mean to say that he had hcetrtold
f he did not vote for Speer his hills
vould not pass , but was told that If ho ,
Id not support "certain mcnsuics and
ote for a certain man" his legislation
vonld suffer. The house took no ncI
Ion at this time
Red Cloud Drops Out. |
( Jranil Island , Neb. , Jan. 28. Special
o The News- President Slcvors of
he Nebraska stale league this morn *
ng received ofllclal notice to with *
raw Red Cloud from the league. Dlf * ,
lenities of n llnancinl nature , com *
Inecl with trouble of n local natnie ]
cgnrdlng some players was the cause.
MIC franchise , Including players , arc
or sale. A league meeting will bo
tilled as soon as offers are received. ,
Investigate Balllnger Report.
Washington , Jan. 28. An Investlga-
Ion to determine what happened to
lie Halllngei-Pincliot committee spc *
inl repot t , which Representative
lltchcock of Nebraska declaiod had
teen unaccountably lost In Its trans-
nlsslon fiom the house to the com-
nittee on agriculture , was begun to-
lay by the house committee on rules ,
"he committee summoned Asher
linds , parliamentary clerk to the
speaker , and J. W. H. Reslnger , print-
r nnd document clerk , and requested
in exact statement of the methods
hat had been followed In referring
he report to the committee. The
louse will be summoned before the
ommlttee next week.
Mexican Leader Reported Killed.
Douglas , Ailv. , Jan. 28. News
cached Douglas today of fighting be- [
ween Mexican troops and the rebels
n the vicinitv of Sahuarlpa , following
he capture of that city by the Insur- j !
; ents several days ago. The federal
'orccs aie said to have been decoyed
nto a disadvantageous position where
lie lebels poured a dea-Hy fire , com-j [
iletely defeating them. Jefe Chapa
> f Moctecnma , who organised the fed-
jial forces , Is leported killed.
No Election In Iowa.
DCS Moines , Jan. 28. Today's ballot
n the Iowa legislature for United
States senator was as follows : I
Ken von 35 , Funk 30 , Young 26 ,
latst 1 , Potter ( domociat ) 10. Ah
soul. 21 Nocossaiv to oloct. fi"
Denies She Wired Husband to Meet
Her in Denver To Get Divorce ?
Fiemont Tiibnne That she has no
ntcntlon of ever living again with
icr husband and that she will scenic
divoice fiom him Is the claim of
Mis. Ella Hoshor-Ditchen , set forth in
n lettei to the Tribune. The letter1
'omes ' fiom Los Angeles , Calif. , wheie
Mis. Hoshoi-Dltchen Is now staying
t the King Hdwaid hotel. Mrs.
ioshor-DItchcn , who left Fremont os-i
enslbly to get away fiom Ditchen , to
vhom she was mauled after a bilef
ouitshlp , says in her letter : ' '
"It Is not true that I telegiaphed
Mr. Ditchen at Not folk from Denver
o meet me When I left him in Fie-
mint I left him foi good and am now
naking pieparatlons to get a divorce ,
wish you would make this fact pub-1
ic. "
Mis Ditchen's statement to the Fie
nonl Tilbune is iiithci misleading. A
N'ews man was showifthe dispatch ie-
feucd to , at the time it came fiom.
Denver. In it Mis. Ditchen said-
'You need not be suipiised that I am _
lere. Wire me , care - hotel. ' 'J 1
.Mr. Ditchen showed this message to
; uove that his wife was not running
: iom him , as Ftemont people had al
leged. She has communicated with
liiu fiom Los Angeles in a mannei
iltogether eontiadiotoiy to her letter.
o the Fiemont Tiibune. I
Estate Transfers.
ransfers of estate for the past ,
week , compiled by Madison County ,
Abstract fc Guaiantce Co. , office with.
Mapes < t Ha/en. |
Alfied W. Lintecum to lleniiette
Piouss , W. D , S5noo , eM : s > w ' 4 and ,
pail swisoJ4 35-24-2 |
Minnie Giant to Hairiet N. Mather ,
W D , $1,100 , lot 3. block 10. Westein
Town Lot's Co. , addition , Noifolk.
William Rlthe to Elsie Ricke Blank ,
W. I ) . , $1. lots 1. : and 14 , block 11 ,
Doisey Pl.ue addition , Norlolk.
Jinny Collins to George Brand , W.
D. . $ : ! 75 , lot 5 , block 90 , F. W Barnes'
Fifth addition , Madison.
