The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 25, 1910, Page 4, Image 4
.1 T11K NOKFOLK WEEKLY NiWS. JOtTRNAL FRIDAY , NOVKMllKK 2f > , 11)10. ) . The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal The News. EMabllHhod 18RL The Journal. EHtabllshed 1877. THE HUSE PUDLISHING COMPANY VV. N. II use N. A. llnso , I 'resident. Secretary. Kvory Friday. Hy mall per year , Jl.fiO. Entered at ( ho postolllcu at Norfolk , Nuh. , IIH second chiHH matter. Telephones : I'Mltorlnl Department No. U12. BnslneHH Olllce and Job Rooms , No. 1122. "When name men borrow a Oollar. " uays an exchange , "they HOOIII to think they have earned It. " A man won the llrst prlxc for needle work ut an Ohio county fair. Verily the old order changcth. Only one republican In the Texas legislature. What fun he must have controlling the minority. Guthrlo still holds the fort as capl- tnl of Oklahoma all aspirants to that honor notwithstanding. Has anyone here seen Mrs. Crlppen ? If so , get busy , before the necktie trust delivers Its goods to the doc tor. The suffragists have carried Wash ington , and the men must stand linn or they will lose their night latch keys. i Senator Depow's successor will bo absolutely controlled by Tammany hall. It's a case of going from bad to worse. The socialist vote naturally gained as there are many people who would enjoy living on other men's brains and industry. The democrats say they made beef tumble , but many republican farmers think they had something to do with raising the big corn crop that enables live stock to be raised cheaper. Tolstoi was one of the few men who do not pay an exorbitant price in life's real values for Unsol , glitter and toys. Owing to the express strike in New York City , people who expected to get by Manhattan with a trunk had to bring along their own wheelbar rows. Upper berths in the Pullman cars come down , but the porter's smile as lie removes n few specks with the whisk broom continues at aviation rates. Champ Clark says the new congress will pass a tariff bill. Hut it will take more than his Pennsylvania , avenue mules to dragit through the white house. John Alden Dlx , the deinocraiie gov ernor-elect of Xew York , evidently in herited from his colonial ancestor the ability to speak for himself. A college professor 511 New York City has just finished weighing the earth and finds that its weight is seven trillion tons. Quite a weighty mat- tor. Count Tolstoi's self-imposed exile and death away from his home make n sad ending to his tempestuous life , but his life work will remain a great power in the world of literature. Now they are trying to blackmail John D. for $ . " 0,000. The Hlnck Hand is probably calculating on the loose change he saved up to pay the $29- 000,000 fine. The Taft tariff commission plan provides too much scientific adjust ineiiL and too little pork for denm cratic districts to suit the newly elect ed congressmen. It was an awful blow to go market Ing after the political overturn , ami Jlnd that the thick-headed provibior men were charging just the same fen bacon and eggs. The government proposes to mak < smaller dollar bills in the future. This Is eminently fitting. Since they pur chase so little it Is deceptive to hav < them look so important. The Baltimore air meet lost $40 , 000. As long as every man who has a backyard lias n reserved seat , avla tlon meets -do not promise well as t line of the show business. During this Teddyesquo silence , om can now hear New Orleans and Sai Francisco disputing about the oxpc sillon , and calling each other bai names across the backyard fence. The appointment of LaFnyetti Young to the senate by Governor Car roll of Iowa as the successor of Sonn tor Dolliver , again precipitates a sliar ] light In that state between the stand patters and progressives. Young ha always stood with the conservatives. Our colleges and schools are rathe severely criticised hero at homo fo their management or inisnmnagemen of athletics , but the German ompero holds up American sports and atli Gorman universities , where very lit tle Interest Is taken In athletic sports. The Swiss government Is t'o call a conference to reform the calender. Wo anticipate a movement from some of our philosophers to drop out July I , Christmas and April 1. San Francisco grows 11 percent In ten years , In splto of the earthquake. Frisco Is 11 youngster that eats some thing more stimulating than sugar and splco and all things nice. Wo will not annex Panama , says Mr. Taft. Uncle Sam's working day Is now sulllclently abbreviated by the time It takes him to Inspect the oth er