The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 23, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Round About
Now York , Dot1. 17. To paraphrase
'Air. DP very * "ICvcn a nliop girl Una
got ii right to liuvo Homo HoriHO. " Cas-
tiul obHorvntloiiH In some of Now
York'u department stores during this
Kind season ( written Bareaatlck , an
JOHI ) Billings would Bay ) of Christmas
shopping hiivo convlncl ! ( 1110 tliat the
nvwngo shop girl of the metropolis
poriBCBsos not only "BOIIIO sense , " but
also patience anil a remarkable ( iiinllly
/if physical endurance.
Two classes of writer-folk take pen
In hand to describe and pity the Now
York shop girl. To the one she IB a
.silly , empty-paled , frivolous creature ,
who spends h6r money on frippery
clothes and her spare time In dreamIng -
Ing of drudgery. This type doubtless
exists In considerable numbers , but.
the worst that can bo said of them Is
that they Imitate , In raiment , man
ners and affectations , the line ladles
-whom the fortunes of birth or matri
mony have placed upon the other side
of the counter.
To another class of writers , uplift-
cr by trade , the shop girl Is the vic
tim In n conspiracy of business , forced
by cruel and ruthless masters to work
long hours for n pittance Insulllclont
to keep body and soul together , and
to eke out a scanty existence by moth-
.odB not to be mentioned In a family
Neither of these theories lit the
facts. The average merchant Is not
an ogre , but n humane gentleman ,
considerate to employes and ever
ready , In his own good Interest , to
recognize exceptional ability. And as
for the much-maligned and pitied shop
girl :
"Tho colonel's lady and Judy O'Clrndy
Are sisters under the skin. "
The average shop girl Is an Inde
pendent young woman , proud of her
store , but at this season of the year ,
especially , not over fond of the cus
tomers who throng the emporium from
? rtorn , to night. The weeks before
Christmas are a nightmare to the shop
g'frls It Is strange , but It Is true , that
the vaunted "Christmas spirit" trans
forms usually amiable persons Into
lharsh and Intolerant tyrant' , who vent
their spiteful rage upon the hapless
shop girls. The woman who goes to
church tomorrow will on Monday seek
to secure the discharge and humilia
tion of some young person who. tired
and worn to the pointof exhaustion ,
does not servo her prompt's ' und sat
For many u weary shop girl , tomor
row will not bo a day of rest. After
sT Week of unprecedented onslaughts
hy the great army of buyers , most of
the big stores look as if cyclones had
passed through thoiv , and the sales
people will spend Sunday in clearing
docks for the coming week's final bat
tle with the Infuriated shoppers. .
Disloyal to their sex as It Is , most
shop girls Insist that the male shoppers -
pers are , as a rule , much more con
siderate and easy to please than the
ladies. A visit to any big store dur
ing the rush hours more than confirms
' this theory. Woman's inhumanity to
woman during the coining week will
be a thing to make the devils weep.
"But will the shop girl , when she has
married the millionaire of her dreams
be any different ? The probabllltloi
favor a negative answer. There is
something about , the celebrat on of
the birthday of the Prince of ivace ,
apparently , which causes Uione en
gaged In the preparation of the feast
to forget all the precepts and prac
tices of Him whom they worship. If
you don't believe it , ask the shop girl.
Also , there Is the New York post
man. How blithely he goes about his
dally tasks ! How happy he Is in these
glad days preceding Christmas ! How
he laughs ! Ho is fairly bubbling over
with the joy of living , Is he not ? Yes ,
lie is not.
Already the metropolitan postofllce
has been swamped with mall , and the
automobiles and wagons In use are ut
terly inadequate to the Job. Hundreds
of vehicles have been commanded to
aid In handling the avalanche of malls.
Moving vans and delivery wagons
hove been pressed Into service to car
ry the outgoing malls. Next week the
Incoming flood of packages and let
ters will roach high tide , and every
body connected with the postal depart
ment will work overtime In an attempt
to keep the torrent moving In the pro
scribed channels.
