The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 28, 1910, Image 1

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Messrs. Hawley and Post , for Whom
Grave Alarm Had Been Felt , Landed
After Forty-six Hours In the Air.
Sailed 1,600 Miles.
Chlcoutlml , Quebec , Oct. 27. Alan
H. Hawley and Augustus Post , the
now holders uf tlio world's champion-
Bhlp , allowed llttlo 111 effect today from
tlio thrilling oxiorlunccH ) which huvo
hcon theirs since tlioy left. St. Louis
nlno days ago In the America II. They
were fatigued hut the trip had boon
thoroughly worth while , they said.
"Toll our friends that wo are well
nnd very , very happy , " wns the inea-
eago which they sent from their room
in the small hotel which Is the boast
of the 5,000 Inhabitants of Chlcoutlml.
The two aeronauts reached hero at
10 o'clock last night and retired short
ly before midnight as soon after
their arrival as they could get away
from the crowd of welcoming anil con-
gratulatlng citizens. They had driven
forty miles over the rough country
from St. Ambrolso since the early
afternoon and were "tired to the
bone , " as one of them expressed it.
A Hood of telegraphic messages from
the United States which awaited them
on their arrival wont unanswered , and
for the most part unread until morn
Tholr night's rest was bound to bo
brief at the best , for tlioir train over
the Quebec and Lake St. John was
scheduled to leave at 7:10 : In the morn
ing and If they missed this they must
wait until evening.
Bath Tub Welcome Sight.
Doth airmen agreed that the most
welcome sight In all ChtcoutimI on
their arrival was the bath tub In their
rooms at the hotel. This was a lux
ury which they had been denied for
nine days nnd every one of the nlno
days had been spent arduously. Four
of the nights had been passed out of
doors , with the hard ground for a bed
und their army blankets for a cover.
Their balloon , the America II , Is
-I'll at Lake Du Ranee Do Sable , this
elng the title of the township where
hey landed. It Is bolloved that Jo-
lopli Pednaud and Joseph Siniard , the
hvo trappers who brought the balloon-
4hts In a bark canoe to St. Ambrolso ,
will go back and see what can bo done
fo get the big bag from its cache onto
t\\o \ \ side of the mountain to tlio rail
road here. This will not be an easy
v sk.
In Air 4G Hours.
Messrs. Hawley and Post landed
i ) ont forty-six hours after their de-
> irturo from St. Louis. The balloon
Vnskot touched earth at 3:35 : o'clock
U the afternoon of the 10th. They
piobably flew in all about 1.000 miles ,
although the direct distance between
the two points on which the interna
tional race Is decided is only 155 ! !
iHlos. Tills would iiMke their average
rr te of progress about thirty-live miles
a hour.
Leaving hero this morning Messrs.
1iwley and Post will reach Quebec
si itly before C o'clock this evening.
New York to Welcome Them.
Vow York , Oct. 27. A grand wel-
cc no homecoming is planned today ferAl
Al m R. Hawley and August Post , the
ba loonlsts who broKe all records In
the America II , and until last evening
w ro thought to bo drowned In one of
the great lakes or to have perished In
the wilds of Canada. A dispatch from
Hawley at St. Ambrolse , Saguenay , re
ported that they landed safely 1,355
ml rs from St. Louis , the starting
pol U. They will reach hero Monday
or Tuesday. Cortland Field Dlshop ,
prt tfdcnt of the Aero Club of America ,
salil today :
" fho splendid feat of those men do-
sor-'es the welcome wo will give them.
It vlll be the largest celebration of Its
klml New York or any other place in
the country has even seen. A big din \
ner is already being arranged. Every 'i
avii tor now in tlio city wil icnialn to 1 ,
wel omo the returning champions of
the lir. " ' j
Balloonlsts Wire Friends. | I
1w \ York , Oct. 27. Alan R. Hawley -
ley ind Augustus Post , tlio aeronauts
of I ) e balloon America II , for whom
seal th has been made In the Canadian
wile v are safe and have established anew
now world's record for sustained
fllgl V They traveled approximately *
l,36h miles and came to earth In Chi-
eoul mi cdunty , Quebec , on Wednes
day list , but were not heard from un
til fistorday , when telegrams sent
fron St. Ambrolso , Quebec , reached 1
NoYork. .
