r vt i T Ti > TiTr\ /-v/im/Miwti oo inin \ in in. DICKB want * uivorcc * MadlHon , Nob. , Oct. 22. Special to The NOWH : Mrn. Tllllo X. Hicks ro- HortH to the courts to ho separated from William Hicks , her Inmlmnd , to whom HIO ! was married at Norfolk January 10 , 1800. She alleges and charges In her petition cruelty , mm- Htipporl , and desertion and states that on May 10 , 100 ! ) , her husand was a station agent and operator at Colon , Nob. , and ho absconded with $500 or $000 of the funds belonging to the American Express company , and that ho IH now a fugitive from Justice. Hov. Father Buckley of Norfolk linn returned from O'Neill where on Wed nesday ho attended the dedication ser vices of the magnificent , now St. Pat rick's church , just completed at a cost of $ ' 10,000. Dtohop Scannell of Oinuliii officiated at the ceremony. Hlshop ICeano of Cheyenne , Wyoni. , preached the evening sermon and Bishop Oarrlgan of Sioux City cele brated the pontifical high mass after the dedication ceremony. Father Cassldy , who has been pas tor of the O'Neill church more than twenty-four years , IH greatly loved by the pcoplo of that community , who are proud of his achievement In building the now church. Father W. J. O'Snlllvan , pastor for the past two years , Is also highly es teemed In O'Neill. Former United States Senator Thomas mas Keorns of Utah , now a millionaire miner , who walked out of O'Neill years 1 ago onrouto west , was present. His 1 gift was $5,000. A Splendid Mualcnle. Not n seat on the lower floor of the Auditorium was available Friday night when the curtain was rung up and the Ileothoven Trio opened the first mini- lor ) of the program of the advanced music students of Professor Otto A. Voget. All sixteen numbers on the splendid program were carried out superbly and all were heartily np plaudcd by the largo audience of both out-of-town and Norfolk music loving guests. Among the out-of-town people who took part in the program with great credit were : Miss Mary Mellor , Wayne ; Miss Bcnlrlco Miller , llattlo Crook ; Miss Pearl Hughes , Wayne ; Miss Mablo nrechler , Battle Creek ; Miss Myrtlco Uralnard , Onkdale ; Miss Joan Prceco , Battle Creek ; Simon Uoblnovitch , Wayne ; Miss Erna Vo- got , Wayne. Among the out-of-town guests wore : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnes , Mr. and Mrs. II. Miller , Uuth Miller , Father Thomas Walsh , T. D. Preece , Mrs Proece , Miss Hicknmn , Mr. and Mrs Brcchler , Misses Jean Preece , Beat rice Miller , M.ibol Brcchler , Lenora Hans , Mr. and Mrs. Kreldler , all of Battle Creek ; Miss Lot Chapln , B Miller. L , Uoblnovitch , Misses Prescott cott , Mrs. Collins , all of Winslde ; Miss Erna Voget , . Miss Pauline Vogot , Mrs John Kate , Miss Dorothy Rlvel , Miss Pearl Hughes , Miss Mary Mellor , Mrs Robert Mellor , Otto Voget , sr. , Master Krnest Voget , of Wayne ; Mrs. C. H Uralnard , Oakdale ; Miss Myrtlco Bralnard , Oakdale. The feature of the evening was the closing number on the program , "Hop March , " played on twelve violins , two cellos and piano. Those who took par In this were : Solo violins , Miss Ma rlon Gow , Miss Beatrice Miller ; cello Miss Huth Beebo , Miss Erna Voget violins Miss Jean Preece , Miss Le nora Hans , Miss Myrtle Bralnard Miss Tot Chapln , Miss Abble Craven , Master Dale Stuckey , Master George ; Berner , Simon Rnbinovilch , B. Miller , Thco Mueller. Piano , Miss Elsie Gal- euby. The solos were received with much : applause. Miss Elsie Gatenby , Miss Lois Logan , Miss Clara Berner , Miss Mabel Brechler of Battle Creek , Miss Pearl Hughes of Wayne. Miss Mary Odlorne and Miss Mary Mellor of Wayne were among those who ren dered piano solos , while Miss CO Miller of Battle Crock , Miss CO Braln'ard. Oakdale , Miss Marlon Gow , Norfolk , Miss Jean Preece , Battle ; Creek , gave violin solos. The violin duet from Elgar by Miss Abble Craven and Master Dale I Stuckey was well received. Professor Voget , after his violin solo , gave a piano solo , "Valso Brlllante" and "Pan- ceo Joyeuse" of his own composition. All the students represented from the fourth to eighth grades. The Farmer of England. York , England. Sept. iC. Special to The News : When ready to leave Brussels I found I could reach Eng : - land about as quickly to go by way of Holland. This ? gave mo an oppor tunity to see a little of the life of the sturd.v ieoplo of that country , with their canals and boat life ; their Im mense trade with other countries ; and , their great production of tulips and other bulbs. A persistent people are these Hollanders , no task appear ing difficult to them. They fear not even to attack the forces of nature , and thus far In every battle they have been the victors. Their idol is "Indus try , " even their