The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 12, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    THK NOHFOLK WKl-KI.Y N'KWS-.lorUNAL , yillUAV , "AUGl'ST ' 12 , 1910
Pleasures of the Week.
Mr. and Mrs. C L. Chnffco are on-
jovlng a visit with Mr. CliaffeD's
daughter , Mrs. ( } . 1 Ilabcock and tliriv !
children from Mexico City , Mexico
Mr Ilabcock Is one of the I'Uernn-
tlonal Kocrctarlos for the Y. M. C. A ,
In the lopiibllc of Mexico. Mrs. Babcock -
cock , who Is a very fine vocalist , wl'l '
( ting In the Methodist church tomor
row morning.
William Reynolds celebrated his
fllxth birthday on Tuesday. Thirty
llttlo friends spent the hours from 2
to C o'clock with him , and had a jolly
tlmo. Mrs. Reynolds served a nice
lunch for the youngsters.
Mrs. C. L. Chaffco entertained the
members of the Jenny Wren club on
Wednesday afternoon , In honor of her
little guests , Mary and Elizabeth Dab
Mrs. J. L. Knnls entertained the
young girls' guild of Trinity church
Monday evening. The hostess served
nice icfrosbmeiits during the evening ,
The Daughters of the King enjoyed
! i pleasant meeting with Mrs. Fred
aettingor on South Eighth Btreet
Tuesday afternoon.
The girls' missionary society of the
Methodist .church enjoyed a picnic
nupper at the grounds on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. John Friday entertained Mrs
\V. P. Logan and her guest , Mrs. Joseph
soph Strawhorn of , St. Paul , at dlnnei
on Monday.
Alfred Mayer of Lincoln has been
visiting at the homo of his uncle , So ]
G. Mayer , the past week.
Mrs. Ina Southwick and son Artliui
left for a visit to Chicago and othei
eastern points.
Mrs. M. Lau of Chicago arrived in
Norfolk Wednesday noon for n
month's visit In the home of her daugh
ter , Mrs. S. M. Uraden.
Mrs. Charles Hays and little son
loft Tuesday for their home in Den
ver , after a week's visit in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hays.
Mrs. C. E. Uurnlmm and Mrs. W. N
Huso went to Ponca , Nob. , on Thurs
day to a house party In the homo ol
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. O'Connell.
Mrs. G. II. Culver and daughtei
Isabel and Mrs. G. M. Culver and son
Stanley of Chicago arrived today noon
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. M
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johnson and
children returned to their homo ir
Chicago Thursday noon after ji
month's visit with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ralnbolt lefl
Thursday noon for a two weeks' out
Ing at Green Lake , Minn. Mrs. W. II
Ducholz and sons , Fritz and Ardcn ol
Omaha joined them at Sioux City am ;
will accompany them.
For Two Weeks This Fall He is Offer
ed a $20,000 Contract.
New York , Aug. 6. George M. Co
ban Is likely to be a vaudeville stai
for a couple of weeks this fall. Mar
cus Loew , the vaudeville manager , has
offered the actor , manager , producer
$10,000 a week for two weeks to ap
pear at his theater In Greater Nov
York , and there Is n good chance tha
Cohan will accept. If ho does , hi
. srys , he will give the monov to chad
"Of course , there Is no money offci
possible , that would draw Cohan Inti
vaudeville , " sajd .Mr. Loew , discuss
ing Ills plans for the coming season
"I happen to be a very close- person
al friend of his or I wouldn't hav
induced him to do so. I fee ) prettj
auro that he will accept , for ho toll
me that if he did he would devote the
money to charity. Whenever a mai
begins to talk about what he Is go
ing to dolth the money , It Is i
good sign that he means buslnesu. "
Bertha Kalich's New Woman Play
Bertha Kalich will open her firs
regular season as a star with the pro
duction of an American drama , "Th <
v.nman of To.Uy , " by Samuel Ship
man. "The Woman of Today" deali
with the conventional husband am
the modern wife , who , upon her hus
if id's sudden disappearance , assume !
control of his business. When thi
husband returns and endeavors to reinstate
instate himself the wife refuses ti
submit to his legal and tradltlona
Chevalier to Come Again.
