The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 02, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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'llti NO It FOLK WK1CKLY N'KW.S-.JOrUNAI , . KKIIMY. DHCKMBKU 2. 1)10. ! )
.A <
Plcnsures of the Week
Mrs August /ItkovvHkl celebrated
licr biilhday anniversary Sunday lit
her lioiiio In ICdgoxvator , where u large
number ( if ftlumlH and relatives giith-
utuil to congtndilnto liur. Among the
out-of-town visitors were. Mr and
Mrs Gustavo Ma rotIloHkliiH ; Mrs.
Frank BoiiHor , HoHklns ; Mr. and Mrs
llunry Weit/llch , Husklns.
Thanksgiving ovonlng Mr. and Mrs.
Blic'rman Wllloy gave n 0 o'clock din-
inn In lionoi of Mr Wllloy's lihthday
I'IIOHO piosont wore Dr. and MIH. L
A Culmscc , Mr and MIH. A. F. Har
vey , Mr and Mrs. Walker , Mi and
Mis F. II Scott , Gli-i ) Wllloj and
MlHH OHIo Drebert WlilHt WIIH tlio
ovonlng's entertainment.
MIH. j iiaum cntcrtalnod a Hinall
company of Indies vury Informally on
Tuesday afternoon. Bridge furnished
ontortalnmont. The high score favor
was awarded to Mrs W. N. Ilnse.
Airs. Hanin soivcd a dollclons supper
lit P o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Sessions enjoyed a
Hplcndld Thanksgiving dinner \\ltli'
Mr. and Mrs. Ccoigo Botry at their'
ranch , olght miles west. Dt. and Mrs.
Tanner of Hattlo deck \\oro also'
guests of Mr. and Mis. Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Unso entertained
n small company at bridge on Thanks
giving night. S. M. Uradon made the
lilgh score of the evening. Lunch at
11 o'clock rounded out the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Damn entertained
the West Side whist clnji on Monday
evening. Mrs. IJaum served tempting
refreshments at the close of the
Mrs. W. O. Hakor came up from
Omaha on Wednesday to spend a few
days nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W.
N. llnse. Mrs. Baker will return
liomo tomorrow.
Mrs. M. A. McMillan and grand
daughter , Miss Ruth I ( aiding of Oma
ha , spent Thanksgiving In West Point
with Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlln.
Mrs. B. S. Tobias of Wellington ,
Kan. , spent a couple of days with her
ulster , Mrs. A. Morrison , the past
Mrs. G. W. West of St. Paul , Neb ,
Is in Noi folk for a week's visit with
lior daughter , Mrs. 0. J. Fleming.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dradcn left yes
terday for Huron , S. D. , for a short
visit with Mr. Oration's brother.
Coming Events.
Mr. and Mis. C. II. Gioesbeck
entertain a cloven fi lends at a Thanksgiving -
giving dinner tomonow.
George Osten of Norfolk and Miss
Adolla M. Thlomkeeie married at
the home of the bride's parents at IK !
North Twenty-fifth street , Omaha , at
10 o'clock Satin day morning. Imme
diately after the ceiemony the young
couple went to Wichita , Kan. , where
after n slioit visit with relatives they
will leturn to Norfolk , probably Tues
day evening. They will make their
home on Koenlgstcin avenue and
Twelfth street , where Mr. Osten has
rented and beautifully furnished the
Gibson residence Mr. Osten is super
intendent of the Noifolk Light and
Fuel company. Before coming hereabout
about one year ago he was superinten
dent of the Pali bury gas plant , and for
some time was employed with the
Omaha Gas company. lie has made
many ft loads here. Miss Thlemke is
favoiably known bj a number of Nor
folk people. At Omaha she is popular
in social circles and Is a membci of a
prominent family.
Gordon Pioneer Is Dead.
Gordon. Neb , Nov 20 Special to
The News Solomon J Dix passed
awav at his home heio fiom a compli
cation of bionchial tumbles Mr. Dlx
was a memhci of the G A H and a
pioneer at Coition Ho settled with
his fainil } heie , with the Indiana com
pany that founded Coition , twenty-live
years ago last spring Ho leaves a
wife and several grown sons and
A Coffee Steamer Wrecked.
Now Orleans , Nov. 20. A special
from Savannah says : Tlio steamer
Crown Prince , bound from Brazil to
Now Orleans , wrecked off Capo San
Antonio , October 1C , is rapidly break
ing up From her forward hold have
boon taken 15,000 bags of coffee , un
touched by the salt water. The re
maining fi.OOO bags arc n loss.
Great Stock Show.
Chicago , Nov. 20. Thoroughbred
liorses , blue-bl'joded cattle and sheep
nnd hogs with family trees that would
put many humnn aristocrats to blush
arc Chicago's guests today and will
display their charms during the an
nual International Live Stock exposi
tion nt the stock yards. Nearly every
state of the union nnd every province
of Canada have sent animals to the
big bhow , and , with a big prize list and
the certainty of a largo attendance of
spectators , the exposition will surpass
nil records.
