The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 02, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Ifce NoifOlk Weekly News-Journal
Tim Nowit , EHtubTlBhud 188T
Tlio .loiiniiil , EslnbllBhod 1877.
\V. N. Iltmo N. A. Huso ,
President. Secrotnry.
Kvory Friday. Hy mull per your , $1.50.
Entered at llio postolllco lit Norfolk ,
Neb. , IIH second class matter.
Telephones : Editorial Dupnrtmont
No. 22. RUHlllOBB OlllcOUIld Job ROOIIIS.
No. 1122.
The telegraph operator at Oyster
Hay iu having a luticli needed rout.
Anywny there Is lots of fun In stoic
for tlio republicans as n kicking mlr-
Tliu man who asks you for your
opinion UHiially wantB you to listen
10 lllB.
"Dumb us an oyster , " IB a far less
xprcsBivo comparison than "dumb as
Oyator Bay. "
It 1ms been aptly salt ! that "woiry
la IntorcBt paid on trouble before It
Tails duo. "
If the turkey had stuck to aviation
ho would not have traced the Thanks
giving table. '
After the English election , some
thing may bo clear. Just now the
whole situation Is a muddle.
Canada will not be so anxious tc
annex Maine since 'ho old "rock rib
bed" atuto went democratic.
Washington Is about to Inaugurate
n war on profanity. Hero's when
Uncle Joe will got another Job.
The per capita circulation Is si ;
cents greater than a year ago. Hov
many have their six cents ? Hand :
up !
A public olllcial should In hl-j loyal
ty to his friends never be forgetfu
of the people whom ho was electee
to serve.
Money takes wings in living loal
Hy when a man pays $500 .for the op
portunity of risking his life in ai
Kvanston , 111. , started to raise $100 ]
000 for a V. M. C. A. and before the ;
could stop It the fund had reachei
The Portuguese republic still hves
but It will have to keep its weathe
eye open to survive the machination
of its enemies.
Window glass trust directors ar
lined $500 each. It is proverbial ! ;
dangerous to throw stones if you liv
in glass houses.
The Mexicans are spitting on Ui
stars and stripes. This iinsnnitnr ;
practice Is not likely to prove health ;
for the dagoes.
The cable companies come dowi
on their rates. Like the cows am
the hens , they have heard about th
democratic victory.
Nevada evidently Is determined t
treak up the divorce colony at Rene
It has passed a law against the pla >
ing of bridge whist.
Mr. Roosevelt has now found ou
what Mr. Bryan learned by such bar
experiences , that big crowda do uo
always vote as they shout.
They are talking of Mayor Gayno
for the supreme bench , but the mayo
is too busy In the New York city hal
to do any talking for himself.
The Texas ir.ngers may liaro a ID
cnuni'o to j notice on the belimtm-u
Mexicans unlrpp the latter .jl/o u
the ie.ea of I. vailing Texas > < ; iruuiy.
Arizona and Oregon take actio
against woman suffrage , and th
broom and the. dish cloth will stl' '
continue an active domestic force.
Newark saloons post notice : * again ?
profanity. Nosv If the golf ilnks wide
do likewise , these blue clouds pei
vailing the atmosphere'may fade awn ]
The consumer trying to get awa
with a cheaper piece of meat is aboii
like the football player trying to ru
with the ball when there are twent ;
one men on top of him.
The death of Wlnslow Homer rob
America of another master of ar
Following that of Saint Gaudens an
Ward , It Is a sad depletion In the ran
of American artists , which it will i
hard to fill.
It is a comfort to meet a person 01
casionnlly who can live the part , ae
the part and look the part without tel
Ing everybody what a nervous stral
it Is , to do It.
The Tennessee Jury that ncquitle
Hobln Cooper of the assassination (
Senator Carmack , still holds It a
Inalienable right of democratic state ;
men to kill each other.
All's quiet again at Lisbon. For
revolution that It took decades to bro' '
it was over In a remarkably shoi
lime. The world does not enjoy war
and riot as It did In pant centuries.
Earthquakes In the bottom of Ueh-
ring sea are busy raising up new seal
Islands for the HCII ! Blcln trust which
IB already fat cnough'to kill.
