THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL . . . . NOKKOLK. NKBKASKA. KUIPAY. FKniU'AHY : { 1)11 ! ) 30 KILLED BY MONSTER BLAST THREE INVESTIGATIONS INTO GI GANTIC N. Y. EXPLOSION. 23 ARE BLOWN TO ATOMS Property LOBB from Wednesday's Ex plosion of 50,000 , Pounds of Dyna mite Placed Around the Million Dollar lar Mark Greatest Blast In History. New York. Fob. 2. Three separate Investigation- : ! were started today to fix the responsibility for the dynamite explosion In New Vork harbor yester day. One will bo conducted by a cor oner's Jury under Coroner James M. Houghton of Jersey City ; another by Inspector of Combustibles James M , Connolly of Jersey City , and a third by Public Prosecutor Plono P. Garvon of Hudson county , New Jersey. Def inite estimates of the number of dead are still Impossible. The total of dead nnd missing Is thirty. The list of dead In the hands of the coroner Is seven and It is that olllcial's belief that most of the twcnty-tliree men whom ho classes as "missing" were blown to atoms. The property loss , according to va rious ollleial estimates , will be be tween $750,000 and $1,000,000. The heaviest sufferer In this respect Is the Central railroad of New Jersey , at whoso docks the disaster occurred. Mr. Hosier sets their loss at about $200,000. The United States government is also a heavy loser with $50,000 dam age at Ellis Island and an additonal $10,000 or $15,000 at the army head quarters on Governors island and at Bedloes Island , where tlio Statue of Liberty was shaken bare of many windows dews and big electric lignts. The blast was probably the largest explosion of dynamite that has ever occurred anywhere , intentionally or by accident. Fifty thousand pounds went up In the single detonation. Criminal Negligence Hinted at. The declaration of James Connolly , Inspector of combustibles in Jersey City , that dynamite from powder plants in New Jersey had been han dled at Cummunlpay without proper license and in violation of the local ordinance , caused particular interest to be attached to the investigation he purposed taking. Public Prosecutor Qarven of Hud' son county , New Jersey , in whoso Ju risdiction the explosion occurred , was engaged today in his investigation of the calamity. "All 1 can say , " said the prosecutor , "Is that It may be seveial days before all the facts are in shape. If these facts disclose there has been ciiminnl negligence we will place them before the grand jury. " A revised list of the dead , so far as known , made public today , is as fol lows : t Many Are Missing. James Armstrong of Jersey City captain of the powder boat Whistler. Robert Harbour of Now York City , a railroad passenger. Robert Bennett of New York City , captain of the tug John Tuouhy. James Lundigan , captain of the pow der boat Katherlne W , address not learned. Charles McNeill , engineer of switch engine in the New Jersey cen tral yards. Giantonomo Morro of Brooklyn stevedore. Michael Morrow , a cousin of Glnnto nome , stevedore. Oscar Stolpe , mate of the Katherine W. Only live bodies had been recovered up to tills noon , and the names of only nine men missing are known. Nearly a score of laborers , names unknown , who vveto on the end of the pier when the explosion occurred , aie unaccount ed for. A round made toaaof the hos pitals in Jersey City , in which victims of the explosion ate lying injured , re vealed that no additional deaths had occuned. Because of grave danger In handling dynamite In the dark , the work of clearing away the wreckage and searching the ruins on the Jersey Cen tral pier was abandoned last night , but it was resumed early today. No additional bodies were found during the afternoon. The time for the beginning of the coronet's inquest into the disaster was today set tin next Tuesday. No Election In New York. Albany , Fob. 2 No choice for sen ator on the foutteontti ballot. THE EXTREMES OF DIVORCE. Domestic Felicity Appears to Prevail Among the Ministers. Now York. Feb. 2. According to figures - ures prepated for the Now York Pies- bytorian Ministers association , actors and actresses are the most given to divorces of any class or occupation , while ministers , in proportion to their number , are less frequently divorced than any other class of Individuals. Less Shocks at Mt. Taal. Manila , Feb. 2. Bulletins Issued at the observatory today note a de crease in the earth shocks but the officials are unwilling to assume that the eruptions from Mount Taal are abating. CONDITION OFTIIE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum 41 Minimum G Average 2,1 Barometer 110.08 Chicago , Feb. 2. Tlw bulletin Is sued by the Chicago st'iitlon of thu United States weather bureau given the forecast for NebraHka as foliown : Increasing cloudiness tonight and Friday , wanner tonight. A FATAL STORM ON SPANISH COAST SCORE OF FISHING CRAFT DASH ED TO PIECES , MANY BODIES - IES FOUND. Barcelona , Feb. 2 A wild stoim swept the Spanish const last night A score of llshlng craft vveio dashed on the locks and inan > of their ciews lost. Today the bodies of twenty-live sailors weu picked up along the coast. 