The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 26, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    U'MP.KI.V MRWS-.mi KNAI , PHIMAV APrti'ST 2fi
Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
Tue News. KstnbllHhcd
_ I no Journal , KBtnlillshed IS1 ! .
W. N HUHO. "N. A. Huse.
1'renldcnt Sei rotary.
Every Friday Hy innll PIT year. $1.60.
Entered at tlu < postolllco lit Norfolk ,
Neb. , UK Hi'foml olnHa matter.
TT'IephonolTf njirforTaT ( fiopartincnt
No. 22 , Business Office and Jolt Kooinu
No H 22.
If you don't know wtmt to do , sup-
JIOHO you don't do It.
Then1 are ninety million people In
thu Unlttul States liut there IB room
for nilllloiiH more.
Freight rat 'n nre to lie higher soon ,
which lt < pretty tough on automoblllBts
who have gasoline to pay for.
The flying tackle and other things
are out of football , hut while the Old
Adam rt ! in id tin In the ituue ; It IB not
much different.
A man hy the name of Looser Is a
candidate for congress In Pennsyl
vania. A good Looser ought to make
a good winner.
Pedcstrlanisrn line received another
flerlous blow among the feminine per
tlon of the population "by the coming
of the hobble skirt.
A man jumped off the Brooklyn
bridge the other day. Considering the
jam there , ho showed good judgment
in looking for a soft spot.
An average of only one ounce of
tump a head IB used by the people of
India. Not many millionaire soap
manufacturers In India at that rate.
The KsperantistH are having n con
gress in Washington , although every
one else got over talking hog latin
when they were school children.
Medical men were afraid Colonel
Iloosevelt would get the sleeping sick
ness In Africa , hut no one ever said
lie would lose the power of speech.
Mayor Oaynor will he out in two
weeks , and if the doctors reckon the
advertising they've had at its value , he
will have saved the cost of his trip
to Europe.
The fellows whom Assassin Gallag
her really hit seem to have been him-
belf and President Montt of Chili ,
whose end was hastened by the shock
of the shooting.
A Chicago professor says living in
small Hats in the great cities makes
boyb bad. Supposedly because if they
are going wrong , theio is no room to
turn over a new leaf.
The Milwaukee man who quit railroading
reading because it was so dangerous
and got a job as teamster , was killed
in a runaway. Evidently that man
Lntl his day coming , anyway.
The Uiooklyn woman who applied
fi' , iii ' , 'jn' ctlmi to su. . n a baby
in the Hat above her from crying ,
found that she had run up against
something that wouldn't injunct.
The Duke of Abruzzl is seeing Miss
Elkins home from the church socials
again , but he can't marry a nice
American girl until he gets divorced
from European notions of royalty.
Gallagher , the man who shot Mayor
Gaynor , has come to the conclusion
that he is crazy. There is a kind of
insanity that should fetch up promptly
at the penitentiary and Gallagher has
Forty thousand men have quit work
in Russia because of the scourge of
cholera. Ignorance , despotism and
disease are the direct legacy of a gov
ernment that Is so henlghtedly bar
A Chlcagooji has crossed the Eng
lish channel on his sixth aeroplane
flight. A man so venturesome should
be able to travel in Europe without
tipping everyone of whom he asks a
Mayor Gaynor , regarding Gallagher
as Insane , does not want to prosecute
Lira , but If the assassin is put where
lie will do the most good for twenty
years. It will be a tonic to the mentall-
t > of many office holders.
Mayor Gaynor Is improving and the
ilemociatle party is talking already
of making him its candidate for the
presidency In 1912. Hasn't the poor
man enough to bear without making
him the leader of a forlorn hopeV
A woman In Germany who recently
died has left $100,000 to Miss Alma
Neunian of Milwaukee , providing sh"
gets married. With that kind of a
start , the proposition ought not to
be a difficult one for Miss Neuman.
The death of Florence Nightingale
takes from the world one of Its great
characters whose fame will grow more
lustrous the longer It Is studied. She
devoted her life to the alleviation of
human suffering , and posterity will
give her a large place In its affections ,
A quaint philosopher remarks that
some men are born good , some make
good , nnd others are caught with the
; oods on tht m. Which ( lass arc you
in ?