Tl j balloonists started with the
otho contestants In the International 1
cent pts. whoso balloons have all been
rope led. Two messages from Haw
ley ; ul Post were received in Now
Yorl last night. One was to William
Haw ry , brother of the aeronaut. The
ot * o was to Samuel F. Perkins , pilot
ot tl i balloon Dussoldorf II , which 1111-
U h ( t night had been considered the
v jii ir. The message to Mr. Hawley
"I mded in wilderness week ago
Mty nlles north of Clilcoutiml. Doth
well '
T | f Perkins message read : 1
"I nded Parlbonka river , north Lake
r 'fo . -
Chllit % .s''lneteenth ' ; all well , re *
turning&V ,
Offlcfky' . . -yi Distances.
St. Louis. OT7. . Following the
announcement tlult Alan It. Hawley'
and Augustus Post had landed safely
In the' balloon America II , north of
Lake I St. John , Quebec , the St. Louis
members i of the International race
committee , A. H. Lambert and L. I ) .
Dozlor I gave out the ofllcial distances
achieved by the balloons. These are
as follows :
America II ( American ) Alan U.
Hawley 1 , ' pilot ; Augustus Post aid.
landed at Lake Tshlshtlgama , near
1I Perlbonka , Quebec. Distance 1,355
Dussoldorf II ( German , Hans Go-1
rlcke , pilot ; S. I" . Perkins , aid. Land
ed at Klsklslnk , Quebec , 1,230 miles.
Germanla ( Gorman ) , Hugo Aber-
cron , pilot ; August llhuiekortz , aid ,
landed at Coocoocache , Quebec , distance -
tance 1,11)0 ) miles.
Helvetia ( Swiss ) , Theodore Schacck , 1
pilot ; A. Armhrustor aid. Landed at
Ville Marie , Quebec , distance 850
Harburg III ( German ) , Lieutenant
Vogt , pilot ; W. F. Asanian , aid. Land
ed at Lake Nlplssing , Out. , distance
795 miles.
As/lire , ( Swiss ) Emll Messner , pi 1
lot ; Leon Glraudan , aid. Landed near
Hlscotaslng , Out. ; distance 772 miles.
Isle Uo France , ( French ) Alfred Lc-
Blanc , pilot ; Walter Gomamm , aid.
Landed at Pogamaslng , Out. ; distance
725 miles.
St. Louis IV , ( American ) II. B. lion-
ieywell j , pilot ; J. W. Tolland , aid.
Landed at Hlllnian , Mich. ; distance'
550 miles.
Condor , ( French ) Jacques Fauro ,
pilot ; E. G. Schmolck , aid. Landed at
Two Rivers , Wis. ; distance 410 miles.
Million Club , ( American ) S. Louis
Von Phul , pilot ; J. M. Oreilly , aid.
Landed near Racine , Wis. ; distance
315 miles.
After dispatching Lewis Spindler ,
aero club of St. Louis , representative
at Toronto , to Quebec to greet Haw
ley and Post on their way to Now
York , President Alvort Lambert of
the local club wired the crew of tlio s
America II that they were undoubtedly -
ly the winners of the fifth James Gor-
don-Dennett international race. The )
distance 1,355 is subject only to con
tinuation by the war department.
Tlio prize money , amounting to
$3,750 cash , is deposited hero In the
naiiio of the Aero Club of St. Louis !
and will bo awarded as follows upon 1
receipt of the war department meas-1
itrements If the relative positions arc
not changed :
America II , $1,000 ; Dusseldorf II,1
$1,000 ; Germanla , $1,000 ; Helvetia ,
$500 ; Ilarburg III , $250.
