The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 25, 1910, Page 2, Image 2
NOKKOI/R W iVttklA' NICWS.JOUHNAL , Fill JJAYNpNKM _ KU 25 , _ 1 10. _ | SOCIETY \ Pleasures of the Week. Mr. and Mrs. U. MatlicwHon gnvt u (5 ( o'clock dinner to a Hiimll eompnnj of frloiiiln on Tnosday evening , coin liltinunlary to Mr and Mrs. W. II , Bnttorlleld. who leave1 BOOH to spem the winter In California. The guests who had Ihc pleasure of enjoying Mr and Mrs. MathewHon's hospltalltj were Mr. and Mrs W. II. Hnttorllold Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Halnholt , Dr. am Mra. I1. II Sailor , Mr. and Mrs. S. M Hradcn , Mr. and Mrs. Sol U. Mayoi und Mr. and Mra. N. A. Huso. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ilraden enter tallied M Hiuiill company of friends in a G o'clock dinner on Monday even Ing. The KuustH wore Heated at a loiif lablo In the dining room , bountiful ! } decorated with yellow and white chrys anthcniuniB. After the dinner bridge WIIH enjoyed. Covers were laid foi Mr. and Mra. W. II. Buttorllcld , Mr and Mrs. N. A. Hnlnbnlt , Mr. and Mrs J. II. Hays and Mr. and Mrs. I ) . Math OWBOII. A Tory pleasant afternoon was spen Thursday at the homo of Mrs. Ed ward Marquardt on South Thin street , the occasion being her birth day. Mrs. Mnrqunrdt was well prepared pared to meet the requirements of th < many ladles , who had coino to holj her celohrato her birthday. A boun tlful supper was served. These present ont wore mostly members of the La dies' Aid of the St. John's Luthorai church. Nine ladles took their lunch am epent the day with Mrs. J. G. Stltt 01 Wednesday. They were all old tlnn friends and neighbors and the da ; was a pleasant one. These prcson were Mrs. C. P. Parish , Mrs. Bleakney Mrs. Weaver , Mrs. Vlolo , Mrs. Stui geon , Mrs. Meredith , Mrs. Robert Key nolds , Mrs. M. C. Hazen and Mrs. J U , Mnylard. ladles of the W. C. T. U. en Joyed a meeting with Mrs. J. A. Ha ! lantyno on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Atwood , president , & had a splcndl program on "Medical Temperance litho the Home. " After the program , whic was thoroughly enjoyed , Mrs. Dallar tyno served light refreshments. The men of Trinity Episcopal churc wore hosts last night at the parish rei tory , the home of Hov. D. C. Colegrovi to a number of friends. The dlnne was served by the ladles of Trlnlt guild. Following the feast , linprompt talks were made by those present. Neighbors and Intimate friends ( Mrs. W. M. Brechvlll Invited then selves to help her celebrate her blrtl day on Thursday evening The hos ess was jtjsented with a handsom act of table cloth and napkins Mrs. W. A. Klngsley and Mrs. J < soph Pllnnt were hostesses to abet fifteen lady friends at a pleasant o'clock lunchooii and a kcnslngton : the Pacific hotel Wednesday afte noon. Forty-live friends surprised Mis Viola Oesterllng Sunday evening tin being her seventeenth blrthda Games were the feature of tbe evenlr after which an oyster stow was enjo cd. The Lady Maccabees gave a far well surprise party for Mr. and Mr C. W. Lemont. Mr. and Mrs. Lemoi ore leaving for California to spend tl winter. Mrs. G. O. Ranken , assisted by Mil Hazel Clark , entertained a bunch i little folks Tuesday afternoon at tl borne of Mrs. Hnnkin. The Kings' Daughters met with Mil Corlnne Saundcrs on Tuesday aftc noon. After the work was laid aslt the hostess served refreshments. The ladles of the First Congreg Uonal church met with Mrs. C. Durland on Thursday. Mrs. Durlai was assisted by Mrs. Hurt Mapcs. Mrs. C. A. McKlm on South Ten street entertained the Ladles' Gui of Trinity church on Thursday aftc noon. Personals. Judge and Mrs. Powers , who a away on a trip , plan to visit In Jac sonvllle , 111. , a few days with the son Isaac Powers , Jr. , and they w also spend a few days In Chicago wi their Daughter Mrs. Jean Whltnc Doforo returning they will visit E und Mrs. Dear in their new home Richmond , Va. Mrs. John Johnson , formerly Ml Clara Rudat , Is expected In Norfo the day after Thanksgiving from h home In Rockford , 111. , to visit the homo of her mother , Mrs. Rude until after Now Years. Mrs. K. B. Gillette