Summer vacationists are returning
Business Is picking up and the out
look for thu autumn IB generally oJ
the best.
The wheat crop IB a little short , but
oats and corn promise bumper yields
and oatmeal porridge and corn cakes ,
are good eating. .
Secretary Halllnger says It will take
an order from the president to cause
him to resign. There are a large nunv
ber of men In thu country who would
like to be president just long enough
to give Buch an ordei. J i
Alaska IH right up to date along ,
some lines but they are slow on strawberry -
berry festivals. The fact that this
popular fruit sells at $1.2"i a quart
makes It easier to dig gold nuggets
with which to meet chun-h expenses.
The Japanese explorer. Lieutenant
Shlrase nnd his company , hope to
reach the south pole at an outlay of
only $20,000. Our north pole , no
larger , higher or colder , cost us many
times that amount. These Japanese
have economy down to a line point.
An epidemic of cholera has raged
In Hussla since June which has re
sulted in the death of more than fiO-
000 by this dread disease. The ter
ribly unsanitary manner In which the
Russian masses live , gives every op
portunity for the fatal scourge to
A German company is manufactur
ing n Kind of potato meal or dried potato
tate from the surplus tubers which
have forincly gone to waste In land of
rigid economy. The liquid which Is
pressed from the potatoes is about
80 percent pure albumen and finds a
ready market.
America's Chinese friend , Wu Ting
nng , former Chinese minister to the
Jnlted States , has just been nppolnt-
wi counsellor to the Chinese foreign
Olllce. This distinction is said to
come to him largely because of the
experience he acquired during his
diplomatic service in this country.
A decided preference Is given by
the civil service commission to men
for stenographers and typewriters.
In .fact for many of these positions
men alone are eligible. This will be
welcome news to the men who felt
that they were being practically
crowded out of this class of positions.
A wheat expert states that an acres
tf growing wheat uses sixty tons of
A-ater a month. We would like to in-
quire where the acres of growing
wheat In many of the states got their
supply this year ? They must have
received It by underground passages ,
since it certainly did not come over
the usual aerial route.
King George has scored strongly for
his present and future popularity by
ordering that hereafter representa
tives of the British colonies shall take s
precedence next to diplomatic repre-
sentathes of foreign countries , on i
state occasions. This is a just and I
proper recognition , but it has never
been granted them before.
The Chinese minister , Wu , Ting
Fang , was noted during his American
sojourn for being the most Incessant t
and persistent questioner in public
life at Washington. He has now
drawn a job from his government
where his duty will be to answer tha
other fellows' questions. Some people
get thelr's in this world.
There can be no better sign In any
city than to have a popular spirit of
home-seeking and home-making amongI
its inhabitants. The man who owns
no home is much less likely to become
a substantial citizen in any commun i-
ity than the man who is located and
Is consequently vitally Interested in
the prosperity and development of
the town and its institutions. There
Is no better thing for any town than
to have a large proportion of its resi
dents home owners.
In New York City and some parts
of New England the determination
that the man who pays for a pound
of Hour shall get a pound of food
- and not an appreciable portion of it
be the pasteboard box or other re
ceptacle , has led to an ordinance for-
bidding grocers to use wooden hultpr
boats , skewers , and oil paper In sellIng 1-
Ing butter , unless they weigh them
separately and give the full pound of
Some man with a great deal of >
spare time and n head for figures has
estimated that the American people
lose $10,000,000 a year by falling to
stir their coffee , thus wasting the su
gar which remains at the bottom.
This may be correct , but why choose
such an Insignificant example of
wastefulness as that. Think of 90-
000,000 people wearing clothes all sum j
mer when they would bo vastly more
comfortable , as well as richer , without |
them. Who will estimate this waste ?
. There Is a great deal of talk about
the future of Alaska , and everybody
IB settling It except the people of
Alaska themselves. They are not con
sulted. Iut ) since they are the same
kind of peojle who have settled fhe
oth < r states and territories they will
keep on developing from the Inside ,
and In due time the people on the
ground will settle their own problems
In I their own way. If not , they must
be * a distinctly different race from the
Americans that dominate the rest of
the continent.
