The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 20, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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I/omloii. .Ian , M.Of course the nb
Horhlng topic of tlio past two woolu
linn boon the affair botwuon the police
and the anarchists , and It will l > <
sometime ) before the echoes of ono o
the most sensational ovontB In Lem
ilon'H pollen hlHtory completely fades
awny. These pitched battles botweei
the authorities and tliu lawbreakers o
violent typo Imvo Krown to bo char
nctorlstlc of niodurn European cities
but thu English metropolis has bcoi
exempt from them until the roeeni
bnttlo In Sidney street , Stepney.
An a matter of fact careful InvoHtl
gallon has developed that Europcai
condltloiiH nH they now exist have
brought Into London a relatively Iarg <
number of men who uro not crlnilimlt
In the ordinary sense , but whcthci
ngltntors , socialists or anarchlatH
Hhow thiiiiiHclveH ready to use anni
without lu'sltntlon In repulsing arres
or the onfeirccmemt of the law by tlu
) > ollcc. This Immigration , not Indus
trial but anarchlstls , has vitally
changed the condition under which the
peace In maintained In a large city
It probably will have UH Influence
upon the authorities who are consld
crlng the appeal of the police to hi
permitted to carry arum.
Twice within the past ten years h
Paris , once thiotigh the defense of i
hoiiHo by men engaged In urging tin
Imperialist view , and once by social
Ists , hoiibcs have been defended wltl
llrearms and dynamite in the sanu
way against the police. The reeon
French railroad strike showed a slm
liar readiness to meet the police by
Hie frco use of deadly weaiwns , by
men organized along military lines
Germany , Russia , and Sweden have
had similar experiences and wltbli
the past few years , also. The now agl
tutor , ( socialist , anarchist or other
looks on his resistance to law as "rev
olutlon" and uses all the weapons o
Within a 1'ow days the looms of ;
great carpet factory at Glasgow wll
bo started to work on the carpets t (
bo used at the coronation of Kin ;
George , next June , and which will ade
another Item to Scotland's history
The floor covering has , from earlies
times , been a spocillc feature In tlu
pioparatlons for the stately ceremony
The new carpet will follow close ! :
upon the lines of that ordered fo ;
King Kdward's crowning , being of i
rich and beautiful character , with ai
lustrous a surface as possible. Tin
color will bo a singularly soft , ricl
blue , with symbolical design and bor
< lor. It is not known yet bow mud
carpeting will bo required , as this wll
depend upon the seating arrangement :
which have not boon finished. Fo
the last coronation 72r > square yard
wore made.
From all over Europe there conn
reports of a possible poor harvest o
the next crops. England is so water
logged that the farmers say it will hi
impossible to make the soaked soi
yield an abundant harvest. Franco 1
suffering oven more. The Seine , Loir
and Dordeigno have been in a chronli
state of Mood for weeks ; in Spain , al
the rivers from the Ebro in the nortl
to the Guadalquivir In the south havi
overflowed their banks ; Italy is no
better off , for landslides and washout
have- tied up several railroads , am
tlio swollen Po has threatened tin
exposition buildings at Turin. Ii
Switzerland the lakes and rivers havi
swollen to unusual heights , damagim
the quays and railroads ; all centra
Europe is suffering from oxcessiV' '
moisture and even Russia lias sent ii
reports of damaging floods.
According to statistics just publibli
ed , the consumption of beer in Got
many Is rapidly decreasing. Durliij
1009 tlio consumption diminished b ;
C5.000.000 gallons , or one gallon a heai
of the population. During the precet
ing year there had been a dlmiiu
tlon of nearly 7,000,000 gallons , whll
during the last decade there has beei
a decrease of three gallons a head a
the population per annum. The dc
dine in the brewing trade Is also re
vealed by the diminishing number o
breweries In Germany.
The projected fortifications by Ho
land of the mouths of the Rive
Schekdt , still form the subject of an
mated debate in the Dutch press an
also in the Bplgiun papers , which e ?
press a fear that the Flushing fortlf
cations would Isolate Antwerp In cas
fll war. The resignation of Generr
TJool , vrnr minister for the Nethei
lands , Is regarded as an indlcatlo
that the Dutch government will will
draw the formication bill , which hn
proved unpopular in and out of Ho
News of an important discover
conies from Cairo. The report state
that a bionze statuette has been foun
which may be of the time when . ! <
seph was sold into Egypt. It seems t
be the first discovered specimen c
a Ilittlte deity executed in the roune
It represents a goddess standing upo
the back of a lion , whose tongue I
protruding and tall turned up. Th
goddess wears the Cappadoclnn c
lllttite style of tiara and carries In he
arms an Infant held to the breast. N
features of the work denote an Egyj
tlan artist , but all point to Syria , an
111 s almost a precise copy of the HI
tlto reliefs upon the ruined palace
at Boghaz , Kenol and elsewhere , i
which the gods stand upon the bach
of animals.
