I TIIK NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 18 , 1910. A V Omaha Meat Prices Drop. Omaha , Nov. 16. A drop of about two cents a povnd In the prices of nil fresh meats in the Omaha market , ac < cording to the loading packers of South Omaha , nnd n further decline by January 1 of at least ilvo centa on pork and other fresh meats Is predict- cd. The prices of cured moats have not been materially changed , Prices Fall on Dest Grade. Chicago. Nov. 15. The prices of beef and pork nru falling. Within tlio Inst week the price of beef hats been reduced 4 and 6 cents a pound by moat packers. The price of pork has declined about 3 cents from the prlco of 18 and 20 cents n week ngo , and wholesale meat dealers say that mutton , veal and oth er products of the packing houses will tnko a downward turn within the next row days. "Prices of the llrst grades of beef have been falling for about n week , " ald Frank A. Froohllng. "They did not go off all at once , but the packing houses have boon coming down about' ' a half cent at a time until now the prlco for prime beef Is between ! and ( Jo lower than It was last week at this time , and the best grade of pork Is from 2 to It cents lowor. This applies , of course , to the line roast beef nnd , steaks. For the ordinary quality Uie prlco lias not tullon off , and I do not think It will. " Maine's Population. Washington , Nov. 15. The popula tion of the state of Malno Is 742,371 , according to the thirteenth census sta- j tlstlco made public today. This Is an Increase of 47,905 or 6.9 percent over j 691,446 In 1900. The increase from 1890 to 1900 was 33,390 or 5 percent. OUR SHIPS REACH ENGLAND. First Division of American Battleship Fleet Geta There. Torquay , England , Nov. 15 , The first division of the American battle- flhlp fleet of sixteen vessels that will make a two months' visiting cruise to French and English ports In the Eng lish channel , arrived today and an chored five miles from Torquay. It Is expected the division will proceed to Portland haibor , Weymouth , on Wednesday. The first division con sists of the llagbliip Connecticut , Rear Admiral Schroeder , commander-ln- chief of the Atlantic fleet ; the Dela ware , Michigan and the North Dakota. The fourth division is reported ar riving at Brest , France , today. The second and third divisions wore still at sea today. Wanted to Meet Mexicans. Hock Springs , Tex. , Nov. 15. As a result of the report that n body of 300 armed Mexicans were marching upon Uils town , cowboys and ranchmen from the surrounding country armed with rifles ami revolvers poured into , Rock Springs this morning. The. I ranch people of the section were so anxious for a combat with the Mex ican bang that it seemed probable they would start on the march to meet the alleged invaders. English Parliament Meets. London , Nov. 15. Parliament reas sembled today , but in the absence of Premier Asqmth the proceedings lack ed the acute interest that had been anticipated and the parliamentary crisis was delayed until tomorrow. Dy that time the premier will again have seen King George and laid before his majesty the decisions reached by the , cabinet at today's session , which was unusually prolonged. I Too III to Stand Trial. Franklin , Pa. , Nov. 15. Seven phy sicians who examined former Con gressman Joseph C. Sibley last night reported to the court that he was in no physical condition to stand the or deal of an audit of his election ex pense account of $42,500 and the hear ing on the audit was therefore post poned to May S , 1911. B. & . M. Strike Vote On. Galesburg. 111..Nov. 15. The gen eral grievance co'minittee of the Chicago cage , Durlfngton and Qulncy railroad engineers at the meeting In Omaha yesterday sustained the grand officers for suspending negotiations with the general managers of the Western roads and the Mrlke vote Is now being taken on the system. Dr. DIshonQ Mentioned. Dr. Dlshong of the Wntertown state nospttal of Illinois , formerly first as sistant at the Norfolk state hospital for Insane , under Dr. G. A. Young In Governor Sheldon's administration , is ppoken of very favorably as a candi date to succeed Superintendent Peel- val at the Institution here. It is re ported that Dr. Young strongly endorses - dorses Dr. Dlshong for the position. Dr. Dlshong Is expected in the city next week. L. J Gutzmer cf Columbus , who was here Monday calling on friends , has declared his candidacy for the position of steward at the Norfolk hospital. Mr Gutzmer 'vas for some years book keeper at the institution , under both Governor Sheldon and Governor Shal- lenborger. Ho has filed his applica tion for the position with Governor- elect Aldrich. J. A. Wiles , for many years an at tendant , Is nlso a candidate for the stewardship. DISTRICT MEETING HERE. Royal Neighbors of America to Gather In Norfolk Wednesday. The first district meeting of the Royal Neighbors will bo held at Nor folk Wednesday in the afternoon and evening at the Odd Fellows hall. A special program will bo given in the i afternoon. A largo class of candidates ' will bo adopted in the evening. The | program : Open doors from 1 to 2. Call to order by Mrs. Kato Rom- mlngton i , state supervising deputy , Omaha. < Invocation , Rev. Mr. Klrkpatrlck , pastor ] Methodist Episcopal church , Norfolk. 