The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 02, 1910, Image 1

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Frank T. Tucker , Candidate for Re.
publican Nomination for Attorney
General In Wisconsin , Had Failed In
Health Since Story Came Out.
OshkoBh , WIs. , Sept. 1. The body
of Frank T. Tucker , assistant attor
ney general of the state of Wisconsin
and candidate for the republican nom
ination of attorney general nt the pri
mary election to be hold Tuesday next ,
was taken from the Fox river here
this morning. It Is believed that ho
fell Into the river during the night
while making his way to a train.
Used State's Envelopes.
Madison , WIs. , Sept. 1. State offi
cials and friends of Assistant Attorney
General Frank T. Tucker , who mot
death by drowning at Osbkosh today ,
Buy that Tueker'8 health had given
way since a story came to light recent
ly that stamped envelopes from the
state department had been used to
carry his campaign literature about
the state.
Georgia Man Is Given a Boom Tor High
Office by State Convention.
Atlanta , Ga. , Sept. 1. The demo-
cratlc state convention met today with
about 2,000 delegates In attendance.
The adoption ot a platform was the
principal business scheduled. The
convention also nominates formally
the state candidates who were chosen
in last week's primary , including Hoke
Smith for governor.
A resolution endorsing Hoko Smith
for president of the United States In
1912 was adopted by the convention
this afternoon. They declared him
eminently fitted to perform the ar
duous duties of the high office of pres
ident and were submitted by T. E. Pat
terson of Spaldlng.
Child Born In Home of Man Under
Sentence for Murder Babe Dies.
Kansas City , Sept. 1. The long ex
pected birth of a child to Mrs. B.
Clark Hyde , whoso husband Is under
life sentence In prison for the murder
by poisoning of Thomas B. Swope , oc
curred at 9:50 : o'clock this morning.
A Dr. B. Clark Hyde was not at the bed
side when the child was born , but ar
rived at the Hyde home at 3156 Forest
avenue two hours later.
The child , a boy. It was at first fear
ed would not live , but later the at
tending physician declared that it
showed all Indications of a normally
healthy infant.
The mother , it was reported , is do
ing well.
The baby died this afternoon.
Rain Covers State From One End to
the Other Corn Needed It.
Topeka , Kan. , Sept. 1. Kansas was
Hooded today by a rain which began
to fall early this morning. The rail
ways report that the downpour extend
ed from the eastern to the western
boundaries of the state. In some sec-
tlons late corn was suffering for mois
ture , and unless there is an early frost
this will Insure a crop. The rainfall
here amounted to about two Inches.
It Has 1,634,351 , or an Increase of 40.1
Washington , Sept. 1. The popula
tion of Brooklyn. N. Y. . Is 1,634,351 ,
an Increase of 467,769. or 40.1 percent
as compared with 1.1G6.582 In 1900.
m * > * 4 < tf
Seize Putrid Beef in Iowa.
Des Molnes , Sept. 1. Iowa pure
food Inspectors today seized 700
pounds of putrid beef at the state fair.
It is alleged that the beef had boon
refused In several cities and was sent
to the fair as a llnal means of dispos
ing of it. Several arrests were made
for the sale of adulterated elder.
Czar Visits Baths.
Nauhelm , Sept. 1. Emperor Nich
olas motored over from Frledberg to
day and visited this resort of baths In
the most democratic fashion. His
majesty left his automobile outside
the town and walked In. accompanied
by two adjutants. As the party passed
through the streets large crowds gath
ered and hailed the emperor , who re
turned their salutations.
Michigan Banker Wanted.
Mount Pleasant. Mich. , Sept. 1. A
-warrant has been Issued for the ar
rest of E. C. Vermllllon , cashier of the
Fanners and Merchants bank , who dis
appeared last Saturday. The charge
is embezzlement , but no amount Is
named and it Is said It will take some
time to bring the true condition out.
Wants Warner's Toga.
Jefferson City. Mo. . Sept. 1. For
mer Lieutenant Governor John C. Me-
Klnley of Unlonvllle , Mo. , today filed
his declaration with the secretary ot
state as a candidate for the repub
lican nomination for United States
senator to succeed Senator Warner.
He Is the only republican to take such
action thus far.
Now She Wants to Live.
