TIIINOHKOLK : WKKKLY NK\vs..iornxAL , FIMDAY..IANTAKY c , inn. The NotfOlk Weekly News-Journal The NUWH. Ehtabllshod 18K1. Thu .loiirnal , Established 1S77. THE HUSE " " W."Nrilus e N. A. Huso. I'rosleieMit. Secretary. Every Friday By mall per year , $1.00. Ente > reil at Hit ) ponte > llleo at Norfolk , Kolj. , as normal class matter. Telephones : Editorial Department No. 22. Business Olllce and Job Rooms , No. 11 22. Eggs are Htlll imed for food In the liomes of the wealthy. Cauliflower Is described JIB a cab bage with a college education. Senator Lordlier will try In the future to avoid even the appearance of evil. Lafo Young of lowu called the sen ators "boys. " Does ho not know a toga from a pair of knee pants ? The cutting of 200,000,000 Chinese queues promises to bo the greatest lialr restorer ever known about here. The boy who goes back on Snnta Clans will never get olllco by voting the straight party ticket when ho Is a mail. The mini of foresight , anticipating the glare of the Christmas cravat , had his tailor cut his waistcoat well up In the neck. The Christmas stocks In the stores nmy be somewhat depleted now , but the public dump has grown suspicious * ly in size. Diaz has been president as many terms as Bryan has aspired to be , ntitl neither one Is ready to give up the light now. * ' Twenty-nine governors on the job , and most of them will secretly get points from the olllco boy on how to do their work. Another intervention in Cuba is threatened , as the kindergarten class In government seems about ready for Us annual vacation. In figuring our national defenses , don't forgot the power of ocean waves to create an uprising in the Interior of an attacking force. George M. Pullman , HI , is building a $3,000.000 house in Washington. Without question the price of upper berths has been too high. The distributions from the Christ mas trees of very big knives to very small boys , assures the makers of court plaster a prosperous year. Copenhagen is trying to "forget it" by cancelling Dr. Cook's de"gree. In stead of succeeding it merely adver tises the wily doctor a little more. The shnh of Persia says he expect ed to live to see the United States ruled by women. Has he ever seen it when it was not ruled by women ? The reason why our congressmen can not work over the holidays maybe bo that amid the surfeitings of Wash ington they long for mother's cooking. Woodrow Wilson is making a great flight on the stnatorship , but the ma chine will go on turning the people's ballots into canned plums for the ring. The prosperity of the country is not confined mainly to the employing class. This fact is evidenced by the constant Increase In saving bank de posits. Aviator Moissanc brought down Ici cles when he went up 9,364 feet at Memphis. Even Florida will soon be able to have ice cream for Sunday dinner. Dr. Cook saw strange forms and faces in the arctic. Those of our statesmen who occupy reserved seats on the long green must have been prominent. The Chicago Record-Herald favors chaining up the dogs of war. Can't get 'em on the leash while there are all these bones to pick in the way ol fat contracts. With 200,000,000 Chinamen's queues thrown on the market at once , the hair market will bo glutted and every woman should bo able to weai switches galore. Nothing so arouses J. Pierpont Mor gnu's indignation as to have his mid die name misspelled In print. A very complimentary article is worse than no mention if his name appears Pier ropont. The Can't Come Back club at Wash ington are scrambling for public buildings. Had they attended to this ono essential of statesmanship carl ior , they would have been Can Come Backs. Nine hundred and fifty-nine voten of Adams county , Ohio. , charged with polling tholr rotes. Government bj auatioK nut ? bo all right , but why taj It by such a Sunday school word an "election. " San Franelnco , It Is said , will get the Panama exposition , and no man with the pluck of Edward Payson WoMton need stay at home , oven If he has not the price of a railroad tic ket. California congressmen say an army of 400,000 could land and take possession of the mountain passes. How the summer girls would hustle out to the hotels In that neighbor hood. Governor-elect Woodrow Wilson has at last met his Waterloo. There IB a row of no very small proportions as to which woman shall lead his In augural ball. Bachelors have their troubles also. General Wood says the Jap war talk Is bosh. The man at the top who has no promotion to expect , should not talk thus about efforts of his su bordinates to get ahead