The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 18, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Pleasures of the Week.
Tboro was u party nt the home of
Mrs. Julius Sulzwcdol on South Third
ntroet Friday afternoon , the occasion
being her birthday , Quito a few ol
the Ladles' Aid society of the Luther
an St. John's church , of which society
Mrs. Salzwodol Is nn esteemed mem
ber , had come to help her celebrate
the day. A hplondld dinner wan
Last Sunday was the twentieth
woddlng annlvurshry of Mr. nnd Mrs ,
8am Bouton , who live on the George
Williams farm , ono mile west of town ,
Twonty.two relatives Invited thorn-
pelves to colubrnto the day with Mr ,
nnd Mrs. Bouton. A splendid dinner
waa enjoyed by the guests , nnd the
day was thoroughly enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hays wore
hostfl to the West Side Whist club on
Thursday evening. Mrs. Hays served
a delicious supper at 10:30. :
Mrs. W. N. Huso entertained the
Uridgo club on Monday. The honora
wont to Mrs. C. II. Reynolds nnd MIsB
Fate Burnham.
Dr. and Mrs. P. II. Sailor gave n
family dinner party on Wednesday
Mrs. N. A. Rnlnbolt returned Friday
evening from n six-weeks' stay in
Uattlo Creek , Mich. Knrouto home
Mrs. Ralnbolt spent n weak In Omaha
with her daughter , Mrs. W. II. Bucholz.
Norfolk friends have received news
of the blrtli o ( n son to Mr. and Mrs ,
Walter Gathers of Los Angeles , Calif.
Mrs. Gathers was formerly Miss Fran
ces Shurpless.
Mrs. Hey Road of Edmonton , Can. ,
Is In the city for a visit of several
weeks with her Bister , Mrs. P. B. Dav
Mrs. C. B. Burnham Is In Ado ) , la. ,
for a week's visit with her father and
Mrs. A. D. Baldwin has been quite
seriously ill the past week.
Coming Events.
The West Side Whist club will moot
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Biuim on next
Thursday ovoulng.
School Notes.
Great enthusiasm has been shown
In the high school slnco the game witli
Wayne normal was announced on last
Wednesday. The rooting will bo oven
better today than at last week's game
G. L. Carlson , of this city , who lias
spent much time in study of stock
raising , both in this country and
abroad , will speak on the subject in
the high school assembly room noxl
week. Date will be announced later
Miss Hahn , who teaches arithmetic
In the sixth , seventh and eighth grades
has lost her voice for n few days , al
least Mrs. Mondonhall , principal ol
the Grant school took her place FrI
day , and Miss Mills taught for Mrs
Contestants nro still hard at work
The patrons of the school may expeci
a good program soon after Thanksglv
A new ruling has been made this
year regarding the senior orations
They are given this year in the as
eombly room before the whole hlgt
school , instead of only the sonlo
class as has ben the custom hereto
The contestants are working ver :
hard on the program to be given between
tweon the seniors and other classes o
the school.
Battle Creek Improvements.
Battle Creek , Neb. , Nov. 12. Specla
to The News : It is always fine weatti
er yet , and the carpenters are tin
busiest people in this community.
Henry Lenz , southwest of here , 1
'building ' a new barn , 34x40. R. F. Tied
gen is putting up a largo now dwelllni
on his farm southwest. Mrs. Johann
Zohnor has a fine porch built on th
east side of her dwelling in Hlghlan
park. Charles Eggon Is building i
barn , 40x80 , on his farm northeasl
Frank Hughes , who lives northwes
of here , has nearly completed a larg
and modern dwelling on his farn
William Praeuner , southwest of here
starts a new large cattle shed , 40xC (
and Mrs. Dennis Connelly , one mil
south , Is building n huge new barn.
Sunday afternoon a son was bor
to Mr. and Mrs. John Herman Worne :
who live northeast of town , and las
week a little daughter appeared at th
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wan
ke. In both rases it was the tin
But the Hotel Proprietor Said It Wi
the Gucci's Own Fault
"I found it gentleman's suit <
clothes In room No. 15 , Brother , " d
clared a guest at a Norfolk hotel c
Wednesday to the hotel proprietor.
"Well , ho ) s checked out , and 1
had no right to leave It there. That
all there is to it , " was the proprietor
The guest walked back to his roor
French Crlmlnologlst Sees Only Lu
uf-i Here.