art , which is second to no other , being but the representa tion of their industrial life. One finds n wider difference be tween the rural and urban life of all Europe than prevails In the United States , and In no country Is it so no ticeable as in England. In England It Is not a social difference , but rather a sentimental one instead. Upon these continent the difference Is mostly so clnl , while here the country people according to the rule of caste hero ) In force stand higher than those of the cities , too high in fact , for their fu ture good , as wo shall see later. The country folk of England look upon the people of our country as being > the best and brightest In the world while the official class of the cities a regard us with contempt. The Westminster Gazette and ether or papers of that class speak of the > nnkecs wIUi a sneer , which at me ? In nothing If not contemptible , while the agricultural and country press are holding UH up before their rend ers as models for thorn to pattern af ter. Land Cheap In England , Except a few places along the const which Is boggy , and a few doltan of the larger rivers , what little soil there IH In England lies upon chalk or flint. This gives the English farmer a poor soil , but by good farming he manages to make It produce more than the for- tile HoIlH of NobniHkn. In Hplto of the thin soil , the general appearance of the country IH mighty pleasing to the eye. It IH a country of parks In which one finds thousands of stately oaks , and elms , and sycamores , some of which appear to have been growing for hundreds of years. The roads are leal , both for traffic and cycling , al vays bordered upon either sldo with veil trimmed hedge of hawthorne , lo- ust or olive. The road bed Is ma- adam In structure , built and maintain d by experts as In France. The elds are partitioned with hedge , too , mil In these fields can be seen live lock , the blood of which Is the foun dation of all good stock throughout he civilized world. Without this stock ho British farmer would bo bankrupt , or he Is nearly so with It. I am go tig to surprise the farmer readers > f The News , by tolling them that and1 is cheaper In England than It Is iround Norfolk. The best farm Inn England can bo bought for $100 per acre and there are thousands of farms tore lo be had al $50 lo $70 per acre , uid no buyers. The Improvement ipon Ihese farms In many Inslnnces nivo cost $200 per acre. Last Friday n the county of Suffolk , one of Eng- ami's best counties , a farm of 1,000 ) icrcs was sold at a foreclosure sale , uid It brought only $22,500 , scarcely 15 percent of the cost of the Improve- neiits. There are two causes for ; hls , the one being outrageous taxes , : he other too much tomfoolery. When the farmer should bo In the field or attend to his business , you are more likely to find him riding his hunter behind the hounds. The English 1 farmer has Inherited a large fund of nonsense , dogs , % guns , hunters , polo and other such things , and all togeth- or , It soon means bankruptcy. But for all this the British farmer Is a great characler. His love of honesty and fair play Is a mailer of history. His Intelligence is great , of Its kind. Ho Is slow to understand , yet a great thinker. His theory of agriculture Is the best of which we know , but his time Is so taken up with nonsense that he has no time loft to put it Into practice. It was ho who made animal husbandry a science , but now he is the pupil. Nebraska during her half century's existence as a state has done more for agriculture , than England in her 2,000 years. The farms here are large , some up to sev eral thousand acres. Help Is cheap. Farm help can be had for $2.40 per week , yet It costs the British farmer more for labor than It does the N braska farmer who pays three or four times as much. Friday I saw nine men hauling out manure at one farm. Two men in Nebraska with a spreader would do more than the nine. It is not so much the wages one pays , as it is the amount of labor you get for that wage. All workmen here are slow , which makes labor come high in spite of the seemingly low wage. But there Is some hope for the Brit- sh farmer , for ho Is sufllciently Intelll gent to see where he is at , and ho Is iloing his best , after a fashion , to bet tor his condition. A few days before leaving Belgium I wrote Fred Smith , secretary of the Suffolk Horse society , at Woodbridge , that I would be at the service of the society on Satur day. Mr. Smith had a sale booked for that date , but he planned for three meetings for the day , one at his town for 10:30 : In the morning , another for 6 p. in. at the close of the sale , am the third at the home of the president of the society , Sir Arthur Leedam , a