Manager of Victorious Champion Base
ball Team Is Married.
Philadelphia , Oct. 27. Cornelius
McGilllcuddy ( Connie Mack ) , man
ager of tlio world's champion baseball
team , was married tills morning to
Miss Katherine Hallohan in the Roman
man Catholic church of Our Lady of
Holy Souls , by Rev. John Moore , the
rector. Following the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. McGillicuddy went to his
n. other's home.
The couple loft later in the day for
Now Yorlt , where they will remain un
til November 3 , when they will sail for
Genoa on the Jsteainor Cincinnati.
They will tour , % aly , Switzerland ,
' .
France , Ireland' and England , and
probably will not return to this city
until January or early in February.
The victorious Athletics are to be
given a dinner by the officials of the
Philadelphia American League club
and a big civic demonstration In their
honor is to be held Friday night of
next week , closing with a great ban
quet on Saturday night.
Two Brothers Arraigned in Ontario
for Killing Woman.
Goderich , Out. , Oct. 27. Edward
Jardlne , arrested yesterday as the al
leged slayer of Elizabeth Anderson ,
whose mutilated body was found in a
vacant house hero September 2 , and
Thomas Jardlne , his brother , charged
with being an accessory after the fact ,
were hi ought Into the court for ar
raignment last night. The cases were
adjourned until next week.
Tlio ariests followed the report of
the coroner's jury that "the evidence
points to Edward Jardlne as having
committed tlio crime. "
A largo pocket knife discovered the
day after the crime in the vicinity of
the place where the girl was killed ,
was shown prominently in the test- !
mony at the Inquest. Edward Jardlno
denied that this knife had over been
In his possession , though admitting
that he had owned one similar to it.
Baseball Man Resigns.
Philadelphia , Oct. 27. Manager
Charles H. Dooin this afternoon
mailed his resignation as manager of
the Philadelphia National League
baseball team to Horace S. Fogel ,
president of the club , as a result of
the controversy over the exchange of
players with the Cincinnati club.
Dooln , under his contract , remains a
catcher on the team.
Bank Robbers at Galva , la ,
Galvn , la. , Oct. 27. Dank robbers
blew open the vault of the Galva State
bank this morning , but were unable to
open the burglar-proof safe Inside the
vault. The robbers secured only $35 $
in small change. The robbers also
raided several business houses and so-
cured several hundred dollars' worth
of cash and merchandise.
The Flakes at Nellgh , Which Fell Be
I tween 7 and 8 O'clock , Melted as
They Fell The Temperature In
I Norfolk Dropped to 31.
Nellgh , Neb. , Oct. 28. Special to
The News : Tlio llrst snow of the season -
son , fell in Nellgh between 7 and 8
o'clock \ this morning. The Hakes woio
largo ] and melted as they fell.
A fairly heavy snow fall Is reported
from tlio western end of the Northwestern -
western railroad , in northern Wyoming
and ' the Dlack Hills , Wednesday. The
.mercury . In Norfolk fell to 31 ° .
I I At 10:45 : It began snowing In Nor-
Snow In Omaha , Too.
' Omaha , Oct. 27. The llrst snow of
the season in Omaha fell this morning
In brief flurries. It was accompanied
by a strong north wind. The weather
was moderately cold.
I Sioux City Got Snow.
I Sioux City , la. , Oct. 27. Sioux City
experienced the llrst touch of winter
today , light snow falling this morn
| Complete He-Enumeration of That
City Ordered by Government.
Washington , Oct. 27. Complete re-
enumeration of the population of Ta-
coma was today ordered by Secretary
Nagel as a result of protests made by
j the people of that city , who weie glv-
en a hearing yesterday and today.
