The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Healing by Music.
Philadelphia , Nov. 1C. The newest
Rcloneu , wlilcn IB nlao ono of tlio old
est , IH tlio Hcloni'o of healing by intiBlc.
ToBta which have boon nmdo direct
and nro bnliiK Uhod In thu Siunnrltnn
hospital bore , tinder tlio supervision
of Ilov. UiiBBoll II. Conwoll , Its prosl-
dont-wore announced today , and are
verified by Ir ) William HaobnloH and
other pbyfilcluns and surgeons com
prising tbo Btalf of tbo Samaritan boa-
TboBo men and the mimes who have
aided In making obHcrvatloim unite In
testifying to tbo bonollclnl effect upon |
the temporaturu and pulBatloiiB of
tbelr patlentH of certain inimical airs
and tbo ovll and depressing Influences
of other tnnca. They found that tbo
old , rich , molodlouB hymn , "I know
that my redeemer llvotb , " brought pn-
tlentB forth from the trance of an-
aefltbcBia with none of tbo naiiBoa and
fovcrlBb HymptoniB that usually follow
an awakening. They further found
that fever watt r-hatcd and roBtleBBiicBB
reduced by n line old Bong , "Mow Gent
ly , Sweet Afton" ; that "Dixie" calmed
a patient who had delirium , and that
"Juanlta" and "Tho Last Rose of Sum
mer" and other Boft phrased melodies
nent pain racked Invalids Into Boothj j
Ing , hcalliiK slumber.
( n the course of the experimentation
Dr. Conwoll and the physicians discov
ered that a number of songB produced
Injuries effoetH upon the patients.
Among these dlHturblng tunes were
many hymns , as "Abide With Me" and
"Behold a Stranger at the Door" were
distinctly unfavorable In their results.
"Bon Bolt , " "The Star Spangled Ban
ner" and " 1'ho Dead March From
Saul" produced the worst effectB.
DOB Molnos , Nov. 1C. The Press
club of DOB Molnes today completed
arrangements to give a banquet com
plimentary to United States Senator
LoPnyotto Young , a member of the or
ganization , Saturday night. Senator ,
A. 11. Cummins and Governor 11. F.
Carrel will attend.
North Nebraska Deaths.
S. C. Allison died at Allen.
David Klaon died at Wayne.
Sinker Palleson died nt Nollgh.
J. J. Bender died at Humphrey.
Joseph Scboinost died at Butte.
Julius Thlole died at West Point.
Andrew Nydall died nt Wlnsldc.
August Ureotzke died at Wlsnor.
Mrs. L. A. Brooks died at Lynch.
Thomas \Vlialen died at Stanton.
Mrs. Sarah Roams died at O'Neill.
Mrs. Anna Herzler died nt Pierce.
Mrs. Emma Blake died at Pierce.
Fredrich M. Koeblor died nt Pierce.
Mrs. Benjamin Shaw died at Wlsner.
Mrs. Godfrled Getznmn died at Stan-
Mrs. Peter Wagner died at Bloom-
field. ,
Miss Ruth Stuefor died at West
\ Point.
Mrs. J , H. Baldwin died at Bone-
Pteo'l. *
Mrs. William Elliott died nt Plain-
view. |
William II. Graham died nt Bone-
Mrs. Jake Dornborger died nt
George B. Van Ostrand died at
Orchard. i
K , B. Pbllleo of Wayne died nt
Twin Falls , Ida.
Northwest Weddings.
Miss Katie Hlmers and Carl Muller
were married nt Leigh ,
Miss Florence Irwin and W. II.
Harding were married at Meadow
Grove. |
Will Carroll and Miss Ida Mantern
were married nt Gregory.
Owen Eaton and Miss Mary Ellsaes-
ser wore married at Butte.
Lee L. Kellar and Miss Ruth Ruff
were married at Alnsworth.
' Ttobort fleluila and Miss Elsie Lor-
mnh were married at Pierce.
Miss Clara Miller and Ivo Vnnder-
snick were married at Ewing.
John E. Coynor and Miss Christina
Just were married at Brlstow.
Frank Carroll and Miss Laura Col-
len were married at Crelghton.
Miss Anna Gross and E. C. Knapp
were married at Green Garden ,
Herman Carlson nml Mlsft Ella
l.utllOr ttGro married nl tfellgh.
Mrs. Amanda Blgwttrth and Dr. Syl
Person were ihhrVlfed nt Stanton.
Miss Jolmlmn Hoffman and Ignatz
Znteh Were married at Humphrey.
jfiilward Surber and Miss Pamle
Thompson were married at Wayne.
D. P. Reynoldsou and Mlsa Kathe-
rlno Porter were married at Albion.
C. J. Brown and Miss Ada M. RUB'
sell wore married nt Tyndall , S. D.
Alfred J. Loatherman and Miss
Grace Curry were married at Dutto.
