TT1K N'OflFftMC WEEKLY \EWS JOrHVATi , FmiMY. NOVEMBER . 1010. rt Hoys Tell of Hold-up. Floyd Tayloi. the young HOD of 10. I ) . Taylor , , Koulh Kifth Mtniot , wim held up and teibbcd of his watch by Nile Luke and Ellnwoitb Khlppu , n toulliiK lo a tonfoMMlon mndo to thu Kiomont polk i' by thene two Not folk boy'H , who mo In Jail at Fiomont on a olmrgo of vagiancy. Sbeiin Iliiuinan of I'leiniuit tele- lihonod Chief of Police Marcjimidt and I'lio I n I v 01 ICd Mou i oo tljat both Iho boys had vvatche-H. SiiHpeclIng thoio had boon a plot bolwe'on threl ! of I lie boys cm Iho night of October 8when Taylor losl "hi * watch , Fho Uilvor Momoo told llio HheiliT a eonfosslon would ho easy. The two young pils- ( inois woio told that llio thlul boy bad boon miOHtcd and had made a confes- nlon , w'hoiiMipon the two boys Impli ' cated another Norfolk youth. { . The plot was a unique ouo. All ( hioo boy-H knew thai Taylor had Just bec'ii paid bin weekly suhuy and Unit bo had pin dinned a now watch. In Iho skating link ho was Joined by ono of the tonsplialors , whllo the other two woio to wall for thu victim at Filth stioot mid Pasowalk avenue The plot woikeit out we'll. The two iioys woio met by supposed highway men , who hold ( hem up with a u > - volver which both pilnonois claim be longed to the thiid paity. The latter , accoullng lo the agioomont of the plot , inn towmd PuM-wnlk's ' giovo , wheio ho was Hiod upon and fell , supposedly Killed. Dining those piollmlnmles Taylor was able ( o eoutoal a sum of mown In his sleeve , but his watch , ac coidliiK ( o the Fu'inont police , was lakon by Lnko whllo Shlppo hold the gnu. Young Taylor and the Shlppo boy mo sons of piomlncnt uilliond men Nile Luke Is the son of II. H , Luke. Mm. Taylor , In the absence of hoi husband , sayo she will not piosccnto the boys. All nho wants Is the watch bade. She believes theio would be trouble should she sign a complaint. Young Taylor declared to Chief of Police - lice Maupimdt that he was nfialil to clgn a complaint because the boys might kill htm. The stolen watch , however , say the Fremont anlhoiillcs , bus been pawned , lint the boys have made It dear that they could get it again. Filday momlng W H. Shlppo. falhoi of ono of the boys , wouf to Fiomont ( o hi Ing his sou homo while H. IL Luke , fathe'r of the olhor young lad , will also go to Fiemonl for his son. Chief ol Police Marquaidt declaies they will both bo attested as fugitives iiom Justice should they como to Noi- folk , while County Attoinoy Nichols declines the bova will be apprehended should they como to Madison county. In the meantime a watch Is kept ovoi the Ihiid boy , whoso name is withhold. Ho also will bo m tested , says the .1 J ehlel ol police. Tlio aiilhoiitios me Indignant over the fact that , whllo they woio ultkls.'d tor not appiohond- r Ing the lobbois hi the Hist place , the ciitlcs now lefuso to help them make Iho m tests. The youths Involveel In the uflali imigo In nto fiom 17 to ID. Nile Luke , ouo of the confessed holdup aitisls , was mauled last summer. WHY CUBS LOST. H. E. K. , Chlcnflo Sport Writer Tells of Cubs' Crusblnn Commenting upon the downlall of the Cubs. II. E. K. , In the Chicago Tribune buno says : The Culm weio oveipowetod , cutsh- ed and humiliated. Thu young and gamesome' Athletics , schooled and tiallied In evoiy department of the game , includlni ; courage , by ono whom we all must now acknowledge as mas ter craftsman , a superlative organi/er mid tactician , demon , tiated in the picsenio of a crowd vast and ctltlcal that this wonderful machine wo have all boon boasting about as the no pins ultra of baseball combination , was nothing moio than n luagnitlcont shell , n glltlorlng reminder that must have owed Its piovvess and prestige , during the last season at least , to ihe effect on the minds of Us opponents ot the clu//ling glamour ol pn t poiformane-o. Captain Chance's plan of dashing at tack and bowlleleting defense , which has held the baseball world "buffaloed" for lo these many yoais , was shot to pieces by lliose young vandals fiom Philadelphia , an essential pait of whose basoba'l ' education has been tenet not bu aft aid , Thu Cubs were outclassed , team for team , and almost man for man , at ovoiy point mid ( tun that goes to con- flitiite a ball game. It was a showing up the ctloet of which will last all thiough the llfo the present Cub foi- inaticm. Tlio Cubs will bo confronted at ( ho beginning of next season by llio question which Invailnbly brings n negative ) leply , "Can they come back ? " Thoio l.s a compelling reminder in Iho thiid game and the two that pie- ceded it , of Sullivan ngninst Corbett , Dempsey against Klt7simmons , Shaot- cr against Ue and Johnson