30 DIE IN SPANISH WRECK Washout In Track Causes Derailment of Train With Fatal Results. Barcelona , Feb. 2. The derailing of the passenger tialn at Valencia yesterday was caused by a washout of the road bed Thiity pet sons vveie killed. KILLS OTHER MAN ; SAVES HER HUSBAND KANSAS CITY WOMAN ENDS DES PERATE FIGHT WITH A BULLET. Kansas City , Mo. , Feb. 2. While her husband , Chailes Ufloid , was en gaged in a desperate fight witli Ed ward Huxford , who recently came hoie from Des Moines , In. , Mrs. Medn Ufford shot and fatally wounded Huv ford at her home in this city last night. Mrs. Ufford told the police that Hux ford , although only slightly acquaint ed with her husband , entered the house without knocking. She said a quarrel and light ensued and when she feared Huxford wouldtdll > husband , she shot the Intruder. MAY DEFEAT INITIATIVE. Every Interest in the State Trying to Boost Percentage for Petition. Lincoln , Feb. 2. Nebraska leglslat ors believe In direct legislation in theoiy almost to a man , but when it comes to presenting that theory in practice , many s-how a desire to kick over the traces. Discussion of the Hatllold initiative and referendum bill was scheduled , but postponed until Friday , perhaps longer , by an agreement reached in a democratic caucus. The democrats , especially those con nected more or less closely with the liquor and other interests , are opposed to granting the people too much pow er. They do not believe voters should have the power to initiate legislation too easily. They assert they ate fearful lest voters will have to work too hard It the booths , voting on laws they may wish to see adopted in the state Those legislators believe voteis should depend on the leglslatute to determine the necessary laws. Train Kills a Horse. Neligh , Neb. , Feb. 2 Special to The News : Fiank Selms , who resides a few miles noith ot Oakdale , me with a mishap Tuesday moining whotebv he lost one of his horses by being struck by the passenger trail No. 6 , going east. It appears that Mr. Selms was abou to cross the tracks north of Ihe towt with a load of corn , and being unabli to see the approaching tiain on accoun of the many bo\ cars , was the dirce cause of the accident. He attempted to tuin ills horses upon seeing th predicament , but because ot the heavy load could only save himself , the * on and one horse. Describing the ac tldent Mr. Seims stated that the hors was hurled fully twenty feet and In stantly killed. Tracing Balllnger Report Washington , Feb. 2. The inle : committee of the house as a lesult of the Investigation demanded by Rep resentative Hitchcock of Nebiaska has not been able to find out what happened to delay the Bnlllnger-Pin- ( .hot investigation teport Public Printer Donnelly testified that ho had given duo diligence to its prepnintion but had not understood it was n "rush job. " The committee will pre sent n chtoiiologlcnl story of the pio- gress of the repot t from the day it came into the house until it finally i cached the agriculture committee and let the house decldo whether blame attaches at any point. Hobo Author to Prison. Tampa. Fla. , Feb. 2. F C. Welch , alias "Penn , the Rambler , " a globe trotter whoso name is written in pub lic places In every city of importance In the United States , was sentenced to servo ten years In the penitentiary for breaking n glass show window and snatching n tray of diamonds , valued at $3,000. Welch has written several stories of hobo life for magazines. HE MAY CALL EXTRA SESSION PRESIDENT CANCELS SOUTHERN TRIP FOR MARCH. POLITICAL TONGUES WAGGING The Announcement That Taft Will not Take the Trip South That He Had Scheduled , Causes Rumors That Extra Session Is Planned. Washington , Feb. 1. ' 1'rcHldcnt Tuft's announcement that the .south em tour which he had planned to take thu eaily pint of next month would be cancelled with the exception of the \islt to Atlanta In March , stalled political tongues to nagging with nimois that his