by creating : icw business. A southern dentist Is using hickory wood for artificial teeth with con siderable success. Hickory bites all right whether In the switch HO well remembered by every boy or for the teeth in declining years. The committee that were allotted sixteen cents per gift to satisfy the small boy who had given up six weeks of his valuable time for Sunday school had the heaviest responsibility of the shopping season. Mr. Taft is not satisfied with the way New Mexico has drawn the Tex as line. It looks as if our now sister were letting its chickens , dogs and children run over into the premises of the old residents. A smaller congress could do busi ness bettor , thus benelltting ninety millions of people. Hut that Is of no account , and the reapportionment will of course increase the house , to take care of two dozen jobless statesmen. Richmond Pearson Hobson says we are wholly unprepared for war. For tunately no ono is demanding that we fight them just now and with a well endowed peace commission at work , why waste money on arma ments ? The United States Steel corporation has decided to fall into line and pay its superannuated employes pensions The decision Is a commendable one and In all probability the extra finan cial burden will not embarrass the company. Strange how exacting college pro fessors become. In Yale the student who attempts to make up work by studying during chapel exercises will bo given five demerit marks. Thus Is the path to knowledge beset with harrasslng restrictions. The importance of Mr. Taft's efforts to enforce the anti-trust law , often by criminal proceedings , can not be overestimated. Enforcing existing laws is infinitely bettor as a political issue than writing now laws on the paper of statute books. Professional gamblers are finding their business greatly restricted. Thej were planning to open a big betting resort near Havana , but to their sur prise the Cuban senate has rejected a bill granting a concession for a gam bling club , a bull ring , a race track and cock pits. Queen Mary has adopted a persona standard , which is displayed when she she is unaccompanied by King George. This new Hag bears the roy al arms and the family arms of the queen's parents , the late Duke am' Duchess of Teck. This is a new de parture in the queen's customs , bul the English people are getting used to it. The Colorado suffragists are at a white heat of indignation at Elizabeth Cass Goddard of Colorado Springs because of her article in a recent is sue of the Ladies' Homo Journal in which she gives as her opinion thai Colorado has not been benefitted by woman suffrage. She might wisely take a trip to Europe while her sis ter suffragists have their say. French statisticians have figured out that of over 500 men who have done more or less ( lying , only abou thirty have lost their lives , and the larger part of these fatalities were not due to merely navigating the air but to attempting dangerous and dif ficult stunts to win prizes or estab llsh records. Just plain Hying Is nose so dangerous , according to this theory. The year just ended gives evidence of prosperity in many ways. Ono o the happiest is the increase In the Im portations of toys which amounted In the year 1910 to $2,225,000. This Is a largo Increase "over last year's ex pendlture. The little Mexicans arc learning the delight of American me chanlcal toys , so the consul genera reports , which have been heretofore unknown. President Charles S. Uollln of the Boston & Maine and other eastern railroads announces his Intention of making the White mountains of New Hampshire moro easily accessible from the seacoast and to electrify the railroads there. President Mel lln veiy ovldentally plans to gain con- nil of the lion's Miaro of Now Eng- and's railway tialllc. New England vlll bo most fortunate If all Mr. Mel- ill's recent promises of railroad Im- movement are fulfilled. Our country takes a natural pride 11 the large totals of the 1910 cen- tils. The great development of the ilneteenth century continues unabat- .ul. Hut there are some things .irought out by the same census to cause sober reflection. The loss In ruial population both east and west s deplorable. Mere bigness Is not leblrable unless the growth be upon ho 'safe and secure foundations which the fathom placed tholr trust n. Civic responsibility must keep pace with the population If the great republic is to keep its high place imong the nations of the world. In this each individual has a share. In comparison with its wealth no country has so little money Invested