The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 30, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Round About
Now Yoik , Dor. 21. Now York Is a ] i
clirlHtliui city , There urn many JOWH , i 1
of courseinoio tliiin In Palestine.
Probably alco inoro MuRluma than In
Mecca , anil IhoilHamlH of persons of
oth r faiths and of none. There nro' I '
higher and lower crltlcH who look
upon all religions HH gross superstl- i
tloiiH. who speak airily of "the Christ |
myth , " mid who dlBiulsa Christmas as
hut a survival of the annual festival
of the imgniiH rololirnthiB the triumph
or tlio sun ever the POWIM-B of dark-
nesa. Yet with the necessary excep
tions , taken by and largo and altogeth
er , New York Is ti chrsllnn city. As
such , It IB on the cvo of celebrating
the birthday of the Son of GotU
Tlilp fact has not escaped the obser
vation of my friend , Mr. Wing , the sou
of a wealthy Pokln merchant , who Is
engaged In absorbing Information atone
ono of our leading founts of learning.
Although ho wears good clothes nml
speaks good Kngllsh , ho Is but n heath
en Chinee , after all , and Ms remarks
are not to bo taken seriously.
"I admire your Christian civilization
very much , " said Mr. Wing , "very
much , Indeed. Yet I am at a. loss to
account for your way of observing the
nativity of the Savior whom you wor
ship. Last Christmas , I observed a
no Inconsiderable proportion of your
adult male population celebrated the
day by becoming what you call
soused , Is It not ? In the fashionable
restaurants I also observed many wo
men who wore ah verging on that
condition. The saloons all ever the
city , 1 noticed , were packed full of
men , whoso devotions appeared to cen
ter upon some persons or so I gath
ered from the signs named Thomas
and Jeremiah.
"Another thing that seems to me
/rather / odd Is that on every street cor
ner there are persons In fantastic garb
collecting money for charity. And
standing near thorn I have seen poor
old men and women and llttlo , shiver
ing boys and girls , selling papers and
gew-gaws. It seems" to mo that your
charity might be more direct.
"Your custom of giving gifts at the
Christmas , too , seems peculiar to the
unenlightened oriental. Last year one
of my college associates told mo that
he received olghty-two presents from
resenting a total expenditure of ever
resenting a total expenditure of ovr
a thousand dollars , and having an ac
tual value to him , he said , of thirty
cents. What a tremendous economic
waste such a system must Involve !
"In China we celebrate the birth
day of Confucius by reading and
studying his precepts. Of course , wo
do not look upon the great sago as aged
god , and perhaps this should make a
difference In the mode of observance.
But at any rate , wo do not suffer
what you call It ? the morning after
head , and we are not broke , as you
say. "
A few years ago. If a physician had
prescribed open windows and appli
cations of Ice cold water as a euro for
a cough , ho would probably have been
sent to the psychopathic ward for ex
amination Into his sanity. This Is
the sort of treatment which many lead
ing Now York physicians advise , un
der certain conditions , for sufferers
from "colds" and la grippe. Pneumon
ia patients , even , have been treated
In this manner and have recovered. It
Is unnecessary to add that the air and
cold water cure should bo undertaken
only under the direction of a doctor.
Mayor Gnynor Is ji believer in the
efficiency of fresh air and exercise as
aids to health , and to the fact that
ho practices what he preached ho at
tributes his speedy lucovory from the
wound Indicted by a would-be assas
sin. When a citizen wrote to him ,
complaining of the lack of heat In
street , elevated and subway cars , May
or Gnynor replied :
"So far as I am concerned I wish
the cars were not heated at all. Your
statement that at least 5,000 people
die every year from cold in the street
cars seems to mo a great exaggera
tion. Suppose you stay out of doors
and walk back and forth for a month.
I will warrant that at the end of that
time yon will not care much about
heat In the cars and that , moreover ,
you will not feel like complaining
with everybody and everything In the 1
world. "
Physicians say that the mayor is
right , and that If cars wore not heat
ed at all the health of the public would
bo all the better for It. Cars that are 1
kept very warm. It Is alleged , do more
than any other agency In the spread
of pneumonia , la grlppo and tubercu
The passenger , bundled up in an
overcoat , enters the car and soon , if
It bo very warm , begins to perspire.
Then the car door is opened and a
blast of air chills him. During his
journey ho Is alternately hot and cold ,
and if there -Is anyone In the car suf
fering from a cold as there is almost
certain to bo ho Is breathing In the
germs that may develop pneumonia.