against JefTiics , a iccord against a reality , ago and mocking confidence against youth and ambition. A man who is glutted with the flloiy of achievement no\er tools himsuf | slipping until ho has slipped , .mid a ball club is the embodi ment of many men with a single im pulse. The Athletics entoiod the lists unawod by what the Cubs did to the Tlgois In 1007. They allowed no thought that they weio up against a siipoiior organisation to outer their minds. Battle Creek. Mis. Ingallsbe , accompanied by hei children , returned Monday to her homo at Oakdale after a couple of days' Uslt with her father , .lohn .lost. The German Fiauen-Vereln meets Thmsday aftoutoon the homo of Mrs , Cnil Piatumei on Madison street. Viadonbuig and son who sold theji slitiil oul i u tamaiU lo one .Me , will \no\c to Oklahoma. L. James of TUdeu bought the Ljft ijiiiurf fai in of Ady Tlotdgoti , live III | | ( H inn Hi anil two mlloH went 'I Me , place wan ownud bpfeno by .Imnus Me > Cole , \tlui live * Inntolopu county | now. $ r. mill Mr * . William I'm ley nf Winner - nor \VCMO hoio Sunday visiting at the luiino ( if 1'ieli ' biolhoi-ln-lnw , (1 ( N Colliding. Mr. Km Icy Is an olil BO ! dlur and unit ) a mall rtiial lotilu out ot tlial town. 'llio Pilmltho Baptists til thin vleln- vVoiu holding Kc'ivleoH In I'own on Snnduv afternoon. / Tin oo candidates woio vfslling us 'I ui'Hilay , vl/ : George N. Honls and II. C Mali an ol1 Norfolk , and Philip 11. Koch of Wayno. Iloloiinallon Forvhcsslll bo hold nt thu Lnlhoian i bin I'll next Sunday This IB mi anniiiil fcsl of thai chinch liody In nioinoiy of Dr. Mm tin Luther Joseph and Albeit 1'nimt woio huic' on business Monday from Lindsay. Chatles Solfoit IH building a large now bain on his farm east of town. C. 'I' . Itlcbanlson , .lohn lleggomolor , William Nediobol and P. C. Miller to tin nod Sunday fioin a duck hunting 11 Ip to Wood Lake , Choiry lonnty. Mrs. Fiod Wlnh , accompanied by her chlldicn , lutinnod I'll day liom ( teenier , whole they woio attending the wedding of a lelntlvo. The laltor pint ol last week Gooigo \V. Loscy was IILMO on business fiom Picmont. Homy 1 lampion Is heio fiom Vir ginia for a visit \\ilh his half biother. Finnic llnddlo , and f-nully. MIH. Henry Stoltonl'oig visiting last week at the homo ol her cousin , Gustavo Wossol , at Wlsnor. Jack Gioss was hoie Satin day on busliieHs fiom Madison. Tom Soslor has been on HIP sick list foi about a week and Is improving slow ly. I- Cnoa In Texas. Vlctoila , Tex- , October 21 , 1010 Dear News : llefoie leaving Stanton last .Inno lo locate In llio famous ( nil Coast ( oiintiy I piomisod Norfolk fi lends that when 1 had been In Texas long enough to thoioiighly convince my own mind as to its met Its 1 would Intorm them poisonally or thiough llio ( oliimns of The News what I thought of the countrj as an agilcultniiil sec tion as well ns a phue for a home. I have now been heie four nionthb and ha\e not for one single moment rogi ettod that I ceased to bo poslniasl- or at Stmiton and settled In the beauti ful little city ot Victoiia. I Inuo loiind the climate and general condi tions even 111010 favoiablo than I ex pected , and I was nssuiedly a flulf Coast cnthuslust fiom the moment I stepped fioin the tiain ntMctoiia. . Tex. Heie let me state that the poison who has gone with an excursion on some of the special land cais to Corpus - pus Chrlsta , ltio\\n\illu and other points , \la San Antonio , has not seen the best of the coastal counliy , not by any moans. There. Is not the least loom lor eouip.nison between the sec tions I have mentioned and this sec tion , stiotchlng fiom the San Antonio i her east and noith acioss Calhonn , Victoiia , .lacKson and Matagoido counties , wheie lain falls in abund ance and well distilbuted thioughout the entiic jear , whcio water is sweet , pine and pleiiliful and can bo had at almost any depth , langlng fiom onlv a lew leet lor shallow 01 "suifaco" wells to about foity feel lor a deeper sheet , and whoio mtesian walei can bo obtained at a depth a\ciaging aionnd filll ) feet. Ml the lopoits that have been cir culated thiough pi ess and by poison of a dionth in Texas do not apply to Ibis .section. It seldom becomes so diy heie as to Injuio ciops. The past summer came as near to it as it over does and still wo cario tluough with splendid crops In almost e\ciy lino. The climate is all that has been claimed for It. Mysflf and family passed tlnoimh the hot eeason with less disomfortnte ( than wo were wont to oxporionoo in Nebraska. The sun shines hot , but the beat Is tempered by the cool gulf bieo/c , which is noai- ly always blowing. There is little wind at Victoiia asldo Horn this gulf biec/.e ami none of the severe coast stoims bave