K Nrnnmi.K WMKICLY NK\vs.iouRNAri. FRIDAY. AHOHST in. UHO A Murder Near Elgin. Nollgh , Nob. , Aug. 13. Special to TV Tlio News : At noon today It was re- ; K > rtud hero that Nols Peterson , a Innnor living at Clay Hldse , near HI- gin , was bullovcd to havu hoon mur dered yesterday afternoon. Ills head wan bndly mutilated. It IH siild , follow- Ini ; a fiuiilly row. A report received lioro Hays MB wlfo IH suspected of killing the man. She is mild to bo slightly detnunted , NollKh , Neb. , Aug. 13. Special to Tlio News : Nol Peterson , a fanner CO yonrs of a o. living twenty miles south of Nollgli and five miles south- wont of Elgin , watj found dead In bed nnd Coroner Conwoll and Sheriff Miller - lor left this morning to Investigate the case. Peterson was In town dur ing the week , lie loaves a wife nnd three sons. More Votes Than Voters. Wltton , 8. D. , AUK. 13. Special to The News : Tito weathur man Is re deeming himself In Trlpp county of kite and Is sending us an abundance of rain which Is making the crops and grass take on a butter color and will make a good crop. A hall storm passed through the southern part of the county Wednes day , but did little damage us It fol lowed the course o the Indian allot ments , and thcro Is no farming there. Wltten school district held an elec tion Tuesday to vote bonds In the sum of $1,500 to erect a school building , nnd was carried by a big majority. The question of location was also voted upon but there was no decision , as the judges were too desirous of a victory and managed the ballot In such n way that when they came to count the votes there was three more votes than there was voters , both In the location and bond question. An other election will be called. ACCUSES OMAHA POSTMASTER. Pernicious Activity In Politics is Charged by F. A. Shotwelt. Omaha , Aug. 12. Franklin A. Shot well , a prominent attorney of Omaha and state organizer of the National League of Republican Clubs , today for warded to Postmaster General Hitch cock charges of "pernicious activity In politics" against B. F. Thomas , post master of Omaha. Mr. Shotwoll charges that Thomas Is the manager of the Omaha cam palgn of Senator Burkett. who Is a candidate for ro-electlon , nnd for Charles L. Sounders , candidate for the republican nomination for congress. Half Inch Rain is General. And still another big rain , amount ing to half an Inch , foil over all of northern Nebraska and southern South Dakota Friday night. The rain kept up pretty much all night , and amounted to .48 of an inch In Norfolk. Conditions now would seem to Indt cato that a bumper crop of corn couldn't be stopped by anything short of a sudden calamity. "Corn In Ne braska looks much better than In Iowa or Illinois , " said I. Powers , Jr. , of Jacksonville , 111. , who was In town visiting his father , Judge I. Powers. An Odd Clipping. An old English newspaper , dated many years back , was found twenty years ago by Dr. H. T. Holden , who clipped several of the Items out of the ancient "sheet. " Among the clip pings was the following : Now and then one Is fortunate enough to come across a curiosity. A correspondent sends us the following : ANNO 1182. Document In a western cathedral In Catholic times. To work done : s. d. For soldering and repairing St Joseph 0 0 8 Cleaning and ornamenting the Holy Ghost 0 0 6 For repairing the Virgin Mary and making a new child. . . . 0 4 8 For screwing a new nose on th Devil , putting a new horn on his Head , and glue- Ing a bit on his Tail 056 0 11 4 Merchant messages for you today a plenty , and Important. Things Cost MorejAbroad. Oberammergnu , July 25. It seems to me a long time since I wrote and yet it has been but a few days. However over , since then we have traveled about 2,000 miles , and we have kept moving , rain or shine , snow or heat. We have been royally treat-id by the Germans and have had a special car on the railroad , and indeed we seem quite a party , for wh n we get on a street car , we fill it , and when we get on a railway car wo fill it , but when we get to a hotel we empty It. We visited the beautiful city of Bert lln , which Is kept up In good stylo. Berlin is clean , healthy and prosperI ous. The streets are swept , ( lushed nnd scrubbed every day , and hence It is very clean. This same thing Is true of Dresden , but , sorry to say that much of this work Is done by the women , even the old women. They scrub the streets , work In the field pitch hay , cut and bind wheat , plow haul wood and coal. Germany Is raising a largo amount of wheat and is