Paris , Nov. 12. M. Schramock. tl
director of French prisons , who hi
Just returned from the Intornatlon
Prison congress at Washington , wi
astonished at what he saw In penlto
tiarles in the United States. Ho d
scribes them as "the height of luxu
for the criminals , "
"Truly , " ho Hold , "In the prisons ir
10 United States the prisoners arc
> ctter lodged and better nourished
mn are the major portion of the
Drench workliiKtnan. That IH no ox
KKoratton. The prisons In the Unit
d States give the Inmates three monlt
duy , at each of which they havi
teat. And they have coffee with tlieli
tuals. The prisoners are made tc
work , but they do so little that It It
ot worth talking about.
"They have their electric light ! the )
an read the newspapers and hookt
out them from the outside. I have
eon them In comfortable rocklnf
liulrs , smoking clgarets and rending
'hey have gymnasiums In some prls
no. They are allowed to play foot
mil and they are allowed also to phi )
luslcnl Instruments and organize con
erts. They get Instruction nnd when
hey nro released they are given $ t
"Tno reason tor this leniency is thai
10 Americans have so high a regard
or personal liberty It Is supposed tc
e BUfllclont punishment to take awn )
man's liberty. Besides , crlmlnah
re looked on rather as 111 , unhealth )
ndlvlduals who must bo cared for and
ot on the right road again.
"But I believe the luxury In Amorl
an prisons encourages crime. I was
ot nblo to got statistics while there
n this point , but there Is a great in
reasfj In the number of prisoner *
nch year. I was told that this In
rcaso is only In proportion to the In
reaso in population. It seems to mo
lough , from such llgurcs as I was
ble to obtain , that the number ol
> rlsoncrs there Increases alarmingly
'hoy have no penal colonies. The
Americans oven look on our penal col
nles as barbarous.
"I was greatly and favorably 1m
ressod with the surveillance I ob
orved over the children. I wish Paris
vould follow the example and turn the
resent fortifications Into parks foi
lilldron to play In. "
Cut Down a Pole.
Tllden Citizen : A runaway team
Itched to a wagon , dashed into a tel
phone polo in front of the Tllden El
vator company's office Monday oven
ng and snapped the pole asundei
lose to the ground. The wires were
ot broken nnd no obstruction to tele
hone service resulted. Whether 01
ot the team or wagon suffered from
10 collision has not been learned al
his office.
Utah Church Members Are Warnec
Against Polygamy.
Salt Lake City , Nov. 12. Officials ol
ho Mormon cnurcli nave Issued def
nlte orders that polygamous mar
lages must cease. Francis M. Ly
mn , president of the quorum o :
welve apostles , who is next in sue
csslon to the presidency of Joseph F
imith , warned nil Mormons that an )
lolation of this order would subject
jo tnujAt oin o } JOJUIOJA a\i \
"In giving the manifesto to the
hurch , " he said , "President Wllforc
Voodruff presented the will of God
t was as binding on the church at
ny written revelation and wo an
louml by It. It Is as If God said i
ilmself. Some of our brethren wh <
vero not satisfied with the manifest !
mvo gone outside nnd over the lav
, nd they have offended God In dolni
"There" Is not a man on earth toda ;
losscsslng the authority to perforn
ilurnl marriages. We want everyoni
if you to clearly understand this , tin
inters particularly. Plural marrlngoi
ire unrighteous and unlawful now
SVo doubted the constitutionality o
he laws ; but they have been testei
and sustained In the courts and wi
must obey them.
"We don't want our women deceive !
nd cheated any longer as they hav
been. No man has the authority t
marry another to a plural wife. "
New York Cafe Patrons Do Not Llk
a 1 O'clock Rule.
New York , Nov. 12. With the ne\
order of things the closing of saloon
nnd restaurants at 1 o'clock in th
norning has come necessity which 1
this case , at least , is the stepmothe
of invention. Excuses in plenty nr
offered by the belated customers wh
present themselves at the portals c
.ho Broadway "lobster palaces , " seel
, ng admission. Many of them ha
been used to dropping in at any hou
nnd departing after the merry rattl
of the milk cans In the street wn
George Recto. , proprietor of an ui
town cnfo , says he has had difficult
explaining to the late comers that
is Impossible for them to come Int
his place. The excuses made at hi
front door , ho says , are the most li
torestlng experience he over has hn
in his restaurant career.