Upon leaving the car ho is exposed
to the full vigor of the Icy blasts , and ,
as ho has been wearing his overcoat
In the warm car , It affords him llttlo i
protection. By this method , say the i
doctors , at least a half of the throat
and lung affections of New Yorkers
are contracted and developed.
Tests made by Dr. George L. Mey-
Ian , director of the Columbia univer
sity gymnasium , seem to prove con
clusively that tobacco does not stunt
the physical growth and health.
Two , hundred and thlrty-threo Co
lumbia students were used In the In
vestigation. Of these , 115 wore habit
ual smokers. Records of their physi
cal condition covering a period of two
yearn showed that sixty-six smokers
gained r.n average of eight pounds in
weight , and 1.2 centimetres In height ,
as against six pounds and 1.1 centi
metres for the non-mnokors. The de
votees of Lady Nicotine also surpass
ed the non-HinokerH In total strength ,
uf the students who niuoko 47 percent
won places on varsity teams as
against ! 17 percent for the non-smok-
ors. Of all the students of thu uni
versity 52 percent nro smokers , and
of the athletes f > G percent smoke. In
scholarship , the non-smokers showed
themselves a trifle superior to the
smokers , hut this Is accounted for by
their lessor athletic activities ,
London , Dec. 21. For the present
at least politics will have no place In
the thoughts of Britishers. Christmas
Is upon the civilized nations of the
world , and most of them have accept
ed the custom of Its celebration , whe
ther they arc Christians or not. Christ
mas day falling on Sunday this year ,
the religious feature of the Christmas
festival will come more prominently to
the foreground than In other years.
All of the leading churches of London
will have elaborate services , special
musical programs having been pro *
pared for the occasion. At the Royal
Palace the celebration will be of a
ther quiet nature , not only becau& of
the family's private mourning for the
late King Edward , but also because
Queen Mary has recently been plunged
into mourning by the death of her
brother , Prince Francis of Tock. For
the children , however , there will be
plenty of Christmas cheer , and It will
fall to the lot of the now prlnco of
Wales and his brothers and sister to
distribute gifts to the employes about
the palace and to the poor of the city ,
through the various societies organ
ized to help the poor.
At the American embassy plans
have been made to celebrate the sea
son Ilttlngly , though quietly , for Mrs
Reid , wife of the American ambassa
dor , is also in mourning for her fa
ther. Consul General and Mrs. Grif
fiths will entertain extensively , Mr
Griffiths having recently returned
from a vacation spent In the United
The leading west end hotels have
made elaborate preparations for the
celebration of both Christmas and
New Year's oves. Tables wore re
served months ago for dinner parties
and after-theater suppers. This prac
tice has grown up In recent years
and Is adopted in many cases by people
ple who live In London , many of whom
have taken up the fad for the purpose
of giving their servants a holiday.
At Paris , Ambassador and Mrs. Ba
con will give a series of Christmas
holiday entertainments. Mrs. Hill ,
wife of the American ambassador at
Berlin , has been spending a while In
Paris , resting from the fatigue of get
ting their now home In order , but has
returned to preside over the holiday
functions to be given to prominent
Germans and Americans during the
Christmas week. At VIenne , Ambas-
I sndor and Mrs. Kerens have sent out
n largo number of Invitations for Im
portant social events. The Kerens
are rapidly establishing a record
for lavish entertaining that compares
favorably with the pace set by the
Reids in London.
Hotel sharpers , swindlers and
thieves who have victimized many an
over-contldent American on his trav
els abroad are going to have a hard
i time from January , next. An Interna
tional crusade against them has been
started , headed by the Swiss hotel
keepers , who have for two year's been
publishing descriptions and photographs -
graphs of "well known hotel rats , " ns
they are named In Europe. Seventy
of the principal towns In England ,
Germany , France , Austria , Italy , Bel
gium and Holland have joined the
movement and other countries are ex
pected to follow suit.
Japanese competition Is making ser
ious inroads upon British industries ,
i handicapped as they are by free trade.
j Whllo British trade Is booming , ac-
jcoidlng to the free trade Importers ,
Japanese cheap labor is displacing
I English produce In the hardware , cotton -
, ton goods nnd dressmaking trades.