will return fro Iowa City on Wednesday , where si was called by the death of her f ther. Miss Ruth Olney of Chattanoog Tonn. , has been a guest In the lion of Colonel Cotton during the pa week. Miss Genovleve Stafford will go Lincoln on Wednesday to attend tl teachers' association. Miss Opal Madscn has accepted position as teacher In a school ne Honestee ] , S. D. J. W. McClary visited In Fremont the past week with his ulster , Mrs. L 1 H. Keene , jr. Mrs. 13. South returned today fromn a llttlu visit with frlendH In St. 13d wards , Neb. Miss Agnes Matrau will come lit from Lincoln Wednesday to spend hei vacation. C. S. Bridge spent Sunday in Kre mont with hlw brother , Robert Ilrldgc Coming Events. The Went Side Whist club will meol with Mr. and Airs. J. Damn on Monduj evening. What They'll Do Thanksgiving. Probably the largest family gather Ing In the city will bo In the homo ol Mr. and Mrs. K. 13. Davenport whore Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Odlorno will as Bit Mr. and Mrs. Davenport In enter talnlng a company of forty. Thost who will gather round the festal board will be Mrs. Mary Davenport , Miss Martha Davenport , Mr. and Mrs. Car Davenport and children , Mr. and Mrs 13. C. Gentle and son , Mr. and Mrs Jack Koonlgsteln and daughter , Wll holmlna , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Daven port and children and Mr. and Mrs John Davenport and son of Sioux City Mrs. Jack Feathorstono and daughtei of Sioux City , Mr. and Mrs. George Davenport and eon of Madison , am ; Mrs. A. P. Pllgcr and children of Stan ton and Mrs Roy Read of Edmonton Can. At the hospitable home of Colono Cotton there will bo nineteen guests to enjoy the turkey and cranberrj sauce. Covers will bo laid for Mr and Mrs. D. Mathewson , Mr. and Mrs J. S. Mathewson and daughter Charlotte lotto , Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Parker am children , Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Bootl and family and Miss Ruth Olney o Chattanooga , Tenn. Mrs. W. IT. Blakcman loft Frldaj noon for DCS Molnes , whore she wll spend Sunday with friends and en joy a visit with her daughter , Letha who Is attending college at Indian ola , la. Later on Mrs. Ulakeman wll go to La Porte , la. , to spend Thanks giving with her mother. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. S. Wellls wil Bpond Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs W. M. Ralnbolt In Omaha. Mr. am Mrs. Wellls will stay In Omaha to at tend the consecration of Dean Deeche of Omaha , who Is to be made bisho ] of Kearney on November 30 . In the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L Dutterlield there will be a family gatl ering of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Buttei Held , Dr. and Mrs. P. II. Salter an children , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S. Wellli jr. , and Spencer Butterlleld. Dr and Mrs. H. J. Cole will ei tertaln Miss Frances Woodsido c Sioux City. Miss Woodside was classmate of Miss Rosella Cole a Oberlln and Is now engaged In Y. \ \ C. A. work in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Updike of Mori ingside Sioux City , will come to No : folk the day after Thanksgiving t visit Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dunhavc and celebrate the birthdays of M Updike and Mr. Dunhaver. Mrs. Maurice Irvin and daughte Doris , " left today , for a visit wit friends In Kansas City , Mo. Mr. I vin will go down Wednesday to joi them and enjoy Kansas City turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Saltier wi entertain Mr. and Mrs. J. Baum an son Kdwin , D. Baum , Mr. and Mr Charles Rice , P. Barrett and Will Sa tier of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Persons wi have a family gathering , antertalnln Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shaw and Mis Ruth Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. V\ ( Cottinger. Mrs .Augusta Rudat will have as h < guests Mrs. Ixniise Asnius , Fritz A inns , Mr. and Mrs. L.'Koenigsteln an daughter Evelyn , and Mr. and Mr Ramer. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Rallantyne an family will go to Gregory , S. D. , 1 visit in the home of their son , J. . Ballantyne , jr. , and celebrate Thank giving. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McClary wl have a family gathering. Mr. ar Mrs. L. B. Kecne , Jr. , of Fremont wl be here to enjoy the day and the dl r ner. Dr. and Mrs. McKItu will have i their table Mr. and Mrs. H. C. M trail and Miss Matrau and Miss Agn < 1 Matrau , and Orln Bruce of Crelghto Lowell Ersklno will come up fro Lincoln in time to eat Thankglvir dinner with his parents , Mr. and Mr S. F. Ersklno on North Ninth street Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Salter and sc Clarence will take an automobile tr to Pierce where they will take dl nor with Dr. and Mrs. Frank Salter. B Mr , and Mrs. A. Morrison will ha\ the pleasure of tholr son Harold's cot pany , who will come up from Llncol where ho Is attending the university Misses Buford and Veda Roes wl go to Crete , next Wednesday to spoil Thanksgiving with Miss Maud He < 3 who Is a student In Doano college. 3B Mr. and Mrs. II S. Thorpe will o tertaln Miss Thelma Hanks of Om ha , who comes to spend a few daj with their llttlo daughter Muriel. Mr. and Mrs , I. M. Macy will ho * hosts to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. 1 Inzer and family , Frank Beets , and an un cle , Frank Bevls from Galva , 111. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Reynolds am' ' children will go to Omaha on Wednes day and will spend Thanksgiving will Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ralnbolt. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gow will have ! family gntlioilng with Mr. and Mrs W. .1. Gow and children and Miss Temple ot Wayne as guests. Misses Opal and Vorna Coryell wll come up from Lincoln to apem Thanksgiving with their parontR , Mr and Mrs. F. G. Coryoll. Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Melcher wll upend the day with Mrs. Meleher'i imronts , Mr. and Mrs. ,1. K. Smith , win live south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Ilalversteln wll entertain Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Laffertj of Wlgiior , Neb. Uncle and aunt o Mrs. Halversteln. Dr. and Mrs. Brush will go to At klnson , Neb. , on Wednesday to enjoj a family dinner In the homo of Mrs Brush's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McNamee am children will go to Kansas City 01 Monday to spend Thanksgiving wltl old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. 13. Pangle will hnvi the pleasure of entertaining Mrs Pangle's mother , Mrs. Ough from Ge neva , Neb. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hyde and chll dren will go to Wlnnetoon , Neb. , t < eat turkey with Mr. and Mrs. Set ! Jones. In the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G Troutman the guests will be Mrs. An na Madsen and Mrs. Rose Collins am sons , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilde will enter tain Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Apfel am Mr. Wilde's father , Frederick Wilde. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Christopl will entertain Mrs. Chrlstoph's fa the and mother , Mr. and Mrs. Burton. With Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bradei as dinner guests will be Mr. and Mrs C. E. Burnham and Miss Burnham. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Pasewalk wll entertain Mrs. Nenow and family am Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hanptll. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ralnbolt wll be guests In the home of their sot : W. M. Ralnbolt In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs , D. Rees will have will them Mr. and Mrs. J , R. Morris , ol time friends from Omaha. W. H. Blakeman and sons , Merl and Clare will take dinner with Mi and Mrs. Enrl Blakeman. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Klesau and fan lly will go to Pierce to dine with Mi and W. E. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Asa K. Leonard wl have with them Mrs. Leonard's fathc Herman Gerecke. Mr. and Mrs. L. B , Nicola will ei tertaln Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hall an daughter Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stitt will hav witli them Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Snydc of Omaha. Mrs. C. E. Burnham returned Tl'in day evening from a ten days' visit I Adel , la. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Verges will tali dinner with Mrs. Verges' mother , Mr Schelly. HUGO KELLY GOING EAST. ' - I Sylvie Ferretti Is Willing to Mate His Man With Sam Langford. New York , Nov. 19. Sylvie Ferre tl , the Chicago promoter , who lit Hugo Kelly In charge , contemplai coming east with his man in quest < matches. Manager Ferretti will mate his man , Kelly , against any white ml dlewelght in the country. He , h < n ever , draws the color line and stat < as a reason for so doing that Kel has never fought a negro. Ferret would send him against Sam Langfoi providing the latter will make the mi dlewcight limit , but not otyiorwis His reason for discriminating in favi of Langford Is because he regarc the latter as the best man of h weight In the world , but doesn't b lieve he can do the required weight. "However , If Langford will ngn to make 158 pounds , " says Ferret ! "Kelly will take him on , as Kelly laj claim to the title and Is prepared ' meet any man belonging in that clai who is considered eligible to fight ft theMtle. " Tom O'Rouke , wlio bas taken chart of "Sailor" Burke , is also out f ( the title for his man. The "Salloi made such a splendid showing wit Bill McKinnon of Boston the oth < night that O'Rourke believes tl "Sailor" stands a chance with any mn In the middleweight class. Who O'Rourke's attention was called I Hugo Kelly's contemplated Invasion < the east , ho promptly offered to mate the sailor against him. According to reports from the wei Ad Wolgast has called off his mate with Battling Nelson. Wolgast a serts that his injured arm Is not mem Ing as rapidly as ho had expected an ho doesn't feel Justified In taking an chances with the Battler on that a count. Some time ago Wolgast gav It out1 that there was llttlo Hkollhoa of him over entering the prize rln again , owing to the condition of h ! anteed $9.000 win , lose or draw. But he has changed his mind again and declared all bets off. Wolgast , to say I he least , Is a peculiar sort of a cham pion. It seems about time for him to retire permanently from the game or get In and do a bit of lighting. He's I doing entirely too much stalling. | Lew Powell , reputed to be the class ) . 1 eat lightweight San Francisco IMF 'turned out In a coon's age , has been matched with the Jersey terror , "Cy clone" Smith , by the Olympic dull for next Monday night. If the Call' fornlnn Isn't properly on to his Jol ; lic'll think before the contest IH hall > vor that It Is fairly snowing boxliifj gloves. Powell may bo all hla friends claim for him , and then some more ; lint If he can't punch the "Cyclone" liard enough to keep him off he'll be ipt to stop something with Hla jaw that will make him think the roof fel In and every bit of it hit him on the dome. "Cyclone" Smith waa unabli to hang one of hla haymakers or young Sammy Smith at the Natlona Sporting club Friday night , but thai does not signify that he'll misa the Callfornlan's scalp Monday night Sammy Smith Is a cool headed am clever boy , and that Is why he wenth ered the storm , and It may be thai Powell can do likewise. But If he should happen to stub his toe , what t headache he'll wake up with ! Powol certainly picked out a tough baby tc make his eastern debut with. "Bat" Masterson. TO STIR THINGS UP. Mullen Decides to File Suits Agalns Corporations. Lincoln , Nov. 10. Though ho wll bo In office not more than six weeks Arthur Mullen , recently appointed at torney general , is preparing for a verj busy time. One of the first numbers on his program is to go after thos ( corporations which hnvo failed to flk a report with the legal department o ; state annually , as required by the Junkln nntl-trusl law. To nil intents nnd purposes this portion of the law has been a dead letter since the law has been on the statute books , thougl the legislature has regularly appro prlated