Reinhold Maass \Vilhelm Maass ,
W. D. , $1 , lot IS , block 5 , Pasevvalk's
Third addition , Noifolk.
P J. Baines to Chi Is L Andeison ,
W D. , $550 , .south 22 feet of lot 8 and
noitli i > feet of lot 7 , block 5 , Kimball
& Blaii's addition. Noifolk Junction.
Oscai Heebe to J. W McCallum ,
W. D. . $200 , part of outlet 1 , Meadow
( love.
William H BlaKeman to Norfolk Oil
& Chemical Works. W. D. , $3,000 ,
block 3 , Beai & Mathew son's addition ,
Thomas B. Twomble , et al , to Nor
lolk National bank. W. D. . $1 , etc. , lot
4 , and west 42 feet lot 3 , block 3 , Math
ew son's addition , Norlolk.
State of Nebraska to W. C. Shlend *
er , state deed , $1.440 , swU 3G-22-3.
State ol Nebraska to Morris Gross ,
state deed , $1.120 , so > 4 3021-1.
United States to Beiand Linder *
mnnn , patent , nxv > 4 32-24-2.
United States to George Heuer *
inunn , patent , swp 29-24-2 ,
Bucks Stove Boycott Case Thrown Out
of Court Other Still On.
Washington , Jan. 28. Oral argu
ments In the so called "boycott * cttsu
of i the Bucks Stove and Range com *
pnuj | of St. LouK Mo , against the
Ameilcan Fedeintlon of Labor , weio
stopped i by the United States mi-
pi | pine court heie The conit i cached
thu I conclusion that the pintles to the
case < had settled their dlfleicures out
of < court and that theieforo no Issues
remained i foi It to pass upon
Following thnt action the couit lis
tened I to oial arguments on the "con
tempt" I case embracing the chaigo of
the I Bucks Htove and Range compnnv ,
against i Gompcis , John Mitchell and
Fiank , Monlson , Its secretary , had
violated the Injunction of the supreme
court < of the Dlstiict of Columbia in
the | "boycott" case. Each was held 10
bo | guilty nnd sentenced to Jail. Aigu-
ments ] will be finished Monday
Separate Church and State.
Lisbon , Jan. 28 , Foreign Minister
Maehade announced thnt the govern
ment's decice , separating the church
and state , would bo promulgated withIn -
In n month. Nevertheless , he added ,
the government has expressed regret
to the Vatican that the pope had no
representative in Portugal , where the
"faithful" are so numerous.
Death of F. J. Wlesner.
West Point , Neb. , Jan. 28. Special
to The News : Forlan J. Wlesner , one
of the oldest settlers and best known
citizens of Cumlng county , passed
away at the home of his daughter ,
Mrs , A. J Langer , at Davenport , Okln. ,
on Thursday morning. The deceased
was a native of Bohemia and was 70
years of age at his death. _
An epidemic of grip is prevailing In"
West Point , largo numbers of people
being quite seriously 111 with the dis
ease. It appears to attack all ages
and conditions of people , young and
old being alike afflicted.
Martin Pinker , an aged and well
known old settler of Lincoln township
and father of Clerk of the Dlstiict
tComt J. C. Pinker , died at the family
home and was Interred at St. John's
Catholic church at Ilowell , Father 55ak
officiating. The deceased leaves a
widow and oiglit children. He was a
native of Bohemia and had resided In
Cumiiig count } neaily thlity years.
He leaves a valuable ostato.
Murder Will be Charge.
The pielimlnaiy healing of Heniy
Stchr , stepfathei of little Kiiurt Stobr
who died this week as a lesult of in
human tieatment at the hands of
Stehr and his wife , aecoidlng to the
coioner's veidict , will be held Mon
Wlille the chuige has not jot been
filed , it Is cousldeicd highly piobablc
that , fiom the tone of the toionei's
veidict , fiist degice mm del will be
chained by County Attoiney Nichols.
In fact , The News has reason to believe
lievo this will he the ciiaige
Tills would cairy with it ail the
lesser degiees of minder.
Little Grave to Be Marked.
Neligh , Neb. , Jan. 2C. Editor News'
In today's isrue of The News we note
that a News leader of Stuait would
stait fund for memorial to little Kaurt
This is in itself a veiy commend
able spiiit and shows how the hearts
of a reading public go out in sympa
thy to the fate of this innocent child.
Sentiment and pity for the little one
can not of course undo what lias been
done , but it can maik the lostlng
place of the little martyr.