1 Address of welcome , Mrs. Ella Holmes , oracle of Woodbine camp , Norfolk. i . v Rcsponso , Mra. Kato Remmlngton of Omaha. Response In behalf of supervising deputies , Mlns Laura Holt , Omaha , Heading , Mrs. Charles Whoror , Nor folk. folk.Piano Piano solo , Mrs. Minor , Norfolk. Closed doors. Election of district officers. School of Instruction. Instructors : Mrs. Kato Hemmlngton , Miss Laura Holt , both of Omaha. Question box. Piano solo , Mrs. John Cook. Supper. Evening Call to order at 8 p. m. Ritualistic work. Class adoption. Program committee , Mcsdamcs Cox , Clements and Fcarns. TUESDAY TOPICS. W. F. Fllton of Pierce was here. C. R. Witter of Wayne was here. H. F. Harms of Pllger was In the city. city.J. J. H. Hothwell of Verdel was In the city. city.J. J. A. Wiles went to Omaha on bust ness , F. A. Berry of Wnyno wns here on business. P. W. McKlbben of Wnusn was in the city. L. B. Nicola was at ONelll transact ing business. E. Cunningham of Wayne was a vis itor in the city. Fred Hoggatt of Grand Island was here on business. Mrs. E. Deidenhall of Pierce was a visitor in the rity. C. B. Durland returned from a busi ness trip to Plorco. M. C. Hazen returned from a busi ness trip to O'Neill. R. C. Maloney of Meadow Grove was a visitor In the city. Burt Mapes went to Hartlngton to attend district court. Mrs. M. Stolllng of Butte was In the city visiting with friends. Sheriff C. S. Smith of Madison made a brief business call here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Stafford have gone to Ornah.'i to visit with friends. Misses Mayme and Lena Kreidler of Fullerton were visitors in the city. Walter Howe returned from a few days' visit with friends nt Sioux City. Miss Nelda Hans of Battle Creek was In the city visiting with Mrs. Gus Bley. Bley.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Williams of South Omaha have come back to Nor folk to live. Mrs. A. A. Corkle of Ornnhn , former ly Miss Mnyrno Ward of this city , was here spending a few days with rela- lives. Jnmes ( "Kid" ) West has gone to Omaha , where he hns nccepted n posi tion with the Burlington railroad com parry. Mrs. P. J. Lancaster , mother of Man- nger Arthur Lanrnster of the Western Union Telegraph compnny , and Mrs. Agnes Weight , an aunt , of New York City , returned to Kearney , Neb. , Mrs. Lancaster's home , after a visit here. Charles Schrnm is reported very ill. Mrs. A. B. Baldwin is reported very ill. Born , to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Tnylor , n daughter. Frank Cnrrlck hns resigned his po sition ns foreman at the electric light plant. William P. Fischer , a mechanic in the employ of the Northwestern at the Junction , hns received word of the , death of his father at Buffalo , N. Y. Miss Metta Aaron , daughter of Rev. Mr. Aaron of the Hosklns Lutheran ; church , has accepted a permanent po . sition as cleric In the Heeler Bros , , store. City Attorney H. F. Barnhart has ( gone to Plerco where he is defending | with Atlorney O. S. Spillman in the Ray Ascroft murder trial which Is now being heard before Judge A. A. Welch. | F. W. Freeland of the postoffice force Is enjoying a two weeks' vaca tion leave. Alvln Bowman , who was relieving B. W. Jonas , Is now relieving Mr. Freelnnd , Mr. Jonas having re turned. The West Side Whist club will meet with Mrs. Baum next Monday evening Instead of Thursday , on account of f the ntlractlon nt the Auditorium , "The Honeymoon Trail , " which many of f the whist club members wished to see. Carpenters have just completed an \ addition to the renr of the C. S. Hayes jewelry store. This new room will be used for a storing and shipping room. A partition has also been constructed [ In the store and will be used ns n i pinno room. While reports from New York nnd I St. Joseph , Mo. , show n reduction In ment prices by retnllers , the decrense in the price of meat hns not yet reach ed Norfolk. One retailer here declares