back pastures on his farm. The United States , France , Ger many and England agree to reorgan ize Liberia. One advantage about houses of cards is that while they tumble easily , It Is a simple matter to rebuild them sonic other way. Young King Manuel of Portugal Is the only king now in exile , but there are other thrones on very shaky foun dations and ho may have company in his misfortune before many years are gone. II. Cnssaway Davis , at the ago of 87 , Is running for senator from West Virginia. Very fitting , as ho must have been born nt about the time that the musty senate red tape was select ed. If the new congress passes a tar iff bill , for goodness sake let It make ono that will stick a few days. This trying to build up a business with an earthquake for a foundation Is dis couraging. King George V is credited with be ing able to speak the English lan guage so that it can bo understood. The new English ruler may not bo a genius but ho is certainly a near-gen ius if he can turn a trick like that. The electric furnace Is already proven a success and now we are promised family ice machines oper ated by electricity. It sounds like ! old time wizardry to talk of melting iron and freezing water by the same power. Arizona has turned down the wo- i man suffrage proposition in its con- I stitutlon. In a now state women who marry are more helpful in building up the population than those who vote , It is hard to tell whether England dreads or welcomes a general election , The masses will enjoy n political arousement as an addition to the holi day festivities , but the higher class do not look forward to It with pleasure Prince Henry of Prussia In learn ing to operate an aeroplane. The members of the royal families of Eu rope ought to make a success of avla tlon If anybody can. They've been flying high for a good mane years. Many ships now sail the ocean al all times , yet it does not become populous. A ship making the voyage from Seattle to Philadelphia rccontlj 1 sighted only three ships on the lonj soiling voyage of 138 days. Oyly 150 out of 500 young mei named to take the examinations al West Point , stood both the physlca and mental tests , and were ncceptet ' at that critical Institution. But those are the flower of young Americai manhood. Unless they are mistaken in theii estimate a mountain 21,000 feet high er than Mt. McKinley has been dis covered in Alaska. It will at leasi give the mountain climbers a nev peak to try their powers on and tc call each other names about. Since the Irish farmers who do no own farms are given a pension at UK ago of 70 , they are much more will Ing to pass their little farms and tin responsibility connected with them t < their sons. The same system prevail : In Now Zealand. It means comfor to the declining years of these ol < people Instead of suffering and want America Is not the only country m the map that is putting up a wal about high prices. The oecretary o the American board of foreign mis slons has letters from 100 widely set arated places all over the globe al telling the same story of high price and Increased cost of living. So 1 can't be entirely the fault of the re publican party. 3 In the early history of the nailo ; 1 Boston was a typically Puritan citj while Baltimore was the most prc nounccdly Roman Catholic city In th country. The last census return show that time has so changed th population that Boston has twice a large a proportion of Roman Catholl as Baltimore , while with the excoptlo of Cleveland , Baltimore Is the mos Protestant of nil the great cities c 'Uio country. Other states have put their com1" ! at work In road making , not only i the preparation of material , but I grading , blasting , filling and stirfai Ing , with the very host results. Th Mate of Washington Is going to hav cd In this way. The health and the morals of the prisoners improve , while inobtlnmblc benefit Is done to the workers. Why not adopt the system lie re ? Among all the forest trees which are disappearing hefoio axe and lire , the white blich continues to hold its own and perhaps to Increase. It spreads rapidly In burnt-over areas and grows thriftily If not crowded by other trees. It Is a useful and piotiy wood , being used for many purposes from the Indian canoe to the spools on which New England winds its cotton thread. Maine alone uses * about 800,000,000 spools a year. Application has been made to give a place to Margaret Brent of Mary land In the Hall of Fame. Miss Brent was n friend of Governor Calvert , the llrst governor of Maryland. At the first session of the assembly after his death , she applied