abroad as the United States. It has all boon needed to develop home in stitutions. Of late the foreign Invest ments have grown until it is esti mated that two billions of American money are so engaged. , Moro than half being in Canada and Mexico , one- fourth in Cuba and South and Central America. It is small in comparison with Great Britain who has fourteen billion Invested abroad. Americans have recently loaned fifty millions In China , and as though in return , fifty millions of French money have come here to purchase the new bond Is sue of a western railway. SCRAPPING OVER ALASKA COAL. Things are shaping up for a big fight over rights to mine coal In Alas ka. A horde of lobbyists will be un der foot in the enpitoi at Washington , indicating that the interests looking for favors are not actuated solely by a benevolent desire to advance the interests of humanity. Alaska is not the only place In our territory where a man can support a family. There will be no irreparable loss if this wild region remains un tamed for a few years , until our en gineers have had reasonable time to determine a fair price for the pee ple's coal property. People who favor immediate action must enjoy paying a liberal bonus to ricli corporations every time they shovel coal into a factory fire box era a home heater. Most of tills could have been saved , had the government of the early days been able to see that coal is worth more than farm land , and that such deposits ought not to become private property. A year or two's delay means the saving of a heavy tax on tills new territory for all time. THE CHILD'S HEALTH. The annual ineeing of the Nebraska School Superintendc-s' and Principals' association , which will be held In Lin coln January 12 and 13 , will launch a movement of very vital importance to the people of this state , inasmuch as the general theme for the meeting is "Hygiene and Sanitation , " and need ed legislation along this line is expect ed to be recommended. There Is nothing more important than the health of the children and that care lessness and Ignorance of the laws of sanitation and hygiene have been the cause of killing thousands of girls and boys who ought to have been allowed to live , becomes more apparent as wo learn moro and more in regard to germs , fresh air and the physical ail ments of children which are allowed to grow worse instead of being look ed after at the start. Superintendent Hunter of Norfolk , president of this association , writes pointedly of the subject in his letter to state superintendents and princi pals , In which be says : In our general stampede to con serve our industrial resources , we are prone to lose sight of the movement to conserve the most Important re source of our nation the health of our children. The schools should bo the natural leaders in this move ment , and this meeting of our asso ciation is to bo sort of health "conser vation congress. " Our oganization should take the lead in this crusade for bettor sani tation in Nebraska. This meeting should therefore aim to stir public sentiment , outline a policy for the schools , and recommend legislation which will save to Nebraska its most Important resource the health of I'll Its children. THE YEAR IN NORFOLK. It has been one of Norfolk's great est years. Two paramount facts stand out to make it ono of the most me morable twelvemonths in the city's history. First , there's the paving of Norfolk avenue a move that has taken the town out of the village class and put It Into the metropolitan rank. Second , It was federal census year and the United States government , counting noses , has found 6,027 people ple in the town , making n gain of more than 55 percent In ten years. These two facts alone will stand out as milestones in the career of the commercial hub of north , Nebraska and southern South Dakota. There bos been substantial Improve ment in the town. There have been a good many thousand dollars spent In new buildings and in expanding busi ness buildings and plants that already wore hen1. Many now modern dwell ings ha\e boon built , and there IH still i voiy great demand for many more. One of the big things of the year .ias been the step taken by the Nor folk Commercial club and the count ) ( ouiiiilsslonors to count met an oil rend loading .south from Norfolk on Thlit ° piith Mroet for about throe and and n half miles. This will bo the beginning of oil roads In north No- bnihku and It is of vital Impoitanro to this entire half of the state. In public buildings , the Carnegie II- In ary has been finished and the