s NORFOLK : WEEKLY 3 , FHIDAY , NOVEMBER , 1010. " " * ' " A Valentino Man Stabbed. Vnk-nllno. Nob. , Or ( III Special to Tlio Nown : 1'oh ? ! ( < ! 01. ji saloon iiiiiu hoio , was stabbed Satuidny nl lit on HID Hhool by u limn mimed "Hill" .lollilHOti. 11 HOOIIH Ilinl Johtmon VVIIH lit Mclo.or' ( Hitloon cm Her In ( ho uvonlng mid had u small boy with him. Melloor iiHkod him to take the boy out an Ihuy did not allow boyn In Iho plauo mill ho objected until McCluur put them mil. \ Then Johnson laid fui Mcdcor with ti pocket , Itnlfo ami about II o'clock , Jim ! iu ) McOeor wan walk- INK up Iho li out , ho slopped In front of him and slabbed him In Iho lower pniL of tbo abdonion , malting u hail wound fiom which phjule latin had u haul llmo stopping Hio blood. John- soil WIIH iiiic-nte-d and I hi own In Jail and MeUoor IK testing otisj this morn- lilt ; and If no computation sols In IL in tllnilgllt 1)0 ) Will ICCOVei In Line nt Aberdeen. Aboidoon , H. I ) , Oct ri.--Moio than I a bundled eager poisons aio walling In Iho feduial building today to bo as eloso an possible to Iho head of u line to outer the land olfUo and make so- loellon or ( lalniii on the Standing Hock Indian icsorvalloii lomonow mninin ; , al ! ) o'clock. The 1lts ( . began lo i omo In Halm day aftcinonn and r'.tiy hii'ii ' iniivlng conliiined lo add moil ; lo the number. All ol UIOHO on hand aio ondiiiliiL , dlsooiiilotl ol bold- InK dinsn their place's. Homo Imvo lihod boys lo Hand In Iho line , while tboy aio leslliig hi holds. This ban piovcd expensive lo a few , as nome of IhcHo lompoiai } hoadeia of Iho pioc- Joint space liavo i.old out lo nlhuis who BiibmiUod moio Ini'ialho positions' to them than did tbo 01 Iglnal omployois. Tlioic. aio ri.ouo claims or KID a < tos each to ho lilnl. An Obio Rank Wreckea , Canal Dover , O , Oct. Ill.-Robhcin Itioko Into I bo Slate bank al Hlolvar , olhl | { miles noilboahl of hoio , oaily to day and attemplod lo blow the safe , containing fias.ooo. They failed , np- liaionlly , because they lonnd tholi stock of nlho glyioiiiio exhausted when , alter tenting off tbieo dooiH of tbo safeIboy discovered another bar- ling thnli way They lied , loin Ing the Inloi lei of Iho bank In a wiccked con dition. MULLEN SUCCEEDS THOMPSON. State Oil Inspector Appointed Attor ney General by Governor. Lincoln , Oct. III. Aitliur Mullen. Rlato oil Inspector , has been appointed altoiaoy gctioial , to take the place mndo vacant by Iho leslgnation otV. . T. Thompson. Mr. Mullen ptolmbly will appoint Ocotgo Ayios and Miss .Tobephliio Muiphy , at present assist ant attouipy gciioial and steiiogiaphor , lo their old places. EIGHT CHRISTIANS SLAIN. One American and Two Chinese Killed by Rebellious Manobos. Washington. Oct. " 1 night eliris- llaus , ono Amoilcan and two Chlne.se , hnvo boon killed and much piopoily belonging to ioioigneis lias been do- she } eel by the lobellious Manobos h Iliesmoii in Iho Philippines , accot cl ing to n lepoit fiom Hrigadlor Gen et nl retailing to the war dopaittnenl. For a week or moio two bands of about 100 Manobos each have been tonifying the people on llio west coast of Dnvno in southenslorn Mindanao Island. Their inids hnvo been dlieclcd ngninst tlic foieign olomeiit. Two eompnnies of tlio Thud United States infnntiy woio sent to suppioss the ills- oidei. ( ! eiier.il Peishing does not 10- gaid Hie situation as set Ions. Laborvttoullos ) aio believed by war dopnitmont olilcials to bo icispousiblo lor the uprising among the Mnnobos. * riio latter are of the lowest lype ol Filipinos , it is said. They mo Indolent and resent any H effort to compel them lo workIt Is & presumed hoio Hint the outbteak has icsultcd from lee vlgotous mensmes lo meet this condition , taken by foi- eigneis owning plantalioiis. HARMONY RALLY IN IOWA. Insurgents and Standpatters All Leg- glng for the Party. Des Molnes , Oct. lit. Aiiangoinents woio eompleled today for a "bar- moiii" political i ally in the Auditorium lioio Kilday night , the same night that Colonel Roosinoll addiesses the Iowa State Teachers' association. Follow ing this addicts at the Coliseum Col onel Koosovolt will speak at the Audi- toilnm. Piei-edlng his arrival theie , political speeches will ho made by Senator Cummins , Goveinor Can oil , Indgo S. F. Pi only , candidate for con- giess in the Seventh dlbtiict , Ldltor lafayello Young of Iho DOS Mollies Capital , and Kditor Ilaivey Ingham of the Register and Leader. State Sen ator C. C. Do\\ell will picbldo. Postal Clerk Killed. Houston , Tex. , Oct. 31. \\r. 11. Wor- ley. postal cloiK of San Antonio , was Killed and J. W. Williams , baggage- man , was seilously iujuied when the "Davoy CrocKctt" fast passenger tialu on the San Antonio and A-aiibas Pass railroad , eastbouml , was wrecKed near VoaKum , Tox. , caily today. A bildge over n Mnnll ravine gave way , detail- lug Iho ontho tialn with the excep tion ot the pullman. So\oial passen- geis were bruised but none was sc- ilonsly hint. Would Cost Q. & M. $800,000. Chicago , Oct. Itl. nato decisions af fecting Denver , SpoKane and other western points will cost tbo Chicago , Htirlington and Qnlncy annually ? SOO.