A few nights ago a typical mn
about town appeared at his front ei
trance not long after 1 o'clock ar
knocked violently on the glass dee
When Mr. Rector opened the door 1
found the man both liatless ar
"I thought I wasn't to get back In
he said , mounting the first step.
"Were you In hero before ? " doman
ed Mr. Rector.
"Oh , yes , " said the man with the u
covered head , affecting a nonchalai
manner. "I Just stepped outside to c
tier a taxi. "
Just then the hat which he hi
secreted under his great coat fell wli
a thud.
Another man of the same typo a
pcared nt the door ono night and
an apologetic manner explained th
ho had left half an hour before ai
had forgotten to pay his check.
Once they are past the strong ar
of Mr. Rector and in the bright llghl
whore the air Is thick with music ai
smoke , they feel they are safe. An
eviction would be too spectacular and
cntiHO too much unnecessary excite
Mr. Rector stopped out ono night re
cently to got .1 breath of fresh air and
found n man , nearly seven feet tall ,
trying to bribe ono of the checkroom
boys to loan him his Jacket and Tom
my Atkins cap In order to get In.
Loyal to Husband When Given Alter
native of Leaving Him or Home.
Milwaukee , WIs. , Nov. 12. Edward
Znbelo , a chauffeur , three weeks ago
took an automobile to Rhlnolander as
n birthday gift to Minn Ethel Rabbins
from her father , a wealthy lumber
Zabolc was instructed to teach the
young woman how to run the car. The
lesHon went further and a day or so
ago the pair came to Milwaukee and
were married.
Then cnmo an ultimatum to the
bride that she give up her husband or
leave her father's home. She decided
to remain with her husband.
The latter's employers have prom-
Ired , it is said , to give the chauffeur
a promotion. He gave up a college
course to get a start In the automobile
Norfolk Will Get "Trust" Showsr-ln-
dependents and "K. & E. " Make Up.
Peace In the theatrical war has fol
lowed the conclusion of the negotia
tions between Klaw & Erlanger nnd
the National Theater Owners' associa
tion , bended by John Cort. All the
"open door" theaters , including the
Auditorium In Norfolk , will play
"trust" as well as "Independent" at
The terms cf Hie- agreement , under
which the association members agree
to book the syndicate shows are as
follows :
Frohman , Khiw & Erlanger have
agreed :
To eliminate opposition In the one-
night stands us quickly as possible ;
To discontinue and stop the further
building of now theaters ;
Not to hinder or advise any of their
allies against pinylng any members in
houses now belonging to the National
Theater Owners association ;
To book all the attractions which
they personally hook In the theaters
owned and controlled by members of
the association.
To Be Change at Hospital.
With a change in the political com
plexion of Nebraska's governor , there
will be a change In the personnel of
officials at the Norfolk Insane hospital ,
as well as at other state Institutions
whose officers are appointed by the
chief executive.
At Norfolk there will be a new su
perintendent , a physician , an assistant
physician , n steward , a bookkeeper , a
matron and other officers to name.
Dr. Peclval , the present superinten
dent , has been In charge Just two
years , a democratic governor having
been in office only that long. H. E.
Gerecke , one of Norfolk's pioneers , has
been steward for two years.
No candidates for the new positions
have as yet been made public , but it la
safe to assume that the officeseekers
will be hot on the train of Governor-
elect Aldrlch.
"Pop's" Appearance in New York Wor
rying Big League Magnates.
New York , Nov. 12. Adrian C. An-
son , the former great hitter and lend'
er of the Chicago Champions in the
olden days , is in town on a mysterious
mission. He has had several confer
ences with men of wealth , and It is understood -
derstood that he is feeling the public
pulse on the question of a new league
to be a rival of the National and the
American leagues.
"Cap" Anson always has been a
stalwart National leaguer and ho stood
by that organization in the troublesome
some days of the brotherhood. It h
a little strange , therefore , to learr
that the old wnrhorse is Interested ii :
the new league. If they are paying
the captain a salary to find out hov ,
the land lies more power to him. He
s deserving of anything that may be
thrown his way and you can bet youi
last dollar that "Pop" will not do any
thing under cover.