Fromllngham. These meetings were attended by a total of 1,600 farmers , all eager to learn of American pro gress In their chosen calling. When told them If they desired to keep pace with the Americans they must follow the plow more and the hounds less , and be seen at their stock barns more often than the race track and cockpit , they were greatly pleased and ready enough to admit that It was these things which had made their business a failure. This farm sale was an interesting thing , and all the more Interesting igbecause it was held at Boulge Hall , a place so famous In the history and lit , erernture of England , and the place whore the renowned Fitzgerald lies burled. This estate is now owned by ImEaton White , M. P. , for the southeast Suffolk district , and the sale was the it Mid ' of a farm tenancy of forty-nine rears. Here they charge an admis iion of sixty cents to be permitted ilsto attend a farm sale , but this entitles ' one to a ticket to an elegant six- course luncheon. Horses , cattle , hogs > and sheep , all of pure breeding were sold , together with machinery of all kinds. Among the things sold was an American binder , two mowers , a disc drill , hayrako and a few smaller things. These were sold In competi tion with like machinery of English make , and It was very pleasing to mete to note that in every Instance the American goods were bid off at the higher price , and in talking with the buyers they were a unit In saying they preferred the American machines. Some yearling steers sold for $02 per head , while the breed stock all sold well. Lambs went to $ CO , and weaning colts to $480. The auctioneer does his work In nn easy manner , do Ing no talking to speak or and only recording the bids. I regarded him i as poor salesman , but the breeders present told me he was the best In eastern England. This made it easy for me to imagine that If our own > Tim Preece had been there , the farm- or would have had more money at' night. Living IR much cheaper here than In America , everything needed for the house being below the price at home , , This Is even true of American goods nold ' here. Cuts from the best corn fed ' . Nebraska steers retail hero nt a hilling a pound (21 ( cents ) , and the same cuts retail at 115 cents in Chi cago. The world's wheat market Is "JJj" ; Liverpool , because It Is the highest j priced market , and yet bread can bo bought ' here at 75 percent of the Nor-j folk . price. Farm machinery , sowing machines , lawn mowern and hundreds . of , things . from the United States can' )0. ) bought . ' here all the way from 50 to 75 ' percent of the homo price. This "J . makes ' a bad showing , and Is not like3 ly to ' help the position taken by the "Big . Business" of America. In cities of 50,000 to 100,000 house rent . Is cheaper than In small towns at ' homo. ' Fuel Is only half of the Norfolk price. Clothing is cheaper here than any place I have been. Taken all together It Is scarcely more than 50 percent of the American price. Every kind of food Is cheaper here than at homo , that Is the retail price. Meats are sold on foot above the American price , but retail for less. Not a very good showing for the American packers. The best English loins can be had in London for 30 cents , while the American loins of equal quality , sell uniformly all over England at 24 cents. The best Eng lish butter retails at 28 cents , while , , "margarine" ' sells at 24. , . . The railroad service is good , but the . , . passenger tariff Is very high. First class exceeds four cents per mile all over England , except on In ternational . tickets. Freight rates are lower than with us , and the service much , quicker and better. No Schools Like Own. _ , . The . educational advantages of Eng- and are mighty poor. As wo under stand ! * ' the term , there is no system lere ( at all. There are boys' schools uid girls' schools , and night schools , uid . preparatory colleges for those who \ can pay , but mighty little chance for the poor people.1 In this connec tion I wish to say a word for the boys md girls of Norfolk , for they know iot as yet , the greatness of the coun try In which they live. With them ill the avenues leading up to a high ly useful life are open , while here : > nly a few of the more fortunate toys and girls are given an opportun ity to prepare for a life worth living. Aside from Oxford there are scarcely dozen schools In England the equal of the Norfolk high school , and what Is oven better , It Is free to all. Is It little wonder that Norfolk has the ma terial for a hundred kings , and that every home is ruled by "Mother , " the uncrowned queen of America ? If one likes old things , It Is here ho can find It , and he can be favored with any age he desires. At Bath , near