TUB NOKFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. FRIDAY. NOVEMHEK 18. 1)10. ! ) inree ueaci From Diphtheria. Crelghlon Liberalf The family of Justice Hutterflold near Walnut has Buffered from a scourge of diphtheria. Three children , two girls nnd ono hey , liavo died. They are Morlle , aged II ! years , li nionths and 28 days ; Qiilnnlo Mable , aged ! i yours and 12 days ; Claud , aged 7 years and 8 days. The former dlod Oct. HO , and the two lattei Oct. 28. Dr. Ha/on wan called to at- torn ! I ho latest child to die and now appears to have the disease checked. The homo Is quarantined. Reports say that the disease ban entered the H. F. Montgomery home but this has not been verified. Tno entlro com munity will Hympathl/e with the But- tcrfleld family In this great loss. In the presence of such calamities man reall7.es how helpless he Is and the family have the heartfelt sorrow and consolation of all In this great loss. Rifle Causes Trouble. Elgin Review : Two hoys and a 22- caliber rlllo got Myron Hendrlck Into trouble a few evenings ago. Myron had been out to a basketball game and coming homo a little late tried to give his little brother n scare by making an unusual noise on the door. The younger brother would not stand for uny monkey business , nnd fired a 22 rifle at the door. Myron was In line on the otttsldo and the bullet lodged In his back. The night was made hideous for n while , until Dr. Collyor arrived nnd cxtrnctcd the bul-1 let. Myron was n little sore for n few days , nnd Is now n wiser boy. New Dallas Water Supply. Dallas NOWB : The work on the ex tension and Improvement of the Dal las water system Is now In progress , nnd a large force of men are engaged In the work. The pipe for the water mains are being unloaded in the course of the proposed extensions nnd the tower Is being erected on the hill in the south part of town between the original town nnd Wilson's nddltlon. There will also bo n largo pump In stalled at the station which will per mit of wnter being pumped from the eight wells which are now the source of supply for the city waterworks. H is thought it will take sixty days to complete work. The supply of wn ter is abundant nnd for the past two months the railroad has secured Its entire - tire supply of water from the city wa terworks. Want-advertise for work for n strong want ad is all the "Influence" you'll need. ROUNDUP TIME IN THE WEST. Heyday of "Puncher's" Life Betwixt Seasons. Cleveland Loader : It Is roundup V time In the \vcst again. Across the broad , spreading plains , along the sun- kissed valleys nnd on the grass-cover ed hills of the big cattle ranches on the sunset sldo of the Mississippi the cowboy is once more dragging his lariat and hallooing to his long-horned charges , Smoke from the chuck wag on and the branding Iron fire curls into the blue. The artist of the long- looped rope has conic again unto his own in every outfit camp. It is the heyday of the "puncher's" life , is this Indian summer Interval before the coming of the snows and cold winds. All summer long he has been a. com parative nonentity. Mayhap he has been "riding fence" keeping watch nnd ward on the miles and miles of barbed wire stands that mark off the ranch's areas and several divisions. Maybe he has been a member of the "scrow-lly" gang , or if nn adept In the business ho has perhaps spent the heat-scorched days in breaking bron chos in preparation for the start of the wagon. Or , worst of all , he has been just a common farmhand , helping to garner feed. At any late , his mldseason work had been comparatively dull , prosaic nnd devoid of nny excitement. In short , ho hnsn't been n cowboy nt all , but an ordinary man of all work about the ranch. He hasn't hnd n thrill since the Inst seml-nnnunl roundups of last spring , and the monotony has pall ed on him. But now It's different The first "norther" Into in September blew away nil danger of 'screw-flies" nnd snug n song of coming activity In the .enrs of the discontented puncher. The second north vlnd snw the stnrt of active prepnrntions. The puncher got down his highest heeled boots , laid In an extra rope or two , donned his hair- w covered legglns and took up his trail with the chuck wngon. Ho will con tinue with It until the entlro ranch Is "covered. " which will be well up to ward Christmas time. The weeks will be some of the busiest of his