In Picturesque Trlpp County.
Pahapesto. S. D. , Nov. 20. Special
to The News : Pnlinpcbto township
Is In the northwest corner of the Rose
bud roborvo In Trlpp county It re
ceived Its imino from a butte which
ran bo seen for miles around , and Is ,
In fact , a landmark. At the base of
the butte Is the postoflico , general
store and blacksmith shop , while to
'tho ' south , noitli , oust and west the
piulrlu IB dotted with buildings bo-
longllig to honicsloadcis. Lyman
county Is on the noith , and Mollctto
count v , the no.\t count } to be tin own
open to the vvhlto settlers , Is on the
As one goes north on tho'l'iesho
tiall , the road seems lo climb up with
bleaks or deep cliaws and tavlnes on
either side , until tliu dome of heaven
seems close overhead , and the val-
ICJK of the White river and Cottonwood -
wood creek lie f < ir below. The view
Is beautiful , In the Hiimmoi time the
winding rlvoi with the does and hills
' bojond , coming M > suddenly upon
one's view , as It Is llrst seen fiom the
top of the table land fairly takes'ono's
llnoath \ On a cleat day the smoke
of the engine can be plainly seen as
the lialii pulls In and out of the sta
tion at Vivian , across the ilver In Ly
man county , some twenty-live miles
away. Heio are a profusion of wild
lloweis , many beautiful varieties.
Along the White liver and the creeks
IH found much wild .fault , many grapes
and plums. Lint fall , although all
the ftult had been killed bj the free/o
late in the spilng In other parts of
South Dakota , the river was llnted on
cither side with red bushes , loaded
witli hundicds of bushels of buffalo
beirles. Along the river are Ideal
' spots for camping expeditions and
j ' pintles Many paitles take advantage
' '
of the fruit and llshlng each summer
and < amp near the ilver.
The fact that this part of Trlpp
county was so far fiom the end of the
, toad at Dallas , nnd that It was sup
posed to be all very rough was prob
ably icsponslble for the fact that
many good claims wore left open and
weio filed upon after the first of Oc
tober , and during the squatters' rush.
This fall n vciy comfoi table little
schoolhonse was erected near the
butte , where most of the children of
school ago are. Pahapesto means In
the Indian language , "high , steep ele
vation. " (
Heie , ' as in other parts of Trlpp
'tenuity i , there are men ami women
from many states , many professions ,
nnd many walks of life , all desirous
i of obtaining 100 acres of ground , most
of these to bo permanent homes. It
takes considerable courage to go sixty
miles , fiom Clio railroad. Last summer
two sisters , both school teachers , who
i have claims up her" , being in need of
j lumber , provisions , etc. , made three
tiips to Grogoij for Height , nearly
scvontj miles away , with a team com
posed of an old buggy noise belong
ing to one of them , and the other's
little saddle bioncho. Their experi
ences weio many and varied. Some
laughable , otheis seilous. The bron
cho had a way of stopping half way
up a bleep hill to admire the surround
ing country , refusing to move an Inch
until the spliit moved him , some
times this would bo for a short time ,
some limes for several hours. Then
lie would make up for lost time go
ing down a hill and scattering the
whole load on the decline.
| On Oak crook , richt across the line
and in Melletle county , is the Had
Nation Indian school. In this neigh
borhood live many Indians. These
ted bklus aioeiy paitlal to n certain
kind of boup not appteclated by'the
white man. Recently one of the lat
ter puichabcd a very fine hound fiom
an Indian Later when tying him up ,
\vhlle putting a collar around his neck
the dog gave an uneaithly jell. An
examination showed a straight gash
bevel al inches long. The former
master had evidently postponed the
eistwhilp intended feabt after almobt
ending his canine exibtence.
Brazilian Navy Rebels are Given New
Commanding Officers.
Ilio Janeilo , Nov. 20 The mutinous
vesbclb of the Binzillan navy which
put to bea jcsteiday to aw ail positive
asbiuanco of the government's good
faith in gianting their demands for
naval icforms and full amnesty , spent ,
the night oulbide the bar , returning
to the haiboi this moiiiing. The vvar-
ships' were still 11)ing the led flag
but the cievvs made in known that
they would bo turned ovet to the an-
thoilties according to the teims of
sin lender agreed upon at noon.
Now commanding offices. ! have been
appointed bj the mutlneeib.
In No Shape for War.