Y. M. 0. A. building more than half fin ished. Tito I'nlon Pacific railroad has failed to keep Its promise to build anew now depot , this Incident being ono of the lamentable failures of the year. Hut the people of Norfolk are ready to renew their demand that the depot - pot be built , and likewise are ready to demand a new Northwestern depot - pot to replace the filthy , insanitary and antiquated shack at Norfolk Junc tion. It Is to be hoped that the year lllll may see both those completed. Norfolk's tributary territory has lioon expanded during the year by the extension of the Northwestern railroad Into Trlpp county , and there Is promise of considerable more ex pansion of this territory next summer when moie of the Rosebud and Pine Rlelgo Indian reservations will bo thrown open to the public for settle ment. in business , the year has been a prosperous one for Norfolk Institu tions. And the coming year is filled witli promise. AROUND TOWN. Happy 'ew Year ! It's the season to resolve. Not any. thank you , Sworn off. You will laugh at the weather fore casts , will you ? Dust off your earmuffs and pot "em ready to hook on. Guess the weather man made good that time , all right , all right. Sleep wyii yenir windows open , oven if it gets down to 50 below zero. What's become of the old fashion ed man who sliined his own shoes ? Any signs about how January will go out when it comes in like it's go ing to according to the weather man , this time ? Call on the coal bin doctor. That spell of feather made the bin sick near to death. It is reported that B. M. wore an overcoat Monday. We await confirm ation or denial of the rumor with breathless curiosity. Genuinely enthusiastic golf player ? in the summer time always say they'll play the game at intervals all' winter long. But they never do it. Get enough coal to feed the fur nace and a supply of tobacco that'll last over Sunday. It's 42 below zero at Winnipeg , and she's headed this way. Now if the fire whistle had been slow when it was the old Northwest ern depot shack at the Junction that was endangered , nobody could have said a word. If you should find that blonde switch on Norfolk avenue , keep it dark ( that is , as dark as you can keep a blonde switch ) . For switching on Main street Is forbidden by law. We're going to sacrifice several good stories by warning people not to start out for any long drives tomor row , without having all kinds of robes to bundle up in , and footwarmers to boot. Speaking of footwarmers , fill an or dinary bottle with hot water , cork the bottle , put it under the covers at the foot of your bed and plant your feet on it when the sheets seem icy. It's just like so much ready money from home. This column has been rented for one day next December to a Norfolk woman who wants opportunity to print her list of Christmas gifts de sired. Here's a tip to the ad man : Why not sell space to people want ing that kind of publicity ? Since Christmas came more than a week ago , it is probably a surprise to the ad man and his co-conspirator that this department is still alive. Ol all the rotten tobacco that any bed > ever heard of , that which they stealth lly attempted to tempt this part 01 the paper with , was the worst. But not a scrap of it was smoked. While you were comfortably smok ing a pipe during that blizzard , wltl your toes toasting over a register aile the temperature 70 in the shade , die it occur to you that there was a vast amount of the bitterest sort of hu man suffering being wrought by that storm ? Or did you Just think of lit tie Willie and let It go at that ? How many of this list will bo alive a year from today : Arch Hoxsey Glenn Curtlss , Farnian , Grahamc White ? The above paragraph was written Saturday afternoon , after Molssani had been killed and , by strange coin cldenco , at almost the Ter/ moment hen Hoxsey was taking his fatal lunge. The query , "What do you do when lie hair begin * to fall out of the top f yeiur head ? " has boon answered , ly mall eeiine's a newspaper Item oaelod. "No Halelnoss at the Polo. " Jut you can't weuk that game. This opartment Isn't going to the south iolo , not even if it was guaranteed hat the trip would make a fur-boar- tig animal out of n man. \ desperate battle was fought near Vhlte River between Two Strike's land and the Ninth cavalry. 1) . A. Holmes , a Norfolk lawyer. ias decided to leave the city and locate - cate In Sioux City. ( Mr. Holmes Is tow one of the most prominent cor- loratlou attorneys in Now York City. ) D. Mathowson of Wakelleld Is spending the winter In California. Frank Estabreiok has Just returned rom Denver , where ho mot a num ber of former Norfolk .people , Includ- ng A. Cornbleth , Ben. Polzor , M. 