London west end shops today offer
j French costumes made on the latest
French models and exquisitely worked -
ed , but made In Japan , nt one-fourth
the cost for labor that would be paid
to English dressmakers. At other
shops can bo bought dinner and tea
services modelled In Japan on the best
English Doulton and Mlnton designs
and perfectly turned out nt one-third
the price of the genuine English goods
and it is the same with cotton mater
The sultan of Morocco has decid
ed to reorganize his army Into a small
er but well drilled and well equipped
force. It Is Improbable that more than
5,000 men will bo recruited , as the sul-
tnn realizes that they will never bo
required except against his own sub-
jocts. The old army Is being disband
ed nnd only such troops ns are medi
cally lit are recruited. The Moorish
officers who have made a profitable
living out of their positions , are ex
tremely antagonistic to the now sys
tem , especially as the payment of the
inon will bo taken out of their hands ,
The Prussian ministry of the Inter
ior has Issued a sot of rules and regu
lations dealing with aerial navigation.
Aerial flights undertaken by persons
who have not obtained a certificate of
efllclency can only bo permitted above
such land as Is unpopulated , and
where there Is practically no trafllc ,
Aerial pilots In possession of their
certificates must , ns n rule , fly out-
Hide of Inhabited places. At the same
tlmo the ministry of the Interior do-
clarcs that there ought not to bo n
general prohibition of ( lights above In-
liablted places , which may bo permis
sible In certain cases. Even the air
men aie to bo warned of the danger
which they cnuso to those beneath.
No passenger may bo taken up In n
flying machine by pilots who do not
possess certificates of ofllclcncy. In
all cases of doubt the police have far
reaching powers to dcslco all quos-
tloiiH and to enforce their decision.
Rumor says that Qucon Mary Is goIng -
Ing to hnvo a black carpet In her bou
doir In Buckingham paluco and If the
rumor Is true black drawing robins
will speedily become the fnshht'ii In
England. As a rule EngllshH'-\vomon
have but little respect for tj ; 1 taste of
the queen In matters of dr/ss , but her
opinion of things relating to the homo
and Its care Is consldj.l'ed as the last
word In elegance.Some years ago
there was a temporary liking for black
carpets and tm&rt p6oplo fitted up
rouge-et-noir ; udons In their houses ,
but the fashion quickly died out.
Donahue May Be Ousted From Office
In Omaha ,
Omaha , Dec. 28. Chief of Police
Donahue Is on trial for alleged failure
to enforce liquor and gambling laws
In Omaha.
Judge Robert E. Evans of Dakota
City , ns reforco appointed by the supreme
promo court , will take testimony nnd
make his report to the high court for
Its review and final decision.
That the trial will not conclude before - '
fore Saturday Is the opinion of Attor
ney General Mullen , who will prosecute -
cute the case.
The ouster suit was filed three
months ago by direction of Governor
Shallenberger upon formal complaint
of Flro nnd Police Commissioner
Charles J. Karbach.
Scores of resorts where liquor is
sold after 8 p. m. and on Sundays and
several gambling dens are named In
the complaint against Donahue and
existence of assignation houses In the
residence districts Is recited.
At the New Theater Dinner , the Play
wright Read a New One.
Now York , Dec. 28. George Ado ,
one of our most promising young play
wrights , said a piece at the Now The
ater dinner. He said the New The
ater might have the piece If It de
sired , but as yet no decision has been
reached. Anyhow , hero Is the piece :
The Microbe's Serenade.
A lovelorn microbe met by chance ,
At a swagger bacteroldnl dance ,
A proud bacllllan belle , and she
Was first of the nnimalculae ,
Of organism saccharine ,
She was the protoplasmic queen.
The microscopical pride and pet
Of the biological smartest set ,
And so this infinitesimal swain
Evolved n pleading low refrain :
"Oh , lovely metamorphlc germ ,
What futile scientific term
Can well describe your many charms ?
Come to these embryonic arms ,
Then hie away to my cellular home ,
And by my little diatom ! "
( Hls epithelium burned with love ,
He swore by molecules above
She'd be his own gregarious mate ,
Or else he would disintegrate.
This amorous mite of a parasite
Pursued the germ both day and night
And 'neath her window often played
This Darwin-Huxley serenade
He'd warble to her every day
This rhlzopodlcal roundelay :
"Oh , most primordial type of spore ,
1 never met your like before ,
And though a microbe has no heart ,
From you , sweet germ , I'll never part.