Washington , Nov. 20 Major Gen-
eial Wood paints a gloomy picture of
lack of prepatednesb of the army in
cabo of war in his annual report to
the bocretaiy of war There arc weak
spots in many directions , ho bald , and
most soilous is the shortage of Held
aitlilciy and ammunition , a fault
which should bo Immediately correct
ed General Wood declared there Is
a great lack of reserve sea coast am
munition and that , at the present rate
of appropriation by congress , it would
take more than fifty years to obtain
a reasonable supply of ammunition for
the coast defense and r still longer
time to obtain the necesbary artillery
and ammunition
Fear Trouble In Greece.
Athens. Nov. 20. Creek authorities
aio preparing for possible serious riots
on the occasion of the general elec
tions Monday.
Belgium's Queen Is Better.
Brussels , Nov 20 Bulletins Issued
by the attending physicians today indi
cate that the condition of Queen Elba-
both is Improving. It Is understood
she has suffered from tjphold
Woman Aviator Coming ,
Los Angeles , Nov. 20. Cody , Hard-
ing and Gtbbs , the English airmen
whose exploits ha\o preceded them
across the Atlantic have agreed to (1 ( >
at the aviation meet in Los Angeles
next January , according to the an
nouncement of their committee , which
is arranging the events under the
auspices of the Aero Club of Califor
In addition to this , sovetal French
aviators who have not yet been seen
In the United States have accepted in
vitations. They aio Leon Batheate > , , ( .
P. Weiss and Clmmpel With them
i will como Mine. Mailhe Nell , one of
the three Fioiich women holding avl
ator licenses
A Ride Over the Rosebud.
Norfolk Neb. , Nov 21 ! - Editor The
News Rooonllx wo tiaveihcd by auto
the undent ualm of the Sioux In
dians. tinvellng ttom ( 'niter , S. D. . to
Valentine , Nob. The plowshaio nf cl-
libation has jet seaicoly obllteiated
the Hails ut the Indians and the wal
lows of the buffalo In all that vast
legion and much of it Is piimltive as
when Hist fashioned by the Moso/ole
ago The genius of man will ultimate
ly oveicome nil difllcultlcs legardlng
the settlement of this region and It
will sonic day sustain a huge popula
tion A Jouiney ac'ioss these lands Is
an exhlliiating experience. Over the
lnoad and fertile table lands , along
rugged canyon walls and terraced
button , we sunned distance as the
miles receded and the shlmmeiing
hoi I/on unfolded before us In Illimit
able poispoctl/o Wo loitered betimes
In some hill enclicled valley wheio
the dancing sunbeams sought repose
In lakelets ncblltng in bowls of gold
en sands , and heio wo took toll of
myriad flocks of ducks basking In
the sheen of sunlight and rippling wa
ter. Always , however , speeding 01
loltoilng , we ga/od with avvo and rev-
oienco upon the wonderful buttcs ,
consecrated thiough unreckoned ren
turles by the graves and council flies
of a race w hcfse beginning of daj'3 Is
lecordcd among the mysteries of the
infinite and whoso end of life is now
decreed by the Inflexible destiny of
evolution. Daikly , as If bathed In an
elixir of amber , purple and gold , the
buttes loomed athwait the hori/on
miniature mountains , superimposed ,
hnp-hu/nrd and in fantastic shapes
upon the level table lands as If ante-
deluvian giants had suddenly , aban
doned their whf elbarrows and left In-
completed bee ! ions of mammoth forts
and lallvvay giadcs higher than the
Noifolk postotlke. It is a land of il
lusion , where the witcheiy of the ml-
lage mlriois In the bky the panorama
ofnitte , valley and lake , where the
iockb aio etched and catvcd and pigmented -
mented as ifiy \ the hand of giant
bculptois. The lights and shadows
soften , gild 'ind gloilfy even the ties-
ett until It glovvb with tints of trans
cendent loveliness and the mind is
lost in contemplation of the entranc
ing picture. Above the golden haze
oC autumn an eagle sonis In the
cloudless sky , the wind Is hushed , the
silence and sublimity of the wilder
ness awes the senses and fills the
heait with ineffable peace. The gor
geous tints ot the betting sun radiate
and scintilloto from the vailegated
pigmented strata of the buttes , they
cast silvery glances upon the lakes
and bathe the shadows with a mystic
purple gleam. The hypnotic spell of
natuio is rudely dissipated by whir
ring wingb that aiise almost from be
neath the wheels of the car and the
alluiing plctute of a fat piairie chick
en in the frjing pan dlspellb other
pictuics for the time. Once wo dis
turbed a coyote from Ills siesta and
laced witli him for about a mile. Al
though we attained a thirty-fixe-mile
speed , Mr Frowsy simply set bib
speed lever up another notch and kept
ahead with that deceiving lope that
fairly eats up distance. A ditch acioss
oui com so compelled us to slow down ,
but we felt that wo had given the coy
ote a woik-ont such as he had never
enjoj'ed befoie. Up in the Rosebud
country the settlers all lee upon Nor
folk as their metropolis. They are
vitally Interested in what wo are do
ing and all that concerns our Inter
Gently tne iwiiignt falls ami the
riot of colors and gleaming sunMght
gives place lo a soft allot Jenv suf
fusing eaitli rnd sky. The shadows
lengthen iiom the tall butlus , the ci
cada has hushed its slridlenl note , aim
a cool eveniii } , btceye whispois down
the canyons. In the gathtmm dust :
the mind can i'lniost see the "ast ca -1
alcades of buffalo , elk and deei Unit
erstwhile i earned these plain. , and \.il-
lojs , and in the plaintive howl of the
coyote the Imagination easily run-
jures up the chant of some diitUy war-
ilor wooing his mate or vvoishipping
the gieat spuil. The illusion is so
natural so much a part if the jet-
ling of Ihe putuie thai it beionun for
the moment a reall/atiou and we
scarcely can f rasp Ihe conviction thai
only Iho bleaching bones lomaln of
Ihe vasl herd * ot game and an Insig
nificant and degenerate remnant of
the whole iaco of warriore who oncu
peopled the land. J. II. Mackay.