George C. Tyler , managing dlrecto
for Llebler & Co , , returned on tin
Oceanic from Europe and opened i
bagful of surprises. One of them li
that Albert Chevalier has again deserted
serted the English music halls am
will appear in this country this wlntei
In o comedy , "The Caretaker , " li
which ho will impersonate not a cost
or , but a Frenchman. The piny li
said to have some of the flavor o
"Tho Music Master. "
Ooo ooO-
Princeton's President May Ro Tendency Grovsiiu ) to Let Cduca-
Democrdlic Candidate lor tioiul Theorists Lxperiment
the Governorship of with American Political
Jersey. Conditions.
SON of Princeton university is
being boomed for governor of
New Jersey as a preliminary to
his nomination as the Democratic can
didate for president. That Is the lat
est big political fact that has chal
lenged the notice of the American pee
The sponsors of Wilson's boom for
president and therefore of his candi
dacy for governor are said to bo ex-
Senator James Smith of New Jersey ,
Roger G. Sullivan of Illinois and Colonel
nel George Harvey , editor of Harper's
Weekly. The announcement was made
after President Wilson had been In
conference at the Lawyers' club In
New York.
For all of these several reasons and
some others political wiseacres opine
that Wall street Is back of the move.
They recall that Colonel Harvey
fought Roosevelt , that Koger Sullivan
was read out of the Democratic party
by Bryun and that ex-Senator Jim
Smith has long been regarded ns a llt
tlo brother of the trusts.
However these things be , the big pa
pers of the country are taking Woodrow -
row Wilson's candidacy for governor
of New Jersey seriously , and if ho
should be nominated and elected to
that ofllco his candidacy for the presi
dency would bo more serious yet.
Therefore ho is a factor to be reckoned
Mentioned For 1008.
It was in 1000 that Colonel Harvey
first nominated Wilson for president
He threw it out as a mere brilliant
passing thought , like BO many of the
Harvey suggestions , but contrary to
his expectations and his experience-
It "caught on. " All sorts of letters
were received from all sorts of cor-
nersi of the land approving the pro
posal. For once iu his life Colonel
Harvey had struck a popular chord ,
so ho kept on booming Wilson.
True , nothing came of It in 1008.
Bryan wanted that nomination , and
the Democratic party wanted him to
have it. Now apparently both Bryan
and the party have changed their
minds and there Is a chance for some
body else. "Why not Wilson ? " says
Harvey , so he tries for the delicious
experience of again striking the popu
lar chord. But ho has grown wiser in
the four years. Ho has learned that
the American people demand In the
presidency a man of some political ex
perience. So he decides to try his can
didate In the governorship of New Jer
sey and so qualify him for the blggor
Job. At least to a man up n political
tree that looks like the psychology of
the proposition.
Let us give Colonel Harvey due cred
it for one thing. He has again caused
that coveted popular chord to vibrato
The talk of Wilson for governor Is
buzzing all over New Jersey , and soon
the gossip of him for president will be
humming throughout the country.
Wilson n Cleveland Democrat.
Woodrow Wilson was the friend ol
Grover Cleveland. While the ex-presi
dent was a lecturer at Princeton the
two frequently discussed politics and
kindred topics. Their views were in
close accord , both believing In lofty
standards , Individual honesty and cour
age , both being old school Democrats
and both opposing Bryan. Public af
fairs are congenial topics with Dr. Wil
son , for. while his highest reputation
has been gained as an educator , his
chief Interest is political economy and
government. Possibly that Is because
he was born in Virginia or because ho
once practiced law In Atlanta , or it
may be duo to temperament.
Wilson Is not only a political econo
mist , but n historian , some of whose
works have become text books. Among
others he Is the author of "Congres'
slonal Government , " which appeared
In 1885 and Immediately gained him n
reputation as an original thinker ; "Tho
State , " which came out In 1SSO , dealIng -
Ing with all branches of constitutional
government ; "Division and Reunion. "
covering American history from 1820
to 1SSO ; "Mere Literature and Other
Essays , " "George Washington" and a
"History of the People of the United
States. "
Most of these books are standard au
thorities In colleges , and all of them
show research , scholarship and In
places brilliancy. "Division and Re
union , " while written from tlio view
point of the southerner , reveals a
breadth and wholesome Americanism
that rob It of offense for northern read
Has Grasp of Events.
In all his political and historical
writings Dr. Wilson shows himself a
fundamental Democrat with a pecul
iar Insight Into the spirit and purposes
of the founders and builders of the
nation. He Is also a lecturer who
speaks before popular assemblies as
well as before educational and scien
tific bodies. Ills voice Is said to re
semble that of Henry Ward Beecher.