, Hearing Will be Expedited , But Hang-
j ing May be Slightly Delayed. I
I London , Oct. 27. Solicitor Newton
today entered an appeal in the court
I ! of criminal appeals from the verdict
of the criminal court which found his
client , Dr. Jlawley II. Crippen , guilty
of the murder of his wife and sentenced -
tenced him to death on November 8.
It is probable the hearing on the appeal -
peal will be expedited , though It may
be necessary to postpone the execu-
tlon. i
Omaha Commercial Club Secretary
Gives His Opinion on Raise.
Chicago , Oct. 27. The shippers who
, oppose prospective freight rate ad-
\ancos attacked certain valuations
placed on their property by railroad
witnesses when 10. J. McVann , man
ager of the traffic bureau of the Omaha -
ha Commoicinl club , took the stand
before the interstate commerce commission -
mission today. | i
Tlio witness ruthlessly reduced the
valuation of $3,300,000 placed on the
Durllngton road's terminal property
by Geneial Manager Waul of the railroad -
, road at Omaha. The assessed value
of the terminus , the witness stated ,
'was ' $831,205. "This , " continued Mr.
McVann , "Is about 25 percent less
than the actual value which makes the
latter about $1,000,000. I found that
the lailroads In Omaha paid about 50
percent more than the actual value of
land so that Mr. Ward's estimate
would have to bo cut in two to give
the correct value of the terminal
lands. "
Tlio witness declared that similar
conditions exist at St. Paul , Minneap
olis and Duluth. j
After discussing the items of gross
piolit , tlio percentage of supply cars ,
hauled by the roads and tlio increased
minimum carload weight , Mr. McVann '
gtue Ills opinion of the proposed in '
creased freight rates.
"It is my honest opinion , " lie said ,
' that the Increases will not add to the
revenue of the railway , but will do- their revenue by its effect on
business In a stoppage of the move
ment of goods. "
In a Duel for Altitude.
Delmont Park , Oct. 27. Two Wright
standard biplanes of the new headless
model , and Hubert Latham in an An
toinette monoplane , were the only fil
ers that risked tlio twenty-mile wind
when the fifth day of the International
aviation meet was opened at 1:30 : this
afternoon. Those two steadfast rivals ,
Hoxscy and Johnstone , in the two bi
planes , soared In their dally duel for
Northwest Weddings.
William Schultz and Misa Viola
Durgo were married at Ainsworth.
Cloyd Hastings and Miss Floy Is-
boll were married at Ainsworth.
Fred A , Booth and Miss Florence
McCrillls were married at Ainsworth.
Joseph Hastreltor , jr. , and Miss Ida
Ward weremarried at Humphrey.
Dr. O. O. Person and Miss Dessio
Patterson were married at Wlsner.
Miss Glenn Hoonlg and C. 0. Head-
Ington were married at Valentine.
Melvln Clark and Miss Myrtle Heth
were married at Valentino.
( Copyright , 1910. )
News Item. A Gorman Professor Has Come Over to the University of Chicago to Teach Pure English.
M Peace Had Been Expected Thursday
in the Labor Trouble of Hart , Schaff-
ner & Marx , but a General Strike
Order Came Instead.
Chicago , Oct. 27. Peace , expected
today j in the strike or the union gar
ment workers , nnrtlcuaijv ] < those employed
ployed by Hart , Schaffner & Marx , was
put to rout by a general call for a
sympathetic strike , and by a small riot
which led to the arrest of three strik
ers early In the day.
Employes entering a north side
branch 1 shop of the tailoring llrm were
assaulted by union pickets and sympa
thizers. Sticks and stones were
thrown back and forth but injuries
were too slight to ho taken cogni
zance of in police reports. Three of
the t nsasilants wcro arrested by tlio
detail ( of police who had been on guard
since : the llrst stiiko a week ago.
Express Labor Controversy is Increas-
ing More Men Out.