'runkllii and L. B. Ellis. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. When n dog oan do tricks , that's ill he's good for. Wo do not believe In ghosts , but the1 alk scares us. Most things people are compelled to ake , have been picked over. It's a mean trick to give no Christ inas presents , and expect a lot. No difference how cheap a thing is Dffered , people want It for loss. Every now baker coming to Ate-hl- on Introduces a new kind of coffee cake. Success is the only thing that saves ii political career from being disreput able. "I'm loyal to everything American , ' ' said a man today , "except American sardines. " There is loss sense and more money In the world than o\er before in its lilstory. We wonder If it ever occurs to young men that people watch them very closely. Every man throws a rock now and then that he would like to have back in his hand. When a husband has reason to be rrouel of his wife , he seldom neglects to mention it. Nearly every man who has a fad , wants to sec It made a study in the public schools. A good many people don't wait to know the truth , If it is opposed to their prejudices. A young man is complimented when n girl hhows jealousy , but an older man gets scared. ' "I try not to be prejudiced , but I do not make much headway against it. " Drake Watson. Another girl who took piano lessons , expecting to go into society , has turned out a stenographer. The louder a fool talks , the less dis position on the part of wisdom to dispute what he says. Christmas is like society ; those who talk the meanest alXjut it are the ones who do the mos.t for It. Old age is respectable , but Chaun- cey M. Depew Is the first man to claim that it is enjoyable. You hear a great many "health hints , " but probably the most import ant is not to worry , or hate. Although it is polite to say a girl is led to the altar , you will observe that she never pulls back much. Some girls are so particular that the only way you can hold their hands is to shake hands with them. "I can talk to my son , " a man said today , "but he never pays the slight est attention to anything I say. " Do people complain more because of too much dry weather than they complain because of too much rain ? In some towns , the men are always telling what others should do for the the town , but do nothing themselves. Nearly every boy claims that a panther once chased him , but so far as known , no panther ever caught a boy. When you think a man is talking nonsense , possibly he is talking sense , and you ai unable to comprehend him. People are always ready to bo amused and always ready to complain when an attempt is made to instruct thorn. Before a man is married he buys more clothes than he can afford , and after he Is married his wife buys thorn. As soon as a woman begins to love a man , she begins to figure on marry ing him. But it Isn't always that way with a man. The list , of satisfied customers does not include any man who paid a high price for his headache the night be > fore ho got it A man noTcr knows what to Bay whoa ho la serenaded ; and he neror knows what to say when he gets a Christmas present. Loaining seems to mnko as many mistakes as Ignorance. Haven't you lomarkod the great numlinr of mis takes made by the loarnoel. A man rather enjoys being told that ho Is devilish until he Is ; IO years old ; after that , he foe > ls like smashing anyone who calls him devilish. The world Is undoubtedly glowing bolter , but we lofuso to bollovo that the Now Year's resolution has aii.\- thing to do wltli the Impreivoment. A man \\hei has played a violin never makes a very satlsfacteiry drum mer for the reason that ho is always watching for mistakes of the tiddlers. The world Is becoming pretty swift ; a man whp drove Into the country yesterday saw a farmer driving to town on top of a loud of corn , and smoking a elgaret. When wo look at the poorest gro cery store In teiwn , wo woudor that It gets any trade at all considering how good the best one is. But the poorest grocery store always gets along fair ly well. Last night there was u play ghcn by school children nt a se'hewlhouHO near town. A farme > r , who e-amo to town today , was asked : "Well , how was it ? " "Oh , pielty geiod , " the farm er rcplloel. "What was the play about ? " ho was asked agalu. "I could neit just toll. ' ho replied , "the babies were crying all over the house , and the actors didn't speak very distinct