- 000. The rebating system reduced the freight nnenne of the Huilingtou fiom I ! to 5 percent. The Hurlington Is not In an good a condition to accumulate a MIIplus now as It was ten years ago. The foregoing were among the state- me nts inadn at the i.ito hoarlii' ; todnj bj Claude 0. Ihiinhaiii , vice president of tlio Dm llngton , who was the first vvllnoM. Attorney T. J Norton , who i opponents the tnllwas an n whole nt the honriiiK. Htated Ihnl he had only ono moio wltnoHM Iu Introduce. On the subject westem into ilnclnlon Mr. Hmnhnin said : ] "Tlie daemons' hnvo nol been ordered - dored Into effect na jet , but unless' they mo materially modllled they will ooiiporvatlvoly cost the Hiitllnglon a' loss of JSOO.OOO annually. " Attorney iJiivvoa'Yir"'iltu ' iiKkcel vvlinl elfeel on lovouues robnt- Ing oiiHl of tlio MIsMmil ilvor had bo- fine1 law mnelo ( ho piaellco Illegal. "RobiitcH wein given almost exclu sively on high elnss freight , " lepllod Hie WllnotiM. "Tlie' insult wns a into that WIIH much lower than VVJIH fair to tin1 rnlhoads. Hul nt no time1 did in- hates CIUIMmoio Hum n : ' . lo 5 poicent deeicnHo In llio lovonue of Iho Hui- llngton. " "You hnvo mentioned , " mild-Allot- noy Ljon of the commission , "Hint the pioposed IncicasoH would glvo the1 Hitrllnglon mad about $100,000. For vvhal pmpose do > ou want that money ? " "Tho Dm llngton needs fiOO.OOO and moio to maintain Iho elllc-loncy of Iho piopetty as a haiispoilalion machine. " "Do yon tegatel the > Hurllnglon as' i.n otllcicnl hanspoitatlon machine al piosonl ? " pm mod Mr. L > on. "As ( ompaie-d with other iciads , yes. " financial Condition Worse. When Mr. Lyon Inquired If wIIness considcied Iho Huillngfrm lo bo in a woi.se linaiic-ial ( ondilion than it was " In 11)00 ) the laltoi Hesitated and then ansv.'i'ieel slowly : "It Is nol In as peed a condition lo accumulalo a sin plus " Mi. Ljon made a compaiison of Hie dividends paid iu I'.IOO ' and I'll ' ! ) and ol eainings , and asked If wIIness still nialiitaiiie-d that the toid was in a wet so coiidillou with legate ! to a sur plus than il was ton yeais ago. "CondilioiiH have changed. They liavo changed in tlio lust sK months. Tlieio aio giontnr dnm.inds on our oatniugH. paitliulinlv In tlio maltoi of wages. " Sir William Agnew Dead. London , Oct. ii. : Sir William Ag- ncnv , chali niuii of Hiadhnry , Agnew rnil coinpanv , puhllshcis of Punch , died todiy : Ho was lioin in IS'JH and was for maiij yeais head of the linnet ot Thomas Agnew and Sons , piihlhh- uia and air dc.alcis. lie was Intelost- cd in several philauthiopic institu tions. THIS POTATO EXPLODED. A Norfolk Young Woman Alarmed When Spud Bursts in the Oven. Did jou oxer hear of a potato ex plosion ? Ono occm red in Not folk Sunday afteinoou when a young lady on Not Hi lliglilli sheet with her hair standing on ends , a dust p.in in ono band and a broom in tiio other ran tea a neighbor's house and declared she bolie\cd a bomb had been placed in Iho cnen of tlio .stove In which she was baking polatoes. "NiHcsllgallon ot Iho kitchen siiowed that tiie door of llio slovo had been blown open and potatoes had been blown all over the loom. The young lady had pio\Iously seen that the o\cn was empty and then placed eight largo potatoes in it to be baked. As she wotked about the Kitchen she was teiioi bliicken when a loud explosion oeruiied. The oven door was blown open and she taninlo Iho sheet and to a neighbor's house , wiiero she told of the occuiience. It is believed one of tlio spuds was lilled with water and , getting no ail , simply exploded. Wilson in Ohio , Too. Washington , Oct. 111. A fouitli cab inet ofllcet lias been oidei oil to Ohio to help tbo lepublican ticket. Secte- tnij Wilson's dates in New YoiK stale have been cm lulled to enable bun to s > pe.ik in some ot the tuial dibhlcts of President Taft's state on Friday and Saturday. PRE-HALLOWE'EN FRIVOLITY. Chief of Police Marquardt Has His Squad Lined Up. Although the mayor issued no spe cial 1 lallowo'en winnings to the an nual i aiders on loose gates and other piopcrly , Chief of Police Mairmaidl had his foice on Iho lookout for the youngsters who usually make the last night of Oclober an e.xpeiibhe ono for Iho piopeity owners. For the past thieo uays the pianks of the young sters have been