The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 30, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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The NoifOIK Weekly News-Journal
Tlio NQWR , Established 1881.
The .Journal , Established 1877.
W. N. Humi N , A , HIIHO ,
iTCflldont. Secretary.
Every Friday. Hy nmll per year , $1.50.
Entered at llio postofllco at Norfolk ,
Nob. , aB second class matter.
Telephone ) * : Editorial DupartuiGtit
No. 22. HiiBliH'BB O111co and Job Rooms ,
No. II 22.
Two Louisiana men fought over a
girl and killed each other. The girl
IB to bo congratulated.
Dr. Cook denies the gum drop story ,
but he IIUH not yet dlHprovcd Hint he
carried on u mini shoo game.
Dr. Cook has come back to claim
his 119 ! ) years lease on an exclusive
nlcho In the American Hall of Fame.
U must ho a boautlful thing to bo a
I'lttaburs Institute. Andrew Carnegie
1ms just presented one with $300,000.
It seems rather cruel for the otll-
clals to bar West Point chicken rais
ing , when eggs arc fifty cents n doz
It Is n lean Christmas In Wall
afreet , bill In consequence thereof
many a lamb Is surviving to the mut
ton stage.
Poor old President Diaz of Mexico
is having a hard time. Ills long ca
reer now bids fair to have n stormy
The senate would not let the vice
president count a quorum. It has long
scorned to us as if the senators were
not "all there. "
When the government ofllcials find
any spare moments lying around loose
they can always proceed to Indict the
jmckors again.
Aviator Grahame-Whlte got a 70-
foot fall at Dover , Eng. Our advice
is to quit , pocket his winnings , and
usp n velocipede.
As civil war pensions have cost
nearly four billions , we move that we
do not light again until after a refer
endum to posterity.
Popular election of senators seems
to be coming , and statesmen must fre
quent the cattle shows more , and the
cloak rooms less.
The seed catalogue bears somewhat
the same relation to the vegetable
garden that the rainbow does to the
pot of gold at its foot.
Tammany Hall tried to burn up nat
urally , but because of some unneces
sary ( Interference by the : lre depart
ment the attempt failed.
The idea of the democrats seems to
be not to pass a tariff bill , but to get
one vetoed , so as to get the credit
without any responsibility.
The now democratic governors are
besclzed with office seekers. After
a fifteen year diet of crow , the plum
tree looks very , very good.
If the city ward movement cannot
be checked any other way , why not
extend the cities and their advant
ages into the rural districts ?
Thomas Edison , having an income
of $8,000 a week , can order little jobs
from the plumbers and carpenters
with some calmness of soul.
The crowd of the Christinas * rash
evidently has not heard what the foot
ball rules committee has done about
slugging and foul tackling.
Instead of getting cross about this
war scare , why not admire the good
publicity work of the ammunition and
artillery makers' "ndsmlth ? "
Now there is a plot to dethrone
King Alfonso of Spain. The king job
is getting about as uncertain as a cub
reporter's on a New York dally.
Hughes Is again talked of for presi
dent , now that he is not to bo chief
Justice. The people may yet commute
his life sentence to the supreme court.
The three card monte men who
-were pinched in New York evidently
bad been looking at the sidewalk
crowd , and thought it was a cattle
Secretary Hitchcock has taught the
government departments the best les
son possible by cutting the deficit in
the postofllco department down $11-
President Taft has snuffed out the
war scare , and would-be military he-
rocs must continue to win glory by
the death in their beds of old men of
higher rank.
Governor-elect Dlx of Now York at
tended twenty-three banquets In a
week. As long as .ho gets his board
free , should ho not work for less than
510,000 per ?
It was an awful blow to go market
ing after the political overturn and find
that the thick-headed provision men
wore charging Just the same for ba
con and eggs.
Former Senator Clark has n $7,000.-
000 house In Now York , and It looks ,
as If ho would need a hired girl If ho
Is going to have his meals on tlmo In
such an outllt ,
Now that Chicago university gets
another $10,000,000 fioiu John D. , they
should bo ableto have It on all the
otliur colleges by teaching their young
men how to spell.
The senators take up the amend
ment for their election by jllreet vote
with about the enthusiasm with which
a man might bo asked to net on his
own death warrant.