The past year was a record breakc
for the advance of Buddhism In Ei
rope. The membership of the Budi
hist Society of Great llrltaln and Ire
land Is now counted by hundreds and
branches have been established It
Liverpool and Kdlnburg , A Scotttsl :
convert to Buddhism who Is now n
monk In Burma Is shortly coming ti
England as first resident missionary
Great progress has also been made
by the Clormtin Buddhist society
which has two Important press orgam
In Letpslx and Brcsluu. In Swltzor
land and Italy the number of adhor
cuts of the ancient oriental faith IF
growing steadily , but the movement
has not been entirely successful In
Hungary * owing to the opposition ol
the Roman Catholics ,
The vogue for charms continue *
among the women. Models In gold
of the coronation chair for next ycai
and of the annolntlng spoon that liar
been used at the coronation of Eng
llsh sovereigns for centuries are es
pcclally popular. There Is also n
great demand for figure of King Ed
ward's dog , Caesar , modeled In China
polarity that Is enjoyed by thh
little ornament Is only equalled by the
Blue Bird for happiness while mlnla
hire aeroplanes in gold are also popu
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dre
gor , a son.
Mrs. John Glasler of llosklns was n
\lsltor In the city.
Mrs. W. 11. Hosse of Meadow Grove
was a visitor In the city.
Mrs. H. A. Senn of Slioles , who was-
here visiting with friends , has return
ed to her homo.
J. Mlttelstadt of lladar was here.
Dan Craven went to Lincoln on bus ! '
George Grainger has gone to Mon
Walter Jones returned from New
man Grove.
Albert Spclmann of lladar was si
visitor in tlio dty.
M. J. Sanders icturnod fiom a busl
ness trip to Laurel.
L. Arou of Hopkins was In the city
visiting withfriends. .
Jack Welsh retuined from a bus !
npsr. trip at Lincoln.
Sheriff C. S. Smith of Madison was
in the eilty on business.
T. C. Cantwoll returned from a visit
with friends at O'Neill.
Fred Smith of Omaha is Jn the city
\islting with his parents.
Glenn Graham has gone to Omaha
where he will visit with friends.
Rev. Otto Itergfolder visited ir
Hooper , Fremont and Schuyler din
ing the week.
Mrs. Lloyd Coats of Croighton is ii
the city visiting with tlio Dr. O. S
O'Neill family.
Adolph MoldenhauiT returned froir
n number of weeks' visit with rein
lives at LliRoln and llallam.
The Womans club will meet wltl
Mrs. H. J. Cole Monday afternoon al
' . ' :30. :
Tlio Laiulwohr Vereln have engager
Maremardt hall for an entertainment
cm January 26.
Gow Bros , report the sale of tlu
Elmer A. Ulggs lot on Hayes avenue
to A. W. Flnkhoiifce.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs
Hinds on South Thirteenth street
Tuesday afternoon at 2:150. :
G. T. Sprecher has received won
from Omaha notifying him that his
brother , Frank Sprecher , Is very 111.
The local Western Union olllce has
i eceived notice to accept telegrams
for points in Novmla only subject tt
delay on account of storms.
Clarence McFarland of Madison , soi
of County Clerk S. H. McFarland , has
accepted a position as bookkeepei
with the Norfolk National bank.
M. Brucbakcr , who recently sold his
tarm , has returned from Pierce , where
he has been visiting with relatives
He will leave soon with his family foi
Roseberg , Oregon.
The directors of the Commercia
club are arranging to discontinue
their regular noon hour weekly meet
ings and hold them at 7 o'clock ever :
Tuesday evening.
Nearly all business men in Norfoll
ha\e received letters from Governoi
Aldrich requesting tbemi to be at Oma
ha to attend the organization of tlu
\Vestcrp Deevlopment association. I
is believed a large delegation of Nor
folk men will be present at the meet
H E. Moss , district deputy of tin
Elks for Nebraska , will bo present a
the icgular meeting tonight.
The organization of the Norfoll
Glee club Is looking up. A large number
bor of the local singers have hele
meetings and all that is now neces
sary for tlio final organization is i
meeting place.
The local branch of the St. Andrewi
society will hold the celebration of tin
birthday anniversary of Robert Bunn
In Norfolk on January 20. The Mar
quardt hall has been engaged for tin
! rntortalnment.
