TUB NORFOLK WKKKLY NKNVS-JOntKAh. FRIDAY. DKCKMKKR 2tt. 1010. The NuifOlk Weekly News-Journal Tliu NUWH , KNtHbllBht-d 1881. Thu Journal , Established 1877. THE HU8E PUDLI8HINQ COMPANY W. N. HUBC N. A. HIIHC , President. Secretary. Every Friday. Hy tnnll per year , $1.50. Entered at tlio poatofllgo nt Norfolk , Nob. , as HOcoiill class matter. Telephones : Editorial Department No. 22. Business Olllco and Job Itooms , No. 1(22. ( li. Oook Is learning by experience that "only virtue secures happiness. " Now York's newest play "The Nest Kgg" haa very properly been sent to cold storage. / There Is a move to tax all the cats of Paris. They seem unfriendly to the songbirds of the night. Hubert Latham Is planning to hunt with an aeroplane. It would seem the Ideal thing for a wild goose chase. Fire escapes on matchbox buildings may not bo ornamental , but they arc worth unlimited money when they are needed. The tariff Is a strenuous eort of a skeleton that docs not enjoy the llin Ued quarters of the congressional fain lly closet. The population center Is still In In diana. That state's many poets clear- Jy favor solitude only when wlting tit space rates. Every time John D. breathes he draws $29.60. Even If ho had hay fev er a whole season ho would not be in danger of the poor house. Mr. Carnegie gives $11,500,000 for beating swords into ploughshares , which scorns likely to overstock the agricultural tool market. An Alabama man began courting ti girl when ho was 21 and married nor at 72. It didn't appear safe to post pone the nuptials any longer. Champ Clark says nothing on the Iiouso rules now. The small boy never objected to the rules , only to giving possession of It to the teacher. The leaning tower of Pisa Is gel" m more out of plumb. It Is strange that some of our college hammer throwers oon't go across and push it over. The newspapers report many thin Ice accidents. The problem Is now to get tho- boys on a well frozen pond and make them believe it is risky. One of the first objects of the Car- iieglo peace fund should bo to put the \vbolo Brazilian navy to work on sonic iijeful occupation like raising bammiu. Food Expert Wiley marries u suf fragette. Dr. Wiley may bo able to cook the dinner , but he has not yet demonstrated his ability to tote the biiby. The entire postal service should be taken out of politics , says Mr. Hitch cork. It is also true .that the htininn iace should obey all the ten command- ncnta. The nation's defences are called weak by' the war department , but the absence , of an Inquisitive turn of mind is often as good protection as any guns can be. Strange Caleb Powers should pre fer to go to congress when ho might have gone to a comfortable states prison equipped with all the modern conveniences. Andy Carnegie's gifts now total up to $179,500,000 , and the congregation forgets all about the deacon's squeaky boots when the contribution box "gets around to his pew. J. R. Thomas of Lima , O. , has been awarded $1,655 for damages for nn electric shock received while fitting on the fence. Which goes to show that it pays to be an insurgent. A bill has been Introduced by Rep resentative Sulloway for very materi ally raising the pensions of all old 1j soldiers , It is expected that It will j be passed at the present session. People who don't like cold cars should walk , says Mayor Gaynor of Now York. He forgets that It Is so cially discreditable to seem to have no resources other than your own legs. Lodge and Aldrich favor revising the tariff schedule by schedule. As the tariff riles things up so , it 'vouM certainly bo moro comfortable to take tidal waves on the Installment plan. The first iron nails made In this country were hammered Into shape in 1777 at Cumberland , R. I. The pro cess of making these modern necessi ties has changed some since that date. Through all the uproar and commo tion which has been caused by the re cent election and political upheaval , President Taft has smiled sereut-'y ' and has , apparently/ / emerged unit1- Jured. The bishop of Michigan employs un usual phraseology to give a clover "shade of meaning when he spcakn of the 'tinmoBt * means by which certain unctous and pious gentlemen acquired great wealth. " James A. Patten Is finding It dllll- ctilt to get rid of his money. Strange that these multimillionaires who find lr money such a burden are never silling to share it with 'the ones who really need It. Mr. Putnam , "librarian of congress , can save nothing oit a $6,000 salary. I J No doubt ho has read all of the 1- 702,685 books on his nholvos In a vain effort for