If there is any advantage to he
tnkni t of the Hies take It. A Call-
fornlan has taken advantage of the
fact f tiiat Hies always walk up a win
dow by inventing a trap to be fast
ened to a pane in Btich a manner that
a , fly will enter It without being aware
that ( he has left the surface of the
Our trade with the South American
republics ' In the last year , while not
large as it ought to be. still reached
very ' respectable proportions. It was
almost ' $000,000,000. The hopeful fact
about i these figures Is that they have
almost doubled In the past ten years ,
and i in the next ten , with the Panama
j > canal ' completed. It ought to increase
even more rapidly.
A Hindu of the Hrohmln caste has
applied for admittance Into a Chicago
Odd Fellows lodge and the committee
adjudging his case is up against a
hard proposition , trying to decide
whether he is a white man as he In-
' slsts , or some sort of colored man ,
as their optical senses declare. When
you come to deciding who are white
men and who nre not , it is both a
delicate and dlfllcult question.
The Palestine , Tex. , "race war" was
so clearly a case of wanton and brutal -
tal murder of negroes by a heavily
armed white mob that the state au
thorities could not wink at it. They
have thirteen white men In jail , held I
without ball , charged with murder in i
the flrst degree and more arrests are ;
promised. If state authorities will act
In this way oftener , "race wars" will
lose their popularity as an exciting ;
Miss Florence Nightingale , the
i "angel of the Crimea" has gone to
her reward and the English people
mourn for the good Samaritan whose'
deeds of mercy made her name a beloved -
loved household word throughout the
world. It Is a blessed thought that *
the Red Cross , now so well organized
all over the world , will continue it.
'wherever ' humanity vis stricken and
suffering there this organization , in
spired by this noble woman's life of
service , will be represented to minister -
tor to and alleviate theii distress.
New York City has a new business
In operation. A company lias been
formed to wash dishes for families In
partment houses. Machines are set
up in basements or carried about in
vnnsvwhich wash all the family dishes -
es at a minimum cost of twenty cents
a day. Perhaps that kind of washing
| wou. _ suit some housekeepers , but It
will never appeal to the mistress of
i a well-kept house who likes to use
j dainty china , and know that It Is pro-
I i perly washed. /
. -
j Since the United States came into
possession of the Philippines and Por-
to Rico , a special interest has been
added to the study of the Spanish lan L.
guage. It Is much more popular ns
an elective in all colleges and has
been made compulsory at West Point. t
It Is a decided business asset for the
young men to have a working knowl-
edp of the language spoken by sixty
million people with whom America
has trade relations which she wishes
o Increase.
The great problem of the age Is dis-
tribution. If the right things could
be gotten into the right places at the
right time , there would be an end o'
poverty and suffering for material j
( comforts. There is always food enough
iraised in the world to feed every hu-
man being bountifully. But while one
family is starving another Is feasting.
There is always work enough in the
world that needs doing to provide sup
port for every one , but the problem Is
to get the man that needs work and
the work that needs a man together.
Who con solve the problem ?
Admiral Von Tirpltz , the Imperial
secretary of the German navy depart
ment , who is the father of the Ger
man navy , is contemplating retire
ment. Not because this remarkable
naval leader wishes to retire , but be
cause the German people refuse to
j bear the excessive taxation required
for the realization of his projects of
constructing a fleet able to cope with
Brltalns and making the Germans the
masters of the sea. Admiral Tirpltz's
retirement will mark the abandonment
j of Germany's ambition to oust Great
Britain from her control of the seas ,
and the turning of all Germany's en
ergies to enlargement upon the conti
nent itself.
A letter in the Chicago Tribune
from nn American resident of the
Philippines again arouses the ghost
of the Japanese war scare , by telling
of the constant spying of the Jnpa-
nese Into the fortifications and forces
In the islands. There Is one fact , however -
over , to offset such reports. That Is
that the Japanese navy is still much
smaller than that of this country and
no marked increase Is being made.
Moreover , the Japanese alliance with
Great ( Br'laln In an assurance of pea < e
with < Atmrlca that can hardl > be or -
estimated. <
There has been a great deal of delay -
lay 1 because of governmental red tape
In I reserving the coal lands In the
public 1 domain from settlement.