Edward Vokoc and Miss Emma Cho-
cholousok won ) married at Verdlgro.
Amnueiua Derr and Mrs. Emma
Stark wore married at West Point ,
Miss Eunice McFlrath and LoflWnrd
Hanthorne wore vr.arrled at Wlnslde.
W. II. Wilson nml Miss Nancy L.
Hancock were nmfricd nt Wood Lake ,
W. L. Rlltor , Jr. , and Miss Mary
Wardenkemper w'S'ro ' married nt Wesl .
"A DemoAVlft from MorAa'na.
Helena. Mont. , Nov. 1C.-Olllcial
counts made in various Unities of the
stnto Insure clomocratfc control of the
next general nscomWy which elects r
fettcccrtdr to VnKed States Sonntoi
Thomas H. orfrtcr , republican. Tin
'olllchil returns give the democrats 5
Votes on Julnt ballot , without Custe'
county 'where official returns glvo tin
'election to W. D. Dorrell. Ihti cldmei
'cnitlc candidtito. Fifty-two Votes an
necessary to a choice In Vhe electloi
of a senator.
Indian Found Guilty.
Aberdeen , S D. , NOv 1C The jur ;
In fcdcml court in the case of .Inco' '
Kooko , ticcusod 'Of murdering Georg
Kampwkn , whllo both wore Intoxlcal
od , nl Inldnlsht lirought in n scalci
vordlct finding the defendant guilty of
mtuiBlnughtor. Sentence will bo Im
posed by Judge Cnrlnnd nt the end of
the court's term , the Keoke'B attor
neys will appeal tbo case.
Supreme Court Decides That Election
Which Moved It Was Illegal.
Guthrlo , Okln . Nov. Ifi. Oklahoma
City lost In the state capital light
when the supreme court decided that
tbo sent of the state government must
remain In Gutbrle. The court held
that the election on the amendment to
remove the capital to Oklahoma City
was void , because of defects In the
title of tbo ballot.
Death of John Johnson.
Wlsner , Nob. , Nov. 16. Special to
The News : John Johnson , an old res
ident of Wisner , died at the , ago of 85
years of age. The funeral was today.
Ho leaves a widow , two daughters
and one son , all of whom are married.
Move County Seat January 1.
Lamro , S. D. , Nov. 16. The Trlpp
county seat will bo moved to Winner
January 1. Ft-ellng over the taking
of the county records has subsided and
no serious complications are antici
Big Drainage Project Is * Started Be
tween Wisner and Pllger.
Wlsnor. Neb. , Nov. 1C.-Special to
The News : The ditchers have begun
work on the big ditch between Pllger
and Wlhiier which is to drain the bottoms
toms north of the railtond tracks on
the big bottom lands of J. R. Mans-
Held & Sons , W. H Butterlleld , Howell
Rees , O. R. and T. Thompson , J. J.
Kane , and Walt Bowden. This will put
the lands Into shape and make possible
to farm whllo hurotofoie have been
too wet to mnku use of.
Prepare for Mexican Riot.
El Paso. Nov. 1 ( > . A rumor is cur
rent here that a race demonstration is
to be made in .Inure/ , across the Rio
Grande river from this city , by an
element of Mexicans opposed to Pres
ident Diaz living In both cities. The
chief of police of .Inure * Is preparing
for trouble and has already sworn in
a large munijor of special mounted
deputies. W"ll known citizens admit
that a demonslation ! may take place.
Would Fight Uncle Sam.
Guadalajara , Mex. , Nov. 1C. At a
meeting of political clubs at Sayula ,
one of the principal towns In this
state , those who participated passed a
resolution that they would be the Ilrst
to offer their services for military op
erations In the event of war between
Mexico and the United States as a re
sult of the lynching nt Rock Springs ,
Tex. A further resolution was adopt
ed requesting the secretary of war to
send Instructions to all principal cities
and towns in the republic to teach mil
itary tactics.
83 Stranded On Island.
Cordova , Alaska , Nov. 1C. Eighty-
three persons comprising the passen
gers and crew of the wrecked steam
ship Portland , which was beached in
the mouth of Kntalla river Saturday ,
are stranded on Kntalla island. The
storm which broke soon after the pas
sengers were landed from the wrecked
vessel is raging with Increased fury ,
Few people live on the Island nml the
food supply is small , The HtontliHllIn
A'umedn tried for twelve hours to en
ter the stormswept harbor , but was
finally compelled to turn back. The
telephone line , the sole means of com
munication with the island , went down
and the stranded passengers were en
tirely cut off from the outside world.
Chicago Garment Makers' ' Strike Now
6etmi Par From Settlement.
Chicago , Nov. 1C. Hopes of peace
in the garment workers' strike faded
when the most of the large firms ret -
fused to hear of any proposition that
In any way resembles n union. They
asserted they would not sign any con
tract that recognizes the principle of
collective bargnlnlng.