well wlthslood , but tbeio nro several reports at the po- llco station against the offenders. Hans Vogt icpoits that his baby buggy was stolen Satin day , but ho tecoveted it Sunday moining only after n climb up n telegraph pole , where It had been placed. Hiadley How man loports that boys slolo his buggy and many teporls of soaped windows and Iho Ihett of cab bage and corn have readied the sta lion. Fito ItIvor Ed Montoo lias also registered n kick Hint on Satinda > last , which is Known as coin night , bis coin ciib was laided. MONDAY MENTIONS. F. I ) . Arnold ot Hutko was bore. H. 11. Jones of Monroe was in the city. city.John John Kncchl of Colomo was in the city. city.Kcl Kcl Knvnnnugh of Dallas was In the city on business. H. M. Dulcher of Plalnvlew was n \lsitor in the city. G. F. Dm land of Plalnvlovv was a \lsltor in the city. P. II. Dtuls t etui ned from a busi ness hip to Long Pine. Mis George M.Dndlc > y lias returned fiom aIslt to Omaha. Jinny Mown of Pilger wns in llio tillulling \vltb lelatlvca. L. 11. Nicola i elm nod from a trip In Antelope county. Max JnnoWHkl Is enjojlng a Wtokx vacation wllh tolnlives nt Fiemotit. j C. L. AinleiHOii i elm tied fiom a' llnee weeks' biiHltiesB trip at Alllanc . I Mis. 13. M. Foalhorfltono of Omul a J ' ' Is vllsllng al the home of August Klo- HUH. j ' J M. Covott has lelutneel from n business hip to Foster and oilier lowns north. Mr. and Mis. R. Hrovvn of Wnko- Hold mo In llio city visiting with the A. Phillips family. Mr. and Mis. A. Phillips lohirntd from a week's visit with telalives al Lyons mid Tekamali. ChailoH Loin man lelnrne-d fiom Poloisbiirg Monday and Wednesday will go to Dallas on business. Mr. and Mrs. i : . Phillips i etui nod fiom a two vvookH1 wedding hip lo Chicago and other enslotn eilles. 'Jeoigo Knnp | ) , ( mployed on llio tel ephone line c-xtonsloii til Columhin , spent Siindny Hoio wllh lolatlves. Mls't Addle Grant letmned fiom limoilck , vvtieiu she was keeping house for her btothor , who has spent a few weeks In the east. Mr. and Mis. R. M. Fmsor intinned Siindny nlglil from n llnoo inonlbs' , jsojoinn ' in California and other vvost- , uin coast slales. While In Caliloinla 'Mr. and Mis. Finser visited a shoit llmo with lolatlves. CommcMcial Manager M. J. Samlois of the1 NuhiasKti Ti'le-phono company , who. In company with Superintendent G. 11. Pialt , weio among the Omaha hade hooslois on tbeii tecciit Uip , linn tot in ned lo Norfolk. Horn , lo Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sobon- /.si , n son. S. M. Hiaden played mound tlio Counhy club golf links In 11--Iho ( .toiind tc-coid. Tlio W. C T. U. will meet with Mis. / tvvood Fiiday nftoinoon nt 2 : SO. A fill nt tendance is d'-siiod ' , F. W. Itutton , an allot noy of Fro- i lent , was in tlio city Suiulav to gft the Hiiish auto which ho pmcliasod at Iho Koyen K.ungo. ' City Attoinc'V II. F. Haiuliait , can- dldalo lor'county allot noy on the dem on atle th kit , commenced his cam- palgn iMonday moining. James Campbell , the Noilliwestein sleel gang employe who was anesled1 ' tor being ( hunk and disoieh'ily and commit led to jail because be > could not pa } bis line , method his libeity when ho got his pay check Sahnday , ' liom which bo paid Hie $7.10 line 1m- ' posed on him in Judge Liseloj's coint. i Councilman M 15. KaulCmann , Martin - | ' tin Spoit , C ! . Ilalveislein and oilier I members of a largo hunting paity to- I tm ned Monday lei a. week's hip in tlio wostein i.irt ) of the stale , whole i they leport bunting not veiy good. Tlio p.nty was , however , succosslul In killing seventeen ducks , eleven grouse and lour tabblls. j , Judge C F. ICIseloy icceived a huny' ' up call fiom lesidents in the .south-1 west pail of the e lly , vvlieie it was to- ' polled that young bos were i aiding tlio judge's jmd , wheie he Had a lingo number ot sweet pumpkins icady to bo bin vested. When tlie juelge in- lived at his piemlses he found that tbo pumpkins had most .ill been car ried awn } . I Two iiiembeis of Hie Flower of the' ' Ranch open company , who missed' I ' Iho Sioux City liiiin heie , weio laken 'i ' . to Sionx City Sahnday in an aulonio- ] bile by L'dvvaid Dahtu of Hie Koyen'1 gmajjo. Tbo paity left Noifolk at 10 o'clock in Hie moining and in lived in Sioux Cily at - " 5 , live minutes be- loio the cuitain wont up for the aflci- i noon matineo. j r.Toiiis . Irvin and two Tilden hunleis wlio i etui ned from a week's Hunting hip near Hasse-tt Satin day are piob- ably the luckiest huntots of the sea-1 , son. The paily killed 145 ducks , Iwo laigo geese and a number of chick- , ens. Mr. In In came hack to Noitolk with fotty-sevon ducks and tbo laigest' ' of the two geese which be had shot , and some of