for permission to vote in the house as administratrix of Governor Calvert and also as at torney for Lord Baltimore , the pro- 'prletor of the colony. She was denied because she was a woman. This Is recorded as the first demand for po litical rights made by a woman. The English suffragettes should erect a monument to Margaret Brent. Evi dently many of them are her ardent followers. We still "tread the same paths that our fathers have trod. " In spite of nil the wonderful progress wo think the world Is making , and that It really Is making along some lines , we find that many of the things we look upon as new were used generations and centuries ago In some other part of the world. Even Walter Wellman's reckless attempt to cross the Atlantic was not the first effort to navigate the air above the great deep. Pro fessor Wise started from New York to cross to Liverpool in a balloon in 18711. His balloon was smaller than Wellman's and had neither motor nor propeller. Like Wellman , Professor Wise found himself nt the mercy ot the air currents and landed after twenty-four hours aimless floating In Connecticut. There are strangely conflicting statements made in regard to the present political and business situa tions. One man declares that public affairs must bo run on business prin ciples' and that business men must take a more active part in politics if the nation is to reach Its best estate , Another is equally sure that business and pqlltlcs should be divorced and that business interests should have no voice In legislation. As a matter of fact , both are right. The general welfare and prosperity depend upon business Interests and business is defi nitely affected for good or ill by leg islation. But these keen business men should not use improper means to Influence legislation to gratify their own selfish ends. It is not an easv matter to adjust this relation between business and politics so that justice to all hliiill result and the pub lie welfare be advanced , but our best public men have their eyes fixed on that goal and sooner or later it wil ! be attained. MERCHANT'S GREAT AUDIENCE. Many u merchant will stop his work for half an hour to talk with f customer who is in doubt as to the merit of his goods. He feels that he cannot afford to miss the chance tc convert a single doubting indlvldua Into an active partisan of Ills store. How innnueiy more effective is his talk to the public when he puts il into the form of convincing advertis ing for the home paper. The cost ol oiio advertisement may not he so verj much more than the cost of the tinu he will devote In ono day to discuss ing ills goods with single individuals In one case he reaches a small groui of people , in the other he states his case to thousands. A person who Is Interested in inak ing certain purchases does not skit the advertising In that line a greai many days in the year. Furthermore the merchant through the ncwspapei catches people in the leisure of theii own homes , When they have time t < weigh every word ho says. ANOTHER AIR MAN'S DEATH. Another brilliant young aviator hni paid the price of his daring and hai gone the way of the pioneer. Ralpl 1 Johnstone , holder of the world's altl 3 tudo record , having flown up 9,71' t feet , has been added to the list o ' more than n score of nervy young fel j lows who have given up their livei during the past year that a new scl 1 enco might be developed. ' There are those who ask , "What" the use of risking life when there'i nothing to gain ? " But there is a gall 8 and in risking their lives the birdmoi have contributed an invaluable servic < , to society. They are doing more than learnlm t to fly and teaching the world how ti I lly. They are doing more than creat Ing a wonderful new era in clvlllzr tion. They are doing a great shnn H toward maintaining the strong man u hood of the race. They and the moi ii who risk their lives searching for tin : north and south poles , and the moi o who take risk by Hying out over tin Q ocean In dirigibles or in aeroplanes athletic ; young fellows nt college who get Into the football scrimmage , all are performing a service to society than can scarcely bo measured. It Is Inevitable In any undertaking requiring physical endurance , or In- \ol\lng ilek of limb and life , that theiu Hhould not now and then bo a fatality. But death IB the rule of nn- tuie. even In commonplace pursuits. And theio's an Influence left In the wake of these , hazardous ventures that in worth while. The other day n lone robber In the southwest stopped a train , assembled all the passengers Into ono car , com manded them