Dr. Wilson Is fifty-throe years of
age and was graduated from Prince
ton at the ago of twenty-two. He was
christened Thomas Woodrow. and In
college was called "Tommy , " but like
Grover Cleveland , who was originally
Stephen Grover. he amputated the
first name. Alter leaving Princeton
Wilson studied law in the University
of Virginia and practiced in Atlanta
for two years. It was while in Geor
gia that be mot and later married Miss
Ellen Louise Axsou , a belle of Sa
From 1883 to 1885 ho took a post
graduate course In Johns Hopkins ,
after which ho became professor of
history and political economy at Brvn
Mnwr He next held the same chair
nt Wesleyan university. From 1S)0 ! )
to 1H)2 ! ) he was professor of jurispru
dence and politics nt Princeton. Willie
In tills position ho was offered the
presidency of other colleges at an ad
vance of salary , but preferred to re
main with his alma mater. Since 1002
he has been president of Princeton.
Knows a Good Story.
Despite the fact that he Is n digni
fied educator , Dr. Wilson enjoys and
on occasion tells n good story. Here
Is one concerning his predecessor , the
late Dr. McCosli.
Wilson says that McCosh was known
to crack a Joke only once. It wan
ut an evangelical alliance attended by
ministers of various denominations.
Dr. McCosh was there as a Presby
terian. The presiding olllcer , a Bap
tist , remarked :
"Brethren , I presume that , whatever
else our differences mav be In deuom-
Emory the head < > f the tariff board
and asked President llndloy of Yale
to take llrxi place tin the commission
to look Into stock watering. .1 nines B
Angell. Andrew D White and same
others have been recognized In for
elgn ambassadorships. Jacob Gould
Schurmaii was on the Philippines cnin-
nilsxlnii , but wo never put the head nf
a college at the head of the nation
There Is one exception. 1 believe , as
James A. Garlleld In his youth had
been president of a small college
Why should we nut draft the kinn\l-
udse. training and high Ideals of the
teachers In our government service ?
For example , uhy should not the train
ed political economist have some part
In the actual working out of the politi
cal economy of the nation ? If It be ob
jected that they are only theorists ,
then give them a chance to correct the
defect by practical experience. Both
the college ami the government would
bo the gainers , the government In ex
pert knowledge and the college In ac
tual contact with affairs.
, lt Is In this spirit that Woodrow
Wilson's friends urge him as a candi
date for governor of New Jersey with
the presidency of the United States In
the perspective. Can he get It ? Well.
Bob Davis of Hudson county and Jim
Smith are both reported for him , and
when these two get together something
usually happens. As for the election-
hut that Is a different matter.
iimuonnl belief , we can satyly say that
the Apostles' creed Is a ph'tform upon
which we can all stand. "
Thereupon Dr MeC'osb leaned over
to his nelghbot. the Methodist minis
ter , and whispered In his rich Scotch
brogue :
"I should na care to 'descend into
hell' with un Episcopalian. "
Here Is another good story that Dr.
Wilson tells : A long winded and an
cient southern lawyer had been mak
ing a plea for three whole days. The
judge became Impatient and In as po
lite away us he could admonished him
to cut It short.
"And do you know , " says Dr. Wilson ,
"the old barrister declared that the
last four days of his argument were a
marvel of condensation. "
Recommended Own Portrait.
A Princeton man nov located In New
York relates the following anecdote of
a chance meeting with Dr. Wilson :
Going Into Scrlbner's bookstore one
morning this gentleman saw a smooth
faced , middle aged man In glasses and
without a hat and naturally took him
for a clerk. Woo.lrow Wilson had just
been elected president of Princeton ,
and the former student wanted to find
out something about him , Of the sup
posed clerk lie asked for some book by
Wilson containing his portrait.
"There Is no portrait of Wilson In
any of ills books. " replied he of the
glasses , "but if you will look In"
here he named n certain magazine ,
giving the month and year "you will
find a fair likeness of him. "
Then , picking up n hat. ho bowed and
went out.
"Do you know who that was ? " asked
the mystified Princeton man of a real
clerk this time.
"Professor Woodrow Wilson , " was
the answer.