Bristol , they are still using the baths built by the Romans 1900 years , ago. They have been repaired nt times , but the same old buildings are now in use. In Norwich , and Ipswich and a score of places buildings are in use that were built around 1,000 years ago , and some of them are fairly good yet. Even the people are old in their manner and questions. In Suffolk n woman one of those unappropriated blessings some 40 summers young- asked me if the men in America still bought their wives with tobacco or other products. Not wishing to com promise any of my friends at home I took the responsibility wholly upon myself , and replied by saying that I knew of ONE who had not. All England is closed on Sundays. Even hotels must have a special Sun day license to receive visitors upon > that day. The street cars are run only iyh. to take people to and from church. Every division of every railroad has h.m time schedule entirely different from tlio week day schedule. No cabs or porters meet you at trains on Sun day In any of the county towns , and everyone appears interested in the enforcement of every law. G. L. Carlson. Don't Waste Tlmo and Effort. Old ways of housecleanlng are tire some and take mucn unnecessary ef 3fre fort. Your time and strength re worth a good deal. Save them nd look Inlo Ibis more satisfactory way. Forget that old and ancient melhods exist Gel Ihe all-round , handy cleans er that has saved hours of work and lots of worry for the women of loday. Old Dutch Cleanser is Iho short and easy route to simplified housecleanlng. See how much easier It makes your work. Old Dutch Cleanser scrubs all kinds of floors and painted Is ; scours all sorts of metal and enani- eled surfaces and polishes thorn , ino ; l cleans everything thoroughly and quickly. * ' No acids , caustics , alkali or grit in it. It means relief from hard work and lots of satisfaction. State Congregatlonalists. Fifty-fourth Annual Assembly of Ne > braska to be Held Here. The llfty-fourth annual assembly of the Nebraska Congregational confer ence will bo held with the First Con gregational church in Norfolk , October 31 to November 3. Men prominent In church work throughout the United States will bo present. Following Is the program : nt Monday , October 31. Evening. In 8:00 : Musical program , choir of the First church , Norfolk. Welcome , Hon. S. S. Cotton , Norfolk. Is Response , Rev. W. L. Dlbblo , Colum bus. Special music , Ruth E. Harding , Omaha. Scripture and prayer. Association sermon , Rov. F. T. Rouse , D. D. , Omaha First church. Communion service , Rev. G. W. Gallagher - P lagher , Plalnvlew , and George A. Conc rad , Norfolk Second church. I t ( Introduction of program. c ' Tuesday , November 1. Forenoon. 9:00 : ( Organization null business. 10:00 : ; Devotional hour , "Studios In the Letters I of St. John. " Prea. O. S. Davis , D. D. , Chicago theological semi nary , I 11:00 : : Moderator's address , O. M. Needham , csq. , Albion. Afternoon. Accomplishments and encourage- monts. ! 2:00 : Report of board of directors. ' 2:15 : Report of advisory board. | 2:30 : ! Report on education. 2:45 : < Report on Bible schools , can'l ' ( \ : Report on Chicago theological seminary. 3:10 : Report on ministerial relief. 3:20 : Report on church federation. 3:30 : Report of anti-saloon league. 3:40 : Report of national council. 4:15 : Symposium , "The Good and the Bad In Modern Evangelism. " Leader , Rev. S. H. Buell , Grand Is land Evening. 7:00 ; Informal reception to guests of the conference at the parsonage. 8:00 : Musical service , Doane con- sorvatory. Si ; 30 Address , "Congregational Fel low ship. " Rev. M. J. Shlpherd. D. U. , Lincoln ] First church. Wednesday , November 2. Forenoon. 9:00 : Business. 10:00 : Devotional hour , "Studies In the Letters of St. John. " Pros. O. S. Davis , D. D. , Chicago. 11:00 : Memorial tributes , Supt. S. I. Hanford , Lincoln. 11:15 : Symposium , "Tho Spiritual Life and Modern Conditions. " Leader , Rov. O. D. Moon , David City. Afternoon. Annual meeting Nebraska Homo Missionary society. 2:00 : Devotional , Rev. J. P. Clyde. 2:15 : Report of directors by the secretary rotary , Rev. J. H. Andress. 2:30 : Report of the treasurer , Rev , S. I. Hanford. 2:40 : The work of the pastor-at large , J. S. Dick. 2:55 : The general missionary's work , Rev. N. L. Packard. 3:10 : Report of the state superln tendent , Rev. S. I. Hanford. 3:30 : The work of the W. H. M. U. .Mrs. C. A. Jncquith. 3:40 : Address , "Missions Among the Sand-hills , " Rev. W. D. King. Discussion , led by W. H. Russell and F. H. Chickering. 4:05 : Address , "The Business Side of Home Missions. " 4:30 : Election of officers. 