ly. But It was pretty good. " DENEEN TO ILLINOIS SOLONS. He Recommends Removing Corpora tion Regulation From Politics. Sprlngflolel , III. , Jan. Numerous recommendations are made by fleiv- ornor Donoen in his message to the forty-seventh general assembly today. The gen01 nor urged that railroad legislation bo enacted which will give the rallroael and warehouse eomiuis siion control of stock and bond issues of express companies , railroad connoc lions , Interurhan railremdH , joint through rates , facilities at stations and street railway ce > mpaiiics. Inci dentally ho urges that each railroad company be placed under the jurlsdlc lion of the commission. Concerning public utilities the mes sage says : "it is too well known to need the support of argument that the stan dards of politics In our own state and municipalities have often been low ered and their legislative bodies de bauched through the efforts of public utility companies striving on the one hand to secure Improper privilege and franchise through the enactment of laws and ordinances and upon the oth er to prevent passage of destructive legislation intended only for black mailing purposes. " The governor believes the railroad and warehouse commission or a now commission should be created with power ti require service adequate for the public needs and fix rates fair to the public. Tlie subject of corporate control , he believes , would thus be re moved to a greater extent than at present from the field of politics. Other recommendations include : Anti-pass law ; conservation of na tional resources ; employers' liability laws ; corrupt practices act : marking and dedication of the route of Abra ham Lincoln on his removal from Hodgonville , Ky. , through Indiana to Springfield ; application of ( Llio initia tive and referendum upon a very Im portant public measure rather than upon many measures of minor import- mice ; recall in commission form of government on petition of 25 percent of voters instead of 75 percent as as present. PERU WILL ARBITRATE IT. Willing to Submit Boundary Dispute With Ecuador to The Hague. Lima , Jan. 4. Peru has agreed to submit its boundary dispute with Ec uador to the arbitration of The Hague tribunal. This is in compliance with the suggestion contained in the Joint note recently presented to the two re publics by the mediating powers , the United Stales , Brazil and Argentine. "Bad Jake" Noble Caught. Lexington , Ky. , Jan. 4. ' Had Jake" Noble of Breathltt county , who is wanted for the killing of Jailer Wes ley Turner at Jackson , Ky. , on elec tion night , is under arrest at William son , W. Va. There was a large re ward for his capture. Cozad Farmer Frozen to Death. Lexington , Neb. , Jan. 4. George Campbell , who resided about four miles south of Cozad , was a victim of the blizzard Sunday , his frozen body being found by a member of his fam ily near his home. Form Progressive League. Minneapolis , Minn. , Jan. 4. Pro gressive republicans from all over Minnesota met here today to form a progressive republican league of Min- nnsota. Play Ball On April 12. Cincinnati , Jan. 4. For the eighth successive time August Herrmann of tills city was selected chairman of the national baseball commission at Its annual session at the Laughroy club , The schedule committee of the Na tional League met with President Johnson , who represented the Amer ican League schedule committee , and announced that the schedules for the two leagues had been practically com pleted and adopted. It was said , unof ficially , however , that the two seasons would open on the same day , which probably will bo April 12. It also was said the two schedules as drawn wore for 154 games. SATURDAY , , 1VJT SERMONS REVSAMUEIW.PIJRVIS.D.D. . . . . THE GUEST AT THE DOORSTEP Text , "llrlmld 1 Mnmt nt the door .1 > < i knock.Kcv ill , JO. Over Inilf a century has gone by since the genius of that master painter Ilolmiin Hunt gave to us that thrillingly - ly noble picture "The Light of tin * Worlel. " ICven the untrained e-ye can sou that a great thought has bi-i-n transferred from mind to cnnvus. There's a patient face , a Ulnelly e yo. The wounded hand Is at the UnooUor. The nail pleivcel foot peers from be neath the priestly robe. Twilight and evening dump have come. In his huiuL Is the lighted lamp of truth. The door Is Ivy grown no long unopened. .V touch of genius -there's no latch on , the outside. It can only be opened from within , llolman Hunt bus just paHwcil Into the spirit world. Evorv one knows the inclining of bis glorious picture , even without a