Here Is one of Dr. Wilson's mottoes :
"You don't send a boy to college to
find an education ; It's to find himself. "
Of the trusts he has said :
"Tho thing that keeps water In
stocks Is secrecy. If this board were
taken out of the sluiceway the water
would all run out , and then people
would know what they had left. "
College Presidents In Public Office.
Wo have had much talk of the
scholar in politics , but outside of
diplomatic positions and a few com
missions we have never placed a col
lege president in public ofllco. Presi
dent Taft made Professor n. C.
Southwest Africa Properties Worth
$50,000,000 to Germany.
Germany has a better Investment in
her southwest African diamond Qelds
than has been supposed , thinks Dr.
Paul Rohrbach. who has gone over the
ground thoroughly. Dr. Rohrbach says
that eighteen months ago estimates of
from $25,000,000 to $ oO,000,000 as the
value of the Ludcrltz bay properties
were dismissed as unduly optimistic.
These properties Include all the claims
between the twenty-sixth degree of
south latitude and the Orange river.
One of these claims , which has an area
of 12)00 acres and is In the neighbor
hood of Luderltz bay , will , he says ,
yield this year diamonds to a market
value of S2.,000.000.
This property has been worked su
perficially by the same company for
two years , and the results already ob
tained and an Investigation at deeper
levels fully Justify this forecast Other
claims have not been worked so well
or so long as this , but from his person
al experience Dr Rohrbach thinks
they , too. will pan out much better
than was expected.
Negroes Own Virginia Bank.
The negroes of Richmond. Va. , have
established a bank witli a capital
stock of S100.000. The bank owns Its
own home , a handsome building with
thirty-five office rooms , In addition to
the handsome quarters for the bank
Itself. The officers and directors are
all prosperous negroes who have made
th ir money In that city by Industry
and thrift and have wisely saved it
Instead of wasting It.
The lessons of life are lost If they do
not Impress us with the necessity of
making ample allowances for the Im
mature conclusions of others.
Swift's Sarcasm.
"My brethren. " said Dean Swift In
a sermon , "there are three sorts ol
pride of rlchea , of birth and of tal
ents. I shall not now speak of the
latter , uono of you being liable to that
abominable vice. "
She Got It.
IIo ( time 11:30 : p. in. ) Anil you will
think of mo when I am gone ? She
( suppressing a yawn ) I'll try to if
you'll ever give me an opportunity.
00 < > -
Sermon by The Desire of
RUSSELL , All Nations.
Pastor Brooklyn
Tabernacle. "I will shake all nations , and the
desire of all nations shall come"
( Haggai ii , 7) ) .
July 31. Celeron , N. Y. Today at
this place Pastor Russell of Brooklyn
Tabernacle addressed the Internation
al Itlble Students Association about
1,000. He said- :
The great Messiah , "King of Glory , "
has long been waited for by the civil
ized nations. For thirty-five centuries
the Jews have waited for him as the
great Prophet foreshadowed by Moses
and foretold by him ( Acts 111 , 22) ) ; and
as the Great King foreshadowed by
their Kings David and Solomon ; and
as their glorious Priest typified by
Aaron , but specially In the former's
majesty as king and priest foreshown
by Melchisedek a priest upon his
Throne ( Psalm ex , 4) ) .
Free masons have waited twenty-five
hundred years for the same glorious
personage , as Hiram Ablff , the great
Master Mason whoso death , glorltlea-
tion and future appearing are contin
ually set before them by the letters
upon their keystones. He died a violent
lent death , they claim , because of his
loyalty to the Divine secrets typed In
Solomon's Temple. He must reappear ,
thej claim. In order that the great
antltypieal Temple may be completed
and Its grand service for Israel and for
all peoples may be accomplished. They
claim that his presence Is to bo ex
pected speedily.
Christians of every shade , in proportion
tion as they are conversant with the
Bible ( Old Testament and New ) be
lieve , also. In a great Temple builder
who died because of bis faithfulness
to ( he Divine plans , ro the spiritual
Temple , the elect Church (1 ( Peter II ,
1 , fit. Him they expect to come a second
end time "In ] > ewer and great glory"
to complete the Temple which Is his
Body , and In and through that spirit
ual and glorious Temple to bless Is
rael and all the families of the earth.
Ills second presence In glory and pow
er , but invisible to men. is believed to
be Imminent.