money for its enforcement. Corporations which fall to complj with the statute by not filing theii annual reports or statements with the legal department may be ousted froir the state and refused permission tc do business here , by a proceeding Ir court , Mr. Mullen lias for the last few days been looking up court decisions to sec if this particular portion of the lav has ever been passed upon by anj court and ho is satisfied that he wll be able to uphold the law if It Is at tacked , He will shortly demand fron the corporations these statements there being only a very few corpora tlons which have ever paid any atten tlon to this section of tbe law. Hardware Dealers to Flaht. Plttsburg , . Nov. 19. The openini gun in a light of retail hardware deal ers of Pennsylvania nnd nelghborini states for the elimination of jobber and catalogue houses will be fired her Monday at a meeting of the stocl < holders of the American Hardwar and Supply company. The object 1 to combat five and ten cent stores an similar establishments which make ti roads into the business of the rota ! hardware dealers and a million dolln corporation of defense la being plot ned. Retail dealers from New Yorl Ohio , New Jersey , Maryland , Vlrginlt Delaware , West Virginia nnd Indiam besides Pennsylvania , will bo presen Mrs. Schenck Indicted. Wheeling , W. Va. . Nov. 19. Mn Laura Farnsworth Schenck , charge with administering arsenic to he millionaire husband , John O. Schencl was indicted by the grand jury c Ohio county. Engineers to Panama. New Orleans , Nov. 19. Ten men bers of the engineer corps graduatin from the United States military ncs demy during the present year , saile from New Orleans today for the Istl mus of Panama. They will remain I the canal zone studying conditions an engineering problems , there for period of seven months. SUFFRAGETTES TURNED LOOS They're Disappointed When Goven ment Refuses to Prosecute. London. Nov. 19. To their chagri the IK ! suffragettes who were arreste yesterday during their attempt t force nil audience with Premier Ai qulth were discharged in Uio Bo' ' street ponce court today. The defendants had boon release on ball last night. When they wer arraigned today the attorney for th crown announced that homo Secrotar Churchill had decided on tbe groun of public policy that no benefit woul bo gained by proceeding with th prosecution. The willing martyrs to the cause c woman suffrage received this state ment with hisses and boos. Hand In Husking Machine. , Nellgh , Nob. , Nov. 19. Special t , The News : Claude Green , a fnrme of Taylor Valley , about nine mile south of this city , met with an ace dent In his corn Held yesterday mon ing while husking corn with a buskin machine , that caused the loss of hi thumb and front linger of the rlgh hand. Dr. D. W. Beattlo of this plaro wa called , who dressed the Injnrv niii stated that Mr. Green attempted t loosen a stalk that had become twl&l ed In the machine when the noclden happened. The most fortunate feature turo in the case of the Injured man I ; that ho has an accident policy 'n twi chine , Mr. Goodhue , last winter lost his entire hand with the exception o ! hla thumb , demonstrating the work Ings of hla new Invention. Dr. Summers Also Mentioned. Dr. Summers of Weal Point , former ly superintendent for the Insane al Norfolk and one of the beat knowi physicians In northern Nebraska , Is being mentioned by his friends In con nectlon with the Norfolk Inmino hos pltal auperlntendency. Pierce Jury Is Still Out. Pierce. Neb. , Nov. 111. Special t ( The News : At It o'clock this aftornooi the jury In the Ascroft murder case In which Ross Ascroit was charg.