to open their pockets and put their valuables In a heap , and then , while they looked on , he gath ered up his booty and escaped. Not a man In the crowd wan man enough to offer resistance or protest to this high wayman. ' 1 wo men In New York the other day stood by and watched a child drown In a pond when either of them could , by wading out In four feet of water , have saved the little one's life. The town "bully" in many a com munity offers Insult upon Insult to | follow beings and none is courageous enough to take issue. I I In Europe recently nn American sat j with tin American girl In a carriage I when a drunken foreigner came up , seized the young woman's hand and dragged her from the carriage. The man beside her was not man enough to move his finger in her defense. Courage. That's what these airmen and these pioneer explorers and these football players , just as the pioneer frontiers man of a half century ago , are Instilling - ' ing Into the race. And courage Is what the race needs. There Is none too much virulent manhood as it is. 1 We need these examples of ner\v j and daring , these acts that defy nil 1 obstacles and all precedent and risl : ] life in the defiance , for the purpose ol keeping us from becoming a bunch of mollycoddles. SHAME ON MORBID CURIOSITY. Shame on the morbid curiosity that breaks loose In American crowds whenever distressing tragedy makes its'appearance. It's a trait that lias- no place in decent civilization and one which ought to be thwarted whenevci it bobs up , even though violent meas' ures bo necessary. It is impossible tc ' read of the disgraceful scene that was ; enacted at the Denver air meet when Ralph Johnstone met death , without feeling a sense of shame that duel ; actions could take place In the Unit ed States. Here's an account trial tells Its own story : Had his deatli been part of the pre arranged program of the aviation moot , in which he was a participant the event might have assumed more of the gory features of the tradition . al Roman holiday. But this is doubt fnl. fnl.For For , possibly before the last breatl : of life had departed from the mangled form beneath the tangle of steel ami wood that had been an aoroplano , ; horde of male and female soiivenii hunters , who , in their rush to be ii ' at the deatli had distanced the police ' fell upon It and fought for 'mementos , of the occasion. " Frantic for souvenirs , the spoiler * i quarreled and pulled and tuggei among themselves even for the pos session of the gloves that had protect ed Johnstono's hands from the cold. These had been torn from his hand ! i by the first of the mob , but even mon heartless was the action of one man L who , cheated of any other booty , ton 1 a splinter of the machine from John 1 stone's body , and ran from the scone i bearing his trophy with the aviator's [ blood still dripping from its ends. The police finally drove the crowi back and made way for the surgeons i but there was no need for their rer vices. No one thought to order tin \ band to stop playing , and as that or | ganization was under contract , I blared away , apparently uncoiisfiloui of the tragedy , accompanying the plov i march of the cortege that bore John stone's body to the aeroplane silted : with the ragtime strains of "The Grlz ' zly Bear. " i . i A FIRESIDE HOLIDAY. Again the annual national Thanks . giving day Is at hand. The best wa ; ! to appreciate any blessing Is to con ; template what it has cost for , as IIol , land says , "For cost to worth has al ways been the closest neighbor. " | Thanksgiving day as we commemn ( rate it is a gift from the men and wo men who early settled this country It grew out of the stoniest and mos severe experiences of that band of ex i lies who moored tholr barque on tin 1 wild New England shore In 1G20. 1 There Is a great distance betweei these people who after their harvest I In 1G21 decided to set aside a day o f Thanksgiving to Him who had bparet their lives through hardship and lone J llness to that hour in 1910 when nine ty millions of people rejoice in tin < unparalleled prosperity which they en 3 joy In this free republic. } i The comparison could not bo mon i striking. During that first year tin i Pilgrims lived /Plymouth flfty-om 3 out of the scanty 100 who landed I slept In now made graves before It : ; ' close. Those who survived sufferei untold prlvltatlon. They had the mos meager kind of a crop , but thuy hai found liberty and a right to worshi ] God and pursue happiness accordlni to the dictates of their own consclenci and they were very happy nmld al their want and perplexity. Today