practical Information how to support a family. Even on nn economical basis it costs three-quarters of n billion to run this country of ours for a year. That seems a moderate amount to n man who has just paid his grocery bill and sco Christmas coming. As Abe Reuf has been sent to jail for fourteen years , It might be wise to release the inhabitants of Frisco on suspended sentence for n time , In stead of indicting the whole popula tion as everyone favored. Upton Sinclair has never posed as a humorist but when he declares that there will be a revolution In the Unit ed States unless President Taft par- fens the editor of "Tho Appeal to Reason , " he arrives In that class. The marvellous , development of western Canada Is opening up a now market for our products and manu facturers and the demand for a trade treaty that will open the American markets to Canadian buyers has the support of both shies of the line. Commissioner Ring of Maine cstl mates that the forests of that state If rightly handled will produce 637,0 000,000 feet of spruce a year continu < ously. Maine is the great spruce growing state and that is where the effort should be made to continue Its growth. If Attorney Brandeis could save the $300,000,000 which the railroads are wasting and Senator Aldrich could save the $300,000,000 which ho says the government Is wasting and it could be used to buy Christmas presents ents with , we might all have our sto'ck- Ings illled for once. Niagara Falls , N. Y. , has'had a year of great prosperity , due to the gener al application of the power of the waterfall ter-fall to Industrial development. To the great satisfaction of the country at large , this has been accomplished without marring the beauty of this masterpiece of nature. The policemen of Des Molnes have organized an association for their mu tual protection. Each member is to contribute a certain sum from his monthly salary to establish a sinking fund to be used in case of sickness or deatli among the members or any of their families. This is the enl > organization of the kind on record. A Cincinnati man' who paid $4 to hear one of Dr. Cook's lectures , Is now biluglng suit for its recovery. If he was never sold before , the experience was worth $4 to him. If he has beer sold as often as most men have , it is foolish to pick such a man as Cook as the one to make an example of Dr. Cook has been over-advertised al ready. A new emergency ration has beei prepared for use In the United States army In which the nutritive values are so concentrated "ihat a three-days' sup ply of food can be carried In the ves pocket. This would ] certainly put i soldier In "light marching order" as regards food supply , and also reduce to a minimum the .possibility of his overloading his stomach. A postal card recently reached IU Destination In South Bend , Ind. , afte being on the road thirty-six years Some people might have given it. up for lost , but It was merely delayed The firm to which it was addressed had been out of business for years This much-traveled card will b placed on exhibition nt Washington In the postofllce department. Judge Robert W. Taylor , who died recently has. other claims to fame an honor besides that of having sen t'enced Cassle Chadwick. He was an able lawyer and judge and performei much valuable public service. HI would have been- the candidate of th' ' * republicanparty for governor of Ohl > this fall , with a fair chance of beat ing Harmon , but for his dlslncllnatlo and 111 health. Ho was a man who dl things. i We know of nothing moro pitiabl than the little child who sees the jo of Christmas all about but has n share in It. The youngster who fla tens his nose against the gorgeou store windows , who" hears of Sant only as the children's friend , whos playmates have gifts , playthings , can dies and all such luxuries of childhood but stands forgotten on the outside must have a tearful heart , If not rebellious spirit. Whatever else may be said of Mrs Eddy , this Is true , that after reachln the ago o 45 , an invalid , searching fo health and happiness , which had never been hers to enjoy , she wrested sueI cess out of failure and built .up n great organization in spite of fierce opposl- tlon. What will bo the verdict of history - tory as to Mrs. Eddy's work and character - actor it Is too early to say. Time will test and sift these things as It tests and sifts all things. There Is altogether too much leglst latlon in this country. That Is one reason why It IB not moro respected. Out of the thousands of bills Intro * duced In the legislature every