Now that twenty Annapolis midship
men have typhoid fever , It would bo
a good tlmo for someone to start
that Japanese war scare again.
Colonel Roosevelt persists In sllenco
regarding election results. Ho be-
llovea In conservation of resource ! *
when they are worth a dollar n word.
Food Expert Wiley Is against cold
storage turkeys. The farm papers al
ways said poultry needed a more ex
tensive feeding place than an lee
! box.
Far sighted people sensed the state
of political unrest early , by the fact
i that the governors' Thanksgiving
j proclamations usually came out before
election day.
Captain Hobson warns Now York
women against strong drink , and If
ho Is to bo n good temperance man
ho should take the pledge to say less
about Japan.
Premier Asqulth was slapped in
the face by tlio suffragettes , but If
ho Is loyal to the constitution ho will
not rebel at discipline from the con
stituted authorities of the homo.
About now the far sighted country
editor trots out standing typo on
spring flowers and . summer fruits
j found In November , inserting names
' and dates to please his constituents.
' A Buffalo sailor gets a long Jail
term for cutting off a non-union man's
1 ears. Our orators frequently ask the
audience to lend them their ears , but
It Is not etlquet to enforce the re
i quest.
The Innocent bystanders and the
hunters In the deer country of north
ern Minnesota and Wisconsin are be
Ing shot at about the usual rate , am
occasionally one of the more sklllfu
I I drops a deer.
' American bankers are looking se
rlously toward Panama as a field o :
business. This is the best posslblt
' proof that tlio Isthmus Is developliif
into a community of homes as well ai
a center of Industry.
It is rumored that family Ice malt
Ing machines will soon bo available
, Now if some genius will Invent a coa
making machine we shall be rid o
i two of the foes to peace and economy
In the household.
The short session of congress wll
do little. H will take all the time t (
make appropriations for Undo Sam'1
boarding house another year , am
hold a lengthy autopsy over the re
mains of November 8.
' I Socialist Congressman Merger o
1 Milwaukee says he will represent tin
! workers. From our experience wltl
' congressmen who represent the work
I ers of caucuses wo are about read ;
- 'to try the players.
The government Is after the get
> rick-quick brokers. Men who spend i
- whole day studying the paces of ;
i$10 horse will put thousands Inti
mining stock , on strength of cholc <
adjectives and swell letterheads.
' The Canadians talk reciprocity. I
" wo trade on their.usual basis we wll
j come out like the man who went t (
1 county fair with a pair of oxen am
[ after several profitable swaps returnee
. with a pair of hens.
Brigadier General Howe , who hai
been In the army forty-seven years , li
5 soon to retire. He served under Gen
1 erals Sheridan and Crook in frontle (
' Indian uprisings and as a" colonel o
the Forty-seventh volunteer Infantr ;
In the Philippines.
3 Disraeli says that female vanity 1
but a trilling and airy passion com
, pared with the vast voracity of nppe
tlte which In the sterner sex can swa !
, low anything in the way of approctn
tlon and always crave for more. Now
, , will you men bo good ?
Another enormous irrigation prc
( Ject IB shortly to bo undertaken 01
the upper Rio Grande. A dam 28
feet high is to bo constructed of r.ton
and cement to hold the Hood water
1 of the river and furnish Irrigation fo
the territory lying between the dun
and El Paso. The cost is estimated a
( $7,500,000.
, The German records show that J
" , percent of the working population t
t at some tlmo Incapacitated for labo
i. by sickness or accident. The mos
t extensive forms of industrial dlsens
[ . In that country are phosphorous pols
i onlng and lead poisoning , against bet
of which preventive measures can h
I taken.
1f 1 Wo are Just entering upon nn era o
i something approaching enllghtenmonl
, . when It Is dawning upon the publl
mind that mothers should know some
thing about the proper care of chile
i rcn. It Is unquestionably the mos
f Important business In the world , ye
t no preparation , experience or know !
edge has over been thought necessary.
Hence the alarming death rate among
A new Held of usefulness has been
opened up to the Indian girls. They
make superb nurses. There Is no lim
it to their patience , they are naturally
quiet and forbearing , and don't know
what nurves are. They arc Invaluable
In trying surgical canes , which they
go through In n stoical manner , obey
ing orders like trained soldiers.