John T. Brush , owner of the Giants
and Frank Favrell , owner of the High
landers , are not worried over the pos
slblllty of a third league'getting Intc
New York. Both major leagues an
well fortified against any newcome
that tries to cut into their territory
Ever since the war between the Na
tionnl and American leagues they havi
been accumulating a reserve fund li
case of future trouble. The Nationn
League hns nearly a million dollar
with which to fight off Invaders. Ii
the old days the clubs had little mot !
ey and some oi them were on the loj
hur side of the ledger. Now nil o
the clubs have money and they hav
prepared for war in times of peace
The American League Is also fortlfle
and they will Join the National if I
comes to a war with a third league.
Mr. Brush and Mr. Farrell have n
fear of a third team coining In No' '
York , because they do not believe thn
Fletcher or his associates can rals
enough money to get started. It woul
require at least ono million dollars t
establish a new baseball plant in No1
York. Frank Fnrroll knows this be
tor than anybody. Ho has Just mad
arrangements for a new plant at Tw
Hundred and Twenty-fifth street an
Broadway , and the work on that wl
cost him nearly one-half million do
It Is generally believed that a thlt
league would bo a financial Impose
blllty without a team in Now Yorl
It Is in New York and Chicago tin
most of the teams get their monc
while on the load. The new leagi
would have no trouble In getting Into
Plttsburg and Cincinnati , but whore
there are two trams already they will
have trouble In getting groundn.
* * *
Negro Miners BringingOut Oodles ,
Want More Than $2.95.
Trinidad , Colo. , Nov. 12. Negro
miners who have been engaged In
carrying the bodies of the men killed
In the Delagtia mine explosion from
the wrecked vorklngs , struck yester
day. They declared they would work
no longer for $2.05 n day , complaining
that the stench from dead mules and
from the bodies themselves was over
powering. The strike delayed the re
moval of bodies from the mine and but
two were removed , bringing the total
number taken out to seventy-one.
According to Deputy Coroner SIpe
there are ten more bodies in the mine
ready for removal , It Is thought not
Improbable that the total number of
victims of the explosion will reach
eighty-five. Slow progress was made
In removing the fallen rock from the
main slope In which Superintendent
William Lewis and four others were
Mrs. Welch In Hospital.
Nellgh , Neb. , Nov. 12. Special to
The News : The regular fall term of
the dlstrltc court was postponed from
this week until Monday , November .
The wife of District Judge A. A. Welch
Is In n hospital In Rochester. Minn. ,
receiving treatment.
A Murder at Gross.
Lynch , Neb. , Nov. 12. Special to
The News : A murder nt Gross , an
Inland town in Boyd county , last
night was followed by a bombardment
upon the muulercr's hiding place
which lasted until early this morning.
, Cou Kcrwln , a pool hall proprietor at
Gross and known generally an u "bad
man , " at I ) : 110 last night shot and
killed Ed Jones. Then Kerwln barri
caded himself in Ms pool hall and
threatened to kill anybody who ap
proached. Sheriff Dnulstreet and a
posse surrounded the building and fir
ed ! tOO shots from shotguns and rifles
Into the pool bull before Kerwln sur
rendered at Iir ! : > o'clock this morning.
The pool hall was riddled with bul
lets and shot. Every window was
broken. The continuous attack was
kept up In an effort to try to compel
Kerwin to come out. But for hours
he remained Inside the walls of Ins
pool room , refusing to surrender.
Kerwin Comes to Door.
A couple of times Kerwin came to
the door and , looking out , declared
that he would kill anybody who come
to the door to get m. But he never
returned a shot during the entire
Both men had been drinking since
Monday. When they met last night
Kerwln demanded $10 of Jones which
he claimed Jones owed him.
Witnesses say that Jones denied the
claim and started out the door when
verwin drew a revolver and shot , the
charge taking effect In the breast.
Jones died within half an hour.
Kerwin Is 45 years old and is con
sidered an all-around "had man.
Jones was 2G and lived with his moth
er and hi other nt Gross.
Atter Hie shooting Kerwln barricad
ed himself in the pool hall and defied
irrest. Sheriff Bradstreet at Butte
vas notified by telephone and he and
ils deputies came over and laid siege
o the pool ball.
Pool Hall Riddled.