OG'mmlssary stores , Such with pro
visions for 300 rrirnlHen , Will be opened
In the localities where most of the
| strikers live. The goods will be sort
ed in parcels , each containing provl-
slons to last an average family three
| I days.
| An effort IK bolllR mTitle to have the
American Fetk-rntlon of Labor , now ID
I session In St. Louis , levy an assess
tuenl Of two cents per capita on all
j ( iiifillated unions.
I This would net the utrlHOrs aboul
I $25,000.
Wbilnded Man riol American.
Managua. Nov.f . > Ovaries TellDr
who was nmoitKYHVVsi ) wounded lntth <
rioting lit LVo\\ Sunday , is n sttfubnt , n
jthe imi1 Wd\ \ irs > titute at Lc/up. / ifl
I was MrYi In Nicaragua and 'is. ' ifc > v.r
I old His father , Robert Teller , wn
. "fi'orn In Brooklyn , but has lii Y. a resi
| dent of Nicaragua for Ihir'ty-llvo years
i Mrs. Teller wafi a nathe of Nicaragua
First reports concerning the casualt
list described M'ellor. whose wound t
serious , as an American.
\ Rallrt Men Now Busy With Ne\
, Set of Rules. ,
j Now rules contained In the hoi1) )
r just Issued to employes formed A topi
, for discussion nt a meeting of railroa
men In Norfolk.
An effort will ho made to have tTi
, men on the eastern division thorongl
j ly schooled In the now rules so thr
I they can ho pu lirto effoc-t Deeoinbc
j 1. or by December 5 nt the Iniest
y Is thought that a new tlmoi-ard will I
I ) Issued nt that time. In order that
e may embody the now rules ,
t. ' With a view \o aiding the employ )
il to lenrn the new rules , examlnlr
' boards will conduct classes nt the va-
I rlous terminal points on the division.
Trainmaster K. O. Mount of Fremont ,
nsBlsted by Conductor A. C. Wads-
worth of Omaha , will have charge of
this work at Fremont , and will hold
two clnBBOB dally , commencing today.
Later they will do the same nt Omaha ,
Council Bluff * and Llnwood. Train
master Pnngle , assisted by Conductor
H. Furst , will Instruct the trainmen at
Norfolk , Long Pine and Dallas. Freight
Inspector Gouleijlwill examine the
agents and operators over the entire
division. A blmllar plan will be fol
lowed on the Black Hills division.
Winnetoon's Fire House.
Wlnnctoon Pioneer : The Winne-
teen fire department , who were Intend
ing to build n hose house over the
pump station on the hill near the
standplpc , decided It would bo more
convenient and much better for the
proptTty Interests to have It located
nearer the business section and the
bell tower. Last week a number of
the ( Ire laddies pulled off their coats
and secured thrlr hammers and saws
and proceeded to get busy. Contra'ct-
! or Paulson engineered the work , and
the way the building wont up would
be credit to most any bunch of "wood
butchers. " The hose house was built
around the bottom of the tower. Di
rectly north of the hose house a llfty
foot Incline about four feet wide was
built for drying the hose after being
used. Yes , Wlnnetoon has a fire de
partment , waterworks , and n well that
supplies all the water needed.
Enters List for Presiding Officer of
House After Urging by Friends.
jlnndolph , Neb. , Nov. 16. John
Kuhl , re-elected to the house of repre
sentatives of the state legislature for
the third successive term , has an
nounced hlmseil n candidate for speak
er of that body during the coming
session. Thu announcement of his
candidacy comes in response to the
urgent petition of friends , not only In
Cedar county , but all over Nebraska.
The boom for Representative Kuhl
was started as soon as it was known
that ho had tiled for re-election. Hav
ing ascertained that the next house
Is surely democratic he made an
nouncement ot his candidacy yester
lie was a member of both the 1907
sessions of the legislature , represent
ing the Nineteenth district consisting
of Cedar and Pierce counties. His
record has been so satisfactory to his
constituency in this district that each
time his re-election has been by an In
creased majority. This year it was
SIC. Local democrats are rejoicing to
learn of his candidacy and will make
n stiong effort in his behalf to land
him in the speaker's chair.
Mr. Kuhl attained considerable
prominence by his hard work during
the session of 1907 , when a republi
can majority Controlled the house. As
chairman of Hie committee on privi
leges and elections and member of
several other Important committees
during the last session be was re
garded as one of the leaders of that
session of the legislature.
He was strongly urged two years
ago to become a candidate for the
spenkershlp , dut refused at that time ,
declaring that he preferred to gather
more experience through work on the
Jloor of the house.
This Is the Record Made by W. W.
Geode in Boyd County.