All the steamships arriving from
foreign ports this week had their holds
filled with mall bags , and the same Is
true of those starting on the eastward
trip across the Atlantic. The giant
Mauretanla sailed today with one of
the largest cargoes of first and fourth
class mall ever carried by any liner.
These malls will arrive in time to bo
distributed before Christmas nil over
Great Britain , Ireland and western
As a barometer Indicating prosper
ity or the reverse , nothing equals the
marriage license office. Therefore It
may be stated that the year now nearing -
ing Its end has been an exceptionally
prosperous one for the people of New
York. During hard times there Is very
little "popping" going on and the
chances of n young woman securing a
husband are greatly reduced. This
year'however , the total of papers en
titling the holder to connubial bliss , in
Manhattan and the Bronx alone , will
probably reach the 34,000 mark , an
increase of about 3,000 over last year.
The Increase in population could not
account for so largo gain , and the in
ference Is that , despite the high cost
of living , the bachelors of the city
have more money this year than last.
Filled to the nozzle with typhoid
germs , Which he unconsciously and
without malice aforethought freely
dianlbulos ithiong all with whom he
coraes In contact , "Typhoid John"
preson's t grayo problem to thf > city
health authorities. Ills cns'3a \ similar
to tlml of "Typhoid Mary , " who for
years wan kept under clo o uonflno *
merit o prevent the spread of I lie ml-
( robes for v I irh she wau n < iibtdlmt-
Ing agent. The physicians who have
"Typhoid John's" case In charge are
giving him the Metchnlkoff sour milk
and lactO'baclllln culture treatment , In
the hope of ridding the unfortunate
man of his disease and his propensity
for disseminating It.
European Ncw and'Views. '
London , Dec. 17. The Inference to
be drawn from the parliamentary elec
tion now In progress whoso results
seem to Insure a return of the pres
ent government Is evidently to the
fact that a majority of Britons , If they
love a lord , do not cherish for him an
affection Biilllclently strong as to evi
dence Itself In a desire for the lord
to rule them. The prerogative of the
peers Is to bo clipped. There may
not bo , probably will not be an abso
lute ending , but there will be a ma
terial mending. The Hosobery resolu
tions , passed before the present ap
peal to the country , conceded that the
hereditary body should bo reformed
In the direction of making It respon
sive to the people by minimizing the
birth principle and by making mem
bership dependent on Indirect elec
Primarily , the discomfiture of the
peers Is due to their extreme unwis
dom in selecting the issue on which
to make a stand for parliamentary
parity. They picked out the one on
which tiiey wore the weakest and their
opponents wore the strongest. The
public treasury was in Imperative
need of more money jo pay for new
Dreadnaughts and to provide for old
ago pensions. Other sources of revenue -
nue were taxed almost to the limit.
Looking about for places for addition
al supply Mr. Lloyd George , chancel
lor of the exchequer , discovered that
there was one kind of property in
Great Britain that was untaxcd. The
owner of the fee of real estate paid
nothing , or practically noth'lng. There
was no real estate valuation such as
Is known in the United States. So the
Asqulth ministry decided that that was
where to get the money. It proposed
a valuation and the moderate tax of
a half-penny on each pound of value ,
the levy being against the land value
alone , and not to affect buildings or
improvements. The peers elected to
line up against this budget and step-
lied into the proverbial hot water.
Since the unionists have brought the
American dollar so prominently into
the present campaign , radical and oth
er anti-unionists papers have resorted
to publishing lists of unionist * ; peers
who have married wealthy American
women to show how little objection
the unionists really have to the dollars
coined by Uncle Sam. The lists are
too long to print in detail , but they
show that fifteen titled Englishmen
have married American women whose
aggregate wealth reaches about $75-
000,000. The most prominent of these
are the Duke of Marlborough , who
married Miss Consuelo Vanderbllt of
New York , the Duke of Roxeburg , who
married Miss May Goelet of New
York , the Duke of Manchester , whose
wife was Miss Helene Zimmerman of
Cincinnati , Lord Curzori , husband of
the late Mary Loiter of Chicago and
the Earl of Craven , whose wife was
Miss Bradley-MarIn of New York ,
niece of that distinguished society
bachelor , Frederick Townsend Martin.
