The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 26, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    WKWIfl.V NKWM..IOI FfMAI , KIM HA A' Ami XT 2 i 1 < ) in I 7
Pleasure * of the Week.
Mrs. ( ' E. Btirnhnm was hostess nt
n delightful 1 o clock luncheon on
Krldny In honor of Mrs. C. O. John-
HOM nnd Mrs. C. R. Allen of Durant ,
Olcla. , nnd Mrs. Culver of Chicago
Mrs. W. H. Johnson of Denver , Mr .
F. W. Emery of Plttsburg and Miss
Alma Ettlng of Grand Island were ether -
or out-of-town guests. After the lunch ,
which wns delicious nnd temptingly
nerved , Mrs. Emery snug for the
guests ns sweetly as she did In the
dnys of yore , when nil Norfolk felt
proud of Nellie Gerecke nnd her beau
tiful voice. The high score prize was
won by Miss Ettlng nnd the nil cut
by Mrs. C. R. Allen.
Mrs. N. A. Huse wns hostess nt a
1 o'clock luncheon on Thursday com
plimentary to Mrs. Lnu nnd Mrs. Cul-
vur of Chicago and Mrs. C. O. John-
won of Durnnt , Okla. In the game of
bridge that followed the lunch , the
honors went to Mrs. Culver. Mrs.
W. H. Johnson of Denver , nnd Mrs.
F. W. lOmery of Plttsburg were other
out-of-town guests , flie nil cut prize
loll to Mrs. W. H. Johnson.
Miss Mny Johnson entertained nt
a dinner party n number of friends
Tuesday night. Among the guests : Misses Hazel McDonald ,
Pierce ; Hdlth Herman , Maud Rees ,
RoBt-lln Cole , Vernn Coryell , Opal
Coryell , Mary Odlornu , Ruth Shaw.
Mrs. R. S. Lackey enteitallied at n
kenslngton on Tuesday afternoon for
her mother , Mrs. Swygard of Maquo-
kntu , In. , and her sister , Mrs. Shnrld
of Aberdeen. S. D. There were ten
guests. A three-course ten was served
nt 5 o'clock.
Mrs. Clnience Cox , assisted by Mis.
Guy Woodbury nnd Mrs. Mnndelko ,
entertained the Roynl Neighbor club
Tuesday nfternoon. The afternoon
wns a very enjoyable one.
Mrs. C. S. Parker and Mrs. J. S.
Mnthewson were at home very in
formally from - ' to 5 o'clock on Tues
day In honor of Mrs. W. H. Johnson
of Denver.
The Jennlo Wren club met with
Ruth and Daisy Davenport on Wednes
day afternoon. The little hostesses
served n nice lunch for their guests.
The Kings' Daughters had n pleas
ant meeting with Miss Doris Tappert
on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Ella Gettert of Atkinson , W. F.
Matron of Lincoln and Miss Rosa Aar-
huse of Canton , S. D. , have been visit
ing nt thu home of Mrs. Clarence Cox
for the past week.
Mrs. C. O. Johnson of Durant , Okla. ,
visited with Mrs. W. N. Huse the past !
week. Mrs. C. R. Allen of Durant.
came over from Htiwnrden to visit
with Mrs. Johnson and will here
for n time.
Chnrles Bridge , Harold Morrison ,
Guy Parish , Lowell Ersklne and
Charles Durlnnd are enjoying an out
ing at Cry&tnl Lake.
Miss Alma Ettins of Grand Island : ,
who has been the suest of Mrs. C. J.
Bullock the past week , expects to re
turn home Monday.
Mrs. Frank Roach and son of Clln-
to-a , In. , were guests of Mrs. P. Staf
ford nnd other old time friends dur
ing the week.
Mrs. H. L. Snyder of Omnhn left
nt noon today for her home after a
few days' visit with friends.
Hnrlnn Johnson arrived Thursday
evening from Denver for n visit with
friends and relatives.
Miss Fnie Burnhnm went to Bee-
mer todny to spend n week in the home
of Mrs. A. B emer.