New York , Oct. 27. Express strike
troubles on tlio Now Jersey side of tlio
Hudson ' river multiplied today. He-
sides tlio drivers and helpers of the
Wells Fargo Express company who
went out in sympathy with the strik
ing ' employes of the United States Ex
press I company in Jersey City and Ho-
boketi ' , the helpers on the Adams Ex-
pi I ess company in Jersey City went out
this ' morning. They number several
hundred. '
New York , Oct. 27. Tlio drivers of
tlio t Wells Fargo Express company
went out in sympathy with the strik
ing employes of the linked Express
company in Jersey City yesterday and
it is reported that tlio Adams Express
men will go out today. Scenes of
disorder were common nnd tlio police
were compelled to use both club and
pistol. There has been talk of calling
'on the government to order out the
militia but up to last night no action
lias ben taken. Women have joined
the strikers and are giving the police
much trouble. Several of them hurled
missiles at the strike breakers and
Roosevelt's 52d Birthday.
Utlea , N. Y. , Oct. 27. This is Theo
dore Roosevelt's fifty-second birthday.
Ho reached Utica fiom the not thorn
boundary of the state early today , pre
pared to put in a hard day's work Af
ter a short stop hero Colonel Hooso-
volt started out on a circuit which waste
to bring him back to tnls city late this
atternoon. Ills schedule for the day
called for speeches ot Fonda , Glovers-
vllle , Amsterdam. Llttlo Falls and
Herkimer , with a meeting in Utica to
night. Ho is to spend the night in
this city , remaining hero until 11:30 :
a. m. tomorrow when ho begins the
last day of speechmaklng of his tour
of the state.
With His Wife He Departs for His
Home In Madison.
Rochester , Minn. , Oct. 27. Senator
and Mrs. Robert La Folletto loft Ro
chester for Madison , Wis. , their homo.
Senator La Folletto has completely re
covered from his recent operation for
gall stones.
Persistent Rumor Circulates in Berlin
Financial Circles.
Derlin , Oct. 27. There Is a persist
ent rumor in financial circles today
that a revolution has broken out at
Athens. Telegraphic inquiries sent to
the Grecian capltol this afternoon
have received no i espouse.
Cardinal Vannutelli Tells of the Won
derful Nation He Found.
Rome , Oct. 27. The pope gave a
private audience to Cardinal Vaniiu-
toll ! , who returned recently friin his
mission to America , where was the
papal legato to the eucharistic con
gress at Montreal. The cardinal de
scribed the congress as notably suc
cessful , lie admired tlio astonishing
growth of the American nation which
he said foretold a magnificent future.
He added that the Catholic church at
tlio present time occupied a proini-
nent position in American life , the
Catholics bolus ; at once staunch patri
otic citizens and zealous churchmen ,
and so constituted a strong guarantee
of older and an efficacious barrier
against subversive elements.
Three Men Enter Farnam Street Cigar
Store and Use Guns to Get Cash.
Omaha , Oct. 27. Three men en
tered the cigar store of C. II. Sobotker
at Twentieth and Farnam streets last
night and at the points of revolvers
relieved the proprietor of money and
diamonds with an aggregate value of
several hundred dollars. They then
bound and gagged Sobotker and es
caped without detection.
Refusing to Modify Speeches Against
T. R. , He Withdraws.
Cleveland , Oct. 27. Declining to ac
cede to an alleged request of the re
publican state executive committee
to "modify" his speeches , former Unit-j
ed States Senator Joseph lienson For-
alcer has withdrawn from participa
tion In the Ohio state campaign and
lias cancelled all his speaking engage
The senator in an address last week 1
made plain his opposition to "the new
nationalism" launched by Theodore
Rootiovclt , It " "
describing as "treason.
This brought on heated replies from i i
the stump and the controversy had
taken first place in the state campaign
so far as newspaper attention was
Dickinson Up In Airship.
