T1IK NORFOLK WKKKLY NRWS-JOUKNAL. Fill HAY , DKOKAinKR .10 , 1910. On The S TAGE "The Prince of Pllscn. " HO'H tlio Hiinio old Jens Dandy. Same , "Van you ofor In Hliulnnatl ? " Hamo "bubbles. " Saino ccHtatlc ex pression over hid faro when bo accl dentally fallH Into tlio fountain and finds bow cooling tbo water Is upon bis fevered blow. And tbo smno old bllnrlouH audience , convulsed wltb inlrtb , an bo takes tbat bath In hlo dross milt after "rollhiK" all night on top of n billiard tnblo with a billiard ball underneath him. "Ills JoyoUB highness , the "Prlnco of Pllson" i tiled In Norfolk last nlglf And the populace voted him the right to rule. Christmas rush was laid aside for the inonicnt and a big aud ience , pretty nearly a capaelty IIOIIHC , turned out to see Henry W. Savage's nil-star east In the great icvlval pro duction of "Tho Pi luce. " fcvorybody liked It , too. The show hasn't deteriorated the slightest bit. With tbo addition of Us own complete orchestra , led by Hln- rlubs , It has , In fact , taken on a now feature that's gratifying. Otto Vogot of Noifolk , by the way , who was foi- meily musical dlicetor In Madlbon Square Garden , Now York , under Mr. Illnrlchs , met bis old associate and played a violin part with the oicnes- trn throughout the evening. The now company , containing most of the original Htais , Is a dlstlnctl\o one. Miss Frances Cameron , "the widow , " IB a beautiful woman to look upon and sho's delightfully clover She has a real voice , a winsome smllo and n lot of good looking clothes. Her gowns and her marvelous hats were quite a featuio of the show. Miss Cameron was the original "widow" In "Tho Merry Widow. " Edward Mora Is a good looking "prlnco" and sings well. Ivor Ander son was again "Lieutenant Tom Wagner - nor , " tbo same role In which he was seen hero five years ago Incidentally , ho still can sing Walter Catlett makes a splendid "Artie , old boy , " Robert O'Connor Is a nlmblo "Francois , " Ollvo Noith If , "Edith Adams" sings prettily and Lil lian Lawson as "Sldonlo" Is a fnscl- naUngMlancor. The costumes woie all fiesb and new and tbo show up to the usual Savage standard. NEW YORK DRAMATIC LETTER. Now York , Dec. 24. Of course the spirit of Cbiislmas fills tbo air , but though one finds It expressed most fully in tbo shops , the theaters are suffering no loss of pationage. Kor ono thing , there are moie visitors to the city this year than usual , every hotel reporting a record business. The same Is true of the theaters. Tbo announcement - nouncemont that the engagement of Mine. Sarah lleinbnrdt Is to be ex tended one week conies like a Christ mas gift to many theatergoers , for not half of the people who desire to see the great acltess luue been able to get accommodations during her short engagement beie. When sbo leaves Now York , Mine. Bernmrdt ) will go to the Pacific const and thence to Aus tralia , If present plans are carried out. E. II. Sothern and Julia Marlowe have added "As Yon Like It. " "Ham- lot" and "Romeo and Juliet" honors to the triumph scored by their pres entation of "Macbeth. " The three for mer plu > s arc productions In which Mr. Sothern and Miss Marlowe have been seen many times , it is true , bul they are moic complete this season more lavish and more accurate In every detail. Mrs. Leslie Carter continues nt the J yrlc theater In Hupert Hughes' play "Two Women , " which is admirably adapted to display all the cleverness of America's leading emotional ac tress. Mrs. Carter's attractiveness alone Is butUclont to assure large and ! onces at the Lyric for tbo remaining weeks of the engagement. James Montgomery's farcical comedy ody , "Tho Aviator , " with Wallace Ed dinger in the title role , has settled down to a prosperous run at the Astor theater. Mr. Eddingcr is an export comedian and the playwright has glv en him a play full of wit , snap ant action. Now York must say goodbye to Miss May Irwln and "Getting a Polish" at Wallack's tonight , for there arc other engagements which demand Miss Ir win's clever .abilities elsewhere. "Po mandor Walk" will follow Miss Irwln at Wallack's. Sam Bernard in "He Came from Milwaukee" has passed his IGOth per formnnce at