The ladies of the Baptist churd
BUVC n chlckeu i > le ilbuier.iu tl > c G , A
H. hall Saturelny. These Indies havi
paid off their Y. M. C. A. pledge am
are making a financial success wltl
their dinners.
M. Prentice , auditor of the Nebraska
ka Telephone company , was In tin
dty to audit the local telephone ofllce
He was called suddenly to Sioux Git ;
on other telephone business , but wil
return to Norfolk later.
Lack of interest on the part of tin
members of the clerks' basketbal
team is the cause of the calling off o
the scheduled games between tin
clerks' and the college teams , say
Elton Seymour , manager of the clerks
Mrs. Cora A. Beels entertained i
small company at 7 o'clock dlnner 01
Thursday in honor of her cousin , Mis
Ethel McGawn of Three Oaks , Midi
Those present were Miss Lucllo Hn
zen , Miss Doris Weaver , Miss Winnl
free ! Hazen , Miss Helen Beels.
The executive committee of tin
State Retail Merchant's assoclatloi
met In the Pacific hotel Friday morn
ing and arranged for the regular yeai
ly convention of the association a
Omaha In February. Secretary Free
Dlers of Madison and Henry Bolton o
Schuyler were present nt the meeting
It Is believed Norfolk has a very gooe
dinneo to get the convention here
next year , provided an effort Is made
to bring It here.
Norfolk fancy chicken owners wlu
exhibited their birds nt the Sioux Cltj
poultry sheiw lelurned home vlctorl
ous. J. S. Mathcwson's Buff Orplng
ton hen won fourth prize ; F. E. Dnven
port's cockerel won fifth prize ; C. L
Anderhon's White Wyandottes goi
fourth prize on cockerel and fifth prize
on hen , and M. L. Black's White Leg
horn cockerel brought heiirie the fourtl
prize In his class. Dr. Mlttelstadt't
dog was a near-winner.
Fred Thlem of Norfolk , now spenel
Ing the winter In Los Angeles , Calif ,
has written B. T. Reid telling him thai
ho witnessed the death of Arch Heix
sic , the aviator. "Hoxsle's denth wat
mourned by all the aviation fans- *
says .Mr. Thlem , "He was n favorite
of everyone. It was unusually wlndj
the day he met his fate. Ho was uj
in the nlr about 8,000 feet and to nu
It seemed as if he lost control of hit
machine fiom the tlrst descent. Ik
stayed with the machine and In lilt
seat all the time. "
The Westein Union Telegraph com
puny Is to establish a system of loan
ing money to their needy employes al
Omaha , permitting them to repay tlu
borrowed sums in small installments
without interest. This will bo gooei
news to the many operators employee :
by tlio Western Union who have foi
many years been fleeced out of theli
earnings by loan sharks. The com
pany realizes that Its salaried em
jiloyes who own no real estate orothei
property upon which they could so
euro loans at reasonable rates occa
slonally are in need of money um , :
tire driven Into the clutches of usuri
( ins money lendois.
Wants Gamble's Shoes.
Pierre , S. D. , Jan. 1C. Carl Slier
wood of Clark , president of the State
Bar association , has announced thai
he will be n candidate for Unitee
States senator to succeed Senatoi
Robert J. Gamble of Vankton in the
primaries of next year , and his cam
pnlgn undoubtedly soon will be unelei
De Sylva is Shot.
Ainsworth , Neb. . Jan. 10. Speda
to The News : Clyde De Sylva , AIns
worth's ' somewhat noted southpuv
baseball pitcher , is In bed at the Os
corne House with three bullet holes
in Ills body , and Charley \ustin is ii
the county jail charged with the shoot
ing. The trouble was over a girl , am
the shooting took place in the Tisue
cafe about 10:30 : Sunday morning.
De Sylva , who had been working ai
the cafe but hail quit , came in aboui
that hour and took some meat Into the
kitchen to have cooked for his break
fast. On entering the kitchen he sav
Austin willing dishes for one of the
girls. He is said to have stopped f
minute and , looking Austin the eye
said :
"You're a go getter , ain't you ? "
Austin Is said to have remarked :
"Ob. I don't know. "
De Sylva is said to have remarked ;
"Come out into the alley and I'll ge :
you. "
"Austin is said to have replied :
"I'll go anywhere with you. "
The story is that they grappled am
shortly the shooting began. De Sylvr
M't two shots In one arm and one ii
the other. His gun shows that it wai
fired three times , but Austin was no
Hearing Begins in Rosebud Cases.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Jan. 1C. Furthe ;
testimony in what are known as tlu
Rosebud land cases will be taken ii
Sioux Falls , commencing today , before
William Wallace of Aberdeen , wlu
was appointed special examiner b :
Judge Garland of the federal court fo :
the purpose. The cases were instltut
ed by the federal government and are
designed to bring about the cancelln
tlon of certain patents to governmen
land on the Rosebud Indian reserva
tlon , which It Is alleged were securee
from the Indians by fraudulent means
Among the defendants In the nctloi
arc C. J. Debell of West Point , Neb.