puiposo was to piepaie tor a possible oxtia session congiess In uiso the piesent ses on failed to enact the leeiproelt ) gieeinetit between the United States id Canada. Ptessuio of business and numeious i\ltations to visit many places in the juth while making the tour which id been planned , assuming too large lupottions , are the tensons assigned : > r the ciuu'ollntlon of the trip. Feats ha\o been e.xpiessod that the enato will "talk the measure to eath" or kill it In some other way , though It Is believed the house , lobably with the aid of democrats , ill pass It. If tills should bo the ise , the piesldent will feel , it Is said , tat he can depend on a demociatle ouse , such as would exist after laich 4 , to support him in his efforts : > pass tills legislation. An extra session would force action n the question willi the chances ap < nicntly In fa\or of the ptesident get- ng his rcclpioclty legislation. Would Legalize Boxing. Haitford , Conn. , Feb. 2-A bill to gali/o limit boxing bouts in Con- ecticutsas inttodiiced in the legls- ituio today. It pi ov ides that scion- iilc exhibitions nm > bo given with iiuniclpal authotity and under dltec- on of a supervisor and physician. In Tostling , no stt angle hold will be al- owed , or any holds which are liable o injure a contestant. THE DAKOTA DAYLIGHT BILL. Saloon Measure Agreed to Leave Doors Open Till 9 p. m. Pierre , S. D. , Feb. 2. A daylight sa- > on measure which extends to open revision into the night , or until 9 'clock , is what was agreed to by the louse by a vote heavy enough to re- aln the emergency provision and ex- iinpt the law from the referendum in ase the senate accepts Its provisions , . 'he county option feature of the bill vas easily eliminated , but was attend- d by a con idetable quantity of ora- orical Ilreworks. It is understood .hat . the saloon intctests will concen- tate influence on the senate and un- ilertake to defeat the measure which s championed by the temperance 'otces. ' ASK CHEMIST TO RESIGN. owa State Board of Health Will Oust Des Moines City Official. Des Moines , Feb. 2. The Iowa tate board of health at a secret ueeting jesterday demanded that the late chemist Chatles Kinne.v resign loin that capacity or sever his con- lections as chemist of the city water onian\ | ) . The request is the out ome of a discussion concerning ty ilioid , which existed in PCS Moines ast fall for which the city water was iteld tesponsible. Chinese Plaque Grows Worse. Pc-Mng. Feb. 2. The discovery twenty deaths from the plague have occurred in the Chinese hospital at Tientsin has lenowed the suspicion that the authorities there ate conceal ng the i cat conditions. In doing this , lowevor , the > ate merely complying with an impel ial edict tecpiitly issueil that no icpoits slrould reach the cap ital that woio calculated to cause nlnrm. It is believed here that the plague is not diminishing and the pee pie attached to the legations calculate that there are at least 500 victims dally throughout the infected quattors Famous Violinist There. Nlohintn , Neb , Fob. 2. Special to Pho News : Kodan , the famous Bo hemian violinist , enteitnined nn and' fence in the 7 C B J. opera house. People canio fioin Spencer , Lynch , Vordel , Verdigro and Winnotoon to at tend the conceit and woio highly pleased. A laigo number of his own coiintiymen vveio ptosont to greet the gieat poi former , and many met hln personally after the conceit. Cannon Defends Payne Bill. Washington , Fob 2 "In a month's time wo will bo called upon to enact the reclpiocity agreement with Can ada into a law , but I don't know wlia1 wo are going to do with it wo wil only have to como to a compromise that cares for the industries of all on people. " This was Speaker Cannon's declaration at the banquet of the Na tlonal Association of Wool Manufac turers in a speech in which ho defended fended the Payne-Aldrich tariff act a the b.est revenue measure ever enacl ed , adding ho had no apology to mak for It in any respect TWO YEARS OLD U'upj rlslit , 1911. ) COUNTY OPTION BILL ADVANCED THE OTIS BILL MOVES UP TO THIRD READING KILL AGRf- CULTURAL SCHOOL. Lincoln , Feb. 2. Special to The News : The Otis county option bill vas advanced today to the third read- ng in the senate. In committee of lie whole the house voted to kill East- inn's bill to establish an ngi ( cultural chool in southwest Nebraska. DAKOTA YEGGMEN ESCAPE Two Convicted Bank Robbers Break Jail at Brooklngs , S. D. Sioux City , la. , Feb. 2. Frank . .oftus and William Forbes , convicted tank robbers , escaped from jail at Jrooklngs , S. D. , last night. Friends on the outside assisted thorn. OKLAHOMA WEATHER CHANGE. From 90 In the Shade , Mercury Shoots Down to 29 In Half Day. Tulsa , Okla. , Feb. 2. Following a emperature of 00 degrees yesterday , he hottest February day in the his- 01 y of the country , the thermometer \irly today registered 29 degrees , a Irop of Cl degrees In about twelve lours. No Choice in Iowa. Des Moines , Feb. 2. Today's balloter or Tinted States senator In the Iowa eglslatuio was as follows : Keny-on BG , Young UC , Gaist 1 , Por- er ( democrat ) "I ; absent , 1 ; neces sity to elect , 80. DANVILLE PROBE CONTINUES. Evidence is All Written , Ready to be Reviewed by Committee. Danville , 111. , Feb. 2. State's Attor- icy Lewman this moining stated that evidence given before the grand jury o date was all written and ready so that the juiy might review it at any : ime and begin the work of voting in- lictments. This may be done dining ; he day , although there werp a large number of witnesses on hand this noming , the majority of them being summoned in connection with the vote oiling investigation. A local political worker at the polls nt every election ior seveial yeais was the first witness. He was followed by A. R. Samuels , vice piesident of the Second National liank. It Is believed that between fifty and 100 indictments will be leturned. Thoio now appears no piobablllty of the grand jury being able to teach n final adjournment befoio next Wednes day. Election Commissioner Joseph Barn- halt was summoned to appear before the grand jury today with n list con taining the name of ovoiy registered voter in the city. The clrarge lias been fiequontly made that more votes were cast at the last election than thoio vveio reg- isteied voteis in the city. THE CORPSE WOKE UP. Kentucky Woman Stretches Out Her Hands Following Funeral Sermon. Glasgow , Ky , Fob 2 Striking out her hands toward those who had as sembled about her coffin , Mrs Jane Pltcock , an octogenarian , caused n panic at her funeral nt Gnmnllel. Monroe county , Kentucky , Tuesday nftoinoon nccordlug to reports receiv ed here The funeral sermon bad been pleached when Mrs. PitcocK re gained consciousness She remained allvo for several hours , her death fol lowing at night. Archbishop Ryan Still Alive. Philadelphia , Feb. 2. Archbishop Ryan's condition Is still c.'itlcal , but shows some improvement this morn ing : , Ho slept three hours last night. ROBIN VERDICT DENOUNCED Jerome Says Judge Who Gave De cision is "Half Baked. " New York , Feb. 2. The verdict of a jury which declared Joseph G. Rob in , the indicted banker , as sane , was denounced as nn insult to the profes sional alienists nt a meeting of the section of neurology and psychiatry at the academy of medicine. William Traverse Jerome , who represented Robin , addressed the meeting and told the alienists their piofession as well as his had been insulted. He proposed tlmt if a committee of the Academy of Medicine would ap point a committee of alienists who should lind Robin sane , ho would pos itively enter a plea of guilty to the Indictments In behalf of his client and interpose no defense. The Times quotes Mr. Jerome as addressing the meeting in part as follows : "Your profession has been insulted by this half-baked judge who holds of- lice by the grace of Charlie Murphy , and so has mine. I love my profession and you love yours , and we will not stand to have them dragged into the tniie. The proceeding was the most ridiculous and absorbed on record , but the time lias not come when an insane man can bo tried for an alleged crime in this state. " The meeting decided to appoint a committee to draft tesolutions de nouncing the \etdict and to decide what fuither action should be taken. The juiy which found Robin sane did so contrary to the testimony of six ptofessional alienists. Judge Edward Swann is the justice referred to. MISS ARNOLD NOT FOUND. No Fresh Clews Regarding Where abouts of Missing Heiress. New Yotk , Feb. 2. The fait that Miss Dotothy Ainold made a trip to Washington , IX C. , and lemalned theio seveial days shoitly befoie her disappearance on December 12 , was made public today by John S. Keith of the law Him directing the search for the missing hell ess Mr Keith do- claied , however , that this tiip had nothing to do with the gill's disap pearance. "Out of the do/ens of possible clews wo have failed to develop anything new , " said Mr. Keith. "We aie still | searching for Miss Ainold on both sides of the Atlantic but theio is nothing