The Mohammedans , nls > o worship
ping the God of Abraham. Isaac and
Jacob and David and Solomon , are
also expecting a great Heavenly Mes
senger to bless them and all peoples
by the establishment of a heavenly
Kingdom. They have awaited his com
ing for centuries. They believe his
Kingdom to be near at hand.
Who Is This King of Glory ?
The same glorious personage will ful
fill all these desires these hopes. Is
It not time that all of these peoples ,
fearing God and hoping in his prom
ises , should come together in one hope ,
in one expectation ? It must be so , for
do wo not read prophetically , "Tho de
sire of all nations shall come ! "
We are well aware that great bar
riers lie between these multitudes ; but
we hold that they are chiefly barriers
of superstition and Ignorance. In the
past they have pulled apart , and have
slandered and persecuted one another.
If now they will sympathetically draw
near to each other , surely they will
find much to appreciate in each oth
er's hopes and alms.
The Basis of Sympathy.
The fact that the Jews and Moham
medans , Catholics and Protestants and
Free Masons , all base their faith on
the Old Testament of the Holy Scrip
tures , is ground for the better under
standing pleaded for.
All Christians must accept the au
thority of the Hebrew Scriptures be
cause the founder of Christianity ,
Jesus , and his special mouthpieces , the
Apostles , taught nothing contrary to
the Law and the Prophets. Indeed ,
they quoted from the Old Testament
in proof of every doctrine advanced.
They claimed that they neither de
stroyed nor Ignored the Old Testament ,
but merely noted Us fulfillment.
The error In the past has been the
general disposition to appeal to super
stition and prejudice and bigotry , rath
er than to facts and Scripture. Wo
must reverse the lever In order to at
tain tlio good results in order to see
rye to eye.
What All Can Agree To.
All agree that the world needs the
Divine blessing ! All agree that wo
have been laboring under a mistake in
supposing that education and civiliza
tion are alone necessary to secure hu
man happiness. Wo pcrc lve that the
greater the civilization the greater is
the unrest ; and the broader the edu
cation the greater are the suggestions
and opportunities for taking selflsh ad
vantage of others.
All are agreed that only the later In
ventions , telephones , etc. , and our
modern and costly police precautions
make It possible to live In civilized
lands and that , despite nil these , mur
ders are a hundred-fold what they
were fifty years ago. In those days a
murder would bo detailed and discuss
ed for a year. Now we give llttlo hood
to several reported In each day's news
papers. Thousands are executed , other
thousands are Imprisoned for life and
we pay llttlo heed so gradually have
wo become accustomed to these horrors
rors of our civilization and education.
We oppose these with Church and
mission Influences , with Sunday-
ecnoois , y. M. C. A.'s , with courts , Ju
venile and Superior , and yet they In
crease. Wo penalize the carrying of
weapons and bombs and wisely pro
hlblt Inflammatory speeches , and the
better Informed know that Christen
doui Is like a twwder-mugazlno which
Rome unlucky friction between the
classes may any day explode.
All Hopes Really One.
Admitting that all mankind are Im
perfect , "born In sin and shapeu in
Iniquity , " we nevertheless cannot as
sent to the doctrine of Total Deprav
ity that there Is nothing good In any
man ; or In all men. Each one who
prays "forgive us our trespasses as wo
forgive others" should concede that
others , ns well as himself , would pre
fer righteousness to .sin , If the envi
ronment were different If his appetite
were not so perverse , If his will power
were not so Inadequate So , then ,
whether Jew , Mohammedan , Catholic ,
Free Mason or Protestant , do we not
all really desire the one thing ? And
do we not admit , after centuries of
endeavor along different lines , that
God alone can .send us the aid which
the whole world so greatly needs ? We
do !
Let ns now formulate this "dcslro
of all nations" from those Holy Scrip
tures which we all acknowledge. Let
us see that It is exactly what we all
have been looking and praying for
under different names : It Is the King
dom of God ! the Kingdom of Allah !
Its rule Is to be "under the whole
heavens" however heavenly or spiri
tual the great ruler will be ( Daniel vll.