Now York , Sept. 1. Surgeons say
today that there Is a slight chance for
the recovery of Miss Vera Fitch , the
young California woman who In a lit
of despondency , because she believed
she had made a literary failure , shot
herself at the Hotel Astor Monday
night. The young woman now has a
strong desire to live. She was resting
comfortably today.
The Khan la Dead.
St. Petersburg , Sept.1 1. The Rus
sian governor of Turkestan telegraphs
that the khan of Khiva , Seld Moham
med Rukhlm Bahadur , died on Aug
ust 29 , from paralysis of the heart.
Khiva Is the Russian vassal state of
central Asia In Russian Turkestan.
New York Actresses Pull Hair and
Tear Dresses Before Crowd.
New York , Sept. 1. A lively light
between two young , expensively gown
ed women on the sldcsvnlk In the the-
1 ' Oillstrlct drew a largo and appro-
ff > t ( , - > wd and lasted until the huts
and cv ' l' ! , ' . both combatants had
boon domou. aQ ° 7/ ' their lace dresses
rendered much > Vjthan they had
been when the ilgfu began. What
started the encounter was not learned.
A policeman found the pair clawing
industriously at one another In the
' center of a crowd that was blocking
traffic. Both were weeping profusely
when he placed them under Arrest.
Both said they were actresses playing
In the same company. The bodices of
their gowns were so badly torn that
the police provided jackets for them
to wear to night court.
Residence of Cherokee Man is Dyna
Cherokee , In. , Sept. 1. The resi
dence of Guy M. Gillette , a prominent
lawyer of Cherokee , was partly wreck
ed by a dynamite bomb which had
been placed under the front porch.
Mr. and Mrs. Gillette , who occupied
the house , were severely shaken by
the explosion , but escaped unhurt.
The dynamiting Is veiled In mystery ,
as Mr. Gillette Is not known to have a
single enemy. The authorities are
running down every clew and there
are rumors that there may be sensa
tional developments soon.
The Best Timber Sections of Dakota
are Being Destroyed.
Deadwood , S. D. , Sept. 1. Accord
ing to the statements of the forestry
officials here the best timber sec
tions In the Black Hills are being
destroyed by fires that are now ragIng -
Ing In five different places. Monday's
fires were no sooner controlled than
fresh' ones broke out at Redfern , Dumont -
mont , Mystic , Custer Peak and Aztec.
They are burning fiercely and an
other 100 fire fighters are being rush
ed down the Burlington road in a
Crowds on Park Row , New York , See
a Man Take Fearful Drop.
New York , Sept. 1. Crowds on
Park Row , one of the city's busiest
streets , saw a man fall from the roof
of the twenty-six story Park Row
building on to and through the sky
light of a six story building adjoining.
The body was so mangled that some
difficulty was anticipated in Identify
, ing it.
Over 760 Cars of Live Stock Are
Omaha , Sept. 1. The receipt is re
ported at the South Omaha stock
yards yesterday of 765 cars of live
stock , Including cattle , hogs and
sheep. This breaks all previous
records for a single day at this mar
ket. The highest previous record was
683 cars.
Of these , 301 cars went In over the
Northwestern most of them through
Norfolk from western Nebraska and
southern South Dakota.
Emperor Reviews 30,000 Soldiers.
Berlin , Sept. 1. The emperor's re
view on Templehof field of the gar
risons of Berlin and Potsdam took
place today , the anniversary of the
battle of Sedan , 1870 , when the Gor-1 '
man army of 250,000 commanded by
William I. overthrow the French un
der Napoleon HI , Mediation and
Wlmpffen. Today's maneuvers were
participated In by 300,000 men of all
arms , Including the household regl- ! ,
incuts. The brilliant spectacle was j I
witnessed by a largo number of dls-1 ,
tlngulshed foreigners.
Three Prisoners Beat Iowa Sheriff
Senseless with Washboard. I
Onnwa , la. , Sept. 1. A sensational
jail delivery was made hero when
Sheriff Ed Rawllngs was assaulted by
three prisoners , named McBrlde , Bar
ker and Williams , held for burglary.
The sheriff was beaten Into Insensi
bility with a washboard. He was
then gagged with a towel , his hands
tied behind his back and tied to a cot
The prisoners then made their es
After several hours' chase by posses
the three prisoners were recaptured
and returned to jail.