Coming Events.
Mrs. H. E. Wnrrick and Mrs. E. P.
Wentherby will entertain n few friends
nt lunch on Tuesdny.
Mrs. J. S. Mnthewson will entertain
at n 1 o'clock luncheon on Wednes !
At the home of the bride's uncle ,
J. W. France , nt Omaha , nt noon on
Thursday occurred the wedding of
Miss Alice Miles Beveridge , daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Beveride of
Norfolk , nnd W. K. Gilbert of Kellogg.
Ida. At 4:10 : the young couple boarded
ed n train for Spokane. Portland and
other western coast cities where they
will spend the summer , later return
ing to Kellogg , Ida. The bride's moth
er , Mrs. R. L. Beveridge , and Mrs.
C. H. Pilger were present nt the wed
Miss Beveridge attended the Norfolk
high school , later going to Bolse.Idn. ,
where she finished her education nt
the St. Mnrgaret hall. It was while
bhe was in Idaho thnt Miss Beveridge
met Mr. Gilbert , who is now mnnnger
of the Index mine of the Couer D'Alene
district. Besides being n stockholder
in the Index mine , Mr. Gilbert Is finnn-
clally connected with mnny other
gold mines of thnt district , where he
also hns large timber claims. On their ;
honeymoon the young couple will
spend rt few weeks on the Inrge much
of the groom on the Oregon const.
Excurlslon Rates.
Nebraska Stnte Fnlr. Lincoln , via the
Northwestern Line.
Tickets on ale September 4 to 9 ;
return limit September 12. Grand
dernonBtrntion of the Agricultural
Live Stock , Industrial and Education- '
nl Interests of the state. Apply to
ticket agents The North-Western Line.
Ohio Editor Shaped Career
With Statehouse at Co
lumbus as Ultimate Des
tination Curious Combi
nation of Erstwhile Po
litical Foes Name Him.
nomination of Warren G.
THE for governor of Ohio
not only gives assurance of one
of the warmest lights in the
history of Buckeye politics , which hns
not Iwen entirely devoid of warm
lights , but also holds out n welcome
promise thnt in some rnro instances
the newspaper man mny come into his
Harding bus been n newspajtcr man
ever since he was nineteen years old ,
or all of the time nt least when not
engaged In holding office or stumping
the state. He took a paper when
everybody said It was going to die
and had to borrow money to raise the
purchase price. That called for u
large combination of faith and grit , nud
the same qualities were required for
some yenrs afterward to keep the thing
Go it did , however , which was fortu-
nnte from several standpoints. For
one thing It gnve the Republicans of
Ohio n candidate for governor when
they needed one very much , nnd for
another it prevented Hardlng's cheer
ful friends , who had predicted the
paper's early demise , from coming
around and sajlng , "I told you BO. "
Circumstances Favor Harding.
Hardlng's nomination came as the
result of a peculiar comblnntlon. It
wns practically the field against George
B. Cox of Cincinnati and his candidate ,
Judge O. B. Brown of Dayton. James
R. Garfleld had announced that If ho
did not get his platform his nnme
would not go before the convention ,
nnd when the "progressive" tnrlff
plank , the recall nnd certain other of
the Garlleld planks were rejected by
the resolution committee he made
good his word. Cnrml A. Thompson ,
one of the three leading candidates
before the convention and regarded In
some quarters as a favorite of Senator
Dick , also withdrew.
This narrowed the fight practically
to Brown and Harding , although there
were scattering votes for other candi
dates , Gnrfield nnd Nicholas Longwortb
receiving the bulk of these.
One of the most stirring features of
the balloting was the attempt of Cuy
nhogn county to start a stampede for
Longworth. Mrs. Lougworth , who
was seated in the gallery , wns ob
served to frown at this and vigorously
shake her head , looking the while Intently -
tently at her husband on the platform ,
who had a frown on his own face.
Both , however , Joined in the applause
when the advance of the Harding
wave submerged all other candidates.
Old Enemies In Alliance.