in or touched heie with injuiions effect. Just now we aie passing Uiiongh about as cold a spell as they often b-ive heie , yet I am wilting In shirt sleeves and without lite. There are but few days tlnonghout the wlntei when llio Is essential lo comfoit Vktoila Is a city omewliat laigei than Noifolk ' ! dlfiViunt in m range- mont , bnslnisniilldl'igs not being ( onllncd to an one 01 two 01 tin 00 pmticnlar 3tic < ! not all ccntnied wllliin a hw bloeUt- but small stoics , she | s , cotton Rlns di HiMng place- ! and othoi places of business aie cmounlci- ed in diffeieat paits of the town. Theio aie mote line homes and 111010 wealth per capita in Victoiia tban in any city in Uio United States. It Is called "The City of Hoses" because of the abundance of this beautiful ( lower , which aio to be seen In almost endless vaiietles and all months of the year , but aio at their most beauty and pro fusion about the holiday season. The soil vmles fiom the rich deep alluvial of the liver valleys and the equally ilch and even blacker hog wallow uplands to the giay or light snndy , which latter with the black sands are ooiisideiod best for tinck- ing. To the south and east of N'ictoila stretches the laigest Mid best belt of ilch black lands I ever saw and 1 do not believe its equal can bo found any- wheio In any country , when quality of soil , diaiii'iire , rainfall and water aio considered. Victoria is situated on the Gnadn- lupo ilvor and thiough Its channel has water connection with the gulf , thlity two miles away. The city has as good a water uys- tun as there IK anvvvhoio , the water being thiowu up by aiteslan wells i/oo feet deep Theio is an Ice plant , ductile light mid power plant , cicuui- cry and cold sloiag" plant , cotton i , fotli cotton xlna complete plant : lor woiklng up the cotton seed j Into Its dlfloient pindncts. a llntor , whkh hopmatcs the last bltn of cotton - ton fiom the seed and puts It Into oltx for quilts , etc A mammoth su gar plant Is Just being completed and i system of barges and power boats for biinglng the cane up the ilvor. All will bo In readiness for working up Uio picMont ciop. 1'lioie Is coitnlnlv a gionl fiilnle In stoio for this section of Iho Lone Star slnto now that the large ranches me being cut up Into fauns mid liiougbt Inlo a slat" of cultivation. Noithoin methods mu showing the natives how to faun mid to the most of them it Is a lev elation. Northern bialns and In awn mo suioly making mote Ihmi ( wo bales of cotton , Ivvo hushc'ls of coin and sevcial times Iho < inonnt of other pioducts glow whoic but ono or none glow bofoio. The Impiovomcnl Is voiy muikud since my Hist visit lo the state two yems ago. ago.To To all my ftlomts who load The Vows I extend a coidial invitation to visit mo and see lor themselves what awaits those who settle heio perma nently. A winter or pait of ono spent hoio will be a pleasmo to look back upon and delightful leciealion now , v'hilo an Investment In land hero now means moio money tor the Investor. I know of no moio pleasant or profit able place lor a home. To any ono deslilng moio specific Inloinialloii I extend an Invitation to wille mu at Victoiia , Tex. Tex.A. A. F. Enos. Battle Creek. Mis. William Volk , si , ol Noith Hat tie Cieek , whoso health has not been very good lor some yeais , Is bcilously ill. John Ott , an old settle ! of Ciimlng Mud Madison ( ouutics , who sold his l.ii ms hoie seveial yea is ago and nun cd to the Panhandle county ) in Texas , is hoio on an extended \ with iclatlves and lilends. Mis Ailel Wollt has bought the Muuson piopeitv , on the coiner of Main and Second sticcts , and took possession this week The Lutheians ot Hatllo Oieek Heights , sl\ miles south , leceived a Imndsome now oigau this week A Beautiful Sunset. When the sun set at r.u . : : Fiielay evening it left behind It in the west one of the most beautiful sunsets over seen in Noilolk. In lact the color of- fee Is weie next to the best In any pait of the wotld. Close to the westeiu lioil/on the colors weio of yellow and Ii4ht giceu , while higher In the sky \\as a wall ot heavy pink , jellow , blue , gieen and led The wall of beautiful colois lescmbled the iiish- ing ton out ot a coloied liver , wide on the 1101 Hi side and pointed on the south. ISolb sides weio bounded l > \ heavv , stoim > looking clouds This beautiful sunset lasted lor about ten minutes when at shoit Intcivals It ( hanged to unions foi illations as the . 