seemingly Tory prosperous porous Just now. We must remember , however , that Germany has an Income tax and people must pay according to their wages. Then there is a tax on erory check , pill or receipt. In fact when you pay your hotel bill , which la much higher than in the United States and you got much less for your money , you must put a little red stamp K/ on your bill. That is , the hotel man / puts It on , but you pay for It. Few Germans Get Drunk. | < The Germans are seemingly good I < people and flno citizens , but they do drink a lot of beer , but somehow they don't get drunk , but if they do , there will be half n dozen pollconum watch * t\K \ and the least disturbance the'y Irunkcn man makes at ouco ho Is hus tled off to Jail. They don't get a cnb nnd have him driven to his home as s done in American cities often times. No , over here , rich or poor , high or ow. the drunkard Is punished ; nnd .his IH just nnd fair that the rich man should suffer the wuno penalty as the ioor man for n similar crime. Manhood should nlwnys ho at n pro- nlum nnd IT It Is not In America , then hero Is no place in the whole world where It Is. Germany is also a country of a pro- ectlve tariff. This , some say , helps he country , nnd others say it hinders. While in Berlin we went out to the summer palace of the katsor at Pots- lam , which Is a very beautiful city and has a marvelous palace. The apartments are luxurious and mam- notli nnd the grounds are delightful and here during about live months of the your the kaiser enjoys a part of ils $2,000,000 yearly salary , but of course the royal palace In Berlin is the finest building the Germans have , nnd this Is almost good enough for the president of the United States. Any'ono will readily notice a thrift and prosperity about the German em- lire which is not soon In other Euro- > oan countries , while Holland , Bellum - ; lum , Italy and Franco seem to bo joins back and falling In business and commercial enterprise , yet Germany Is growing richer and stronger. Wo were all much delighted to get good > read nnd cakes In Germany. Got Cucumber for Butter. Each day as we go from place to ilnco we have some new and strange experience. It was Just the other day that Professor , who professes to speak German , went Into a store to buy a lunch to take with him to cat while on the train , and among other things he got some butter nt least he thought ho ordered butter , but when he got on the train and opened up his lunch ho found his butter was a large cucumber. It Is surprising how few people there are In Europe that do not speak English , but it is being more and more taught In the schools over here and Is greatly needed by these people In busi ness. In fact , it would bo a great ad vantage to our boys and girls if they were not only taught Gorman In the high school , but wore also taught French and Italian , because so many Americans are coming to Europe each year nnd many of these are at the mercy of the land-gulls of these for eign countries. It is estimated that a third of the business In Europe Is kept going by American tourists. Amer icans make one great mistake in com ing over to Europe to bo driven about my many of the Impolite greedy money fiends and accept and pay for accommodations here that they would not look at at home. Their mistake is , they do not see the beauty and great ness of their own land first. There Is no land that can equal America , for she towers high above every king- horn , empire and throne. With us every man is born to bo a king and every woman a queen. And wo our selves are to be blamed and justly so If wo fall. We must all demand the enforcement of our laws and the pun ishment of the lawbreakers. Our young people should always be taught the greatness of life nnd the unspeak able blessings of our unbounded lib erties and guard these securely. The farming land In Germany Is not fenced off like It Is In our country , but each person's land is marked by cor ner stones. Besides , the soil Is very productive and at this season there Is a great rush on harvesting the oats , rye nnd wheat. Germany Has Trees. The country Is greatly beautiful on account of the thousands of pine groves that have been planted all over the German empire. This timber is for wood , building , carving work and general beauty. It seems to me that we need to plant trees , in the states , for there are vast acres which if plant ed with trees in a few years would be a fortune to the owner and then often this land is useless unless so used. On leaving Berlin we took a