life. Sny , but It's grent , this roundup time. It represents nil that Is wild nnd active nnd picturesque In western life. It epitomizes the puncher's en- reor. It comes but twice n yonr once In the early spring and ngnln In the fall. It Is fraught with plenty of hard work , but your true cowboy nlwnys welcomes It. It is so varied , so full of experiences , so different from the work ho has been doing all summer. Whether In rk'lng ' ns n member of the grent circles thrown out for rounding In the cattle to the spot selected for the roundup , helping to hold the herd in Its conflnom-'nt until the day's work is over , roping , throwing or wielding the branding iron , ho finds plenty of spectacular work to do. The "outfit" In these undertakings consists of n chuck wagon , which Is driven , of course , by the cook ; the horse wrangler , who Is charged with the duty of keeping mounts In readi ness for the more active workers , nnd ten or fifteen cowboys. The first roundup of the series Is generally held nt the much headquarters nnd Is for the purpose of looking nfter cnttlo which hnvo formed the hnblt of browsIng - Ing In that particular vicinity On the morning of the start the members of the outfit mount their freshest horses to ride out from the starting point In different directions , their routes di verging llko the spokes of n wheel. When out nome three or four miles each man begins to ride at right angles to the course ho took outward , iianoolng the meanwhile with a vie * to frightening the cattle toward the central point. Soon the thousands of cattle are gradually undergoing the process of being pushed toward the central point. They are gradually pushed In and In until finally every cow and calf of the big circumference Is pushed Into a compact herd , In this Instance In the headquarters corral. With this preliminary , the actual wet IE of the roundup begins. One member of the outfit , who has established bin claim of priority with the rope , whips the stiffness out of his trustlost lariat , ties ono end to the saddle horn , swings the other Into a big loop and goes forth to conquer. His work Is swift nnd sure. Time nfter time ho swings the big hooso around his head nnd sends It hurtling around the neck or forefeet of some unbranded - od calf. The calf Jerked swiftly from its feet , the roper spurs his horse tea a swifter gait nnd soon hauls up at the branding lire , mme flftv vnrds dls- ! ' taut , with the : nlf In tow. There hulf n do/on cowboys fall on the strug gling form nnd hold It to earth , while the brainier soars Its side with his hot Iron. I While the bninder Is at work an other "puncher" is busy cutting the I I i company's mark In the calf's enrs. Once the entlro herd Is culled out , the day's work Is complete. The "outfit" breaks camp nnd journeys on to some other point of operation. I Most ranches during late years have laid out regular roundup sites. On these they have built corrals of plank , | with wings extending out In front to aid In shoving the roundup herd into the IncloBure. With the herd thus con fined , the work Is easy. The outfits are usually out for severnls weeks. Sometimes the roundup lasts over Into the second day. In such Instances the herd collected has to bo held to gether by a night watch , in which the "puncher" force works In relays of , say , one-third of the whole force each. By this arrangement each man finds n chance to sleep for n portion of the night , standing guard for the remain der. der.In In fnvornble weather this latter named work is tolerable. When it does not corns1 too regularly it is en joyable. With the herd all safely "bedded , " that is , settled down for the night , the puncher on guard casually throws his leg over his saddle horn , begins a steady backward and forward pace and unites his voice with that of his fellow guardsmen in "singing to the herd. " These songs , generally plaintive in melody , serve n twofold purpose. They soothe the uneasy spirits of the long-horned sleepers nnd nt the snme time give vent to the lone some feeling of the singer. FRANK GOULD CABLED "TEN. " It Meant Bessie Devoe Could Get Only $10,000 , in Her Suit. New York. Nov. 15. "Ten , " Frank J. Gould cabled laconically from Europe. It appeared that "ten" was $10,000 , the heart balm which Mr. Gould paid Miss Bessie Dovoe , the dancer , to end her suits against for alleged breach of