It looks now as though President
1'nft failed to realize how heavily the
Archibald gun was loaded. But the
tecoll Is "heavy 'enough to make him
aware of his mistake.
Governor-elect Dlx of Now York
takes to the woods to write his In
augural. From the slump in the eloo.-
tlou last month , he should llnd many
of the voters up there.
The repeated news of the suppres
sion of the Mexican revolt may Indi
cate that the newspapers down there
nro not unfamiliar with the buttered
side of the staff of life.
During this Teddyosquo silence , one
can now hear New Orleans and San
Francisco disputing about the exposi
tion , and calling each other bad
across the back yard fence.
They are talking of -$00,000000 ;
pension bill , but as long as you can
get a pension for trouble with your
eyes caused by reading the war news ,
the bill will have hard rubbing.
H. Cassaway Davis , at the age of 87 ,
is running for senator from West Vir
ginia. Very fitting , as be must have
been born about the time that the
musty senate red tape was selected.
If the new congress passes a tariff
bill , for goodness sake let It make one
that will stick a few days. This try
ing to build up a business with an
earthquake as a foundation la discour
Undoubtedly the secretary of war
would like to prove to Andrew Car
negie that in no other way would his
$10,000,000 do so much for peace as
by strengthening the navy and the
coast defenses.
King George V is credited with be
ing able to speak the English language
r-o that it can be understood. The
new English ruler may not bo a gen
ius , but ho Is certainly a near genius
if he can turn a tr'lck like that.
The prune has not been eliminated ,
only the seed. If the agricultural wiz
ard , Luther Burbnnk , could make way
with the whole thing , his name would
be canonized by the boarding house
dwellers throughdut the country.
Healing by music is the latest fad
to be tested in a Philadelphia snnltori-
urn. We have heard of people being
driven crazy by certain kinds of mus
ic. It is to bo hoped that a choice
brand is used on the helpless invalid.
Vice President and Mrs. Sherman
entertained the Tafts at dinner the
other night. Perhaps the peace so
cieties could get European armaments
reduced if they would hand out more
good dinners and fewer long speech
Joseph E. Smith of Salt Lake City
had a grand celebration on his seven
ty-second birthday. His live wives ,
forty-two children and twenty-three
grand children were all present.
There's nothing like the reunion of a
Mormon family to roll up numbers.
The best proposition made In re
gard to restricting the Immigrants
seems to be to allow only those alcins
who are willing to go to parts of the
country where such labor as they nre
able to perform is needed to enter the
country. There is great need of the
help which the emigrant ship supplies
in many parts of the country. Re
striction IB not so much needed as sys
teinatic distribution.
All the efforts which have been
made by President Taft , Ex-President
Roosevelt and Secretary Root , to con
ciliate the Japanese and heal their
wounded pride with praise and ap
preciation , were made null and void ,
by the refusal of the Pasadena socie
ty women to accept a courteous invi
tation from the Japanese oil'.cers on
board their own war ship. To say
the very least possible , their action
was very ill advised and discourteous.
Rudolph Spreckleo preached to the
business men of Chicago on the same
text ho has talked upon so vigorous
ly In San Francisco "Honestv In the
best policy. " His doctrine Is not as
popular as It should be , but U Is gain
ing adherents. Mr * Spreckles con
tends that If business were honest ,
there would bo no dishonesty In poli
tics , and that the bribe giver is the
fli-st offender and should bo quite PS
severely punished As the brlb tuner.
Louis Nixon , the ship builder , after
spending several months In South
I America urges us to do everything i
I possible to build up our trade with j
1 Hint continent and to make Invest- :
j ] incntfl there rather than In Africa or !
Hie orient. Ho saystho tlmo Is not
many years distant when Argentina
ill be supplying us with meat Just ns
exclusively an Urnzll Is now providing
us with coffee. Wo are BOOH to be
making great importations from the
South American states , but whether
South America will In return take our
manufactures or continue to give preference
foronco to those of Europe remains to
bo found out , and whether ships flyIng -
Ing the American Hag arc to make the
exchange or those of foreign coun
tries , is nlso yet to be determined.
