The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 19, 1910, Page 5, Image 6

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The Oldest Nebraska Woman.
"Wont Point , Kelt. , Aug. 10. Sricclnl
to The News : The announcomenl
throiiKh the Htntc papers tlnit Mrp.
Susanna Parish of Scwnid , Is the old-
-Bt living womnn In the Hlnto of Nein
brnska IB slightly Innccurntc. A reIn
mnrknlilo centenarian IH Mrs. Dora
Ilarsllck of fuming county , wlio Is
without doubt the oldest womnn In
the Htato , she having celebrated her
101 Rt birthday on March 2G , last. At
the ago 'of 101 this remarkable ploI"
neer walks two or three miles to the
Catholic church , of which she lias nl-
ways been a devoted member , performing -
forming the task with cheerfulncBH
and vigor. And Mrs. Hnrstlck has
not been a hot-house llpwer , protected
from the blasts of the world outside ,
nor has her path been strewn with
roses. 8he IB a pioneer of the state ,
came here when this region was a
wIlderneBS and took her share of the
burden of the days when the founda
tions wore laid for the great common
wealth of Nebraska. Mrs. Hnrstick
was born March 2B , 1809 , at Stoin-
burek , Hanover , C5ermany. For near-
ly fifly years she resided In the fatherland -
land , married , and together \vlth her
husband and children pursued the
oven tenor of life. The spirit of un
rest , however , and the lure of the
west , so common to the German people -
plo of that generation Impelled the
little family to seek their fortunes In
the land across the sea , and In the
year 1854 they landed on the shores
of America with their small posses
sions. The first settlement made by
this family was at Dubwiue , la. , where
they resided until the year I860.
At this time , hearing wonderful
stories of the fertility and golden
promise of the new territory of Ne
braska , Mr. and Mrs. Harstlck journ
eyed to this state. They settled at
what was at that time the outpost
of civilization , locating on the virgin
prairlo in what Is now St. Charles
township , Cuinlng county , conceded
at this time to be one of the wealth
iest and most highly Improved town
ships of farm land In the state of Ne
braska. This family was almost the
llrst settlers of this township nnd
during the first twenty years follow
ing their settlement they took a leadIng -
Ing part in the building of churches ,
schools and the general improvement
of their new home. They were among
the few faithful ones , who , feeling
the need of spiritual Instruction built
the now historic church of St. Anthony
in St. Charles township , the llrst
church built north of the Plntto river
In Nebraska , which was replaced
three years ago by a fine , new brick
structure. For many years this strug
gling congregation was unable to se
cure a regular ministration , but was
compelled to depend upon the oeca-
siom\l \ visits of missionary clergymen.
Among the men who braved the dan
gers of hunger , Hood and Indian foes
to serve a few families in this parish
was the late Father Dexacher of Oma
ha , a noted missionary priest.
The father , Henry Harstlck , died in
the year 18SO. leaving Mrs. Harstlck I
with three surviving children , all of
whom are now aged men and women.
Besides her three surviving children
Mrs. Harstick is the grandmother of
twenty-live and the great-grandmother
of over fifty children , her descendants
numbering a little over 100 souls.
Among the grandchildren is William
H. Harstick the present county clerk
of Cumlng county. She is In full
possession of her mental faculties as
well as possessiong unimpaired physi
cal strength. To all appearances she
bids fair to live for many years long
er. She makes her home with one
of her grandchildren near the old
homestead , where she has spent over
fifty years of a happy life. She oc
cupies her time principally In knit
ting and spinning for her numerous
descendants. She Is in excellent
health , in fact , better than when she
celebrated her 100th birthday. The
only thing indicating her extreme age
is a slight dimnes of vision.
Babe Drank Cup of Lye.
Alnsworth , Neb. , Aug. 1C. Special ]
to The News : There were two fun
erals here yesterday one of Gail
Richard Shaw , aged 1 year and 2
months , born at Plainvlew , Neb. , on
June 27 , 1909 , son of D. H. Shaw and
wife , traveling e'vangelists of the Sev
enth Day Advent church. The little
one accidental } " got hold of a cup of
lye , Saturday , and before anyone saw
what it was doing , drank the contents.
It died in a short time.
_ _
The other was Mrs. Jessie Barr
Henderson , wife of Elmer Henderson ,
a young farmer of this vicinity. She
was a daughter of John Barr nnd wife
of this city , nnd was born in Wiscon
sin , July 4 , 1886. She was married
a year ago last February. She was a
lovable woman and as she grew up
here , had hosts of friends who mourn ,
her loss and deeply sympathize with
the bereaved husband and her par
ents. She had been ailing for some
months , nnd In the hopes of better
ing her condition she was taken to
Long Pine , where she died Saturday
evening , Ai eust3. . 1910 .