promise of marriage. Miss Devoe had demanded $200,000 to solace her wounded affections. Incidentally , she > made public letters expressing her fervid affection which she said Mr. Gould had written to her. Her suits never cnmo to trial , and secret reasons why they did not were 1 revealed before Justice Finelito In the city court. Henry S. Wallensteln , a lawyer , sued Miss Devoe for $1,000 ns due him for legal services In her nc-1 tlon against Mr. Gould nnd in a suit she brought against n woman who , , Miss Bevoe alleged , slandered her re garding her action against Gould. Mr. Wallensteln , who had W. S. Armstrong for his lawyer , testified that : Miss Dovoe retained Julius Sllverman i to push her suits. Wnllenstein was a i clerk lu Mr. Sllvermnn's office. Silver- man died nnd Miss Devoe called up i his o111co and asked who would press i her suits now. Wallensteln said he ! would If she retained him , and she did. . Wallenstein swore further that ho > went to the Western Union building ; nnd saw a Mr. Taylor , who seemed to 1 be Frank Gould's manager , guide , phil osopher and friend. Mr. Taylor , Wnllenstein testified , said ho would try to Induce Mr. Gould 1 to make a compromise with Miss De- voo. After long negotiations It was i decided that Si5,000 would be paid to i Miss Devoe provided certain letters i she hnd were surrendered to Mr. Tay lor. Wallenstein asked Miss Dovoe ! for the missives ; she told him she had I hypothecated them with n wonmn , whoso name he did not mention , as 1 security for a loan of $250. Wallensteln testified further that he ! visited the lawyer who represented | this woman and discovered that the letters were In the Equitable snfo de posit vaults. Two thousand dollars was demanded to return them , but n compromise fixed the price of delivery at $1,400. Back to Mr. Taylor went Wnllen , stein and was Informed that Mr. Gould was In Europe. Mr. Taylor said ho . would cable the sum set by Mr. Scott to Mr. Gould. Next day Mr. Taylor In \ formed Wallonsteln that Mr. Gould's reply was "ten , " which was taken to mean that Mr. Gould would give Miss Dovoe not a cent more than $10.000. Julius Sllvorman's heirs alleged that after retaining him as her lawyer , Miss Devoo borrowed $1,000 from him , giv ing as security n line sapphire pen dant. The heirs sold the pendant at I auction for $350 about a fortnight ago. RIVAL FOR OBERAMMERGAU. The Protestants Laying Plans for a Passion Play. Berlin , Nov. 15. " The Life of Jesus , " n new passion play under Protestant auspices , In contrast to the Roman 1 Catholic version at Obernm'mergau , will be given for the llrst time next summer nt Eisenach , Saxo-U'olmnr. Eisenach Is known as the "cradle of the reformation. " since It was at the famous Wartburg castle there that Luther In 15' " translated the Bible. The new passion play will bo per formed by widely known nHors iu- crulted from the best stages in Eu- i ope. It will be produced eight times In the summer of Hill , and oftener If It prove attractive. The Grand Duke of Saxe-Welniiir , and the duke of Snxo- Melnlngen. th latter of whom Is an expert stage manager , as well as ce lebrities of International reputation In art and religion , have assured the now enterprise of their support , while suf ficient capital already bus been' sub scribed to guniantce Its llnanclnl sta bility. The new voision of the life of Jesus Is the work of Herr Welser , stage man ager of the Grand Ducal Court theater at Weimar , the famous little play house In which Goethe's and Schiller's works wore llrst performed. , Two Nebraska Girls Burned. Grand Island , Neb , , Nov. 15. At St. Liberty , nine miles north of here , Emmn Horak , aged 111 years , and Rosn Hornk , her sister , the postmistress of the village , are dead as the result of the Igniting of gasoline while the young women were cleaning clothing. The young women lived In n house some distance from town and the mother , who lived with them , was visiting In the country. When neigh bors who discovered the flames reach ed the house both women were burned beyond help. Football Death Accidental. Wheeling , W. Vn. , Nov. 15. 