Unless some movement toward build
ing merchant ships Is promptly under
taken the situation that will confront
usvhen the Panama enmil is opened ,
will be , the Anioricnn ling , llontlng
only on fortifications and war ships ,
and foreign ships carrying on the com
Governor-elect Aldrlch Is to be hear
tily commended for the appointments
that he has made at the Norfolk In
sane hospital and- people interested in
I lie welfare of the Institution ( ns wo
of north 'Nebraska all particularly
are ) may well feel elnted over the
class of officials whom the governor-
elect has named to take charge of the
In the new superintendent , Dr. An
drew Johnson of Omnhn , Mr. Aldrlch
has appointed a man of proven admin
istrative and executive ability , whose
experience ns a practitioner In the
class of cases coming to the institu
tion is such that ho will know whether
they are receiving the right kind of
As first physician , Dr. DIshong is
recognized as one of the coming men
of the country in this class of medical
work. He was here for two years un
der Dr. Young's suporintendency and
he proved his eminent ability at that
time. Since then ho has received spe
cial training which fits him particu
larly well for his new position.
All in all , prospects for the Norfolk
hospital's efficient management dur
ing the coming two years are exceed
ingly bright.
Uncle Sam is hardly giving Norfolk
a square deal. He provides that mail
carriers shall work but eight hours a
day. In case they haven't'finished de
livering their mail in the eight hours ,
the public suffers and the mall IB al
lowed to Ho another day in the post-
office. And on top of that , he doesn't
provide enough carriers for Norfolk to
adequately handle the service.
Norfolk , today a city of G.027 people
ple according to the federal census ,
has but three city mail carriers. Co
lumbus , a town of probably a thousand
less souls , has four carriers and is
asking for a fifth.
In most cities the Christmas pack
ages were delivered to the public on
Christmas. In Omaha the carriers
who were off duty volunteered and
helped those who were * on duty to
clean up the entire Christmas rush.
In many cities screen wagons were
brought into service to aid the car
riers. In Norfolk there are still pack
ages in the postofllce , it is said , that
arrived for Christmas delivery , but
which have not been delivered owing
to the fact that the government does
not provide carriers to handle the bus
iness and puts such restrictions
around those who do work that they
can't do more than a stipulated
Most cities of Norfolk's size have
cancelling machines , which make for
quicker service. Columbus , Neb. , has
one and it is said that O'Neill , a town
very much smaller than Norfolk , has
been promised one. Yet Uncle Sam is
discriminating against Norfolk and
the public the people of Norfolk
are the sufferers.
Mr. Hitchcock's department ought
to get wise to the fact that Norfolk is
on the map and entitled to first class
Another Christmas is here ! Ring
out the bells and make the hearth-
fires bright ! It comes but once a year.
It Is above everything else the supreme
premo day of gladness and good will.
It is the birthday of a king and the
whole world bows In adoration over
the splendor of that royalty which
found human expression in the heart
of the little Christ-child who two thou
sand years ago lay in His mother's
arms In the Bethlehem stable. And
because "a little child" has .led the
suffering , sorrowing world from the
depths of despair up to the sun-crown
ed heights of hope and peace It is em
phatically the day when all hearts
should be the hearts of children.
Christmas Is the object-lesson' of the
centuries. It reverses our ordinary
processes of reasoning. Other days ,
impelled by the flerco competitions of
life , men and women , however 'kindly
their Intent , are devoting their ener
gies very largely to the acquisition of
wealth that they may honorably meet
the obligations and responsibilities of
homo and society. It has an Inevit
able tendency to make them self-con
centrated , Intense and sordid in their
race for the things that are generally
considered the prizes to ho won. Our
contact with the practical , busy , stren
nous world , as time files by , IB apt to
give a terrible wrench to the finer sen
sibilities of our natures and greatly
mar and Jar the nobler and gentler j
( dual * of youth. Hut Christmas Is the !
iluy and thu mutual occasion when we *
can all "conic buck. " He. who forgets
not the grind itnd goes through the
holidays without laying aside tils
worst self , by < summoning back the
glories and joy of curlier days lias
missed Its ( leoptFt significance.