A Mall Train Wrecked.
St. Louis. Aug. 10. The Iron Moun
tain fast mail train , which left here
at 2 : 0 this morning , was wrecked
near Piedmont , Mo. The train con
slsted of mall cars. Poplar Bluff dls
patches say that tnree men were
killed. At the headquarters of the
road this report is denied.
Logansport , Ind. , Aug. 1C. lay
Morts tore his hair needlessly whei
he reached here and found that $501
received for his wheat crop was miss
ing. Morts camu to towu to bank the <
Back home his wife noticed tin
chickens pecking away at a wad too >
tough to yield to their pegging and
found H was a roll of bills.
Inside the house the phone wen
z-zt tlng-a-llng and Mre. Morts anawei
ed. It was her husband at the other
end of the line. In a worried tone.
"I'm afraid I've lost that wheat money
ej , " he said.
"No , you haven't , " assured IIH ! wife ,
and told him all about It. Then Morts
laughed ,
Great Wealth for a Hospital.
New York. Aug. ! ( ! . St. Luke's hos
pital I l In this city bids fair to rank soon
as ' the wealthiest Institution of Its kind
I" the world. Gifts aggregating about
three million dollars were received by
the hospital last year , and this year's
total t has just been swelled to an al
most > equal figure by the announce
ment of a bequest of 6,000 acres of
valuable , coal lands left to the trus
tees ( of St. Luke's by Norman L. Rees ,
n leather millionaire , who died a few
days ago. The land Is valued at about
one-half million dollars. ,
Anyway , It's Good Advertising.
New York , Aug. 16. "The maid of
mystery" made her first appearance
In ' ' New York yesterday at the Vic
toria theater , and last night at Ham-
merstelu's roof garden In a panto
mime Grecian dance and when It all
was over the secret of her Identity
remained unsolved.
The hint was given that perhaps
the mysterious dancer might be a
"prominent society woman , " and In
order that she might remain Incog
nito she wore a mask covering the
lower part of her face. Otherwise her
costume was not designed as a dis
Grace Cameron.
One of the most pleasing effects in
"Nancy" the now comedy In which
Miss Grace Cameron will be soon at
the Auditorium on Saturday night , Is
the curtain of the llrst act. All
through the last scene , Miss Cameron
works with the theater nnd stage In
absolute darkness with the exception
of the red glow of an old cook stove.
In this particular scene , the dramntlc
situation is so Intense that even
though there Is not a word spoken for
nearly two minutes , you can hear a pin
drop or a breath taken unusually
strong by any members of the audi
ence. During the action of the play
Miss Cameron will sing several selec
tions of the swlngy order , and also
of the big culntnra variety. In a re
cent criticism a Montreal paper says ,
"Marcela Sembrlch alone has the col
oratura power of singing that Grace
Cameron has. The greatest of coloratura -
oratura singers was Adeline Pattl , who
is now gone from us but Grace Cam ' '
eron can run her a close second.
Miss Cameron Is not only a star In
this country , but In the old world as
well , having toured South Africa , Eng
land , Germany and France. Miss Cam
eron was educated for grand opera
and speaks foreign tongues as fluently
as she does English. Her versatility
Is widespread as shown by her many
parts. Within two weeks she played
Marguerite in the opera "Faust" with
Savage Grand Opera company and
Daphne , a boy's scubrette part , in
"Foxy Quiller" at the Broadway thea
Interesting Practical Demonstrations
at Carlson Horse Show.
An Animal Dissected.
Dissecting and general analysis of
the horse was the feature in the first
day's work of the graduates and stu-
dents of Scientific Horse Breeding
school of Kansas City , held at the G.
L. Carlson breeding barns on East
Norfolk avenue. A horse was killed !
by Mr. Carlson for the purpose.
Among the most enthusiastic of the
graduates and breeders was J. A.
Dailey , a prominent horse man of Old
Mexico. Mr. Dailey has on his ranch
in Mexico 1,100 breeding horses and
many sheep. He is greatly impressed
with Mr. Carlson's work and declares
there Is not another institution in the
country compared with the one here
in Norfolk.
The afternoon was given to the judg-
ing of foals In which William J. Knab-
el won first prize , Samuel Kent second
end , and D. C. Harrington third.