Butte Gazette : We believe we can
without successful contradiction say
that W. W. Geode Is one of the most
successful wolf hunters around this
country. Ono week ago Sunday he
went down to the Nlobrara river and
with his pack of hounds , captured
three wolves , and last Sunday ho went
agnfn and rid Boyd county of one
more chicken thief. This makes forty-
eight wolves all told that ho has kill-
e > d with his fine pack of dogs In less
than a year. '
Morse Climbs Into Auto.
Crelghton liberal : Mrs. C. C.
Johnson had u narrow escape from
serious accident Sunday , while out
riding In an auto with pr. Johnson.
Some distance east of Creighton they
mot a vehicle In charge of
two young men. In passing , the horse
! became unruly , but Instead of fret
ting awny from the machine It jumped
Into It throwing Mrs. Johnson to the
ground and touring away the back ol
the scat In which she had been riding ,
Astdo from a severe shock nnd sev
eral painful bruises Mrs. Johnson , wiu
unharmed ,
West Threw Taylor.
Burke tJnzette : At the opera -honst
WedWc'dday e\onlng Dummy West o
' cV 'gory nave Gardner Taylor twc
tminlght falls on the mat , appnronllj
being moro than a match for him ii
I strength. In the first place West hac
'an ' ndvnntngo of about I\\ehly-fivi
pounds lu wolpht. and TnyldV lo6kcJ
like a pigmy betide him. t'ay'lor ' cotfli
not hold his mnn at any btage of tin
. . game , nnd summed unable 10 for'-.ik th
s I holds secim-d byvest. . The firs
fall required twenty-eight minute *
whllo Iho second went In twelve.
The Fairfax Jail Delivery.
Fairfax Adveitlser : The two prisfu
ors who have be'Gli confined in 'th
county jail tor several days , nuul
c | their escape tSomo time * fliursdn
(1 ( night. Novoni'ber ' 10. Jailor Ford , o
going to the jail Friday morning ill
0 coveicd'liat the breakfast prepare
li-1 for'tho prisoners was not needci
it' ' They had concluded to forego the
r' ' morning meal In drder to save tin
It I nrtil put as much space as possible b
I0 ! nveen them ind "Fairfax.
It' On examination It was found tl
prisoners had cut out the wooden si
s where the Iron bars to the wlndo
g were Imbedded nnd bending one <
the bars down , squeezed through ,
The prisoners were P. L. Wymnn
awaiting trial for forgery , and a man
named Glover , charged with robbery.
No clue to the prisoners has so far
been dlscoveied.
Flannlgan-Brayton ,
Stuart , Neb. , Nov. 1C. Special to
The News : Misa Althea A. Brayton
and James C. Flannlgan , two promi
nent young people of this place-were
married Monday. The ceremony was
peiformed nt the Catholic church at
7 n. m. , Rev. Father Cassldy of O'Neill ,
Neb. , olllclatlng After the ceremony
n wedding htenkfnst was served at
the home of tbo bride's parents , Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Brayton. The guests
present were only the near relatives
ot the wedded couple. The out-of-town
guests were M. J. Hughes of West
Point , Neb. , and E. L. Brayton of Bas-
sett , uncles of the bride , and Miss
Ethel Cole of Omaha and Mrs. Healey
of St. Paul , Minn.
After the wedding feast the wedded
couple departed on passenger train
No. C on a wedding trip , to bo gone
about n month. When they return an
elegant , eleven-room house , now nearIng -
Ing completion , modern In all of its ar
rangements , a present to the brldo
from her parents , and richly furnished
by the gtoom's parents , will be await
ing them.
Miss Brayton has lived the most of
her life at this place. She is highly
accomplished and a deservedly popu
lar young ladv. Mr. Flannlgan is as
sistant cashier of the Citizens bank of
Stuart , a young man of fine qualities
and business qualifications.
There were many line wedding prps
ents , among I he in a chest of table sil
verware , a prefcent from the brother of
the groom , J. M. Flannlgan.
Latta's Expense Account.
Fremont Tribune : Congressman
Latta's expense account filed for pub
lic misinformation , Will probably show
about one-tenth of what his campaign
cost. The law touching this matter Is
pretty generally observed more in Its
broach than in its observance , as
Shakehpeare would say.
Official Returns Give Congressman
Oll'icial election leturns from the
eighteen counties in the Third con
gressional district increase Congress
man Latta's majority to 7U'48. The
official leturns ralhed the majority in
Cedar county from 450 to C49 , in
Kuox county from 500 to 7K ! , in Platte
county from 900 to 1.0C7 , while in
Merrick county Latta's majority drop
ped fiom 150 to 110. Following are the
olllclnl majorities in the distilct :
Boyd : Antelope , IlOl.
Latta : Boone , .Wi ; Colfnx , 430 ;
Hurt , 574 ; Cedar , G49 ; Cuiulng , 1,102 ;
Dakota , 1C : ! ; Dlxon , IL'S ; Dodge , 8G7 ;
Knox , 7415 ; Madison , 2 2 ; Merrick , 30 ;
Nance , 188 ; Pierce. 455 ; Finite , 1,007 ;
Stanton , H7 : ! ; Thurston , 181 ; Wnynp ,
I.-.2. .