Christmas IH the day when all
should be glndml ; \ huppy. It is the
time for all the old illusions , all the
old dreams und fancies , it IB the day
when the chlldnm rndlnte the blessed
clifer from their young lives In the
thousands of households throughout
c-liristendom. The usual commercial
spirit of other days is dismissed and
young nnd old Join in one merry time ,
the only competition being that which
sees who can do the niost to make j
others rather than themselves hap
py. Strange n the mystery appears ,
it is In this very thing that happiness
is found. And so. In this glad holiday
season , associated as It Is with the
holiest aril tenderest memories and
associations , we shall get the most
out of it by got ling out of ourselves
and letting ourselves have a 'vacation
by entering with all the zest of which
we are capable of , Into the merry mak
ing and gift giving of our homes nnd
our friends. The one who doesn't do
this Is altogether out of place. You
remember that old Seroogs , the Dick
ens character , didn't want to Join in j
the Christmas spirit and what a de-f
splcable old grouch he was. Tills Is
the day when fiowns , nnd complaint-
nnd pessimism lind no recognition.
Christmas brings the greatest mes
sage to earth which it has ever been
permitted to hear. Men had lived for
years without much concern for one
another. Petty prejudices , narrow nm-
bltions and cruel selfishness dominat
ed alike In nation and in home. Blood
shed was the one way to settle
ties and even adjacent peoples were
continually at strife , while the more
distant folks were the spoil of those
who conquered them. Woman was
degraded and considered the vassal of
man. The Roman empire , which ruled
the then civilized world and permeat
ed in its politics , its social and home
life , with the spirit of hatred and dis
trust. It was into such a world as
this that the sweet babe of Bethlehem
brought the glad , new , wonUrous mes
sage that God wants all men to be
neighbors. As lie grew older He gave
the good news exemplification by liv
ing a life of simple daily kindliness ,
spending his time in going about
among the hills nnd plains of Galilee
"doing good" and bringing help and
hope to all whom he met. He sympa
thized with all classes nnd conditions
of men and women nnd His contnct
with them dispelled their gloom nnd
mnde them glnd. He was their neigh
Is it any wonder that at His birth
the angels sang * , the shepherds rev
erently listened and the wise men
brought gifts ? This is the day we
celebrate nnd call Christmas. Is it any
wonder that the little girl to whom
Christmas had brought an overpow
ering measure of joy knelt down * at
the close of the bright day and as a
last thought wafted this thought heav
enward , "Good night , Lord Jesus ! I
hope You'll have many happyireturns
of Your birthday. " . *
The life of the Christ child has
changed the current of the world's
history. "Peace , on earth , goodwill to
men" was no illusion. Mankind has
been growing gentler and kindlier and
more just ever since the angels sang
It at Ills cradle. And on this glad
Christmas day which we observe the
home is exalted as never before as the
holiest and happiest place that earth
knows , woman is reverenced and be
loved throughout the civilized world
wherever the Christ Is worshipped and
there Is a growing demand among the
people of the great Christian nations
that war shall cease. It Is one of the
notable contributions to the history of
the year that Is now closing that a
great American philanthropist hns
contributed ten millions of dollars to
be used distinctively for the promotion
of Peace.
Then , Christmas has well been call
ed the "Festival of Friendship. " It Is
no longer a day confined to making
happy those of the family and Inti
mate friends by gift-making and mer
ry making. Laudable and right as all
this is , it has taken on a larger and a
richer view. The horizon of mankind
Is broadening. The spirit of gener
osity is getting beyond the old lati
tudes. Human kindness is finding op
portunities for tangible and definite
expression in new fields. There has
been a general movement forward ,
through many different civic and
church organizations to so manifest
the Christmas spirit that no one soli
tary little fellow shall bo forgotten on
that approaching Christmas morning ,
when childhood , emerging from the
land of Us restless dreams , shall rub
Its anxious eyes and look for the gifts
of love which it hns a right to expect
to find.
So let us welcome Christmas day.
A little child hns established In the
hearts of men the recognized right of
peace and goodwill , of Innocence and
purity , of kindliness nnd solf-sncrlflco
to hold sway in the earth as well as In
heaven. The celebration of His birth
day makes us all children again for a
little while. It stimulates the open
mind that makes us optimistic of the
future and emphasizes with ever In
creasing force that It IB more blessed
to glvo than receive. It IB the 0110 day
in nil the year when the poorest can
bo the richest. For It Is not the
amount that Is given but the spirit
which prompts the gift that counts.