Politics never made stranger bed
fellows than In the joining of forces
that led to Hardlng'K nomination. Gar-
Held was there with the "progressive"
strength and. although he had aroused
the hostility of the administration by
his attitude in the Balllnger-PInchot
controversy , he readily Joined hands
with the Taft forces to prevent the
nomination of the Cox candidate.
Harding hnd been referred to as n
Foraker candidate , yet , despite the old
Foraker-Taft feud , the administration
was forced to accept him. The result
was practically a Taft-Garflcld-Fora
ker-Burton combiuntlon. It is a long
lived politlcnl animosity which Bur-
vives the yenr of its birth. The po-
llticul enmities of yesterday become
the friendship of todny iind nre ngnln
the enmities of tomorrow.
Hurdiug hns long been known ns the
best "stump speaker in Ohio. " Any
body who is acquainted with Ohio
Btump speakers realizes the transcend
ent quality of that praise. Originally
n Blnine man , he later became n wor
shiper nt the shrine of Foraker. Now
he is a lender in his own right. For
some yenrs a stnte senator , he wns
nfterwnrd offered the nomination for
congress , but declined , one reason giv
en by his friends being that he ulreudy
had the gubernatorial bee in his bon
net. It was n case of hope deferred ,
however , for the nearest he could get
to the governor's chair was his eleci
tlon ns llcutennnt governor , which
gnve him the title even though it did
not carry the power to shake the offi
cial plum tree.
Editor of College Paper.
Harding wns born in 18G5 , the son of
n physician who served In the civil
war. He bad the journalistic bug
even In college , where he wns one of
the editors of the campus pnper. No
sooner wns he graduated thnn he
started on his newspnper cnreer on the
old fiimlly mule , riding it into Mnrlon ,
the county sent. It mny be thnt thnt
particular mule will become ns fnmous
ns those driven by Jnmes A. Gnrfield
on the towpnth. It mny be that the
particular load of ambition it carried
wns then stnrted on his Journey to
the governorship of n grent state , nnd
who knows to wht greater heights ?
It is hard to keep an Ohio governor
down , especially if he succeeds in
holding his Job n second term. And
thnt brings us to Harmon.
The friends of Governor Harmon
are quite frnnk in snying thnt this
yenr's cnmpnign is but preliminary to
the White House in 1012. Possibly
thnt is one reason thnt Wllllnm H.
Tnft hns shown n fitful interest In
the outcome. The careers of Hnrmon
and of Taft have been strangely in-
terniingled. They were born in the
name county , und , while it is not on
record that they courted the tmiue girl ,
Presidency 1 In 1912 Greatest
Prize In Buckeye Battle.
Harmon's Re-election
May Mean Rejection of
Taft and Pushing of Gov
ernor Into White House.
it is certain they have held the name
offices mid no doubt 'will seek to do HO
in future.
When Harmon resigned the Judgeship -
ship in Clnolmiatl Taft wns appointed
tc 1)11 ) the vacancy. Stranger yet , the.
appointment 1 was made by Joseph B.
Foraker. then governor. Somewhat
later Grover Cleveland , in looking
over the country for an attorney gen-
fcj nil , Paw tlio lank nnd somewhat rugged -
ged , form of Harmon , wlTo up to that
time had been known only an n law
yer ( whoso fame extended scarcely be
yond < his own tor.'n.
Another Parallel Seen.
Again Harmon's path paralleled that
of Mr. Taft , who Borne years later be
came secretary of war In the cabinet
of Theodore Roosevelt The govern
or's friends Insist that the parallel is
to go further. In being elected presi
dent In liios , they only insist that
t Taft beat Harmon to it All of which
makes it more than ever plain that it
{ od stand against the mayor , although
that olllclnlMIH a Democrat , shows
' something of the Binno independent
Proves His Courage.