We'll sit beneath some fungus growth
Till dissolution claims us both. "
New York , Dec. 28. Much has been
said of the high cost of living. It was
brought out the other day that under-
tni.-ers make 500 percent profit and
now It Is ascertained that the cost
of being ill has doubled in ten years.
How are you going to beat that game ?
To determine how the growth In the
cost of living has affected the hospit
als , a typical institution was selected
and the figures of ten years ago were
compared with those of the present
time. It was found that in 1000 the
daily expense of maintaining a pa
tient was $1.17. Today It is $2.06.
North Nebraska Deaths.
John A. Vought died at Nellgh.
Simon P. Hlght died nt Brlstow.
Ellen Hoaglnnd died at Winner.
H. Ray Keith died nt Long Pino.
Herman Hoer died at West Point.
Mrs. John Maybury died at Ncligh.
Thomas H. Farrand died at Wayno.
Mrs. Herman Raasch died at Stan-
Each Club Has One or More Men That
Money Cannot Buy.
Now York , Dec. 20. Two years ago
SSach Wheat was dubbing around In
the minor league , not making any
great name for himself , but showing
the promise that most young players
Hash at ono tlmo or another. Now
ho is rated one of the best youngsters
that have broken Into fast company In
years. You couldn't buy htm from
Charley Ebbotts any more than you
could purchase Christy MnthowBon
from John T. Brush. Ho is Just about
the backbone of the Washington park
outfit and is young enough to have
many seasons of star performances in
him. From an ordinary hlttor ho de
veloped suddenly Into n real slii ur.
Ho always was n sensational fleldor
IMISO runnor. The two big
leagues contain many players who
are just as valuable to tlio | - clubs as
Zach Wheat is to Brooklyn. They
are not all as good plnvors as Wheat ,
but they are the mo > i around whom
the tun in Is built UV and whom the
fans cotton.
Every ono 'j ' > a while Charley Mur
phy breaks lfci.o print with an offer for
MathcW8qti'"but there Is not a chnnco
on enrtfS'thnt any club will ever bo
nhlo to'buy htm until ho has pitched
his um off. For years ho has been
the real strength of the club , There
ate any number of people who firmly
believe ho IB the whole team. There
Is no tolling what might have been
the outcome of the Yankees-Giants
series had the Polo Grounders been
forced to play without Matty.
For years Matty , by his pitching ,
and McGraw. by shrewd innnugement ,
have kept the Giants several positions
higher up In the National League than
they should have been. Now the
Giants arc being picked as the most
probable winner next year. Prove to
the experts that Matty Is all In and
the Giants would be dropped Immedi
ately as championship possibilities.
He Is n Now York Institution and will
remain one until he has gone to pieces.
Eddie Collins , Jack Coombs and
Chief Bender mean almost as much
to Connie Mack. No amount of money
would Induce Mack to part with Col
tins. Anyone could offer $20,000 for
him with perfect safety. It Is not at
all likely that Johnny Evers could bo
purchased at that figure , though It Is
not at nil certain that the "human
crab" will over play ball , championship
s-hip ball , that is , again. Johnny broke
his right ankle last fall and It's an
even chnnco that ho will never again
be able to cover second base as he
used to. For nil that he Is not on the
Where would Detroit be without Ty
Cobb ? Cobb Is one of the most un
popular players In the American
League with the fans , all of whom
look upon him as the very personifica
tion of the last word In the conceit
line. But his acquisition made pen
nant winners of the Tigers , and hi
ranks with Christy Mathewson nnd
Hans Wagner as the greatest drawing
cards in baseball.
The Boston Americans , fo > - nil Tohn
I Taylors talk , would hem and haw
a long time before parting with Trls
Speaker. Washington fans would
raise nn awful holler If Walter John
son were disposed of to a rival club.
Cleveland thinks so much of Larry
Lajole that no amount of money could
buy the Frenchman. The St. Louis
Americans have not anything that tbe
fans hanker about ever seeing again ,
but any number of clubs.have been
trying vainly for a couple of years to
buy or trade for First Baseman Kon-
During the recent baseball meetings
Charley Comiskey was approached by
rival magnates nnd magnates seeking
trades oftener than any other magnate
In cither league. But they nil wanted
Big Ed Walsh and It would cost as
much to get Walsh out of Chicago as
it would to get Mathewson away
from New York.