The demonstration was anticipated
with great Interest by a largo crowd
composed not only of the large mini-
ber of out-of-town visitors , but many
business men nnd farmers of this vi
Class room work was held In the
evening nnd lectures on scientific
breeding were heard.
Out-of-town horsemen here are :
, R. N. Montgomery , Rich Hill. , Mo ! ;
L W. Everson , Chllllcothe , Mo. ;
Charles Hayer , Holden , Mo. ; G. W.
n.Brosinan , Mnrtlnsvllle , 111 , ; L. R. Lee
Roodhouse , 111. ; J. S. Learner , Polo
Mo. ; August Bakelmann , Palmer , Kan-
' sai ; J. E. Moffett , Chismvllle , Ark.
I J. W. Fender , Lone Wolf , O. T. , Box
92 ; J. R. Maynes , Macedonia , la.
Dan Rlordan , Plqce. Neb. ; F. W. Doug-
las , Springfield , Mo. ; W. E. Reynolds
Wllllnmsburg , la. ; H. Mayone , Mut-
field Green , Kan. . Elbert H. Hawkins
Salem , Mo. ; J. E. Kennedy , Bethany
Mo. ; A. J. Wing , Sunnyside , Kan.
N. A. Davis. Plttsburg , Tex. ; H. S.
Record. Monument , N. M. ; A. B.
- Comers , Toledo , In. ; Frank P. Me
Fadden , Salinas , Monterey county
Calif. ; John Garslde , Salinas , Calif.
- C. C. Painter , Stronghurst , 111. ; W
- < E. Holmes , Trenton , Tenn. ; J. Riby
Green Wolfe City , Tex. ; J. H. White
Wolfe City , Tex. ; Jacob Maurer
Olathe. Colo. ; R. E. Hawkins , Harris
burg , 111. ; F. H. Cooper , Gonzales
Calif. ; J. C. Walwoord , Holland. Neb. !
George G. Wright , Mt. Pleasant , la.
N. J. Rohnett , Klnmundy , 111. ; A. P.
j Cox , Dunken , N. M. ; A. M. Goodheart
. Dorrnnce , Kan. ; M. J. McClelland , Ae
- toria , 111. ; L. D. Smith , Hanford
Wash. ; A. C. Woolsey , Gllson , 111.
A. W. Warren , Waupaca , Wls. ; u.
i A. Ludlngton , Slienandoah , la. , W.
D. Berkey , Iowa City , la. ; Charle
! Irolne , Ankeny , la. ; Joseph Dalle }
Hacienda "Santa Anita , " Apartado No.
44 , Culdad Porferlo Diaz , CoahiuU
serOld Mexico ; Frank Berkey , Ankenj
la. : O. H. Morford , Chelsea , la. ; Emll
Henethack , Platte Center. Nob. ; Walt
er Henethack , Platte Center , Neb. ;
W. 0. Swett , Hosklns , Neb. ; H. B.
Swell. Hosklns , Neb. ; Dr. F. F.
Brown. Kansas City , Mo. ; F. B. GraTl
ham , Kansas City , Mo. ; J. C. Dunn ,
Dalton , Neb. ; E. P. Farrls , Hosklns.
O. ; Joseph Stepanok , Troy , Mo. ; F.
Bunge , Belleville , Tex. ; J. M. Mef"
Whorter , Plantersvllle , Miss. ; H. A.
Harmon , Prairie Hill , Mo. ; R. A.
Fitzgerald , Bucyrus , Kan. ; J. L. Sap
plngton , Centrnlla , Mo. ; W. E. Mil
ler , Eagle Puss , Tex. ; Hays Bealmer ,
Dodge City , Kan. ; L. W. Hoyt , Barry
111. ; E. L. Filch , Barry , 111. ; George
Hlrschman , Plerson , Iowa. ; F. B.
Hlndman , Sioux Falls , S. D. ; Thomas
E. Leland , Reading , Pa. ; Ed C. Parr ,
Durand , W. Vn. ; Lou D. Fowler ,
Ithaca , N. Y. ; John L. Bender , Ownsso ,
Mich. ; Charles E. Hassac , Urbana ,
O. ; Floyd Banner , Delphic , Ind.
Insane Pug Wrought Up.
"Kid" Parker , n one time pugilist ,
who Is now confined In the state hos
pital for Insane near this city , has
not yet got over the defeat Jani-M J
Joffrkf met at the hands of Jack John
son i. ! 1'eno July 4 last. Parker has
been giving much trouble to his
guards and a lively tilt was experi
enced between them nnd the once vic
torious prize lighter a few days ago ,
when he was about to "do up" all the
guards In sight. On his own request
he has been taking about two hours'
training every day , believing he was
preparing for a big fight. This , how
ever , was shut down on him. He
would stop his heavy work and stand
In a draught to cool off. He was a
Jeffries man.