'in set fmthcr down on the othci side of the vvoild. As It giew dmKoi near ( J o'clock It left behind il In the vvestoin hoi I/on a long stieak ot pictt > pink while the iky about- was a bank of red , pink , > ellow and ' , icen waving clouds. Say Gas Caused It. Kan Ki.inelsco , Oct. 2 ! ) . Thu com mittee appointed by the state ledoia- lion ot labor lo Invesllgatu the Los Angeles Times disaster piesented a lengthy lepoit to the cxecullvc coun cil of thai body. II announces its ton- luslon that the explosion was caused by gas. "Tho only tenable theoiy llius far , " says the lepoit , "is thai leaks in this Times building let loose so much gas that , by coming In con tact with an open flame such as a lighted match or the flies in the print ing depattinont there was a disas- tiuus explosion. " Senator Gamble at Gregory. Uiogory , S. \ ) , Oct. li ! ! Special to 'J ho News : The amliloiium ot this clt.v was ciowded lo heai Senator ( amide speak. GIVE THEM FAKE TYPHOID. Then K. U. Students Need Not Fear a Real Attack. Law i unco , Kun. , Oct. till. The pie- \ontion ol Ijplmld fovei by vaccina tion will leceive a llrst tiial al the I'nhcisity of Kansas tomoiiow altor- i eon Lr. ) W. K. Tiimblo ol the mil veisity medical school at Uosedale will open an oflUe In thu dopaiIntent of Inutcilology KJOIIIS at I o'clock , and will be thuio just live honis. In Hint lime he will icioivc all students do- siting to bu vaccinated against the disease. Hall Nails Fake Story. O'Neill. Neb , Oct. I'll. Keillor News : The Omaha Woild-IIoiald , issue ot Oc- tobei1 , ciedits mo with statement that 1 am for Dahlman and Hitchcock. This is null ue. Al no time or place , or to an.\ one did J make auj such state ment. I am for Aldiich , Uuikctl and the entlio lepnblhan ticket C j : . HALL. The above Utlegiam was iccelvecl by The News Satuiday fiom the former shoiift of Holt ( ounty Following Is the tuko Interview pi luted by the Woild-lloiald , vvhlih Mr. Hall ie- pndlates In its entliet ) . . C 10. Hall , former sheillf of Holt county , which position ho filled for twelve > eais , and piominently identi fied with political nflalis in noithern Nebinska , Is one lepubllcan who is a staunch admit or of Major Dahlman , expects to vote for him and see him elected and Is not afiald to como right out In meeting and glvo his ) easous for feeling the way ho does. " 1 have been all thiough noithoin Nebraska , " said Mr Hall at the Mer chants hotel \\odnesday , "and 1 can say that 'Jim * Dahlman will caio every county fjom Omulm to the 11 ( Hack Hills by splendid majoiltles. ' .Mini } lopubllcmiH of the KIKlmiii uilhn legion icsoiit the county option I' plank ' In the lopubllcan stnto platfoim and ' admitu Mayor Dahliuan's Htiong stand ngalnsl county option mid In favor of peisonal lilieity. " Mr Hall believed that ( Illbeit M Illli hunk will also sweep the noith- 01 n pait of Ncbiaska. It Is his opin ion that Kdgar llowaid's unrallod-tor itlack has made thousands of votes for Mr. Hitchcock. ' Mi. Hall asked for a liahlman but ton befoio leaving Iho Moichants to look afloi n Main load of cattle ho btought with him , ami Judge lullua H Cooloy. who happened to bo standing near , fuinlshcd the Imdgo with the reinaik , 'Now .sou mo wealing the pkluio of llio next goveinoi. " BERT TAYLOR'S LAST WORDS. Mlndcn Murder Clnlms Until the Last Orcntb That He Is Innocent , Lincoln , Oct. ao-Mloil Ta.vloi , the Mlndon mm del or , paid Iho law's in Ice ol mm dor > esteiday afteinoon , and his bod.v U now at a local iindoilakei'H. The last elloit to save the pilsonor's llfo exhausted , the tiap was spuing at a-7 : ! o i lock. Tavloi's nock was biokon At 2.IU. ! ) a doctor look hold of the hanged man's wilst , paused lot i' second and solemnly announced that death's woik was complete Ta.vloi with a guaid on either side ot him and thieo gmuds and a minis ter following , began llio death match al 2 I'.U o'clock. Ho did not laltor II had been expected ho would bicak down , but did not. lib tiead was Him. Him.As As Ta.vlor , the muideier , stood on thu death Horn , and beloio Iho black cap had been adjusted , ho was asked bv the wauleii wholhor ho had any thing to say. Ta.vlor In a weak volcu began to speak. "I am innocent of this cilmo. I was . mulcted on ciicumslautial evidence ; imf 11 was all wiong , " said Ta > lor The condemned man paused , The lilaok cap was adjusted. "I am innocent , I am innocent , In nocent , innocent , I sa.v " tame fiom the folds of cloth mound Tajloi's lead. They weio his last woids. He was still speaking when the door dioppcd fiom under him , his bodv chot down into space , I hoio was a dull thud as tlio lope ill awn taught , slop- icd the man's descent. It was the end. Norfolk Could Be Horse Center. Glasgow , Scotland , hopt. ' ' ( > Spo clal to The News : The people of Scotland me moio like tnu people of Amoilca than any in Euiope. The same activity , the same energy , and the same enloiprise is seen hoio that is so ohaiaclciistic of Ameiica. Here in Glasgow