Hans Wagner has been traded , on
paper , to half the clubs In the National
League , but Fred Clarke said the oth
er day that the demon Dutchman will
play for Pittsburg as long as he plays ,
lie Is one of the most popular players
In the country and one of the three
greatest drawing cards.
Getting back to New York again ,
what would happen If Chase tried to
send Russ Ford or Ed Sweeney or
Jack Knight to another club ? Chase
wouldn't for there Isn't enough mon
ey In the strong box of any ball club
to purchase them. But Just supposln'
for that matter , how many people
would attend the opening of Farrell
field next spring If the Yanks presi
dent parted with Chase for a cash
It's easy enough to go out and buy
star players on paper. As an actual
fact there Is generally some good rea
son for letting the man go when n
club parts with a star of the first
magnitude. Bad habits that may cut
his career short , failure to get along
with the players on the team or too
long a stay In one town are usually
the reasons behind the sale of a star.
There Is a whole lot more In the
one man ball team idea than many
fans believe. The Giants would look
fairly good for next seafaon without
Matty , but with him they figure to
romp home. The Cubs have gone
back tremendously , but It Is a cinch
bet that they never would have lost
that world's series so Inglorlously had
Evers been on the job. And whllo
the Athletics might struggle along
without Eddlo Collins , it In ro.-toln
that his presence In the Infield
strengthens the team fully 50 percent.
Ferguson to Box Langford.
Boston , Dec. 27. Sandy Ferguson
and Sam Langford will try conclusions
here tonight before the Armory nth-
letlc club. The bout is scheduled for
ten rounds.
Moha Outpoints Quill ,
Milwaukee , Dec. 27. Tommy Quill
of Boston was outpointed by Bob
Moha of Milwaukee in a 10-round fight ,
Moha having the host of the sparring
In every round except the first three.
New World's Skate Record.
Now York , Doc. 27. Edmund Lamy
at Saranac Lake , N. Y. , broke the
world's amateur 220-yard skating
record , negotiating the distance In
17 2-5 seconds. This clips 2 2-5 sec
ond's from the record of 1915 seconds
ends , made by Leroy See In 1900.
A Tame Fight.
Memphis , Tenn. , Dec. 27. James
Barry of Chicago and Tony Ross of
New Castle , Pa. , fought eight rather
tame rounds to a draw before the Na
tional Athletic club.
A Knockout ,
Syracuse , N. Y. , Dec. 27. Howard
Morrow of Benton Harbor , Mich. ,
knocked out Hugh Ross of Oswoga In
the tenth round ,
Hack Beats Roller.
Boston , Dec. 27. George Hackon-
Hchmldt , the Russian wrestler , de
feated Dr. Bon F. Roller of Seattle , by
winning two straight falls , the first
In 1 hour , 7 minutes , 20 seconds ; the
second In 10 minutes , 27 seconds , with
an arm grab and a body roll.
McGovcrn Nearly Out.
Milwaukee , Dec. 27. Jack White of
Chicago all but knocked out Gone Me-
Govern In a 10-round bout. McGovern
was substituted for Johnny Schultz of
Toledo who was taken sick. The bout
WIIH an uninteresting ono. It being n
slugging match In which White did
thu slugging.
Will West Flght Sulllvan ?
Norfolk light fans nro now wonderIng -
Ing whether or not the West-Jack
Sullivan fight for the $1,000 deposited
at Gregory will come off. West stat
ed after his defeat at the hands of
Dan Sullivan that It was his last
light. Saturday jWest declared ho
could defeat any of the Sullivan boys
In a twenty or forty-llve-round go nnd
that ho had a good backing. When he
was asked if 'the ' fight for the $1,000
side bet would be fought he stated
that he would not know until he
reached Gregory.
This Telephone Girl Gives a Bond
Not to Marry Before June.
Spokane , Wash. , Dec. 27. When
Miss Margaret Perkins went to work
as telephone operator in a local hotel
today the management required her
to give a bond not to marry within
six months. This instrument , duly
signed and sealed , holds Miss Perkins
bondsmen liable to the extent of $500
In the event she becomes a bride on or
before June 21 , 1911. The sureties are
profninent business men.
The reason for this unusual require
ment by the hotel management Is that
a half dozen telephone operators have
married within ns many months , the
last two being Miss Florence Joyce ,
who recently married a rancher , nnd
Miss Olive Bourne , who has gone to
Rockland , Mich. , to join her Intended
"I am not engaged to any one , nor
do I expect to enter into an engage
ment during the coining six months , "
said Miss Perkins , a comely brunette ,
"nnd for that reason my bondsmen
have nothing to fear. Of course I
have received a proposal or two , but
I am not ready to settle down for life.