The Colonel Finished His Kansas In
vasion and Spent the Afternoon In
Missouri He Summarily Changed
the Committee's Schedule.
Kansas City , Sept. 1. Speaking to
nn audience composed chiefly of workIng -
Ing men In this city , Colonel Theodore
Hoosevelt today heartily endorsed the
passage of a federal working man's
compensation act. This Is one of the
chief planks of the Kansas state plat
form recently adopted.
Kansas City , Sept. 1. Colonel
Hoosevelt ended his Kansas Invasion
with an address In Kansas City , Kan. ,
shortly after 11 o'clock this morning
. and then crossed the Knw river to
, plunge Into an active day on the Mis
souri side.
| The ex-president's train arrived In
Argentine , Kan. , from Lawrence at
10:150 : o'clock. The colonel was taken
by motor to the place where he spoke
and after a short address was rushed
back to his train and brought to the
union depot here.
I As the only point at which his train
'stops | in Missouri on his present trip
thousands of people from all parts of
Missouri and the southwest have Jour
neyed here to greet him. Every hotel
was jammed with visitors last night
and this morning hours before his spe
cial train was due to arrive , the sta
tion and the streets along which the
parade passed , were lined.
Just what the colonel will do this
afternoon Is difficult to determine.
His stop here Is to be between 12:15 :
and 10 p. in. The reception committee
had planned a complete program'
wherby , If everything went off per ( "
schedule , the ex-president would have ,
one hour , between 5:30 : and 6:30 : ,
o'clock , to himself. Every other min .
ute was taken up with speeches , re-1
ceptlons and motor rides. One of the
chief events on the program was to
be a ride of twenty-six miles by motor
over the city's boulevard system.
T. R. Changes Their Plans.
But last night , at the colonel's re
quest , a message was sent to the com
mercial club here asking the. members
to arrange for the ex-president to
visit the county fair at Independence ,
Mo. , twelve miles east of here and
also to grant him as much time to
rest as possible. Futile efforts were
made by commercial club members to
get Into communication with the ex-
president and then It was decided to
leave the matter to Hoosevelt upon
his arrival today , changing the pro
gram to suit his wishes.
Whatever happens , however , it is
known the following will take place.
The colonel will be given a lunch
eon at the Baltimore hotel at 1 o'clock
and he will make an Informal talk
At 3:30 : o'clock he will address 1,600
pupils at the West port high school.
Officers of the commercial club will
tender a dinner to the colonel nt 6
At 8 o'clock he will speak In con
vention hall.
From Kansas City Hoosevelt will go
via th.e Chicago , Bujllngton and
Qulncy railroad to Omaha.
Frock Coats and Silk Hats.
Every attempt Is being made to
make the visit of the ex-president as
Informal as possible. The city is dec
orated in American flags not bunt
ing , because the reception committee
frowned upon this as being "cheap. "
Guests invited to the luncheon have
been advised It will be necessary for
them to wear frock coats and silk
hats. The colonel will shake hands
with them as they enter the banquet
room. The rule of "first come , first
served will hold at convention hall.
No seats have been reserved for any
one.Many cowboys and rough riders are
mingling with the crowd here. The
Third regiment. M. N. G. , acted asthe
colonel's escort upon his arrival here.
Relief for Americans.
Constantinople , Sept. 1. After pro
longed negotiations , Oscar S. Straus ,
the United States ambassador to Tur
key , has succeeded In obtaining a
( loelson from the council of state ap
proving the act of the council of
ministers In which all foreign relig
ious "educational and benevolent insti
tutions are exempted from the provisions -
visions of the law. Besides being
freed from restrictions those lustltu-
tlons are now permitted to hold land
ed properties. More than 300 Ameri
can organizations are affected by the
D. of H. at Neligh.
Nellgh , Neb. . Sept. 1. Special to
The News : The Third district con-
ventlon of the D. of H. met in this
city yesterday morning for a two days'
session. The convention was called
, to order yesterday morning at 9:30 : by
District Superintendent Mrs. Ella Fer
guson of Nollgh. There are forty-nine
lodges that comprise the Third dis
The lodge room is beautifully deco
rated In the colors of the order pink
and white. The delegates were met
at the depot by a committee composed -
posed of young girls and escorted to
the Auditorium A number of neighboring -
' boring lodges are In attendance , and
much enthusiasm Is being displayed.