fast express train to Dresden , the capital of Saxony , a splendid city , called the Paris of Germany. It Is peculiar how people hold to old tools and old ways In Europe. For ex ample , we saw the women and men cutting wheat with a scythe and sickle nnd binding It with the hands. Much of the work in the cornfields Is done by hoeing. Prices Higher Than Here. Dresden Is a city 01 GO.OOu people. It I Is situated on the Elbe river , which has 1 been spanned by an old wooden bridge I , but which is being replaced with a magnificent stone bridge. The prices I of most manufactured articles are higher in Dresden than in Berlin , and in both are higher than In Amor- lea I , where you get better goods than in I Europe and for less money. In Dresden I wo visited the Zwlnger ( Roy al picture gallery ) , the Royal palace , the cathedral and the green vault , In which the crown jewels of Saxony are kept , besides other less Important places. We were most generously treated at Hotel Donath , located in the heart ofthe city , and when we left the landlady gave each of us a pres ent. This is an uncommon courtesy , especially over here , for most hotel- keepers send the porter to the station to tell you that you forgot to tip the maid , the boots , the clock-winder , or the sausage grinder. At every station from which we leave or at which we arrive , there Is a commotion , for we hare a wagon- load of baggage , make some noise , and often the train must bo held a few minutes until we can unload our be longings. But somebody is always careless and loses something , as pocketbooks et-books , coats , watches , dresses. Well , every day has some new excite ment , I can not understand why American people are careless when ' . they travel. After they are warned you must simply lot them learn by experience. Where Christmas Toys Are Made. I was slnd to meet ur. uettys and Dr. Hoach again while In Berlin. They plan to get homo about the tenth of September ; nnd the Methodist preach ers of Nebraska are very busy at this time getting ready for their confer ence sessions , which I trust will bo my good fortune to enjoy In a few weeks. But I must hasten with my letter , nnd thus hastening we left Dresden nnd after an all-day ride wo reached Nuremberg , a very quaint old city , but yet a great manufacturing center. Hero It Is that many of our toys and Christmas presents are made , and wo learned that our good friend Saint Nick or Santa Cluus has left a very largo order for toys and dolls for boys nnd girls in America. Christmas is a great day in the lives of most people , and to the poor boys and girls It Is the one happy day In the year If they get a present. In Nuremberg wo visited the old castle , torture chamber , St. Law rence's church , the Tugoud Brunnen , the fountain of Neptune , the house of Hans Sachs the cobler-poet , the house of Durer the great painter , and the Bratwurstglockeln the famous old sau sage house , where only sausages and beer arc served , and here we took a meal. This house Is always crowded nnd I should think that the proprietors make n fortune every year. From Nuremberg our Journey Is south to Munich , the capital of Ba varia , and a charming city. Some of the Temple party are very lively people ple and sometimes these say on reachIng - Ing a strange city that they can find their way themselves , and I say , "All right. " Then away they go ; but oh , their experiences ! they always get lost and have to hire a cabman to bring them back to the hotel. Real ly these experiences would 1111 a book. Somebody Is always out of money and must borrow from the others , for you can't go far over hero without money. On Wrong Side of Street. I 1 watching a party of American women I ' walking on the left side of the street Instead of the right. I looked about for a pollceeman for I knw one would soon come and make them cross on the other side of the street , 3.9 ( jure enough I saw him coming , BO I stroll * ed along and watched , and the poor women looked scared and frightened. Then I began to laugh and told them I wanted to see them taken In by a policeman. After all I have had great satisfaction In helping to Inform pee pie from America , who are over hero for the first time , and who don't know where to buy railroad tickets or what hotel to go to , what tips to pay and 100 other troubles ; nnd sometimes I have to put both men and women out of a car that is reserved for us , and in which they have gone by mistake' ' or otherwise. It was only yesterday that I put two big Americans out. They didn't want to