he paid more for meat this week than ho did last week. All hose companies of the Norfolk lire department will meet at n joint meeting nt the city hall Wednesday night to discuss the good of the de- J ' pertinent along the lines of better fel- lowshlp and talk over now regulations In regard to the bylaws. Norfolk police arc looking for the gambler and ball player from the Black Hills country who "shot up" n resort In the east portion of- the city Saturday and was Inter nrrested at Pllgor and then turned loose. He Is said to have returned here. Burt Davis hns an Injured knee cap nnd Wllllnm Perdue hns an injured , wrist as the result of falling over n wire on Thirteenth street. Mr. Dnvle wns riding a bicycle when ho struck the wire and was thrown heavily to 1 the ground. Both injuries are slight I A largo quantity of brick was laid on Norfolk avenue yesterday. The laying of the concrete base was also rushed. The street now from Second to Seventh la nut of danger from any freezing , with only about one block and a half more of concrete to bo laid. The brick cnn bo Intd most nny time. At n triootlriK of Damascus chapter , No. 25 , R. A. M. , held Monday evening In the Masonic hall , the following of ficers were elected : J. Sylvester Van Matin , H. P. ; John J. Lynde , king ; Gilbert Halvorstcln , scribe ; Louis C. Mlttelstadt and G. T. Sprocher were ro-clected treasurer and secretary re spectively. The banquet which was scheduled after the meeting was called off on account of the light service be ing shut off. Peter Pllgor , brother of Mrs. Albert Dognor of Norfolk and Adam Pllger of Stanton , died at his farm home near Plalnvlew at II o'clock Monday night after a lingering Illness. Funeral ser vices will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon. The deceased leaves a widow , four sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. Furtner trouble with the boiler at the electric light plnnt loft Norfolk In darkness again last night until 10:30. : Picture shows and the Auditorium , where a play was booked , were put out of business , the streets depending on arc lights were dark and dwellings having only electricity were illuminat ed by candle or old fashioned oil lamps , If lit at all. For an hour this morning the electricity failed again , power service being out of commls slon. Just previous to the shutting off of the electricity , the city gas supply failed for a short time , once again ex amplifying the old belief that troubles always come in a bunch. John Poledna Very Sick. i West Point. Neb. , Nov. 15. John Poledna , a well known pioneer settler , living north of the city , Is lying dan gerously ill at n hospital in Omaha and grave fears are expressed for his recovery. Mrs. Siewart Very III. West Point. Neb. , Nov. 15. Mrs. Siewert , an old-time resident of West Point now residing at Bonesteel , S. D. , is reported to be very seriously ill nnd not expected to recover. She is 85 years of age. She is the mother-In law of William H. Kerkow , formerly of Scrlbner. Flelschauer Is In Asylum. The News has locnted Helnrlch Flelschnuer , the former Norfolk butch i or who has Just fallen heir to a for | tune of $150,000 In Germany. He is an inmate of the Nebraska state insane asylum at Lincoln. I This fact was established by The News Tuesday through a telegram to . its correspondent at Lincoln. Inquiry | at the asylum there confirmed the re port that the man to whom riches have fallen , is n patient In the hospital for Insane. I Flelschauer , it seems , was an inmate of the Norfolk insane hospital when that institution burned. He was trans ferred to the Lincoln hospital and was not returned. He had formerly been an Inmate of the Mndlson county poor farm. C. H. Krahn of Norfolk remembered the facts in the case and inquiry con firmed his memory. Alderman Gets Well. West Point , Neb. , Nov. 15. The West Point friends of Hon. F. D. Al derman , former state representntive from this county and now in business at Lyons , are gratified at the news of his recovery , which is almost com plete , from a serious illness , during which his life was despaired of. Death of Mrs. Maria Weller. I West Point , Neb. . Nov. 15. Special to The News : News has reached the city of the death In Chicago of Mrs. Maria Weller , the aged mother ol Nicholas Weller of West Point. The deceased was a native of Germany and was 66 years of age , forty-one years ol which were spent in the west. She is survived by five of her seven children Mrs. Marie Gerlach of Nyman , 111. ; Mrs. Cattierlne Cooper of Mokena , JH. ; Miss Clara Grassky and Chris , of Or- land , 111. , and