W. H. Lynn of Dallas , S. D. , and twe
residents of LeMars , la. , named Mo
ritx and Johnson.
The examiner some time ago se
cured the testimony of the Indians ot
the rosebud reservation , and now wil
take the testimony on the defense.
Fired In Five Places.
Winner , S. D. , Jan. 1C. Special t <
The News : The Tripp county cour
house was totally destroyed by fin
Sunday morning , together with all UN
contents and county records excep
those of the register of deeds , clerl
of the court , and county treasurer
whose books were stored outside the
building. The origin of the fire wai
llic work of incendiaries. ,
Fire was dlsccrereel In the cour
house shortly after G o'clock Sundaj
morning , and the building and con
tents were quickly burned to tin
ground. There was insufficient fin
protection In the city to cope with th <
flames , and by the time people begai
to arrive on the scene it was too lat <
to save oven the records that were Ii
the building.
Set In Five Places.
The court house contained no vault
and the records of the register o
deeds and clerk of the courts had beei
removed for safekeeping to the Sc
curlty bank , while the records of tin
county treasurer were kept in tin
Lamro State bank. Ex-county Super
Intendent Van Meter , who had beei
assisting the new superintendent , los
about $500 worth of personal effects
Those who arrived early on tin
scene found that live separate fire :
had been started under the building
proving conclusively that the cour
house was burned by incendiaries
The sheriff and a posse started Iraine
dlately In search of parties suspected
The court house was hut recent ! )
removed from Lamro to Winner , aftoi
a desperate local light , and the burn
Ing of the building Is believed by Win
ner people to bo the result of the bat
tlu fenight at that time.
There was small Insurance on the
building ,
$226,700,000 Dividends.
Now York , .Inn. 1C. Millions of del
tars In dividends wore paid out today
by savings banks and Industrial ami
lallroad organizations. The Uowerj
Savings bank , the wealthiest Instltu
tlon of Its kind In. the United States
today paid Its depositors a seml-un
mini dividend of 3V percent. The
Manhattan , tlio Greenwich and sever
n ) other savings banks made disburse
ments today of I percent on sums ol
$1,000 or less and Wj percent on sums
of from $1,000 to $3,000. Despite the
trembles of the state bnnks , the suv-
Ings Institutions of Now York are do
tlared to bo more piosporous than
The Wostlnghouso Electric and
Manufacturing company today paid n
quarterly dividend of Mi percent nnel
'In addition thereto 3' , < > percent on uc <
count ot dividends accumulated since
September 30 , 1007. The company ,
which was temporarily embarrassed ,
Is now said to bo on a firm foundation
Dividend and interest disbursements
em stocks and bonds for Uiis month
wil reach a total of $220,700,000 , sot
ling a high water mark. Of this sum
il 33,1100,000 represents Interest and
$93,400,000 dividends. Interest pay
nionts will , be $17,800,000 more than
last January and dividends show an
increase over a year ago of $8,300.000
Bullock Company txpanas.
Logan , In. , Jan. 10. The Bullock
Public Service company has unloaded
a big transformer hero , which will be
installed nt the electric light plant at
Logan , to be used in connection wltli
the electric light and power service
which will have headquarters at Missouri -
souri Valley , furnishing not only Mis
souri Valley with light and power , but
also Blair , Magnolia , Logan and pos
Mbly other towns.
Locomotives are Burned.
Marshalltown , la. , Jan. 1C. Fire
completely destroyed the twenty-two
stall roundhouse of the Iowa Central
railroad and for a time threatened
to spread to the shop buildings ,
Twelve of the seventeen engines in
the house were consumed and three
of the flvo saved were partially burn-
eel. The origin Is unknown.The loss
is estimated by Master Mechanic GUI
at $100,000. The Insurance is not
known hero.
No Break In Senatorial Fight That
Comes This" Week.
DCS Molnes , Jan. 1C. Iowa leglsla-
tors returning to the city today foi'
lowing the recess talen ; Thursday say
there is no Indicati m of any break
In the ranks In the candidates foi
United States senator and n deadlock
is certain when the first ballot is
taken at noon tomorrow.