Very Interesting papers , relative to
the Issues of the order , wore read and
discussed. Clearwater team , No. 131
put on the Memorial work yesterday
afternoon In ri splendid manner. Mu
sic was Interspersed throughout the
day and evening by Miss Agnes Gra
ham , piano , and Miss Vivien Cleaver ,
Superior Recorder Mrs. Allburn ,
Grand Hecorder MIsB Hempol , and
Grand Chief of Honor Mrs. Mayme
Hedrlck Cleaver are In attendance.
The program for today Is quite
lengthy and very Interesting. A pa
per will be rendered this afternoon by
Norfolk lodge No. 101 , "Do Wo Live
Up to Our Obllgqtlons ? " The followIng -
Ing will be the remainder of the pro
gram :
Selection of place for the next con
Election of officers.
Paper , "Fraternallsui In Our Order , "
Bassett , No. 33.
Question box.
Music. Adjournment.
A Fugitive Governor , Who Escaped
While Under Sentence to Prison ,
Leads Rebellion Against Govern
ment Will Be Taken or Killed.
Manila , Sept. 1. An uprising
against the government is reported
in the province of Nueva Vlzcaya.
A constabulary force Is hurrying to
the scene and a battle Is expected
hourly. The rebel movement Is head-
"ed by Simon Mandoa , former pover-
nor of the province of Ilocos Norfe
.who has long been a fugitive from
Mandac occupies Salaona , a town
of about 6,000 , Inhabitants northeast
of the center of Neuva Vlscaya and
about live miles north of Bayombong.
The telegraph wires north of Bayom
bong have been cut and It is impos
sible to learn the mit er of Mandac's
followers. It is doubted , however , that
the rising Is serious.
Colonel Taylor , at the head of the
constabulary at Bayombong , Is pre
paring for an attack and the constab
ulary forces from near points are
moving toward Salaono to surround
the outlaws and capture or kill them.
Government reinforcements are avail
able If needed.
Word of the trouble reached Manila
today. Mandac , while governor , sub
jected a prisoner to a "third degree"
examination of such severity that the
man died. The governoi\was convict
ed of homicide and sentenced to four
teen years' imprisonment.
He appealed from the verdict of the
court and while the appeal was pend
ing Jumped his bond and has been
missing for several months. Nueva
Vlxcaya is the central province of
Luzon and Bayombong Is Its capital.
A Surprise to Washington.
Washington , Sept. 1. The reported
disturbance In the province of Nueva
Vlzcaya comes as a surprise to the
officials of the bureau of insular af
fairs and the other offices ot the war
department. No Intimation has reach
ed Washington of any general dis
content In this wild , sparsely settled
province and It Is believed here that
It was a surprise likewise to the of
ficials in the Philippines.
Glenn H. Curtlss Establishes a New
Over-Water Flight Record.
Cleveland , O. , Sept. 1. Glenn H.
Curtlss of Hammondsport. N. Y. , es
tablished a new record for over-water
flights , by traveling over Lake Erie
from En elide Beach , nine miles east
of this city , to Cedar Point , O. , ap
proximately sixty miles dlstont. The
announced time was one hour and
eighteen minutes. Curtlss' average
time was forty-five miles an hour al
though one stretch of twenty miles
was covered at a rate of a mile a
Curtlss used the 8-cyllndor 50-horso
power biplane of his own construc
tion In which he made the recent
flight down the Hudson river from
Albany to New York.
Deleware Republicans Favor His
Plans for Tariff Revision.
Dover , Del. , Sept. 1. The Delaware
republican state convention met hero
and unanimously renomlnated Con
gressman William H. Heald of Wil
mington. Although Congressman
Heald supported Speaker Cannon dur
ing the contest over the rules of the
house of representatives , the platform
adopted approves the congressman.
The platform also endorses the ad
ministration of President Tnft. ap
proves the work of Delaware's sena
tors and representatives In congress
and ratifies the republican national
platform of 1908. The platform ap
proves President Taft's views on
tariff revision as made public in his
recent letter.