27i. Under Its bcnellceut and uplifting
Influence the glorious result will be
that God's will shall be done on earth
as completely as It Is now done In
heaven. This Is exactly what the
Scriptures declare that sin and Igno
rance \\lll be done away ; that the
knowledge of the glory of God's char
acter will till the whole earth. It
meann Mroug government exer
cised for the test rain t of sin and for
the freeing of mankind from slavery
to sin the slavery < > f Inherited weak
nesses entailed by Adam's disobedi
ence. The great Heavenly King , the
Son of David , who will do these things ,
according to the Law and the Proph
ets , will have many titles Indicating
various features of his greatness. "He
shall be called Wonderful. Counsellor ,
the mighty Klohim , the Prince of
Peace , and the Father ( life-giver ) of
eternal life ( Isaiah Ix , ( i ) .
lie is called the Savior by the Proph
et Isaiah ( xlv , 15) ) , for he shall " .save
from their sins" and from the penalty
of sin all who shall become "his pee
ple. " And all who will wickedly re
fuse his rule of righteousness and his
assistance out of sin and death eon-
dltlons will be esteemed "wicked" in
the proper sense of that woul ; and of
these we read : "All the wicked will
ho destroy. "
Love Righteousness Hate Iniquity.
We have had too much of hatred and
persecution because of the differences
in our degrees of knowledge as ex
pressed 1 our differences of belief.
Let this cease. Let us unite In our
love for righteousness and in our hatred
of unrighteousness In-equlty. Let us
rultlvate such a sympathy for the com
ing reign of righteousness to be estab
lished by Messiah ( by whatever name
he and his Kingdom may be handed
lown to usi that our characters shall
bo more and more Influenced and
transformed by the prophetic view.
Wo are all agreed that Messiah's King
dom Is nigh , even knocking at the door
of the world. In the wonderful Inven
tions of our day we have the very fore-
gleams of that Kingdom as outlined iu
prophecy. The necessities of the case
also corroborate this : The tension be
tween Capital and Labor will soon be
to its limit and break ; the grasp of
monopoly will soon be so strong that
the masses will be ground between
the upper and the nether millstones ;
our high-tension living la calculated
soon to have our race In the mad
hpuse ; specialists say , within one cen
tury. Let u believe the Word of God
delivered by the prophets of old. Let
us prepare our hearts for , thc Great
King and know that such will have the
chief blessing.
"He Must Reign Until. "
According to the Bible the reign of
the prombed Great King shall not bean
an eternal reign. Eventually the do
minion of earth originally given to
Adam and lost by disobedience and
consequent Incapacity , is to be restor
ed to sucli of Adam's race as shall at
tain earthly perfection and Jehovah's
approval. Messiah's Empire will be a
Mediatorial one and. according to the
Scriptures , will continue only one thou
sand years. But we are assured that
the period will be quite sufllclcnt for
the great work to be accomplished.
Father Adam , after being sentenced
for sin "Dying thou shall die , " expe
rienced the dying processes for 030
years. Contrariwise the world will ,
under the Messiah's rule as.King and
Priest ( MelchSedek. Psalm ex. -J ) ,
gradually rise up. up. up , out of sin
and death conditions during a very
similar period of time.
Paradise restored will no longer be a
garden merely , but the whole earth , as
God's footstool , shall be made glorious
( Isaiah Ix , 13) ) . The promises of God to
the children of Isaac and Jacob arc
not heavenly or spiritual , but earthly.
From Gcnesla to Malachl there Is not
a suggestion of a heavenly or spiritual
calling. If Christians have a heavenly
calling It Is no cause for offense to
Mohammedans and Jews neither of
whom have conflicting hopes. There
Ls no need for conflict every reason
Not only do the ancient prophecies
foretell coming blessings of the Lord
upon Jew and Gentile , bond and free ,
but the Law typlllcd.tho same. Every
tlftleth year with the Jew was to be a
Jubilee year a time of release from
debts and from all bondage. The les
son Is that Messiah's reign will bo the
great time of jubilation to men , to all
who will accept and obey bis rule.
The cancellation of debts represents
that Oed ( through Messiah ) will thus
laneel the debt of Original Sinand , set
free Adam and his nice. All will then
be given a fresh start for life eternal.
The setting free from bondage In thu
Jubilee Year typed man's release from
the weaknesses Inherited through
Adam's fall. It will Include the resur
rection from the dead , the great pris
on-house mentioned by the Prophev
( Lsalnh Ixl , 1) ) .
If wo see this great fact about to bo
accomplished need wo quarrel about
how It Is to be done ? Since It offers
blessings to all who love God's righ
teousness , why dispute over
Shall we contend with God
plans and promises except to * vir In
jury ? Let us rejoice with the Jew.