As the poet has said :
Us gives nothing but worthless gold
Who gives from a BOIIHO of duty ;
Hut he who gives but a Blender mite ,
And gives to that which Is out of sight ,
That thread of the all-sustaining
Which ruiiB through all nnd doth all
unite ,
The hand cannot clasp the whole of
bis alms ,
The heart outstretches Its eager palms ,
For a god goes with It and .makes It
To thu soul that WIIR starving in dark
ness before.
It's nil over.
Are you broke ?
And the necktie.
Merry Christmas !
And so did the smoking.
Now for the Fourth of July.
Better ' -hop late than never.
Hello. Hero's another birthday.
f Notice how much longer the days
nre goting ?
Those golf balls came , nil right , nil
right , all right.
We didn't get any Union Pacific
depot promises for Christmas ,
We've been requested to announce
that Sunday will be Christmas.
It wasn't Just exactly red , but it'll
be well enough to have one that's dif
The Pacific coast got its bundle here
on time. Some bundle , too , accept It
from us.
"There Is no cause for mirth nnd
laughter , in the dull grey dawn of the
morning after. "
And we've had so many promises ,
that it wouldn't have made much of
an Impression if we had.
U bents the deuce how long a fel ;
low's ankle will stay twice its normal-
size , when it's sprained in June.
Now's the psychological moment to
do your Christmas shopping , if you
had any coin of the realm to do It
After keeping at it for thirty-five
years , it's easy to make 'em remem
ber your birthday , even if it does come
the day before Christinas. Thirty-five
did you cntch that ?
It might help some to take it up
with the state railway commission and
find out whether a Union Pacific prom
ise is worth anything or not.
The only way they can really make
Norfolk feel good right now is to keep
their pledge of a year ago and replace
the filthy shack that serves the pub
lic in such miserable manner now ,
with the new station that was prom
ised for last June.
Why don't the ten-cent stores sell
turkeys ?
This "talk" about you ; Is there any
thing in it ?
It is dangerous to let any man have
his own way in your affairs.
Everybody knows worrying does no
good ; but everybody worries.
Most people think they are entitled
to a lot of fun on Thanksgiving day.
Ever since we have heard of Santa
Claus , people have made fun of him.
Some men talk so much that they
have to keep still to attract attention.
The Troy Chief notes n dry-eye
funeral ; a funeral at which no one
.Every time you look at a twelve
year old boy , ho needs a new pair of
Lots of people who are crazy are
quiet , and it Isn't necessary to send
them away.
Always remember that the person
you find fault with a great deal will
finally rebel.
One bold insurgent , a manufacturer
of butterine , claims butterlne Is better
than butter !
What do people talk most about ?
Wo have concluded that they talk most
of outrages.
Was tU/jro over a man who didn't
hear occasionally that he doesn't work
hard enough ?
When the average man asks you to
bo reasonable , ho ls asking you to
agree with him.
Americans are so much given to
"fun" that you hear Jokes everywhere
except at a funeral.
When you realst the temptation to
go the Sour Way , don't go too , far , and
go the Sweet Way. Some people have
such sweet dispositions that they nre
disagreeable. The best way IB the
Quiet Way ; to let people alone ns
much IIB possible.
You can't hustle when you're deaden
on your feet ; you can only drag , '
around , and long for bedtime.
No afternoon reception attended by
women was over moro Idle and ridicu
lous than a session of congress.
Seven-tenths of the men who work
for wages , nnd nil the women , believe
they arc abused by their employers.
A married woman always hates to
sco her husbnnd on friendly terms
with a man who Is a notorious flirt.
It may not do a poor man any good
to abuse a rich man , but It cannot be
dented that It is mighty comforting.
Every mini straightens up his
shoulders a dozen Union a day , fear
ing he IB becoming stoop shouldered.
Show us a man willing to begin at
the bottom , and wo will show you a
man who will some day get to t.o
Unless you Intend to become a
teacher , some people say you cannot
afford to go nil the way through col
lege. v
When you get through with jour
work , for heaven's sake go off and
rest ; don't bother the man who IB
still busy.
You may bnvu heard of such a thing ,
but did you ever know of anyone being
poisoned by eating "toad stools" for
mushrooms ?
Always remember that if a man
knows where ho can make n dollar ,
he will not tell you about it ; lie will
go nfter it himself.
Nothing makes Atchlson People
quite so mad as for Now York or Chicago
cage people to visit the town , and
feel sorry for them.