two years not moro than n dozen are of real worth and need. In many states there Is no need for the legislature tu ssemblo so often. It has been sugt ested that a session once In ten years 1th special sessions when conditions omnnded would work for the general ood. The Philippine railways are spend- ig between $7,000,000 and $8,000.000t n construction. A great hotel and lub house are being erected In Ma- lla. Moat of this work Is being done y foreign capital who consider the nvestments good because of Amerl- an occupation of the Islands. What vould be the attitude of the capital- sts toward Philippine Investments If he islands should be turned over to intivcs to govern , Is the question omo are asking ? ' The Emerald Isle sends over the eas to America a continual and pa- hetlc cry to her wandering children o come back to Erin. But It is a ain cry. Ireland is so desperately , lopelessly poor that her sons and laughters leave as soon as they can jam money for their passage to Amer- ca and will not return although many of the poor homes are kept running olely on the money sent back to the ild folks by the children , especially he girls who are earning wages In \merlca. I Pittsburg has recently voted ten mil- ion dollars for municipal improve- nents and has appointed a large body of its best citizens to see that It Is spent properly. Out of the humllia- lon that came to that city through its ; raft exposures a better state of af- 'airs ' is being developed. Cities , like nen , are capable of making "stepping stones of their dead selves to higher hlngs. " Pittsburg now promises to jecomo a leader among the cities of the United States In all that makes municipal lifo worth living. > j I Franco is to have a black army 250,000 strong enlisted from their Guinea and Nigeria possessions. These nen are naturally war-like and would ather fight than not. They are to be armed with European weapons and trained in European style. With black roops garrisoning in Algeria , France could withdraw a large portion of her African army of occupation for service - vice on her own eastern frontier. Such in nrmy would be a great help to Prance , and one that European sol- Hers would dread to face. I Mrs. Belva Lockwood , the woman suffrage advocate , has now gained 'nine as an Inventor , having made a paper milk bottle , which is expected to do away with one fruitful source of impure milk Improperly clean ed milk bottles. Mrs. Lockwood's pa per bottle will be so cheap that it will be necessary to use them but once. We believe If this proves a suc . cess that Mrs. Lockwood has done more good than If she had gained the 1 presidency. But it's doubtful If Mrs. Lockwood sees it that way. I i I Michigan has a compulsory educa . tion law , It also has a strict game law which forbids the shooting of bears 1 out of season. Those two laws place ( a backwoodsman of that state In a i very trying predicament. He lives some distance from the schoolhousu ! and his children are chased by wolves' ( ' and bears on their way to school , and he has a narrow escape from a bear himself , but it is a punishable * offense to shoot these animals. Ho1 ) asks for Instructions as to how he may remain a law abiding citizen and still I educate his.children. Dr. Booker T. Washington gave the 60,000 negroes of Chicago a very plain talk recently. Ho impressed upon them that their condition here In America was one of luxury when 1 compared with that of the peasants ho | had visited In southern Europe. Dr. Washington does not deny tliat the race has special Injustices to bear , but he believes that they can bear them and still progress. What Dr. Washington said applys just as well to the struggling white man as to the black man In America. The struggle Is hard but it makes the man. WHICH STREET WILL PAVFV' Which street will be the first to net out a petition for next spring's pav ing ? Not every street In town can be naved and the first petition in will be the first one served. Do any of the Streets to the Junc tion want paving ? Which one ? And how about the avenues west ? Now's the time to act , if there's to be any paving done. It seems somewhat absurd for the United States to cheerfully expend be tween three and four hundred millions upon the construction of a marine highway , for the use of other nations. Should the canal be opened under I resent conditions an American might rttatid all day on the bank of that great waterway watching the procev- Hlnn of Chipping moving In either di rection without feeing the flag of hi * country floating.from n single innnt head. ) i