An exchange claims that the United
States has had three great sccrctarlen
of state John Qulney Adams , who
enunciated the Monroe doctrine ; Wil
liam Henry Sownrd , who kept the
country out of a foreign war during
the civil war and who purchased Alas
ka ; and John Hay , who coped with
1 the world of foreign ministers and
gave them their cue In China.
The largest area ever watered In
the Salt river valley was Irrigated by
, the reclamation service In 1910. Wa
ter was brought through 490 miles of
canals and 121,364 acres. These
which contained crops were given wa
ter enough to cover each acre with
five feet of water. A guarantee of suf
ficient water In tlmo of drought Is fur
nished by the Roosevelt dam reser
In military circles them Is consid
erable discussion as to whether Ger
man or English war tactics are super
ior. It Is certain that war with either
nation would leave In Its track death
and desolation. It will be a glad day
fo r the race when the planning and
preparation for war is all abandoned
in one universal desire for peace. It
would seem that with all the wretched
ness the world has undergone from
J war that the big nations might agree
to quit now.
The great fish market of the world
has long been at Grimsby , Eng. , Bos
ton taking second place , but plans
are now being considered which may
leave both those places by establishing
stations at Kltchlkan , Prince of Wales
Island , Alaska , and at Prince Rupert ,
the Pacific terminus of the G-und
Trunk line. These points are near
the greatest salmon , halibut and rock-
cod fisheries In the world.
It is amusing enough to be pathetic
to notice how solicitous the republi
can politicians are that the democrats
properly conduct affairs In the next
congress when they will have control
of the house. The best thing the re
publicans can do is to attend to their
own knitting and make this present
session of congress a "hummer" in
the achievement of constructive legis
lation for the general welfare.
The death of United States Senatoi
Clay of Georgia takes another of the
public men from the political and leg
islative activities who lias been promi
nent during recent years. lie was
elected in 189C to succeed the lion ,
John B. Gordon and has served con
tlnually since. While not one of the
Brilliant men in congress , he was n
very useful one and in manv of the
debates on the tariff and other ques
tions which have engrossed the at
tention of the senate , he took a promi
nent part.
The Idea I hit land planted to iroof
Is of little value Is a very enormous
one. The value of the Norway 'poplar
which lias been nick-named the "sud
den saw log , " from its rapid growth
Is being emphasized In the northwest
In four years , it is said to attain a
circumference of fifteen inches , three
feet from the ground and in a shorl
time will yield fence posts. The
wood is equal to pine for flooring , in
side casing and other purposes and as
SOO trees can be planted to "an acre
the profits are readily estimated.
A movement has been organized hi
; London to abate the smoke nuisance
by gradually centralizing the powei
producing plants and the general use
of electric currents In all mills , fac
i torles and homes of the city. It has
. been estimated that the centrallzatlor
. of.tho power plants would mean a sav
. Ing of six million tons of coal a year
! and the reduction of the curse ol
smoke to a minimum. A campaign ol
education IB being carried on to i > ro
the economy as well as the health ant
comfort In such a method of central ! : ;
i atlon.
s The modern woman's club bogar
. less than fifty years ago with the
- founding of the Sorosls in New Yorl
, and of the New England Womnn'f
L club In Boston. There has been some
scattering clubs before these , but the
j modern woman's club devoted to nc
) live service for the betterment of so
, clety along some definite line date :
- from the successful organization o
L these two clubs. The general fedora
3 tlon was born when the Sorosls gain
. ed Its majority as a fitting celobratloi
, of the twenty-first anniversary.
j The American women are accomp
I llshing much more In their morn quio
[ and womanly methods toward giMnint
the ballot than the English siiffra
! gettes by their disgusting and violent
. demonstrations. Washington the
. fifth state In the union to grant equa
I suffrage , has been added to their Us
I within the month. The latest breul
. qf the English women determined te
have the right to vote , was to at
tack Premier Asqulth In n mob several
hundred strong. They kicked , bit and
clawed till a hundred or more were
landed In Jail. Imagine arming such
eieutures as that with the powers of
i ne moving pictures ami low priced
\audevllle uiu responsible for the final
extinction of the dime museum which
.vnw ho popular a generation or two ago.