In full sympathy with jour Stnait
leader and others of your valued pa
per , we beg to ask that they foiogo
public subsetiption and we will place
at the giave of little Kauit a respect
able monument without cost to any
body but ourselves.
If our offer meets with approval
'please send necessaiy dates to in
'sciibe on monument and we will se-
lect a suitable stone from our stock
and set as soon as weather will per
mit. Yours truly ,
The Neligh Marble and Granite
Works , by F. G. Auiinger , treasuier
and general manager.
That a fund would have been i ais
led If It had been needed to maik little -
tlo Kauit Stehr'h giave , was evidenc-
'ed rilda > moining when , almost be-
'foic the daj had begun , Julius Kell ,
la neighbor of the Steins' In Edge-
water , called at The News to contii-
bnte $1 Mr Kell's contilbution will
'now be letmned , Inasmuch as - the
Neligh film has so geneiously olfoi-
ed to donate a stone foi the llttio
ipanpei's I lesting place
I ' Even before Mr Kell had appealed
at The News office , however , J M
Beaver , postmaster at Sciibner , Neb ,
had stalled the fund A letter just
received trom him was mailed at
.Sciibner Thuisclay afteinoon. appai-
| ently a few minutes after the noon
News bad i cached Sciibner Mr
I Beaver ' sent $1 with which to stait the
Notice of Probate of Foreign Will.
In the county couit of Madison
county , Nebiaska.
The state of Nobiaska , Madison
county , ss.
To Emma M. Van Vechten. widow ,
Mary Van Vechten Pinckney , daugh
ter. Charles D Van Vechten , Ralph
Van Vechten , Emma Van Vechten
Shaffei , Carl Van Vechten , Mrs. Em
ily Hagey. Mis Lenette W. Butler
Josle Hngo > , Fannie Van Vechten ,
fiMrs Addle Lawton , Mrs. Charlotte M
Humpliiev , Minnie Heih Banon , C. K
Shaffer , W. H. Hagey , Grace Hagey
Charlie Hagey , the oldest daughter 01
Mis. Kate Dlmond Hurley. Miss Ella
Lucore. the oldest daughter of Mrs
Canlo Karlik Posplshll , Miss Anna
Smoufio , E. M. Scott , Mis. Maude W
Carpenter , Frank Filip. Miss Ella S
Morriman , Walter Allison , Miss liar
riet M. Morton , Mrs. Maiy Anderson
Haynes , Henry G. Page. Henry G
Page , Jr. Ruth Page , M. W. Pinckney
C. H. Humphrey , Frank Humphrey
Fred Humphrey , Clyde Humphrey
Lena Hnfter , D. Theodore Morritt ant
Homo for-thu Friendless of Cedar Rup
Ids , Iowa , and all poisons Interested
In th < > will and estate of Giles F.
( Fonda ) Van Vocht Into of Linn
countj , state of Iowa , deceased
Whereas , Kniinn M. Van Vochton
and Charles D Van Vochtou. oxccut-
01 s of the last will and testament of
said Giles F. Van Vcchton , liavo filed
In my office a duly authenticated copy
of an Instiumcnt pmpoitlng to lie the
hist will and testament of Giles F
Van Vochton , docoaHod , and of the
piocoodlngs of the probate thoic'tif In
and by the dlstiict court of Iowa. In
and foi Linn county , and also their
petition , duly vorlllod. playing thnt
oald Instrument may bo piobatod , al
lowed and iceoidcd In this couit as
the last will and testament of said do-
coax-d , and for such piocoodlngs as
the law icqulres.
H is therefore oidorded that the
27th day of February , t ! 11 , at I
o'clock p. m. at the county e-cniit loom
In Madison , In said count.v of Madi
son , Nebraska , Is the tlmo and place
appointed for homing said matter ,
when all poisons Interested therein
may appear at the hearing In the conn
ty court to be held In and for said
county , and show ennsn , If any thoio
be , why the piayor of the pctltlonois
should not be gianted and the said In
strument probated , and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and the
healing thereon bo given to all per
sons interested by publishing a copy
of this older In the Norfolk Weekly
NewH.Jomnnl , a legal weekly newspa
per , printed , published and of general
eli culntlon In said county , thieo sue1 *
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Witness no hand and official seal ,
at Madison , In said county , this 2tth !
day of January , A. D. 1911.
Win. Bates.
( Seal ) County Judge.