Marmelon , France , Oct. 27. Jacob
M. Dickinson , Amoilciin secretary of
war , made a short aeroplane flight at
the military aerodrome hero last evenIng -
Ing as a passenger with a French of
ficer , Ensign La foil. The secretary ,
on reaching the earth again , expressed '
himself as delighted with his trip. M. I
Gobo took up Senator Dacon and oth-1
era of Secretary Dickinson's party. I
A Brilliant Omaha Wedding.
Omaha , Oct. 27. The marriage of
Miss Eva Smith , ( laughter of Drlgadler
General Frederick A. Smith. U. S. A. ,
commanding the department of the
Missouri , to Captain A. La Una Chris-
tlo of the Eighth Infantry , stationed at
Presidio , Calif. , was solemnized at
Trinity cathedral last night. The
wedding , a brilliant affair , -vas fol
lowed by a reception at whirl General
and Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mr ? . C.
A. Christie of Jersey City , parents of
the bridegroom , were In the rec < rviiiK
Hyde is Accused by United States
Grand Jury of Having Sent Out Real
Estate Literature Picturing Pierre
as Possessing Two Car Lines.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Oct. 27. It de
veloped today that the United States |
grand jury returned nii liif"ctmoiit.
against Charles L. Hyde , a millionaire
real estate man of Pierre , on tlio charge
of misusing the malls. Mr. Hyde was
released after furnishing a bond for ,
$2,000. The indictment against him
contains three counts. The substance
of the three counts is that he used the
! mail to advertise lots and parcels of
j ground and sent maps and literature
indicating that riorro bad two stioet
. car lines and giving tlio lots a value in
I tlio minds of purchasers which they
did not possess" .
Paderewski Tells a Story on Himself
and His Artistic Locks.
New York. Oct. 27. Ignaco Pado-
rewskl tells , at his own expense , this
Incident , which occurred during ills
last visit In Sew York.
"I was hurrying along Droadway
one afternoon when a pugnoscd urchin
with a bundle of papers under his
arm stopped me and asked me the
time. He was a smiling little rat , and
In good humor I drew out my watch ,
nnd told him it was ten minutes to i
three. Tlio young rascal said : I j
" 'At 3 o'clock get jour hair cut. ' I
"I appealed to policeman who stood
nearby and who had overheard the
colloquy between the small boy and
myself. 'Olilcor , ' I said , in tones of
vengeance , 'tills lad lias insulted me. I
You heard him. What do you think
11 should do ? '
"The policeman glanced slowly at
a neighboring clock , then back at me ,
and replied , stolidly , 'Well , sir , you
fatill have a good eight minutes. ' "
British Steamer Safe.
Galveston , Tex. , Oct. 27. The Ilrlt-
isli steamer Parkwood , which it was
feared had been lost in ( lie iccent gulf
storm , was sighted off Galveston har
bor. She had In tow the sailing ves
sel Collingwood.
King Cheers up Victims.
Naples , Oct. 27.- King Victor Email-
uol today visited Cetera , tlio little >
town on tlio north coast of the gulf of
Salerno , which was Inn dost hit by the i' '
recent cyclone that swept the adja-1 I
cent coasts. Later ho went to other
places , reviving the spirits of tlioso
who survived the disaster and Insplr-
ling among ( lie more fortunate a dispo
sition to aid others In need and to repair - '
pair the damage wrought. I
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum 51
Minimum ill
Average 41
Daromotor 30.22
Chicago. Oct 27. The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau gives
the forora t tor Nebraska as follows :
Fair "iilght and Fridav i ooler east , tonight with freezing tempera-
A Motor Car and Golf Caused the
Young Englishman to Flunk In
Mathematics , so He Quit School and
Was Going West to Work on Ranch.
St. Louis , Oct. 27. Gilbert E. Glad
stone , who says he Is a son of Via-
count Herbert Gladstone , governor
general of Africa , Is being held hero
at the request of police of the District
of Columbia. It Is charged there , ac
cording to a telegram , that ho used
cameras and has not paid for them.