Cruelty Charged Against Hospital.
Tllden CltUcn : J. A. Hayes , who
was lecently adjudged insane at No-
ligh and committed to the asylum at
Norfolk , was In town Saturday , appar
ently as rational as ever. He states
that much brutality is practised by
the attendants nt the asylum and is
of the opinion that any sane mnn , com
pelled to spend a few months at the
institution , would become demented
from the excessive cruelty of those
who nro paid by the state to adminis
ter humane trc-ctment to those under
their charge.
Railroad Reaches Colome.
Colome , S. L1. , Nov. 1C. Special to
The News : The long waited for rail
road has at last reached Colome. The
rails arc now Inld Into town and the
railroad company Is now laying side
track of which there Is to be 4,000
feet. They will also put In a "Y" here
which will make Colomo quite a re
spectable terminal for the winter at
least. It is expected that there will
he an open station hero not later than
December 1 , which , of course , will be
a great benefit to nt least 75 percent
of the Trlpp ounty homesteaders.
No Jury Yet In Aser&H Base.
Pierce , Ne'j. , Nov. 16. Special to
The NCWH : Thus R\r no jury has been
secured in th Ascroft murder case.
Pretty nearly all the men drawn have
read or- heard about the case and don't
llk to sit on the case. Over fifty have
been examined ,
Governor Hndl6y of MU&ourl Says We
Don't Need So Many.
St. Louis , NOV. 16. ReRoluttom
whlvh had u 'V.-n presented to lh (
American Federation of LaboV ton
Ventlon vVre u-ad at this mWlilng'f
session. Reports of conunVttaes wen
also made. Because of A Visit to oni
of the largest breworfe * hut one ses
v'.on was hold.
\ It has alto been 'recommended Urn
the convention moot the third Mondn ;
In November instead of the second
The delogrvU's claim that the convei
tlon courts too ? oou after the electlp.Y
In difivVont pa-ts of the country.
Si Louis , Nov. 1C. "Women , shbul
able to vote In order to rdtect In
own sex Industrially , " de cfared Mil
.Manila Younger of Sart vrmiclsco b
fore the American * I ' ( .deration of 'J '
bor last night , iio statement v' (
greeted with eu\iusinstle , apphuifto I
the delegates.
Miss Yourgor is connected w'lth t
San Frnnr | ace WUBO earners' convc
tlon iinO ls au author. Hrr addic
was or 0 Of uu , important 'features
the 0 ay's session , the other being t
iM'.ess of Governor Hartley inbl
urged that ono-thlrfl of the JuiU
10 nil one-naif of the lawyers of I
111w ountryoro unnecessary to the hi
w .velfaro of the people
of The wojldng committees of the c
vontlon were organized during the day
and will begin regular sessions today.
Twenty or moro resolutions and re
ports were referred to them by Presi
dent Gompers during the afternoon
Before the convention ends the dele
gates , according to leaders , will have
to decide for or against socialism.
I Gompers In his report said that polit
ically an Invariable problem which
confronts the trade union movement
Is now to tuko action without binding
i Itself to a hard and fast "Ism , " "ology"
or platform.
Victor L. Pcrgor of Milwaukee , the
socialist congiossman-elcct , and Max
Hayes of Cleveland are leading In the
struggle to have the convention declare -
clare for socialism. Hnycs * friends
would like to tea him succeed Gomp
ers In the presidency.
English and Brown Draw.
St. Joe , Mo. , Nov. 1C. Clarence Eng
lish of Sioux City and "Kid" Brown of
Chicago boxed fifteen fast rounds to a
draw before the Robldoux Athletic-
Oinnlm World-Herald : Carl C.
Wright , assistant attorney of the
Northwestern load west pf the rlvor ,
has gained an Important promotion
that takes him to Chicago. He Is to
go there and handle the Interstate
commerce commission business of : he
Northwestern cystem.
Mr. Wright is now In Chicago and It
Is thought he will enter on bis new
duties soon , and that pending the re
turn from the south of Ben T. White ,
head of the Northwestern law depart
ment west of the river , no appoint
ment will be made to fill the placo. E.
II. Dunhaus , assistant attorney , is In
charge of the ofllce nt this city.
Mr. Wright , who Is an lowan , was
attorney for the Northwestern at Cas
per , Wyom. , In General Hawley's re
gime , and later moved to the western
part of Nebraska , where he had n
brother. He then came to this city
and engaged In the practice of law
and rapidly wont to the front. He was
the first elective city attorney , llo
resigned that place to take the post of
assistant attorney of the Northwest
ern when James 11. Sheean went to
St. Paul to be attorney for the Onmhu
road In 1901.
Norfolk Man's Horse Ran Away at
Hadar He Walked to Norfolk.