5:00 : Adjournment. Evening. Men's missionary conference , In the charge of Secretary L. O. Balrd , D. D. , C:00 : Forward movement men's 8:00 : "Pearls Which Appeal. " Rev. H. P. Douglass , D. D. , New York. Rev. W. G. Puddefoot , Indianapolis. Rev. J. P. Jones , D. D. , India. Thursday , November 3. I Forenoon. 9:00 : Closing business session. 10:00 : Devotional hour , "Studies In the Letters of St. John. " Pros. O. S. Davis , D. D. , Chicago. 11:00 : Symposium , "Systemalizing Church Finances. " Leader , F. H. Chickering , Omaha. Afternoon. I A battery of pointed papers on prac tical problems. 2:00 : "Stopping the Leaks Between Bible School and Church. " Rev. J. P. Clyde , Omaha Plymouth church. Discussion. 2:30 : "Family Religion The Chris , tian Uses of the Home. " Rev. W. L. Dibble , Columbus. Discussion. 3:00 : "The Place of the Church Among Christian Institutions. " Rev. G. B. Wilder , Hastings. " Discussion. 3:30 : "How to Develop the Spnll m Reverence and Worship. ( lev. d .1 Beach , Nellgh. Discussion. 5:00 : "Bringing up the Male Re- serves. " Rev. J. A. Jenkins , Omaha , St. Mary's church. Discussion. 4:30 : Half hour for odds and ends. Evening. 8:00 : Musical service , choir of First church , Norfolk. sth 8:30 : Address , "What the Church Demands of the Layman. " Rev. A. C. Townsend , Albion. : Special music. 9:00 : Address , "What the Church ) Demands of the Minister. " C. C. Shel don , Columbus. Adjournment. 9:30 : Parting words. of Hunting In California. W. J. Stadelman Writes of Exciting ca Experiences There. cao A number of Norfolk hunters have ab received n letter from W. J. Stadel- aba elch man of Santa Monica , Calif. , In which ho tells of hunting conditions there as follows : Santa Monica , Calif. , Oct. L On account of the extraordinary oxperl ence that I had this morning I am compelled to keep my promise and let you all hear from me. It Is the first October and the season is open in California for shooting quail , plover , ducks , etc. Conditions , of course , In this country are entirely different than homo and one must acquaint him self with the habits of the sportsmei : the territory where one lives. All on the duck grounds are controlled by shooting clubs and the open shooting very limited. These clubs arc in some instances quite extravagant nf fairs , as the Initiation fee runs all the way from $100 to $8,000 , and the dues from $40 to $200 per year. The $8,000 club owns hundreds of acres of val unblo land and the membership Is Urn ited to twenty-live , consisting of th plutocrats of southern California. thAl clubs have club houses with a care taker , and each member is assigned t certain day or days of the week tU which to shoot. For Instance , you may bo assigned Mondays and Fridays of each month , and you are compelled to confine yourself to these clays unto less Borne other member does not go on the day assigned to him and ho ets you shoot In his place. You go o the groumlH the night before , your neal and sleeping quarters are well irovlded and you shoot under the illS rcctlon of a captain , who assigns the jllnds by drawing lots. Your decoys j ire sot i by the caretaker the night bo- ' fore , you are called before daylight , ' ; lvei breakfast and escorted to your losltlon. Blinds are provided with ' stool and a bench for shells. No one s allowed ! to retrieve game until given permission : ) by the captain , then nil cave their blinds at the same time , In this manner no ono dlsturbes the High Tlio shooting IH great and the limit twenty is nearly always got ten. I of course do not belong to any club Had an application In but learn ed that the share was sold to the high est bidder 1 of applicants that had been liassed on and my bid was not accept ed , so I am now what Is known as n poacher , and have to take my chances with the herd that Is kept on the out side of the grounds and only get to shoo at the birds that leave one lo cation for another. There Is ono place that the four sections are all preserves - serves , and the Intersection of the road Is a very highly prized position for poachers. My experience this mornIng - Ing , however , beat anything that I have ever seen or heard of. I took n street car to the hunting grounds which are located about three miles Iron where I live. Had to walk about ten blocks through nn alley known ns a speedway for automobiles. Both sides of this alloy are built up with summer cottages , one-half block frou the ocean , at the end of which Is the city limits. From this point on Is the beach of the ocean and shooting is al lowed. All the way down the alley I was passed by hunters , consisting of men , women and children , afoot , on motorcycles , automobiles , In wagons , horseback , pushing baby buggies , and every old way hunters going for the opening shoot. I located myself on n pllo of sand behind