the Casino theater. Mr Bernard plays the role of a Milwaukee brewer who encounters all sorts of ad ventures in Europe and is suppltet with a long list of humorous sayings William Gillette reappears as the Hev. Robert Spauldlng In tbo fnrclcn comedy "Tho Private Secretary" a the Empire theater. This Is the play that brought him his ilrst celebrity In 1884. He is varying "Tbo Private Sec rotary" with "Secret Service. " The holiday season has not affected In the least tbo popularity of "The Gamblers , " Charles Klein's latest play nt _ Mnxine Elliot's theater. The strength displayed by the author ii the construction of the play and the excellence of the cast by which it 1 produced , makes "The Gamblers" on of the season's most effective dramal Ic offerings. Daly's continues to bo the home o ! "Baby Minn , " Margaret Mayo'a de lightful farce. This play has n humoi that seems to ripen with age , and wll find friends as long as it remains Ir Now York. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" hat that the public prefers plays that are clean as well as entertaining. At the Now York Hippodrome thou sands are visiting the throe spectacles , "Tho International dp , " "Tho Earth- quake" and "The Ballet of Niagara. " The now circus In also a big feature f the entertainment. "Tho Commute ! H , " James Forbes" omcdy , has tolobrated Its IfiOtb per- ormnnco nt the Criterion theater. Mr. Forbes shows the same keen scnso of bscrvntton of men and manners ns vns so evident In "Tho Chorus Lady" ml "Tho Ttavollng Salesman. " Edgar Solvvyn's comedy , "The Coun- ry Boy , " has reached Its fifth month t the Liberty thcator. Much of its ucccss Is due , no doubt , to the human oto and general appeal that Is em- odlcd In its Illustration of a country oy's oxporlonco In coming to Now 'ork to make n iiiuno for himself and vln a fortune. At the American music hall this t'cek the program Is bended by Nairn , . Pailslnn whirlwind dancer. Tom Ferris and his company of fourteen BBoclntc English players , present for ho Hist tlmo In this country "A Man's hadow. " There nro twenty other Ine features on the bill of this play- OI1BO. William Collier In "I'll Bo Hanged f I Do , " nt Collier's comedy theater ontlnucB to attract crowds and prove me of the amusing sensations of the eason. AS LUCK GOES UN RAFFLES. Things That Happened to Patrons of the Doomed Games , Kansas City. Doc. 2t. Now that the nffles for rooc , fuel , clothing , motor jyclcs , Jowelrv , motor cars , houses mil lots and nearly everything else no to be discontinued after January , men who ha\o boon playing the raf- les for the last two years are relating ncldents. A gioup of men stood in a Igar store yestciday telling of the ; oed and bad luck of the raffle pat rons. "I know a woman who spent about .he last dollar In the house for a chance on a motor car , " one of the lien icmaiked. "Tho day she won he motor car her husband lost his ob. They'd been up against It right f she hadn't taken the chance. " "Yes , and I know a guy that spent J17G In ono rnfdo and drew nothing nit numheis , " another man declared. This got them started tolling stories , ind hero are some of the experiences : A dishwasher at the Savoy hotel re- uctantly spent a dollar for a ticket on a car. AVhen he was notified that 10 had diawn the machine ho asked : ho chef for an hour's leave of ab sence. "Can't spnie you now , " the chef re- Dlied "Yes , you can , " the dishwasher re plied. "I've got a $1,500 motor car Lhnt I Just won and I'm quitting. " An official of a telephone company , in attempting to pull one em elope from the package offered him , drew flvo numbers. "That's lucky , " the clerk remaik- ed ; "better take all of them" "One's plenty , " the customer re plied. The clerk lecoided the other four numbers , just to see how his pre diction would come out when the drawing took place. One of the num bers the customer declined to accept won the car. Some of the merchants where the raffles are being held declare that they aie glad the police Intend to stop them January 1. "The raffles cieate more or less dis satisfaction , " one merchant said yes terday. "When we're in the raffle business wo ask our customers if