"The making of a bond is a matter
of business with the management of
the hotel , " the operator continued.
"There Is more or less trouble every
tlmo a new operator is 'broken in , "
the rule being that ns soon as a girl
becomes efficient she deserts the
switchboard to join heart and hand
with some mere man.
"As I said , I am not ready to become
the wife of any man , therefore the
management has nothing to fear so
far as I am concerned. The two
young women working on the other
eight-hour shifts will also bo required
to give bonds , I am Informed. "
A. G. Benson , manager of the house ,
believes that Miss Perkins and the
other operators will carry out their
agreement to the letter.
Historians at Indianapolis.
Indianapolis , Ind. , Dec. 27 The
American Historical association began
Its twenty-sixth annual meeting bore
today , with a number of distinguished
delegates In attendance. Holding
meetings at the same tlmo are the
North Central History Teachers' asso
ciation , the Mississippi Valley Histor
ical Association and the Ohio Valley
association. Headquarters of the or
ganizations nro nt the Claypool hotel.
Among these expected to make ad
dresses Is J. F. Rhodes , the historian
who was recently honored for his
history of the United States.
A Large Jurisdiction.
Spokane , Wash. , Dec. 27. Rev.
Father James Rockllff of Spokane ,
appointed recently as head of the
California province , to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Rev. Father
Herman J. Goller , provincial , has the
largest jurisdiction In the gift of the
Jesuit order. His territory extends
from the Pacific coast to the Dakota-
Minnesota line and from Alaska to
Mexico. There are 300 priests under
his orders. Father Rockllff announces
ho will make Spokane his headquar
ters and direct the work of the par
ishes and missions from this city.
Ho will visit numerous cltlea In Cali
fornia early In 1911 , afterward making
trips to other parts of the province.
Father Rockllff came to Spokane
from the east a short time ago and
was connected with Gonzaga college
here. Ho knew his predecessor as a
boy and was with him when ho began
his studies for the priesthood
"Father Gollcraw Is a most lovable
character , " he said , "and ho did a
great work In this country. Ho was
broad In his views and as a result *
attracted many men and made them
his friends. "
" t
That Explains Much Humming Now
Done at Card Parties.
Now York , Dec. 27. A woman who
makes it a point to ask the name of
every now tune she hears spent half
an hour in a room whore a dozen other
women were playing cards. When the
other women had gone she asked the
hostess :
"What was that pretty llttlo air
your guesta kept humming every llttlo
whllo ? IB It from some now opera ? "
No opera on cmth was ever HO pop
ular as that song Is just now , "
laughed thc % hostess. "It was com
posed by a teacher of bridge. She
put thu most Important rules of the
game Into rhyme and set them to
music. It's a pretty , lilting tune that ,
appeals to the oar. Women that lirttl
never been able to remember , the
rules from ono day to another could
easily remember that song and become -
como pretty good plnyorn. Even now
In their excitement , they forgot a
point oneo In a whifo , but they have
that song nt their tongues' end nnd
n few measures sets them right , "
Northwest Weddings.
G. Tunis nnd Miss Goldle Phillips
wore married at Butte.
J. C > Hlnk and Miss Lonn Mauror
were married at Bassott.
Robert Kcckler and Miss Bosslo Pll-
nr were married at Fairfax.
Frank Mallory and Miss Daisy
Dredge wore married at Plorco.
Alvln P. Lelsey and Miss Sndlc
Ebol were married nt Wlsncr.
Rudolph Boettgor and Miss Mattie
Patjon were married at Pierce.
P. L. Weiss and Miss Marie Splchor
were married at Battle Crook.
C. 10. Neff nnd Miss Amalla M. Hof-
orer were married at Crolghton.
Frank A. Dudley of Niagara Falls ,
president of the Utah and Grand Can
yon railroad , which has been at pro
ject for some time , says that work on
the road will begin as soon as con
tracts can be let nnd the weather port
rnits ,
The Kansas Southern & Gulf , a
Kansas state road , has finally given up
the ghost. Its operation was con
ducted for eighteen months by C. E.
Morris , who , ns receiver , finding its
one engine had fallen to pieces , re
signed and the one employe of the
road Is hauling the mall between the
two stations on a handcar.