It was a continuous fight nearly all
light during which all of the windows
of the pool hnll were shot out. Final-
y at 3:15 : this morning the sheriff
succeeded in saining entrance to the
pool hnll and Kerwln surrendered.
Ho was taken to Spencer and lee -
ed up in the jail there for the night ,
being taken to the county jail at Butte
A coroner's Inquest was held this
morning over the remains of Jones ,
the verdict being that Jones came to
ils death from a gunsnot wound in the
> reast , caused by a snot fired from a
pistol In the hands of Con Kerwln.
There is great excitement through
out Boyd county over the tragedy.
Lynching was Feared.
Spencer , Neb. , Nov. 12. Special to
The News : It was feared when Con
Kerwln was locked up In the Spencer
lull at an early hour this morning for
killing Ed Jones last night at Butte ,
that there might be u lynching before
dn > break. There was no mob violence
lence , however , and things were quiet
this morning.
The trouble between Kerwln and
Jones Is snld to hnve been brewing
for a couple of months. It Is reported
that last night Jones offered to make
a bet with Kerwin in a boxing mate ! :
nnd thnt Kerwln replied , "You owe me
$10 on an old bet. " or words to thai
effect. It is said that Kerwin drew
his gun and Jones told him he wasn'
afraid of thnt so long as he didif
pull the trigger , whereupon Kerwli
sent the fatal bullet crashing lnt (
Jones' breast. Jones wns Instnntl ;
killed , it is said.
Jones was about 30 years old an <
Kerwln about 35. Kerwin was knowi
as a "bad man. "
Sheriff Bradstreet and Deputy Fran !
Hennti organized the posse that bom
barded Kerwln's pool hall for govern
Jones was the son of a widow am
well-to-do , Kerwln hns several hrc
thers at Gross but none of them mad
any inovo in last night's affair.
A month ago Korwln drove .lone
out of town at the point of a gun.
Kerwln In Jail at Butte.
Butte. Nob. , Nov. 12. Special
The News : Con Kerwln was place
In the county Jail hero early toda ;
There was no violence. The Jail 1
not guarded moro than usual.
British Army Gunner Defies Detacl
ment of Troops for Hours.
Victoria , II. C. , Nov. 12. Gunnel
Rolan of the Work Point garrison
British army , shot and killed Corpora
Radcllffo today , and several hours lat
er killed hlmsulf to avoid capture.
There had been a long standing feui
between the gunner and his superloi
non-commlssloned officer.
After killing Rndcllffc , Rowland tool
up n position In the Mncaulay poliK
fort , from which ho defied the whole
garrison. Armed with a service rlth
and abundant unuminltton nnd wltl
the sea on one side and the earth
works In front of him , he hold the sol
dlers at bay fet hours and fired on r
detachment that wont to pick up tlu
corporal's body. Realizing that lu
would be starved nut ultimately , Rohu
turned his rillu on himself and blew
off his head.
Would Settle Strike.
Sedalla , Mo. , Nov. 12. Governors ol
Missouri , Kansas , Arkansas , Nebraska
Illinois , Louisiana and Colorado am
the heads of commercial boards and
mayors of cities which arc division
points of die Missouri Pacific system
have been Invited to meet here on No
vembcr 1-i to discuss a plan for set
tllng the machitilHts' and bollormakers
strike on that railway. The local com
merclal club Issued the Invitations.
Portuaal Is Recognized.
Lisbon , Nov. 12. Diplomatic repre
sentatlvos of the United States , Gcr
many , Russia , Sweden and Norway
notified the foreign office that the )
were authorized to resume negotla
tlons with the Portuguese government
on current affairs. This action , follow
ing the same notification by the Brit
Ish , French , Spanish and Italian gov <
ernnients on Thursday , is regarded as
virtual recognition of the republic.
M. G. Rohrke of Hadar was a visltoi
In the city.
Phillip Hille of Hadnr was In the
city on business.
William Kutz of Ilosklns was In the
city visiting with relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Holden returned
from a short visit at Omaha.
William Vanmeter of Wllslow , 111.
Is here vlsltnc ; with the L. H. Hinds
B. J. Twnmle'y of Chicago , owner ol
the Mast block , Is In the city transact
ing business.
Mrs. Lena Trumni hns gone to Alns
worth , where she will spend a few
days with relatives.
A. G. Stcckling , miller of the Lau
rel , Neb. , steam flour mills , is in the
city transacting business.