Nicholas of this place. Say Noble Still Lives. Jackson , Ky. , Nov. 15. Reports that "Bad Jake" Noble , slayer of Jailer Turner of Breuthitt county , has been killed by ofllcors could not be con- firmed here and are generally denied by the Breathitt county authorities. The last heard from Noble was that he had eluded the officers who were trailing him. j Convicted In Gene Case. j Plattsmouth. Neb. , Nov. 15. The Gene murder case went to the jury last night at about 9 o'clock and this morning at 8-30 they reported to the court. They found Isador Sltzman and Peter Keezer guilty of the murder of Mike Gano as charged. They had It in their power to hang them or send them to the penitentiary for life. They determined on the latter. As soon as formal sentence is pronounced they will begin serving their life sentence in the penitentiary at Lincoln. Old Sucar Factory Burns. Fremont , Neb. , Nov. 15. Special to The News : The last of the sugar fac tory and Standard Cattle company buildings at Leavitt were wiped out early this morning by fire , loss $75- 000. An elevator and cattle sheds cov ering five acres , a horse barn , 30,000 bushels of grain , and five freight cars burned. The feed yards are the big gest In the west. Johnson and Gra ham are the principal losers. The loss was half insured. Two Kinds of Citizens. Fremont Tribune : The election seems to emphasize the idea that there are two kinds of citizens in Ne braska Ornahans and others. That that city should have given the liquor candidate a vote of two to one , while the balance of the state voted nearly 40,000 the other way shows a pretty distinct line of cleavage between the two. Omaha was willing and anxious o elevate the mayor to governorship. This anxiety was In no wise dlinln- shod by knowledge of the character of the forces behind htm nor of the char acteristic campaign to bo made. The citizens elsewhere had a perspective view of the situation and they were : ho better judges. They demanded ilghcr Ideals In the executive cer tainly different Ideals. They were not content to have the bar room vernacu- ar made the "court Inngungo" for Ne braska. IS VANDERBILT TO WED7 His New Home Revives Rumors of En gagement to Mrs. McKlm. Now York , Nov. 15.Alfred G. Van- dcrbllt moved into the house at 11 East Sixty-second street that ho has leased from his cousins , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernesto O. Fnbbrl. This set society discussing anew the rumors regard ing n mnrringo between Mrs. Smith Holllns McKIrn nnd Mr. Vandorbllt. These reports will not down , despite Mrs. McKlrn's emphatic dcnlnl that she was not married or engaged to Mr. Vanderbllt. Since Mrs. McKlm's divorce from the Baltimore doctor such a marriage has been predicted , and society folk doubt that Mr. Vanderbllt would take n largo house for bachelor quarters. They are expecting to see .Mrs. Mc Klm , as Mrs. Vanderbllt , acting as hos tess at the dinner which Mr. Vnndor- bill will give in his now home No vemher 9. To Play Indoor Baseball. Ainsworth Democrat : Will Hasty , who has Interested himself In the or ganization of nn Indoor baseball team In Ainsworth , announces that he has everything moving along nicely and expects to be able to play some time next week. The necessary parapher nalia was ordered , and arrived Thurs day of this week , and a number of our young men have signified a will ingness to piny the game. Mr. Hasty is desirous of organizing two teams , at least , In order that we may have home games at regular intervals , and It is expected that a number of the nearby towns will organize. This would afford some excellent amusement for our people during the winter months. In- dor baseball is n healthy , clean and exciting game. The seat of war in this instance will be the auditorium. Hurt on Bicycle. Wnkelield Ropublicnn : Judge Mar riott met with a painful accident on Tuesdny night. He wns riding his bicycle from his home to his store when he rnn nt full speed into the rear end of a lend of lumber. Ho wns knocked from the machine and sus tained a severe wound on his fore head which required the services of a physician to dress. Mr. Mnrriott saw the team , which was tied to a hitching post , but the glare of the street lights kind of blinded him , so that he did not see the pieces of lumber sticking out into the street and ran Into if with the above result. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. Latta's Pledge. Omaha Bee : It is supposed to be understood that Congressman Lattu has agreed not to run for the third time. But it should also bo understood that Congressman Latta reserves the right to revise all ngreements. To Bring Back the Third. Fremont Tribune : The fact thnt the Third congressionnl district , though one of the "wettest" portions of the state , gave a majority for Aid- rich for governor , shows how wide a split there was between state and na tional tickets , for Latta , democrat , car ried the district by more than 7,000. Mr. Latta had a superb organization , the best that money would buy , and this doubtless counted for much. But there was a measure of present dis satisfaction with tariff legislation that was also a fatter of Importance. Un der all the circumstances , even though Mr. Latta came through with an un precedented \o\o \ , some strong man may hope to win the place back for the republicans two years hence. At least this question will do to think about. Why Wooclrow Wilson Shaved. New York Tribune : As is well known Woodrow Wilson has n clean shaven face. But It was not always thus. Once , when Dr. Wilson was a young lawyer , pleading a cause in n North Carolina court , he perceived that his most attentive listener was the sheriff of the county , who sat with his feet on the stove and with his eyes on the attorney. The young advocate was greatly erirouraged by the inter est manifested by so distinguished an officer , and was encouraged to Increase his efforts still further to enchain the attention of thnt auditor. When ho had finished his address with a round ed period of plowing eloquence , he stopped toward the sheriff to receive his encomiums. It was n drendful shock to htm when that official drawl ed out : "Say. Wilson , do you know that one of your sldo whiskers is shorter than the other ? " The future president of Princeton was so disgust ed thnt ho shn\ed off his beard. Our Next Governor. Ornnhn Bee : Chester II. Aldrich will be the next governor of Nebrnskn. Aside from his proclaimed Intention to favor a county option law ho will go into office with no strings on him ex cept those that bind him to the con scientious and fearless performance of public duty. Mr. Aldrich has been chosen chief executive by an over whelming vote , indicating the high de gree of popular confidence which ho commands , nnd It Is up to him to dem onstrate by a clean , businesslike and progressive administration looking to ward the Intercuts of the whole state , without favoritism to any section or any special interest , that he is worthy of the high honor. We believe Ne braska will not bo disappointed , and that , unlike his democratic predecessor ser , ho will make such a record thnt ho will be accorded a second term by a bigger majority than the llrst. Democratic Possibilities. Lincoln Journal : At least two nesv presidential possibilities arc created by Tuesday's elections. President Woodrow Wilson of Princeton univer sity was talked of for president before the last national democratic conven tion. Ills candidacy for governor of Now Jersey , there Is reason to be lieve , was part of a plan to put him in shape to resolve the lightning. His election makes him a factor in any presidential combination the demo cratic party may consider. To be elected governor of New York between presidential elections Is always a boost for the presidency. It was the making of Grover Cleveland , nnd It may bo the making of Mr. Dlx. Governor Har mon of Ohio , meanwhile , goes up a notch In the presidential stock mar ket. He has now carried republlcnu Ohio twice ns a democrat. Mayor Gay- nor remains a favorite. It is a good bet that the next democratic candi date will be picked from this quartet. Mr. Taft's Manly Course. New York Globe : It may safely be assumed that during tlio next two years President Taft will be the same kind of a man he has been during the llrst two years and disclose the same kind of administration. He has made an honest effort , to reconcile progress with safety. He has ideals , but he also has common sense and the spirit of practicality which accepts the best possible when it cannot the best con ceivable. This course is not spectacu lar nor sensational It does not satis fy extremists ; but it represents the president's temperament , and he would quickly become ridiculous should he try to make himself over. If the people do not like this If they insist on having a more excitable , less compromising and more doctrinaire and dramatic president then It Is their privilege to select such a one at the next ok-ctlon. They may not properly ask Mr. Taft to essay a role that would do violence to habits of mind long established. If the presi dent succeeds in winning back public approval it will , be by being himself , not someone olr.e. Ho