In his campaign against graft and
efflelnl peculation Governor Harmon
hns exhibited an eiual ( courage. He
has not made a great deal of noise us
governor , but his quiet elllclcncy has
uttrarted the notice of the country. At
the first meeting of the house of gov-
' pruors he was chosen to preside , md
! when the body called at the White
HOUHO President Taft singled him out
for a compliment. This Is the sort of
man Warren G. Harding has to beat
before attaining the ambition of bin
As to Ilurdlng being the best cam-
! palgncr in Ohio there Is distinguished
! authority President Taft says KO , add
ing , "with the possible exception of
Foraker. "
In his campaign for the nomination ,
which he made frankly nnd without
mock modesty , Mr. Harding held aloof
from factions. Although classed as u
Kornker man , he had In 1008 practically
repudiated Fornker. That was at the
time the Cincinnati senator attacked
TnfU Yet the Kornker followers
throughout the state rail I ml to Harding
In this year's contest for the nomina
tion , so that the breach , If the dis
agreement ever reached the stage of
being culled a breaih , may be consid
ered healed.
Another Incident showing the quality
of the Hcimblican candidate was his
uy American i'ress Association.
is not n mere state fight that is oc
cupying the attention of Ohio this
year , but one chock full of presiden
tial politics.
That it will be one of the hottest
fights in the history of the state is as
sured not only by the big stakes in
volved , but by the chnracter of the
two men themselves. While Hnrmon
hns never been referred to us the best
stumper in the state , he has n sort of
Uncle Jud wny of appealing to his au
diences that is most effective. More
over , he will have certain ammunition
in the way of printing and other scan
dals nt Columbus Hint will not be lost
on Ohio voters. He will make his cnm-
nnign largely on state issues , while the
Republican platform indicates that
Hnrdlng's fight will follow national
It is understood the president Insist
ed that In his own state there should
be n vigorous defense of the Pnlne-
Aldrich tariff. The Democrats cnn
hardly refuse this gage of battle , and
hence the outcome In the Buckeye
State should give a clear line on the f
attitude of American voters on the tar
iff law. Indeed , Mr. Taft naturally
feels thnt the outcome in his own Btnte !
will be regarded as n verdict on his
own ndmlnlstrntion.
Harmon Noted For Independence.
Governor Harmon la nearly ten yenrs i
older than his opponent , hnving been i
born in l&K ) . Both nre grnduntca of t'
Ohio colleges nnd both have made their
own wny In the world. Hnrraon wns
originally n Republican , but broke
nwny In the Greeley campaign. Kor n
time in the early seventies he WBB con
nected with n People's pnrty move
ment In Ohio , but later became n Dem
ocrat. He hns always shown inde
pendence in politics , however , nnd on
more than one occasion has broken
with the machine in locnl matters.
Even ns governor he hns not nlways
been In harmony with the party man
Before the convention which renom-
Innted him for governor he locked
horns with William J. Brynn on the
subject of nominating n candidate for
United States senator. The governor
was against taking that action ana
won out He nlso opposed a public
utilities commission , by which he fur
ther nllennted some of the Bryan-John
son wing of his party His latest con
spicuous action us governor in the
Newark affair , where he took n decld
break with Governor Herrlck. Hardt
I Ing was lieutenant governor nt the
same time Derrick was governor , nnd
the two parted company because Hard
ing wnnted to be governor at the next
Presidency Also at Stake.
The real Issue in Ohio , however , IB
not the governorship , but the presi
dency. Not only did the Democratic
convention propose Judsou Harmon for
the nomination in 191'J , but the Repub
lican convention accepted the challenge
by indorsing Taft for another term.
Thus the fight assumes almost the pro-
I portions of u presidential contest.
| , Should Harmon win he will almost
j rertainly become the Democratic stand.
j ard bearer two years hence , while
| i President Taft will be humiliated and
to some extent discredited by a repudi
ation in his own state. Should Hard-
ding be successful the result would
universally be regarded as the elimina
tion of Harmon and the triumph of
! ' Taft.
On stnte Issues it has been generally
, conceded thnt the Democratic governor
hnd an excellent chance to succeed
[ himself , yet It must be remembered
that on national issues Ohio has been
uniformly Republican. This makes the
outcome more uncertain.
Nor do the complications end here.