The Casino at Monte Carlo Is to
have a rival within eight miles of It.
It Is contrary to Italian law to grant
gambling concessions , but an English
company has been notified that Its
scheme for the establishment of a
casino on practically the same lines
as that at Monte Carlo In the neigh
borhood of Montone-Garavan and im
mediately adjoining French territory
will be tolerated. The new casino
Is to be erected on the site bf a res
taurant which is a favorite resort for
the Angle-American community and
known for the excellence of its bouil
labaisse. Roulette and all the other
games famous at Monte Carlo will be
allowed and people who want to try
systems will rejoice to learn that the
minimum stake will bo two francs
and the maximum 15,000 francs as
against the Monte Carlo figures of five
francs and 12,000 francs respectively.
The deliberations of a meeting re
cently hold by the Lyceum club of
Berlin have been printed and are be
ing distributed with much enthusiasm
by the members. The purpose of the
meeting was to discuss the establish
ment of a society to promote polite
ness and amiability among the people
ple of the German empire. The ofll-
clal name of the society has not yet
been chosen. As a matter of fact , no
topic is more common among foreign
ers in Berlin than the boorish man
ners of its inhabitants , and shop as
sistants , street car conductors , jani
tors and petty officials of all kinds
are not the sole offenders. There
seems to bo a want , many visitors
complain of ordinary civility on the
part of the entire public.
Since the authorities In control of
the French monopoly will do nothing
to reduce the price of matches or Ira-
prove their quality , although they are
willing to make the boxes prettier ,
Frenchmen have been taking to auto
matic cigar lighters. So popular have
these devices become that the French
ministry of finance has taken stops
to suppress them on the ground that
they infringe the match monopoly , and
instructions have been given to cus
toms and octroi officials to confiscate
any that are seen in use and to take
the owners' names and addresses.
Numerous seizures have already been
made in the BtreetB and cafes.
The authorities of the city of Ham
burg are determined to make their
port the greatoftt In the world. To
that end $50,000,1)00 ) Is to be spent dur
ing the next four years In deepening
the channels of the Hlver Klbo and
construction new docks and railroad
connecting branches. Several of the
existing docks which now only accom
modate river craft are to be deepened
for seagoing ships and quay space wilt
bo cleared for the erection of miles of
now warehouses. The main channel
of the Elbe below Hamburg Is to bo
deepened to thirty-three feet , and to
be made a minium width of 1,233 feet.
The connection of the now basins re
quires a large number of drawbridges
and tunnelling under the river bod.
Germany Is showing equal energy in
extending her Inland waterways.
Christian Science.
Denver Times : History , or theolog
ical history at least , Is filled with the
records of religions that have blos
somed and withered with the life and
death of their founders , and It will be
Interesting to observe whether the
passing of Mrs. Eddy will cause any
diminution in the Christian science
church. Tlie deceased author of this
faith had such a remarkable person
ality ; her influence over her followers
was so profound and far reaching , that
the more fact of her death may re
move from the church a personal
equation that cannot survive physical
extinction. The body of Christianity
survives today only because of an en
during faith In the actual divinity of
its messenger ; the most spiritual re
ligion of the eastern world continues
from a similar cause ; but Mrs. Eddy
made no such claim that we know offer
for herself , and time only can prove
whether she formulated a transient
philosophy of life or sanctified an en
during creed. That Christian science
lias boon helpful to thousands of mon
and women who wore previously with
out eithor'faith or happiness is beyond
dispute ; but that much is true of oth
er gospels that have flourished and
vanished ; the fate of Christian science
lies now with Its living disciples , and
the measure of its existence will be
the measure of their faith.
Roaches Save $15 Monthly.
San Francisco , Dec. 17. Everything
living is said to have Its beneficent
uses , but it lias remained for a San
Franciscan to discover what cock
roaches are good for. For some time
a local business house has been payIng -
Ing about $10 a month for gas , al
though It used a large quantity. In
the course of time the gas company
grew suspicious and sent a represen
tative to examine the meter. He found
the mechanism literally clogged with
cockroaches , who so Interfered with
the working of the meter that the gas
bill has jumped up to $25 a month ,
since the bugs were removed.