Out of tlio best known of them' Instl-
iiitliiiiK wnit-li has flourl-'i'jd foi uanv
yais In New Vork , sold out at aue-
tlc-n a short time ago , for lack of pat
ronage. There is often much that Is
cheap and objectionable In the mod
ern moving picture , but it Is certain
ly an Improvement on the old dime
museum whoso foundation was the ab
normal , hideous and repulsive. Tlu >
atmosphere of these places which dis
played nature's tragedies for n dime
was morbid and depressing to any one
possessed of any Intelligence or re
fined sensibilities.
On his recent Boventy-llfth birthday
when he gave awiy $3,500,000 , An
drew Carnegie remarked that he was
prouder of his schools than anything
else he had done for mankind. Mr.
Carnegie seems to be able to Judge
pretty shrewdly as to the relative val
ue of his benefactions. His libraries
have been a good Investment. They
are centers of Influence for good In
numerous small places , but there Is
more civilization In a school like the
Carnegie Institute In Plttsburg than
In ninny libraries. Mr. Carnegie could
not do better than to fix his mind on
industrial schools and arrange to en-
I dow as many as possible in the years
remaining to him.
I It Is one of the anomalies of Amur
i lean politics that the congress electo'i '
| by the people in November of this
year will not take Its seat until a y i > .i
from next December. We talk aboui
the "voice of the people , " but It ! t-
not heard until thirteen months nftci
It has been expressed. Such antiquated
machinery as this ought to be taker
out in the national back yard and lit
erally hacked to pieces. The countrj
at the recent election chose a congress
gross with a majority of fifty demo
prntn In the house. Why shouldn't
, they assume within sixty days , at tin
outside , the responsibilities \vhlcl
have been placed upon them ?
The widely reported accounts of ed
ucated Indians using the knowledge
gained from white men's schools onlj
to make them more clever in tlieii
wickedness , is very far from the trutl
when applied to the majority. Pro
I'essor Friedman of Carlisle tells defl
nltely of the careers of 415 living grad
nates of that institution of whom onlj
five are idling. Some are pursuing
their education in college , some are
farming , many are in business am
following all sorts of successful am
honorable callings , While 112 of flu
girls graduated are now mistresses o :
modern homes and bringing up tlieii
families in civilized American ways
This Is as good a record as othei
schools with white pupils can show.
Captain Gleaves' command to "closi
the exits and flood the room" on boart
the battleship North Dakota when i
compartment was on fire was an ordei
which not every man could have mustered
terod up courage to give. Three mei
were in that compartment flghtliu
fire and this was reported to the cap
tain with the Information that th <
flames were making headway. His
command was instantly obeyed tin
exits were closed , the room floodec
and the fire extinguished , but at tin
sacrifice of the three poor fellows win
were In that compartment puttint
forth their utmost eiTorts to subdue
the flames. Though It lias been de
clared by experts in maritime matter !
I hat the ship could not have beei
saved unless that order had been giv
en , yet the incident Is horrible to con
template It makes a man's blood rui
Few older people see winter comi
without regret. Decadence of vege
tatlon , death of flowers and fruits , af
feet with melancholy all who are
sensitive to inanimate nature. Tin
farther one goes north , the more then
Is of snowbound country and physica
ills that make the season dreaded.
The deathlike hush over the land
scape so often In November has ami
nous suggestion of frost. The brown
ing earth creates an atmosphere verj
different from the April landscape
when mating songs of birds am
springing vegetation make pulses
But to the clearsighted there Is hope
and consolation even in December. I
the leaves have fallen , It but reveah
the sturdy power of the tree. If tin
fields are brown from frost or whiti
with snow , they reflect light and se
the air dancing with sunshine.
Winter brings tonic , and If wo Iiv <
as far as possible in the open air
wo avoid Ills that result from self
imprisonment in stuffy homes am
offices and shops.
Nebraska's growth of a little eve
11 percent within ten years may DI
considered satisfactory by comparlsoi
with the loss of population in semi
states and the smaller Increase li
others , but It must he homo In mind
that Nebraska ten years injo could
stand a lot of growth and still not
become us populous us the roinurces
of this rich commonwealth might
Increase In population la no longer
a hit-and-miss proposition , cither In
cities or In states. A community with
resources that will sustain an In-
e't eased population , needs only to
point out those resources and ad
vantages In order to get the popula
tion. There are desirable cltl/.ens
everywhere waiting to be distributed ,
ami n little scientific advertising will
get results.