God has decreed for the natural seed
of Abraham a glorious share In the
great work of blessing the world to
the Jew , first , this means a blessing ;
to the , others later ! The Scriptures
clearly teach that Messiah will estab
lish the New Covenant with Jacob-
natural Israel. Let all who reverence
the Lord acquiesce In his arrange
ments. And If ( he Jews shall someday
see that ( he Oath-Bound Promise to
Abraham meant two seeds , let them
bo glad and rejoice In their portion.
If the great Messiah soon to bo re
vealed In power and great glory bo
composed of "many members" on the
spirit pltine , what matters It to Jacob ,
all of whose promises are on the
earthly plane ? Moreover there Is no
room for Jealousy anyway , for these
"elect" who shall be on the spirit piano
are of all nations the Jew being there
given also the preferred place. Fur
thermore the select or "elect" few are
not either Christians or Jews In the
ordinary usage of those words , but
saintly , holy ones chosen by the Lord
from every sect and party , because of
their love for righteousness and faith
fulness under trials.
"I Will Shake the Earth. "
The context shows us that "The de
sire of all nations" will be realized as
the result of a great shaking of the
heavens and earth and sea and all
nations. Tills Is prophetic of the great
time of trouble , with which the col
lapse of present Institutions will como
about as precedent to the establish
ment of Messiah's Kingdom "the de
sire of nil nations. "
Wo are not left to speculate respect
ing the lmKrt ] of those words , "shake
the heavns , the earth and the sea. "
The great theologian , St. Paul , quoted
this very passage in his epistle to the \
Hebrews ( xii , 20-2S ) . He pointed out /
that the literal shaking of Mt. Sinai
and the terrible sights associated at
the tlmo of the inauguration of Israel's
Law Covenant was but a feeble pic
ture of the awful commotion which
will prevail In Its antitype when Is
rael's New ( Law ) Covenant will bo In
stituted at Mt.Aon In the end of this
Age at the hands of the antltyplcnl
Moses Messiah.
The prophet intimates that It will be
a short , sharp , decisive shaking , quick
ly accomplished. And the Apostle ex
plains that it will be so thorough-going
that everything that can bo shaken
will bo shaken and will be removed. In
other words , everything that Is In the
nature of n temporary make-shift for
righteousness , truth , equity , will be
shaken out of the way not bo allowed
to remain , because the Lord will make
a thorough work. St. Paul Intimates
that the Kingdom which the Church
Is to receive will be the only Institu
tion which will stand the shaking time
and that only because the "Church of
the First-born , whoso names are writ
ten In heaven , " will have the Divine
approval ; they will "be changed In a
moment , In the twinkling of an eye"
established enduring ! } " on the heaven
ly plane at the Right Hand of God ,
principalities and powers being sub
"The Prince of Peace. "
Notwithstanding the fact that Mes
siah's Kingdom will be introduced by
a period'of universal trouble , anarchy ,
etc. , wlilch will overthrow civilization
ind uproot every sinful and Imperfect
human organization , nevertheless thl.s
wll ! eventually lead to the most pro
found and most enduring peace. In
that one great lesson humanity will
learn the futility of its own endeavors
and will cry unto the Lord for help
and for the desired peace then "the
desire of all nations shall come. "
Referring to tills time of trouble the
Prophet David declares of the Lord's
work at that time , "Ho maketh
wars to cease unto the end of the
earth. Ho breaketli the bow , and cut-
teth the spear asunder" ( Psalm xlvl ,
! ) ) . Then wonderfully ho announces
the climax of It all , "Be still and
know that I nm God. I will bo ex
alted amongst the nations. I will be
exalted in the earth. " The only true
basis of peace Is righteousness and on
this firm foundation Jehovah through )
his Anointed One will shortly estab- '
llsh it ( Psalm ilvl. in ) .
Why Not Pass the Plate ?
They ought to pass the plate at
church weddings. It comes natural to
do It In church , and to do so would
add a pretty and useful employment to
the duties of the ushers , who always
have a little spare time before the
bride arrives. And , really , getting
married la moro expensive than ever ,
and , though wedding presents are ex
cellent In their way , what the young
people usually need the most is cash.
Instead of the list of gifts which the
newspapers sometimes print wo should \
read , "Tho collection yielded $4,000-
000. " That would bo nice. It Is much
easier to store and care for money
than plate and glass ! And money al
ways tits and there is no such thing an
an embarrassing duplication of dollars.