Bird Over 100 Years Old.
Bowling Green , Ky. , Dec. 17. Over
In Metcalfe county there Is a peafdwl
which dates its existence from the
days of Washington. The bird was
brought to Kentucky from Virginia In
1810 , just a century ago , by Horatio
Thompson , and was then twelve or fif
teen years old.
James Vought.
Nollgh. Neb. , Dec. 19. Special to
The News : James Vought , father of
Mrs. W. T. Wattles of this city , died
at the home of his daughter yesterday
morning of rheumatism , from which
ho had suffered continually for several
months. He was 75 years of age , and
was born In Michigan. Funeral ser
vices have been arranged to take
place at the W. T. Wattles residence
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Bu
rial will take place at Laurel Hill cem
etery beside the remains of his wife ,
who preceded him four years ago.
Funeral of Mrs. Maybury.
Noligh , Neb. , Dec. 19. Special to
The News : The funeral services of
Mrs. John Maybury were held yester
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the late
home. Rev. Mr. Hamilton of the Epis
copal church had charge of the ser
vices. The singing was conducted by
M. 15. Huffman and wife , G. A. Sdllery
and Mrs. R. H. Rice.
Mrs. Maybury was born In Ireland
and was married In June , 187C , to Mr.
Afhybury. She is survived by a devot
ed husband and four grown children.
The remains were placed at rest in
Laurel Hill cemetery.
Mrs. E. R. Tefft.
Lindsay , Neb. , Dec. 19. Special to
The News : E. R. Tefft received a
message from Beemor last night that
his wife had suddenly died of heart
trouble. Mrs. Tefft had been ailing
for some time ! tyut she felt better and
had gone to visit her parents at Bee-
mer a few days ago , Mrs. Tejft was
still a young woman , about 22 years
old. She leaves , besides her-husband ,
u child about 1 ! years old.
Mr. Tofft Is the editor of the local
paper , the Lindsay Post.
Several Soldiers Reported Killed.
El Paso , Dec. 17. There was u light
last night at Haclondlta , just across
the Texas line south of Marfa , eight
miles from OJlnaga. Troopa from
OJlnaga wore attacked , according tea
a telephone message to Marfa. Sev
eral soldiers were killed and thirty
horses of the troopers stampeded
across the river to Texas.
Ill and Despondent , Girl Hangs Her
self to Celling.
Platt City , Mo. , Dec. 17. Shutting
herself in the little room back of the
letter case in the postofllco here early
today , Nannie Hymcr , 18 years old , as
sistant postmistress , hanged herself
from a hook In the celling. Shu was
found tload a half hour later by her
father , Frank Hymor. a rural mall car
rier. The girl had been 111 and de
spondent for a week.
Dickinson Sends a Letter.
Washington , Dec. 17. Secretary of
War Dickinson today sent to the house
a tetter In reply to the McLachlan resolution
elution concerning the adequacy of tne
national defense. The letter discusses
the situation briefly , but the secret re
port recently submitted to the house
and withdrawn will not bo resubmll-
Rev. Dr. Daniel Hoffman Martin Is
Among Those Injured.
Saratoga , N. Y. , Dec. 17. Nearly a
dozen passengers were injured on the
Hudson Valley railroad north of
Schuylervlllo today when two freight'
cars broke from an electric engine and
crashed Into a passenger trolley which
was following closely. None of the
passengers escaped Injury , although
there were no fatalities.
The wieck caught fire from a coal
stove In ono of the freight curs and
the three cars wore destroyed. The
Injured Included the Rev. Dr. Daniel
Hoffman Martin of Glens Falls , for
merly of New York City , seriously
hurt Internally ; James Nichols of
Thompson , arm broken ; Robert Tuck
et Greenwich , arm and leg broken.
Daniel Ilalvoy , Thompson , leg brok
Aknskn has just received its first
church bell.
The Sioux Falls poultry show , Is beIng -
Ing held this week.
William Ruli , a pioneer resident of
Hritton. Is dead of paralysis.