one could easily imaginu hlmsell in one of thu older cities of Ameiica. ThlsS is only the moio true because of so many of our Ameilcan pioduels being sold and used heiu. Tjpowillcis , lawn moweis , insurance companies , cash loglsteis , adding ma chines , laiiu machlnciy and scores of other things from the United States mo all found heie , so that one sees neailj s many Ameiican as Scoleh names in fion' of business places. Some of Ihc best business blocks In Glasgow have been built by Ameii- caus , in which lo carry on their busi ness heio in Scotland and Gicat III it- ain. In tlio count ! y distilcls ot Scotland It is veiy clilTeient. Aside fiom the Clyde and a few other mu row valleys , theio is no soil al all. and > ot Iho Scotchman is doing much belter than the Kiiglishman in the way of suc cessful fanning. 1 asked one laim- er whcie he hot lowed his soil , but thin soil being the inks heie he did not undoistand me. It ottuiied to me that one good wagon load of Nobias- ka toil would fuinish mine leitilily than he had upon his faun , and yet he was harvesting a belter ciop of oats than was ovei harvested in No- brasl'a. Very canny fellows , these Scotchmen. With their analytical mind they soon know the "why" of oveiything. They aio oven ciowdlng the ( englishman In his much more populous ( list i lets , and wheio tlio Eng lishman fails the Scotchman succeeds. In ICngland ono of every sovenleen aio paupois mid have to be helped fiom Iho poor fund. In Scotland only ono in every lli ! , and yet England is the more feililo country. The climate over all of Great Itiit- aln is cool and moist , icquhing a long season to ilnon giain. There is much gialn to ciit yet , and bill very little of It Is stacked. The season has been an unusually wet one , mining most ot the time since emly spifng. Theio has boon no i.ilu now for two weeks , giving the faunnis ; i good ( banco to hmvcst their ciop. Tlio tommeitlal hotel system of Gical Itillain is excellent , and neat ly alwayj managed by women. In Iho sniallor cilies the service is at flist stiango to an Amoilcan but not so bad when he gets used to It. They will set a Tid-pound Yoikshiiu ham , a Cheshlio cheese , weighing nearly as much , a j'tr of jam , a I'-poimd loaf of biead , and a pot of tea befoio you , when they will leave you to yomself. This Is not so bad as it might be , foi lie who has never tasled : v Yoikshire hum , tooked by an Englishwoman , or ho who Knows not Iho taste of a good Cheshlio ( boose has missed u laro tieat. Much Poverty in England. Taken as a whole. Gieat Britain does not look good to mo fiom n finan cial view point. It looks much woiso than when I was lasl heio. There is many an industilal chlmnoy from which no smoke ascends , kilo men ate the rule. The most wretched pov- city meets you at every view. Thiee ImnkeiR , from thieo districts , with whom I have talked , could not recall the name of a farmer'or ' business man who was not In debt Ciodlt hoio lias been loduiod ( o a sdonco , It Is not based upon the amount of a man's pioporty , but upon his ability to pay Inloicst. When Union Itolhchlld said < , 1' i I would lather own the iiidobtodnoHn ; of the woild at - polecat , than to own the woild , " ho laid thu fotindn thin of the present ciodll system o1 liicnt Biltaln , Once In debt , no mini . 'xpects to pay out. Credit IH main tained by paying the old obligation ivlth a new one. Thu public debt of Gieat 111 Haiti will never bu paid. Biltlah honesty IH too well known to uvoi ; , pcjnilt the debt to bu repudiated , but , Tor all ( hut U will never bu paid It never can bo paid. Uvoiythlng mid oveiyono mo laxcd to the limit. Both llfo and death ue ( axed , mid yet tills U\ does not liny Intel eat and cm i out expenses he debt Is actually gi owing. A people ple of less Inhoient stiength. would uivo gone Into hmikinptcy years ago No people other than ( ho Biltlsh. have Iho st length to cany tmch a bin den. Do not for a moment think the Bill- Ish aio a people of no wealth , for they no among the wealthiest of nations Wo have our stool dust , our moat tinsl , our leather dust and many otb- ois. hut they mo only infants when compaied with the money tulst of Gioat Biiluin. $ \ voiy small numboi of men lontiol all Iho money of Gieat lliltaln The low inlo ot luteiost ( incited by ( ho Bank of England Is foi the bankets only no othoiH have the collatotal. The fanner and moi chant if Ibo conndy dlstiicts pay a higher into than such men pay in Nebraska , ind tbeie appeals no lollof In sight. This is my last letter to The News nt this time , ns I shall leave for home in a few days. This dip bus taught me that while one may see much thai s pleasing to the eye by tonilng a 'onnliy ' as a touilst ; yet