has never been much of a politician he hns never pretended to be one and Is too old to learn to play the game In an artful way. Senator Beveridge. Sioux City Journal : The defeat of Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana is the most conspicuous casualty BUS- . talncd by the insurgents since the Inception I ception of the movement. Real tears will be shed in the insurgent inner circle over the elimination of the bril liant young Indianan , nnd on the reg ular side there will he regret over the setback in so promising a public ca reer. Even case hardened Indiana pol iticians who have strongly disapproved the Insurgency of Beveridge will find reason for sot row over his downfall. Undoubtedly it means that the flames of factional bitterness will blaze In Indiana for years to come. Misled by the aggressiveness of more fortunately situated insurgent lenders , Senator Beveridge attempted to do in the close state of Indiana what La Follette had done In a state where ths. democrats as a political force had been all but wiped out. Beveridge I tried to cut loose from his republican moorings and create a Beveridge par ty in Indiana , recruiting it from pro gressive republican and progressive democratic ranks. This was politically - | ly impossible In Indiana , because the first stirrings of republican disorganl- ' zatiou tilled the democrats with confi dence that they could go in and win. When Beveridge snapped his fingers in the faces pf the regular republicans and beckoned to the democrats to come forward and take their places behind him the democrats balked. They saw that Beveridge had made democratic victory a certainty , and they preferred a democratic victory tea a Beveridge victory. The Indiana outcome was logical. In a smaller way It typifies the workIng - Ing of the same law that gave the dem ocrats the contiol of congress as soon ns the republicans began to advertise their Inability to stick together. A Discounted Roosevelt. Sioux City .Journal : The moral of the election results as they a'ffect the political fortunes of Theodore Roose"- volt Is that the spell Is broken the Roosevelt magle has lost its power. The decisive democratic victory In Now York Is a defeat for Roosevelt. The setback Is just as emphatic as if Roosevelt himself were the defeated candidate Instead of Stlmson. Roosevelt velt might have had the nomination. The result would not have been dif ferent If he had taken It. The strong probability Is that defeat would have been the republican portion in New York if Roosevelt had kept out of the fray. But ho forced himself into the republican campaign in a position of dominating leadership nnd thus made himself nnd his possible ambitions the paramount Issue. If ho had succeeded in rolling back the democratic tidal wave In Now York while it was sweep ing everything before it elsewhere ho would have inevitably forced his party to look to him for further national leadership. Now the object lesson Is reversed. Now York's refusal to fol low Roosevelt this year forecasts like refusal in 1912. It is the heaviest of wet blankets on any Roosevelt pro gram for the future. But Now York was not alone In brushing the bloom off the Roosevelt poach. Roosevelt went Into Massa chusetts to help the republicans win a victory over what scorned to bo a sadly disorganized democracy. There Is free admission that the Roosevelt Intervention actually hurt Governor Draper's then rather bright prospect of ro-clcctlou. Roosevelt mixed In the Connecticut campaign nnd carried on bitter con troversy with Judge Baldwin , the democratic candidate for governor. Judge Baldwin walked away with a victory. Colonel Hoosiovolt'rushed" ' the res- scue of lloverldge , insurgent , in Indi ana , and Harding , regular In OMo. Beveridge Is badly benton , mid the helpfulness of the Roosevelt nctlvlty in Ohio Is not reflected In the returns , which show n democratic governor elected by the largest majority over received by a member of his party , and a democratic senator In prospect. Roosevelt mine all the way out to Iowa In the closing days of the cam paign to save Grllk In the close Second end district. Politicians down tint way say thnt the mnjorlty by which drllk wns snowed under might have been considerably reduced If Rjmc- t'U ii.id not kindled anew ( no sii.nld- prm llnmes of fnctlonlsm. Roosevelt will say that IhU . "oai s orpnfji'ment wns only a , iroiiuilnnry skirmish , nnd that the real bnttle will be fought nnd won In 1912. Roosevelt may keep up the light , but the ef fectiveness of his leadership must necessarily be badly crimped by the disastrous recocd of 