The Vice President Says That He Is
Not Reading Anybody Out of the
Republican Party , But Would Turn
Sinners Back Into the Fold.
Enid , Okla. . Sept. 1. On the trip
from Guthrle to this city this morning
the car platform was utilized by Vice
President Sherman as a speaking
stage more than at any time during
his trip to the southwest.
The little town of Crescent turned
out a company of mothers with In
fants In arms and they saw Mr. Slier-
man with coat off and suspenders
"These are twins , " said one young
woman , who held up two babies.
"Well , " responded Mr. Sherman , "In
twenty years they will be living In a
liner country than we have ever
known. If they are boys I'll bet a
thousand dollars they will vote the
republican ticket. "
The vice president was somewhat
hoarse from his efforts of last night ,
and former Congressman James E.
Watson of Indiana took up the talk ,
complimenting the woman and then
making a plea for the re-election of
Congressman Bird McGulro.
As the train was pulling out a man
In the crowd shouted :
"Wh'ero is the state capital going to
bo located ? "
"I don't think , " responded Mr. Sher
man , "that there Is any alliance be
tween Hnskell and God. You will
have to ask Haskell or heaven. "
Guthrle , Okla. , Sept. 1. "I am not
here to read any republican out of
the party. All are welcome and , like
the minister of the gospel ? I would
turn sinners from their erring ways
and take them back in the fold of
true republicanism. "
That was how close Vice President
Sherman came to the Insurgent ques
tion when he addressed a crowd In
Highland park , at the edge of the city.
It was the largest gathering that the
vice president has faced on his tour
of the southwest , and It responded
heartily to his enunciation of party
"This Is no time for quarrels In the
party , " declared Mr. Sherman. It Is
no time for a division of feeling on
this point or that. It Is the time for
republicans to stand shoulder to
shoulder In the fight against the com
mon enemy.
The day began for Mr. Sherman at
Chandler , fifty miles or so from Guth-
rie. A number of party workers
boarded the car and rode to Guthrle ,
where there was a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the state com
mittee. Mr. Sherman rested in his
room until 4:30 : o'clock , when he held
a reception in the lobby of the hotel ,
shaking hands with several hundred
men , women and even children.
One babe In arms was kissed , and
that pleased the mother , and , appar
ently the baby , for it smiled.
The vice president today will make
an address In Enid and tomorrow in
El Reno. A demonstration in Okla
homa City on Saturday winds up the
Fearing He May Not Live to Testify ,
Wants Friends to Know Truth.
Franklin , Pa. , Sept. 1 , Expressing
the belief that he is "near the border
land of another country" and fearing
that he may not even survive to tell
his story in court. Joseph C. Slbley ,
who last week resigned as republican
candidate for congress in the Twenty-
eighth district , and was the next day
arrested on a charge of conspiracy to
bribe , corrupt and debauch the voters
of Wurren county , issued a statement
relative to his candidacy and his $12-
500 election expense account. He
says that If he should not be able to
testify In court , he wants his friends
to know the truth.
Mr. Slbley says he left the disburse
ment of money to his private secre
tary owing to ill health , and not until
the day of filing his account was he
aware that he had spent more than
$20,000. But it will be shown , Mr.
Slbley declares , that every cent was
spent In conformity with the law.
Lord Kllmarnock Receives Four Pel
lets Through the Ankle.
Aberdeen , Scotland , Sept. 1. King
George's shooting party was thrown
Into excitement today when Lord
Kllmarnock , second becretary In the
British diplomatic service , received
four pellets through the ankle dis
charged from a gnu. The secretary
was not seriously injured. It has
been Impossible to learn whuse gun
was responsible for the mishap.
Death of Knox County Pioneer.
Nlobrara. Neb. . Sept. 1. Special to
The News : Mrs. Frank Skokan.
whoso death on Tuesday was due to a
paralytic stroke , was burled here at
11 a. m. from the family home. The
Catholic priest from Verdlgre per
formed the last rites and the Z. C B ,
J. lodge , ot which the deceased was a
Temperature ( or Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum . . , 75
Minimum 49
Average 62
Barometer 29.94
Chicago , Sept. 1. The bulletin Issued -
sued by the Chicago station of the
United Stntec weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as followa :
Local showers tonight or Friday.
member , attended In a body. Mrs.