1 be In quest held by Coroner W. W. lingers into the cause of the death of Captain Rudolph Munk of the West Virginia university eleven In the game here Saturday with the Bethany college team , resulted In a verdict by the jury that Munk came to his death ac cidentally. Tlio warrant for the ar rest of Thomas McCoy of Canton , O. , the Bethany player charged with the injuries that caused death , will be withdrawn at the instance of the cor oner. Football Abolished There. Bethany , W. Vn. , Nov. 15. There will bo no more football at Bethany this year as a result of the tragedy at Wheeling Saturday when Captain Ru dolph Munk of the West Virginia uni versity was killed In the game with Bethany college. Morgantown , W. Vn. , Nov. 15. The university council of West Virginia university cnncelled the remaining football games scheduled because of the denth Saturday of Captain Ru dolph Munk. GUY BUCKLES FIGHTS KELLY. Omaha Fighter and Chicago Man Fight I Ten Rounds to a Draw. Peoria , 111. , Nov. 15. Guy Buckles of Omaha and "Splko" Kelly of Chicago cage fought ten fast rounds to a drew last night before the West Bluff Athletic club. Kelly was the aggressor ser in every round save the fifth and eighth. No decision was given. I _ _ _ _ _ ' Ten-Round "Go" In New York. New York , Nov. 15. Jimmy Carroll , the San Francisco bantam weight , easily defeated Charley Harvey of Philadelphia In n ten-round bout at the Olympic Athletic club. CHARGED WITH MURDER OF CARMACK , IS ACQUITTED. < Nashville , Tenn. , Nov. 15. Robin Cooper , charged with the murder of Senator E. W. Carmack , was today I i found not guilty. I It was the pardon of Cooper's father - er , who shot and killed Carmack nnd was sentenced to life Imprisonment , that created so much trouble for Governor - ernor Patterson. As soon as the su- promo court had refused to Interfere with the verdict convicting the elder Cooper , the governor pardoned the man. Carmack and Cooper were longtime - time enemies. Carmack was shot on the street by Cooper whoso son , Rob- In , was present. I Stiletto Man Has Escaped. It was made known last night that the Sicilian who stabbed a stranger in the east portion of the city Sunday afternoon with a stiletto , has made good his escape to Omaha. According to Foreman Samuel Kline of the paving contractors , the Sicilian admitted the stabbing but do- clarcd he had been Insulted and did it in self defense. In his confession to the stabbing the Sicilian hinted at a robbery of a drunk man In the district. Two men , one of whom was the person stabbed , came out of a house and threatened to "do up" the Sicilians who , ho says , were refused admission to ono of the resorts. Cursing and threatening , the supposed Battle Creek man says the Sicilian came toward him and they wore soon locked in a clinch. The Si cilian pulled out his knife and admitted - ted driving it up to the hilt in one shoulder while they were holding each other. Shifting the knife to the other hand ho repeated the stabbing In the other shoulder. Ho then declares they ran toward the city nnd were fired upon by rifles in the hands of several men who were In ono of the houses. I "How big was the knlfo you had ? " asked Mr. Kline , of the Sicilian. "It was only eight Inches long. I had left my big knife at homo , " was the answer. It developed that among the labor- era hero there Is not ono Italian. Those supposed to bo such are all Sicilians. TO AVERT.A LYNCHING. , Jersey Negro Removed From Town to Avoid Mob Violence. Asbury Park , N. J. . Nov. 15. Fol- owlng tin eats by a mob to lynch Thomas Williams , the negro suspect- d of the murder ofyoarold ! Marie Smith , the prisoner was removed early oday from the local jail to the county all at Freehold. The mob had been scattered and the streets woio com- mnitivoly eloar. Williams wan not removed from his oil for his first hearing , so fearful were the police of mob violence. A rowd surrounded the jail all day and ind not dispersed late last night. To ; arry out the requirements of the law , ho negro was Informally arraigned ns lie stood In bin cell nnd was hold with- > ut ball for further examination. William H. Smith , chief of police of Anbury Park , hold n conference with the prisoner and announced after wards that Williams apparently hnd established a rood alibi. Many per sons are Inclined to think the man n victim of eircumstnnces. The child's mother Is still In n se rious condition. In attempting to wring n conft.'tu'lon from the prisoner .ho child's body was brought into the [ all corridor. The negro was led forth and halted before It. I swear to God 1 did not harm the girl. I had nothing to do with