go , but I said "You must , for you are In the wrong | car. " The position I have had this summer is a pleasant one , but by no means an easy task , for I must deal with officers and trainmen of the rail roads , hotel keepers , custom house of- fleers , agents of steamship companies , bankers , newspaper editors , priests , cabmen , royal post offlcers and the representatives of kings and queens as well as United States consuls and ambassadors , and \ can assure you that of such a variety of people I must deal with that some of my duties are very disagreeable. But we must hasten , again I have a party at the famous play called the Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau , a city of 2,000 people , not far from Munich. It was my good fortunee to atteud the first play this year and that was on May 16. The Amer river rune through the city. While here I heard that Miss McCoy of Madison , Neb. , was at the play the same day. I was sorry I did not see' her as that would have been a message fronii home. Passion Play Maks Money. About 4,500 to 5,000 people see the play every day that it is given , which means about $10,000 for each perform ance , besides the thousands of dollars spent for cards , wood-carving , hotels and cabs ; so that this is as good as a gold mine for these peasants , and they are Just human and love money like the most of us. Hotels and rooms are very high , and the accommoda tions are poor. This little town Is In a narrow valley surrounded by the Bavaria Alps , which are always cov ered with snow. The landscape Is very beautiful , but nbout the only im portant crop that is raised Is hay and we saw many of the women cutting , pitching nnd hauling hay nnd only a few men at work. The Americans surely have a much higher standard of life than these poor creatures over here , who are old b fore they are 20 years of age. Bavaria Is not nearly so prosperous and fer tile In production as Is Germany. Being nt this time about 8,000 miles from home , I will close by saying we go to Innsbruck and Veenlc next. ( News correspondent , Chaa. Wayne Ray. July 25 , Ober-Ammergau , Ba varla. Big Crowd at O'Neill. O'Neill , Neb. , Aug. 13. Yesterday's races were witnesses by another large crowd and some good racing was done. Speed On , the fifth from the pole in the 2:17 : free-for-all trot or pace , took the pole on the first turn and held It without trouble through the heat. The performance of Speed On In this race was marvelous , taking the three heats against a combination of fast horses and good drivers. Between races the crowd was treat' ' ed to an exhibition automobile race. The race was two miles or four times around tmj track. The distance was covered In 3:17. : Rain coming up at 5 o'clock prevent ed the running race , but this race , together with novelty trotting nnd pacing races will be pulled off today. The carnival continues also , * uid a good day's sport will bu given. The meet has Ueun free from uny features to mar the outlined program , except rnln , and has been a success from the tup of the first bell. Starter S. J. Woekes handled the racers In nil fairness nnd no com plaints are heard from any driver In any race. Tlio receipts wore heavier than last year's meet nnd the crowds orderly nnd well behaved. Free-for-nll , purse $300 : Speed On , s. h. , by Shade On , Stnnnnrd Ill Bonnie B , Austin 3 3 2 Harrlskn , Murray 243 Colonel Davis , Buzloy 424 Time : 2:17 : % , 2:17Vt : , 2:20. : 2:40 : trot , purse $300 : Glen Onward , b. h. , by Glen Wllkes . Foox 211 Lord Dukes , br. h. , by Jackdaw , Graham 1 4 5 Miss Archdale , folk , m. , by by Archdale , Ronln 3 2 2 Hattlo Nester , b. m. , by Norvall Chief , Cameron 5 3 4 The Cochran , br. h. , Murray. . . . 453 Unfinished race. Time : 2:24 : % , 2:24Vi : , 2:24 : % . Tilden and Oakdale Win. Tilden , Neb. , Aug. 13. Special' to The News : Tilden played the fourth game of the league series on the homo ground yesterday , winning handily from Clenrwater. The contest was ono of the prettiest ever seen in Til- den. The visitors had the advantage In weight and experienced players and the fans looked for defeat. But the youngsters of which the home team Is mainly composed showed really re murkable head work and the support given the battery was superb. Not the slightest unpleasantness marred the game and the large attendance was treated to as clean an exhibition of baseball as could be wished for. Clearwater was first to bat and the first man up went to flrst on being hit by the first hall delivered. Careful batting and an error