Spoknn came to this country from Bo-
heuila In her early womanhood and
her first home In the new land was
on a farm seven miles southwest from
Nlobrara. About four years ago they
retired from farm life and moved to
this town that the youngest son and
only unmarried child might have bet
ter school advantages. The husband ,
four daughters and three sons who are
left to mourn her loss have the sin
cere sympathy of a largo circle of
friends , who esteemed Mrs. Skokan
for her sterling qualities.
American Wives Know Nothing of the
Art , Professor Barnard Says.
New York , Sept. 1. Prof. Charles
Barnard , specialist In household ccon-1
omy , and one of the foremost figures
at the household show , which Is being
held In Madison Square Garden this
week , hasn't a very high opinion of the
American housewife.
"The American housekeeper , com
pared with the housewives of France
and Germany , Is an unlettered child , "
declared Professor Barnard.
"The American man , because of his
wife's culinary Inefficiency , Is not so
well fed nor nourished as the Euro
pean making less than half his In
"The American woman does not
know as much about cooking as the
Indian squaw.
"Cooking , though It Is a part of the
profession of wlfehood , does not In
terest her. She 'can't be bothered , '
she says. The mechanic's wife vies
with , the millionaire's wife In buying
only the most expensive cuts of meat ,
steal : , chops. Swings the unvarying
pendulum of the week's bill of fare.
"Now , only 24 percent of a beef ,
for Instance , can provide the.expen-
slve porterhouse steaks , Delmonlco ! ,
roasts , etc. j
"The other 76 percent is made up
of the cheaper cuts chuck , rump , '
round , shank , naV < jl , brisket , etc. I
"This meat if pr pm-ly cc > ked t'nt
is. rtlotvly oookc-il- ' . '
jo iiiu ; : .i 'jitiOaj
and has a better flavor than tender- ,
loin. But the poor man's wife won't
take the trouble to cook It. Her hus
band may say : 'We'll have to econo
mize. Let's buy a little cheaper meat. ' I
But when she gets to the butcher's
and sees another woman buying some
thing more expensive , she feels very
much ashamed of what she intended
to order , or else says to herself ,
'what's good enough for her is none
too good for me , ' and buys a porter
house steak Instead. I
"There's another type of woman
that would rather spend her husband's
money than her own time. She 'can't
be bothered cooking. ' But , " here Pro
fessor Barnard brightened up per
ceptibly " a solution has been found
even for her. It Is flreless cooking.
Have you ever tried it ?
"That's a trick the Indian squaw
has taught us , " Professor Barnard
continued. "There are fifteen or twen
ty different flreless cookers on the
market , so you see I'm not booming
anybody in talking about them. They
are already In pretty general use In
the west , but women here are much
more conservative and are slow In
taking up housekeeping improve
ments. " .
Iowa Anti-Cannon Candidates Tie Up
With Cannon Follower.
Council Bluffs , la. , Sept. 1. Con
gressman Walter I. Smith of this city ,
a supporter of Cannon and candidate
for speaker of the next congress , has
been ifromised the support of Judge
Prouty , candidate for congress In the '
Seventh Iowa district ; Congressman '
Good of the Fifth district , and Con-
gressnmn Pickett of the Third district
In his campaign for re-election. The
men are progressives.
Custer County's Gain.
Washington , Sept. 1. Official fig
ures made public give Custer county ,
Nebraska , a population of 25,668 as
against 19,758 ten years ago , an in
crease of 5,910. The census of 1S90
showed that Cnster county at that
time had 21.677 inhabitants. During
the decade between 1890 and 1900 the
population fell oft' 1,819. The increase
from 1900 to 1910 the census officials
attribute to the operation of dry
farming methods.
Now York. Sept. 1. Announcement
was made today of the completion of
the plans for a national memorial to t
( rover Cleveland at Princeton , N. .1.
It will be a tower 150 feet high and
40 feet square at the base and will be
erected upon the tract known as the
old golf links. The material will be
silver gray stone.
Selection of a site awaited a deci
sion In regard to the group of buildIngs -
Ings for the graduate school of Prince
ton university , with which Mr. Cleveland -
land was closely identified In the last
years of his life and for which bequests -
quests aggregating several million dol-
Inrs recently have been made. The
perfected design Is to cluster these
buildings around the tower.