if ho wants to le.nn much of the country ( hat will jo of any leal value lo him , hu must go out mnotig the people who make Hint counliy , and live with ( hem , and labor with them hi the way of helping Lhom to solve some of their many dif- llcult pioblcms. Evoiy day that 1 lomain in a conn ny , only biings mo neater to Iho poo- [ do , and In some Instances U has noun with many icgtets that 1 was ( impelled to leave them. The Whole World Alike. Another thing one loams Is that ifter all people diftor loss than we no inclined to believe , thai Iho woild s but ono 1mgo family. Go whoio wo may , chllclteii mo playing the same games , lovers aio bientiling woids of otcinal love and confidence into tlio MUS ol their swoelheaits ; middle ages s occupied with the leal activities and osponsibilitics of life ; old age , more ikely than not , Is leponting of ( ho nlstakes of an ill-spent life these me .he things common lo all mankind , ind when all has been said , they still nnko up Ihc chief Hems of life. Em ope has much Iho best of us In yeais , but whether wo speak of any ) iie , or all things , for which life is wortli living , it is Europe thai suffers jy die eompaiison. This does nol iiean thai no good can bo found over icie , foi go wheto we may thoio will jo good and there will bo that which is bad , but always moio good than bad. The beautitul homo llfo of rural Fiance ; the coinage and persistency if Hie Hollander ; Hie Hilton's gieat love of honesty and his stilcl cnfoice ment ot law , aio all wet thy of our emulation. Tlio Fiench and British , ystems ot building roads and maikel- Ing crops we should make subjecls of mefnl study. Upon the other hand this should not be tonsil nod to moan thai all Is well al home. Wo have national doubles of our own , dusts , lailiond legnlatlon , guilt and other things , but the people who have made a United Slates In llnec condnles , can be dusted to moot any emcigcncles that may misc. Wo have minor trou bles In our home state , but the intelli gence of Nebraska will lake cato of the Indue. We me young when com paied wllh Euiope , but the people ot Euiope mo today our pupils. The more I study Ihc people here , their povoity , their ignoiuneo , and of the bettei people their hopes mid ambi tions , the inoto firmly I am coin lined thai the Ameiican schoolhouse and the Amoilcan school teacher have boon the most potent foice in Ameil- cii'a gicatness. The native ability of tlio Briton is the best In the woild. Tuio gieatness genius oven an embtyonlc stage Is miming loose hoio upon the streets , but there Is no American schoolhouse , no American school teacher to develop It. This makes in Gicat Biitaln n ( ontiadicloiy condition. She is Ihc most Intelligent , yet. al Iho same time tlio most Ignorant - ant of peoples. Ono man a king , an other a creeping , .servile thing. A Message to the Farmer. Tlneiugli The News 1 have > a incs sage to deliver lo the Nobiaska faun or. It Is : Plow boiler , plant butler , using bettor seed ; cultivate holler , and harvest and euro for your cioj hotter Consent ) the lei Hilly of yoiir soil as you would your dollars. However over Joitlle your soil , unless you take hoed It will bo worn out before you aio aware of It. Build bettor and more substantial buildings , and lastly bieod bettor live stock and feed nni caio for It holler. You can conserve , the feitlllty of your soli only by keep ing live stock , and the world wants only tlio best. The best li-yem-ok steers sold in this maiket today for $171. per head , while others the same ago hi ought Sl ! ) only. The best fa' ' sheep sold for $ U2 per head , while otb ors of the same ago sold for $9. Cm you nffoid to stand this loss ? It IH you who hold the key to llio future piospeiity of your country Never hefoio have the countries o Europe icallml the fact that there can bo no permanent piospeiity ex coi-t 11 comes from Iho farm. Facto lies sometimes lail'and payrolls cease but the pioduots of the soil go on fotover England manufactures much more than Fi.ineo , whllo the latlor pioducea 1100 percent more fiom tlm. soil , area for urea. England is u laud of i ninny pnnpeiH. In l'Ymiu body 1 In loauhiK money 01 buying up bonds. And Mr. Landlimid stop your annual tenancy In icntlng , unless you ant to bankiupt yourself and inln vour tenant , for it wilt mticly do both and such a system ban bankiniltod nations. Such a system compels youi tenant to nlo\l ! \ foitlllly fiom you , and without It M. . bave nothing loft. The only good letitod piopoitlus In ( liva'i llillaln , aio ll.ioxe whoio the lcnaile.