The insurgent movement nnd the pop-
ular feeling against the tariff law are
new factors the strength of which can-
not as yet be measured. Then , too ,
, Theodore Roosevelt has announced thnt
he will make no speeches In Ohio thla
! year. In view of the defeat of the
Gnrfield platform what interpretation
will the country place on his silence ?
The Dollar Mark.
"Have you seen the Washington mon-
ument ? "
"Yes , " replied the New Yorker. "It's
n pretty tall building , but what's the
good of it without any offices for rent ? "
Washington Star.
Husbnnd Excuse me , dear , but don't
you cook much more for dinner than
we cnn use ? Wife Of course ! If 1
didn't how could I economize by utilizing
ing leftover dishes ? Clevelnnd Lender. ;
Not New.
"Electricity isn't n modern discov
ery. It is ns old ns the flood. "
"How do you mnke thnt out ? "
"Why , didn't Nonh have to have ark
oof >
The Vengeance
Sermon b/
CHARLES T. of Eternal Fire
Paitor BrooLlyn "Even ns Sodom nnd Gomonnli
Tnbcrnaclc. and the cities about them . . . arc et
forth for an example , suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire" ( Jude 7) ) .
Lynn , Mass , August 14. Pastor
Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle spoke
aero twice today to large and utten-
tlve audiences. We report one of his
discourses froiu Uie above , lie wild in
part :
My text is one of the strongest of
those which once we erroneously mis
understood to teach the eternal tor
ment of the non-elect. Coming to the
text with our minds filled with the
wrong Impressions respecting the
character of the Almighty Creator and
respecting his purposes toward hu
manity It is easy for us to misunder
stand the words of St. Jude. So deep
ly were the erroneous thoughts ini-
pressed upon our minds from child
hood Hint , Irrational though they were ,
we considered them fundamental the-
ology. In like manner we wrested to
our own confusion and injury many
Scriptures , reading Into them what
they do not say nnd ignoring what
they do nay. As , for Instance , the
messages of Holy Writ to the effect
that "all the wicked will God destroy" ;
that "the wages of sin is death" ; that
"the soul tknt slnneth , It shall die" ;
that there is no eternal life out of
Christ. All these and others we wnrp-
ed and twisted away from their beau-
tlful nnd wimple tenchlng , nnd made
out of them "doctrines of devils" with
which we alarmed ourselves and those
committed to our instruction.
We thank God that gradual ) " the
eyes of our understanding are open
ing to discern the great Truth thnt the
testing of the Church In the present
Age nnd the testing of the world nt
large In the coming Age will be as to
worthiness for eternal life or worthi
ness of eternl death everlasting de
struction the Second Death from
which there will be no redemption , no
resurrection , no recovery. As St. Peter
declares , Those who enter into it will
be. like brute beasts , made to bo taken
and destroyed annihilated.
Sodom's Guilt and Punishment.
Sodom and Mirrounding cities were
profligate and licentious to the extreme
and Divine Justice decreed that their
course must not continue , but that
thej should be made nn example of
a lesson to others of the Divine dis
pleasure against nil buch licentious-
lies' . . Afcordliigly we rend that tire
and brimstone were rained from
heaven to the utter destruction of those
( ities. the place of which Is now mark
ed by the Dead Sea. The Sodomites
weie" obliterated and only their name
and hNtory have come down to us.
Their utter destruction by eternal fire
or heavenly lire rained upon them was
n complete destruction. Their experi
ence pictures forth the utter destruc
tion of nil whom God will finally re
ject ns unworthy of eternal life. Not t
that lire and brimstone would be rain
ed upon all , but that utter destruction
will come upon nil disapproved by the
Almighty. Who thinks that St. Jude
meant that the fire that destroyed the
Sodomites was an eternal one ? Who
ever thinks that it is still burning ns a
literal blaze should take n look at the
picture I of the Dead Sin and note thnt
there are no fires there. The thought
Is thnt the fire , which is n symbol of
destruction , did its work thoroughly ,
completely , leaving not n vestige of
these condemned to destruction.