Hy a liberal advertising appropria
tion the Nebraska legtaluturo could
liibiire an incieiiHO in'population for
the next ten years , much greatei than
11 percent.
The news from the front that the
Mexican riots have been practically
suppressed and that the Diaz forces
are still in complete control of the
government , will be good news to
America In general. The welfare of
Mexico demands that Diaz be held In
power , and consequently Americans
Interested in that country In a busi
ness way will welcome the dispatches
telling of the Diaz victory.
Diaz rules with an Iron hand , it Is
true , but an Iron hand is essential to
the welfare of Mexico. Half the popu
lation Is made up of barbarians and
savages , uncivilized and no more lit
to rule themselves than are our In
What civilization and modern In
fluence is found in Mexico , has come
1'iom the strong guiding hand of
President Diaz. Ills overthrow by a
band of irresponsible revolutionists
would mean that the government
which has been so successfully car
ried on , must become demoralized and
that probably graft would take the
upper hand in government affairs.
President Diaz is a congenial gentle
man to meet , the editor of The News
having had that privilege on a trip
to Mexico a few years ago. Ho is a
man of polish , of dignity and of keen
intelligence. Diaz lives in Chapulta-
pec , a fort on the top of a mountain ,
about four miles from the center of
the City of Mexico , reached by but a
single narrow roadway , guarded by
soldiers constantly. The sides of the
mountain are perpendicular , defying
would-be climbers. The president en
ters nn underground elevator at the
foot of the mountain and is whisked
up and down in this manner.
D y C s early.
The anti-overcoat squad had better
change its mind.
Christinas only four weeks away
and come1 on Sunday.
The sugar trust sounds as if it ought
to be easy to dissolve.
The cartoonist on the front page
stole our dope about turkey week.
This is the season of year when
your wile finds bargains in Christmas
It always seems as if the day after
Thanksgiving ought to be wash morn
It's too late now to do your Christ
mas shopping early. The crush Is
upon UK.
The click of horses' shoes on that
new brick pavement , has the right
kind of clatter.
We're thinking of petitioning the
wind to blow the sand away the sand
on top of that new brick paving.
One Norfolk man says the Joke
about the turkey lasting so long after
Thanksgiving is all wrong. He says
the turkey , at present prices , disap
pears altogether too fast to suit him.
Those golf balls , originally listed
among tlu > acceptable Christinas gifts :
Please see that they're 1911 models
and of the right brand. ( Name of
brand will be supplied on application. )
Menu for week : Thursday , Nov. 24.
Turkey ; Friday , cold turkey ; Satur
day , escalloped turkey ; Sunday , turk
ey a la frlcaseo ; Monday , turkey hash ;
Tuesday , turkey on toast ; Wednesday ,
turkey bone soup.
Some years ago we declared that
there was a man In Norfolk whose
cigars were so notorious that when
ever he Invited anybody to the house ,
the guests carried along their own
smokes and ducked those handed out
by the host. We've caught onto that
fellow's method , and are ready to
testify that It's a great scheme for
sn\ing cigars.
You are a success If you are right
half tlio tlmo.
Jvo still contend that a circus Is a
lot more tun than nn election.
Bo sympathetic with a man and ho
will usually follow you for more.
Roosevelt's own town went , against
him. That's Just like n man's own
At a oinner party it is always ex
pected that the guests talk about lit
Nearly every wife likes to say her
husband Is of an Insanely Jealous dis
position ,
An old maid doesn't have n good
time until she has become reconciled.
Be as hard to down as an English"
sparrow ; when they gist after you ,
keep them busy.
When you stay up election night ,
about all you get Is the returns ; the
open heart of the politician closes
with the polls.
Every man believes his experience
would make an interesting book.
One horse to a buggy doesn't seem
enough , while two seem too many.
Poetic justice IB when some mlno
promoter Is he-Id up and robbed by
The world will never got rid of the
Jokes about whisky and women's
A man is rarely UB prominent and
popular In the town ho comes from
as he claims.