-i with murdering Harry Ropp , \IIIIK-M Robinson circus employe , uns sill out. out.The The jury waa given the case at iill : o'clock last night , but up until II o'clock this morning had not reportoc a verdict. Ascroft , the defendant , was on tin stand In his own behalf yesterday , a : the last witness. Ho waa calm am collected and not easily perturbed 01 cross-examination. He said he neve bad met Ropp before the day of tin killing , he had no grudge and he ha < no Intention of killing the man. U' ' said he saw Bear Jack with a grill hoe and told him and Ropp to "on out this fighting nt the front dn.r. ' He said Ropp advanced toward bin and tried to pick up a stake , whlcl Ascroft prevented by side blows 01 the man's head. Ropp grabbed for s hand ax and then Ascroft beat bin Into submission , but when he left hi did not know that Ropp was serlousl ; injured. The afternoon was taken up will pleading of the attorneys. The ad dress of 0. S. Spillman was an elo queut oration , bringing tears to tin jurors' eyes. He pleaded self defense At 5:15 : Judge Welch gave the casi to the jury , Woodruff's Early Beginning. Henry Woodruff , who Is starring h "The Genius , " a song-comedy undei the direction of Mort H. Singer , madi his first appearance In 1879 at Haver ly's Fourteenth street theater , In Pinu fore , In which company were to hi KOCH Julia Marlowe , Annie Russsll Willie Collier , Mrs. I < Alskc , Arthu : Dunn and lesser celebrities. In spit < of such an early beginning , Mr. Wood ruff Is still the idol of the mntinet girl's heart and really a boy In np pcarance. Supported by an excollen cast of principals and n comely am beautiful chorus , he Is scoring an 1m mtMise success wherever he is seei tbis season. Montana Town Angry. Great Fnllu , Mont. . Nov. 19. Tha the census of this city was paddea wni ImUnnantly denied In a telegram ren lo Census Director Durand by the Ic cal board of commerce. Tim bean demands a recount nnd characterize Director Durand's recent statement ate to census padding here as insultini and false. Carroll to Western Union. Chicago , Nov. 19. Announcomen was made that Thomas W. Carrel general superintendent of the Postsi Telegraph company , has resigned hi position and will become attached t the olllce of the general manager c the Western Union company In Nei Yorl : . It la said that C. E. Paine of th Atlanta L a. , Postal ollice will sui ceml Mr. Carroll. Cholera In Manchuria. St. Petersburg , Nov. 19. The whol of Manchuria has been officially di clared to bo Infected with enolera. Schumacher Leaves Union Pacific. Chicago , Nov. 19. Thomas N. Schi rancher , assistant director of traffic c the Harrlman railroad system wit headquarters In Chicago , is to leav that service Dot-ember 1. He will sui ceed William Sproule as a directc and member of the executive comml tee of the Guggenheim company. M Sproule has become president of til Wells-Fargo Express corporation. New Ainsworth Church. AInsworth. Neb. , Nov. 19. Sped ! to The News : The now German Lull ernn church in this city will prolmbl be dedicated on Sunday , December Rev. Mr. Hoffman of Battle Creek wl be one of the preachers who will pa tlcipato in the dedication. lie is t preach at the country church her on November 27. Henry Hebcrer and family leav hero for Hoskins , Neb. , this weel where he has purchased a meat ma ket. They have been In the meat bus ness In AInsworth for two years nn have made many friends here wh regret to see them go , but who wls them well In their now location. The are good people , and are commende to the residents of Hoskins. .Andrew Schurniann and family lei for Texas , Thursday morning , wher they will try a new home. They wls < ly did not sell their farm here , he sal ho wanted to have something to com back to If he did not like It dow there. Merrill Wright , former sheriff ei this county , will leave next week fo Arisple. la. , where ho has bought general merchandise store , and wher ho will also be postmaster. GATES 24 , ELGIN 5 , Accurate Use of Forward Pass by Ne llfjh College Eleven. Nollgh. Neb. , Nov. 19. Special ti The News- The combination of fool ball players arrived on schedule tlnn yesterday afternoon from Elgin ti , meet the Invincible Gates ncadem ; team of this city at the Riverside pari field. The visitors wore all heavj men , outweighing the homo boys near ly twenty pounds to the man. Not accurate use of the forward puss plainly demonstrated that they were far superior to their heavy opponents Owing to the teams not atarilnu promptly on time the gumo waa played In three quartern. The first quarter , resulted In a score of K ! to o in favor .of Gates , with Kd Most , Kd Molick and | Harris as the- stars for the home bo\s , i The second quarter reunited in no score for either aide. A fumble by I Gates In the early part of ( he last . quarter made It possible for Elgin to secure their 11 vo points by a scratch After this mishap Gates Immediately got busy and secured cloven more points to their credit In le'ss than wlx minutes of play. Tlmo waa called with Hie ball In the center of the Held Score : Gates , 2-1 ; Elgin , 5. Bnttle Creek. Battle Creek , Neb. , Nov. 18.