the chickens Norfolk | , , filouds ol Mi. liviii cMijojed game din- [ ' nets Sunday. j ' N\ bile llsbing from n log oveilooking a deep slough in Hie vvestoin pint of the county } osteielay aflei noon , Jack Kooulgstein slipped and loll into Hie cold , deep water. Mis. Koenigstoin'i ' who witnessed the accident , helped her husband ashore witli the aid of. a llsh pole. A cold hath which ended in a slight chill while em onto homo was the entire damage buffeted by Mr. Koenigstoin. Gilbeit Dales of Wayile , an oxpeit mechanic and cat pouter , known iu Not folk " " arrested1' as "Up-to-Dnte , was lor being chunk by Special Odlcerji 1 D. Sassc. Monday moining he was lolensed on his piomiso to leave the city. Dales was found mixing n drink at tlio city watei fountain on Norfolk avenue and Fourth sit eel wllh waler and alcohol in a tin cup used by Hie public. When sober Dales is said to be one of tlie finest woikmcn In the counhy. EiIiTc Stem of Hosklns , who was ar- rcsled last week for being drunk and gave Judge Klsoley a , bad check for $15 to pay His $1L',50 line , lecoiving $ -.f > 0 in change , came to Norfolk Sat- inclay and made satlbfacloiy Eetlle- mont all around. The check , which was on a Hoskins bank , is enld to have been tetunied to Norfolk with n claim that il wns no good and Iho authorities Immediately got busy and Stem mndo Hasty stops lo Noifolk lo settle up. A hoi so attached to the wagon of John Wallers btoko from Us hllchlng post and mndo top speed down South Ninth slrocl. When luriiing Iiilo Iho alloy which lends lo Hie Walters barn between tilglith and Ninth stieets on Madison avenue Iho wagon turnctf tur tle ami the horse wns caught fast in \ Hie tangled harness The animal struggled them for a few moments and w as r < leased by u pnssoi by. A vacuum cleaner was slightly damaged The hot so ntul wagon vveie not dam- inr. l | ,1 G I .m i I I'm ' 11 in tie i U il HCivlio In the Miuthcin pail ol the i Philippine aichi | > olnio ( was in ihe oil ) ' calling on fiiomlH Sunday. Mi. Lang's home Is nl Madison and his leavu of' nh'senco expires on January 1 , Mo will ptobnbly telurii lo the Inlands. When ho lefl Manila tie catiiu Ibiough the Sue/ canal and through Liu ope , which made n round-thcAvoild tour foi him. If bo letnuiH to the islands ho will go via tlio Pnelllc ocean , tntik- ing Ills trip one ntul a half Union around Ihe globe. " James Ctalg , Italph DCVOHUM , . , . . - uel K'llno and Ailliur llcss mo chalkIng - Ing up Ibltteen ducks per day. Tlio hunteiM aio mild to hnvo established n Hoeic't ramp about twelve miles fiom tlio oily , wneie the hunting , It Is said , can not lie smparsed. Mr. IJov- eildgo has a ptivato stock of ammuni tion which is also ( -aid to lie more ef fective than lhal lOgulaily sold. The ammunition contains an exha chaigo of powder and Is made especially for Ills HSU In Omaha. The narty .sleep at llio camp and como lo town each meaning. WAS TALKING TO ALDRICH. Norfolk Traveling Man Told Candidate Dahlman Would Win. It was both an ( naming mid clisap- pointing suipiise when C. II. Aldiiih , candidate ) foi govetnor cm tlio lepub llran ticket , loioivod a Noifolk tiav cling man'ri opinion rlioiil the coming oleillon at Ciaig hist week. A. D. Poragen , a pio.ifinenl shoo salesman will ) hcadipinilei.s in t.hin i il > was speaking wllh Mr. Aldilcli , nol knowing who lhal g'nllemai' was. Wlien tlic candidate' asked Mr. I'm- agon what bo thought about the pros- jieclr lor govetnor , theIravcling salc-s- nitiu said : "Well , it sure looks like Dahlman lo mo , but ymi can't loll , " imagine Mr. Poiagen'.s smpiist1 when ho was told ho was speaking to tlio man to whom such an answer did not appeal. 1 County Seat Flqht Warm. Dnallas , S. 1) ) , Nov 1. Tbo county seal , fight in Tiipp county lias leached the injunction stage. Mcmbois of the Tilpi ) count ) hnaid of supoivisois and 'Auditor llamK'an weio solved with a , lompoiaij ic'stiainiiig oidei issued by Judge lloboit Tilpp of Yanktoii , piohllitng ) ! the Issuance of ( bo offii ial ballot with only the name ot Winner 'as , a county seat candidate. The lieai- ing on tiio testi.iinlng older is set for tomoiiovv , at Yaiikton Two membcis of the 1/oniO , John Weaver and L'd Colnmli , aio said to have bold a meeting at which the 'lecoid was made that Winnei is Ihe only ( town entitled to a place on the ballot , Ihus placing Lamro and Coat - at a maiked disadvantage. An- jditor ( llallllian decline/1 / to consider this 'meeting and action as legal and ic- I1 used to cethiy an plficlal ballot in confoimity , with Ibis idea. It Is claim ed , thai Ihe two membcis of tlio boatd then pioccedcd to get out the olticlal ballot : on their own motion. It is the claim , ol Lamm and