The Lehlgh Valley has authorized
the construction of an extensive
freight transfer station at Manchester ,
N. Y. , The principal results of the
improvement will bo a more rapid
movement of high class freight , and
a reduction in the expense of handl
ing. There will be 28,000 feet of new
Employes of the Pennsylvania rail
road engaged on or about tracks have
been provided with a sot of rules de
signed more fully to protect their
lives and save them from injury.
They are of a very specific character
and printed in several languages.
Important changes in the official
family of the Pennsylvania are ex
pected early In the new year , owing
to the retirement of Charles E. Pugh
In February , when he will attain the
ago limit of the company.
Employes of the Santa Fc have been
given to understand that they can not
smoke cigarettes and remain In the
service of the company. Several hnvo
already been discharged for carrying
the mark of the "yellow stained lin
ger. "
Official notice of the Missouri , Kan
sas and Texas to take over the Texas
Central has been issued , in accordance
with a texns statute. It states that
this first will be done by means of a
lease for twenty-five years , the stock
of the road to bo acquired later and
its indebtedness assumed.
No reduced rates for the holidays
or for the next three months are avail
able for these who travel during that
period In the territory east of the
Mississippi river and north of the
Ohio. Associations having jurisdic
tion there decided several weeks ago
to suspend special rates until after
February 28. It may mean hardship
to some , but the railroads expect to
get Increased revenue in the belief
that there will at least bo heavy travel
during the holidays. What the policy
will be for the sumemr season will
not bo known until the usual rate
conferences are held in February.
At a post of $6.000.000 the Pennsyl
vania will equip all of Its locomotives
with smoke consumers that will cost
$1,000 each. Seven of these devices
are in experimental use now on vari
ous divisions. Twenty-live are being
constructed in the shops of the rail
road. The stoker is an underfeeding
device designed to mechanically con
voy the coal underneath the fire In
stead of It being thrown on top as
heretofore. The invention will reduce
the work of the locomotive firemen
about ninety percent and they are
correspondingly happy.
Sixty thousand miles of railroad east
nnd west , will have been traveled be
fore the year 1910 closes , by R. S.
Church , chief watch Inspector for
four lines of railroad. Mr. Church
Inspects the watches of railroad em
ployes on the Milwaukee road , Includ
ing the Puget Sound extension , the
Chicago & Northwestern , Chicago &
Alton , and the Chicago division of the
See Line. 1,000 miles a month Mr.
Church travels much at night and the
sleeping car habit Is strong with him.
Charles Jordan , a ticket broker , was
recently arrested In Los Angeles for
misusing the malls , in conducting bis
business in soiling non-transferable
tickets. It was his practice to find
customers whom tickets coming into
his hands would benefit. His case Is
believed to bo the first of Its kind.
Farmer Near Wayne Loses Hand as
Result of Accident.
Wnyno Herald : William Harder ,
who lives seven miles north of Wayne ,
caught his right hand In a corn sheller -
lor at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon ,
and the member was BO torn nnd man
gled that It had to bo amputated at
the wrist joint. Ho was shelling corn
on htn farm , nnd the shelter , with n ,
gasoline onglno na power , wan workIng -
Ing at full Bpeed , Ho was wearing
mlUeiiH with two thumb stalls on each
hand. Ho tried to release an oar of
corn that had rnught , the wheels fastened -
oned to the extra thumb stall , and in
an Instant his hand was drawn Into
the flying machinery and ground off.
Snow Is of Benefit ,
Alnsworth , Neb. , Deo. 21. Special
to The News : A" three-Inch snow ,
very wet , fell hero followed by a Che-
nook wind from the northwest. Much
of the snow molted nml the balance
settled down close to the ground
where It will do much good for next
year's crops.
Regular Annual Christmas Day Obser
vance Held In Norfolk ,
At the annual Christmas observance
held by Damascus Comnmndory , No.
20 , at 11 o'clock Monday morning
nineteen knights were present. W.
E. Reed of Madison was principal
speaker. Rev. J. F. Poucher of Stanton -
ton , who was expected , was nimble to
bo present. J. G. Mines and J. T.
Urosslor of Wayne wore among the
out-of-town knights. Eminent Com
mander G. I ) . Snltor was toastmaster
and read a letter from Judge Barnou
of Lincoln expressing regrets nt not
being able to bo present.