Father Glbauer went to Clearwnter
near which olace he assisted in the
dedication of a Catholic church.
Thomas Curran , proprietor of the
York Dally News , Is in Norfolk visit
ing his brother , Patrick Curran.
Misses Margaret Austin and Lydir
Brueggemnn have gone to Lincoln
where they will spend a few days wltl
friends at the university.
Rev. Julius Hotlikegnl , who hns beer
here visiting \\lth Father Buckley o
the Sacred Heart church , has returnee
to his home at Mcnoinlnee. Neb.
Born , to Mr and Mrs. Ernest ivlentz
n son.
The Norfolk Junior and the Schellej
football teams are se' luled for
game Saturday afternoon.
The Woman's club will meet wltl
Irs. Ersklne Monday afternoon a
:30 : o'clock. Lesson will be secom
nd third chapters on Greek Life.
D. B. Duffy of Norfolk has Just re
eived word of the marriage some
ays ago at Long Pine of his son , El
vood Duffy , and Miss Nora Kerneii.
The Norfolk high school girls wen
> usy selling tickets for Saturday' )
lorfolk-Wayne normal football game
lany boxes of candy were wageree
> y the school girls on their team's vie
December 2i ! the day after Christ
uas has been selected as the dater <
or the annual ball of the Norfoll
Irotherhood of Railway Trainmen
The dance will be given in Mnrquarcl
mil and preparations are being mnd <
or the most successful yet of thesi
George Adams of Scotland , S. D.
who came here Wednesday to look fo
work on a fnnu , wns arrested Thurs
ay night for being drunk and dlsor
derly. He was fined $7.10 In Justlci
Siseley's court Friday morning nn <
mid $ G , his entire fortune. He was al
owed his freedom.
While the Wayne normal footbal
earn hns been defented by the Wnyn
ilgh school team a number of times i
iractico plays at Wayne , the Norfoi :
ilgh school football team , who wtl
mttle on the driving park grldiro
with the normal team Saturday , d <
lared the normals are the equals t
the Wayne hU'h school team. Bet
teams are considered very good and
; ntne equal to the one with Columbii
s expected.
Over $300 has been added to tli
fund for the building of a new Metl
odlst parsonage on South Fifth stree
The ladles of i'ie church declare the
bazaar and dinner Thursday was
decided success. So larso were U
ciowels at the- chicken pie dinners thi
the ladles were unable to serve the
customers as patlstnctorlly as the
had wished to. The receipts of tl
dinner netted about $100 , while tl
bazaar receipts hit the $210 mar
Over 300 guests vve-ie served at tl
tables. Today the ladles are tondei
ing their gratitude to the public fi
the liberal patronage.
Where the Third Nebraska Congret
man Has Lived His Life.
Congressman J. P. Latta of Tel
ham , Neb. , who has been re-elected
congress from the Third Nebraska d
trict on the democratic ticket , was
farm hand near Tekamah over forl
five years ago. Latta walked into I
community where , Tekamah now
during the winter of 18G3 , tired ai
footsore , pcnnlloBH aUo , nnd went to
worV. Ho had walked from Jackson
county , la. , ouothlnR like 400 miles.
It was Intensely cold. HP began to
earn a living by chopping wood. The
next winter bet taught school and from
the proceeds of his school teaching and
bis labors he secured a small piece of
raw land and began to farm on a small
scale for hlimwlf. Ho moved bin fam
ily to Tekamah In 1880 , particularly
to educate hln children and glvu per
sonal attention to the banking busi
ness , In which he had become Inter
ested. In 1887 Hurt county sent him
to the legislature. In 100C ho was
elected to the state senate from the
Seventh district with a safe majority.
In 1908 ho watt elected to congress.
Ho Is 64 years of age. Ho has n wife
and two grown sons. Ho Is president
of a Teknmnh bank and operates n
largo stock farm near Tekamah.
Memphis , Tonn. , Nov. 11. D. P. M.
Chase , president of the Continental
Savings bank and a widely known fin
ancier , committed suicide today by
Initiation is Attended by Grand Offi
cers of the Order.