Colomo booslcis that all ot the county sejit applicants failed to get applications witli Iho Iboaid in lime lo get on Iho ballot , the stalulo ; lixiug a limit of fifteen dajs pi lor to election. Under this couten- .tlon , tlio Colomo and Lanno advocates ask . that all towns bo lett elf tlio bal lot and votcis bo tcnuiicd to wiito Iu the town of their choice. Feeling has been aiouscd iu tbo light in a gonoial way and this has been in- tonsilied by the action of the supei- Lei Colomb , ono of the board membci.s : , concoiiicd In this action , is a biother of Chi is Coionib , ' ono of Iho wealthiest of the Colomo1 boosteis. Uolh aio Indians. As a tosiilt of the alleged . double cioss fiom bis biother , jChtis Colomb is on tbo war path witli Iho , avowed intention of making "light 'medletno" when ho meets Supervisor Colomb ( , his hi other. Fiom now until election day , the county seat light will wax vvaim icgaiclless of tlio foim lot' the ballot. Tiio Lanno and Colomo 'foices ; have practically pooled Issues in ; opposition to Winner. The Intter town i , by viiluo of Us locnlion In Iho center i of Iho county and being gen- ally login ( led as the futuie county scat. i Tlio ptcsent couuly seal , Lam- ) o. Is only two miles fiom Winner and it is assumed that Latino will event ually i have lo siiiiendci on'account ' of being ! missed by the talltoad exten sion. i Mote than a do/on special an- 1 omobilo pat lies will open an nclive canvass i of Tilpp county today , rcpic- \oniing ' tbo thieo towns in tbo county seat light , and the activities will not cease until the last tap has been sounded on election day. BOSTON HERALD IN NEW HANDS , After Four Months' Receivership , Paper Management Changes. Hostou , Nov. 1 Tiio Hoston Herald today passed into new hands , after a four months. ' icceiveislilp. The shnto- holdois of llio piopeity , of whom Mor ton F. Plant of Now Yotk is the laig- cst , have icllunulahcd tlio control tea a bonid of truslees conslsllng of Rich- aid Oliioy , Major Ilumy Leo Illggln- son , John II Holmes , Hobeit W. Ilur- nett and Henry S. Howe. Robert Lincoln O'HiIcn Is Iho editor and John Wells Fin ley , a famous Hat vat d fool- ball player of Ion jems 'ago , is Us counsel and heasuicr Morley to Quit India. London , Nov. L II Is slaled Viscount - count Motley has icslgiicd the office of set i elm y of state foi Indian mid the fact that ho declines Infotmatlon on the subject Is acccpled an continua tion of iho icport of bin iclhcuicnl The viscount is in his sovcnty-tblid \ear and 11 is known thnt ho has for some llmo desiied to vac.ito his post hocmihp of his advanced joins and 111 liealili Tbo enil of Ciowo is men tloiicd ( IB likely to succeed Viscount Motley. I SATURDAY ' ' BY SHADOWS. s Text , "Thoy Unit dwell In the Inncl ot tlio slmilnw. " Itiulnh i\ , i , Was It HurUe who said : "What shadow M wo arc ! What shadows wo puisiteV" Ho might have added , "lly what shadows ate we pursued. " Wo Ameiitans nro called very mateilal- Nile peoptn , mippiwd not to take stock In an ; thin : ; unless we can .see It and feel It. Don't you believe II. Wo. me as sensitive to shadows as n ground- hojr In February. Shadows ate mighty tc'.il smnetlmes. At least they seem so. The engineer Hying along tlitotigli tun nels and around curves clie.uls the shadow across the trac U It may he1 a man ; It may be , a tie spiked then1. 'I lie tre.ismer of Ihe lodge bunion honievvmd along the deserted sheet ; stops ; grips the canvas money bag In his pix'ket a little tighter. What's th.it near the corner ? Footpad ? TJiauk goiidncss , only n shadow ! The money was taken from the employer's desk. Your son v. as tlio last one seen at the diavvor. He telephones , "Father , come Hiilckl.v. " 1 leavens , jour own boy un der I lie shadow of suspicion ! To Iho peis'iii ' eoiieeiiiod the shadow Is as full of poiteiil as the substance itselft l" Living In Shadows. In the cjualnt llttje story of "The Land of tlic Shadow People" Llaiue found thai tiic people walked and vvoikod with their backs to the HUH. In the moining they faced west ; In tlio al lei noon they laced oast. A slicing , htiskj man groaned because he was so dnlv and thin lie was looking itl his shadow. A lie intll'nl gill moaned as she looked . t the giound because she was so sliiiiaken and dolormcd. Hut she was lookli g at her shadow. "Oh , " s.ild nialne , "tinn jour faces to the sun and joti won't see those ugly shadows" Sister Hlack was an "aw- lul' good Chiistlnn , conscientious , ex act Ing. Her l.c.Miolo was the old hjimi "And Am I limn to Die ? " No one doubted hoi . oodiiess. Hut , my , jou wouldn't want to live in the same house , rjlixii'iv ' ? She was doleful as i deal' mute ; t a f uncial. She Kept in