Flene Trial This Week.
Ponca , Neb. , Nov. 20. Nexl week in
Ihe tiistricl courl at Ponca , the case of
the state against Wllholm Flege ,
charged with the minder ot ills blstor ,
Louise Flege , will be called for trial.
The young woman was found mur
dered on tlto Fiego farm , five miles
noithcnst of Wayne on .June 30 last.
Two bullet wounds in her body tesll-
fled lo Ihe manner of 1 or death.
News of the tragedj spread a wnvo
of excitement , and search for the au
thor of the crime was at once Insti
tuted. Detectives wore employed , and
the sheriffs and prosecuting attorneys
ot two counties were virilnnt and ac
live for evidence that would suggesl a
solution of the mvstorv Days and
weeks pacf-od before suspicion pointed
to the brother who vvn llmliy charg
ed with the slaying of his Flster. It
was neailj a month after the young
woman had been murdered tt'at Albert
Pcliti nknn > p the hired i"i" told Sher
iff Mears Hat Wl'l-olm Flege commit
ted the xwful deed.
Albert who i ' 7 y ar * of ago ,
sworr Hat he id n m > iRly kept
Bllll because of threat'"tie to him
bj Wllholm Floe nKYhton -
kamp testified thai Flege had a quar-
10 ! with his sister on Juno HO because
the latter piotostc'd against his waste
of time In tit Iv Ing Ills automobile , nil-1
vising him to devote more attention to
the coinllcld Kihtonkamp alleges
Unit aftei Kune hot woids between the
biothei and sister , ho and the former
went out to get the automobile icady
foi use ICchtcnkatnp sa.vs ho was
latet left to fill the water tank In the
machine , while Tlego returned to the
homo shoitlj aftorwatds , ho says
ho heaid angiy voices , and looking up
snvv Louise hacking acioss the vatd ,
followed by hoi In other Going to-
watd them. Albert states that he was
otdered to go to the barn , which ho
says that he did A few moments lat
er he charges that he hoaid a shot ,
and then anothei one , and that Wll-
helm stood ovoi his dead slstei with a
smoking pistol In his hand. l > htcn-
Kamp sweats thai Floge gel Into his
automobile and rode to the barn and
cautioned him to say nothing , on pen
alty of a similar fate to thai which
had ox 01 taken Louise Hchtcnknnip
says he was then 01 doled to go to the
field , and thai Flego diovc off lo Dlx-
on In Ihe evening the body of the
girl was found , and a faithful dog wan
guarding It. That In brief and in sub
stance Is the storj told by Albert
] > htenkamp.
He Is the main witness for the state ,
and both sides \vill summon numerous
witnesses from the vicinity of the
crime. A great deal of Interest Is felt
In the case , and main from northeast
of Wayne will be attraclcd to Ponca'
dining the progiess of the trial.
"Turkey" Raffllnq This Week Brings
Pioneer Days to Mind.
The wheels on which many Noi pol ! {
people won their Thanksgiving din-
noi s remind Norfolk pioneeis tthe
old days when gambling houses VXPSO
In full blast in this city. One NoitolU
pioneer declaies it biings back old
memories of eaily Norfolk whoa six
gambling houses wete i mining wldo
open to anyone who cared to try his
Seventeen years ago six
houses were srattoted tlnoiighoiii the
cltv There may have been otheis ,
but lliese wore Ihe public gambling
houses. Today Noifolk has seven sa
loons where sevenleen yeais ago 11
had that numbei of gambling houses
A prominent Noifolk business man
in relating Ihe old days declaies the
gambling houses always had 40 pot- i
cent of Ihe players money , win or
"One night many years ago , " he
savs , "myself , the mayor and eight
other citi/ens sal down to a table and
plnjcti the wheels from 9 p. in. till
midnight. Not one of us won any
thing , and though wo had Just drop
ped in to while away a few hours , .ve
all losl about ? nO. "
The last gambling house faded axvnj
about eleven yeais ago. This place
was located in the rear of a NoifoiK
avenue saloon.