It , " he said firmly. "Get down and look Into her eyes i ml say that , " was commanded , Williams leaned forward until ho was gazing straight into the dead eyes. His gn/.e did not waver and ho ixclalined : "God is my witness that I did not kill this girl. 1 did not touch her. I lid not barm l.er. I dent know who did. " Again and again he repeated this as its eyes lay on the body. Then he added : I thank God I can say 1 did not do it. I am sorry for her nnd sorry for tier family , but I hnd nothing to do with this. " Ascroft Is Now on Trial. Pierce. Neb. . Nov. 15. Special to The News : U was determined this morning to try Ross Ascroft for the murder of Harry Roppa Yankee Rob inson circus employe , at the present term of court and the work of secur ing n jury began today. The defense yesterday asked for a continuance and the matter was taken under advisement by Judge Welch un til today. The prosecution agreed to certain points and the cato will be heard. Ascroft is charged with killing Ropp with a tent stake. Ropp was drunk and it was charged that ho made trou ble. It is said he was beaten for many minutes before he was finally laid out by Ascroft. RUNAWAY ENGINE KILLS TWO. Wild Locomotive Crashes Into Iron Mountain Freight Train. Memphis , Tenn. , Nov. 15. Two per sons were killed , two engines de molished and six freight cars smashed when a runaway Iron Mountain en- ino crashed headon Into an Illinois Central engine pulling a line of freight cars In the Illinois Central yards here. The dead : Edgar Massey , Memphis. John Moore , a negro. Massey was a fireman on the Illi nois Central. Moore was in a car of liousehold goods which ho was accom panying to Oklahoma. PENS PRIZE POEM. Insane Woman in Minnesota Institu tion Gets $250 for Verses. St. Paul , Minn. , Nov. 15. Minnesota lias poet , or rather a poetess , who has nchleved n measure of fame and for tune despite the fact that for sixteen years she has been an Initiate of a state hospital for the Insane. Some time ago a magaxlno offered a prize for the best literary contribu tion to bo submitted within a certain time. The winner was to bo present ed with free transportation to Europe and return. Among those who entered the con test was n woman , a member of n well known Minnesota family. So ex cellent was her effort considered that the prize was awarded to her. When the editors of the magazine learned who she was , and that because of environments she would bo unable to take advantage of the prize she had won , they sent her n check for $250. The woman was placed first In the hospital nt Rochester on May 9 , 1894. In 1907 she was removed with other patients to Hastings , and on May 11 , 1909 , again was transferred , this time to Anoka , where she still Is held. "She's bright unusually bright In some wnys , " said A. D. Ware , assis tant superintendent of the Haslngs In stitution , this morning , "but she has delusions. Her Insanity is hereditary. A sister , niece , and uncle are inmates of Minnesota hospitals. " The woman is Miss Betty Clay , com mitted in 1894 from Ramsey county to the Rochester asylum. At times she is perfectly rational and has full pos session of her faculties. Her dementia is of the spasmodic type and is accom panied by weird delusions. It is said that some of her best verso has been written while under the spell of these delusions. Her des criptions are weird and uncanny , al though charming. She seems to have the faculty of keeping the hallucina tions of her dementia without losing ' her natural powers and gifts. She is well educated nnd refined. Asked to Arbitrate , Sedalla. Mo. , Nov. 15. Striking em ployes of the Missouri Pacific railway shops and the bends of the railway system will be asked to arbitrate their differences. Women Attack Clgarmakers. Tauiim , Fin. , Nov. 15. When i crowd of clgarmakers stinted to wotk In the Argulles , Lopez & Co. plant a band of Italian women set upon them with broomsticks , clubs and with other weapons abusing them loudly. The men sought lofuge In the factory and a detail of special police arrested six of tile women , the others escap ing. Famous Artist Dead , Pnnldonco , R. 1. , Nov. 15. After an Illness of so\i > ral months , following n minor operation performed In Now York last spring , John LaFarge , the famous artist , died at the Butler hos pital bore. WEDS HIS FOSTER MOTHER. First , an Ohio Woman