-Spe cial to The News : The funeral of Mrs. William Volk , sr. . took place on Thursday from the house at North Battle Crock at 10 o'clock , and the remains wore taken to the Fnlrvlow cemetery , ten miles south of town , and services were held first at noon In the Gorman Methodist church near the cemetery. A Gorman Methodist minister of Columbus had charge' . Mrs Volk was about On years and 8 months old and came hero about thirty years ago from Satong , Germany. She and her husband accumulated much wealth hero by bard work and saving. She Is survived by her hUHbaml , William Volk , sr. , and the following children : Fred Volk of Battle Creek , Mrs. A. Hengstler of Crelghton , William Volk , jr. , of Highland , August Volk of Bat tle Creek , Mrs. Frank Ilanan of Meadow Grove , Mrs. William Praoun- or of Schoolcraft , Conrad Volk of Schoolcraft , Mrs. John Kahler of High land , all married , and John Volk nnd Maggie Volk the two youngest chil dren , who are single yet. The funeral procession was one of the largest ever seen here. W. E. Bolt was hero Monday on buslnes from Pierce. Balsor Werner , who just received a large new Overland auto , was visiting Sunday afternoon at Plainview. Ho was accompanied by Contractor Charles Werner , his neighbor , Mike Warlike Is building a now ad dition to his house In Highland park. The German Frnuen-Vereln met on Thursday afternoon at the home of W. B. Fuerst In East Battle Creek , Holy communion gorvlcon will be lield next Sunday morning at the Lutheran church. J. E. Barr is here this week from Hyannls for a visit with relatives and friends. He holds a Klnkald claim In Cherry county. John Warnke. a young and Indus trious farm hand , has rented the L. F. Merz farm , three miles south , for the next year. Julius Ghindt and Julius Meyer were here Saturday on bUHlnosn from Buf falo Creek. Last week , on Thursday nlftht , a son made his appearance nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Klihrts , four miles north. This wn.4 another case of the first one. Rev. M. E. Richmond , the new Methodist minister , who has been here only a short time , packed up bis per sonals last Friday and moved to Tierce. Christopher Noels came up from Wianer Monday for a visit with Henry W * ndt anil Frank Lldmllla , north of the Elkborn river. Mrs. Mary Klrby sold her house In Highland park , now occupied by Wll Ham Selfort , to a lady from Iowa. J , A. Wright made the deal. The Bnttle Creek Valley bank put in a large and new safe into its vaull Wednesday. The old safe will be shipped away. Albert Beer came down from Tlldeii Tuesday for a visit at the homo of hit sister , Mrs. J. C. Struker. Bluejackets Get Disorderly. Cherbourg , Nov. 18. Two hundred alleged disorderly blue jackets fron the American visiting fleet were expelled polled from a cafe here today. Thej stoned the building and the gendarmes interfered. Roosevelt to Washington. New York , Nov. 18. Colonel Roosevelt velt left here at 11:30 : this mornlnf for what will be his first visit to Wash ington since his official departure fron the white house on March 4 , 1909. Ii Washington ho will be the guest ol Mr. and Mrs. Longworth and will deliver liver a lecture before the National Ge ographlc society. DEINES MUST PAY THE BILL. Peter Schwent of Hoskins won the case against Heinrlch Deines of Oma ha , in which ho sued the Omaha man for $145 , the expense of educating Deines' daughter , whom Schwent adopted. Much Interest was manifested in the case when it came up in Judge Lam bert's court here. Both the plaintiff and defendant wore present. The main question to decide