"I'll Bridle and Bit It , " Walter Brook-
ins , Who Is Hurt , Says.
Asbury Park , N. J. , Aug. 1C. Walter
A. Brookins , chief of the Wright staff
of aerial broncho busters , will fly
again despite the accident In which
eight persons , including Brookins ,
were injured.
"I guess my lienuty Is spoiled , all
right , " he laughed , "for besides my
broken nose , I lost a few tombstones ,
Scared ? Not a bit ! I'll po up again
Monday. I made tiiem wire Dayton
last night for another machine. It
will be shipped from stock at once.
1 am going to try to smash my own
altitude record or bust myself , and
this time , believe me , the record will
"How did I feel in my fall ? Why ,
how can anyone describe his sensa-
lions in the face of death ? My main
thought , as my unmanageable machine -
chine drove at the white hanks of
laces in tue grandstand was 'don't hit
them. ' I warped my wing tips des-
perately and then lelt the machine
plunge sidowise. I was thrown from
my seat and It seems to me I lilt the
ground before the machine did. All
1 recollect , then , was a crashing and
smashing and a sharp pain , when the
top of my gasoline tank struck my
nose and ripped the cartilage.
"Was the wind too strong ? lie was
1 asked.
I No , well , it was and it wasn't. It
was puffy , that was the main trouble ,
I and just as I cut off my engine to
hand i , a puff caught me and carried
me back toward the grandstand. I
helleve my machine was whirled com-
u-'plctely ' around. My mind was so set on
avoiding the grandstand at'all haz-
3ards , however , i.iat my hands worked
automatically , independently of my
| "Will you fly again ? "
"Of course I'll fly again. This is
. tne first accident I've had , and It
hasn't got my goat a little bit. The
wind played me a mean trlcK. That
makes me all the more determined
to pay it back. I'll brldle-and-bit It
next time I go up , and be more care-
ful of puffs. Of course , I'm glad to
be alive , but I feel very much happier
' over the fact that I was able to avoid
Iga more serious calamity.
Nellgh Races Tomorrow.
Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 1C. Special to
The News : All Is In readiness for
the annual race meet and baseball
- tournament 'that will nnpn at River-
side park on Wednesday of this week ,
vlAs one of the free attractions the lo
cal management have secured the
Moseley girls , the champion relay
riders of the world. They change
horses and saddles every half mile.
This Is not only something new , but
the most exciting race that was ever
. ' The Nellgh concert band of twenty
, pieces has been secured for the en-
, tire three days , nnd music of high
inorder will be rendered by this organ-
; Izntion. n11
. All the baseball games will be call-
; ed promptly at 1:30 : in the afternoon ,
ugand the races will start at 2:30. : The
, , following is the official program for
litthe three
- days :
, , Wednesday , August 17.
, , j 2:40 : clns strollers , purse 1300 ,
; i 2:20 : class pacers , purse $300.
. Running race , one-half mile dash ,
. purse $50.
tfcRelay race , one nnd one-half miles ,
, Moseley girls.
; ; Baseball , Oakdale vs. Elgin , purse
. $60.
, Thursday , August 18.
. 2:25 : class trotters , purse $300.
, 2:35 : class pacers , purse $300.
rlsShade on Futurity , 2-year-olds , purse
, J $200.
; Running race , live-eighths mile dash
; purse $50.
. Relay race , one and one-half miles
, Moseley girls.
- Baseball , Nellgh vs. Royal , purse
, $60.
: Friday , August 19.
. 2:17 : class trailers , purse $300.
. 2:14 : class pacers , purse $300.
. Shade on Fulurlty , 2 year-olds , purse
, $200.
. Running race , Ihree-fourlbs mile ,
, purse , $75.
, Relay race , one and one-half miles
Moseley girls.
Baseball , Clearwater vs. Tllden ,
purse $ CO.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 1C. Special leThe
The News : Madison will hold n base
ball tourney August 30 and 111. Four
of > f the fastest teams In northeast Ne
braska have been engaged to contest
for the prizes which will conslsl of a
purse of $300.
Sometimes Being a Canine Is Not so
New York , Aug. 15. Leading a
dog's life Isn't such a terrible thing
when the dog Is a Parisian prize win
ner with a screw tall , bat ears and
other necessary characteristics of *
private car is hired for his comfort
high bred French bull. And when a
and convenience In traveling from
New York lo San Francisco , ns hap
pened lodny , existence Is not to bo
barked at.