Meanwhile. In Colorado , Wyoming and
other < parts of the west , the best coal
lands ! were long ago appropriated by
millionaires ; and coiiioratlons mostly
through fraudulent use of the public
land laws by Individuals hlied for
the purpose. If the government would
only handle this matter In the way
the private business Interests deal
with them , It would s-ave millions lor
the country. For years anybody who
bought land from the Northern Paci
fic or Great Northern railway took
a deed reserving to the corporation
the right to al deposits of oil or ruin-
crals that might be found beneath
the use and cultivation ot the soil.
the use and cultivation of the coll.
Nor did It check the development of
the country , by keeping settlers oif
large tracts of land , because It might
possibly contain some valuable miner
als , but the corporation remained the
owner of It all the time. The same'
policy If followed by the government ,
would secure the future rights of the
people without checking the immedi
ate development of the country. Mr.
Pint-hot should be enlightened on this
fact. President Tuft's idea about It
is the right one.
Is the direct primary nomination
system n success or is it a failure ?
The voters of northern Nebraska , both
'republicans ' and democrats , are ready
to condemn it as a failure. They
would prefer that the law be repealed
j ( and that the old convention system be
restored. They nre ready to prove
, that the primary is not in practice
( , the representative instrument that it
L. is in theory ; they are prepared by
I1 | actual figures to demonstrate that the
, old convention system actually got
out more votes and was , therefore ,
more thoroughly representative of
the wishes of the masses than this
. new plan.
j ' Theoretically it might be said that
-1 ' if a voter wouldn't go to the primary ,
, he wouldn't attend a caucus. But In
I practice this Is disproved. As a matter -
' ter of fact there is a sociability about
a political caucus or convention which
j | will draw men to It when the primary ,
a lonely , bloodless thing , fails to at
tract. In the old caucus , there was
i the crowd of human beings to meet
"Jand j to rub elbows with ; there was
opportunity for handshaking and in
terchange of ideas through the haze
of sociable tobacco smoke. There was
i a sort of a community reunion that
brought men together into a fraternal
j I intermingling which the primary , ma-
i chine-like and lonely , utterly fails to
) There were not as many votes cast' t
in Norfolk nt Tuesday's primary as
. there would have been voters at the j'
I j combined ward caucuses under the
j '
old system.
And an instance In Pierce illus
trates the point : .fust fifty-two voters
' nominated Boll for republican candidate -
| date as county commissioner in that
i county. That represents the entire
1 county vote. More republicans than
I that , many times over , would have at-
i tended the combined precinct cau-
j crises under the old plan.
A few months ago an old citizen
of Madison county died and was car
ried to his grave. A handful of neigh
bors attended the funeral. If he had ; 1
died four years ago , when the old 1
convention system was In vogue , sev
eral hundred representative citizens
of Madison county , from all its corn-
ers , would have attended that funeral j
I to pay a last tribute. For that man
' used to attend the county conven-
tions as regularly as they came. And
that death of the brotherhood that
was formed among the masses of com
mon people by the old caucus system
that drew men together , has been
caused by the primary and is the
cause , in turn , of tlie failure of the
primary to bring out as representa
tive a ballot as the old caucus sys
tem used to bring forth. A dispatch j ,
from Bassett says not one farmer in
six drove Into the voting places and
marked a primary ballot. It's too
lonesome a procedure. Under the old
caucus plan , nearly half the farmers
would turn out to help name the
The open primary , allowing a voter ,
to stray out of his own party stall at
the primary and help nominate a ri itj j
val party's ticket , neglecting his duty
to his own party , is fundamentally
wrong , as was proclaimed by The
News at the time such n , law was In
contemplation and as has been dem
onstrated by this week's primary.
The primary Is made into a farce
by this open system. In the last analy
sis , the primary law was adopted so '
that voters might have a share In
naming the candidates of their own
parties to give the control of the
party to every citizen. But that kind
of system which tempts a voter over
Into another party's pasture , Inducing
him to neglect his duty to his own
party , Is wrong both to his own party
and to the rival party.
It IB ridiculous that republicans
should be able to edge their way Into
a democratic primary and nnmo the
democratic ticket , or that democrats
Lh'ehould be allowed to nominate the
republican party's ticket
The primary is not n smcesis.