wi look over the past year and see pro urnss and plenty on every side , and i we contemplate the greatness of thl In the mighty achievements already wrought and the Immensity of Its pot - Hlhllitles. In the surging spirit of rest lessness and discontent with existing conditions , docs it not behoove iu to reflect seriously and ask ourselves how much of this Is a noble discon tent , an eagerness to "rise on slopping stones of our dead solves to higher things , " and how much of it Is quern- lousncsH and dissatisfaction with the things that are best for us ? On this Thanksgiving day we can look across the centuries and reallyo to home extent - tent the nobility and high character of the men who laid the foundations of our national Hie. Can wo feel that we arc measuilng up to the same high standards they so patiently erected ? Thanksgiving Is the day of all the jear when family reunions are com mon and the glory and the comfort of the American home Is exalted. By thousands of happy firesides the chil dren and the children's children will spend the day with "father and moth er. " It Is tills kind of a day that In sures the permanence of the repub lic as long as it Is honored. It Is a day of Inspiration and ot hope , emphasizing in its love and ser vice , all the best motives and pur poses of a great people. The optimism which Thanksgiving day , with Its feast of good things and happy home festivals encourages , is voiced in Henry Van Dyke's beauti ful 'words : Mortals join the mighty chorus , Which the morning stars began ; Father-Love is reigning o'er us , Brother-Love binds man to man. Ever singing inarch we onward , Victors in the midst of strife ; lifts ussuiuvnrd In the triumph song of life. AROUND TOWN. It's the turkey bird's lust chance to gobble. Here's n little preliminary advice : Don't overeat. The ducks avj flying south , but a few of the geese will probably stick around all winter. The water commissioner advertises that every delinquent water renter In town will bo shut off from the city supply within four days , except conn- cllmon. Why his discrimination ? Why should delinquent councilmen be left on the water wagon when others have to walk ? Henry Fleishschauer , a former Nor folk man who for years had been in the Lincoln asylum , and who lias just fallen heir to $100,000 In Germany , has Improved in his mental condition and will claim the estate. Falling heir to $ lr > 0,000 would be enough to bring pretty nearly anybody "to. " The women ot Norfolk at last are to have their inning. I'sually when a big show comes to town , it's the men who get their eyes full , feasting their optics on the shapely chorus maids. But this time it's a real , genu ine matinee idol who comes in the person of handsome Henry Woodruff , and the men will have to take a lit tle of their own medicine. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. If a book agent didn't butt in , he'd never get in. Tlie trouble with tact is you are apt to catch people using It. The man who doesn't amount to much usually has his sign out. An old timer hasn't much use for anyone who hasn't road up on early history. What young people call "having the blues , " older people call feeling bilious. If you have made up your mind to get married , got married , and have it over with. Busy men become very tired of loafers , particularly if the loafers act important. It is easier to raise chickens for moat than it is to hunt rabbits , the easiest of all game. Don't lot your sympathy for the un der dog carry you to the length of betting that it will win. The foundation of the average kin row Is this : Some member of the family manages to save a llttlo money , and the others try to borrow from him. 1 The time Is gradually passing In t this country , If It has not already t. passed , when it Is much of an asset to a statesman to have been born in a log cabin , "You can't toll what a wonderful town Kansas City Is , " said a man to day , "until you ride over It in an auto mobile. " Wo know what a beastly prosperous town Kansas City is with out riding over it in an automobile. Doc Robinson , town drunkard and horse doctor , Is as loyal to the second as to the first of his professions. Ho says ho never rides In an automobile , " and the chances are ho never will unless gasoline supplants the horse ns power for the patrol wagon. It is announced that Belle Elmoro Trlppon , an American actress who married a dentist In London , Is alive and well , although her husband is to ho hanged shortly for her murder. Theatrical people , wo bollovo would go that far In order to obtain free ad- " " " GRAVEL