on second let In Thompson and the side was out with I'a score to Its credit. The second Inning 'an ning was a shut-out for both sides and Clearwater ran In another chalk | In ' the third. Tilden followed and St.ewo.rt nnd UJry passed safely ever tint homo pinto. Prom this on the vis itors fulltid to ndvanco further than third , but In the seventh Nelson and Krumm scored , giving Tilden the second end game of the league and a perfect score In the series. The game was devoid of spectacular plays , with the | exception of a double piny when Hales . caught a fly In long right field nnd returned the ball to Krumm on third' ' base Just a second or so before Moses. reached the bag. but quick , snappy | work was In evidence on both sides and has stirred up a baseball spirit In Tilden that has Iain dormant for sev eral years. The business men closed up at 3 o'clock and practically all went out to the diamond and shared In the fun. Score by Innings : Clearwater 10010000 0 2 Tilden 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0. * 4 Batteries : Clearwater , Fosberg and Alberts ; Tilden , Klngdon and Stewart. Struck out : By Fosburg , 3 ; by Klng don , 3. Hits : Clearwater , 6 ; Tilden , 10. Bases on balls : Off Fosburg , 1 ; off 'Kingdon , 2. Oakdale Wins at Tilden. Neligh , Neb. , Aug. 13. Special to The News : The best and fastest game of baseball played here this sea son was witnessed by a fair-sized crowd yesterday morning at the River side park diamond , between Neligh and Oakdale of the Elkhorn Valley league. It was anybody's game until the last man was out In the ninth inning. What brought the fans to their feet and was an interesting point In the game was when the home team was upor tholr last bat , one man on second end and one on third , with two out and two strikes on the batter. Here was an opportunity of either tleing the score or winning the game by a single , but luck was not In favor of Neligh and the batter drove a fly to deep cen ter which landed safely In a mitt. Fin al result , Neligh 1 ; Oakdalo 2. Phillips for the home team had the better of the argument In strike-outs , getting nine of the visitors , and fieldIng - Ing his position nicely during the en tire game. Ray for the visitors han dled his position in the box with duo. credit , accepting two line drives , by which a double play was accomplished. Following is the score by innings : Onkdale 01010000 0 2 Neligh 01000000 0 1 Hits : Oakdnle , 4 ; Neligh , 4. Bases on balls : Neligh , 5 ; Oakdale , 3. Hit by pitched ball : By Phillips , 1 ; Ray. 1. Struck out : By Phillips , 9 ; by Ray , 7. Batteries : Neligh. Phillips and Cole ; Oakdale , Ray and Glissman. Umpire , E. G. Mellck. Isaac B. Purviance Dead. Isaac B. Purviance , an old settler of Norfolk , died here yesterday after noon at the age of 83 , death being due. to old ago. He Is survived by three | sons John and Ed of Norfolk and , Mark of Lynch. The funeral will beheld held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock from the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Purviance passed away at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Paralysis TaJ < e Child. Infantile paralysis claimed Its.flrst . victim In north Nebraska when Qrace Lee Hall , the 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hall of Dakota City died Wednesday night at 11 o'clock at her home in Dakota City. Death was preceded by several hours of uncon sclousness , during which time the pa tient suffered no pain , only gradually growing weaker. Thursday the little girl was playing In the yard In front of her home when she fell to the ground , Later In the day she complained that her back hurt her , but the pain was attributed to the fall nnd little attention was paid to It. Friday she was worse , but after remaining In bed for n while she arose and played the piano until the pain forced her to stop. Then she returned to her bed , whore she remained until death came. Able to Move Limbs. When called on the case , Dr. C. H. | Maxwell of Dakota City at once ex pressed his fear that she hud Infantile paralysis and ordered the other mem-1 hers of the family to remain away from the sick room. The child's body was not completely paralyzed during the Illness and there woa no time when she could not move her arms nnd lower limbs. According to those who cared for the girl during her Illness , the days were marked by a peculiar uncomfort- ablenoss on the part of the patient rather than by a distinct pain. She seemed restless and could out find a I comfortable