A collection was taken up by the
sir knights and the usual amount was
sent to the Masonic homo and the re
mainder will bo given to the local
board of charity.
About 100,000 knights throughout
the United States met nt the same
hour Monday morning.
Knights at Fremont drank to the
health of Colonel S. W. Hayes of Nor
folk , who founded the commnndery
there. j
Benefited Improvements.
Bonestcel , S. D. , Dec. 27. John
Sullivan of Grimes , la. , has purchased
the E. E. Morn property occupied
by the O. A. Gamlt news nnd con
fectionery , also the stock of Mr. Gam-
It , and will as soon as the weather
permits , erect n cement block building
24 by 60 two stories high. As soon
as the building is complete ho will
install a hardware and harness stock.
A. P. Hcndrickson , our retired
mayor , will In the spring erect a
cement block building on the lot now
occupied by the George H. Brown
bakery and confectionery. The now
structure will bo 24 by 60 two stories
high ; the ground floor will bo used as
a store building and the upper story
as a lodge hall.
George Brown has purchased the
bulk of the O. A. Gnmlt confectionery
stock of John Sullivan.
F. L. Crosby , Into of the Bonesteol
State bank , has secured the cooperation
tion of the majority of our business
men and will shortly begin the orec- '
tlon of an ice plant. He will also
install an electric light plant. The
next year gives promise of being the
most prosperous Bonesteel has ex
perienced since 1904.
Notice of Probate of Foreign Will.
In the county court of Madison coun
ty , Nebraska. The State of Nebras
ka , Madison county , ss :
To Metta B. Hlgmnn , widow , Ruth
Higninn , Marietta Higman , Helen G.
Hlgman. Arthur B. Hlgman , Mable
Higman Flood , Bertha Hlginan , Louise
Higman Price , John Floyd Hlgmnn ,
Ada B. Hlgman Fox , Mary L. Hlgman ,
Anna B. Fowldr , H. C. Hlgman , Com
fort B. Hlgman , W. 13. Higman , John
Hlgmnn Flood , Anna Hlgman Webb ,
Nellie Hlgman , Margin el Hlgman ,
Edna Hlgman Wilder , Clarissa Fowler
Murdock , Jane Fowler , 'Mary Fowler ,
Mnble Alliston. Grace Hlgman , Helen
tllgman , Lulu R. Baker , Ethel R. Fowl
er , Helen Ray Lee , Florence Barlow ,
May Barlow , Olive Barlow , Ruth Bar
low. Esther Barlow , Anna H. Ray ,
John Barlow , Katherlne Hlgman , Margaret -
garet Hlgman , Elaine Iligman , Sally
Douglas Flood , Barbara Wilder Price ,
the First Baptist church of Benton
Harbor , Mich. , Children's Home socie
ty , St. Joseph , Mich. , and all persons
Interested in the estate of said John
Iligman , late of Berrlen county , state
of Michigan , deceased.
Whereas , Motta B. Hlgman , Bertha
Hlgman , Irving W. Allen nnd Oren
B. Hipp , executors of the last will and.
testament of said John Hlgman , have
filed In my office n duly authenticated
copy of an Instrument purporting to
bo the last will and testament of John
Hlgman , deceased , and of the proceed
ings and probate thereof In , and * by
the probate court for the county of
Berrlen , In the state of Michigan , and
also their petition , duly verified , pray
ing that said Instrument may bo pro
bated , allowed and recorded In this
court ns the last will and testament
of said deceased ; that letters testa
mentary or letters of administration
with the will annexed Issue to Metta
B. Hlgman , Bertha Hlgman , Oren B.
Hipp nnd Irving W. Allen , and for
such proceedings as the law requires.
It Is therefore ordered that the
24th day of January , 1911 , at 1 o'clock ,
p. m. , at the county court room in
Madison , In said county of Madison ,
Neb. , Is the time nnd place appointed
for hearing said matter , when all per
sons interested 'therein may appear at
the hearing in the county court to beheld
held In , and for said county , and show
cause , If any there bo , why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted nnd the Bald Instrument 'pro '
bated , and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing there
on bo given to all persons Interested
by publishing a copy of this order In
The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , a
legal weekly newspaper , printed , pub
lished and of general circulation in
said county , three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my band and official seal
nt Madison , In said county , thin 27th
day of December , A. D. , 1910
Win. Bates ,
( Seal ) County Judge.