PnloHS congress takes ImtiH'i- ! ! ate action In the Inilfdlni ; up of a HUT fic chant marine , this country's pride In the t completion of one of the grouted undoitakings of all the ages will bo largely ] mingled with humiliation GETTING READY FOU CHRISTMAS. This In a time of feverish activity In church circles. For some weeks the hey i has regarded Sunday school at tendance t as a good sporting proposi tion. t The cholrrt meet twice a week to t practice their moro or less rover- cut wnrblings , while out In the coun try t a fine opportunity for Cupid's darts Is offered the young folks by long tramps ( through woodland solitudes In -t tcnrch of evergreen trimmings. In spite of allfreakish aspects , a man j must be a withered up old cynic who does not respond to this sym phony of greenery , music , child voices and the memory of earth's most sac red leader. The warring old pagan world for the first time heard a mes sage of love and peace when Jesus was born. His birthday means more . to every one of us In terms of hope and joy than nil the other annlver- saries put together. Suffering and want are endured by some of us , but . In the main It can be a merry Christ mas for us If we will but have It so , particularly If we try to make It mer ry for someone else. LAFE YOUNG'S SPEECH. One xof the political sensations of the week was the maiden speech de livered j by Senatbr "Lafo" Young of Iowa j on Thursday. Senator Youn had j prepared a set speech but the big surprise , feature of the address came when he departed from his original manuscript and gave a talk that was startling in its boldness. The Junlo" senator declared that the country wanted the tariff let alone , that med dling with It would Injure the agrictil tural districts , that the country would be better off if congress would ad journ for two years. He didn't hesi tate to step on the toes of his col league , Senator Cummins. One report , commenting ' upon the speech , said in part ' : The senator's trooping of dead lend ers ( of the republican party in battle array ( was regarded as one of the fin- est bits of oratory heard In the upper house 1 for years. Always happy , never prolix 1 , with homely simile here and there ' to buttress a point , with sntlre and irony splendidly intermingled , he made j one of the most rcfreshini speeches i of the sixty-first congress and i one of the most telling. Senator Cummins , his colleague , was the last to congratulate him , and from ] nearby witnesses of the meeting of , the two senators , It is learned the senior i senator remarked : "You were pretty severe on me in your criticism of progressives. " There was no reply from Young : only , an expanding smile and Senator Cummins i passed on , his duty done. No quarter was asked by the Iown , newspaper man and none was given. Cummins and Young understand each other. They occupy different camps , and if Mr. Young perchance be defeat ed at the coming session of the Iowa legislature he will be found out In th open in 1912 battling for Cummins. ' seat. This is the significance of lo day's speech. Senator Young "gave the legislative body , of which he" has been a member exactly ten daysr the surprise of Its existence. He had prepared to make an attack on his colleague , Senator Cummins , who seeks passage of a con current resolution changing the rules' of the senate and house so as to per- mlt piecemeal revision of the Payne Aldrich tariff la * . This he did and more. Doffing his toga when he arose , he lectured the grave and dignified seua- tors from the standpoint of an editor , which he is in private life. The senate gasped and then laughed - ed when Mr. Young told it that the country would feel relieved were congress - gress to adjourn altogether for two "solid" years , it gasped again when he alluded to Its members In broezj fashion as "boys" and when he de clared that the editors of the country and not congress ruled the country the galleries joined with senators ir general hilarity. ( AROUND TOWN. Did you shop e'arly ? Shop early In * the morning. You can't write" it 1910 much long er . This Is "Prince of Pllsen" week Ii Norfolk. Heard anything about a new Unlor Pacific depot ? Speaking of paving get your petl tion out early. Next Thursday will be the shortes day In the year. You'll HAVE to do your Christmas shopping this week. The sun Is now rising a little soutl of the Junction depot. / There aren't so many writing I "Xmas" as there used to be. We thought this snow would stay on long enough for Santa Glaus sleigh , but It won't , Now's the time to get the paving