Mow the weeds.
The corn llltt > s It.'s your honest opinion of the
primary j ?
It's time to begin worrying about
the ' fro t
The open season IB on for tall corn
stalk yarns.
It used to be the house Hy. Now
It's I the ijpholtl fly. Swat him.
The walls ha\e nothing over the
north ' Nebraska corn. And such ears
as ; they are , too.
j I The less money you have corning |
In , the less genus you have to Imperil
> our life. So cheer nit.
) Collier's Weekly seems to be weak
ly all right , when It comes to influence
in Nebraska politics.
If it weren't tor that confounded
i sixth green , Braden's $10 would have
taken up its bed and walked.
Charles Parker , jr. , saw a shepherd
dog chasing a bull. "That must be a
bulldog , " he remarked to his father.
The new fall hats for women will be
small enough to get inside the Nor
folk street cars without bending side
Five Norfolk women have come to
, The News office to ask how in thunder -
| der we found out they were having
hobble skills made.
The cowboy mayor seems to have
put a "J. D. " brand on the demo-
cratlc mule in Nebraska. He doesn't
ir.tend to allow Shallenberger to steal
the animal , either.
Mayor Jim told Norfolk people that
lie was some broncho buster himself.
His posters say he's no straddler.
Will he try to ride Into the governor's
mansion on a side saddle ?
Exery town between Norfolk and
Dallas was totally destroyed by fire
yesterday. The big hotel at Pierce
was burned. Fairfax was burned two
or three times. That's what people
said about the smoke.
Is a man who plays a hand organ
on the street a musician or a beggar ?
Saturday morning is a poor time
for a barber to send word that he is
What has become of the old fash
ioned woman who knew now to make
a mustard plaster ?
"I know a man , " writes Henry ( Jar-
i land , "who shaved his legs the day
' I before he got married. "
A woman bellevt-s she has great
J ' faith in her husband if she watches ,
and doesn't see anything.
Some of the insurgents are becom
ing so bold that they refuse to pay
their bills on the first of the month.
"I have as much ambition as nny-
body , but I haven't as much backing
j for it as , well , say Napoleon. " Par-
I son Twine.
The world progresses : formerly we
found only the Police Gazette on the
barber shop tables. Now we find the
best magazines.
A number of Atchison women
whose hair on their head is growing
there , are so proud of it there is talk
of organizing All Our Own club.
When a girl comes Into the parlor
with a white dust on her clothes , the
young man may believe she has been
near the Hour barrel , but every wo
man knows better.
A majority of people demand this
version of the new commandment :
"A new commandment I give unto
you , that ye love me and let mo do
as I please about loving you. "
Atchison people tell of a certain
man who was very fond of his stom-
ach , and who nte good things at all
hours. He dropped dead one day ,
thirty years before his time.
The reporters are so gallant that
if a fat old woman clad In a Mother
I Hubbard should drown herself , the
printed report would tell of a good-
i looking , middle-aged woman , fashion-
' ably dressed.
A certain Atchfsoii woman Is good
to her husband , and never grumbles
'at ' him except when he lays off unnec-
I essarily. The best of women have a
( right to complain about that ; too
much of It Is done ,
An Industrious man always sue
coeds ; a lazy man always falls. This
' Is all there is to it. except that the
, Industrious man will have greater sue
j cess if he is fair , polite and has
a disposition to learn as he goes
along ,
Speaking of recklessness : There Is
a recklessness In associating with a
powder can that Is disastrous to the
girl who puts It on her face , and
these who get It on their clothes who
go any where near her dressing table :
Look at nearly every man at work ,
and you detect him In lazy tricks. We
talk a good deal about the pushing ,
energetic Americans , but probably
there Is more laziness among us than
among other people on earth.
Would Remove a Heavy Burden on
Farm Property 1,000,000 Miles of
Highways Out of 2,300,000 Are Used
for Rur.l Free delivery.