The "tinkey" raffles this week woio
gambling games for cash. No fowls
weio given when players won they
weie paid in dollars.
Explosion is So Violent That All Are
Believed to Be Dead.
Providence , Ky , Nov. 20. Eleven
coal nuncis , two white men and nine
negioes , wore entombed in mine No.
1 of the Providence mining company
by a gas explosion and it is believed
all aie dead. The mine is new , the
shaft being only 100 feet deep , with
only a few entries. The explosion was
so violent thai litlle hope is enter-
laincd for Ihe minors' escape from
death. Help from Iho mine icscue
station at Linton , Ind. , Is on the way
to the scene. Comrades of Iho men
entombed ate digging frantically to
teach them.
The explosion blew great masses of
slate and stone far fiom the shaft. A
mule blown out of the shaft alighted
150 feet awaj' , slill alixe.
George Southworth , Giving Up Insur
ance , is Only 22 Years Old.
George S. Southxvotth , manager of
the Midwest Life Insurance company
with offices in the Uibhop block , who
leaves the insurance business next
week to study for the minlstiy under
Rev. F. C. Taj lor of the Central City
Episcopal church , has surprised his
friends by giving out his ago at 22.
"I know I look older , but It is the
Until. I am only 22 years old , " snld
Air. Southworth.
The fact that Mr. Southworth looks
much older than he ically Is docs not
mean tlmt ho Is an old looking man.
Ho Is very broad shouldered and n
pei feet picttno of an athlete. This ,
says Mr Southworth , was given him
by nature and developed through the
medium of the football game , which
ho has played since he was 10 years
old. Ho is high In his praise over the
gnmo nnd declares It the best game In
existence for the young man of today.
Mr. Southwortn has assisted F. M.
Hunter In the coaching of the Norfolk
high school football team and was in
190 ! ) captain of the Konyon ( Ohio )
college team when that team was the
lioldot of the championship of the
state of Ohio. Mr. Southworth has al-
wajs Intended entering the ministry ,
hut through iclatlves had taken up
the Insurance business for a sldo issue
Mr. Southworth entered the Konyon
mllltaiy academy when ho was 1C
jears old He took a popular part in
all atliletlcs , but two years after ho
entered the academy the buildings
woio destroyed by lire and he Imme
diately entered the Konyon college ,
from which four j'ears later ho grad
uated with highest honors Out of the
1909 class ho graduated as the first
honor of his class with the degree of
bachelor of arts. Ho was also n prom
inent member of the Phi Beta Kappa
Koclety of the college He WIIH cap
tain and played end and tackle on the
llrst team , which held the state chain-
1 plonshlp. Aftei defeating many of the
'othei larger colleges In the state of
Ohio , Mr. Southwoith gave up his
place aH captain and went up the
iMnlno. coast , vvlioio ho spent the summer -
mer with his patents.
, A vear ago In September ho came
to Not folk and later succeeded C. L
Williams as manage ) of the Midwest
Life Imminnco lompany. In Decem
ber he went bat U to Ohio , where he
man led Ml MS Williams an ! lias been
living hoio flneo , quietly studying for
the minlstij dining his paic mo
ments. In two nooks ho will go to
C'ential City whoie undei the diiec-
tlon of Rev. F. ( . ' Taj lor , the lector
of the Episcopal chinch who for live
jeais was a mlsslonaiy In Alaska and
who is becoming popular In chinch1
woik he will have chaige of two mis
sions , Sitvei Cieok and Palmei , where
ho will pleach his . 'list seiinons. Soon
Mi Southwoith will bea candidate for
holy en dots and In about two vcnis ho
will without doubt be given a pas-
toiate of some Eplscopnlcan chinch.
I "It was always my Intention to be
come a minister , " said Mr. South
woith , " and I am glad it Is under Mi.
Taj lot's supervision I will study foi
this woik I took up the Insuianco
business as a side line In the Hist
place. "
Ho saj-s football teaches moiallty ,
self conttol , self confidence , self re
i spect and everything which tends to
1 build up the manhood of Hie hoy.
Raasch Ilios. have been appointed
to succeed Mr. Southwoith as agents
for the Insurance company.
Connie Mack's Team and Detroit Nine
to Play Exhibition Games.
Philadelphia , Nov. 20 Nine of the
twelve playeis of the champion Phila
delphia Ameilcan league baseball club
lolt this city this moiiiing for New
Yoik to boaicl a steamer for Cuba ,
vvheie exhibition games will bo player.
The playeis will anivo In Havana
next Wednesday and will open will ,
games with the Dettoit team of tin.1
Ameiican League. Ten games in Ha
vana will follow with the Almendaie i
and the Havana clubs.