pe tltlons started , if there's to bo any paving this coming spring. Yes , girls , you had your chance vhen Henry Woodruff was hero , and f you didn't make good , It's your own ault. It would have been'mow approprl- to to call him "Deafy" than "Dummy" Vest , , since he really can talk , but an't hear. The duys may be shorter this week han any other time In the year , but licre's some compensation. The nights ro longer. Why Is It that on each Christmas ay , the 80-year-old boys always have o rob the 12-year-olds of their best ays and play with them till the tiov- Ity wears off ? The last time there was a boxing natch here , the several hundred fight ans in town nto so much oyster stew fter the fight that the town suffered rom a milk famine next day and the ame was true of choice steaks , lore's hoping there'll bo an advance- lock In waiting for the crowd this ( me. . ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. How a big man will howl when hurt i little ! Radishes arc so easily raised ; and o worthless. Everybody has acquaintances , but ew have friends. Some men want to show how smart hey are every minute. Men talk about their stomachs. Vomen talk about their hair. Most women are clever at tolling heir husbands how to save money. Most people condone a Ho told about iges In procuring a marriage license. When a man asks a hundred dollars or a horse , he expects to get about 60. Women often say of one another , She's terribly unhappy and dlssatls- led. " There arc some men who seem to maglne that their candle is an arc Ight. Some husbands and wives make it a ule never to speak decently to each other. You frequently hear of a great man dying whom you never heard of while ic was alive. When a man is accused of a crime te is also sure to b'o accused of having "guilty look. " Christmas is like company ; the peo- ) le who do the most for it make the nest fun of it. Nothing will cure a balky horse or a balky man like going away and leav- ng him alone. A church member's Idea of being a sport Is to drop a quarter In the col- ection basket. When a rich man dies old-fashioned leople say , "Well , he can't take any thing with him. " We have often thought it a pity that a man's stomach is not better than his appetite. A boy's idea of being good to his little brother is to whip the little jrother's enemies. We aren't particularly hard to en tertain , but no one can Interest us In a spiritual seance. A boy thinks if he could afford a liundred-dollar shotgun , he could kill ducks a mile high. Warmed over potatoes and love af fairs will never be able to pass for the original article. When there are two cases of any thing in town some people say the disease is epidemic. When a young man talks of getting married , he always says , "That's the natural way to live. " A woman was limping on the street today"She seems to have clipped a flange , " said a brakeman. When a man falls , he doesn't find much consolation in the assurance that ho was too ambitious. * The trouble with the friendship bank Is that most people want to draw out more than they put in. Always make allowances for what a woman says about the salaries ro- cel\ed by her successful kin. ' The telephone is about the only thing we know of that is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Family recipes are the terror of a druggist's life , as the names of the In gredients are never spelled right As a general rule , the man who be haves himself doesn't do much howlIng - Ing because he doesn't get justice. When a boy breaks a window , his first Impulse Is to run. And he has the same impulse when ho Is grown. After young men come out of col lege , they don't ' settle down and act like other people for fully three years. Every one who owns an old reliable family horse that stands without hitching , expects to have It made fun ol. An old man admires youth , and its pleasures and enthusiasm ; but ho doesn't like to have his nose rubbed in it. We often hear men say : "If I'd Jump him about It , he'd only Ho out of It , HO I might as well not say any- thing. " Automobile agents work just llko other a ent ; they are saying now that machines will bo higher In ( ho spring. ' Dr. Cook , however , Is not the first man to turn his energies to being a lovely character for what money there Is In It. Married men particularly like to hear of nn old bachelor getting mar ried ; they like to see the conceit taken out of him. What has become of the old fash ioned mother who took a good deal of pride in the fact that hers was a delicate child ? You arc thoughtful , and may be