The young man said ho Is a grandson
of the former premier of England ,
William E. Gladstone. Ho boars a
partial resemblance to the pictures of
the former English leader. 11 lit father ,
ho said , Is now In South Africa.
"I put In two years at Harvard , "
said Gladstone , "and flunked on math
ematics. A motor car and golf cauuod
me to fall In my studios nnd when I
saw that I would have to go over my
second year again , I quit and went to ;
"My arrest , I believe , wns caused to
got me to go back to my studios. My
allowance of $100 a month Una been
hold up by my banker , of Doston , because
cause I quit my HludloB. I told the
shopkeeper In Washington that I line
no money but that I expected to got
some and ho told mo to take the cam
eras. I Intend to go west to work on
a ranch. "
Gladstone , who ia 19 years old , IB
qulto brokenhearted over his deten
tion by the police. His clothes of Eng
lish tweed were made In England and
hear his name. Ho arrived hero n
week ago with $70 and since then has
borrowed n small amount from n.
John Bull Doesn't Believe in Freedom
of the Press.
London , Oct. 27. The high court to
day lined the Evening News $1,000 for
contempt of court in having publish
ed the story of a conference between
Richard j Mulr , the prosecuting conn-
J , und the quartermaster of the
sfeamer Montrose , miring "which the
ship's officer revealed a plan which
ho ' and Dr. Hawley H. Crippen had
made ' to bring about the hitler's OH-
capo ' from the vessel when ho was
being ' pursued by the llritisii authori
ties. '
The court hold that tlio puhll < ntlon
of ' the story was calculated to preju
dice ' ( lie ease of Crippen when tlio
latter ' was brought to tilal for ilio
mm ' cler of his wife.
James S. Parker of Pukwana Defen
dant in Breacli of Promise Case.
Sioux Falls , S. H. Oct. 27. J.IIIIPS
S. Stillborn , a pinmiiKMit hanker of
Pukwana , S. IX , has been made tlio
defendant in a breach of promise suit
which has been instituted in the Unit
ed States court in this city by Miss
Ella R. Day of Meiiomlnee , Mich. ,
where she Is prominent socially and
in business circles.
The plaintiff asks that she be award
ed damages in the sum of $75,000
against the defendant. She alleges
that after she had been courted for a
period of four years by the defendant ,
during which time they were engaged
to be married , ho without tiny cnuso
violated his pledge to marry her and
now has become engaged to another
At the time of the alleged engage
ment between tlio plaintiff and defen
dant the plaintiff wns manager of n
lumber company at Meiiomineeliich
was said to be the largest concern of
the kind In Michigan , and was receiv
ing a salary of ? 5,000 per year--thin
being one of the largest salaries paid
to a woman in tlio United States-
After becoming engaged to the defen
dant she resigned this position , and
thus figures that she Is out $20,0uo , or
$5,000 per year during the font years
that tlio alleged engagement between
herself and the defendant existed
In addition she alleges that she expended -
ponded more than $2.000 of ho- own
money in tlio defendant's business.
Three various amounts are Included in
the total damages which she seeks to
i'recover. .
It Is expected the case will be tried
during the torni of United States court
which now Is In session In this city ,
with Judge John 1C. Carland presiding.
During the trial the plaintiff \\lll bo
i ( 'presented by Joe Kerby , a Sioux
Falls attorney , while the defendant
\\lll be lepresontod by ex-Senator A.
D. Klttrldge , also of Sioux Falls.
H. R. Sanborn , a brother of the de
fendant , was formerly biipciiiiicndcmt
of Dakota lines of the Northwestern
with headquarters at Huron.
To Crown New K'ng ' of Slam.
Dtuikok , Slam , Oct. 27 The corona
tion of Crown Prlnco Malm VaJIra-
vudli as king of Slam In succession to
his father , the late King Chulalong-
kern , will take place on November 11.
The prince is in tils thirtieth year ,
having been born on January 1 , 1881.
Ho was educated in England , Eight
years ago he visited the United States ,