The players xvho will make up the
Philadelphia team ateCatchcis ,
Thomas and Lapp ; pltcheis , Bender ,
Coombs and Plank ; Hist baseman , Da
vis , who will captain the team , sec-
onti baseman , Dei rick ; shortstop , Bat
ly , thiid base , McMinis , lett lleUler.
Haitsel ; centei fielder , Lord , ancl
light fleldei , Mtnplij' .
New York , Nov. 20. Among the 1m- .
portant news events scheduled foi the
coming week are the following :
General election will be held in
Greece to choose members of a new
national assembly , to succeed the one
tccently dissolved , which will be
chaiged with the revision of the Gre
cian constitution.
Interstate commcico commission
will begin heatings of railioads and
shlppeis to settle diflorcnces gi owing
out ot the constinction of the long and
slioit haul clause of the lailioad rate
Contcbt foi the world's champion
ship in speed typewriting will be held
in connection with the National Bus !
ness show , opening In St. Louis
Harvaid university will colebiate
the 30d ; ! nnniveisaiy of the birth of
John Harvard , the Englishman who
founded the institution.
Interstate commeico commission
will grant a hearing to the Pullman
company on the pioposed leduction in
rates- involving a decreabe of about
25 pei cent in the rates charged for
upper berths.
World's Hist Intelnailonal aerial and
aviation exhibition , comprising com
plete exhibits of ovoiything relating
to the navigation of the air , opens In
Crj'stal Palace , London , and will ex
tend through December and Januarj- .
Atlantic Shore Line railway , extend
ing fiom Blddefoid to Yoik , In Maine ,
will be knocked clown at public auc
tlon at Alfied , Me. , under a foieclos-
me of mortgage bj the bondholders.
General Porfllrio Diaz and Ramon
Coriall , as piesldent and vice pics !
dent , respectively , of the republic of
Mexico , will enter upon their new
term of olllce of six years.
Miss Helen Taft , daughter of Presi
dent nnd Mrs. Taft , will bo presented
to the society of the national capital
at a tea to be given at the white house ,
wuun scores of notables will pay their
respects to the debutante.
Ollltaid match for the championship
of the world xvlll bo commenced by
Willie Hoppe nnd George Slosson In
Nexv York.
Red Cross seals will be placed on
sale throughout the countrj' , the mon
ey reall/eti from the Christinas stamps
to be used In lighting tuberculosis.
Walter Wcllmnn and Molvln Vanl-
man will begin their lecture tour at
Carnegie hall , New York.
Special session of the Oklahoma leg
islature will convene to authorire a
rofeiendum on the state capital prop
First public repoit of the national
tariff board will bo made at n banquet
of the Chicago Association of Com
Anniversary of Indian War.
Just twenty jears ago today this
torrltoty was In a ferment of oxclto
ment over the gieat Indian scare In
South Dakota and fetieial soldiers
were being rushcti by special trains
through Norfolk to quell the alleged
disturbances at the Pine Rldgo ami
Rosebud reservation agoncles In South
Dakota , northwest of Norfolk.
It was the last gioat Indian scare
In this togion and the HOIOIIO peace
and quiet that piovailH In that Hold
at this lime makes It today its
almost an Impossible tit cam that thcuu
evot was ically sen Ions apprehension.
But theio was.
, Refund's swat mod Into Rushxille
i and \ulontlno and Iheio was a story
one day that a battle hud boon fought
on the Rosebud , and that sixty per
sons had been killed 01 wounded. For
ten dajs the newspapers of the conn
uy weie mote given over to that In-1
dinn sonic than they have boon dm
ing the past wed ; over the tovolt in
Mexico. And appatenlly the two up
ilslngH amounted to about the same
tnlng hugely imagination and minor
I General Nelson A Miles , then In
command ol the at my , was busy In
( hlciiM ) dlMpatc lilng fcdetal ( loops to
the scene of double , and In some circles
cles It was said that the upilslng was
worked up as a picsiclcntinl hoomlct.
One tcpoil declaim ! that tno cause
ol doublet uns tollglcius The Indians'
Chi 1st had piomlscd them , the story
wont , that ovetj Indian who tell In a
battle against the white man , would
soon Use again when all white people
plo would be engulfed and polish.
Well Known Shakespearean Actor ,
First Harvard Actor , Dies.
Boston , Nov 20. George Riddle ,
one of the most widely known Shakos
peaioan loadois In the country , tiled
today of ceiebial liemoiihage in a
Loval hospital. He was found uncoil
scions on the sttoet late last night.
Mr. Riddle , whose home is in Cam-
biidge , has boon pioniliient in the the
atilcal piofossion for more than a
cpnutci of a centuiv. In 1871 ho plaj'-
eel in the company with 1 < Mwin Booth
Mi. Riddle was gi actuated fiom Har
vaid in the same jcat tlmt he appear
ed witli Bootli and was the first alum
nus of Hint unix 01 sit j' to take a stage
c aieer.