some brush and waited for daylight. When this time came I could distinguish hundreds of moving objects in every direction , and soon the shooting started in the pre serves. Such n bombardment you never heard unless you have experienced the same thing. Presently I could see thousands of seagulls rising and com ing towards us going to sen. These tiirds one is not allowed to shoot. A little later , however , I could occasion ally see a bunch of ducks , all the time guns cracking continuously , and pres ently the flight started our way. Every bird that passed out was shot nt from one to fifty times by several hundred hunters. After about an hour of cannonading there came a second flight of birds , consisting of curlew , bull snipe and some other species that am not familiar with. These got the same treatment that the ducks got , and at about 8 o'clock all was over and everybody went home. I got five birds in the lambasting and was well satisfied with the trip. Went home , changed my clothes and was at work a by 10 o'clock. So much for the ducks. The quail season Is also open , and expect to go some day this week. However , I have been out twice al ready on a locating trip and think I can find some. This shooting is also to different from the Nebraska quail shooting , as the birds are in the moun tains , which are about one mile from out house. The underbrush Is very heavy and you shoot without a dog , and : these birds are given to running and will not lay well. They are In coveys of from forty to sometimes sev eral hundred , and they get up when flushed on all sides , and you have to stand with one foot close to your neck , or twisted out of shape on account of the mountain rocks and brush. The deer hunting is also great. The Elks club here has several deer hunters era , and I have had venison twice. In fad , there have been eighteen bucks roughl in by Sanla Monica hunlers his year. One of Ihese was killed wllhln Ihree miles of our house. I 1 could go on Indefinitely relating lit great sport that exists here. Deep et fishing can be had within five mln i lies' walk from my office , nnd you on't have lo take fishing tackle , as It an : bo rented on the pier. Where Ite Ite lee Ish bait Is also to bo had at the same , lfm , and ono asks for Iho kind of mil that Is suitable for the fish lie vlslies to catch , and no ono ever eaves the pier without a basket fill llsh of some kind. Launches arc ilso obtainable to go out In the ocean in . vlUI , which are provided with tackle < uid bait. Deep sea rock bass are ' caught with light tackle. They weigh overal hundred pounds and it takes _ about nn hour of good work on the mrt of the fisherman to make a lami get ng , and then the gaff Is used. Alt Wilson Gets a New Trial. hoi Lincoln , Oct. 24. The death sentence ed tence of George Wilson of Brown ' Its county is reversed by the supreme she court and tbo case remanded for anew ho now trial. Wilson was convicted of the crime of murder In the first de- : sree. The person alleged to have > j an been killed was Jacob Davis , jr. , ind ( ea the crime was alleged to have been it committed In Alnsworth. Davis was tn brutally murdered near his own door I ' se the night of December 27 , 1909. ) j There was Indication that ho had boon sh robbed. Ho was struck on the head i hr and the skull fractured and shot s\\ \ through the head. Davis was never nil restored to consciousness and died to within a few hours after receiving his on Injuries , or The question of Wilson's connection with tlio crime was based on clrcuinsii stantlnl evidence alone. Tlio prosotr cutlou offered testimony to provo that to the accused had deserted from the be United States army a short time becr fore the murder. The supreme court w holds that It was error to allow this proof by the state. Tin pio.socutlon proHontod evidence to show that the accused was n mar * r'i'd ' man , that his wife resided In South Dakota and after coming to this state he had agreed to marry another woman. The prosecution caused the wife of the accused to como from South < Dakota to tnko her place within the bar during the trial , and procured a witness to point her out to tlio Jury. boThis Is bold improper practice. The attorney for the prosecution , In IIH ! speech to the jury said : "If this Jury find tills defendant guilty and do not bring In a verdict recommending the deal ) penalty , no member of this jury j need come to me and apologize * , or to apologize to any member of the mull- once " This Is hold by the supreme court such n gross violation of the rules of argument ns to require the strongest censure. A GIRL'S RAPID RISE. How Miss Nellie Walters Weni From Ranch to a Stellar Role. From n ranch In Montana to a lead ing role In n metropolitan musical