\ has been ftgu | twenty ono to ninety1 nine yems. All olbcrs havg long i luce boon oxliaii.stcd. World Needs Draft Horses. I 11 list yon will keep it a sooiol , but i ( 'guiding live stock the \\bole \ woild Is mighty shoil on good diaft hoises. I When 1 was In 1'iaiico 1 mo ! IliltoiiB , and Belgians , and Dauen , and lollandois , and Goimans , all looking 01 ooil diaft hoiscs. When 1 leach- d iTcdglum 1 found them nil Ihoio with he Picncliman added , and all looking or good dra It hoi scs. When 1 ar- hod In Holland they woie nil theio , ind all looking for good diaft hoisos Vheii I leachud Great Hiltaln I found hem all hoio and sdll looking foi good diaft hoisos. Thus you see tlio act Is proven that II Is nol bleed or needs they caio about , but they all vant good diaft hoisos. Mind yon , low , 1 did not say diafl hoi scs , I said SOOD diafl liotses. Some of yon farm- Ms have always logmdod mu IIH a tank upon the subject of soundness , ml when 1 got homo you will find no moio ( lanky than ever , for whoi- ner 1 have found buyois looking foi ; oed geldings , upon examination they vould loject nine for ovoiy ono no- opted. What they vvanl and must nivo ( o stand the heavy woik of the Itlcs of Iho woild , Is a big , uiggod , omul and added lo this ho mist be a good loedei. Km Much geldings I find ( ho pike the same In II ( ho counlilos ol Emopo , fiom ! ? ! ! 25 o $ l.r > < ) per gelding , ace 01 ding lo sio ml .quality. II you me not alieady vvaie of the fact , when yon send your lenses to maikct , you will find II is lafl lioisos lalhei than diall ponies hat mo wanted , and above all they unsl have good elastic paslcuts and tioug sound Jiucks. Could Raise I hem Here. No ( oitnliy upon the eaith is hot el fitted for the pioduclion ol such cldings than Is the district aionnd Voifolk. Nor Is any counliy beltoi dapted ( o the pioduction of high lass puio hied hoisos. Not of any mo bleed , but of all the bloods , and 11 the wide vvoild is solely in need > f such stock at this time and always vlll be. You may have the weakness o believe , lor il is an Ameiican weak- loss , that nothing can be done In such breeding unless you have the stale 01 edeinl goveinmen.t behind you. No lollof could bo moio falhuious , and I m going to loll you ( hat no gieal novemenl In animal hjisbandry has 'ver been mlidc that was slate"wide r even county wide The gioat Bel gian hoisc is still piodiucd in his naIve - Ivo counliy upon an moa of but nine )1 ) our lownships. The homo of the ufloik Is IOB- < than two townships , ind yet all the woild pays him Iri- into. The Clydale is confined to the alloy of the Clyde. The masslv e Shii o s hied upon but a veiy few farms. The Peichoion upon an area of a mall county. The Shorthorn cattle uivo but tow homos in Gioat Brllnin , ind Iho White-laced Heiefoid covers ml foui ol oiii townships : . It is nol a pieslion ol toiriloiy , but one only of Mitoipilso and intelligence , and Nor- 'oik can be mhdo such a live slock onlor that her good slock will bo vanted in ovoiy ( juailor of the earth The Aorlcultural City. Should the business man of Norfolk ead this letter It will not hint him n the least , and for his paiticnlar ben- 111 1 will add , that when I was heio n Gioat Britain sixteen yems ago evoiy city was competing with every ithor place in seeming manufacturing udustilos , but wholly neglecting their igiicultnral possibilities. Today Iho manufacturing cities aio ns dead as hey can bo , and evoiy city is doing ts best to make itself the center of igikultuial liado. Leeds , Iho gieat st mannfactuilng center known , Is oday the dullest city of England. The > osl town In eastuin England is Wood- nidge , wheio ? lfi)0,000 ( ) is paid by oieigneis every year for her Suffolk lorscs , and thu business men of the own iccently lalsed $50,000 to hi- - sponl in fuilher piefcctlng its favor to bicccl. The best town In northein England Is wheio the United .S.atos , Canada and Argentina aio paying fiom $1,000 to $20,000 each for fancy Shoithorn cattle. In westoin England fc is whoio [ lie bleeders of Mlssouil , Kansas , No biask.i and our gioat southwest art spending their millions foi the White fated lleiofoid. In Scotland It Is vvhoie thiity-thieu , v calling Clyde : , dale cells lecenlly sold for $118,000 at a public sale , all bred at that place as wel as many moio. Binges Is Iho only real live town In Belgium , mid It is hoie jthut Ihc people of five na lions aio spending their money every year for the big Belgian horse. Then theio is little Nogont-lc-Hou turn , just the slzo of our own Norfolk - folk , and I have the ollklal figures foi llio slalemenl , $3,500,000 spent there ovoiy ycui for the ope thing Porchct- on hoises. What would Noilolk do what could she not do , if In addition to the trade she now has. tlnce and a halt million dollai.s was loll thoio for Borne one pioduct ? G. L. Carlson A TIGER