The papers are asking ; "Whore la
Roosevelt ? " Where , by-the-way , is
Jim Jeffries ?
A man who has his nose on the
grindstone is usually better off than
the man who hasn't.
You have learned something if you
have learned to say nothing when
there is nothing to say.
Can Roosevelt cpme back ? All wo
know about It Is that he had a fair ,
square trial , and didn't.
The fact that you lack words to
express yourself may not bo much of
a loss to the icst of the world.
People don't do as much talking
about you as you think they do , un
less you are Leading Man In a scan
We don't know which is worse for
a poor man , to make a campaign for
a public olllce , or to buy an automo
Let your enemy alone , and he'll
probably let you alone. It isn't nec
essary to be eternally and forever
in a scrap.
When a man buys a new suit , his
wife tells him it looks nice. When a
woman buys a new dress , her hus
band has to keep talking about it un
til It Is worn out.
Tlio disagreeable people who are al
ways picking at you : do they really
want you to do better , or do they
enjoy finding fault ?
Aside from the policeman and the
reporters on a morning paper , no one
has a very good excuse for being a
"man about town. "
Several noted publications have
staled lately that the Atchlson Globe
is nearly always wrong on public
questions. That's what an eelitor
gets for being nearly always right.
You haven't one rhanco In a thou
sand of finding a gold mine ; but if
you are industrious , honest , and faith
ful , the chances are ninety-nine In a
hundred that you will succeed.
An Atchlson woman can lie on her
bed at night and tell every person
passing In the street , by their walk.
In addition she can tell evoy auto
mobile that passes by its chug chug.
Two women , who had not met for
fifteen years , ran ntiu IMUI ! other ac
cidentally yesterday afternoon. .Dur
ing the fifteen years their hair had
turned very gray. One of the women
had put on glasses. One woman had
grown very stout and the other very
thin. After kissing each other , the
women looked each other over frpm
top to tofe , and then each one ex
claimed , "You haven't changed a bit. "
Boy story : A mother asked her
little boy whether he had anything to
say to a woman who was an afternoon
visitor. "Tell mo how I've grown , "
he replied , "and how much I look like
ma , and how you've got a little boy
at home just my age , and then ask
mo how old I am , whether I go to
school , how I like my teacher , and
what I'm going to do when I am a
man. Then say you regret you haven't
a penny In your pocket for me. "
A man will start a paper In New
York which will eliminate the faults
of other papers. The man who Is
furnishing the money for fhe enter
prise Is conceited ; not brilliant lie
Is willing to invest his money In his
"notions. " The "Ideal newspaper"
will prove a frill lire from the stun ,
because It will not be as good a news
paper as dozens of others already In
existence In New York. Until people
nil think alike , the Ideal newspaper
will bo Impossible.
The word "don't" Is used very of
ten for the word "doesn't. " The school
teachers scream , but It does them
no good. The New York Journal ,
which has plenty of money with
which to hire grammarians , uses
"don't" Instead of "doesn't" in Its
black faced editorials , which are writ
ten by a man who Is supposed to fet
$480,000 a year for his services. Fif
teen dollars a wnek is a high price
for a grammarian ; It's the boy < 3 with
Ideas who got the big salaries. Tim
knowledge is power ; not grammar.
Therefore wo have concluded that the
Now York Journal's | 180,000 a year
man didn't know original ! } that
" ' " be usi-.l
"don't" should Mot for Uio
word "iloesn" " to ho. ha-j c.onclude'd
to make hta habit rospectublo and
Now York , Nov. III ) . This week saw
quite * a number of i-hangim In New
York theatrical clre-len.
Oscar HanimerHte'ln has truiiHforruil
management of his Manhattan opera
house to his mm William , who began
hln regime by Introducing a holt-
day season of vaudovlllo beginning on
Monday evening. The change IB due
to the fact that Mr. Hamnu'rHteln ex
pects to make a long stay In London
to superintend his London grand op
era house , now In course of coimtruc-
tlon. William llummorstoln will con
tinue to control the Victoria musle-
hall , while Arthur will assume control
of the produi'tloim "Ilium" anil
"Naughty Marietta , " the latter being
a winning attraction at the Now York
theater just now.