Students Must Exercise.
Now Oi leans , Nov. JO On the
gioiind , It Is said that the students of
the univeisitj have not heeded his ap
peals to pattlcipato in college athletics
as tliev should Piesiticnt Cialghliend
has announced that hetoalter Tulane
will enjoy the taste of compulsoiy
athletics Exeij freshman and bopho
inoio at the tnilxersltj will bo compell
ed to take a ceitain amount of exei-
else piesciibod by the facultv Out-
cloot woik will constitute the gi eater
pint of the physical icqiiliemeiits
Richard Wilson Dies.
New Yoik , Nov. 20 Ricliaid T. Wil
son , who had been scilously ill at his
Fifth avenue home for a few clays
died eaily this morning.
Sioux City Hears of Line.
Sioux City. Nov. 20 C. W. Baker
of Omaha , who is promoting an elec
trie road to 11111 between the Xebiaska
ir-edopolis and Sioux City , in lived in
Stoux Citj foi an investigation of the
situation in this city , and is icglstcieti
at the West hotel.
The line as far as Fiemont , Neb ,
has been sin v eyed Mr Baker said
and guiding will be started next
spiing An engineer , who , according
to Mr. Baker , will icpoit to European
capital upon the situation along the
pioposed line , accompanied him. Mr
Baker is the piesident of the Baker
Constinotion company which will co.i-
struct the line
"Sioux Citj was placed on the road's
map as an alteithoiight , " Mi Baker
declared. "Tho oiiginal plan was to
build a line between Omaha and Fie
mont. That line was laid out. Then
the capitalists back of the project sug
gested a continuation as far as Sioux
"Accordingly wo are now figuring
on a line which would leave the Fie
mont blanch at Elk Citj' , ten miles
south of Fremont , nnd run practically
directly north to SiouxCity. . The Fie
mont line will bo continued to Nor
folk , Neb. , with a branch line to Madl
son , leaving the maii < road at a place
called llovvdl. The Sioux City line
would run through Craig , and pural
lei to the river at a distance of about
fifteen miles west.
' "Ihe pioject means an expenditure
of $8,000,000. The Sioux City line
will not be completed for two years
The Fremont stretch must be finished
by January 1 , 1912. "
Mr. Bakei refused to give the name
of the county ! in which the capitalists
xvho ho says are back of the project ,
Woodruff's Age Just 43.
"You ask me why I changed from
romance to coinedj' , " ho concluded.
"Well , I'll tell you I have been on
the stage for thirty-live yeais and I
switched bocaube theio Is more money
in the comedy. It pays better $35-
000 a year Is not so bad , Is it ? " ho ,
said , smiling. "Last year we made' '
$17,000 In the 'Prince of Tonight. ' " '
Hero tlio famous matinee idol gave
away his age ami the glitter of the
light in his diesslng room showed that
instead of golden locks the actor's
hair is grey , but ot a very pretty grey.
"You see , " he said , I am tl ! years
old" this without a blush. "I find as
1 giow oldoi there nro but two things
woith while health and a big bankIng -
Ing account , and 1 ant a blh oankln ?
account as I giovv older. "
Mr. Woodruff laughed at this bit of
humor and admitted ho know ho did
not show lila ago. The secret of this , ,
how ovoi , ho did not reveal "I don't , '
make a hit with my singing. In fact \
I can't sing at all. I haxe two singing ,
paits tonight , but they are not sup- (
pobcd to be singing parts. 1 don't
haxo to sing. " ,
Heie Mr Woodruff picked up his
wnti h and huncKd it to The News man
to exan nil Hire don t chop it ,
man1' ho ivlaimod as The News
man fumbled it carelesslj "It H worth
a thoirancl dollars. " ox-plained Mr I
Woodruff. "It was piesentod to mo !
In Pa i Is- " i
"Would you mind tolling mo by
whom ? " liuiulicd his Intonknvor.
"Woll , now , " laughed Mr. Woodiufr.
"It was given to me by u lady In
I'unice for a dliinei favor , lint I'm not
going to tell jnti who nho IH "
Tile watch IH as thin as a half dot-
hit piece and. nccending to ltn ovvnoi.
It is thi' tlnlosl watch In tlio wotld.
It WIIH made by Cat t lor In I'atlH.
Likes Norfolk ; Coming Again.
i "I look a walk mound yom city to-
I day. " said Mi We mil HI IT , "and It IH u
veiy nice ) phu e I have been Hick nil
daj i out i acted a cold on tlio way
down heio and have In en fueling bud.
1 have boon sleeping all aflcinoon and
am somewhat hcltci now. I ox-poet , to
be back In Norfolk next yeat "
Mi. Wood i nil ompiojH a Japanese
valet , who takes cine of the actoi and
M'i'-t to his diesslng and packing.