To William Hicks , Non-rosldent do-
ondant :
You aio hereby notified that on the
7th day of October. 1010 , Tlllie Hicks
filed a petition against you in the dls-
rlct court of Madison county , No-
> inska , the object and pinjer of which
no to obtain a dfvoice from you on
he gi omuls of ciuelty , failuie of sup
1011 , adultery and dosoitlon.
That on the 2Cth day of Jnnuaiy ,
911 , Honoiablo Anson A Welch ,
udgc of said couit. at cbambcis upon
icniing entoiod an older autlioiI/Ing
lotlco by publication on defendant of
lie filing and prndoiuv of said action
s piovided b.v the code of chll pio-
eduie of Nebiaska
Yon arc requited to nnswei said po-
itlou on or befoio Monday , the 13th
la > of March. A D 1011
Tlllie Hicks ,
Jnnnniy 2C , 1911 Plaintiff.
By H F Barnhart.
Her Attorney.
Order of Hearing
n petition for appointment of admin-
stiator or administratrix.
The .state of Nebraska , Mat'ison
ounty , ss.
At a county touit held at the conn-
y touit room , In and foi said county ,
unuaiy 24 , A. D. 1911.
Piesent , Wm. Hates , county judge
In the niattei ol the estate of Ethel
-ong , deceased.
On leading nnd filing thu petition of
Thomas Long , piajing that adminis-
ration of said estate be giantod to
Miomas Long as administiatoi.
Ordeied , That Fobiuaiy 20 , A. D
911. at 1 o'clock p. m Is assigned for
leailng said petition. v\hon nil pei *
ons Interested in said matter may
ippear at a county conit to bo held
it the couit room in and 101 said
ounty , and show cause why the pia > *
r ot petltionoi should not be giant *
'd , and that notice ol the pondencv
f said petition and the hearing tlieio-
if , be snn to all poisons interested
n said matter by publishing a copy
this older in the Noifolk Weekly
S'ovvsJoninal , .1 weekly newspaper
Hinted , published and ciiciliated in
- > aid county , foi tlnee successive
veeks , pi lor to said day of heaiing.
A titio copy ) Wm , Hates ,
Seal ) County Judge
Order of Hearinq
m petition lei appointment of admin-
stiator 01 administiatiix
The state ol Nebraska Madison
sonnty , ss.
At a county couit held at the county
couit loom , in and tor said county ,
lanuaij 24 , A. D 1911.
Present. Wm Bates , county judge
In the matter of the estate of Sainli
1C. Long , deceased.
On leading nnd filing the petition of
Thomas Long , piaying that adminis
tuition of said estate mnv be gi anted
to Thomas Long , as adminlstiator
Oidered , That Febinaiy 20 v D.
1911 , at 1 o'clock p m Is assigned for
heaiing said petition , when all per
sons Interested In said matter may
appear at a county couit to be held
nt the couit loom In and for J > ald
county , and show cause why the
pi aver of petitioner should not bo
granted , and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hearing
tbeieof , be given to all peisons Inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this older In the Norfolk
Weekly News-Journal , a weekly news
paper pi intecl , published and circulat
ed in said county , for three successive
weeks , pr.or to said day of homing.
( A tine copy )
Wm. Bates ,
( Seal ) County Judge.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
and dliected to mo h > the clerk of
the district couit of Madison county ,
Neb , upon a decree of foreclosure
iendei 3d by the district court of said
county , on the 28th day of November ,
1910 , In favor of David Rees , for the
film of $135.80 , with Interest at 7 portent
tent from November 28 , 1910 , and also
for the sum of $2,338.35 , 'with interest
at S percent per annum from Novem
ber 28 , 1910 ; nnd the further sum of
$11 > 2.$0 , with interest nt 10 percent
per annum from November i8 ! , 1010 ,
and In favor of the plaintiff for the
sum of $ r > r > r .r > .r > . with lutoicst at 7 per
cent per annum from November ' 'H ' ,
HMO. and In favor of Robert King
for the sum of JIOH.10. with Inloieit
at 7 POM tint per annum fiom Novem
ber 28 , 1910 ; and In favor of William
nobler , for the sum of $20.10 , with In-
Iciest at 7 pel com per annum from
N'ovombcr 28 , 1910. together with.
& .i > > ? f > costs of suit , and acciulng COHH ( ,
In an action whoioln IMwnids & Hind-
Ion ! Lumber company Is plaintiff nnd
Hanlott L. Chamheilaln and John C.