Tlio democrats will support Claude
R. Porter of Cente'-villo and ho will
have fifty-four votes in the senate and
house. Senator Young's standpat
strength is declared to be forty-one
votes in both houses. Estimates Indl
cate the other candidates , all of whom
are progressives , will have approxi
mately tlio following votes :
A. B. Funk of Spirit Lake. 19 ;
Judge W. S. Kcnyon of i-ort Dodge
15 ; H. W. Uyers of Harlan , 11 ; Ex
Governor Warren Garst of Coon Rap
ids. 10 ; Former Speaker Guy Freely
of Waterloo , C ; Carl Franko of Par
kersburg , 2.
The first joint ballot will be taken
Wednesday noon.
Rear Admiral Barry Suddenly Retires
From Pacific Coast Fleet.
San Francisco , Jan. 1C. Rear Ad
mlral Chauncey M. Thomas , commander
dor of the second squadron of the Pa
cific fleet , arrived hero on his flag
ship , the California , after a hurried
trip fiom Santa Barbara. Admiral
Thomas at once relieved Rear Ad
mlral Edward B. Barry as commander
In-chief of- the Pacific fleet , in pursuance
suanco of orders received from the
navy department. Admiral Barry has
requested Immediate retirement in the
service under the rule of more than
forty years' service.
The cause of Admiral Barry's sud
den desire to * leave the service aftei
having held the post of fleet com
mander for only a few months , is the
subject of a great deal of gossip and
speculation in naval club circles here
Stories reflecting seriously upon the
character of the retiring admiral are
being circulated widely , and naval
officials have taken cognizance ol
them. There is an Intimation In these
stories that the admiral has been
forced to retire.
Tlio stories concerning Admiral
Barry are of a nature reflecting upon
liis moral character. According tc
reports published hero the admira !
sent his request for relief to Wash
ington following a conference with the
staff and line officers on board the
West Virginia Tuesday night.
At tills conference it Is reported the
suggestion was made that a loadec
revolver bo sent to the admiral's cab
In , but this suggestion was lost on i
vote. The officers present then tool-
on oath of secrecy on condition thai
Admiral Barry forward his reslgna
tlon to Washington at once.
Instead of resigning , the admiral re
iiuested retirement. After that fnci
became known , the subject matter o :
the conference leaked out until al
the sailors of the fleet were talking
Naval Officers Silent.
Washington , Jan. 1C. Beokniar
Wlnthrop , assistant secretary of the
navy , said that the navy departmeni
was not aware of any embarrassmeni
In connection with Roar Admiral Ed
ward B. Barry's application for ro
tlrement , which was approved by Secretary
rotary Meyer and recommended te
the president last Friday. Ho declar
eel that so far as Is known hero , Item
Admiral Barry's retirement appltcn
tlon was based on the law whlcl
grants this provision to navy offlccn
who hnvo served forty years. Rcni
Admiral Barry has been In the nav :
for forty-five years.
Two Dead Aeronaut * Found.
Berlin , Jan. 1C. The German bnl
I oem Hlldebrandt , which has boei
missing since Its ascent at Schmar
gcnelorf on December 29 , wns foune
In n lake In Pomeranla province
Prussia , today. The bodies of botl
aeronauts were In the gondola.
Country Trade and the Parcels Post
Saturday Evening Post : A country
merchant In Now England writes us :
"My experience In competing with the
mall order houses leads me to thin !
a parcel-post system would bo a bone
lit to me rather than an Injury.
"Quito often Ifono of my customer !
could buy from a mall order house
some small article that struck lili
fancy and have the article elellveree
cheaply by post , that would bo the ex
tent of his mall order purchase. Bu
ho does not want to pay high oxpresi
e'harges on tlio articles , so ho and hit
neighbors will pore over the catalof
and pick out enough goods to make i
ft eight shipment. The result Is tha
tlio mall order house , Instead of sell
Ing live pounds , sells n hundree
pounds or more. "
How many other country merchants
would llnel the same conditions anion ) .
their customers with respect to mail
order business ? Isn't there , In fact , t
continual drumming up of trade foi
mall order houses by purchasers wlu
wish their neighbors to join them , Ii
older to make up a bulky shipment bj
freight and avoid high exprosi
charges ? So far as we know , mil !
order houses have never taken an :
particular interest In the parcels-post
Is this because they are satisfied wltl
a scheme that Induces purchasers te
buy In bulk ? This phase merits con
The parcel-post , llmilcd to rum
delivery routes as recommended b\
the president , would certainly benoll
the country merchant. Wo doub
i hat an extension of the system wouli
leally Injurn him.