Father doesn't care much for frills
of etiqnet , and , if he Is boss In Ills
own house , the fowl Is carved before
It comes to the table.
A boy Hoems to learn just so much
in sknting/nnd then stop ; boys do
nothing on the Ice now that boys did
not do thirty years ago.
The first time a farmer sends an or
der to Montgomery Ward & Co. he
feels as funny about It as a town man
does about his first smoke.
A man who is nlways going around
saying , "I desire to be perfectly frank
with you , " IB finally shot , ns the edi
tor of the Iconoclnst says.
Men like to sny , "I told him if he
didn't get out , I'd throw him out. " In
all of our experience , we never knew
of anyone being thrown out.
Ever hear of a drunkard who ad
vised young men to follow his ex
ample ? We have never heard liquor
drinking defended by anyone.
You can pick up a boy's school
book , and find instantly where he is
studying. Every pnge he has passed
over Is full of marks nnd dirt.
"I'm sorry I didn't learn stenogra
phy in the first place , " snid n woman
today ; "I thought of that , but ho coax
ed me to try marriage instead. "
After a married woman's sister has
lived with her a few years , the hus
band begins to boss the sister-in-law
In the same way he bosses his wife.
"Nothing makes me quite so mad as
for a man to nsk me for an opinion ,
nnd then do exactly the contrary of
whnt 1 recommend. " Parson Twine.
Dr. Woods Hutchinsou recently stated -
ed In a magazine article that there
was no aristocratic blood in this coun
try. Of course you know why he said
it ; to attract attention. People of
poor blood like to believe they are as
good as anybody. But as a matter of
fact , in this town , and in every other
town , you can llnd plenty of good
blood , and plenty of bad blood.
Heard by a woman who went callIng -
Ing : A doctor had a very SCK ! patient
who should have gone to a warmer
climate to recover , but was too poor.
So the doctor has a sun painted on
the celling of the patient's room , and
hoped to Induce him to believe the sun
was real , and cure him by suggestion.
The patient seemed to bo doing fine ,
and the doctor was delighted with his
ruse. Suddenly one day the patient
dropped dead. The doctor was hearj.-
broken ; thought his scheme , had
failed. It had not ; the patient died of
a sunstroke.
"Last winter I made a trip to the
West Indies. On the ship was an old
man who had tried It in Florida and
Honolulu , and California and , having
failed In those places , was on his way
to Porto Rico , where ho believed a
fortune could bo easily made , and
where conditions wore perfect. I used
to go down Into his room to visit him ,
and look over his extensive assort
ment of literature , which consisted of
pamphlets from land and mining com
panies , lie was a worthless old fel
low , but ho didn't know It , and was
bright in many ways , and I liked to
talk to him One day ho said
to mo : 'I nm a bachelor , and there
Is where I made a mistake. Had I
married when I was young , I would
now have children to take care of
mo * A'nd then I said to him :
'I married when I was 20 , and have
three children , A daughter accom
panies mo on this trip. But if you
imagine she Is paying my expenses ,
you are mistaken. \ a matter of
fact , I nm paying bora.1
T xt , "And to nnothor one talent. " Matt ,
xxv , 16.
It Is Tuesdny afternoon , April 4 ,
A. D. 'M. JcsiiH , ( ho Man of Naznrctli.
with tils disciples and a motley mul
titude , is up on the brow of the
Mount of Olives. Jerusalem and the
temple are below them , blir/.lng In nil
thnlr glory In the hot afternoon nun.
Christ IIUH Just foretold their annihila
tion. He Is now about to tell the
cnuso of that future ruin. No tuition
had over received such n trust ns liml
the Jewish people. Their tnlont was
Inwi. Would they use It or bury It ,
as they did their Lord In Joseph' *
tomb ? Buck of the many colored .Syr-
Ian turbans the Master looked through
the hnzo of the coming conturlo.s. Ho
who glvo.s beauty to the stars , fra
grance to the ( lowers nnd life to the >
child gives to encli mortal some varie
ty of endowment. "Each according d >
bis ability. " Only n few nro ton talent
men most of us nro one nnd we nre
npt to discount that one ! To us thi
short text Is like a galvanic shock.
But to the Htory :
The Talent Committed.