Ihe inn low wa.v all light , but sht > walked on the shntlj side. To elicss ncall.v and alii actively was a sin. Her hair w isn't bad , but she consid ered It vm.itj to leal n "the sweit de- celt of a woman's ait. " She lived In llio shadows Hi other Chance and his wife weie "hinted" by siipeistltions. He didn't iVto w.'lk under a ladder , sit at Hie ta'ilo ' with thlitecn or attend business on 1 ihbi.v. She went to the foi tune telleis to get n jucky chaim to will c I cff the spool , j ellec'l of blcMl.ing u looking glass , \\1ien her lialiy oamo Its life and hois were mule mlseiablo by die.ul ol what was "iiiilnck.v. " The same Inllh lovvaid their Cod would have Kept tliem iu sunshine' , but they lived and sul.eiecl In shallow land. Purcuod by Shadows. "IIoiioo , hoiiilile shadow ! Unreal mockeij , hence ! " ciies Macbeth when the ghost ol P.an < | iK > Hits acioss the loiidol ) : his mental stage. Only a shadow , ol emnse. Such shadows mo aw till things though You can bar the windows and b.iriicade the dents against the bmghir and the thief , but jou can't bat out sue li shadows. They will deep Iu thiough iiniKs and crev ices v. hltli do nyl ex ! > t Whit dun geon is so bl u k , what jailer is so mer ciless ? M.III.V a hisli in the ilink does lie slvo. The lie tejld to n tiustlns mother. Tlie blow stineK at a kind father. Dr. Johnson ma.v stand In the inai ket place at Litchfielel In his liaro head In the pelting inin , but It doesn't Inlng back tlie cutting taunt to his old lather on that spot jcms boloie. Shad ows ! Jacob's sous sinned gieatiy iiKiiinst their bt other Joseph , and twen ty > cais after the ghost ot their foul doings lose out of Ff.jpt 1H ( > n shad ow. Altai ) put Nabuth to death ci nel ly and falsely slew him. He foigot bis deed for many a jour , when lo ! he tiembles lietoie the ghost of his bloody crime. Helslmyar , with tenor In eye ami tear wilt on cveiy fcatuic , sees Ibe siiadow deep along the wall and the lingers of a man's hand wiito his doom Shadows , shadows , shad ows of a ciookecl past ! Shadows of sins unsatisfied ! Shadows of death and Ibe daik valle.v ! i The Shadows We Cast. "Coming events cast their shadows befoie them" So do men. and behind them too Life * doesn't begin at tlio ctadle , nor end at the giave > . Luke tells us in ( lie Acts of the Apostles that one cl.i } when Peter passed along the Mi out tlio people brought out Uielr sick "that tlio shadow of Peter pas-i- Ing ji j by might ovoislmilo v some of them" i and heal them That makes ono i think Coal tlnows off heat , violets lets ] give peifuiui' , hull gives refresh ment and tills in.vsteilous bundle of fotccM called man entries a shadow for good or 111. It goes with us wher ever we go. If wo don't like our housp we can move into the next hticet , or tlio next town , but not fiom our shad ow It's the projection ot one's own self. It is so powerful Ne-c'du't say , "There Is no Cod" Just live as If It woio so. Needn't cr.v , " ( ruelfy him ! " Jim stay awa.v. To wind evening the shadow ought to glow longer. It maybe bo Hung across the giavo. Dwlght L. Moodj'H shadow Is still heie. So Is Inger-soll's. "Pllgilm's Piogrcss" Is Hunyau'ri shadow. The "Age of Rea son" Is P.Uno's. Sutuly we me the people of Shadow Land. Moiulng. noon , evening of our little day comes , still-set and evening star , then -shad owsl Afraid1' Of what ? N'iftlit ? No Out ( ' < ' ! st--'i' ' " ' ' " > ' 'dmv In the morning when thou tlseth un willingly lei lids thought bo pioMMit " 1 am i It it r ' < > t'to wmk o ? a hum.i ; belt' ' v ' V"M'itui Holler a b'usti ' In the facu than n blot Iu the heat t.-Ceiv antes. JEWS GAIN IN RUSSIA , fue'vs ' New Pi evinces Opened to Them liotidents Ask foi Them. ht Potoishuit ? , Nov. L ISmputoi NMiohtH ti/day nppioved n lOHolntlou adoted | ) bv the cabinet openiiiK up now sections lor tbo ic-Mldunco of Jovvn llerolofoio Jews had been loahleled to Polish piovliuen and Iho Ukintio , limited bv the oilgal Jowlsh sogtogn- tlon law and Known UK "tlio palo " Fiom Unto to tlmo exteptlotis have been made iu tlio cas.0 ol Hi-holms and Jews ongimed in cuitnln piofesslons and hades Recently a campalgu WUH iniulo to dilvo back wltliln the palo all Jews who woio iinablo to establish legal light of loHldencu otitsldu its COIllillOS. impel Ial coiiKonl Is now given to tin- leshldod lenideiico ( If Jews In twelve dish lets Iu the pi ov luces ol Vitebsk , VolliMila , Mohllev , Poltava and IChei- sou , and the town of Yekatuilnodiir , the capital of Kuban. Tbo placed af fected aio subuibs of towns within which .lows hav'o alieady ben pel mil led to live The action of the cabinet icsiillcd 1 lorn pollllons of the Inhabi tants of llio newly opened localllles who doslied ( ho admission of Jowlsli insldeulH as a moans of Improving lo on I business c uiidltions. CRIME NOT SO PROFITABLE NOW Police ant ! Detectives Are More Power ful Win. A. Pinkerton Says. Kansas Cilv , Nov. I The number of ciiniinal- who escape capluio Is glowing lose each yoai , aecoidlng to William A. PlnltCilon , piesidonl of llio Piiikciloii ( Uloctlvo agency , who was at the Hotel li.iltlmoio last nigbl. Mr. Pinkeitun is inspc-cling ail Iho biaiieh olficea of Ills company in llio United States and Ciimdn. "The pullco and deteclives In ( ho I'niUd States aio glowing nioio pnvv- 01 fill " ho sale' " 'With the oillces and coiruhiondenls ] Iho detective agencies now have , It is possible to guaiel al most any part of the woiid and cap- hue escaped ciiniinais. Tlio molhods of haeing and capluilng ciimlnals have not inn roved much in Iho last fifty years , but the loice's have on- hit god so Hint Iho eliane es lot e capu liavo decioascd. "Thu haid ( il thing a'lout the de > tec live busiiic. s Is to find me-ii who will make /i / ; c d delnelives. We > can't no.nly supply the demand for delee- lives bcuaimcwo cun'l ge-t tliem. II takes seveial ciualllies that the oidl- naiy man Iris not developed. Hon esty , keenness , quick thinking , oilg- iuality and tail , aie Iho most noces- saiy assets. The detective business lias giown 01101 mously in the last llfly je.ns , but 1 e'on't ' say Hint the eiim- iual element has inci eased in proportion tion with the inci cased demand foi dot ei lives. " Mi. Pinheiton Is a son of Allen Piukeilon , ioundoi of Hio Pinkeilou agency sixty jcais ago. Ho is asso ciated in llir- management of the agency1 with Allen Plnkeilon , a neplic'W Mi. Pinkerton will icmaiii in Kansas City until lomonow nighl. Roosevelt's Last Day. Rochester , N Y. , Nov. 1. Colonel Itoosovell ai lived in Rocbostoi early today on the last day of his campaign in New Yotk state. Alter spending tin hour hero , be loft on n special tialn for a day's hip of speochmaking. Colonel Rooso1 ell's first speech was scheduled lor tbo noon hour at Al bion. Leaving tbeio at 1 o'clock ho was lo art no at Loeicpoit at 1:15 : for an Horn's stay Ho was to bo in Ni- agaia Falls from I ! : HO to 5 r > Q , i each- Ing Hnllalo at 0 o'clock. Colonel Roosevelt will leave Hulfalo nt 10:25 : p. m. after the meellng , reaching New Yotk nt 0 O.'l tomoirovv. Tiy a Dail > News waut-ad. Interested in Kidnaping. Ponder , Nol ) , Nov.1. The Associat ed Pi ess dispntdion lefening lo Hie kidnaping of Miss Giiiee Rolph by a Mexican peon named Xegtinda , near Chicoy , Mexko , have moused deep in- teiest in tills community. Slio is tlie adopted daugl.ler of Dr. and Mrs. II L. Rolph , foimur tesidenls of Ponder , where the doctor was a leading physi cian. Wishing lo rellio fiom aclivo piaclico , Hie family lemoved from Ponder lo a lanch which Dr. Rolph had pm chased near Iho lovv'n of Chi- coy. Miss Rolph in lotteis to friends heio has mentioned tlio alleged kid- napoi's name , he being ono of tlio cow boys on the ranch , as Is also his bioth er. She said Kegunda is an o.xpeit lillcnian and hunter. Miss Rolph is 1C yeais old and pictty. The Strongest Indictment. Fiemont Tiibuno : Theie is an in cidental featino of Iho Hllchcook- Harllcy affair that should teally mean nioio to Hie voleis than Iho fact that the democratic candidate for the Unit ed Stales senate wns a bonower of stnto moneys Ihnl never found their way back into the heasmy. This Incidental fcatmo is Iho em phasis laid by Mr. Hitchcock and all his apologists upon the dishosslng fines lhat prevailed when Mr. Hitch cock sought icllef nt the hands of Mr. Hartley. The younger voters cnn scnrcely understand what conditions oxlstotl then for their period of joung man hood has been dining the tlmo of pios- l'c\ity \ of the last few yoins under the lejuvonaling eftect of the Dingley law , that repealed the deadly Oonnaii-Wll- son law. Mr. Hitchcock tolls them , over and over , that ho was deeply in debt ; lhat bo had hoi rowed on ov01 > thing bo possessed ; lhat ho wns on the voigo of bankruptcy ; thnt ho owed ? ino- GOO , Hint ho had oxht > used ( his ctedil at all Hie Omaha banks and among his Omaha fi lends befoio lie tin mil to tin ubllMin' H.nl'cj ' tli.it tin in iliihiilal and Imam ml c oiiilliiui.s nf tlm o daj woio haul anil von pltl till. H Is nn ludlehmint of don nitin Itiiainielly lo legiwlalo and an i ' ol tbo tin It of faith on the pint of the couiih } In the demount ! that should soivo an a wntnlni10 - over } joini'f vcter who does not i. member llioso pet Noun dn.vn L. I Ilium examine Into the tocoid ami then say If they want to OIKOIIIIIM a lopotltlon of those eoiuJltlonH. John Redmond Cntcrtnlned. Alliany. N. Y. , Nov. 