Great 'Inventor Prophesies Politlca
Revolution Throughout World.
New York , Jan. 1C. Thomas A. Eel
iMit ga\e out these ideas :
Poverty will be abolished from tin
world within tlio next century.
Politcal revolutio'ns are imminent Ir
botli Europe and America.
Within a short time England wil
be dominated by labor. In the nex
elocade this country may be also.
Civilization is on n false basis am
miiht change by elimination of means
Any man may take that which ho has
not made.
Universal peace or general politica
revolution will come within a shor
Gold is likely to be mnmifacturoi
chemically almost any time , revolu
lioni/ing the world's financial system
Testimony In Schenk Case.
Wheeling , W. Va. , Jan. 14. The by
potlietical question was abandoned fo
the present by the prosecution in UK
Schenk case and Dr. Thornton was ex
amii.Pd relative to Schenk's condition
but nothing important developed.
Eleanoie Sockler , the > detect ! v <
jiurse put on the case by the prose
'cutor. testified she was instructed te
leavi > nothing untouched to catch Mrs
Schenk administering poison to he
husband. She was instructed to tel
Mrs. Scbenk that Albert Schenk liae
gone to the hospital with a paper fo
his brother to sign. Mrs. Schenk ex
pressed the fear that Albert had at
tempted to get Jelin's signature to !
will which would give him all o
John's property.
The witness then said Mrs. Schenl
asked her to take John's keys if In
died and by all means to prevent tin
Schenks from getting them. She liae
lived unhappily with her husband , sin
said. On Sunday Mrs. Schenk receivee
a message saying John was worse ane
had said :
"I hope to God he will die. "
Befoio this she had declared Join
had treated her like a dog.
Cattle Smothered to Death.
. Royal , Neb. , Jan. 1C. Special ti
The News : Several heael of cattli
belonging to Scott Adams , near Venus
smothered to .death during the recen
storm. An old straw stack fell eve
on them. Ho had been offered $151
for one of the animals the day before
Regular Newspaper Advertisement i
Used to Attract Men In Norfolk.
The first Norfolk church advertise
ment. pointing out why men shoule
attend church regularly , was printei
in Saturday's News. The advertise
ment appealed to business men am
was inserted by the rector of tin
Trinity Episcopal church , Rev. D. C
Colegrove. This Is what the advei
tlsemcnt said :
Mr. Business Man :
How much business would you en
In this town If there were no churche
hero ? Did you ever stop to thin ]
what any town owes to Its churches
Just consider that point. Then asl
yourself what encouragement you ar
giving to the churches In Norfolli
Not financially money helps , but It"
not the most necessary kind of sur
port but personally. Do you go t
church regularly ? If you do not , star
tomorrow. Go to church somowher
you will be welcomed at Trlnlt
church If you come hero but go some
Tomorrow In Trinity Eplscopa
church , at the corner of Ninth stroe
and Madison avenue , morning praye
begins promptly at 11 o'clock am
lasts one hour , Good music , led by i
largo vested choir , and a sermon b :
the rector. And in the evening , even
song at 7i30 , a short service wltl
plenty of singing and a fifteen mlnuti
address. You are Invited to either 01
both of these services.
You ought to go to church ,
Three Negroes Lynched.
Shelbyvlllo , Ky. , Jan. 1C. Fifty
masked men stormed the Shelbyvllle
county jail here , seized and lynchee
three negroes , two of whom were
charged with Insulting white womet
and the thh el sentenced to hang foi
the murder of a negro woman am
hold awaiting execution.
Great Assembly at Denver of Dloodcc
Live Stockand Poultry.
Denver , Jan. 1C. The sixth annual
National Western Llvo Stock conven
tlon opened this morning with a. pa
rndo through the business portion ol
the city. The show , which will his !
tluough the week , Is the largest in
the history of the organization. At
tlio stock yards for the event are 15 ,
000 thoroughbred cattle , 0,000 pcdl
greed sheep and 10,000 fancy hogs ,
The Denver liorso show mid the Na
tional Western Poultry show , which
are being held In conjunction with the
stock show , add to this aggregation
000 blooded horses and 2,000 fancy
Attendance from southwestern and
middle western states Is unusually
heavy. Prominent among the visitor ?
Is a party of Illinois , Missouri and
Iowa packers and stoe'k growers wlu ;
arrived In two special Pullmans as
guests of one of the big packinp
Work of Reconstructing Wrecked City
is Inaugurated.