Highly pleasing Its capacity audiences
"Tho ( llrl
ences at every performances ,
in The Taxi , " with Carter Do Haven
and an all-star cast , hna entered UH
second month at the Aslor theater.
One and all acclaim this rolllcklm ;
farce as the funniest play this season
has produced , and there is every pros
pect of "Tho Girl In The Taxi" remain
ing a Broadway attraction for a solid
New York has not seen n play that
makes n stronger appeal to one's high
est ideals than "Tho Roaary" In many
seasons. This play Is attracting largo
audiences to the Garden theater night
ly , and promises to run throughout
the season. It has received the hourly
endorsement of the Catholic clergy ,
but the audiences Include people of all
leliglons for the high moral appeal
"The Rosary" makes will lit Into any
May Irwln is as amusing us over
in "Getting a Polish" at Wallack's
theater. Turkington and Wilson wrote-
this farclal comedy. The lady , her
self , has done the rest. The way May
" " la sulllclent
Irwln slugs "coon" songs
for an evening's entertainment at any
time , oven if there were no plot to
the play.
From the start "Rebecca of Sunny-
brook Farm" at the Republic theater ,
has been so successful that the play
bids fair to run out the season. The
entertainment Is full of laughter ra
ther than tears , us befits such a sun
ny nature us Rebecca's. The hearty
manner in which the public has ae
copied It is a reminder that however
far the stage may wander from what
IK wholesome there is always a warm
welcome for a clean play.
The score of "Alma , Where Do You
Live , " at Webcr'a , offers good vocal
opportunities for Kitty Gordon and
John McCloswy. Miss oomon nus
jumped Into prominence since the
j musical comedy was produced.
Marie Cahlll In the Hupwood-Helit
musical comedy "Judy Forgot" con
tinues at the Broadway , though she-
will leave after this week to make
way for the coming of Sothern and
Marlowe. She has revised her opera
box and piofcbsionul matinee scenes
and introduced many new bright lines.
I Blanche Bates is making good in
' A\ory Hapwood's latest farclal play
"Nobody's Widow , " at the Hudson
theater. The nuttue of the lolo which
Mibs Bates presents dilfers widely
from her Madame Butterfly or Minnie
Smith in the " ( ! lrl From the Golden
Wes.1. " This time she Is a woman of
fashion who Is a pint ot the life of
London , Paris. Now Yoik and New
I The Hippodrome has established a
' national reputation for big spectacu
lar productions. The triple show con
sisting of "The Ballet of Niagara. "
"The Earthquake" and "The Internu-
' tlonul Cup" , continues its prosperous
"Tho Gamblers" continues on Its
happy career at Muxlne Elliott's thea
ter. The Charles Klein play Is grip
ping In interest , and Is Interpreted by
a caht of unusual merit , which in
cludes George Nash , Jane Cowl ,
Charles A. Stevenson and William B.
At Daly's , where "Baby Mine" with
Marguerite Clark , Ivy Troulman , John
Glendenlng , Walter Jones and their
companion player , not forgetting the
triplets , make nightly audiences con
vulsed with laughter , the play Im
proves with age.
The return of the Plaza music hall
lo vaudeville , gives lovers of this par *
tlcular form of amusement another
opportunity to see excellent bills.
With Us sister house , the "American , "
the Plaza presents BOUIO of the very
strongest bills offered Now York thea
Adeline Gcneo In "The Bachelor
Belles , " an entertainment by Hurry
B. Smith and Raymond Hubbcll , has
been received with cordiality at the
Globe theater. Mile. Genee Is seen in
three new dances. She is assisted by
M. Shorer-Bokofl and the Empire
theater London ballet.
Sam Bernard Is us popular us ever
In "Ho Curno From Mllwuukeo , " the
musical comedy at the Casino theater.
Ho seems to get as much fun out of
his part as do his audiences.
Can't Use Jack Dlnns' Name.
Now York , Nov. 26. Protection
against the use of his name for ad
vertising purposes was granted by the
appellate division of the supreme court
to "Jack" Blnns , a wireless operator
whoso "C. Q. D. " message called help
to the sinking steamship Republic. An
irdor was Issued , restraining a mov
ing picture firm from using Blnns *
name on films portraying the wreck
3f the vessel.