Whitney's Bashtl , Bought a Few Day
Ago for $30,000 , , Took Second
Money and Earned $3,973 Bradloy'
Love Not Was Third.
Saratoga , N. Y. . Sept. 1. The clafl * .
ic futurity , the richest
race of the year
and the last of the season In this stntu
perhaps the last futurity In view or
the anil-betting
legislation was won
by S. C. Hlldieth's Novelty , ridden by
Shilling. In 1:1214. : The race netted
only $2i,0i)0 : ) to the winner , although
In the past It has been nomotimea
worth more than $60,000.
H. P. Whitney's Bashtl , bought a
few days ago for $30,000 , earned $3,973
In second place. E. H. Urndloy's Love
.Not I . took third money , $1,820 , one and
one-half lengths back. The time la
' only three-fifths of a second slower
than the track record.
Coal Miners' Strike Leaders Charged
With Conspiracy.
Plttsburg , Sept. 1. Seven coal com
panies in the Irwlu and Westmore
land fields , where
there has boon a
strike since last March , hi ought a
suit In trespass in the county courts
against Francis Feehan , president ot
district No. 5 of the United Mine
Workers of America and seventy-four
other officers and members of the lo
cal union , charging conspiracy In
preaching sedition against the laws
of the state and nation and with dis
tributing Inflammatory llterat'i.-e. '
The coal companies assert that
without authority from the national
officers Feehan and other defendants
organized the strike in the district nf
the plaintiff's operations to advancn
his own power in the national or-
anfzatlon. It Is also asserted that
.more than 10,000 men were thrown
jout of work and that the plaintiff
companies suffered damages of $ i,000-
Suits have been filed against others
li West Moreland. ' .aklng to t stal
. .uiKhji of iii r < u > ift..ri fii iuj Voui ' - v
.capias is asked for each and arrests
are expected to be made today.
Order Reigns in Nicaragua.
Managua , Sept. 1. Gradually order
Is being brought out of the chaos that
has prevailed since the outbreak of
the recent revolution. General Juan
J. Estrada , the provisional president ,
was publicly inaugurated in the hall
of congress , the troops have been paid
off and mustered out and tranqulllty
reigns. The popularity of the new
president is shown by the fact that a
large number of prominent persons In
the provinces have come to Managua
personally to extend to him their fe
licitations while the people of Granada
have presented him with a gold laurel
Bought by Rapid City Bank.
Philadelphia , Sept. 1. The Fran
chises , rights , book accounts and
other real and personal property ot
the Safety Banking and Trust com
pany of this city were sold for $30
at a United States marshal's .pale to
satisfy Judgment against the bank In
favor of the Kenistone National bank
of Rapid City , S. D. , and Alfred Shoe
maker of the same place. An attor
ney representing the holders of the
Judgments which amount to $3.000
each was the purchaser.
Heinze Weds Actress.
New York. Sept. 1. At a dinner
given at the Waldorf Astoria , Augus
tus Heln/e , the millionaire copper
'man , announced his marriage to Miss
'Bernlce Henderson , an actress. The
engagement was recently published.
A Committee to Carry on the New
York Charity.
New York , Sept. 1. Following the
announcement by Nathan Straus , the
philanthropist , that he will discontinue
after the summer the free distribution
of pasteurized milk to the poor of this
city , the New York milk committee
announces that It will raise a fund
of $3,000 for the purpose of undertak
ing experiments to determine the rela
tive nutritive value of raw and pas
teurized milk.
"Those who argue against the pas
teurization of milk , " says the commit
tee In a statement soliciting subscrip
tions , "maintain that Its continued use
has a deleterious effect upon the nu
trition and growth of children , and es
pecially babies. The New York milk
committee wishes to obtain the facts
on the subject by an extensive study
of babies under conditions which It
can control and by n chemical labora
tory study of the nutritive properties
of heated milk.
"I'nusual facilities for carrying on
this work have been offered to the
committee. Columbia university has
placi-d at the disposal of the commit
tee the splendid equipment of that
Institution for some of the nutritional
studies , and the big nmdlcal schools
and colleges have offered their co
operation. "