position. During all this time her vitality was gradually leaving her and the members of the family realized yesterday that her strength could not last much longer. There nro two younger children In the family , one aged 10 years. The other Is a baby of five months. Care was taken to keep them away from the sick girl In order to avoid the danger of contagion. All Precaution Used. Infantile paralysis Is not pronounced a contagious disease by the Nebraska laws J ( and for this reason no quarantine could , be placed on the Hall homo. However on account of the agitation that has been aroused recently In Iowa and Nebraska , no one was al | lowed to come Into the house and , be cause of this precaution , it is thought the disease will not spread. The funeral was hold at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home. The services wore strictly private on ac count of the danger of contagion , al though the law does not require a private funeral. Rev. W. R. Warren , pastor of the Dakota City Methodist Episcopal church , officiated. Inter ment , was In Dakota City cemetery. This is said to tie the flrst case or Infantile paralysis in Dakota City and the citizens of the town are alarmed. It In not known In what manner the Sjtxjeutied. girl became afflicted with the disease. Speed On Won Free-For-AII. 0'Nolll , Neb. , Aug. 12. Special to The News ! The rain made the track slower but the management worked all _ forenoon to get ( t In condition. The attendance was very largo , filling the grandstand and the quarter stretch. Farmers could not work at home and a big turnout resulted. Hard racing Is looked for today and a record breaking crowd Is expected. The ball game was won by Dorsey 11 to 10. The streets are packed with people. Summary : 2:25 : trot , purse $300. Thomas Jefferson , s. g. , by Till- nla. Williams . 1 1 1 Glen Onward , b. h. , by Glen Wilkes , For . 2 2 2 Countess R. , b. m. , by Roy Nor- veil , Reynolds . 4 3 4 King Bee , folk , s. , by Roxall , Robllng . 3 4 5 Diamond Boy , g. g. , by Dlckland , Woods . 6 5 3 Kittle Dillon , b. m. , by Lord Byron , Graham . 5 Drawn Time 2:25Vi : , 2:27 : % . 2:25 : % . 2:35 : pace , purse $300. Colonel Davis , b. h. , Breezly. . . Ill Greoley Hal , Austin . 2 2 2 Shady R. . by Shade On , Woods. 353 Blue Dale , r. m. , by Archdale , Ronln . 5 3 5 Cupid C. , b. s. , by Good Luck , Miller . 4 4 4 Time 2:20 : % , 2 : 19 % , 2:25 : % . Three-quarter mile running race , purse , $50. Margerat McClure . 1 Marshall Dun . 2 Nettle C . 3 Johnnie D . > . 4 Time 1:21. : NO LID ON CONVENTION. Lewis Says There Will be No Strad dling or White Washing. Indianapolis , Aug. 13. "There will be no lid on this convention , " said Thomas L. Lewis , president of the United Mine workers In reply to Pres ident John Walker of Illinois district 1 at the opening of the day's session of the convention. Walker had made a motion tnac the delegates all bo given verbatim re ports of the conference dealing with the situation in Illinois. Lewis ruled the motion out of order and then de clared the delegates would be given all the Information at hand. Lewis " further stated that there would be no straddling or white washing , as he had nothing to conceal. The committee on rules reported , : limiting all speakers to five minutes , but Mr. Lewis said that more time would be given if the delegate could not make bis point clear in the spec ! fled time. The credentials commltteo was not able to make a complete report and the convention adjourned until 1:30. : There are more than 1,200 delegates in attendance , the largest number In the history of the organization. . FRIDAY FACTS. Mrs. William Degner of Hadar was hero. C. L. Anderson la at Carroll tnuu * acting buslnes. Miss Bossle McFarland of Madison was bore calling on friends. Mrs. L. Goitzen of Columbus is hero visiting with Mrs. W. F. Hall. Mrs. Klerstad of Pllger Is hero visitIng - Ing at the homo of S. G. Dean. Mrs. J. Dobbin and daughter of Has- kins were in the city visiting with friends. Mrs. S. L. Burnell , who has been t hero visiting with Mlaa Emma Hock- f man , has returned to her homo at Council Bluffs. Misses Edith and Irene Feuorham of Stnnton were here calling on friends. Miss Eva Carpenter of Monroe , ' Wash. , Is heru visiting with Mrs. Fred , Gottlnger. O. A. Williams , n prominent attor ney of Nellgh , was In the city trans | acting business. C. H. McFarland of Madison , en- i route to Clearw'ator , was here visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Powers. Jr. , are In the city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. | Isaac \ Powers , sr. Miss Mary Blsso has returned to bur home at Foster after a visit with Miss | Martha Brummund. E. F. Miner , county clerk of Adams I county , In. , is In the city visiting with his sou , F. B. Minor. Misses Delia and Rose Alderson of Humphrey are In the city visiting with the C. K. Cole family. Mr. and Mrs. James Grant of MadIson - Ison were In the city visiting with their brother , S. H. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chase of Pllger and Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Chuco of Stanton visited In Norfolk Friday. Misses Lynda and Martha Winter write Norfolk friends saying they are enjoying their trip In New York state. A. L. Kllllnn returned nt noon from w Yoi k City. Home of Mr. Kllllnn's friends scarcely recognized him , as he had shaved off his mustache. Judge J. F. Boyd of Neligh was a visitor in the city. Judge Boyd Is n candidate for the republican congres sional nomination in the Third dis trict. trict.Mrs. Mrs. Chris Bclirns nnd her sou , Fred Bohrns , formerly of Norfolk but now of Portland , Ore. , are here visiting with friends. After n visit with rela tives at Pierce , they will go to Illinois for a short visit before returning to Portland via Norfolk. T. Wlllc Is reported 111. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gar- nett , a son. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hoskln- sou , a daughter. The Royal Neighbors will meet Fri day evening at the G. A. R. hall. A special meeting of the Norfolk fire department Is called for tonight. E. N. Vail is suffering from a slight Injury as the result of being kicked by ff Cow. - * * . . ' ' Horace Adams has succeeded John Hllbert as messenger at the Western Union telegraph ofllce. A social meeting of the Norfolk Elks will bo held Saturday evening. A luncheon will bo enjoyed after the meeting. Edmund Winter of Wausa , Mich. , a Norfolk boy , has been elected as teacher of the German Lutheran school at Stanton. Letters from Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dur- land to Norfolk relatives say that they are having a fine time. They are now at Middletown , N. Y. , preparing for an ocean trip on the Atlantic from Now York to Norfolk , Va. The entire company of the local ml- lltla will bold a drill on the Olney lots this evening , to prepare themselves for their Fort Rlley encampment The Norfolk fancy poultry show will take place here December 12-13-14 , In- cliisive. The local poultrymen in the meantime are posting up on "Informa tion about chickens. " Persistent rumors that a stabbing affray in one of the resorts In the east portion of the city had resulted In the severe injury of one man , could not be verifled. None of the physicians of the city would say that they were called to attend to such a case. Dr. F. B. Cogswell of Lake City , Minn. , who is here visiting with Dr. C. J. Verges , will probably locate at some town near Norfolk. Wayne may be chosen by the doctor , who has gone to Pierce today In company with A. Buchholz on a fishing expedition. H. C. Matrau has returneu from a four weeks' vacation trip , which ho spent In many western coast cities visiting with friends. Most of Mr. Matrau's time was spent on ocean liners around the Puget sound and Coos bay and Los Angeles. Mr. Ma trau's face Is quite tanned , showing the results of the ocean breezes. Cut to Death by Steam Plow. Colome. S. D. , Aug 12. Special to The News : Ernest DroegmJUer Of Wagner , n member of the plow gang of J. J. Donovan , of Dallas , met In- stunt death in a frightful manner last Tuesday morning near the homestead of L. H. Thornes , six miles northwest of Colome , wuen he accidentally fell from the rear of the engine beneath the heavy breaking plows just behind. The twelve plowa ground slowly over the young man's body as did the front wheel of the large gas tank before "Dad" Hnskins , who had heard Droeg- millcr's scream and had hastened to aid him , rould reach the helpless vie- tiii. Mr. Hnskins succeeded In pulling the body from under the rear wheels of the tank , but it was too late. The plows had crushed the life out of their prey and had badly mangled him. The crews of the two engines , plows and tanks had passed throIt Colomo early in the morning on their way to do some breaking near Winner. The accident happened near tno claim of L. H. Themes. None of the gang seem to know just how it happened , except Mr. Hasklns , who heard the .scream of young Droegtnlller and ho knows little more than that. The .rst the rest of