title. Every reader knows who Is meant In the * text , "Behold , I stand at the door anil knock , " although no name Is mention ed. The spirit of God comes to the * door of the' human heart and knocks. lie stanel.s there- while the HUH l.s goIng - Ing elown , u ml night Is coining on with Its heavy elow.s and damps. He and knocks. But only human can slip back the bolts for him t < * come In. , The Visitor. , Whose dark door Is this ? It's they door of the Jewish nation , where ho comes as Messiah , then , reject eel , te > the gentiles. It Is the door , say the commentators , of the Laodicean church , noted for Its wealth and volup tuousness , But It's moro than that. Sob It out. erring ono "My darkeloor ! " And the visitor Is none other than the King of kings and the Lord of lords , of whom the angels shouted when ho came home. "Lift up your heads , O ye gates , and be ye lifted up ye ovcrlast ing doors , and the King of Glory shall come In ! " Is ho at my door ? Surely not ! lie belongs to the palace only- Balmoral , I'oterhof , Potsdam ; royaf guest rooms , with purple and line lln en. gold anil Ivory must tint walls and floor for a king ; royal vat and forest ami nursery must furnish food. But look ! Ho Is passing Into Peter's house , a fisherman's simple cottage , He 11 slopping ul Xacchabus' , that hated tax gatheycr. And at Simon's , the leper "unclean ! " And to Mary and M.ir tha's. quiet , humble folks. Why , Master , I was looking for thee , too. but was looking at the church , at the people , nt the minister , the choir , the ritual , Hie creed , and then your voice * spoke so quietly , "John , behold I stand at the door and knock ! " Sny. Is tluit w'l.it ' Unit godless prisoner meant when he was dying at the county Jail the other night ? "Preacher. I've been bad" the death sweat was gathering "but come closer , chaplain. Jesus has corne to even this poor , dying tblof. " Somehow I thought of anoHi cr dying thief. His Reception. ' "If any mini hear and open the door. " Good. Notice that "If ? " Oth crs may force mo with screw and ra k and fapot lie re-spects the sacredness o'f my human will. Every man's heart Is his castle- . Come In , come in ! But I'm ashamed , master. I've bad otbi-r guests save the- name ! They've been em those stops and through these cor ridors. Blasphemy was here with blackcne-d lips ; selfishness , with hare ! oycs and close drawn robes ; temper with murde-r and strife at her heel.s. lust. red lipped , hot breathed and scarlet % let robed , and drunkenness , with blood shot eye and severing mouth. Huhf Even now they leer at mo from dark corners with their foul memories. But come them In. I thought when a king- would come there would be bands of music , booming of cannon , tramping of soldlora. battleflags waving , yet I knew that was the blunder of Peter. James and John Instead there's quiet , love. Joy. peace and fragrance as of flowers from celestial gardens. Is uiy reception cold or stilted or formal ? Forgive me , patient one. That was my sin In the church preoccupation. spiritual Inattention , polite unbelief. Give uie the quick sense of a lover to anticipate thy desires , the Intuition of a mother for her child , the Instinct of a bird for sunnier clime. O lonely one of Nazareth , make my borne a Beth any. where n Lazarus heart shall wel come. a Mary heart adore , a Martha heart serve. The Divine Guect. "I will come In and sup wltb him. " What an honor ! In the old Palmetto State a white man's carriage broke- down before a negro's home , n former slave , prosperous now. Generous hos pitality was extended. The table was spread , and their former master and mistress sat down to cat. Not a dark face sat at that table. All stood , as of old , to serve. Master supped witb slave , but not for a moment did the freed man think of sitting with him. Christ says. "I call you not servants , but friends. " He is our guest ; wo now become "brothers of the bread , " "men of much ashes. " for tbo fires of our hospitality must not go out. Doors that have been double locked , double bolted and double barred are now swung wide open. Even the door of conscience , once rusted , now poises at his touch. There are unsuspected rooms In our soul's house. The lofty apartment of veneration with angel frescoed celling was dark and spider woven , and dust settled on its frieze and molding. The windows of faith and hope ore now cleaned. The sky window of ornver is open to the blue. The efficient worker Is worth huntIng - Ing for worth a small "want ad cau > - palgn. " Advertise la TLNewi MlUEUU.