they desire to take chances. Some of them do not like tlio proposition and get offended. There arc the others that Invest considerable money in these games of chance and get sore because they fall to win anything. We're glad they are stopping them. " BATTLE WITH MANIAC. Cincinnati , O. , Dec. 24. Serious InJury - Jury to two nurses and two patients and minor hurts to several other In mates of the city hospital resulted from a life and death fight with an insane man weighing 215 pounds and armed with a knife. Following Is a toll of the seriously Injured. T. N. Smith , night nurse : tendons and arteries of wrist sovered. E. F. Mitchell , day nurse ; femoral artery in right thigh cut , and five oth er stab wounds in the side and hands. Will Howe , patient ; stabbed in left sldo below the heart ; may die. Ferdinand Hoffman , patient ; cuts and bruises over the head iccelvcd while being subdued. Hoffman became violent yesterday and was strapped to a cot. He obtain ed a knife in some manner , and cut his bonds , hurling himself Smith. Mitchell and Howe were cut when they went to Smith's aid , Hoffman keeping up the struggle until William F , Kuhlman , a nurse in an adjoining ward , struck him on the head with n heavy cane. Homesteaders to Wed. Wltten , S. D. , Dec. 24. Special to The News : The Witton Commercial club met in special session and dis cussed the advisability of getting out some advertising matter for this pint of the county. It was voted that thorn bo n systematic line of advertising put out , setting the advantages of Wltten and vicinity , that an effort be put fortli to secure now enterprises. During the past week the citizens of Wltten have been making repairs on roads leading into town. Nine joung men of this section , nf tor making final proof on their farms departed for their old homes to spent ! the holidays , and to sco their besl COCIETY vJ Pleasures of the Week , A largo number of ft lends gave a linen shower Monday night In the r. C. Engolmnn parlors In honor of Miss Elsie Gntenby. The parlors were beautifully decorated In linen , and after tor greetings were exchanged n four- course dinner was served by Mrs. Bn- golmnn. Many beautiful linen gifts were presented to Miss Qntenby Among the out-of-town visitors pres ent were : Misses Verna Nesblt , Oak dale ; Georgia Hall , O'Neill , and Anna McCafforty , O'Neill. Eighteen little girls of St. Agnes Guild met In the guild room of Trinity church on Wednesday afternoon. These little workers hnvo Just sent a nice Christmas box to the Clarkson hospital In Omaha , filled with all sorts of useful articles for the chil dren's ward. Harry Hlx was host to fifteen of his friends at a party Tuesday night at the home of bis parents northeast of the city Games and rcfieshmcnts were the features , after which the guests enjoyed a jlde home in the moonlight. Mis II. B Saunders gave her daugh ter Corlnno a surpilso paity to cele brate her birthday on Thursday eve ning. A dozen > oung people enjoyed a pleasant evening and a delicious lunch , W. C. Roland was surpilscd Sun day by a large number of friends and i datives. The enteitaimncnt was in lionor of Mr. Roland's birthday anni versary. Coming Events. A dancing party that promisor , to beef of unusual Intoicst will be givvn in Mast hall on New Year's eve Twent.v of Norfolk's fair > onng ladles will entertain twenty young men What They'll Do Christmas. Miss Durland and Miss Etta Din- land will entertain a largo family pait ) at a C o'clock dinner on Mon day evening Covers will bo laid for Mr. and Mrs. C B Duiland and daugh ters , Mr. and Mrs Hurt Mnpes and children , Mr and .Mrs. L. B Nicola and son Dick , Mr and Mrs Gilbert Durlnnd and three daughtcis of Plain- view , Mi. and Mrs C I Beinaid and daughter Frances , Mr and Mrs R Wood and daughter Mildred and Misb Clara Wood of Plainvlew Dr and Mrs , C. S. Parker and chil dren will go to Omaha tomorrow noon , where they will vlblt until Wednesday with Dr. Parker's sister. Mrs. Pugsley , and enjoj a family reunion On Mon day Mrs. Pugsley will give a family dinner , and on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker will be hosts Miss Flor ence Parker , who Is leaching In Mon tana , will not return for the holidays. A Jolly crowd will gather round the festal board in the home of Mr. and Mrs H E Hardy The guests who will share In the pleasures of the Hardy home are Mr and Mrs. Peter Boll , Mr. and Mrs L P Pasewalk , Forest Norton. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Landers and family. Mrs H E. Owen of La ramie. Wyoming , and Elmer Haidy of Lusk , Wyo At the home of Mr and Mrs. A. J. Durland In Seattle , will bo found a Christmas party which will Include Mr. and Mrs Nicola of Burlington , Wash. , parents of L. B Nicola , Dr. Frank Graham of Seattle , Charles Durland of Norfolk who is attending school in Seattle , and Miss Lena Stew art of Manilla , formerly from Madison. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Matrau the turkey will be carved for family guests , Mrs. O. R. Eller and sons , Henry and Warren , Dr. and Mrs. C. A. McKIm and son , Eugene , and Miss Agnes Matrau , who is home from the university at Lincoln for the holiday season. In the home of Dr and Mrs. P. H. Salter there will be a large dinner party. Places will be laid for Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Salter , Clarence Salter , Mr. and Mrs. J R. Hajs , Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Buttertleld and family , and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Salter and children o ! Plorcc. Mrs Louise Asinus will have as her dinner guests Mrs Rudat and daugh ter Dorothy , and Mrs Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Ramer , Mr and Mrs. Ludwig - wig Koenlgsteln and daughter Eve'yn In the evening Mrs Asmus wll1 entertain - tain a company of friends Christmas night all the members ot the Durland family will be entei tallied In the home of Mr and Mrs Burt Mapes Santa Claus insists upon the greatest becrecy in regard to this af fair but he has promised them all a Jollv time At the home of Mr and Mrs J B. Ballantyno the list will include Mr. and Mrs J. B Ballantyne , Jr , ol Gregory , S D. , Mrs James Ballantyne and Mrs Walgand of C'rofton , Neb. , and Miss Ballantyne of Hartington Nob. Mr and Mrs C , J Fleming and son will go to St. Paul , Neb , Christmas morning. Mr Fleming will returr Wednesday while Mrs. Fleming ami the baby will icinain for n month ! visit In the homo of her parents. Colonel Cotton and Mrs Mathewsoi will have at their table Christmas dn ; their host and hostess nt dinner. A family gathering In tlio home of Mr. and Mrs. John Filday will Include Mr and Mis J L. founts and Mr and Mrs A. J Hlght A dinner and Cbilstmas tloo will bo tbo pi canines of tbo day Mr and Mrs Joseph Albcriy loft I'YIday ' noon for Clyde , Kan. , where they will celebrate Clulstmas In the liomo of tlieli daughter , 'Mrs. Sohllu- gcr MHH | Hnttle Alberry of Omaha accompanied them. Mr and Mrs. C. J. Bullock will have ix family gathering , entertaining Mr. and Mrs. 1) S. Bullock , Mr. and Mrs. A Bullock , Charles Bridge and daughtoi , Melllc , and sons , Charles and Donald. N Mrs. Inglls and son Fred , Mr. and Mis U. E. Blerer of Council Bluffs and Rex Heeler of Lincoln wlil enjoy the tin key at the homo of Mr. and Mis. L M. Heeler on noith ninth sticet. At the home of Mr. and Mis. J. L. Weaver on south ninth street the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stltt and family , Lieut. Hand and fanillv of Ft. Leavcnworth , Kan Mr and Mis Joseph Shoemaker and daughter Geitrude came up from Oma ha Filday evening and will enjoy the Christmas festivities In the homo of Mr and Mis E P Wentherby. Mr. and Mrs. B C Gentle will give n dinner Christmas day with Mrs. Mary Davenport , Miss Martha Daven port and Mr and Mrs. L. B. Nicola and son , Dick , as guests. M. Schaffer , sr. , and family and Mr. and Mrs , . Wilkinson of Ft. Collins , Ida. , will tnko dinner Christmas day with Mr. and Mis Matt Schaffer , jr. , on South Third street. Dr. R. C. Simmons left Mlday for Lebanon , Kan. , wheio ho will , spend Christmas with hlb mother. Mrs. Simmons will spend the day In Bee- mer , vv Ith her mother. Mr. and Mib. Max Wilde and chil- tlieii of Bazile Mills aie guests of Mr. and Mis. Call Wilde. Air. and Mis. Wilde will have a family gathering on Clulstmas day Miss Fale Burnham went to Madi son today , and tomoriow Mr. and Mrs Burnham will join her to cole- biato the day In the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fields. Mr. and Mis. C. H Reynolds will enteitnin Rev and Mrs. J. C S. Weills and Mi and Mis. Willis McBride , Jennnetto and Logan McBrldo of Elgin , Neb. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Braden left Fri day noon for Mason City , la. , to spend Chiistmas witli Mr. and Mrs. Zingree as has been their custom for several yeais past. M and Mis T D Teeter of Lakewood - wood City , Iowa , returned to their homo Kiiday aftei a shoit visit with Mis Teeters sister , Mis. W II Blnkcman Dan Fnrr and Hanson Ely , nephews of Mrs. E. E Gillette , will come over fiom Sioux City Monday for a holi day visit In the homo of Mr and Mrs. Gillette Elmer Ilard.v of Litbk , Wyoming , is in Noi folk foi the holidays and a visit in the home of his pmevts , Mr. and Mis. II E Haidy on North Ninth street. Mis. E. H Ely of Iowa City , la. , will nirivo In Norfolk on Monday. Mis. Ely comes to make her homo with her daughter , Mrs. E E. Gil lette. Mr. and Mrs. L P. Pasewalk ex pect to start the New Year in the now cottage they are to occupy , cor ner of eleventh and Nebraska ave nue. Ralph Luikart will come up from Lincoln next week for a visit with friends and to attend the dancing party in Mast hall Now Year's eve. Mr. and' Mrs. C. C. Gow will have with them to enjoy the Christmas cheer Mrs Gow's father and sister. Mr. and Miss Temple of Wayne. George Beels returned from Chicago on Thursday night. Mrs , Bcels who accompanied him there will spend a couple of weeks In the city. Mrs M C McMillan went to Oma ha Friday noon where she will enjoy the holiday season in the homo of Mr and Mrs. Charles Harding. Mrs. E. B Reed and children left this naming for Lebanon , Kan. , to spend the ohlldays with her parents Mr. and Mrs E. P. Root. Mr. and Mrs J D. Sturgeon and family vrlll spend the day in Crelghton Mrs. Sturgeon will remain for a two weeks visit with friends Miss Fein Pllgor of Plalnviow ant Hiss Helen Schwlctenborg of Hadar will bo guests In the homo of Mr. ant Mrs. A Degner At the homo of Dr. and Mrs. Kler stead the guests will bo Mr. and Mrs S. McCarver , and Mrs. J. II. Kler stead of Tlldon With Mr and Mrs. E. C. Engles wll s bo Mr , Engles' brother , Charles , froir Madison , S. D , , and Mr. and Mrs. C L. Cbaffoe. n Dr. and Mrs II T. Halden will en Itrtnln Mrs W T , Mmnnuch ettnln Mr and Mrs A 11 , Klesau. Ir and Mis. F. Andeison and Mis. aw den Judge and Mis. Powers will hnvo vlth thoin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pow- is of Chadron and Mr. and Mrs. Will 'owors. Mr. and Mis. C. P. Pmlah will have s their Christmas guosti. , Miss Lllllo lai quiii dt and Chi Is and Heine Gllss- nui. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koenlgsteln will ntortaln Mi. and Mt r John Koenlg- toln and Dr. Tasbjenn on Christmas ay. Mrs. R. O. Webb left Filday noon or a trip to Idaho , wheio she will pond two months visiting her sister. Karl Lyndo canio up fiom Lincoln atuiday to spend Clulstnins with his arcnts , Mr. and Mrs. J L. Lvndo. Mrs. George Beels will spend tlio olltlay season In Chicago Mr. Bfcols otuincd homo Thursday night. Miss Ralph Bowker of Teknmnh pent Fildny In the city visiting Ilsses Veina and Opal Cot yell. Dr. and Mis Biush will enjoy ilstmns dinner in the home of Mrs. i Brush OH Koenlgsteln avenue Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Oston have one to Omaha to spend Chi ( stums , 'itb Mrs. Osten's patents. Miss Blanche Roscbeiry went to Mindron Fildaj evening where she 111 visit until Wednesday. Miss Letha Blakemnn airived home 'hursday ' fiom Iiullanola , Iowa , where ho Is attending college. M. and Mis. George Spear will have is dinner guests Miss Mason , and lolen and Ray Lobdell. Mr. and Mrs. Asa 1C. Leonard will nivo as guests , Herman Gerccko and ons , Fred and Clarence. J. T. Thompson and son Louis 10- urned Fildnj evening Irom a week's Isit in Dubuque , la. Mis. Beitlm Pilger will have a fain- ly gathering including Mr. and Mis. Chat les Pilger. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tioutman and amlly will bo all day guests of Mrs. Vnim Madsen. Miss Opal Madbcn came down from lonesteel , S D. Satuiday to enjoy icr vacation. Win. Mahuiko vill spend Christmas n Sioux City aiid leturn to Norfolk londay. Dr. and Mrs. ti. J. Cole will enter- : ain Mr. and Mis. James Lough and family. Mrs. W. A. Ki.igsley went to Stan- on on Tuesday tu attend an afteinoon > oi ty. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Erskine will dine Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Odiorne and fain- ly. Mr. and Mis. F. G. Corjell will en- ertain Mr. and Mrs. Myron Walker At the C. S Hayes homo Mr and Mis E R. Hayes will bo guests. Mis Mailba Brown went to 31 ty today to visit until Monday Mr. and Mrs. L. Sessions will entei- tain Mrs. Hitchcock of Pierce Dlck-Gatenby. At 9:30 : Satuiday morning in the parlor ot J. C. Engelman , on Nor- lolk avenue and Fifth street , occurred the wedding of Miss Elsie Gatenby and Hany A. Dick. Rev. J. W. Klrk- patrlck of the First Methodist church pronouced the words which bound the young couple In wedlock. A delicious luncheon was served after the cere mony , after which the newly married couple wont to Lincoln to visit a few days and will be at home at 902 South Eighth street next Tuesday. The bride was dressed In a beauti ful white satin dress and cairled a large bouquet of white roses. She was attended by Miss Carrie Me Learie , who was dressed In a pretty blue silk dress The groom wore a black dress suit and was attendee by James B. Blauchard of Sioux City. Miss Gatonby is the daughter of Mrs. Marian E. Cooper. Sbo has be come popular here ns a musician ant has taught under Piofcssor Otto A Voget for several months. Mr. Dick c is the son of Mrs. M. Dick. He is also popular here and among bis brother railroad men. FRIDAY FACTS. George N. lleols returned last night front Chicago. Haiold Winner of O'Neill was a vlb Itor In the city. Mrs. F. Brandt of Arlington was .1 visitor In the city. Miss Ida Wctillg of Hosklns was ,1 visitor in the city. Mis. Fiank Sailer of Pierce was .1 visitor In the city. Mrs. Gustavo Miller of Hosklns was here calling on friends. Hnl Klngery of Tllden was In the city visiting with friends. Otto Wilde of Bazllo Mills Is visit Ing with his father , Carl Wildo. Mrs. II. B. Alien of Madison is ii the city visiting with relatives. Miss Anna Abientshleldt of Hosklni was In the city visiting with fi lends. O. L. Hyde has gene to Mlnneapoll ; to join his family , who are spendlni MID. M. C. Wilde of Bazllo Mills I In the city visiting at the homo of Cm Wilde. friends. Miss I'thvlnim Balrd has gene to Wyoming to spend the holidays with lelatlvos. Miss Mai Ion Gow has gone ( o Blue Spilngs , Neb. , to spend the holidays with , iclnth VH. Mr. and Mis. R. S. Lackey have gene to Pllner to spend the holidays with i datives , R. B. Tilpp passed through the city onroute to his homo at Yanktou , S. I ) . , from Trlpp county. Mis. Chinles Woosley and MIH. Glaiider of Columbus woio In the city visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dohait have gone to EmciBon , In. , to upend the holidays with i datives. Louts Kloso of Chicago Is lieie to spend the holidays with his aunt , Mrs. Jharlotte lllgcn and family. Dr. R. A. Mlttelstadt of Fort Smith , \.ik. , at lived lor a visit with bis nether , Mrs. E. Mlttolstadt. Mrs. C. II. Bowers rotmned homo it noon after a several months' visit n KatiHiiH City , wltb her parents. Mrs. John Finney and her son Law- on have gene to Lincoln , where they vlll spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mis. J. G. Leglor of Slonx City mo In the city to spend the boll- lays with their paients , Mr. and Mis. Fred Nordwlg. Thomas ( Irlllln , Andrew Petcison , Jcorge Ciavvford and Casey Xacliek of \Vlsuer v\oie In the city visiting with Call Portwlg. Miss Lentha Blakcman has returned loin Cot neil college to spend tbo hoi- days with her paients , Mr. and Mis. iV. H. 1-llnkcinnn. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hlght leave ibis ho holidays with i datives then- . onlng to spend the holidays wltb datives at Interior , S. D. Mis Henry Schmodo and chlldicn of Scotts Bluff , Neb , will arrive In the city tomoi row , to spend the boll- lays with her mother , Mrs. E. Mlttel stadt. Einost Hanse has moved fiom his 'aim to Noith Seventh street. Alfied Bohlnnd , who has been quite 11 , Is again able to be back at his olllcc. William Steffcn has accepted a tern- lorary position as clerk In the Qnum 'Jios. store. At Hadar Thurbday William Ferris ind Miss Viola Faubel were married ty Rev. Mr. Braucr. "Sailor" Kelly returned from Ard- more , S. D. , wheio he fought Tommy iiinlth fifteen rounds to a draw. Adam Pilger of Stnnton county has tiaded his fnim neai Battle Cicck for a Noifolk residence in' the cast portion tion of.the city. A number of Noifolk chicken own- eis are piepailng to go to West Point next month to compete In the fancy poultiy show which will be held in that city. Theie will be no Christmas tree Sat uiday night at the Episcopal chuich , as some of tbo clilldien of the Sunday school seem to have beliovod. The tree will be at 4 in the afteinoon Voget's orchestra has been engaged tcj fninlsh music for the Elks stag din tier which takes place at C I'.O p. m. , January fl The ladles of the Eplsco pal chinch will sem > the dinner A. V. Daniels of .Meadow Giove was nnested by Chiet ot Police Maiqunidt for being drunk. Friday moining he pleaded guilty and paid a Hue of $7.10 in Justice Eiseley's court. Wind plajed havoc with a plate glass show case in ft out of the Nor folk shoo btoie when It lifted the case and dioppetl It several feet away onto the sidewalk. Eveiy glass in the case was broken. The work ot laying bilck is at a standstill Foiemnn Samuel Kline who is in charge of the work , declares he will not lay any biick for a while although there me fourteen cars ol this material In the city. The basketball team scheduled foi January fi between the Norfolk Busl ness college .ind cleiks' team has been postponed one week. The Business college team will probably piny the Wlsner team In ono month. W. E. Ellenwood , foimeily a North western engineer but now in charge of a construction crew on the Panama canal locks , has sent a huge number of snap shot photographs of himself , family , and inteiestlng scenes around the caimlone to C. E. Burnham. II. B. Peisous , bookkeeper at the Norfolk National bank , bos been ap pointed to the assistant cashleishlp of the Monowl State bank at Monowl Mr. Persons will take up bis new po sition next Tuesdaj. His successor bore has not jet been named The decoiatlng committee of the luilioad men's dunce arc making gieat pieparations in Marquardt hall , where their annual ball will be held next Monday night. The hall will be beau tlfully appointed In Christmas bells r and other decorations appiopilato to > the occasion. The railroaders expect a largo attendance. News of the death of Ray .Miller older son of Rome Miller of Omaha , was locL'lved by Noifolk lilonds Prl tiny. Rav Miller oxplied at 2 10 Frl day moining after having been bed fast for four yeais He was a lifelong sufferer fiom spinal trouble. Tbo de ceased spent his eaily childhood In Norfolk , where bis condition always excited unlveisal sympathy. The fu ncral will be held Satuiday afteinoon The ( list Red Cioss stamps arrived In the city Friday morning w hen W A , WlUigmnn , vice president of the No brnska National bank , received about 200 of the stamps fiom an Omnhii nurse. A. L. Killlnn repot ts that IK has not yet tecolvod tbo red crest stamps which vveto to hnvo been sent heio to him. Dr. J. H. Mnckay was U have charge of these stamps this joai but had notified theexpress companj to deliver them to Mr. Killlan , whc believes they have been mlssent. LitHiU nnnt and Mrs. R , J. Hand am two sons of Fort Leavenvvorth , Kan am In the cltv for n two months' vial will sail for the- Philippine lshudn uf- tor their visit IUMO , for a low years' stay. Lieutenant Hand has already men In the Philippines twice , \hnlust .lino accompanied by MIH. Hand Whllo in the Philippines LU'Utcnunt Hand , who Is Iliyt lieutenant of tlio I'liliteeiith Infautty and now nctlni ; uljutant lor his ieilnii'ii ; ( , was nlu tlonud In Urn , Island of Mindanao whoie the go\ eminent IB now oxporl > ncliig IIHUMI double with the MonoboH tilbesmen and whom only n few years igo thoio