The Sodomites nil went to hell to
the Bible hell to the Btnte of death.
Hut they did not go to the hell which
was manufactured by our forefathers
during the dark ages-a hell of eternal
torture. We have Bible testimony on
the subject , which we will produce.
They are unconscious now like the re
mainder of the dead , waiting for the
resurrection. And the resurrection op
portunity will come to them , ns well
ns to nil the remainder of Adnm's
race ; because they , as well ns nil oth
ers , nre redemed by the precious blood
of Christ by the sacrifice which be
finished nt Calvary. This is not spec
ulative. We have the words of the
Master himself on the subject. Let ua
lake our Information , our wisdom from
the proper quarter. Then our doubts
and fears will speedily flee nway.
Not a Second Chance.
We will produce the Bible testimony
Knowing thnt the Sodomites will be re
leased nnd come forth during the me-
dlntorlnl relgu of Messinh to enjoy n
phnre of the blessings then to be pour
ed out upon Israel and the world ; nnd
to have an opportunity of coming into
harmony with God and gaining eternal
life. But we know thnt straightway
somebody will say , No , Pastor Russell ,
that would be n second chance , and
God has nowhere promised n second
chance to any. Furthermore it would
be be-llttlelng to the Divine Govern
ment to suppose that God , after giving
one fair trial to a man and reaching a
decision would conclude to give him
another trial , as though Divine Justice
were unable to determine the worthi
ness or unworthiness of the individual
for eternal life in one trial or testing.
We fully agree with this sentiment ,
but cull attention to the fact that the ;
Sodomites did not enjoy one trial for
life. They and all mankind re
"boru in sin , shapon in Iniquity ; in In
did their mothers conceive them. "
They were born under the sentence ,
"Dying thou shult die. " Neither they
nor anyone else , therefore , could be
placed upon trial for u future life ever-
lastiuj : or death everlastlui' until ITn <
leased , , from the original sentence of
death ( < mulct which all were born. And
"J release from that death sentence
was granted to anybody until the Re
deemer came and died , "the Just for
the unjust , " that , "as by a man came
death , by n man also might come the
resurrection of the dead. "
Only those , therefore , who have been
born since Jesus' day could be released
from the original penalty , or could bo
placed on trial for life or death eter
nal Only the Church , therefore , ac
cepts this proposition. To this agrees
the words of the Apostle , "If tw sin
wilfully after that trc have come to n
knowledge of the Truth , there remain-
eth no more sacrifice for sin ( such hnv-
Ing enjoyed and misused their share
of the original sacrifice ) nothing but
n fearful looking forward to of Judg
ment ( sentence ) and llery indignation ,
which will devour the adversaries of
God In the Second Death ( Hebrews x ,
iG ! ) . The Sodomites , therefore , did not
enjoy any chance of eternal life. They
knew not "the only nnme given under
heaven J or amongst men whereby we
must be saved " Not only so , but the
majority ! of mankind since Jesus' day
have ' never heard the Gospel in the
true- ' sense of the word tearing They
have never understood , never appre
ciated. It fully , rightly.
More Tolerable For Sodomites.
It may astonish some to know that
Jesus , speaking of the Judgment or
trial of the world during the coming
age , during his Mediatorial Kingdom ,
declared that that trial would be less
severe upon the Sodomites than upon
some of those people to whom he
preached , who would also have a
share In the opportunities of that
great epoch an opportunity , with the
Sodomites , of reconciliation to ( Sod
and the attainment of eternal life.
His words were. Woe unto you Clio-
rnzzin and Hcthsalda , for If the mlclity
works which have been done In you
had been done In Sodom and Gomor
rah , they would have repented long
ago In sackcloth and ashes. Therefore
I say unto jou , It shall be more tolerable
erable for Tyre and Sltlon in the day
of judgment [ the world's trial time ,
the Millennium ] than for you ( Mat
thew 11 , L't ! , 'i ) . What more could we
ask upon this subject ? What higher
authority could be Invoked than the
Great Judue himself ?