The Milwaukee road is laying tracks
between Eagle Unite and Dupree.
W. J. Conly was elected worshipful
master of the Masons at Elk Point.
Residents of Gettysburg deny the
prevalence of smallpox In that town.
Mrs. R. S. Cooper is dead at Aber
deen , where slip had lived for twenty-
two years.
The contract for the public building
nt Lead may not bo let until next
Rapid City business men are trying
to get together on a uniform lighting
Manuel training has been added to
the curriculum of the high school at
The Columbia Trust company has
taken a $500,000 mortgage on the
Sioux Falls traction system.
The regular December term of cir
cuit court Is in session at Huron ,
Judge Alva E. Taylor presiding.
The city council at Sioux Falls has
passed an ordinance more strictly reg
ulating the sale of butter and milk.
Governor Vessey lias issued an un
conditional pardon to Harry R. Ward ,
sentenced from Potter county for for
Hyde county Is to erect a new court
house at Highmore , and the county
commissioners are visiting various
county seats to get ideas.
"Absolutely Extraordinary , " Was the
Comment of London Spectators.
London , Dec. 19. American football
is never likely to be popular In Eng
land. This was indicated at the game
just played between the teams of the
United States battleships Idaho and
Vermont , which the Idaho won , "nine
teen points to nil , " as the London pa
pers put It.
According to these papers American
football Is entirely too lacking In lady
like features. The press comments
were the most interesting feature of
the struggle , which was played on the
Crystal Palace grounds.
Listen to the Dally Mirror , for In
stance :
" 'Absolutely extraordinary , ' people
were saying as they streamed off the
ground. The average spectator was
holding his head most of the game
and wondering what on earth the ex
act rules of the American game were
and , If so , why.
"The American game is entirely dif
ferent from 'Rugger * or 'Soccer' in
every way. No doubt after playing It
half a dozen times the survivor , If ho
survived , would understand the thing
properly. One thing Is very certain ,
anyway the game Is a game for men ,
men us the Romans used the distinc
tion between real mon and just hu
mans of the male sex.
"The mon with the ball never got
to full speed , and when , collared and
downed , with half a dozen or more
loving friends and opponents lying
promiscuously on top of him , he just
made a nice hole in the ground with
out being squashed flat or seriously
injured. But the game was not play
ed with the fury that characterizes n
real match In the states. 'They hadn't
handed the boys the dope , ' I was given
to understand.
"It is not game for the principal boy
in pink tights. Once collared , a man
goes down heavy , and at once about
half a dozen folk fall on the pair of
them sometimes more. And then
there is a bit of a struggle , through
mere keenness and joy of the con
"Comparisons are odious and If the
game suits the mixed American tem
perament , then that is the best game
for Americans. Their keenness is
wonderful. Fear seems a bogle that
they lost in their cradles , or even two
generations ago. They have oppor
tunities to cheat , to 'do the dirty , ' as
ono expression has it. Yesterday wo
saw none of that.
"Tho Americans are young , compar
atively , as a race , and did keenness
ever hurt a young nation yet ? His
tory , I believe , tells us that it was
when the tired spirit crept in the na
tion began to sink. Even a touch of
brutality , unpleasant in itself , has
turned Into magnificent patriotism. "
The sporting writer of the News
says :
"As wo cannot swallow American
baseball In this country , wo shall
never digest this form of American
football , for the reason that wo have
better things. Wo have our cricket
and our Rugby football. "
The reporter of the Express wai
much affected. Listen :
"It Is the fiercest thing , in games.
A bullfight Is as a kindergarten party
compared to It. There was , Incident
ally , n ball in the game , but the on
looker seldom saw it. It was more
often burled beneath n tangle of a do/-
on men , all legs and arms.
"Occasionally a mud plastered face
appeared and a hand reached out for
something that the face had lost and
clapped It on the place where his nose
was. Some people thought the objects
that wore picked up from the ground
wore odd noses , but they were only
nose caps which became detached in
the struggle.
"Tho play began at 3 o'clock. The
teams appeared , padded and helmeted -
od ; caps over their cars lest ono
should be clutched when they came
to grips , pads over the ankles.