was much light lug. Notice to Non-resident Defendant. Ethel B. Alexander , non-iesldi'iit de fendant , will take notice that Augimt 17 , 1910 , Unity B. Alexander tiled n etltlon In the dlstilct court of Mad- son county , Nebinska , the object and piayer of which mo to obtain a dl- vorco from her. tbo snltl Ktlii'l B Al x iitdor , on the giound of adultery You ire loqulicd to answer said petition in or bofoto the Kith day of January , A. D. 1911. Harry B. Alexander , Plaintiff By II. F. Bainluut , his attornov Order of Hcarlnq ot Klnnl Account. In the mattei nf tbo estate of Frank Nohol , deceased. In the county couit of Madison county , Nebuiska. Now on tbo Ktb day ot December 1)10. ! ) came Jack KoenlgHteln , the ad- niinlstrutoi of mild estate , and pruyn foi leave to lemlei an account assiitli idniinlstintoi H Is therefoie onleied that tbeOth din of January , 1M1 ! , at 1 o'clock p m nt my ollleo in Madison , Nobtaska , bo llxed as the time and plnio for exam Inlng and allowing such account And the heirs of snltl deceased and all per sons luteicstod In said estate , are ro- qniied to appear at tbo tlmo and place so designated , and show cause , If such exists , why said account should not be allowed. It Is fuither 01 dcrcd that said Jack Koenlgstelii , ndmlnistintor , give no tice to all poisons Intelcsted In said estate by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Norfolk Weekly News-Join nal , a newspaper printed and In general t Imitation in said county , for three weeks prior to the day set tor uaid bcailng. In testimony whereof I have here unto set m > hand and affixed my of ficial seal this 8th day of December A. D 1010. Win. Bates ( Seal ) County Judge. Leaal Notice. To the unknown belts of Joshua Kline , deceased , defendants , will take notice that oa the lIHh day of October , 1910 , the plaintiffs , Can to Rnsloy. Geo. N. Beels , Co/a A. Beels , and Norfolk Long Distance Telephone company , plaintiffs , filed their petition In the district courv , of Madison county , Neb , against the defendants and Amanda T SchwenK and Peter Schwcnk , the ob ject and prayer of which are to ex clude the defendants from any inter est , actual or contingent in andto lots 7 and S , in block 2 , of Mathew- bon'.s addition to Norfolk. In Madison county , Nebraska , and that the title of the plaintlll Can io Rasley to the west 22 feet of thb east 1 i feet of said lot 7 be quieted and confirmed In her as against the defendants , and that tbo title of the plaintiff Long Distance Telephone company to the cast " 1 feet of said lot 7 , bo quieted and confirmed in it , us against tbo defendants and that the title of the plaintiffs Gee N Bcels and Cora A. Heels , as tenants in common to the said lot 8 and the west C feet of the said lot 7 be ( filleted and confirmed In them as against the de fendants. You me requested to answer snld petition on or befoie the 10th day of Januaiy , 1911. Dated December 5 , 1910. Mapes & IIn7on 'Attorneys for Plaintiffs. WANTED Success Magninev \ quiies the seivices of a man In Not folk to look after exiiliing sub crlp- tlons and to seeuie new business by means of special methods iMullv ef fective ; position peinninent Prefer one with expeilento , but would con 'skier any applicant with peed n.iturnl qualifications ; biilar.v $1 TiO pel day , with commission option. Address , I with teferencps , R. C. Peacock. Room 102 , Success Maga/lne Bldg , Nevr I York. REI5IIBIATE5 ARE HIEBT FPANK HEISTLF JT VK VLllTin , ItlfciiiiJ M ikiCn l ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPE ! ) most 1114 1420-24 LAwnUICZ. DCNVtD COLO OUR CUTS PRINT FAIR PRICE 6O YEARS * EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrono ncmllng n sketch nml dcicrlntlnn m qulcklf nicorlaln our < > i Inlim free whether ui HiTciilliHi Ii prohnblr liiteiitnMo < niiiiunlea- tic nintricllrnmuiluiitliil. HANDBOOK on l' ttni ec'H Irco. ( llilot auc ior fur * at HIT t > torit . I atnuu Iftk n trironuli Mm n \ i. J. rocelrf tfflalnotke , wltliout ttmrco , III tlio Scientific Jltnencam A handtomolr IllnstrateJ weeklj ; Larveit/Jr. t : < ai' ii uf nr clentiuo Journal. Ucrun , I3 , * -r fniirtrihnllu , | L fluldbiTall nonmlenlern