ROAD" CONSTRUCTION Two Economical Melliods De scribed by an Expert. . VERY LITTLE SAND NEEDED , Screened Gravel IB the Most Suitable Material to Use Winter Treatment Considered the Cheapcr Advice on the Mending of Highways. Representative Wllllnm W. Cocks of Long Island , who has built several gravel roads and has found them veiy satisfactory , tells how they can be eon- Htructed economically "To the minds of most people. " ho says , "when we speak of a gravel road comes the Idea of coarse wand , such as they have seen dumped on the road from time to time and frequently In such quantities that It did not mix properly with the loam , and hence there was a soft , sandy road , which Is the worst road In the world for haul ing heavy loads over. What 1 mean by a gravel rend is screened gravel or gravel that may be found In some banks that would be suitable for road construction without screening , but It should not contain over 10 per cent of sand In most instances unless one were to use a very thin coat and over a road that was of very deep loam , when It would be well enough to allow n little larger percentage of sand , but otherwise I prefer it to carry as little sand as possible. "There are two methods In which this kind of road could be constructed. One l by the ( urination of a trench , treating It very much as we do a road for macadam and then putting In the gravel about eight Indies deep mixed with a little loam or clay , and I be lieve that now It would be wise to put some tar on the top course. In the const ruction ol this road I would lay It hi two courses , provided I were go ing to use tar In the upper course. There would he some dllliculty In get ting a gravel road to pack If It wore laid In eight Inches thick , and It should be done In the winter time unless one \ OIUVHI. IOAI : ) [ From Good Roads Mnnazitie , New VorK.J expects to haul n good deal of water and use a roller By far the most eco nomical way to build a gravel road Is to spread about two Inches nn the or dinary surface ot a road that has been previously cleared ot all deail and worn out material that would never pack again and then plow the road and put the gravel on about three or four inches deep and Just allow the tralllc to work It In and have a man continuously along the road for two or three weeks with a rake to fill In the ruts- and pick out any of the too large gravel stones , as the top surface should contain no stones larger than a hickory nut. "Another method of constructing this rend which would bo still more ecniiomlcnl would be to spread the gravel on In November or December Spread it over the rend about two or three Inches deep and repeat during tlie winter as the tralllc works It Into tlie mud. I am assuming now that we have a rend that would get muddy hi the winter time and one that would have a clay or loam bottom or n large percentage of loam. If we are to deal with a sandy rend It will be necessnry to put n considerable percentage of clay or loam with tlie sand prior to the spreading of the gravel. I have built quite a number of pieces of rend In this manner , by putting the gravel on during the winter , and they have been very sntlsfnctory "One of the greatest difficulties with t great ninny people In mending roads. In my judgment , Is that they endeavor to patch up the rend Instead of plow Ing It up and letting the whole muss settle nt once. Some people hnve an Idea thnt tralllc will make a rend level Tralllc will mash down some lumps and some of the course grnvel. but If the material Is not evenly spread or the road not properly grndod when it Is constructed It will grow worse thnt Is. more uneven as time goes on. It Is time well spent In the grading of n new rend to go over It innumerable times with a rend machine In order thnt the grnde may be mnde perfect In the beginning , and I know of n grent many rands In Nassau and Suffolk counties. New York , now which , If they could he plowed up and have a little sand put In some places and a little loam In others , then be thoroughly graded with a road machine and have n little pravel added during the winter , would be good nil the yenr round for wngons or automobiles , and If they were oiled they could be rendered Just is dust proof as a macadam road. " Find the store advertisement that pleases you , and It will lead you tea a store that pleases you. A News want ad will get II for you. HANDY ROAD TOOL _ Combination Device For Whipping Dirt Highways Into Shape. We recently vlHltinl n model farm , nntl < IIH of tliu most attractive fen- turos about It was the condition In which the roads , hotli