to wairant us in entertaining the hope she will bo found soon. " Heavy Storm in Dakotas. St. Paul. .Minn. , Fob 2. Noithetn Minnesota , Noith and South Dakota and seveial Canadian piovluces weie swept by a snow and sleet storm , ac companied by high winds which lust night showed no abatement. Duluth's stieets nio piled high with snow and schools vveio closed theio Trains ate lopoitcd stalled at vnilous points In the noithwest. Miss Taft Goes to Bed Early. Washington , Feb. 2. Members of the younger set in Washington socie ty are bound to become "healthy , wealthy and wise" If there is any truth in the old saw which makes , those results follow the adoption of the "eatly to bed and early to rise" rule. Miss Helen Taft , daughter of f the president , has sot the fashion In i this .respect and naturally all the > young people in capital society ate i following her lead. When Miss Taft realized that she > must shaio with her mother the bur den of ollleial entertaining at the 31 white house this season , she decided 1 that the "early to bed" plan would bo necessary to maintaining physical and mental poise under the strain. As a result , balls and other social gather ings which In the past wore dragged out Into the early hours of the morn ing now end at midnight , when the president's daughter bids her guests good night. ACT ON BALLINGER CASE. Committee on Agriculture Asks to be Discharged from Duty. Washington , Feb. 2. The long awaited action of the house committee of agriculture on the Ballinger-Pln- ehot investigation lepoit , was taken today. The committee reported that the bill to entry out the investigation report being already pending , it had not function to perform and asked to be discharged from the question. Manila Shaken by Quake. Manila , Feb. 2. A prolonged earth quake moused the residents of Manila today. Revised estimates place the number of those killed by the erup tions of Mount Tnnl and di owned in the tidal waves at COO. These inch do many in the two hamlets which ire being excavated on the north shore of Taal island. Sixty-two bodies were burled in a trench today. Epidemic on Gunboat. Washington , Feb. 2. Because the United States gunboat Marietta has several cases of fever on board , sus pected of being yellow fever , the navy department has ordered the vessel to Key West. It Is expected to arrive at the Florida port February 4. ROB ANOTHER KANSAS BANK. Five Bandits Blow Safe , Secure $2,700 and Escape. Elk Falls , Kan. , Feb. 2. Five rob bers blew open the sale in the State Bank of Elk Falls early today , obtain ed If2,700 and escaped in an automo bile. A posse is in pursuit. Two New Senators Sworn In. Washington , Feb. 2. C. W. Watson of West Virginia and A. J. Gionna of Noith Dakota , successors re.spectlvel > of David Elklns and William E. Purcell - cell , took the oath of oflice at the be ginning of today's session of the sen ate and their seats in that body. IDENTIFY MURDERED WOMAN. Barrel Murder Mystery of Pennsyl vania is Finally Cleared Up. Ila/elton , Pa. , Feb. 2. Accoiding U clews discovcied toda.v the victim ot the ban el minder mvsteiv heie tluei venis ago was piohahl.v Miss Bui tin ( lailow , who disappeaied Iiom West Ila/elton She is said to have knowi the seciets of a blackhand gang ii tills viilnity. The body of the woman was hack ed and then jammed into n sugar bai i el that was set on flic * on Eborvalo mountain wlieio the chaired and un tecogni/able corpse was found by ; miner. Onlv ono shoo and a neck late lemained intact , but they fount no clew to the identity of the victim A Victim to Yellow Fever. New Oi loans , Feb. 2. According to advices leceived here , J. H. Minor o St. Louis , coxswain of the Unitec States ciulser Maiietta , who died Sui day afternoon aboatd the ship In Puer to Coitez haibor , was the victim o yellow lever contracted at Kingston , I Jamaka. SOUTH DAKOJHT A GLANCE Chailes Maney lias been ai rested at Yankton , charged with horse stealing , A meeting of the teachers of Me- Cook county will bo held at Salem on February i. 1 Oiay wolves ate causing heavy losses - , os to farmers and stock growers near ! Cottonwood. Warren H. Smith and Miss Florence M. Gllddcn of Brldgewater were mar ried at Brltt , la. Residents of Wesslngton Springs have appealed to Governor Vessey and the railroad commission for aid In securing - curing telegraphic service. Word reached Coroner Livingston of the accidental death of n son of Thomas Haley nt Mnyfleld , the boy ' having fallen Into a corn Bheller. GARFIELD WAS HELD PRISONER FORMER SECRETARY