Messina , Jan. 1C , The rebuilding
of Messina In durable ) nuihoiiryn ?
Inaugurated today'when the corner
stone of the gipup of public buildings-
to be eree'teel by the municipality was
laid by Signor Sacchl , minister ol
public works , Signor Cluffelll , minis
ter of posts and telegraphs and othei
members of the government.
The > ceremony was witnessed by n
great assemblage and aroused much
enthusiasm and new hope for the
future. The temperature Was spring
like , the MIII was bright anel the city
was more gay than It had been since
It was devasted by the eartluiuake
of December 190S. Ministers visited the
temporary wooden structures thai
were put up for the bousing of the
homeless thousands following the ca
lamity and were especially pleased te :
note how well the buildings erected
by subscriptions from America had
been preserved. Tlio new dty wl.i
bo built of stone and coiu-iete.
Ministers go from hero to Rcggo
.where there will bo similar cere
mony during the work e > f reconstruc
Sued for $100,000.
New York , Jan. 1C. James A. Can
Hold , editor of the Palchoguo Advo
cate , a country paper , published In i
Long Island village , is perhaps the
"most produest' rural publisher Ii
the United States. lie is defendan
in a $100,000 libel Milt brought bj G. Robin , until recently pros !
dent of the Northern Bank of Nev
York and a high financier. Althougl
the case against the editor is set foi
trial today in the supreme court a
Rlverhead , L. L , It Is likely to be post
poncd , as the plaintiff is unavoidable
detained In New York. Nevertheless
Editor Canlleld feels highly llutterot
at the idea that anybody had supposee
that they might be able to collec
S100.000 from him. Up declares tha
ho feels so puffed up that at times he
almost believes that lie has the money
until he examines the cash box In tin
Advocate ofllce.
Mr. Canfleld was one of the lrst t <
"smell a rat" in Robin's financla
transactions , and it was tlio publlca
lion of an article In bis weekly paper
intimating that the trolley compan ;
controlled by Robin was tiylng to pu
through a "shady" transaction in con
nection with the franchise , that lei
to the $100,000 libel suit.
U. C. T. Celebration Plans.
Norfolk Council , No. 120 , U. C. T ,
have issued invitations for the tbli
teentli annual anniversary ( .clubrntion
to be held at 8 o'clock next Saturda ;
evening In Oeld Fellows' hall. Follow
ing the program , a supper will bi
served at Pliger's from fl to 10:30 :
and dancing in Mnrquardt hall wil
close the evening. Voget's orchestn
will play for the dancing. Followlni
Is the program that will bo carriee
out in the hall :
Overture , U. C. T. orchestra.
Address of Welcome , C. H. Taylor
S. C.
Duet , Mrs. M. W. and Ruth Roche.
Reading , Shirley Engle.
Music , U. C. T. orchestra.
Summer's Dream. Sam Ersklne , jr.
Why a Traveling Man Should Be
long to the U. C. T. , S. F. Erskine , P
G. C.
Duet. Mrs. M. W. Beobe and Alls :
Ruth Bee-be.
An Original Sketch on "Sonn
Things We Do Not Know , " Mrs. O
L. Hyde.
Music , U. C. T. orchestra.
A Few .Minutes With F. N. Connelly
Music , U. C. T. orchestra.
Important Cases Up.
Washington , Jan. 1C. Two of tin
most Important cases affecting organ
Ized labor that have ever come befon
the United States supreme court fo
decision are on the calendar of tha
tribunal for today and will probabl ;
bo heard this week.
The appeal of President Samue
Gompers and other officials of tin
American Federation of Labor fron
the conviction of contempt of cour
passed upon them In connection wltl
the boycott of the Bucks Stove am
Range company will have an earl ;
hearing. Should the verdict of tha
lower court bo sustained , Gomporn ,
Mitchell and Monition will have to
pny heavy lines and serve sentences
in jail , The appeal wns orglnally set
for a hearing last fall , hut was post
poned upon motion of counsel for the
labor leaders on the ground that It
was desirable that HO Important n cnso
bo hoard by n full bench.
The employers' liability cases , In
which the Northern Pni'lllu and Now
Haven roads are dlree-tly , and all the
railroad lines of the ceiuntry , Indirect *
ly concoincd , Is also on today's calen
dar and will come up at an early date.