The dog's name Is Radium , and he
Is owned by Frederick S. Drew , mil
lionaire lawyer and lumber dealer of
San Francisco.
Mr. Drew , accompanied by his wife ,
mother-in-law and Radium , arrived
from Europe a few days ago. Pending
traveling arrangements the party stop
ped at the Waldorf Astoria , where
Radium was given a room by himself.
The Pullman company has a hard
and fast rule forbidding dogs to travel
In Its cars. When Mrs. Drew learned
this she put her foot down decisively
and declared rather than ho separated
from Radium she would travel In the
baggage car with him or stay In New
"How much would a prlvalo car
cost ? " Mr. Drew asked.
When told It would cost him $2.000
he drew a check for the amount , Rad-
lum was laken from the Waldorf to
the station in a laxicab.
Coney Captured the Maharajah ,
New York , Aug. 16. "Two days !
Why , two months Is too short it time
to spend in this ripping city. Cancel
that passage on the Lusitnnla tomorrow -
row and lei's go to Coney Island to
night. "
These words were spoken last night
by the maharajah of Mourbhaujl ,
grand exalted ruler of Ihe lerrllory of
Bnripoda in India.
The maharajnh reached the three-
quarter mark in his jaunt around the
world Monday. He intended to re
main In New York only two days , hav
ing heard In Vancouver that the city
was "beastly hot and nastily noisy ,
don't ye know. " But a day and half's
eight-seeing in the metropolis con
vinced the mnharajah that VancouV'
crians had grossly libeled little old
Manhattan , and he determined to
make amends for the implied slight
by remaining here another week.
Last night the maharajah hired a
fresh guide ( he having worn out the
first ) , nnd journeyed down to Coney
Island. He took in all Hie sights , and
was begging for more when the guide
dragged him away at 1 o'clock this
And Peter Duffy's Steamer Ticket
Was in His Trousers.
New York. Aug. 1C. As the Man-
retania edged away from Its pier yes
terday officials of the Cunard line
discovered a little man standing near
the gangplank Holding a carpet bag
in one baud and waving the other at
the departing liner. He was weep
ing and shouting incoherently.
"May we be of aid to you ? " politely
asked a tall reporter who drew near
the 5 foot 2-inch atom of misery.
"Shure nnd phwat can ye do for
me ? " queried the strnnger , raising
nls hnt nnd revealing a red thatched
dome , a freckled countenance nnd
the reporter's eyes opened wide he
wore a green necktie.
"It's Kelly , exclaimed a man to
the group that had crowded about the
green tie , the green checked suit and
the green elastic gaiters.
"No , it s not Kelly , it's Do-offy , and
I'm left , HO I am. "
Dropping his grip Mr. "Do-offy" ex
plained :
'Maybe I'm a wee1 bit slow ; I come
from west Philadelphy. , .hen I was
goln' up the plank there I remembered
I didn't have me ticket. Me llcket
Is In me pants , and me pants Is in mo
trunk , nn" me trunk is on Ihe boat and
I'm here , and there you are , " conclud
ed Mr. "Do-otfy. "
The Cunard officials arranged for
Mr. Peter Duffy's sailing on the next !
Crelghton Defeats Santee Indians.
Crelghton , Neb. , Aug. 1C. Special to
The News : In a fast and ng
game here Crelghton defeated the San
tee Indians by a score of 9 to 0.
Frank Theisen for Crelghton pitched
a great game , striking out ten men
and allowing only two hits. His support
port was good. Moore and Hendrlcks :
were the star players of the game
each making spectacular calches In
Ihe field. A good crowd wltnesesd
the game.
The score by Innings :
Crelghton 00115110 0 -9
Indians 00000000 0 -0
Batlerles : Theisen and Kane , East
man and Mackey.
Hotel for Alnsworth.
Alnsworth , Neb. , Aug. 16. Specla
to The News : There Is some laU
lhal Ihe new .Schneider building wll
be renled lo Frank Menslnger ant
made over Inlo a hotel. It Is a flm
three-story structure nnd would maki
a good hotel building with n few
changes. Mr. Menslnger Is a practl
cal hotel man and the hope is expressed
pressed that the rumor may prove ) 10 <
be correcl. Surely Alnsworlh need
a new hotel aboul ns badly as any ;
, place ever did. We have several oed
boarding places and one good secon
, class hotel , but Just now we are sby
on anything In the line of a flrnl class
country town hotel.