OF INTERIOR - IOR MAROONED IN MEXICO. HELPED DANDAGETHEWOUNDED For Three Days Insurrectos Held For mer United States Government Of ficial With Other Passengers enTrain Train Ran Out of Food. El Paso , Feb. 2. A numttor of rldeiless cavalry horses sttagglod In to Juaic'7 , opposite El Paso , eaily this moi nlng Indicating that there had been fighting nonr the city , which was piaitluilly suiiounded by lebels all night James It. Gai Held , former secretary of the Interior , was n passenger on the tmln which was marooned when insur gents toio up the track Sunday and for three days vvns hold up with other passengets by the Insurgents. He ar- lived last night with the train , which was allowed to como Into Jnuroz after the rebels linn disembarked thirty miles cast of Jauroz and had begun preparations to attack the border town this morning. While the trains wore marooned south of Jaitrez between Sunday and Wednesday , the food supply of the passengers ran out and insurroctoa 'ed ' them fiom their commissary and rom beeves slaughtered on the spot. Die Insut rectos had n number of voundcd , and there wore treated by lassetigers , Pullman sheets being torn ip for bandages. Former Secretary arflcld assisted in the work. Saloons and gambling houses In Jaurez remained closed nil night , but vero reopened tills morning. Eaily this morning the Jaurez po ice arrested Rafael Escoboso , assist ant superintendent of terminals of the National railways in Jaurcz , and Gas- par Vela , night telegrapher. Jaure-s olllccrs refused to btnte why the ar- ests were made. Authorities of Juarez regaided tbo situation so critical tlmt they are for- ifying the rity to bo ready for an at- ack fiom the insurrectos. Sand bags invo been placed ntoiitid the barracks occupied by federal tioops and a largo lumber of mines have been secretly ilaced In the southwestern part of own. Heavy mines have been plant- id around the ban neks and customs louses. Insurrectos are repoited within less than 100 miles of Jnuroz and openly > east of their intention to tnko the ity within a week. The streets of Juarez are patrolled by soldieis night nnd day. Thcro is no change in the Mexicnn Centrnl mil way situation , raffle on thnt line fiom Juarez south icing nenilv suspended. One hundred Mexican cavalry left Inure/ with a supply of dynamite to ie used in blowing up the track of the Mexiian Central to prevent liumrcc- to- > using marooned trains. All amu ements In Jaure/ were Insed at ! i o'clock and thousand.- Mexicans spent the night In El PIBO : , United States troops fiom FoitBls ! have been stationed nt the American end of the two bridges ciosslng the Rio Grande here. Company E of the Twenty-Hill d infantry lias been sent to the smelter on the rtvcr bank four miles north of El Paso. All persons ciosslng the Rio Giande aie subjected to the closest sciutiny. San Diego. Call ! . , Fob. .2 Governor Xeelso Vega of I.owoi Califoinla , lips taken the Held with a fem > of n en and is advancing to attack the revolu tionists near Moxlcall This 1 < < the statement made in seveial leports roming fiom Tiajunna but diffoilng as to details Mexico City , Feb. 2. Sovonty-fivo i evolutionists and twelve soldiers WPIO killed in a battle at Sietrn Moni\ ] near San I.o-en/o , Chihuahua , January 29. according to an ollleial telegram received hero. The message- , dated the day of the battle , was delayed by the cutting of telegraph wlies. The ropoit said among the slain in the fight were I'nsqiml Oris/oco , fathei c > f ono of the loaders in the revolutionary movement , and Jesus Pachee ( who has taken part In the Insuiroction in the north. Many ildos and hoises wore cap- tuied by the federals. Accoidlng to the icport the lobols woio routed after a light that lasted fiom 2 o'clock in the afternoon until datk. Death of Mrs. Jet Carraher. Newman Grove , Neb , Feb. 2. Spe- ial to The News Word was received in Xowman Grove Tuesday by Mr. and Mis W. II. Cox of the death of their daughter , Mis. Jet Carraher. which occuiied at l.a Junta , Colo. , that morn ing at 11 o'clock. This sad newactvio as a shock to the patents and re ! ' "f as it was not known that she wa Mrs. Cox and her daughter. Mitt. Charles Humphioy , loft Wednesday moinlng for La Junta , and it Is prob able that the body will bo brought lioro for Interment. Mrs. Carraher leaves to mourn her deatli a husband and ono child. A California Referendum Bill. Saciamento , Cnllf , Fob 2. The state senate passed a bill providing for the Initiative and referendum and the for municipalities of Cali fornia.