had to Give Her Legal Consent. Wellston , O. , Nov. 15. Mrs. Sarah Stewart , 49 years old , was married to James Turner , 20 years old , her adopt ed son. As guardian of the young man , Mrs. Stewart llrst appeared before the lic ense clerk and signed the necessary permission for n minor to marry. The bridegroom was adopted by Mrs. Stewart when ho was a baby. Ho was given a good education , and when ho grow up he decided that he could not do better than outer Into a closer relation with the woman who had car ed for him ( ill his life. TRIPP COUNTY MAN KILLED. Ed Hawkins , a Homesteader , Victim of Runaway of Mule Team. Valentine , Neb. , Nov. 15. Special to The News : Word just received here that Ed Hawkins , a homesteader , of Trlpp county , was killed in n run away of a team of mules. He has been working husking corn for n farmer by the name of Hlggins. LINDSAY FARMER INJURED. Nels Thomson Thrown Out of Wagon and Wheel Runs Over Face. Lindsay , Neb. , Nov. 15. Special to The News : Nels Thomson , living ten miles southwest of here , was hurt in a runaway about four miles out ot town. His horses shied at some ob ject alongside the toad , became un manageable and threw the man out of tlie hugg } . The wheels passed over his body and face , cutting n deep gash over his right eye which had to be sewed up by the surgeon. MRS. WILLIAM VOLK DEAD. Pioneer Resident of Battle Creek Ex pires After Long Illness. Battle Creak , Neb. , Nov. 15. Spe cial to The News : Mrs. William Volk , | a pioneer of tills community , died last night after two years' illness. No' ' funeral amusements have yet Leon made. August StelTen , a furniture man , re ceived word of the death of his father- in-law. Mr. Miller , in Ackloy , la. TWELVE DEAD IN A RIOT. Liberal Demonstration at Town Near Managua Results Fatally. Managua , Nov. 15. Twelve persons are dead at Leon and many are wound ed as the result of a political demon , stration there. The government is- j sued orders prohibiting a liberal mani festation and when the liberals and their adherents gathered In streets to carry out their plans , troops were sent against them. Charles Teller , an American , was among the wounded. The American consul Jose De Olivares went to Leon to investigate the situation. A report received from him says there was a renewal of the rioting , but gives no details. BETSY ROSS NOT FLAG MAKER ? Former Governor Says Gen. Putnam Was Creator of Stars and Stripes. Boston , Mass. , Nov. 15. Former Gov ernor Curtis Guild , at the children's hour nt the Old South meeting house said that General Israel Putnam was the creator of the American flag and not Betsy Ross. Mr , Guild brought to the meeting a large collection of American flags. He cautioned the children to remem ber that "The Star Spangled Banner" and not "Ameiica" was the national song. "Israel Putnam created the flag and not Betsy Ross , " he said. "Sho only suggested that the stars be five-point ed Instead of six pointed. Betsy Ross had nothing to do with the flag except to sew it together. The credit ought to go where It belongs. " Order of Hearing of Final Account. In the matter of the estate of Hope Jane Twombly , deceased. In the county court of Madison coun ty , Nebraska. Now on the 14th day of November , 1910 , came Thomas B. Twombly , the executor of said estate , and prays for leave to render an account as such ex ecutor. It Is therefore ordered that the 15th day of December , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. in. at my office In Madison , Nehrnskn , lie fixed as the time and place for ex amining and allowing such account. And the heirs ot said deceased , and all persons Interested in said estate , are required to appear at the time and place so designated , and show cause , If such exists , nhy said account should not bo allowed. It is further ordered that said Thorn- ns B. Twombly , executor , glvo notice to all persons interested in said estnte by causing a copy of tills order to bo published in the Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , a newspaper printed and in general circulation in said county , for three weeks prior to the day set for said hearing. ' In testimony whereof I have hereunto - ! unto set my hand and alllxcd my of- i flcial seal tills 14th day of November , I A. D. 1910. Win. Bates , ( Soul ; County Judge. You Can Work Near a Window i In winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved to any part of a room , or to any room in a house. When you have a Absolutely smokeless and odorltti > you do not have to work close to the stove , which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish , and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the window , without being chilled to the bone. , The Perfection Oil Heater quickly , gives heat , and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours , without smoke or smell. An , Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler- ' cap , put in like a cork in a bottle , is attached by a chain. This I heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an outomallc-locklnff < flame spreader , which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke , and is easy to remove and drop back , so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel , is strong , durable , well-made , built for service , and yet light and ornamental. Dtatin Bvtrytiktn. If not at yonn , wrili for dticriptivt cirrnlar to ilti niartH ofiitcy of Ita Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) MONDAY MENTIONS. Charles M liner of Fairfax wan here. W. Ii. Itoonuy of Wnyno was a visitor - or in the. city. | U. S. Uiekey returned from an auto mobile trip to Wlsner. .Mr. anil .Mrs. O. S. Winter of Hum phrey were in the city. W. J. Wilson of Corning , fowa , is visiting his daughter , Mrs. F. U. Miner. Among the day's out-of-town visitors in Norfolk were : Ira Anson , Carroll ; I George Peters , Winner ; O. J. Miller. | Winner ; John Widhahn , Pierce ; 13. U. Townseiid. O'Neill ; W. F. Fontoln , Co- lumlius ; M. Maguire , Hurko ; H. S. Wheaton , Wayne ; Charles Meyer , Leigh ; George liode , Leigh ; Jennie Lawrence , Pierce. Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Winter , n KOM. Dr. C. A. MeKim and A. II. Klestui huvo each purchased Overland auto- ' mobiles. K. B. Miner of the Nebraska Na tional bank staff , who has been ill , Is again able to bo at his desk. The Hoynl Neighbors will hold a district meeting November 1C in the Odd Fellows hall in the afternoon and evening. I Hurt Mapes is acting county attor ney In the absence of County Attorney James Nichols , who Is in Boston visit ing his mother. I G. P. Carson of Madison was here. August Hlado is at Omaha on busi ness. A. L. Killlan has gone to Chicago on business. L. J. Gutzmer of Columbus was in Norfolk. ' H. B. McKinney has gone to Lincoln on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hirlosh of Mad ison were In the city. T. W. Heck of Gregory was in the city visiting with friends. Mrs. C. H. Davenport and children are spending a few days with friends at Tilden. Miss Maude Stadinger and Miss Marguerite Ford of Dutte were visit ors In the city. A. Moldenhauer and Chris Glissman returned from a short visit with rela tives at Wisner. liny Musselman of Kxcelsior Springs , Mo. , is here to spend the win ter with his grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Musselman. Miss Sophia Finkhouse , who was here visiting with her cousin , A. W. Finkhouse , and the W. A. Bland fam ily , returned to her home nt Pilger. Mr. and Mn. Al Upton will leave for Texas today or tomorrow. Mr. Upton will probably settle In Texas ergo go to California for the winter. His barber shop was sold recently to Wil liam Zulauf of Pierce. The Norfolk Juniors defeated the Sehelley football team Saturday by a score of 1C to 5 Emery , Larkin and Johnson mad ? touchdowns for the Juniors , while Sehelley made the touchdown for his team. Deputy United States Marshal J. F. Sides of Dakota City was in the city. Marshal Sides had just returned from a trip to Alnsworth , where he was serving papers In a bankruptcy case. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Mines , South Thirteenth street , Tues day afternoon at 2:30. : A full attend ance Is desired as this Is the last meeting which Mrs. Atwood will at tend. tend.At At n recent lire In the Commercial hotel at Hay Springs the Blind Boone company saved their lives by making a hasty getaway In their night robes. An adjoining stable and twenty-live head of horsea were burned. Because one employe resigned his position , two others , Including n night waitress at the Merchants restaurant , resigned their positions Sunday even ing , leaving the place short of help. Their places , however , were filled and the work Is