able to think of something which means less than a woman's kiss bestowed on another woman. After a man discovers how little ho knows , he begins to suspicion that possibly others do not know as much as they claim. Talk with any automobile agent in winter , particularly when there Is snow on the ground , and you will find au insurgent. A funny thing has happened in Atchison ; the men are all fond of a certain preacher , and the women do not like him. Every farmer says occasionally , "I love my children as much as their mother loves them , for all the fuss she makes about It. " Did you over know a man who would wait for dinner at home as cheerfully as he'wnits for a bum free lunch to be served ? The man who is simply bubbling over with enthusiasm today will probably exhaust himself , and be dull and stupid tomorrow. If the jury doesn't return a verdict to you , do you Infer It was purchased , or simply as Ignorant as the funny papers say juries are ? * Women say that when a young cou ple marry they should care more for eacli other as they grow older. That's theory ; fact Is different. This world will never be just right until we are as sleepy at 9 o'clock in the evening as we are when called at 6 o'clock in the morning , lien Davis returned from his trip to Chicago today. He says his kin were not near as glad to see him as he had been led to believe they would be. Every time a scandal Is whispered around , a public investigation should bo started , to see if it Is true. We don't believe one-fifth of the scandal Is true. When a town man makes a change , he engages In the real estate and In surance business ; a farmer under sim ilar circumstances engages In the milk business. We know enough about farming to know that it isn't as easy and simple as some of these Back-to-tho-Farm writers along Park row and other well known rural communities would have you believe. Adorns Jury Still Out. Sioux City , Dec. 20. The jury in the George Adams murder case , which re tired at 5 o'clock last evening , was still out this afternoon. It was report ed It stood 11 to 1 for acquittal. Ad ams killed Miles Phillips during a quarrel last April. Self defense was Adams' plea. Coalition's Majority 126. London , Dec. 20. The government party will have a coalition majority of 126 in the new parliament as a result of-the election which closed yesterday. LORIMER REPORT SOON. Senator Burrows Is Authorized to Sub. mlt the Findings. Washington , Dec. 20. Senator Bur. rows , chairman of the senate commit tee on privileges and election , was au thorlzed today to prepare a report of : he investigation of charges of bribery which were filed in connection with the election of Senator Lorlmer of Il linois. Mr. Burrows announced that the report of the sub-committee which exonerated Senator Lorlmer , but did not pass on the truth or falsity of evi deuce Involving Individual members of the Illinois legislature. He added that he did not think there would bo a minority report from the committee out that the report when presented would be accompanied by Individual statements of the members of the committee. The report , it Is expected , will bo completed today. A Western Union Guarantee. London , Dec. 20. The provisional" agreement for the amalgamation of the Western Union company and the An > glo-Anierican Cable company stlpu latos that the former will give the ca > bio company an unconditional guarantee anteo of a 3 % percent dividend In per petulty on the total capital of $35,000- 000. Sioux City Raffles Stopped. Sioux City , la. , Dec. 20. Sioux City haa placed a ban on all raffles and the selling of chances on cigars and candy , which has been conducted hereon on a wholesale scale , will bo stopped at once. Mayor Smith Issued orders to the police today. SATURDAY NIGHT ERMONS BY _ W REKSAMUEL 11 W.PURVl&ftft DO THEY "COME UACK7" Text , "Lot the Rlmdow return back * wnrtl.M KlriKO xx. 10. A iii-w term has come Into our won derful American phraseology , already rli-li with expressions from the "dia mond. " the "gridiron" and the "turf. " Now from the "squared circle" cornw * another , a so called Rcnolsm. It I * Hintiid positively , like an axiom In geometry , that "they don't come back. " That Is , he to quote n certain famous colored liuly that "brings homo the bacon" must be one who hasn't had n defeat or hasn't been too long out of the game. To step out of line , or worce , Jo bo pushed out , murks the beginning of the end. No rabbit's jfoot talisman can ward off the Inevi table hour. From that time "the paths of glory" lead but to defeat. Is It True ? Let's face the question bravely and sensibly. After one has reached th zenith of his powers and there comes a reverse , more or less serious , on a he "come back ? " Physically seldom- or only for a time. For the lighter , the sprinter , the ball player , the ath lete , the man who has hud a break down ( his friends tell him "vertigo , " the doctor says "slight stroke" ) , the woman with nervous prostration , it's n mighty sobering thought but you've- touched your limit. You've caught sight of the day when you can't "come back. " In that vague thing we call "success" can one "come back" after defeat or failure ? Yes. frequently. Mark Twain did. And the business world Is full of men who went down In defeat only to rise again to greater heights. But , mind you , I'm an opti mist. Cold blooded statisticians nay 75 per cent do not "come back. " now- over. fl'do. . You may be among them. In the moral world can one "come back V" Thank God. yes. Not al ways Into the society against which , they bnve sinned , but into regard of right minded men and. most of all , Into their own self respect. It is old fashioned. It seems , to quote- While tin- lamp holds out to burn , the vilest sinner may return. " but It is au eternal truth. Is Defeat Failure ? You cannot always measure a matt by his defeats. You must know what use ho makes of them. The Injured oyster turns his wound lute a pearl. The young Jew Disraeli sits dowu amid howls of derision at his maiden spcecli In the house of commons. Ills- answer is. "The day will como when you shall hear me ! " Carlyle through many weary years. In poverty and pain , writes his first volume of "The > French Revolution. " He lends . the priceless mnnusei'ipt t'o Stuart Mill , and Mill's servat lights the lire with It. In spite of his hardship and de- ppnlr again ho wrote the masterpiece- of today. Milton Is blind , Dante and Hugo exiles. Btinyan. Rulelgb and Lu- thur arc in prison. Darwin and R. L. Stevenson are Invalids. "Yes , but they all made good ; they came back , Mr. Preacher. " True. But Robert E. Leo didn't. Ho surrenders his sword and the Army of Northern Virginia. Yet north and couth say he Is greater than if ho had triumphed. Some men tight and win ; others fight Just as faithfully and lose. Many a splendid success Is built upon a heroic failure. Up In the dungeon at Mudineru * there's a flash of steel In the shudder ing light , and John the Baptist bus failed only to succeed. Sunset at midday on Golgotha. A mangled body IH bustled Into a borrowed tomb , and the Man of Nazareth lies among the failures of time only to succeed for eternity. The Dial of Ahaz. Well , when we are all done here , will there be another "chance to "come back ? " Is there somewhere in the spirit world where we have another opportunity ? Can we take up the task slighted here ? Will God turn back the universe and glvo us yesterday ? No one seems to know. " 'Tig not so nominated in the bond" that Is the Bible. There's no encouraging word from "that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler has ever re turned. " Better not count on It "A n tree falls so shall it He. " Each new morning Is the surest chance to "come back. " Sometimes your day may be prolonged. Once upon a time au an cient king named Ilezcklah was flick , about to die. Prayer was offered for his recovery. In the courtyard , vis ible from bis palace window , was the town clock , n great dial , built by Kins Ahnz yearn before. As a sign of fa vorable answer the shadow was to go back ton degrees on the dial. At high noon some supreme light shone from the mercy scat , like that shone "above the brightness of the sun" to Saul on the way to Damascus , rose on the oth er side of the dial of Ahaz , and Ilezc klah had fifteen years added to his life. Nevertheless the end came- eventually. But don't build on a mir acle , brother. Your day may be near done. Morning , high sun , afternoon , shadows lengthening , gloom of sun down , twilight and evening star and after that , the dark. Yes , you may "come back" after that bad accident , "come back" after that fever , "the shadow ( mayi return backward" as you sit convalescing on the porch , but at the last you won't' , "como back. " "Now" Is the day. "Whatsoever thy hand flndoth to do , do it with thy might , for there is no work , nor device - . vice , nor knowledge , nor wisdom , in the grave , whither thou goeat" g\ \ One of those hand painted eight- inch plates beautifully decorated with fruits and flowers would make any woman enjoy her Xmas the work of Miss Loan , Gothenburg , Neb.