Crying pitifully , an employe of John
lobinson of Die Norfolk Junk and
ron Co. , walked from Hadar to Nor-
oik yesterday after his horse had run
way from him The man , about 29
ears of age , took the runaway so
iiuch to heart ( hat many people pass-
ng him took pity on him and asked
he cause of his 111 fortune. With tear-
Irops pouring in torrents from his
yes the man told of leaving his horse
ind wagon on the road and entering
house. When he had come out he
saw old Dobbin making hasty stops
or Norfolk and he followed. At times
ic believed he would be able to catch
he rig , but when his hopes wore al-
nest realized the steed galloped away
aster than ever. When the rig neared -
ed the city It collided with an obstruc-
ion in its path and the wagon was
slightly damaged and the horse , break-
ng Its moorings , arrived in the city
minus the wagon ,
Mrs. Sears relumed from Omaha.
Mrs. P. Stoar has gone to Omaha.
Willis E. Reed of Madison was in
the city.
Miss Mabel Sryder of O'Neill was a
Norfolk visitor.
Miss Martha Kell was a visitor at
Omaha Monday.
Miss Leonora Hans of Battle Creek
was in the city.
Mrs. E. Tanner of Battle Creek was
visitor In the city.
George Loan icturned from a busl >
ness trip to Omaha.
M. C. ilazon went ot Albloh to at
tend the district courti
Lyle Nichols IIOB ftotte back to his
home at MarctllilKt Mich.
August Suelif.lorf of Bloomfleld was
in the ctU' transacting business.
Charles Ahlman went to Onkdale to
make repairs on an automobile break
Mrs. Oscar Hnuptll and Mrs. Allen
Kuhn returned from a short visit at
Omaha ,
Mrs , Charles Green and iluufehlor
Dorothy of Hosklns wcH ) liuro visiting
with friends.
Misses. Mftllhtt. and Herthn Vlergutz
rolurned fWIn Omaha , where they vis-
Iteilllh friends.
Misses Belle Dufphy ftnd Maude Os.
born of Buttle Creek were here visit
ing with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W , B. Vail , win * were
here visiting xv'lll ' Mr. and Mtt. II. L
Overocker , tviu.ued tob o\r \ home a' '
G. W. Seh'wonk ftiM daughter , Mia
May S'diVenlc ' , returned Irom Ok i
t hoinsi , where Ilioj spent a short vial
wlfh Mrs. V. 1 ? filler.
tars. Plppift wont to Llnroln , wher
she will viwt with her sow. fceo Plppli
IS who Is inployecl with Ufo BurHngto
Railrorfa comrnny. M'fs. Pippin wl
rrtm'a here Filday
Clauue Reed has'sold out his Into
tiht In the Hitittord-Reed harbor bbo
The shop Is n/ < \ \ owned entirely by '
Ii. Hartford
D. B. Huffy 1ms moved his ollli
uy from thf Lomont tlio Gra :
plumbing shop.
ho The Otto JeiibPii property on Hay
MI- avenue has been sold to M. Rlsor. M
MISS ! Jensen lives In Burke , S. D.
of A beautiful J'lato glass showca
ho with a marble base has been placed
c-h front of the V L Kllllan store.
; es Mr and Mis Gus Bley hnvo mo\
: ho from South Llghth street Into tin
( ? st jno\s ri'Mdemo on South Tenth stre
I A beautiful new glass plate , oak Ion I
onish shirt case 1ms been installed
the Wide Awake clothing store.
H. C. Sattler of Norfolk was made
chairman of the nominating commit
tee at the stale Implement dealers'
convention In Omnhn.
W. M. Hellor , fire Insurance adjustor -
or of Omaha , returned from Warner-
vllle Wednesday , where ho made a
settlement of the Alec Snyder lire.
Chris Kronen tbo gnsllttor at the
Norfolk Light and Fuel company , re-
Hlgncd his position and has gone to
Lincoln. His vacancy has not yet
been filled ,
Bankruptcy Reforco 13. P. Weather-
by held a sotmlon In his olllco In the
Mast block \ \ odnesday In the case of
C. J. McKay ol Ewlng. Attorney B.
Smith of Nellgh attended the hearing.
Mrs. Bondur.u.t , who Is visiting with
her mother at Mt. Morlah , Mo. , has
written relatives hero that her moth
er's recovery from a fall which result
ed In the breaking of a hip on Novem
ber 1 , IB doubtful.
Lambert and Hinds report the sale
of the two lots of Colcman & McGln-
nls on Norfolk avenue , near Thir
teenth street , to Herbert King of
Meadow Grove. Mr. King will build a
residence on his now property.
Boncstcel Pilot : Miss Minnie
Schrnm was called to Norfolk Satur
day morning on account of the sick
ness of her father. She returned to
Bonestecl Monday. She reports her
father much bnltcr at the time of her
departure from home.