It will not do to say that Jesus did
not refer to the same licentious Sod-
( unites mentioned by St. Jude In our
text. It will not do to say that Jesus
meant some Sodomites living In his
day , because there were none. The '
Master distinctly tells us that " L
same day that Lot went out of Sodom
it rained down lire and brimstone from
heaven and destroyed them all" ( Luke (
xvll , 20) ) . When our Lord declares
that "It shall be more tolerable for
Sodom In the day of Judgment than
for Capernaum" nnd the other cities
In which he preached , he Implies that
it will still be tolerable for those peo- '
pie who heard him and who rejected
his message
"Thus It Is Written. "
This Gospel Age which began with
our Lord's sufferings and trying expe- (
rlences , and which has continued those
experiences with his followers , has for
its object the preparation , the quallfl-
( ntion , of those who will be the Judges
of the world in the coming Age. They
must all be developed In the fruits and
graces of the Holy Spirit "mcekne&B ,
patience , brotherly kindness , love , "
else that \\11I not be tit to be the
Judges of mankind by and by. It is
required that all become copies of the
Redeemer , God's dear Son. St. Paul
tells us this , saying , "Know ye not
that the saints shall Judge the world ? "
nnd that God has foreordained that all
of these judges must be copies of his
Son ? ( Romans vlll , 20 ; I Corinthians
vi. 1 ! ) .
Come back with me to the Old Testa
ment Scriptures and note how the Di- ' '
rlne Spirit dictated this matter of the
'uture ' trial of the Sodomites to one of
he prophets and caused it to be writ-
en for our Instruction. Alas ! ns Jesus '
said , we have been "slow of heart to
iclleve all that the prophets have
spoken" ( Luke xxlv , U5 . Through :
Ezeklel the Prophet , the Lord explains ?
hat when the restitution time shall
: he Divine blessing will come upon (
fsrael now cost off. Nor will the bless-
ng of Messiah's Kingdom come upon
Israel only ! It will extend to all the ,
'amllles of the earth. Through the
Prophet the Ix > rd specially emphasised
: o Israel her two sister nations. Sodom
and Snmnr.ii The Lord pointed out
that in the day of their pride and pros
perity they disdained these sister nn-
Ions ns being far beneath them and ) ]
nnworthy of their notice in every wny.
Hut In the restitution times ( Acts III j , ,
10) ) they will be glad to have H share
Df the Divine favor in conjunction with
those nations formerly despised.
The Lord declares that It is not be-
cnuse of the worthiness of any of these
that he proposes their restitution , but
because of his glorious character , for
which his namesake. Let me quote
to you this remarkably clear state- 1
ineut of the Divine purposes future ;
nnd let us notice that It is emphatic
ally declared that the ones to be re
stored and blessed are the very ones
who perished in the days of Lot. We
"Bodun thv ulwti'.r huth not douo
MS thr'ii hast done Mc -
hold , this was the Iniquity nf thv sis
ter Sodom , pride , fulness of bread ,
and abundance of Idleness was to her.
neither did she strengthen thu
hand of the poor and the needy And
they were haughty , and committed
abomination bcfoie me ; therefore I
took them away as I saw good [ Goil
did not see good to take them In n hell
of eternal torture : but he did nee good
to destroy them and to make them an
example of the destruction of all ulti
mately displeasing to him nfter enjoy
ing n knowledge of his grace nnd nn
opportunity for eternal life. ]
"Thou also which hast condemned
thy sister nations bare thine own
shame for thy sins. They are more
righteous than thou ( nn Jesus de
clared ) When I shall bring again their
captivity ( bring them from the prison-
house of death ] then will T
bring again the captivity of thy cap
tives in the midst of them : that thou
mayest bear thine own shame and
mnyest be confounded in all that thou
bnst done , in that thou nrt n comfort
utito them When thy Bisters Sodom
and her daughters shall return to their
former estate , mid Snninrln nnd her
daughters return to their former es
tate , then thou and thy daughters
shall return to your former rotate
I will remember my Covenant
with thee in the days of thy youth
and 1 will establish unto them an
everlasting Covenant [ the Now Law
Covenant of which Messiah Is thu
Mediator and which , under his Media
torial Kingdom shall bless Israel and
nil ( who will come into IsrncJ under
the glorious terms of that New Covo-
nent ] ( Jeremiah xxxl. ail.