Following an elaborate' 6:30 : dinner
Thursday evening , two candidates
were Initiated by the Beulah chapter ,
No. 40 , of the Eastern Star in the Ma
sonic hnll. Associate Grand Matron
Mrs. Carrie Wright of Schuyler and
Grand Marshal Lou Smith of Long
Pine were guests of honor. The asso
ciate grand matron was here on her
annual instruction visit.
A surprise was In store for the mem
bers of the organization and many ex
clamations of praise were given Miss
Edith Vlole , the designer of the sur
prise , which wns In the shape of an
electrical Eastern Star emblem. A
large star with the lodge colors beauti
fully painted was studded with many
electric lights , with colors to conform.
In the banquet room all was ready for
the guests. Eastern Star colors pre
vailed with the exception of an Im
mense American flag.
Life of the Man Elected to the Senate
from Nebraska.
Gilbert M. Hltchock , who will be the
first democratic United States senator
ever elected from Nebraska , was born
In Omaha September 18 , 1859 , and Is
therefore a little past 51 years of ago.
He was educated in the public schools
of the city , graduated fiom the law
department of the University of Mich
igan In 1881 and studied In Germany
two years. In J883 he married the
daughter of the late Lorenzo Crounse ,
a former governor of Nebraska. In
1885 he established the Evening
World , later purchasing the Omaha
Herald , of which he has since been
the publisher and principal owner. Mr.
Hitchcock has been three times elect
ed to the lower house of congress
from the Second district , comprising
Douglas , Sarpy and Washington coun
ties , a district that on a strict party
vote is republican. Mr. Hitchcock be-
ongs to the progressive wing of the
emocrntlc party ; has fought the
rusts , high tariff , ship subsidies and
. unionism. He helped to secure the
assage of the postal savings bank
ill ; forced the Investigation of Bal-
inger and the western land progres-
ive hoube republicans as Murdock and
11 the senate with Dolllver , LaFollette
nd Crawford. William V. Allen , once
enator from Nebraska , was elected by
populist legislature and as a pop-
Auto Scared Horses.
Fairfax Advertiser : Last Sunday
fternoon , while riding in his automo-
Ho on the road east of town , A. B.
uthbertson met a team and wagon In
vhlch were Fred Connell and Pred
'arker. ' The team took fright and
tarted to run Just as they had pnssed
he auto. Mr. Cuthbertson was care-
ul in passing , and thinks nothing
would have happened had not the
ongue pulled loose from the wagon
ust as the horses became frightened
nd started to run. Both men were
umpcd from the wagon , Parker re-
elvlng a sprained ankle nnd other
jrulses , while Connell , who wns drlv-
ng , was drngped for some distance
icfore he let go of the lines. He was
njured internally and received sever
bruises about the body. The accl
lent occurred near the first school
louse east of town. The team was
aiiKht near the Wagner farm Nc
ilame Is plnced upon Mr. Cuthbertson
for had the tongue' not broken tin
team could easily hnve been managed
is they were not badly frightened un
til it fell on their heels.
Mr. Cuthbertson brought the Injurei
men to town whore they received mecl
icnl assistance. They are reported a
doing well and no serious cense
queuces will result.
B. & M. Surveyor * .
Crelghton Liberal : D. J. Connell
arrived home Tuesday from Trip
county , S. D. Mr. Connelly hns a fin
farm , eight miles south of Carter , upo
which he will mine in the spring. M
Connolly Informs the Liberal that 1
M. surveyors are at work In h :
neighborhood , and he hns every re
son to believe that a town will be e
tnbllshed on his land.
New Hampshire's Population.
Washington , Nov. 12. The popul
lion of the state of New Hampshire
430,572 , according to the coinpllntlc
by the thirteenth census and nine
public today by Director Durnnd. Th
Is nn Increase ol 18,081 , or 4.6 percei
over 411.588 In 1900. The increas
from 1890 to 1900 was 35.058 or 9
A News want ad will get It for yo
Notice to Contractors.
Public notice IH hereby glvon that
wealed bids will be received by th
hoard of county commissioners oC
Madison county , Nob. , for the uroctlou
nnd completion of n brick addition to
thu county Jail , on the courthouse *
grounds at Madison , Nub.
Said addition to tic uipriori accord
ing to plans and specification ) ! nn file
In thu county dork's office1 at Mudlsou.