"There was an umpire , a referee
and a field judge. The referee had
a 60-horse power motor horn. And
there was a pnil man , a sand man and
scores of mon with flags , who yelled
and danced and urged their fellow sail
ors to more desperate deeds. "
This Express man overlooked none
of the fine points , as witness :
"The pnil man carried n pall of wa
ter and In the water was a sponge.
The sponge served many purposes
At quarter time the men clustered
around the pall man and sucked llio
sponge , live or six at a time , us a man
sucks an orange , and sluiced Uio nuid
out of their eyes. "
Says the Mall ;
"Again and again Duffy , the quart
erback for the Idaho , threw the ball
to ono of his side shouting out a series
of numbers , such as 8GS7 , 93. These
figures were the keynotes of the com
bination of Duffy's side , and the men
who were C , 7 and 3 , respectively , were
signaled. As well as being encouraged
by the shrill war cries of their col
leagues on the line , the Idaho's team
had its band present and every time
they looked like scoring the musicians
struck up , 'Hall , Hall , the Gang's All
Here , ' which Is the ship's battle song.
"As a spectacle the game was main
ly absurd , for there was little time
Indeed in which the ball was a consid
eration , says the Chronicle. The man
who had got the bull was a considera
tion and his colleagues helped him to
snenk away just as the pickpocket's
confederates crowd around and cover
up the escape of the man with th'e
watch and chain. But this game Is
certainly not for girls and played 'at
full stretch' It Is not for men. "
Chilean Minister Dies Suddenly.
Washington , Dec. 19. Senor Don
Anlbal Cruz , the Chilean minister to
the United States , died suddenly of
heart disease at his home hero at
4 o'clock this morning. Ho appar
ently had been In perfect health and
Saturday night had been out to din
ner. Senor Cruz had represented the
Chilean government in the United
States since 1907.
Walsh and Coster.
Boston , Dec. 19. Joe Coster , the
Italian featherweight , and Jimmy
Walsh , the bantamweight champion ,
will meet in the main bout of the carfl
to be pulled off tonight before the
New Marathon Athletic club of Brook-
line. The men will fight ten rounds.
Teddy Murphy and Kid Solsberg will
get together in the semi-final.
Attell and McFarland.
New York , Dec. 19. New York fight
fans expect to see a classy battle at
the Fairmont Athletic club tonight ,
when Abe Attell and Packey McFar
land , candidate for honors In the light
weight class , will box ten rounds. The
terms call for McFarland to receive
$2.500 , with the privilege of 35 percent
of the gross receipts , the weight to be
135 pounds at C o'clock.
A New Bank Safe.
O'Neill Frontier : The O'Neill Na
tional bank received a new safe last
Monday and now has one of the most
modern burglar proof safes In use in
this part of the state. The safe is a
Manard manganese steel , weighing
two tons and costs $1,600 , and Is ab
solutely burglar proof. Burglars have
been tapping banks pretty regularly
throughout the state the past couple
of years , but they will probably pass
up O'Neill , as all the banks hero are
now protected with modern safes.
Local Option Election.
Suffolk , Vn. , Dec. 19. Whether Suf
folk shall bo "wet" or "dry" during
the coming year will be decided by to
day's local option election. The
"drys" who won by 277 a year ajo ,
are claiming n victory by 100 , and the
"wets" say they will carry throe of
four wards. The "wots" vainly at
tempted to have the election sot for
the middle of the week , declaring that
Monday was most unfavorable because
of Its proximity to sermons and other
Sunday influenced.
Running a Paper.