Mexican Oranqes Refused ,
City of Mexico , Jan. 1C. Owlim to
the allegation that their fruit Is Infool-
oil , the orange growers of the stnte of
Sonorn now find themselves almost
without a mnrket. Scores of cnrlonds
of Mexican oranges have boon refused
by Canadian concerns on account of
i ho alleged plague. It Is now general-
Iv admitted that the orchards of Sonora -
nora are Infected by a disease , al
though some growers Insist that tlioro
Is no truth in the allegation and that ,
the ste > ry Is part of n dcop , dark plot
hatched by California orange mini to
shut off competition from this country.
Rhode Islander Will Leave at Once
for n Warmer Climate.
Washington , Jan. 1C. Senator Nel
son W. Aldrlch of Rhode Island , who
has been 111 bore for the last two
weeks , will leave Washington this nf-
toinoon for the south. Until two or
three days ago ho did not think It
would bo necessary to seek a warmer
climate , but Ills trouble , a severe cold ,
hung on so persistently that he decid
ed to go to Georgia.
Champions Cause of Lodge In Race
for Senator.
lioston , Jan. 1C. Former President
Theodore Roosevelt took a leap Into
the Massachusetts senatorial contest
when In a telegram addressed to Jo-
.sopli Walker , speaker of the Massa
chusolts house ol representatives , ho
vigorously championed the cause of
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and
charged Congressman Butler Ames
with deliberately misrepresenting
Newman Grove News.
Newman Grove , Neb , , Jan. 1C. -
Special to The News : A handicap
wrestling match will bo held in the
city on Saturday evening , January 21.
between George Gion e > f Amora , cham
pion heavyweight wrestler of Nebras
ka , and G. A. Taylor of Newman
Grove , middleweight champion wreM-
lor of the middle west. Glen agrees
to throw Taylor three time's within
one hour. Giem wrestled Taylor hero
a few months age ) , ami while lie was
successful in throwing Taylor ho bad
all lie e'oulel de . Taylor's supporters
are confident that the wrestler from
Aurora has bargained for more than
lie can do.
The farmers' institute coinened in
Newman Grove Thursday and was at
tended by a laige number of farmeis
from this vicinity and was declared
the best institute held here for yenis.
The speakers \\eio : W. F. Klydel of
imoe , Ontario.C. ; 1) ) . Lyon , George
town. ( ) . , and Miss Louise. Sabln of
Beatrice. At tlio business session the
following officers were elected for Hie
ensuing year : Andrew Dalilsten.
president ; F. L. Frlnk , vice president ;
L. J. Young , secretary ; W , 11. KhiK ,
treasurer. Dlrcctnis : Nels J. Nel
son , Christ Knudsen , C. A. Anderson ,
Walter Long. C. A. Peterson.
John S. Jeiliiison , one eif the promi
nent hejg breeders of Stanton county ,
was in town Friday on business. Mr.
Johnson recently purchased the John
Overberg farm near the city , and will
lemove here with his family in the
The fanners' mill and elevator is
now in full operation and they ship
ped their first two cars of gram this
week. The mill and olpvntor is under
the management of C. R. Gustuvsou
and Joseph Johnson , and starts with
bright prospects.
Newman Grove Is to have a new
clothing store the first ot February.
J. H. Mueller of Leigh has leased thej
JJessin building anel it is to bo remod
Joseph Week , a young farmer , has
'leased the Wagelle building and will
open up a new Implement store on
February l.'i. Ho will handle only In
dependent Harvester company goods.
Mrs. A. S. Becklund of Salem was
tendered a surprise party by her mu
sic pupils Thursday night. Before
leaving they presented her with a
handsome music cabinet as a token
of their appieciation of her as a teach
Frank Hough has sold the Daltl-
slrom & Nelson stock of hardware
and implements to C. G. Dablstrom
of Ceresco and E. G. Dablstrom of
this city. Tlio store will be under the
management of E. G. Dahlstroin.
G. A. Taylor Is circulating a petition
among our citizens to ask the village
board to repeal the ordinance now in
effect prohibiting a pool hall in the
city and If hojs successful will then
ask tlio board for a license to conduct
n pool hall.
G. A. Taylor has signed a contract
to throw C. A. Cobb , the Valley wrest
ler , two times within ono hour. The
match Is to take place at Valley some
time next week.
Chadron Business Change.
Cliadron , Neb. , Jan. 1C. Special to
The News : John H. Morgan pur
chased the Interest of his partner.
Peter Duffy , In the Duffy-Morgan Shoo
company. This business change was
brought about b > the III health of Mrs.
Duffy , who Is advised by her doctor
to spend the winter In Florida and in
order that her husband might accom
pany her ho has disposed of his Inter ,
ests here. Mr. Morgan will conduct
the firm's extensive shoo business as.