It would nave a deal of time , trouble
and expense If one state or community
would , profit by the experience of oth
ers In the matter of road building rath
er than peislst In going forward by tltn
and starts and generally making a
mess of It before learning what to do
nnd how to do It. It would shorten
the piocess , and the same end would
be the sooner reached. New York be
gan with an appropriation of $ r > 0.000 ,
J but In live .tears voted a bond Issue of
$ .10.000.000 and Is expending $ r > ,000.000
a , \ear. Maryland Is expending one-
thiid ' as IIIIK b. Pennsylvania IN put
ting ' millions every year Into good per
manent roads. Illinois , Iowa , Missouri
nnd i other valley states should sit up
and take notice.
The split log drag or Its equivalent
Is a very valuable road tool. Its use
should be encouraged.Ve should not ,
howe\er. deceive ourselves that the
road drag Is a solution of the good
roads problem. Nothing short of a hard
wearing surface upon the main roads
will meet the need of the ago.
The money required to build peed ,
permanent roads throughout the coun
try would reach enormous Hguies , and
If Itere nn Item of expense that IHUH' '
be paid now one might well regard the
task as hopeless. However , the situa
tion when understood is not at nil dis
couraging from n financial viewpoint.
The only drawback Is the reluctance
of the public to study the question
If the following points nre kept In
mind it will aid to n clearer conception
of the facts involved In the good ro tls
question :
First. Every good road built Is nn
asset. It adds to the property value
of the countrj more than Its cost. It
[ From Good Ilouds MiiK.i7.ino , New Vork )
Increases the value of all forms of
property. jut , farm property most of
all. This leceives the largest and most
direct benefit from good roads. H , ,
good rends are an Investment as sure
ly as building barn * , drainage or any
other Improvement that adds value.
Second. The roads ought to be built
In systems , many miles at n time. In
this way bolter work can be scoured
and the cost per mile will be much
less. If twenty to thirty miles are
built at a time competition will be
sharp. Contractors will plan to use
the latest and most approved methods ,
and the result will be a better job at
10 to 2. per cent less money. There
Is apt to be better Inspection and con
struction , consequently less cost to
maintain , than If built In short strips.
Third. The payment of * the original
cost of building the roads ought to be
extended over twenty or thirty years.
There Is noalld reason why those
now carrying the burden of taxation
hnild ( bear the whole load. A stone ,
brick or even n good gravel road If
well built will servo for a generation
\\lth a moderate up keep expense
Why should not those who come lifter
us and enjoy the benefit help pay the
bill ? This makes the payment com
paratively easy.
Fourth. The roads belong to the
public. Their condition nffec ts the pub
lic welfare. They are used to carry
the food supply of the world's market
and to return a large pnit of the fac
tory output to the farm. It Is equita
ble that nt least one-half the expense of
building and curing for good roads
should be chargeable to the public as
a vliole and the other one-half paid by
the luiallty receiving the Immediate
and most direct benefit. This takes a
heavy burden off farm property.
Fifth.-Out of approximately ' . ' .JiOO.-
000 miles of highways In the United
States about are u ed fur
rural delivery and are thus post ronds.
It Is cstlimitctl that four-fifths of all
the t radio the country over passes over
one-fourth of the road mileage. It Is
those roads with the heavy traffic
which should roiolve the first atten
tion. If100.000 miles of good stone
or gravel roads were added to the e
already built It would give a complete
network of good rends from ocenn to
ooean and from the lakes to the gulf
nnd would serve from 7.1 to SO per
cent of all the traveling upon the pub
lic highway ? .
A store must be advertised regular
ly on aB sure a schedule as IB followed -
ed In opening and closing Its doors.
In fact the advertising should bo the
key and interpretation always to all
people , of what the store is what il
Ruort Men In Monroe County to Pro *
vide Hlghwnys For Motoriiti.
An Important meeting of proprietors
of holds of the rcsorlx throughout tlto
county WMH held at Stroiidshun ; . Pa. ,
recently , at uhlili II WIIK dei-ltled to
boom the region IIH II has IIOVIT been
boomed before. The manner In which
this Is to be airompllHlicd Is by the
generous use of printer's Ink In the
iiewHpaperH of the great cities. Thcno
men realize thtit In order to keep the
resortH prominently to ( he fore thin
move Is ncccMHar.nnd . the manner lu
\\blcb nil the memberri responded to
the callH for MibserlptUum Is Uu > very
best evidence that they are heart and
soul In the proposition to nuiko 1010
the banner Reason ,
Al the meeting nnothor matter of
much Importance was taken up and
discussed the question of good roads.