1910. The effort of the colonel's to come back will be spoken of from now on In a mourn Till tone , more or less reminiscent of the conversation that followed the passing of "the white man's hope" at Reno on July 4. NEBRASKA'S PROSPERITY. Products More Valuable Than Output of All Gold Mines. Collier's Weekly : Nebraska In 1909 produced corn more valuable than all the gold mined In the United States and Alaska , and worth more than our total tobacco crop. It produced wheat worth more than the total sugar pro duction of the United States ; live stock worth more thnn the crude pe troleum of the whole United Stntes ; live stock , grain , poultry , butter , eggs and fruit wortli more than the coal In the United Stntes , outside of Illinois ; liny worth more thnn all the gold nnd silver produced in Alaska ; cereals worth more than the product of all our copper mines : grass and grain nnd live stock worth more than all the iron ore. This is according to the re port of the committee of the leglsla ture nnd the reports mnde to the bu reau of labor and Industrlnl statistics. To bo n little more frivolous , If the eggs laid by Nebraska hens In 1909 were placed In double row end to end they would be three times as long as the railroad rnilenge built In the Unit ed Stntes In 1U)8. ! ) If the permanent school fund of Nebraska were convert ed into dollar liiils nnd laid end to end , the line would rench from Omnha to Salt Lake City , but it prcbnbly would not bo left for very long. Less than half of the tillable land in Nebraska is under cultivation , nnd forty years ago the region which is now Nebraska was frequently designated upon the maps of school geographies as part of "The Grent American Desert. " PREDICTS END OF IDLE RICH. In His New Novel Frederick T. Mar tin Says Wealth Is a Curse. New York , Nov. 16. Frederick Townsend Martin , brother of Bradley Martin , society man and reformer of the "Idle rich" re says thnt In his phrase was among the arrivals today by the White Star liner Adriatic. Mr. Martin for three years has boon writ ing a hook in which he describes the doings of the so-called Idle class in a way which ho says will make them sit up and take notice when the publi cation is put on sale. Mr. Martin , while never in business himself , says the very fact of having spent his life among the people ho writes about gives him an ability to show things as they are which would not bo possessed by an outsider. He Is not a socialist , but an altruist , declares Mr. Martin , and says that his book is directed at American "Soci ety. " It Is not the old families who have always had money that do the harm , he argues. The greatest harm Is worked by people who become af flicted with sudden riches. To these people , not realizing the responslblll ties which rest upon them to do good with their money , wealth Is a curse. Brother Bradley Is In perfect accord with his views. "The reason I have written a book Is that I want to arouse in the Idle fraternity , who llvo for nothing but pleasures , n feeling of the responsi bility that rests on them because of their possession of riches , " Mr. Martin said today. "I am not trying to pro pognto socialism , which I do not be llovo in , and I am not In politics. I have painted certain persons in a way which will make it possible to recog nlzo them. I have called n spade n spade in rny hook , and I suppose I shall bo attacked because of it. "There Is no plnce in this world for an Idle man. The Idle rich is doomed , so I have called my book The Passing of the Idle Rich. ' 1 divide wealth Into two classes , those who appreciate the great benefit they can bestow upon mankind through their possession of it and who do bestow these gifts , and those who have acquired wealth so quickly thnt they do not grasp the grcnt responsibilities nnd the power thnt wealth hns given them to do good In the world. To the one class I maintain that wealth Is n blessing , to the other It Is n curse. " Saves His Neck , the Auto a Wreck. Ainsworth Democrat : Guy Ander son had a conflict with Pete Bower's pop-pop wagon last Friday , and na tt , result the gasoline propelled vehicle wns smashed to smithereens and Guy did n high soaring act that would win litm a fortune in a circus , could ho do It every dny. Guy volunteered to rldo Lho machine , nnd Po'to showed hliii how to operate It. Ho headed down Main street , and kept opening It up Instead of shutting It off , until the speed was torrlllc. The machine'wan headed for a box car In the railway yaitls and Guy seeing that a collision wns unavoidable hurled himself from the flying vehicle and did his famous