Fire Chief Minimi Green roquestB
the attendance of every member of
all hose companies of the lira depart
ment at the joint hose company mootIng -
Ing this evening. A rousing meeting
is promised by the chief , who also will
probably make public the surprise he
has promised the department.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hamilton of
Belle Fourche , S. D. , are in the city.
Mrs. Hamilton is visiting with her
mother , Mrs. .M. W. Beebo , and will In
a few weeks join her husband , who
goes to Sbelton , Neb. , where ho has
accepted a position as electrician with
the Shelton electric light plant.
F. A. Blakeninn appeared before
Judge C. F. Eiseley Wednesday In an
swer to a charge of putting up barbed
wire on Ills property on Norfolk av
enue. Several people arc reported to
have fallen over the wire and sus
tained slight injuries. The case was
continued until Thursday morning
W. F. Bailllo , representing the Na
tional Hog Feeder company of Min
neapolis , Minn. , is In the city. Mr.
Balllle repoit'3 the corn crop about
the best he has soon on any visit to
this country. "The farmers seem well
satlslled with the crop conditions. " ho
said , "but I don't know how the re
duction In meat prices will affect
them. They ceitninly have something
to say about II. "
Large delegations from many towns
in this terrltoi } arrived In the city
Wednesday afternoon to attend the
Ilrst district meeting of the Royal
Neighbors at the Odd Fellows hall.
This evening , i large class of candi
dates will be adopted. The afternoon
was given over to a special program.
Crelghton and Wayne will lead In the
largest number o delegates. Among
the delegates fiom Wayne were : Mrs.
Jane Barnett , Mrs. Jennie Lamberson ,
Mis. Nettie James , Mrs. Lena Shroer ,
Mrs. Mattie Co/ad , Miss Flora Grossc , |
Mrs. C. S. Ash Mrs. Ami Crockett ,
Mrs. Pearl Rispen.
John D. Hnskell , the Wnkefleld' '
banket , was In Norfolk dining the day1
on business. Mr. Hnskell is the au
thor of the paper entitled , "Bank Guar
anty Vicious and Destructive of
Sound Banking , " which was read at
the recent Nebraska state bankers'
convention and reprinted widely in
national financial magaxlnes. "The
Chicago Banker , " In commenting upon
the paper , said : "Tho argument In
Mr. Hnskell' ) able address will be
recognized as orthodox by practical
financiers. " The paper contained
many ideas on the subject which had
never before bOui giveh utterance.
C. W. Baker , general manager of the
IJuker Consti'.Ktlon company of Oma
ha , accompanied by E. M. Raymond of
Philadelphia , a consulting engineer
representing liige European financial
Interests , were in the city Wednesday
morning making their return trip over
the proposed Omnha-Norfolk-Madlson
Interurban lino. Thq trip from Omaha
was mode to Fremont , with stops at
towns which the proposed Interurban
Is to touch. The route this time was
made via HonHls to Norfolk , thence
to Madison and returning aguln Vln
Howells to Fromont. Mr. Rnynloml l
Is said to he mnklng a survey of the
route and gathering nil necessary datr
In till towns through V ilch the pro
posed electric roa'fl 'would run. Mr
fiftker has told , -Norfolk business mci
llwt he had it hard fight to get thli
ft\r with tn ntoposition and that Mi
Raymond Ss very enthusiastic. Judg
Ing CrMn remarks made by the tw
engiiriors It is considered possible thn .
thi > road will ho ultimately construd
Mrs , Stsvens Re-elected.
Baltimore , Nov. 1C. Mrs. Lillian : *
t N. Stevens of Portland , Me. , was mini
Imously re-elected piesldent of the u
tlonnl Wonmiis Christian Temperam
union nt the annual convention of tl
union here today.
German Government Will Open Fro
tiers for Free Importation.
Berlin , Nov. 1C. U was officially n
nounccd that the Imperial govornmo
n contemplated the early opening of i
frontiers for tlio Importation of fi
cs elgn live stock In older to counter ?
Ir. tlio high prices for meat.
Fight on Electric Light Company
so Clay Center , Kan. , Nov. 10. I
in dor tbo direction of Mayor Ilanna
this city and led by City Clerk ti
Martin , ton nu-n today cut down I
elr poles and aim led the main cable
ot the local electric light company
ill ! Litigation urowliig out of the i [
In foiences between the elty admlnlsl
tlon and the company Is now pending
In the courts.