'Then thou shalt remember thy
ways and be ashamed when thou shalt
receive thy sIMers , thine elder and thy
younger : and I will give them unto
thee for daughters , but not by thy
Covenant [ not under your present
Law Covenant , but under the New
Law Covenant and its better Media
tor ] * that thou mayest remember
member and be confounded and never
open thy mouth any more , because of
thy shame , when I am pacified townrd
thee for all that thou hast done , Hfiltli
the Uird God" ( Ezeklel xvl. 4S-C > :1) : ) .
Length and Breadth Height and
How wo.derfnl H at first seems to
us to find that we really have a good
kind. loxlng God , and not an unmercl
ful and vengeful one ! So grossly were
we deceived lespectlng his diameter ,
by the traditions handed down from
the past , that we gave him the rev
erence of fear , rather than that of
love and devotion. The clearer light
comes to us as a fresh revelation of
the meaning of the Apostle's words
when he wrote about "lengths luul
breadths and heights and depths of
love of God , which passeth all under
' '
The words of the I/ml through Urn
prophet come to our minds , "Fear not
their fear , neither be afraid. " "Their
fear of me is not of me , but is taught
by the precepts of man. " "As the
heavens are higher than the earth , so
nre f my ways higher than your waj'H
nnd my plans higher than your plans. "
Oh ( ! Thank God that it Is so ! To nil
eternity ( we shall praise Gud that ho
did ( not allow our forefathers to make
j | him or change his character. Yes , and
j he ] Is the Mime yesterday , today and
forever j , lie changes not. The great ,
wl e , just , lining plan for the snlvn-
i lion , of mankind which he is now cnr-
[ I rylng , out was the very one "which ho
purposed In himself before the world
, wnn created. " The plan of selecting
the ( Church through fiery trials , through
| ' the , straight gate and narrow wny , for
' nineteen centuries , was what he purposed
' ,
posed in advance ; for the Apostle says
that he foreknew the Church in Christ.
Likewise the times of restitution
Boon to come for the world of mankind
he forekneAV and predestinated , and
made all the arrangements for , just an
Ithey are being carried out now. The
end will be glorious. His name will
shine resplendently when the inistB
have cleared away , and when the Sun
nf Righteousness shall arise with honl-
lug In his beams , scattering nil the
darkness and degradation of sin nnd
"Then we'll Bee what God hath wrought !
Then wo 11 praise him , praise him ua wo
ought "
"To You It Is Given. "
"We nre well nwnro that only the few
can tee the beauties of this subject na
we see them. We are aware that only
those to whom "It is given to know"
| will understand in the sense of fully
appreciating the depth of the Dlvlno
message. But we are sure that nil' '
inch will rejoice more nnd more in the
Bed of our salvation , as they como to
appreciate his worthiness of our love
, ind confidence nnd devotion.
| As for those who shall under Dlvlno
| ' tests prove themselves sympathetic
with Iniquity , we are glad that the/
Divine sentence Is that they shall have
from the ICternnl One u destruction
total , complete ono from which there
will be no recovery , no redemption , no
resurrection. "They shall be as though
, Ihey had not been. " Hut all the willing
ind the obedient shall have the blessIng -
Ing of the Ixird unto life eternal
Mther on the spirit plane an members
' pf the Church of the firstborns or on
the human plane as members of the
laved Israel restored to human perfec-
"She's made n fool of that young fel-
low. "
"Well , Hhe didn't have to economize
on the raw materinl.-Baltltnore Amer
In the commission of evil another hi
but one witness against thee ; thou nrt
n. thousand against thyself. Another
thou innycBt nvold thyself tbou canst
not. ( JunrleB.
It is better to suffer wrong than to
do It. nnd happier to bo sometimes
cheated than not to trust. Johnson ,