Rev. Mr. Schwarz of the Herman
Lutheran church here has resigned
his charge to accept one at Kramer ,
Lancasler county. He leaves here
about September 1. He has many
friends who regret to se him go.
Work will be commenced on the
Free Methodist church In a sbort time.
Creamery for O'Neill.
O'Neill , Neb. , Aug. 1C. Special leThe
The News : R. W. McGlnnls of Lin-
coin purchased from Campbell Ihe lots
ind buildings on the corner of Doug
las and Third streets. Mr. McGlnnls
will have the buildings lorn down and
removed lo allow him lo erect the
nrge creamery building he promised I
O'Neill last spring In the event of
the sewer bonds carrying at a special
election. The bonds carried nnd Mr.
McGlnnls Is making his promise good.
The new building will be 40x100 fecX
and one and one-half stories high , with
a large engine room In the rear. It
will be brick and stone.
A lively conlest was on for some
lime belween some owners of vacant
lots to secure Ihe building , bill Ihe lo-
cnllon picked on by the company
brings the building In the business
district and more convenient to Ihe
Mr. McGlnnls has an expert electri
cian with him looking over Hie ground
with Ihe Intention of running nn elec
tric light plant in connection with Ihe
creamery. The lots on the west side
of the block are included in the sale.
These lots will be used by the em
ployes 1 to erect dwellings to allow
them to be near the plant. They will
also be used to enlarge the plant at
any time It so requires. Export men
will be employed In operating the plant
and with the Increasing output of
cream In this locality , there Is no
doubt as to the success of the venture.
W. H. Kramer of Humphrey was a
visitor In the city.
Judge J. F. Boyd of Nellgh was in
the city on buslnes.
W. R. Eckert of Hoskins was in
the city transacting business.
County Clerk S. R. McFarland of
Madison was in the city to vote.
Dr. H. O. Scroggin of Bridgeport ,
Neb. , was In the city transacling bus !
Miss Georgia Austin has gone lo
Madison lo attend the county Insti
Contractor Clyde Smith of Fort
Dodge , In. , is in the city transacting
Miss Hattie Lockmlllerof Alnswortb ,
who has been visiting with Mrs. Lena
E. Trumni , has returned to her home.
Henry Kaus and his granddaughter
Miss Clara Kaus of Latlitner , la. , are
here visiting with the Charles Fuurst
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor have gone
to Long Pine where they will spend
a few woks camping on their ranch
near there.
W. B. Fuerst , Fred Fuerst , Ralph
Fuerst of Battle Creek and Otto Fuerst
of Madison are in the city visiting i
with relatives. !
Mrs. C. E. Hartford and daughter
Mlss Gladys Hartford have gone to' ,
Glenwood , In. , where they will spend
a few weeks' visit witli relatives.
Mrs. J. H. Campbell has returned i
to York , after n week's visit with
Mrs. J. M. Campbell , taking Georgia'
Campbell with her for a few weeks'
Mr. nud Mrs. Paul Wetzel nccom-
milled R. M. Waddell to Phillip , S.
3. , where they will visit with rela-
ives. The trip was made in an nuto-
Mrs. Mlllnrd Green has gone lo Lin
coln Wliere she will be joined by her
grandparenls , Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Bickel , who wil accompany her on a
Irlp to Livingstone , Mont.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beels ,
a son.
Anton Shonka has accepted the po
sition as night clerk at the Pacific
A meeting of the Commercial club
will be held Wednesday afternoon.
Bank Examiner John Rush , Omaha ,
is busy examing the Norfolk National
Mrs. G. A. Kuhl is in receipt of a
gift from Omaha friends of a band-
some leopard skin rug.
C. E. Burnhnm , A. H. Vlele and E.
J. Blx returned from Elgin where they
organized a Masonic lodge Monday
The outside precinct polling booth
Is situated at 527 Norfolk avenue , the
llrs * door west of the L. Brueggeman's
electric supply store.
A Northwestern brnkeman was kill 1-
ed Tuesday nt Llnwood while making
a connection of freight cars. The
brakeman lived at Fremont.
Ernest Raasch , his sister , Miss Ella
Raasch , Misses Verna and Hattie
. Moldenhauer spent the day at Wlnslde
where they were entertained by Liz
zie Podoll.
Fault was found with Ihe delay In
gelling out the ocnlract for the paving
, of Norfolk avenue nnd n lively fight
among the city council was experi
enced at their meeting last nlghl. The
conlract was sent to Omaha for the
conlraclor's slgnalure.