the men knew was when they heard a woman crying to them timt one of the'r ' men had fallen and was being ground beneath the plows. When they ran back they found him dead. Members af the crow came to Colome and notified the states attor ney , who , In view of the facts , it be ing plain accident , decided fliat no In quest was necessary. The body was brought to Colome Tuesday afternoon where It was taken In charge by un dertaker Rubash. An examination of TONE BROS SPICK * " 'W JU CANNON IAND J Pepper is of just as much im portance as any other Inure- ilicitt In cooking. Doii't dis appoint yourself l > y using an inferior brand. I'or perfect flavor add Tone Bros. Pep per before cooking. Tone Bros. Spices are always fresh. Three times the strength of ordinary spices and last much longer. At Year Crocer't lOc or icnd us a dime for retail luck- uue and "Tuna's Spicy Talks. " TONE IR01. . Oil UOmiS. IOWI BUIMII tl FINOUI ( kiGtiM * Ctmt the dead man's effects revealed hla name nnd address , but nothing else , ilo was about 27 years of age Catholic Church a > Winner. Winner , S. D. , Aug. 12. Special to The News : The collar and founda tion for the Catholic church at Win ner has been completed nnd carpent ers are busy putting up the frnmo work of the main building. This will be the largest Catholic church In Tripp county nnd people nro justly proud of the edifice which will soon bo In readiness for them. It Is the desire of the people to also locate n Catholic school at Winner nnd the securing - curing of same seems very probable. Certainly , with Winner located as It Is In the center of the county , the lo cation of such a school there would not be amiss , but would be of great benefit for all concerned. Business buildings and residences are In process of construction In all parts of the city , and now though but six months old , Winner Is a city of close to a thousand population. . . Jr Notice of Hearing. To Mrs. L. E. Mayhew , first and real name unknown , Belinda Holtzman , Laura Heltzman , Hattlo Heitzmnn , and Warren Heltzman and Clarence Holtz- man , mlnorsy and all other persons In terested In the estate of Samuel F. Heltzman , deceased. You are hereby notified that on tha 10th day of August , 1910 , Belinda Heltztnun , administratrix of the estate of Samuel F. Heltzman , deceased , filed her petition In the district court of Madison county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which arc to obtain a decree authorizing and directing Do- llnda Heltzman , administratrix of said estate , to execute and/dellvcr to Mra. L. E. Mayhow a deed ) containing full covenants of warranty to the follow ing described real estate , lot seven (7) ( ) , Durland's Suburban Lots to Nor folk , Madison county , Nebraska , in pursuance to the terms of a certain written contract between said Samuel F. Heitzman and Mrs. L. E. Mayhew. Said petition will be heard at the court house In the city of Madison , In said county , on the 1st day of October , 1910 , at the hour of a. in. It Is further ordered that notice of the pendency of this petition and of the time and place fixed for the hear ing thereon be given by publication for six successive weeks in the Nor folk Weekly News , a newspaper pub lished in said county and state. Dated this llth day of August , 1910. Anson A. Welch , District Judge. WANTED auoct s Mnguztn j- one with experience , out would con sider any applicant with good natural qualifications ; sMary : $1.50 per day , < iures ! the services of a man In Nor folk to look after expiring subscrip tions and l < > secure new business by moans of special methods usually .ef fective ; position permanent ; preff with commission option \ddreas , with references , R C Peacock , Roora 102 , Success Magazine Bids. , New York. lEtSftES PWTES ARE RIGHT ; REI5TLE5 RATES ARE RIGHT FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER DM MU 1420-24 LAWRtNCt OMVtD COLO OUR OJT5 PRINT FAIR PRICE 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKB . . COPYRIGHTS Ac , . . . ikctiib and . . . . . . . . . Anjon * " n < Hnj MHW..1M dxcrlntl.nn m r qnlrklr uiMrtnlti our opinion ! ' < whoilia Infontl.n ! Plh ( tilr ptientithli runiniin tlaniilrictlrnniiil > 1iiiilUI. HAhDBOOS otil'nt . . „ lent tro * . ( FliUil ii < inrr fur i.cuniif p lnt . I'atmiu t k-\i \ throiuh MUIHI & Co. r oulrc HxcuJ natltt , without obtrgn , lu tbi Scientific A h ni1 nm l w < i ktr. I. n ? t rlr. iif anr < ! iniltla louriml. Tormj. 13 f'mr ' njnulb * , IU tiolJbfall newmliuUom - New York linuiuti ( Jillou. BX V 8tWufcloutuu. . D , O.