1. tJovoiiiur \Vhllo will jnoHldo at n mooting lo night which Is to bo addioHsed bv John l : Redmond , ( ho iilnh paillamonlat v leader wlio Is touiliig tbo ( oiinhj In aid of tlio movement for bohoi , ov eminent in liolanil. On his niilvnl horn Ullca this aftoiuoon n tec option eoinmllteo planned to moot Mi and Mis. Redmond and oscoit them to a hotel. Later , Mr Redmond will bo picsoiited to ( lovoiuor Whlto al the oxeciitlvo ehamber. Following a 10 ( option at tbo Hampton hotel , Mi and Mis. Redmond will bo ontoi tallied at dinner by ( lovoinor and MIH. While , nt ( bo executive mansion. Inquest in Times Case. Los Angulos , Nov. I U'ltiie-Hsoi In the Times explosion casu tosilllod bo fo i o the eoionor'H jiny that fieo gnu was pie-sent Iu laigo volume In the * building cm the nlglil Iho explosion 01 on ted These witnesses , who woio leloftiaph opoialoiH in llio ImlMitir , lostllled thai they had Ins ! tin h pnsi tlons with tim Wo'Uern ITnlon 'I do giaph company bncnuso of having mndo their statements Slimillan eoiislv with this losllmonv wllnissos do'lined bcfoio the spec la ! guinil jmy that no odor of gits wa.s de He led in tlio building. The teloKinph opua tins asseitcd Hint fveijbodj in llio toloniaph loom had smolle-d gas and loiuaikcMl iiiou | il. Ailliur Hell , a line Upo opeiator , instilled that If gas In quantity snl'tlcicnl , lo have canned an explosion had escaped fiom a eh-fc i live main , KOIIIO Iviieseltlng machines would have boon put out ot cominis lion , Tiy a Daily News want nil Chicago Striken ? Repulsed. Chc.nfo ! ! , Nov. I- Finn thoiiMiid iihikiiig gnimont woiKoiB atlc inpic d to make a demons ! ial Ion in tin- down town dish lot } osluiday nltoinooii , but weio tinned line k by tlio police with out disoidoi Tlio shihe-iH lilul to cioss the liver limn tlio west side , IIist. al Randolph shoot hildgo and then at tbo Madison and Haiilson stieel biidge-s. At cac h ciosslng they woio mot ! ) } mounted policemen and llnally gave up the attempt Pollco Captain Hnlly , In chaigo of tbo de fense , said that so laigo a eiowel would obstiuct hafflc , and was almost cer tain to give ilso to dlsoidei if allowed la the congested dish ills. WOULD WED LENEVE. London , Nov. I. Sinn' hoi ar ( init ial on Iho ch.ngi' of being an aius- foiy nfloi tlio fuel lo tinmindoi of Hello l ltnoi P , wife of Dr I law ley II. Ciippon , Miss lOtbel Loneve lias boon in llio countiy iindei tlie ptotorlion of Ailliur Newton , Ciiijion's ) counsel. .Mi. Newton has been swamped with offeis for Miss Lenevo's scivicos from music halls , beauly doclois mid olh- ero. lie has lerohed for her sixteen of feis of man Inge. Those ofleis , all of whicli aio signed and unnuc-sUonahly genuine , lllushnto the odd eftect of notoiiety upon compaiativclv defri lie r ate minds. Miss Lonovo also has. been olToied $1,000 for Iho Hist state- iiiont of her life with Dr. Ciippou. Tills offer came fiom a London paper , but she Is holding out for moio money. She said yesterday that she never had been photographed , and that noun of the alleged pictinos of her that hnvo he-en published weio genuine She certainly looks veiy llllle like any of the pnblisliec : pictmes She Is slender , witli a small nose , lit Ho ojo- blows , lecedlng chin , lather daik eyes and has a shv , ic-lliing almost cling Ing manner. Mi. Newton , after a conference vvltlr Dr. Crippen yesterday , aniiouiued that Uio case would bo appealed. Dr. Crippon apponed veiy chee-ifnl dur ing the confnioncu , and ox'piossnd his satisfaclion over Iho neriulttnl of Miss Leneve. / Bank Robbers Get $8,000. Palestine , TexNov. . .1 Shcilff Hlack is in toceipt of n message from Giavcland telling him thai Iho State bank of Giavcland was lobbed of ? S.OOO. The vault was wiecked with explosives. Four men wer engaged in the lobheiy and shots woio ovliaig cd by them mid sovcinl olli/ens. Johnstonc Up 9,714 , Feet. Helmont Pmk , Nov. 1. Johns ! ono , Hying In n baby Wilgbt foi the ( list time , In eke iho woild's iccnid foi al lltude. Ho wont up 0,714 foot. Tlio previous recoid had boon ! ) .1SG fcot INFANTILE PARALYSIS NEAR. The Disease Reported to Have Appear ed Near Royal , Neb. Roynl , Nob. , Nov. L Special to Tlio News ; Infantile pnialjsi.s Is said ( o have made Its appealaneo In the Al cell neigliboihood , near hoie GIRLS TO BOYCOTT "TIGHTWADS" Young Men Who Won't Trent Can't Go- With Hiqh School Misses. Sylvia. Kan , Nov. 1. Twontj two girls of the Sylvlti high school , tout pilslng almost the entire yonngi i HO einl sot of HIP lown , have foi mod an "AnU-Tlghlwad club , " Us purpo-o lie Ing ( o boycott the joimg men wlm < in walk bravely by an Ic o cioam p.ulor without inviting th > Ir companion ) ( o a heat" 'lij n Dallj Newa wnntiul.