The show lolt foi Sioux City Satin-
daj momlng , whoie they play two
clajs , both days at matinee and night
entu talnments
Is Henry Tattooed ?
At the Oxiniid hotel Homy Wood-
mil was a mjsteij To a NOXXH topic-
sentntlve an omplojo ol the hotel con
fided that Wood i n ff was an ox-sailor.
'lie Is ( altoood all cnci his hody , "
. -aid the emplovc "Didn't I see a big
Chinese duigoti tattooed all over his
light aim a minute ago ? I In has not
got one of those big voices as jou hum
fiom nclois iiHiiallj , but I hot ho IH the
dope all light , all light
Lnst Session of Labor Convention' cf
Importance to Them.
St Louis , Nov 20Tho last ses
slon of the Aineilcan Feduiatlon of
Labors annual convention began tlnec ;
horns beloio tlio icgiiiai meeting time
todaj as the delegates wanted to com
plete theii woik befoio the time sot
foi adjournment.
The big question bofoio the coin en
tlon was the application of the Wes
tein Fedeiatlon of Mlnci.s foi a dim-
tor Tlie gi anting of it now tests in
tlio hands ot Piesident Gompeis ,
whoso dec Ision on a point of law will
giant 01 refuse the chin tor The ma
chinists have announced that If Iho
westein Illinois aio admitted with
jmlscllc lion ox CM the machinists they
will wlthdiaw tioni the Ameilcan
Ti onion , N. J , Nov 20 Rachael
Soais , a iiogiess , motl ei ol John
Seals , who is in jail chaiged with
tlio mm dot of Rev Am/ie Aiinstiong
and his wife at Dutch Nock , said , ae-
c ending to Piosectitoi Ciosbj , that slio
he.nd shooting while she was upstaiis
and went downfalls and saw the bodies
ies of Di Aiinstiong and his wife ly
Ing on the Hoot and her son standing
in the kitchen with a gun. ' She do-
lajed announcing the deed. Pioseuit-
tor Ciosby does not deny that Seats
has inado a confession but will not tit-
xulgo the inhumation ho got until the
time toi the dial
No Free Trade for France.
Pails , Nov 2i ( Tlio cabinet today
dec idod against a tempoiaij abolition
ot tlio impoit duties on foieign wheat
and othei ceieals , which had been
pioposed because ol the shoitage of
the Fiench crops.
Battle Creek News.
Battle Creek , Neb. Nov. 20. Spe
cial to The News Thanksgiving was
observed at the Luthoian church in
tlio forenoon , when Rev. J Hoffman
dolivoiecl , an elaborate sermon. Next
Sunday Rev. Mi. Hodman will bo in
Ainsxxorth , whoie ho has lo install a
new minister nt the Gciiiian Lutheran
church near that place , and consequently
quently tlieio will be no meeting hero
in the foionoon , but In the afternoon
at 2 o'clock Rev. George Blocdol of
Battle Creek 1 UghU. will pronch in the
city church.
Call Weiiclt , William Wondt and Al.
Boor were over to Lindsay Sunday by
auto. On their way home they had a
bieakclown in town on Depot street
at 7 o'clock in tlio evening. The ma
chine was repaired In Stiicker's shop.
Herman .lost , a Battle Creek boy ,
arrived heio Saturday from Aoron ,
Colo. , for an extended visit with his
father , John .lost , and other relatives ,
Mr. Jest and others of this vicinity
have taken homesteads in that coun
try , but dry weather and frost wore
against them this year.
Deputy Sheilff J. M. Smith drove
over from Madison Monday on pri
vate business. Ho was accompanied
by Ills daughter , Miss Meba , who took
the train from hero to Tllclcn , where
she xx ill visit at the homo of her uncle ,
C. A. Smith.
Mr. and Mis. Henry Wotzel wore
here Tuesday from Madison visiting
friends. '
Taft Can't See This Game , He's at
Work on Message.
Philadelphia , Nov. 203'ho black
and gold and gray of the army and
the blue and gold of the navy glitter
all over the central part of Philadel
phia todaj In honor of the football
teams from the West Point and An
napolis academies , which will meet on
Franklin Held this afternoon after a
lapse of two years The weather Is
Washington. Nov 20. Inipoi tain en
gagements and work on his anniinl
message will proxent President Tnft
from seeing the army-mix y football
teams at Philadelphia today , hut Mrs. 1
Taft and Miss Helen Taft , as xvoll as
a host of army nruliui vy ofllcers and \ 1
their friends xvlll make up the national
capital's delegation to the contest.
Vice Piesident Sherman and a num
ber of senators and representatives
will bo among those at Franklin Held.
The best homo for you In this city
Is going to bu found and rented soon
by nn ad-answerer. Are you an ad-
answerer ?