HUNT ON A SHIP. excitement on an Ocean Liner Fur nished by a Royal Bengal. Now Yoik , Oct. 2D The ciow of the liner Mlnnowaska In fiom London today , had n tin tiling yarn to toll of a real tiger hunt whkh took place on board silp ) on Us last eastward pas- ' are Thc > Mlninvva-Ka lariled pmt1 . < i ? a meiiarcil ( on Its lower deck for- waul. Among the unlmuls waa a line boiutnl ( Igi'i1 Motitbi'iH ( if Ihc dew' i.otliod that the tiger win In n bad I'liipor , l''ioiiu ' nlly ho Inn ltd him ielf agalrifll ( ho bars with n violence ) hat made thu sal lorn inuaiy. The Saluiday aftv'i' ( bo llnor sailed ilt ) wa dlxcuvcicd that llio II ) or had OK aped Horn bin oh"o The oxdli i unit became liilei c .vlicii loaia woio he-aid I mm Iho lowoi JIM k I'll" Hblp'n coik | nljiit , liiJi | < "i fi ( IP in | iiu ritlloy pd j'.H'soiiuej ' wii'nMii lin Hub ( urn to baho | ( , ( lmubwc0 ? l\ > ( ; it Iitln UHI I'lilliloom , but Ilioso lii'ilde clld not be llovo the ntoivv aiiihu-rund lo clip ' Ihulr ijllutlvd t'oij mluiitos. The ontliv mciuiu'Uo onn | , wnw mini mimed and , iuiiid ; | with iXiins , unol- VCIH and lion bain , ntleinpli-d to K icapluio Iho lieiust boor | < < ho tlbl any dmiiago After sciarcliliiK llm dimly lighted lowurMlcek tor n fv mluuloH the KOCJUMH doledod llio tlgoiby ( ho gime ol his o.u'H , in n stall on tbe back ol a saeuid Indian cow A gioal gash wan In the cow's neck. Blank cmttldgoH weio Iliod In the llgei'M face and ho was diUcn back Inlo his cage , but bofoio Iho Ko ( > porH could fasMi ( ( the doois he dashed out again and made another onslaught on the ( ow , \fler inncli mmienvi ilng by Ibo koopois , who Hied many blank cml- ildgoH , the lig ( > r again was dtlvon back Inlo Its ( age and I be dooi mndo last. The tow died soon alhiwaid TRUST BRIBE PLOT. Disclosures of Attempts to Thwait Pro"ecution of Packers. Washington. Oil ill Sensational lls ( IOSUIOH of altempls to Ihwnil the udklmenl of tlio beef p.ukotH nud ilc omaigai ino moousliliii M have led 0 a deleimlnallon by Pn ldinl Tall mil Alloiney ( Jeneiallcluisham lo eoiganl/o the goveinmiiiis piosuctlt- ng foico in Clihago. Tlie Mini utop alreadv bis lain tak- n and olheis aio lo follow In loio the jpcnlng of tbe tilal of ( he IK of ( rust ilIU lulu bckne .Indgo Landis In Jan- liny. Atcoiding lo Inl'oi inn gatliored eie , Chlagi ( ) Is slnmbeilng on u ar.othcied volcano ol ( cinnect- 'd with the Investigation ol the beef iust nnd the oloommgiii Ino makers. 1 he dopmlmonl ol jusluc IH in pnsseB- Ion ol evidence Indicating that po Inllucncos woiecxtitcd to wmd ill the indictment ol UK individual luckois and ol I lie ollliials of n big ilto lactoiy in the Hist investigation if tlio. e cases lasl spimg In addllioii , Llm elc'pai Inn nt has cmiitd thai exliaoidiuaiv Inline ucos , von involving nttoinpiid biibeiy , iveie biought to beai lo puvciil the loisoual indlclment of Hie packois by the second giand jmy in the summer. These lev obit ions have sthiod Iho itlutnoy gencjal to action On tlio eve it a ft niggle between tluj govutnment ind Iho Indicted oflic laN of lh boc'f lust , Mi Wlc'koisham dele i mined o stieiigtheii his touts all along Iho ino. Exliuoidimny JMCM , mUonn will ) o tal.on to guaid the ovldcnto against , he packois now in the hands of Iho govoinmeiil and to thwait any lonow- il ot the attempts ol 1ntoiontcd par- tics to injiiie the govoiiiment's caso. A Fatal Train Wreck. Chaltmioogn , Tonn , Oil III A J. Sanfoul , liicmmi , of Smyina , Tonn , vas killed. .MiKo MeGovoin , engineer ) l Nashville , was badly scalded , and Postal Cleik Kiank B Alien was In nicd In the wicek of the passongoi .tain No. 1 ol the Asheville , Chalta- moga & St Louis i.iilioad between Uillhar and Stevenson , Al.i The pas- songois weio shaken iii | but no ono A as set lously injuiod \ . bioken tall caused the engine to jump the linck ind Iho lialn followed. A News want ad will do the work. WANTED Success Magazine re- qnlios the soivices of a man in Nor folk to look aftoi o\liing ] ) subsilip- lions and to sec me new business by means of special methods usually of- Totlivo ; position pounmionl , piefor one witli experience , but would con sider any applicant with good natural qualifications salary $1 ' 0 pci day , with commission option Address , with icfrionci-s H C Peacock Itooni lo _ > . Suitcss Magn/ino Bhlg , Now Yoik. flEISTLtS PLAtE5 ARE RIGHT REI5TtE5 RATES ARt RIGHT PEISTLF n.mltu9 A BUEM ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER 1420-24 LAWRIHCC OINVCR COLO ! crli > 'lnn iilit-r nr Into Him M ( it ' > n i iinkn llonnnii i'ily i v c iI'ulc 13 uni 11 co. u | i " Ml i I'l : Itt ' i ttvr tpeeiatn ' ( " , r ' Alt. . ' u ' 'ri t tact' e\r \ ( Ii 441 i r Mi' t. i ; ir.t . ur i il VXl ,