Chamboihiln. et al , are defendants. I
will ofier the piomiRcs doBctlhcd In
said decree and taken as the property
of the said defendants , Hanlott L.
Clinmhoilnln and John C. Chambor-
'iiln , to-wlt Lot 5 and the west 10
foot of lot I and the east 35 feet of
lot 3 , of R. G Fleming's subdivision
to the city of Noifolk , In Madison
i ounty , Nob. , for sale at public auction
to the highest bidder , for cash In hand ,
on the 23d day of Februaiy , 1911 , nt
the hour of t o'clock , p in. , nt the
east door of the conrthoiiso , In Madl-
FOII , In said county and state , that be
ing the building whcieln the last term
of the said couit was hold , when nnd
whoio duo attendance will bo given
by the undersigned.
Dated this 1 lib day of Januaiv \
D. , 1H11.
C. S. Smith ,
Shcilff of said County.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant * .
Fred O. Thl em and Ktmlo Thlein his
wife , non-iesldont defendants , will
take notice that on the 19th day of
Jnntmiy , 1911 , the Chicago Lumber
company of Omaha , plaintiff , filed lt
petition In the district court of Madi
son county , Nebraska , against the said
Frc'd ' O. Thlcm and Sifclo Thlem , hn (
wlfo , and other defendants , the object
and piayer of which petition are to
foreclose n mechanic's lion upon tu&
following descilbed piemlses In Mad
ison county , Nebraska , viz : Commenc
ing nt a point whore the north line of
Park avenue and the east line of
Chestnut stiect in Park addition to
Noifolk , Nebiaska , Intel sect ; thence
1101 th twonty-iivo rods , thence east six
ty-four lods , thence south twenty-livo
iods and tlienco west sixty-four lods
to the place of beginning. The said
mechanic's lien was filed by the plain *
lift above named upon and against
said ptomlsos on the 28th day of Jan *
uaiy , 1910 , lei the sum of $79750 for
lumber and building materials furnish
ed by the said plaintiff and used in
the coiiBtiuctlon of a dwelling house
on said piomlsfs The amount still
due and unpaid upon said lien Is the.
sum ol $797.50 and Intelost thoieon
lioni the 28th dnj ol Junnnrv , 1910 at
7 per cent per annum.
The plaintiff In Its petition asks
judgment foi the said sum of $797 50
and inletent theieoii at 7 pei cent fiom
the 28th day of Jannaiy , 1910 , and
costs for filing said Hen In the sum ot
i-2.35 , and that said piomlses be sold
nccoiding to law and the proceed * *
theieof applied to the payment of said
judgment and costs.
You are requhed to answer said pe
titlon on or beloic the 27th duv of
February , 1911.
The Chicago Lumber Company of
Omaha , Plaintiff
Dated this 19th da > ol .Inmiaiv , 1911.
By M. D. Tylei. its Attoiney
WANTED All parties Interested in
the Gulf const , Texas , countiy to write
us foi Infoi inatlon. Come to a coun
try whoie two crops can be grown
each year , wheie the soil Is good , wa-
l jr sweet and puic , where the sun of
summer is tempered by the cool
bree/e fiom the gulf and where stock
does not have to be fed more than
half the year. Get in touch with the
Tracy-Enos Land Co. , Victoria. Texas.
WANTED- Success Maga/ine r
qulies the seivices of a man in Nor
folk to look after oxpiilng subscrip
tions and to sec me new business by
means of special methods usually ef
fective , position peinianent prefer
one with expoiieiicc , but would con
sider any applicant with good natural
qualifications , salaiy $1 50 pei day ,
with commission option Address ,
with lefeiences , R. C' . Peacock , Room
102 , Success Magn/lne Bldg. , New.
Yoik. ' )
_ n fki'lrh dt'.d ilorrnillnn m >
iinreilnin our < > | nilon ( tte whether o
liiTi'inlon is pn lint v p , i nil i hln ( .iimnniilov
UoiiinlrlcllroontMonii < l HANHLUOK un I'ateaU
l nt Iri'o. cililol iiL'rui fur CM urinK luteiiti.
ratpnm ink n thrniiun film n , v CD recelTt
tftetal notice , nil limit ttinrvv , iiiltio
Scientific JHnerican
A h ndoonii > lf llliiMr.MPrt weeklr I urceil elr.
million nt nur rdcnllUi * journal 'I criiin. l >
rear : four nuinllii , f L HolUbjull ' '
IlruicU Office. C3V Y HI. Wubluiilcn. It , U.