was whether or not Deines had promised to pay the expenses of the girl's education. Mr. and Mrs. Schwont adopted Mr , Uuines * daughter at Hoskins some years ago. Deines Is said to have not been satisfied with the education his daughter was receiving in this terri tory and asked that she bo sent to Omaha or Lincoln and ho would pay the expenses. This was done , but the expenses were not paid. Judge Lam bert took the case under advisement , and Friday morning gave his verdict In favor of the plaintiff , so that the defendant must pay $1-10 and costs. David Halo of Meadow Grove was here on business , Meadow Grove Items , The biggest and most successful so- House Cleaning OnThcFanA Simplified and\ Lightene Dutch Houscclcainnghas no terrors for thehousewifewhousi'Sthiswon- derful , all-'round Cleanser. It keeps everything in and about the farmhouse in spick and span condition in half the time and with half the lahor re quired by old-fashioned clean ers. This one cleanser kanscrnbs Scours , Polishes In the kitchen , dining room , sitting room and bed rooms , and does it quicker and better.'Thc best thing for pots.kettles , pans , floors.iin the dairy , etc. No caustic or acids. Hygienic This ideal cleanser works mechan ically not chemically. Try It Now 1CH for the benefit of the Ladles Aid so ciety of the M. E. church. That the men can make a success of such an affair was conceded by the ladles at the close. The culinary department was handled by ( ! . E. Warrlck , L. A. Brown and II. E. Mason. C. G. Crook was head waiter , while S. W. Deuel was at the head of the dish washing brigade made up of boys ( ? ) of his own age. Charles R. Church had the charge of the literary part of ther evening's entertainment. Irish , Ger man and black face comedians kept the Immense crowd convulaed with laughter , To 0. F. Mills , chairman of the general committee , belongs the * credit for the success of the under taking by which ? GO wore added to the treasury. The Rachel Steinman Concert com pany , the second number of the busi ness men's lecture course , were here Saturday evening. They are artists in their lino. The yield of corn IB not coming up to expectations on account of a poor stand In many fields. The quality Is extra good a'nd the Increased acreage will make as big a crop as last year. An eight and one-half pound girl ar rived at the E. II. Crook home Sun day evening. The now German Lutheran church is nearlng completion and will be a big Improvement to our village. L. L , Frye will hold another of his fctock sales hern Saturday of thin week when he will sell lf > 0 cattle and 3t horses and mules. G. T. Crook and P. W. Moore leave today for southern Texas for the win ter. ter.L. L. Gatfredson and son returned from Canada Monday where the latter was married. The business men have put In a cross walk from the State bank to the postofllce a most convenient Im provement. The display of farm produce in the ? lobby of the Meadow Grove State bank- Is reaching such proportions as to at tract the attention of all callers. Corn thirteen and one-half Inches long and of perfect formation , live and one- half pound turnip , nlntey-flvo pound pumpkin and three pound potatoes. R. C. Maloney was a Norfolk visit or Sunday evening. Artesian Well Near Winner. Winner Journal : Mr. Thompson has Just completed a three Inch ar tesian well on the Haascho farm two miles north of Winner. They struck a line flow nt a depth of 1,350 feet. The water comes to the top of the ground , but does not run out. The drilling of this well has been watched with much Interest by the people of this part of the county as there has been some question as to whether u flowing well could bo secured In this part of the state. Mr. Thompson baa been engaged to put down a well at this place and will begin work at once. There Is no doubt but that a Dow can bo obtained hero , as the well just finished Is on higher ground than Winner. BHnB BnMKn a BOH The woman who uses poor spices hasn't realized the possibilitiesmcooking. add the proper , fnappy , fresh llavor to all your ImUiiL- , I'acknl fresh in alr-tllit | ; cor. , prppcr , luiularil ,