production sounds like a big Jump. , The more thought of U Is enough lo set nwhlrl the head of any ambitious young girl. In "The Flower of the Ranch" company , a musical-comedy which ran nt the Garrlck theater , In Chicago , 200 nights , and Is to visit this city soon , is llttlo Nolllo Wallers , and the part she fills Is the most Im portant In the play. Two years ago she was n lltllo 17- year-old girl attending school at Bil lings , Mont. Her father , n ranch own er In the southeastern part of the state , made annual visits to Chicago In the Interests of the slock market. It was during one of the visits that Miss Wallers , accompanying her fa ther , became acqualnled with Miss Ma bel Bnrrlson , who at that time was playing the part of "Flower" in "Tho Flower of the Ranch. " As the ac quaintanceship became stronger , Miss Barrlson became nttracled by the young woman's beauty , intelligence and refinement , and approached her father to allow her to enter the pro fession. At the parent's approval , Miss Garrison saw her manager nnd there was room made for her In tlio chorus , where she developed Into a graceful 1 dancer. It was not long thereafler Hint the understudy role of "Flower" was entrusled to her , and when Miss Bnrrlson left the company to enter vaudeville , Miss Wallers was assign ed this most important role. From her first performance she proved a decided success , not only In her dances , but she cnptlvated the audi ence with her grace , magnetism nnd ; lngery dash throughout the play. Miss Walters will be seen ns "Flower" in "The Flower of the Ranch" when that attraclion visits this city next Friday night COULDN'T PLEAD GUILTY. Justice Elseley Refuses to Accept a Plea From George Wheeler. For the first time In many years Justice C. F. Elseley refused to ac cept the charge of gullly and collect fine on that plen when George ? Wheeler rushed Into his office and ' declared he was guilty of hitting Tom a Cantwell and wanted to pay the fine yesterday afternoon. After an argument Wheeler is said have hit Cantwell on the chin and over the cheek. Cantwell started for the police Judge's ofllce followed by If Wheeler and about ten people , who were anxious to see the outcome of the argument. While talking to the fire driver nt the police station the crowd was left behind by Wheeler who made his way to Justice Eisoley's of- flee and pleaded guilty. Ho had no in sooner done this than Mr. Cantwell and the other men came Into the room and for a while it looked like a rough house. "I can't do anything for you now , " is sold the judge. "You will have to come in later. " And with that he or dered everyone out of the court room and , locking the door , went homo. The principles soomcd satisfied. al KINDNESS A DIVORCE CAUSE. New Reason for Separation Given by ' ' Mrs. Ida M. Gibson. I New York , Ocl. 24. Husbands are I ; ca kind to their wives. That is the . reason . so many women are being driven Into the divorce courts. " Such is tlio paradoxical opinion which Mrs. Ida McGlone Gibson ex pressed In a current magazine. ' , . me 'American homes are1 Ihe bapplesl the world , " commented Mrs. Sofia j1 ' so Loeblnger , editor of the H'of j. I A.'i Suffragette and leader of the ltIA.'s advocates of votes for women. of "The fact that anyone in tlio United thr Slales with tal a legitimate grievance can a divorce proves that the great Oil majority who stay married are happy.'m ' Also , the majority of American y.o - jas men are devoted to their homes , and 'ov ' housekeeping Is not such a compllcat- the science that a girl cannot mnsler rudiments In a few weeks , oven If the becomes a wife without knowing how to make a cup of tea. "Tho trouble with many women Isle that they consider whatever they do : the most Important things on . full earth. I agree with Mrs. Gibson thai would be a good thing if mothers trained their daughters to a greater red sense : of responsibility. "Tho business manager of a homo should have a fixed housekeeping nl- lowanco , and more Important still , he ftl1 \ ! SS cd ivn Hit ton cs- exec - to oc- oc.ho .ho icy Ho FOR A DANCING GIRL. King Manuel Threw His Portuguese * Crown nt the Chorus Maiden. Berlin , Oct. 24.A ( Ionium girl In a Japanese dance has knocked tlio Portuguese crown Int/i the mud. The Hlron 111 the enm > Is Mllo. ( Inby DcsllH. ] | Her dancing of tlio "jlu-Jltsu waltz" won the fancy of young King Manuel | , of Portugal. Then began n dance' of destiny , whom1 climax IH the ousting , | of the youthful monarch from his | ( | throne. t It IH the latent of countless - less | Instances where a sovereign baa tossed ) away a crown fur the love of u woman. Mile. | , Deslls made a sensation In Berlin un and | ( Paris by her Jiimncno | danc ing. ( Manuel , on a pleasure trip