90 A slranger In Ihe cily from Illinois
wanls lo know what kind of n wealher
- man we have In Ihe vlclnlly of Nor >
folk. Talking lo a Norfolk business
man Monday he said : "Truly Nebraska
ka is a great slate. I don't know how >
you do It in this country. You can
have rain any time you want It , and
the crops are simply great. "
Norfolk's three-day baseball tourna'
incut plan la looming up. Fans Ih
n petition cnleld on business men
thirty of whom signed their names tc
- n guaranlee for Ihe expenses of ho
- Ihree days' lournamenl. Clarenc *
Rasloy , manager of the Clerks' bal
team , declares lhat the meet will bo <
held within the next three weeks , t
number of the fastest ball teams In
this terrllory will come here.
Edward Pflle , one of Ibe old Jrth
in California
where an nll-lhc-.vear-'round season and rich neil enable
many a man lo earn a treed living on one acre of ground.
Low One-Way Colonist Fares in Effect Daily
From Aug. 25 to Sept. 9 , 1910
Over the
Union Pacific
Electric Block Signals
Through trains comfortable tourist sleepers
excellent dining ear meals and service.
For tickets and general information , eall on or
address your Local Agent ,
Commercial Agent ,
Norfolk , Neb.
Nebraska settlers and pioneers , died
from cancer of the stomach at his
home at Hosklns at 1 o'clock Tuesday
morning. Funeral services will take
place Thursday nflernoon at 2 o'clock' '
In the German Lutheran church nt I
Hosklns. Mr. Pflle was well known
here nnd hns n number of relatives
living In this vicinity. He hns resided j
in Hosklns since 1872. He leaves a
wife and live grown children.
Autopsy Shows Suicide.
Neligh , Neb. , Aug. 1C. Special lo
The News : The nutopsy held over the
remains of Nels Pedersen yesterdny
at the Inte home of the deceased ny
Dr. W. F. Conwell of this city , re
lated 1 ; the fact that he came to his
death by strangulation , and by his own
hand. 1 ; After all this fact had been
given , some of the people in that im
mediate vicinity still cling to the Idea
that t the man murdered ,
The officers of tills county are absolutely -
solutely certain that there is no
ground for the theory of murder.
The first Indication that was gwen
out that the man was not murdered , j
Is evidence enough in itself. The |
hoiue was tilled with people when the
cord was cut away from the throat , ,
and everyone present could hear the ,
escaping air from the lungs , and it I
was so foul that it was near Impossible
to , remain. Such circunihtances could
not happen after a person had been
Leu Greggerson , wlio accompanied ,
Sheriff Miller and County Attorney |
Rice ' home Sunday evening , was ro I
leaked ' by the ollicers upon their return -
turn I to Neligh yesterday afternoon.
He was suspected by the neighbors
in that vicinity of having a hand in
the foul play action , If such there was ,
and was brought here for'safe keep
ing , and only for his own protection.
Stole Bunch of Neckties.
Because he took from her fifteen
men's neckties which she was en
deavoring to make away with , a col
ored woman whoso name Is unknown
stood in the doorway of the Slar cloth
ing store yesterdny afternoon and for
fully two minutes kept the air hot
with her curses which she addressed
to G. A. Kuhl , head salesman.
The woman stood at the counler In-
specllng collars which she wanted to
purchase. A large number of men's
neckties were neatly displayed in front
of her. While Charles Fuerst , the
salesman who was waiting on her ,
turned his back to exhibit more col
lars from the stock , the woman com
menced pulling tie after lie , which
she concealed under a coat she canried
over her arm. Jake Shlvely , another
salesman whose eyes were glued on
the woman , immediately made things
warm by yelling :
"What are you going to do with
those ties ? "
She immediately pulled a few from
their place of concealment and throw
ing them on the counter marched mn
jestlcally loward Iho door saying , "I j
can pay for whatever I buy , thank
, you. "
Her relreat was not speedy enough ;
and G. A. Kuhl was soon engaged In
a tug of war , winning by a length. He
recaptured fifteen of the ties and
throwing the coat back to the woman ,
lold her lo make her retreat hasty.
She then blockaded Ihe doorway and
cursed him.
The Early Vote Heavy.
Ihe primary elecllon opened nt
i r-cn In Norfo'k ' , the polls to close at
8 p. m. The early voting was unusually
Dahlmnn's boosters used automobiles
biles to carry voters to the polls. The
returns will be slow , because of the
size of Ihe ballot.