This IH not it new subject , but If was
given a new Imp -tun by the notion of
the resort mvii , who directed J. H.
Williams , the president of the Monroe
County Kccort association , to appoint
n committee to confer and lny plniiH to
greatly Improve the roads In thu coun
ty. It IK especially Important at IhlH
time because of the fact ( lint the
Scranton Automobile club N Interested
in the Improvements In the roads of
this section of the county. In fact ,
the Scranton club IIIIH taken a step to
assist In bringing about the Improve
ment by material aid to rebuild the
road traversing the Paradise section of
the county.
The club wants the assistance of the
people of the region In the proposition ,
and this It IH assured of receiving.
The committee to be appointed by Mr.
Williams is to work In the Interest of
the movement , which will be appre
ciated by Hie visitors to the county
nnd the motoring fraternity , who corno
here lu mich great numbers , being at
tracted by the beauties of the county.
The action of the association to Im
prove road conditions has created more
interest In the Benson about to open ,
the resort men being of the opinion
that If the plans of the committee nre
successful the region will become still
more popular and In consequence will
attract many more people to this ec-
When the season of 1110 ! opens ev
erything will be found to be In readi
ness for the proper accommodation of
visitors , who take FO much pleasure In
staying within the borders of the coun
ty to while away the heated season.
With good roads , which are assured ,
and a proper publicity campaign the
people believe that nil records will bo
Highway Commission Reappointed In
Ventura , Cal.
The supervisors In preparation for
proposed bond Ksues In Ventura , Cal. ,
have reappointed as county commis
sioners Messrs. Clark , Kdmumlson and
FleNher. This commission was ap
pointed two years ago and went thor
oughly Into the question of good roads
throughout the county , furnishing
specifications and an estimate.
But the financial depression came on ,
work was dropped and the commis
sion discharged. Since then agitation
has been started lor a renewnl. and n
proposition ha been set on foot to
bond the county for $1. < KO.OOU ) for good
roads and a number of bridges. The
commission Is empowered to again re
tain Surveyor Wand at a salary of not
to exceed $100 per month.
The matter of a choice of a court
house site In Ventura has been select
ed by the supervisors. Citizens have
raised a purse of .ftiO.OOO wltb which
to buy a site , the location being left
to the supervisors. Two sites have al
ready been offered.
Half Million For Texas Good Roads.
Seventy-two miles of country roads ,
distributed throughout the entire coun
ty , are to be paved by Harris county ,
Tex. , with shell and gravel within the
next twelve months out of a recent
road and bridge bond Issue of $500,000.
according to a schedule adopted by the
county commissioner's court. In the
list of the roads to be paved are a
number of the most Important high
ways In the county , one of which Is
the Webster Air Line road , running
from Hnrrisbnrg to the county line , n
distance of eighteen miles , where It
will connect with n paved road to be
constructed by Galveston county ,
thereby giving a complete pnvwl road
way from Houston to Galveston via
the causeway.
A Good Roads "Smoker. "
Recently the Business Men's associa
tion of Lamed. Kan. , gave n good
roads "smoker" which was attended
by more than 300 citizens of the coun
ty. The enthusiasm developed Insures
n new era in the building and mainte
nance of good roads In this section of
the short grass country. Such a meet
ing would have been Impossible a fe\v
years ago because It was thought that
the dirt roads of middle and western
Kansas would never need any great
amount of care. Increased population ,
however , has shown differently , and
there are now no more enthusiastic
sections of the state on the good roads
Need of Dry Roadbeds.
The most Important object In drain
ing a roml Is to lower the level of the
ground water. If this Is within n few
feet of the surface It will bo absorbed
by the material of the road by capil
lary attraction. The result of thlH
would be n softening In the road Im
mediately below the surface. When
heavy traffic prices over the road In
this condition It so cuts It up that the
water will not flow off.
The woman who Is not a "bargain
hunter" nswadaya IB er eccentric.
Whether it's want , need or simple
whim , want-adTertlee.