on the fiinn mill the mljiu'i'iu highway , "wore kept l > y use of tlii > Mpllt log drag. This In it mutter of real economy , us well us of good lookH. A visit to another farm showed a modllled device which wo hnd never seen used elsewhere nntl which Is the Invention of the owner. Buys a writer In the Kansas Farmer It Is so effective tlnit a drawing of it Is shown herewith It Is really a com bination of harrow and split ! OK drat ; The harrow teeth are attached In such a manner that they can be let down and the Implement used as a harrow only , or lite teeth can be raised and the Implement used ns a drag only. If the tooth are set level with the bottom of the drag It forms an excellent clod USEFUL lltl'MJMKNT I'Oll KAltTH 1IOADS. crusher , and Its weight Is such that it can be nicely handled with an ordinary farm team. There are certain roads which require n good deal of whipping Into shape before they become good dirt roads. This work can be done by a split log drag If time is taken for It. It can be done more readily by the combination Implement herewith Illus trated , as will be shown on a trial. As this Implement has a value In the field that Is equaled by that on the road. It may be considered a distinct improvement over both the ordinary split log drag and the harrow. The drawing Is sufficiently plain to allow the method of construction , and the cost for the iron attachments for hold ing the teeth need not be great. The teeth , of course , can be set In n wooden frame , though they are less satisfactory so because less readily adjustable. This Implement has been used on the farm where It was made for a num ber of years and has been found equal ly effective In the field and on the road. KEEP OUT OF RUTS. In That Way Motorists Will Make Highways Better. Few problems with which the mo torist has to eope have proved more refractory than that of Improving the roads. It N so mi wieldly a situation to handle and Its ramifications extend Into such a multitude of tangles In the field of legislation and of public sen timent I Inn progress has now been slow Indeed None the less It is pos sible for each automobile owner here and now to give practical assistance to the movement if lie only will. Those who have carefully studied the road maintenance problem find that one of their chief dllllcultles arises from the fact that tralllc Inevi tably finds Its way Into a pair of ruts. Kncli succeeding vehicle digs deeper , and so the operation continues until there Is only one part of tlie road which can he traveled with comfort. Suppose that each vehicle should seek n new path. What would be the result ? A smooth , firmly packed sur face , In practically ns good condition ns If a steam roller were In constant operation Now is the time when a policy of avoiding the ruts can best be made effective. Procrastination. Ono great criticism of our rend im provement policy here in Pennsylva nia is that It Is too long In accomplish ing Its object , snys the National Stock man and Farmer. We know of one j road on which Improvements were begun - , gun last year The grading was com- I pleted far ahead of the paving , which , of course , left the unpaved portion n big mudhole when winter came. This year the grading on this three mlle stretch has been completed , but no more paving Is being done. Another winter will find the public struggling In the mud on this new grading , while the road will have to bo reshaped when the paving is finally reached. There should be some plan of improvement whereby a rend neeu not be torn up three years in the ranking. The public is ready to suffer Inconveniences for the snke of better ronds. but It should not have to suffer thera for so long a time. Danger In Unexpected Road Funds. A Florida good ronda enthusiast who nppenrs to favor the actual construc tion of rends rather than paper or vo- cnl rend building puts it as follows : "Wo beg to assure the bond trustees , enwrapped and enveloped and accom panied by our most distinguished con sideration , that good ronda bonds art vain and worthless until they are cash ed and the cnsh expended for thw most estimable and excellent purpose originally Intended. A million dolltu rend fund unexpended la a mo * , worthless and dangerous possession' Money Goes Abroad , The jno.OOO.OOO a year American tourists nro said to spend In Europe on \ automobile trips would largely b spout at homo If wo had food roads for touring. A good of the many people who are reading and answering classified ad- vertisenientB in this newspaper nowa days nro aa anxious to find a desira ble place to llvo as you are to