There's liustlo and bustle In that
pastern house. The muster Is off fern
n long trip to a fnr country. He calls
his throe chief slcwi/rds. / They stand
with glistening eyes. Eight thousand
dollars or moro will be committed to
them. Such n fortune doesn't grow
on every bush. Whnt a chance to >
prove themselves ! Now he's oft .
There's n waving of bands. Many Ba
laams. Farewell ! They watch the
dust of his chariots and camels as It
disappears Into the horizon. But , suy ,
brother , push the clock bunds around
1.000 ycnrs. Wnke up ! Rub your
eyes ! Not Palestine in the orient , but
the Occident your town. U. S. A.
Talents nro no longer gold nnd silver ,
but faculties , mental , physical and
spiritual. How big Is your capacity ?
Five bushels or one bushel ? Gnu you
make horseshoes , sing tenor nnd prny
In public ? Then you are that three
talent fellow. Just make horseshoes ,
nothing eHo ? One talent / > nly. Na
poleon hail flvo talents ; Ellas Howe
one. Which would you rather ? Get
some books : add horse doctoring to
the horseshoeing. Now your sign
rends "Fnrrier and Yeterlnnrlan. "
i'on nro n two talent man now. And
you , Miss Modest , you've been leading
the young people's mooting lately ; add
tenching n Sunday school class down
at the mission. One plus one nre how-
many ? Who said "A thousand forests
He In one acorn ? " Sounds like Emer
son. "Your prayer seemed feeble com
pared to old Brother Snlntly'a ! "
Doesn't matter. The moss at Santa
Barbara Isn't Jealous of the big trees
nt Mnrlposn. The hen needn't envy
the eagle nor the sugar corn the rose.
The Gifts of God.
Our gifts , musical ability , song , ori
tory. salesmanship , any power , coin'/
from God. Say. that's a thought God
has conflddnce In us. Needs us in some
way. Has left certain world's work
for us to build bridges , dig tunnela ,
watch teakettles boll , fly lightning
kites , try air currents with monoplanes
nnd biplanes Indeed , pours the treas
ures of the universe into our laps ,
gives us a handful of seed and ben
stops buck , goes Into "a far country. "
It Isn't yours to criticise either the
work or the tools he gives you. A
National league ball player has Just
closed n throe year contract nt $10OOO
a year. It evidently pays to "play ball. "
The nvoniKo salary of Methodist minis
ters Is $ -l < )0 ) Is one bail player worth
twenty-live preachers ? Yos. on the
ball Held. But don't try to reconcile
comparisons. Your task Is to make
your talent larger. The place tomake
money Is where others are letting U
go. To get trade find the need of &
community and supply It. To go to-
your work fresh , to love your Job. to-
cultivate that peculiar psychic buoy
ancy that makes the winning sprinter
cross the line smiling nnd easy , to give
the best that's In you to the common
place , is the magic that Increases your
talent the gift of God within you.
The Talent Neglected.
Look at that steward. What's be >
doing ? Actually burying his one talent
In the ground. Let me whisper not
In "n napkin" that's another story.
Whnt's he muttering ? "Hard master. "
"Not going to bother my head. " Rec
ognize his picture ? The church la .full
of him. nnd the world t < So. Smith's
out hustling for- the firm , gets new
trade ; he's a rising man. Black
watches the clock , steals naps , reads
a cheap novel on the sly. One day he
gets the blue envelope and ho Is out
of a job. near him rail at the tyranny
of capital. He's the "unprofitable serv
ant. " Catch the idea ? Powers must
be used nnd Increased. We are re
sponsible not only for what we have ,
but for what wo ought to have. It's
use or loss . "Oh. that's an old story. "
Yes , so is "twice two nre four" but
It's mighty true. Don't you try to
count It three If you want to keep out
of the poorhouse. nor five If yon wunt
to keep out of prison. Docs your
skeptic friend sniff the air at such
Ideas ? Let him , He has already
traded his talent for a gold brick. Jlo'd
like you to do the same. Misery loves
compnnlonshlp. The knave's reward
and the fool's are about the same : It's
"outor darkness" In cither case. Lot
your reward be the sweetest pronounce
ment that ( Jed can sny when yonr
work Is finished. "Well done , good nnd
faithful servant. "
The efficient worker Is worth hunt
ing for worth a small "want ad cam
paign "
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