Alnsworth Journal : What Is a
"fearless writer" ? What Is a "trench
ant writer" ? And of what good are
they anyway ? The other day a man
by the name of Crollen went to Page
to start a newspaper. One exchange ,
In mentioning the fact , described him
as n "fearless writer. " Another spoke
of him as a "trenchant writer , " and
still another called him a "vigorous
writer. " These are conventional terms
and are usually used in a compli
mentary way without any special
meaning. But if they really had a
meaning , of what use would they bo
to a man who possessed those gifts
In running a newspaper In Page , or In
any olher small town ? Above all
thlngB ho should bo a good collector ,
a "fearless collector , " a "trenchant col
lector" or a "vigorous collector" would
bo bettor terms. The writing part IB
a matter of third or fourth rate Im
portance. What he wants to get Is
his moneyon every account so that
his bills will not crawl up on htm ,
That Is the main thing , and what ho
says In hlspapcr , and how ho says It
nro matters of relatively small Import
ance. This Is not a pessimistic view
of the situation , but It Is simply turnIng -
Ing the calcium lights on the real situ
ation , and the sooner the newspaper
profession realize lt ( the better off the
"boys" will bo >
Banks Consolidate ,
Winner Journal : The announcement
was made on Wednesday of this week
that the Bank of Winner and the Bank
of Trlpp County had consolidated , the
former Institution purchasing the busi
ness and good will of the Bonk of
Trlpp County. These banks have al
ways been recognized as two of the
strongest banking concerns In the
county and the consolidation will
make the Bank of Winner ono of the
strongest Institutions In the western
part of the state.
The Bank of Trlpp County was the
oldest bank In the county , having
bcqn established at Lamro In October ,
1907 , with J. J. Wagner as president
and V. J. Wagner , cashier. Both of
these gentlemen will be members of
the board of directors Of the Bank
of Winner.
The Bank of Wljincr commenced
business at Lamro in Juno , 1909 , as
the Bank of Lamro , the name being
changed when it was moved to Win
ner last February.
The olllcers of the bank are ns
follows : President , Edward G. John
son ; cashier , N. E. Gardner ; assist
ant cashier , C. E. Sparling. The di
rectors are : Edward G. Johnson , 12.
G. D.irnum , E. A. Jackson , N. 12.
Gardner , J. J. Wtfgner , V. J. Wagner
and Thomas J. Wagner.
New York , Doc. 19. "Peter Dunne
has twins boy and girl just born.
Please confirm. "
This was the startling "tip" that
came over the wires from "Archey
Road" into Now York.
A hearty bass volco answered the
telephone at number which corres
ponds with 29 East Sixty-second
"Yes , tlUs Is Mr. Dunne yes , Peter
Finley Dunne.
"Eh , what's that ? Wants to know
what ?
"O , ho ! I guess that Chicago paper's
pretty slow In getting the news
what ?
"Sure ; twins. But , say , that hap
pened last Wednesday morning.
They're four days old now , counting
Wednesday. Still , you couldn't really
count Wednesday , could you ?
"Yes , boy and girl bully boy and
girl. Three In the family now. " .
Mr. Dunne married Miss Margaret
Abbott In New York on December 9 ,
1902. She Is n daughter of the late
Charles P. Abbott and formerly lived
in Chicago.
Postal Banks Ready.
Washington , Dec. 19. Postmaster
General Hitchcock said that every
thing would bo in readiness for the
postal savings banks to receive de
posits on January 3 , the first working
day of the New Year. The task of
drawing up regulations , forms and In
structions has progressed so far as to
assure the beginning of operations.
One experimental office will be opened
in each state and territory to make
the first test and the limited appro
priation. The offices designated are all
of the second class and in localities
where the exceptionally favorable for
the development of a postal savings
business. Several offices selected are
In communities Inhabited by foreign
born Americans who are remitting an
nually considerable sums of money to
their native countries by postal money
James Crelghton's Mother. i
Nellgh , Neb. , Dec. 19. Special to
The News : The mother of James
Creighton , who resides near the Wll-
low , died yesterday morning at the
home of her son from heart trouble.
She was over 80 years of age and had
long been a sufferer. No arrange
ments have been made for the funeral
at this time. ,
Peking , pep. 19. The throne has Is
sued an edict refusing to create a constitutional - ,
stitutional cabinet In compliance with
a memorial recently presented by the i
national assembly and also declining-
to accept the resignations of the grand
councillors. The Imperial senate also
adopted a resolution praying for the \
immediate crentlon-of a cabinet , and
It was believed the throne had decid
ed to accede. The national assembly
will meet today when the whole sub
ject will bo discussed.