Omaha , Aug. 1C. A statewide prl
mary election Is being held Ihrough
out Nebraska today to nominate ofil
cials from United Slales senalon
' down lo the smallest county office
While Omaha and Lincoln are Iho ce.wo
, , principal centers of Inlerest , the votIng
Ing In less thickly populated section > !
of fhe state will be a distinct tor
In the general result Peflnlle res !
are hardly expecled before Wednes
day nlghl. although In Ihe elites UK
count will be completed much earlier
In Iwenly-lhreo counties the poll
do not close until 12 p. in. , and In
many precincls In Ibo counties Iho
returns must be hent forl > miles to
the nearest telegraph office.
Mayor Dahlman wound up an ag
gressive gubernatorial campaign In
this city with a dozen speeches , the
last of which was not finished until
late in the night. Other candidates
put the finishing touches on their canvass -
vass In less pectacular fashion , but
witli cciunl enthusiasm.
The congressional race In the- First
and Second districts has been the
most Interesting and the polltlclaim
are not willing to hazard a guess on
the outcome. Secretary Hay ward of
the republican national committee IB
a candidate In the First district and
some profess to believe that the repub
lican following of democratic candi
dates for state offices will Impair MB
chances , since many consider "the state
offices of greater Importance. In the
Second district , Judge Abraham Lin
coln Sutton , "progressive" republican ,
threatens the chances of Charles L.
Saundcrs for similar reasons.
With both parties divided on the
question of county option and the In
surgent strength showing Itself in the
republican party new conditions have
arisen which prevent either side from
making ' serious predictions as to the
final results.
Telephone 22 Years Old.
Twenty-two years ago this irorning ;
G. T. Sprecher , present lO'-il ' u-una-
ger of the Nebraska Tclpphon company -
pany ' , started to work with a forfo
of linemen setting poles for the first
telephone line In the city. A few
days ' later the first telephone was in
stalled ! in The News olllce , and in an
other ' day the line was extended to
the lair grounds , to the grounds where
the G. A. H. were holding a reunion
and one In the Hopkins dliop Those
four telephones consisted of Norfolk s
telfMihono capacity twenty-two years
Mr. Sprechcr , before coming hero ,
for three years had been manager of
the Schuylfr olllce , where he was or
dered to Omaha. Orgaiii/lug ills force
of workers he reached Norfolk on the
night of August 15 and on Ihe morn
ing of August 1C , the first telephone
pole was put In place.
The limes have grentlv changed
since then. The Nebraska Telephone
office switchboard with hundreds of
telephones has been llll-jd to Its ca-
paclty and additional switchboards are
being installed. There ! s aUo anoth
er telephone system here with many
telephone subscribers , tiio independent
Telephone company , n rompi't'tor ' of
Ihe Hell. The city is a network of
telephone and telegrnpn ' .v'res ' and
there is hardly a home , even among
the most humble in which there is not
a telephone Installed. The wires have
extended all over the rural routes and
farmers look on them us a common
and necessary thing.
Ready for Fort Riley.
Wednesday morning at a very early
hour Musicians Lynde , Howe and
Dtoosnn will sound "ns. i-mby" ! at t he-
armory of Company D , local militia
company. A few moments later Cnp-
tain C. L. Anderson will give the or
der , "Fall In , " and the soldiers at
0:20 : will board their special car on
Northwestern train No. 2 , and soon been
on their way to Fort Illley , Kan. ,
where , with thousands of other regu-
Inr and militia troops , they will lake
part in the maneuvers. At Stanton ,
Caplnln Johnson , Ihe commander
Ihere , will embark on another special
car of the same Iraln , and Ihe baggage
car of the Norfolk company will bo
shared by Ihe soldiers of Ihelr neigh-
, > orlng lown. When arriving at Lin
coln , the regiment will take a special
Iraln over the Union Pacific for the
camping grounds in Kansas. The
Norfolk soldiers will return home on
August 28.
- The soldiers who will leave Wednes
- day are : Captain C. L. Anderson ,
Lieutenant H. M. Anderson. Lieuten
. ant Fred G. Glister , Sergeant L. P.
Urueggeman. Quartermaster Sergeant
- W. It. McFarland , Seargonnts Kvanson ,
Wllle. Weaver , Asmus. Corporals ,
I light. Klllen. Leu. Wilde. Musicians.
Lynde , Howe , Dreeson. Privates ,
- Hauptll , Hoyiner , Hardy. Inglls. Lyndo ,
Larkin , For , Davidson , Hills , Hewlett ,
. Kolsaii. Odlorno. Selfort , Tnft. Ilrldge ,
Mussellmnn. Jncknon. Strong. Carbine ,
Macey , Rlgert , Grauel. Shlppee , Pol-