Neb. No hid will lie considered UIIOHH |
accompanied by a certified check for
$300 , payable to the county dork ot
Madison county , Nob. , whldi shall bo
forfeited to said county In case the
successful bidder refuses or falls to
enter Into n contract If same shall bn
awarded to him.
The party receiving the ) contract
will bo required to glvet a good nnd
sufficient bond In such amount a *
said county conimlHslonerH may speci
fy , conditioned for the faithful per
formance of said contract.
Bids will bo received at any time
prior to 12 o'clock , noon , of November
15 , 1910 , by the county dork of Mad-
( son county , Neb. , and said bids will
bo opened by the commissioners nt
Madison , Neb. , November 15 , 1910 , nt
2 o'clock p. m.
The commissioners hereby reserve
the right to reject any and all bids.
Done by order of the county com-
mlsslonerH of Madison county , Neb ,
nt Madison , this 25th day of October , .
1910. S. R. McFnrlaml.
County Clork.
Legal Notice.
To Webster Colhunor and Fanny
Collnmer , his wife ; Loulso Bartholo
mew and Franklin A. Bartholomew ,
her husband ; Myron Collamer and
Agnes Collamer , his wife ; Benjamin
B. Collamer and Emma C. Collamor.
his wife ; Louise Collamor , Marlon
Collamcr , M. R. Collamor , Edwanl 1C.
McNnir , Frank M. Partner and Char
lotte P. Pnrmor , his wife ; Perry C.
Waldron and Mary Wnldron , his wife ;
Fanny M. Koonlgsteln , Myrtle W. To
bias and John G. Tobias , her husband ;
Daniel J. Waldron , Mamie M. Wal
dron , his wife ; Albert F. Nash , Grace
P. Tyler and Charles R. Tyler , her
husband ; Edith Nimh , George R. Par-
mer and Jessie M. Partner , his wlfo ;
Loulso P. Cole and Prank W. Cole ,
her husband ; heirs at law of Carrlo
Collamer McNalr , deceased ; and the
northwest quarter of lot two and the
north half of lot 3 In block ten of
Hanse's Suburban Lots to the city ot
Norfolk , In Madison county , Nob. :
You will take notice that on the
27th day of October , 1910 , Ernest H.
Tracy filed a petition in the district
court of Madison county , Neb. , against ,
the defendants above named , the ob
Ject and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain tax sale certificate Is
sued at public sale on November 2 ,
1903 , to D. S. Bullock and duly as
signed to this plaintiff against the
property above described , also for
taxes paid subsequent to said tax sale
certificate for the years 1903 , 1904.
1905. 1900. 1907 and 1908 , said tax
sale certificate having been issued for
the1 delinquent taxes for the year 1902.
The amount due on said tax sale cer
tificate and for the delinquent taxes
paid subsequent to said sale is the
sum of $125.99 , and interest thereon
from the dates of payment , for which
sum the plaintiff pr.iys for a decree
thnt the defendants bf required to pay
the same or thnt snld premises be sold
to satisfy the amounts found due with
interests , costs nnd attorney fees ,
'on are required to answer said poll-
Ion on or before the 26th day of De-
ember , 1910.
Ernest H. Tracy. Plaintiff.
Mapes & Hnzon , Attorneys for
So much of life revolves around the
cost of things" that the store ads
lave an increasing interest.
WANTED Success Magazine r
quires the services of a man In Nor
oik to look after expiring subscrlp-
IOIIH and to secure new business by
means of special methods usually of-
ectlve ; position permanent ; prefer
ne with experience , but would con
Ider any applicant with good natural
qualifications ; salary $1.50 per day ,
with commission option. Address ,
with references , R. C. Peacock , Room
02 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New
ccndlim n i-kctch unrt < 1r cnptlon nm
qulcklr uirnrtnlii our ( > | Inloii free iMii'liivr uu
liiremion It pinbnlitr pntenmhto eoiiiinunlra.
tloniMrlcllrwillilomml , IIAIIUIOOK nn I'ali-nu
lent free. DMoit tuimirr for nvriiriiiK iwtrnti.
1'Ati'iin tak n ihruUKii Aluuu & to. r < ! C lTt
flMcial nolkl , without clinriro , In tlio
Scientific American *
A hnmUomelr lln ! tr ti l weekly. Jjirrott clr.
uilatloii uf BUT prlemlUa Journal. Trnn , II
eir , Inur rauntbi , | L riil newpde l r