aerial Blunt. The machine hit the car with an awful bump and when It was pried froit under the car waa a mnss of twisted steel. HI * Horses Stolen , Spring view Herald : L. N. Dunkcl of Carter , S. I ) . , and William Shlpp of Norden , were In Sprlngvlew and vi cinity looking for stolen horses. Mr. Dunkei found two of his horses in Brown county. He hns been scouring the country in an automobile In the hopes of finding the rest of them. Ho is still short eight head , and up to the present time has boon tumble to llnd any trace of them. Mr. Shlpp had several head stolen but recovered them. Warrnn's ' were Issued by the authorities of Lymnn county , S. D. , for the arrest of Albert Lawrence and Jesse Mitchell The latter Is out on bull. It Is understood thnt his trial Is set for some time next month. So far the authorities have been unable to learn of the whereabouts of Law rence. Diphtheria Warnings. < Delay in diphtheria means death. Antitoxin cures ; It also presents. Diphtheria works while you sleep. Neglect of simple sere thronta means a Job for the undertaker. Look out for children with throats tied up. Most children who spread diphtheria are not sick. Horses Ran Away. Plalnvlew Republican : Carl Dutch- er drove to his father's farm last Sat urday nnd while there his team be came frightened at a dog , unfastening one of the tugs , letting the tongue down , breaking 1L The team started to run , upsetting the buggy and throw Carl out. Hi' wns bruised up some , but nothing serious. The team ran through town and out to William Dutcher's home , one mile west , where they were caught. An Election Day Fire. Herrlck Press : On election day whlle Adam Ilelb was in town , In some 'manner a lire got started in his born and before sufilciont assistance arrived the barn , corn cribs and grain- ories were entirely consumed , togeth er with most of the contents. Mr. Ilelb having lost In addition to his building almost all tills year's grain. A valuable stallion was tied In the stable at the time of the fire and al though Mrs. Ilelb , who was at homo at the time , succeeded In getting the horse loose from the tie strap , the animal refused to leave the burning stable and was burned to death In his stall. \ Mr. Heib homcstended the farm he now resides on , two miles west of town , and has been a hard worker , and was just getting Into prosperous circumstance. The loss by this fire will be a great one to him. As soon as the fire was discovered word wns sent to town for assistance and although automobiles were used , help nrrived too late to save very much. It is not known how the fire got started , but It was first discovered in a load of hay standing near the stable. MUST NOT SPRUCE UP. Enter Terminals With Dirty Clothe * , Hands and Faces. Fremont Tribune : Unkempt clothes and unwashed handsand , faces when they come Into the terminals will hereafter be taken as Indications that Union Pacific engineers , firemen , con ductors , flagmen and brakeman have been paying strict attention to busi ness. A premium has been set upon the Boiled clothes and dirty hands by a rule that recently went Into effect on the road , n uilo designed to reduce to a minimum the number of wrecks on the line annually. Investigation by Union Pacific offi cials has brought to light the fact that most of the accidents on that rail road , which boasts the fewest of all western roads , occur while trains are entering the terminals , when train men turn their attention for a few minutes to the task of "sprucing up" preparatory to leaving their trains. In seine cases it has been shown that both engineer and fireman are chang ing their clothes nnd clenning their hands and fnces ns the train entered the terminal , neither watching ahead for possible dangers or signals. The now rule is , In effect , that un kempt clothes and unwashed hands and faces'will be taken as prlrna facie attending to their duties as trainmen while enterting the terminals and If nny of thorn come In "spruced up" they nro liable to fall victims of the Brown system of demerit marks. New Mexico's Constitution. Santa Fo , N. M. , Nov. 16. The Now Mexican constitutional at convention adopted the reports of committees on final revision of the preamble , execu tive name and boundaries. The boun daries clause will Involve the now state In a boundary dispute with Texas. Women were given the right to vote at school elections but this right may bo suspended or restored by 50 percent of the qualified voters. One hundred thousand copies of the constitution , half in Spanish , were or dered printed for free distribution among the voters.