Washington , Nov. 1C. The popula-
tlon of Indiana Is l'.7l)0.87 ) , according
to statistics of the thirteenth coiituia
niiido public today. This IB an In-
eioiiHo of LSI.414 or 7.11 percent over
2.5111,1152 In 11)00. ) The Increase from
1S90 to 11100 was 111 ! 1,058 or 11.8 pui-
Baptist Entertainment Successful ,
Tuesday nlybt the Baptist clu rcb
and Sunday dcluwl hold a Immiuot and
entoitiilnmont In the G. A. R. ball ,
There were -nor 151 present and un
der the able miporlntondoncy of I1 W
Leinont everything wont right and all
had a good time. The Madison Av
enue quartet nnd the Ninth Street trio
rendered several select Ions In line
stylo. The recitations were well ren
dered , numerous encoies being called
for from all that took part. A nice
supper was served , the ladles supply
ing the cake * and thu men thu "dough"
that hi ought thu meat and fruit. Next
will be thu Christmas entortalnmeiiL
South Dakota News.
Penitentiary twine plant sales for
October aggregate $1M,1H5.87. !
Governor Ve.sxoy has Issued his nis
mini Thanksgiving day proclamation.
The board of education nt Yankton
has got back ot thu boy scout move
Fred llnll of Pierre was probably
fatally Injured In a runaway accident
In that city.
Arthur Reese , who was arrested a'
Yankton on the charge of robberj ,
will be tried at Buffalo.
A "Jack the Peeper" has been UN-
noylng people at Sioux Falls and thu
police * have arrested William Smith.
Miller Is In earnest about law en
forcement. Following raids on gam
bling dens and bawdy houses It has
passed strong reform ordinances .
A. E. LeyoiiK and Adolph Johnson ,
farmers near Madison , ate suffering
from Injuries sustained In being
caught In ! cornhusker. Johnson
probably will lose bis arm.
Arthur Clilld.s has been arrested at
Aberdeen nt tiu- Instance of Miss Ma
bel Grillln of Jnnesville , WIs. , who
alleges ho ran away within a few
hours of the time set for their wed
Election jnduos and c lerks In one
of the preeini ts In Stanley county
lulled to make any returns to the
county auditor , sending a Blip which
toad , "No clgais , no returns. " The
candidates bad failed to send the elec
tion ollleinls the usual box of cigars.
A quiet wedding took place at 9.)0 ; )
Wednesday morning nt 113 North
Eighth street when Rev. Roy .1. Lucas
bound in wedlock Robert Brockor nnd
Mrs. Fannie Lulow. The newly mar
ried couple left the city for a wedding
tour In Kansas and Iowa after thu
ceremony and will return In a few
weeks to this city to make their home.
Electric Light Difficulties.
An expert from the holler factory
that mnmifnctuicd the big new boiler
In the electric light plant , which baa
been giving so much trouble since It
was set ii ) ) , Is here and , after an in
spectlon of the boiler , announces that
It was not set up right originally. The
automatic stoker is the part that has
been causing all the trouble , and thin
the expert announces will have to be
taken down and reset seveinl inches
1 lower than It now stands. When this
' done , the expeit announces , there
1 will be no further trouble with the
I stenin generating plant , and It ought
I to he in condition to furnish continuous -
' ous power for months. In the mean
time it is announced by the electric
light management that u duplicate
power plant has been ordered and that
it will be in place as soon as possible
to Install It.
{ The frequent failure of the plant to
1 furnish light and power during the
1 past two weeks has caused a good
deal of dissatisfaction among patrons ,
' which seems to make a good opening
1 for utilizing the power at the Sugar
'City ' Cereal mlllfl. To that end ,
1 M.irtBra. CarrleU mid Brueggomnnn
'havo ' been IntOi'vlewIng business men.
They | irt l > ese 'orinlng a company
which shall purchase electric current
fWln the mill nnd distribute it to customers
wires. They
tomers on their own
promise continuous service and to in-
. this they plan to Install an engine -
' gine nt the mill to furnish power dur
ing those times when the water power
is out of service , as it Invailably IB
at certain seasons of the year.
Whllo many consumers are very
much out of pptlence over the unsatis
factory service that haB been furnish
ed by the electilc light company for
.t several weeks past , yet In view of
the fact that the company has recent
ly been making heavy Investments for
the purpose of improving the service ,
tbev hesitate about promising to cut
I. off their pntriin.iso entirely from the
n ( old campnny. the spirit of public on
tcrprlBo prompting them to mippm (
any concern that is trying to bettor
the condition of the city. From this
tenor of opinions hoard. It is belle\ecl
that if the electric light company
would renew Its working agreement
with the mill , ho that If there wore
tioublo with one plant the other would
be ready to rnrrv the load , thus as
suring continuous and dependable her
would bo better
vice , c\ory
ho pleased than with any other nirangi-
inont that mlgiu bo inndo.
ict - _
Your favorite store's UBofulnt-ss to
you Is cut In half unless you follow
Jnof Its advertising pretty closely for ad
of vortlslng Is the right arm of store
u >
: ne
neof . fill vxtirli rllli ii nt
of If jiin < an IH -.i
ly and < au inuufU" ' " luUirn-o
lif with rcn' muiblo ( ii-ihi in.o j 'ii can
: ia find the * right plnei t < > work1