tit the ( | French | capital , saw the girl ami promptly | | went mad over her , Ho brought | ( ) her to Lisbon and was soon everywhere In public with hor. That hy Itself might have done no great harm In his subject eyes , but ho proceeded to heap rich prcHonts upon her , lo load her with Jewels and to buy everything her fickle fancy hap pened to crave. Times were hard. People were clamoring for work. Hun- per wan more than a mere name In Portugal. When Htarvlng men and women behold the klng'H sweetheart ablaze with dlamomlH whoso price was wrung from the state nnd whose equiv alent in food might have saved many a life , trouble sol In. The nation murmured. The king : was deaf lo Ihe growing voice of com plaint and spent more and more of the money on Mile. Deslls. Ills Indif ference was nothing new In tlio his tory of rulers. Manuel , unluckily for his short sighted young self , was living in a later cenlury. Members of the bunk- nipt nation did not enjoy seeing jew els worth half a million dollars given by a king to a foreign dancer. That is the amount Manuel is said to have spent on Mllo. Deslls' adornment. People , too , who hail been turned out into Ihe slreets to starve , growled when they heard n huge suite of rooms in the royal palace had been assigned lo the jiu-jitsu girl. Sticklers for morality and etiquette were shocked to learn that Mllo. Deslls accom panied Manuel on his travels. But Manuel continued to perform the world-old kingly feat of dancing on a : volcano rim. Ills favorite holi day resorl was Paris. There , so riot ously gay was he Unit the French po lice wore forced to lake him in low and lo close various famous local resorts sort whenever ho was in Iho city. The young king's ministers tried to gloss over his antics , meeting the pub lie's protesls with assurances llmt this was n last bachelor "fling" and that presently Manuel would marry and setlle down Inlo a paragon of roy al propriety. pT The excuse did not serve. Manuel continued lo spend most of his limo will Mile. Deslis , shutting his ears lo all complaints. try t As in the case of Hen ry III. ! of France and oilier royalties of Ihe t same ideas , the "fling" lasted just a trifle longer than did Ihe sere trie- - patience of Ihe people. Manuel awoke lo find himself kicked off his throne nnd to know he had thrown away . a kingly career at the feet of dancing girl. WRAPPED IN A MILE OF SILK. New York , Oct. 24. Last year It was the 500-butlon gown. This year the spool gown is the latest fashion. you are a woman you will think tlio spool gown is the most atlraclivo style of all ; if you are n man and you have been congrnlnlating yourself deposition of the 500-butlon frock you will gasp when obliged to lake twenty minutes to wind your wife up the spool dress. The spool gown derives its name from its belt , which Is nothing more nor less than a mile of silk which is wound about the figure after the frock put on. No , the spool dress Is not Import . For the Ladies' Tailors' associa tion has decided to boycolt the Euro- pcan fashions and Paris Is pouting over the opening of the Third Nation Style Show nt the Hotel Astor lo- day. Already Ihe president of the as sociation , has reported three wails by wireless from France because A inert- has invented the flrsl official nero- plane costume , the suffragelte dress and the spool gown , to say nothing of 197 specimens of evening gowns and tailored suits displayed at the exhl- billon. "American styles for American wo- men" is the slogan of the L. T. A. , the frocks shown haven't a pinch Paris about them. It is the L. T. . ' aim to engender a proper spirit patriotism in their customers. through their clothe ? . As a woman tailor put it , "Wo never will bo thor oughly ) American until the women have renounced the idea that French fashions are the only ones worth fol- lowing , and have cast off the yoke of Imported gown. " Judging from the suffragette frock women will be casting olT not only yokes , but petticoats as well , for this newest creation Is innocent of ruffles. pleats , tucks and all feminine frills. The trousers yes , real trousers are , about a yard wide , ( > aggy at the knees and full of pockets. A plain sack coat , an Alpine hat , castor gloves , tie and white shirtwaist complete this frock of the future. , The aeroplane costume , of which there are two specimens , Is service able , for it can bo worn for motor cars as well as flying machines. Ono sample of the biplane dress Is of blue cloth , made very much like the suf fragette dress. Only the trousers but up the sldo with Innuniorahlo brown buttons , the waist Is attached the trousers , and a little hood gath ered with a brown leather drawing string Is sewed on at the neck of the waist. A NOWH want nd