running along as smoothly as ever. A gambler and ball player from the Black Hills country who has been giv ing the local authorities trouble by "bbootlng up" two of the resorts east of the city with an automatic revolver , Is reported to have been arrested at Pilger after no had made his getaway when a stabbing affair took place near the resort In which ho was staying. The Pllgor marshal found the man In a ; box car. He was Intoxicated and alter : ho was relieved of his revolver be watt locked up in the jail. Mrs. Robert Canote , formerly a Nor folk resident , died In California Fri day afternoon , according to advlcea received by Norfolk friends. The re mains will he brought to Norfolk for burial. Mr. Canoto died In Fremont two years ago. Frank Canote , living cast of town , is a brother of Robert Canote. Dr. C. C. Johnson of Crclghton and Dr. Frank II. Kucera of Vordlgro were here Saturday night for initia tion Into the Elks lodge. Dr. Johnson , who Is the young mayor of Croigliton. has completej ! recovoiod from the fractured skull sustained in an auto mobile accident at Omaha some months ago. Wliile C. II. Groesbeck had the honor of laying the llrst brick on the Norfolk avenue paving district , there will be no honors for the llrst man to drive over the paving with a vehicle. Much Inconvenience Is experienced by the contractors from teams driving over the newly laid concrete base at the present timo. One vehicle driven by a woman made the trip from Sixth street over the newly laid concrete on the intersection on Fifth street. Emmet Halsey , a man employed by Grant Blade , a lanner living near But tle Creek , pleaded guilty in Judge W. B. Fuerst's court at Battle Creek to stealing ten bushels of corn from Fletcher Daniels , a coat and sweater from Arthur Pratt , and four husking hooks from Charles Durham. He was lined $25. Constable Flynn of Norfolk arrested Halsey. His case was con tinued a few days , but he suddenly pleaded guilty. Acting County Attor ney Mapes prosecuted for the state. Frank Davis , the gasmaker at the Norfolk Light and Fuel company plant , who had a narrow escape from serious injuries Friday morning when he was painfully injured , Is ieported doing quite woll. Mr. Davis was mak ing repairs on the engine when the piston rod struck him on the chest and knocked him against the wall. Had he been thrown a few Inches In an other direction it Is believed his head would have ome in contact with a protruding piece of iron. Mr. Davis' home is In Sioux City. Tommy Gavlgan , middle-west cham pion , and Clirt'iice English , northwest champion pugilist , will battle fifteen rounds before the Ilnhldoux Athletic I I club at St. Joseph , Mo. , November 15. English In writing Norfolk friends oC his St. Joe contest declares he would like to meet Kelley and other pugi- I lists In Norfolk , hut his time Is very much taken up at the present. Ho- j expresses much Interest In some of the reported coming contests In Nor folk. In his letter ho mentions Hugo , Kelley of Chicago as a good man for Norfolk. Dr. C. J. Verges reports inree hours of the hardest work ho ever put in , In all his days , when his automobile waa stalled In wet snnd and mud on South Thirteenth street Saturday night. To keep the wheels from slipping the doc tor sacrificed his two coats , blankets , and the coat of Ilobert Smith , his em ploye. The clothing was put under the wheels and In this manner the car was able to move. A package of home made cookies In a pocket of the coat which was directly under the wheels was safe when it was hauled out. Not a cookie was bioken , The sheep which have been feeding on the Country club grounds were loaded on a double deck car Sunday night and sent to the South Omaha , market , whore they wore sold by the Great Western Commission company. There were 250 sheep in all and they were declared to be the choicest sheep over sent out of the city. There nro yet to bo sent away 150 sheep , which are grazing on the dub grounds. George Berry , C. E. Burnhani , J. S. Mathowson and D. Mathowson , owners of the sheep , wore the victims of many jokes when they exhibited tholr cap abilities as hhecp herders The work was dllllcult and In answer to a ques tion as to what the sheep were fed one of the herders declared they were started off on golf balls , clocks , mash- lea and drivers , and later finished off on brassies and putters.