Winter is Intensifying the famine in
Yang-Tse-Klang districts. The author
ities are endeavoring to suppress the
sale of children , which has been so
extensive as to bo estimated at over a
million. The majority of these are
The roadways are dotted with still
living and dead. The relief commit
tee Is now making appeals abroad for
Washington , Dec. 19. President
Taft made a speech before the Inter
national Peace society which is not
apt to glvo any satisfaction to the
man responsible for the latest war
The president does not find our
uriny ineffective and inefficient ,
Avoid Caustic and Acid
Old Dutch
This handy , nll-'round Cleans
er is entirely free from caustic ,
acid and alkali ; it is hygienic ,
cleans mechnnicnllynotchcm-
ically. It is not only the safest ,
but also the easiest and quickest
cleanser ever discovered for
Cleaning , Scrubbing ,
Scouring , Polishing
It is the only cleanser to use on milk-
palls , pans , separators and on all cooking
utensils. Use it for ill denning through
out the house.
How To Clean Wlndoiva The
Heat Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser -
er on a cloth or sponge , just dampened
sufficiently to hold the powder , without
dusting , and apply to the glass/ rubbing
briskly. Then polish
with a dry cloth and
a very little Old Dutch
Cleanser. If the
above directions arc
followed excellent re
sults will be secured
with less work than
by ordinary methods ,
or with other articles
though ho says more trained offlcdrs
are needed and that we ought to have
ammunition and guns enough for
ready use In cases of emergency.
"There has been a good deal of talk
in the papers and soipo reference in
congress , " was ono of the observations
the president made , "to the supposed
helpless condition of this country In
case of a foreign Invasion. I venture
to think much more has been made of
this than the facts , calmly consid
ered , would justify. "
State Legislatures Will Be Asked to
Safeguard Insurance
New York , Dec. 19. A practical
plan for safeguarding the $7,000,000-
000 of fraternal Insurance now out
standing In the United States has
been formulated and will soon be pre
sented to all state legislatures with
the approval of the state departments
of Insurance. The announcement was
in ado here following a conference of
the National Association of Insurance
commissioners and a committee rep
resenting the fraternal Insurance so
cieties. Heretofore the fraternuls have
been exempt from state regulations
imposed for closer supervisions.rN 6
Imposed on commercial companies or
ganized for profit , but need for closer
supervision has been shown and the
present movement has the National
Fraternal congress and the Associated
Fraternities behind 1L
The Insurance department of this
state will ask the joint committee of
the fraternal societies to consent to a
few minor amendments to the bill
when It is presented and it is prob
able other state departments will take
similar action , but no serious disagree *
ment Is anticipated in any state.
'Former Well Known Madison Man
Brought Back for Burial.
Madison , Neb. . Dec. 19. Special to
The News : A. II. Bohanon of Om
aha , formerly of Madison , was buried
hero yesterday flo died In Omaha
last week. R. A. Phillip , a biother-ln-
law ; John und Myrl. nephew and
niece ; Mrs. Gus Dohanon of Kearney
and John Dohnnon of Denvei were
hero for the funeral.
Mr. Hohanon has been In the In *
Riirnnre biiKlnosK in Onmhri of lulu
To Start Moving Poles.
Piellmlnary work of the moving of
telephone poles of the Nebraska Tel
ephone company from Norfolk avenue
will probably be commenced soon.
Wallace Lyman of Omaha , service inspector
specter , was In the city Inspecting the
Norfolk plant , and R. Y. Hyde , district
plant chief , was also hero making ar
rangements for the work of moving.
This work , say telephone officials , will
take many months and cost $14,000.
Albert Maass and Miss Ella New
man , both of Norfolk , were united In
marriage Wednesday at the Methodist
Episcopal parsonage , Rev. J. W. Kirk-
Patrick officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Maass left on the noon train for Oma
ha to spend a few days. They are
both employed as nurses at the state
hospital , and expect to resume their
work on their return.
Corn to Colorado.
Much corn is being shipped Into
Colorado by local grain dealers. Fri
day afternoon ten cars of the corn was
shipped away and .twenty-two ajo in
the local yards awaiting shipment.