The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 12, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Chautauqua Hat Begun. I
The big tcrit at the ctmutauqua' '
grounds WOK well filled In the after-1
noon when the Itullnn boys' orchestra
Hturtt'tl the dtxy'B program wltli a pre
lude. They were liberally applauded.
Dr. GharluH Mcelbury of DCB Molnes' 1
WIIH then Introduced. Ills subject was I
on moral character and was an argu
ment on the liquor question which
tool : well with his audience. Ho said
bin home city , Des Molnes , was makIng -
Ing good with the commission form of
government , and that a wave of re
form was speeding over the country.
There IH a cry from the Dixie land
coming to the north , he said , not a'
war cry In which the blue and the
grey would conflict In bloody battle ,
but a cry for aid In which the Dixie
land asku the north to aid them In
Bweeplng from the south the traffic of
utrorig drink. The nation , he said , IB
beginning to understand that only
character will Have It.
Elbert Poland , the humorist Imltat-
Ing John D. Rockefeller , made a great
hit with the audlcnco In the evening's
program. His representation of the
oil king was good. He kept his audi
ence In an uproar of laughter throughout -
out tinevening. . The-Italian boys' orchestra -
chestra , who gave a concert , were liberally -
erally applauded.
From Estelle's Lecture.
An Interesting ttory was told by
.Judge Estello of two or three little
boys brought before him In court.
"Somo of those boy , people cull 'born
thieves. ' No child Is that , " her said.
"Criminals are society-made , not God-
made. Society IP responsible for
crime. "
After gutting the history of one of
the youngsters before him the Judge
asked him if he knew anything at all.
" 'No , judge. I don't know anything.
I never had the chance. ' "
"I gave the little fellow bis chance
and did not send him to Kearney. He
made good and was showing every In
dication of becoming what I wanted
him to be when he was suddenly
killed in the railroad yards where his
mother had sent him. "
Another freckled faced boy was
brought before the judge for stringing
a telegraph wire acioss the sidewalk.
A man tripped over the wire and
broke his knee cap.
"Young man , didn't you know you
were doing wrong ? You knew you
would hurt someone , didn't you ? "
asked Judge E&tellc.
"Well , Judge , he only busted his
knee cap , " was the answer the young
ster made.
"Don't send me to Kearney , Judge.
Don't send me to Kearney. " was his
pleading , when it looked doubtful for
him. "Trust me. Judge Estelle , no one
ever trusts me. "
"I did not send that boy to Kear
ney , " said Judge Estelle. "I did trust
him. Ho now has a good position In
South Dakotn as foreman of a ranch.
The judge's duties do not altogether
keep him witlj the boys , but he has
had much to do with young girls
which the juvenile officers bring be
fore him. One pitiful case was
brought before him when Juvenile
Olllcer Mogey. known as the father of
Omaha newsboys , brought two Omaha
girls before him. Neither was over
15 years of age. They were found in
a dance hall at 9 : 30 one Saturday
night. This was their second offense.
The former time the ofllcers had taken
them home. When the case came p
before Judge Estelle , parents of both
girls were sitting In front of him.
"Judge Estelle , I don't want you to
interfere with my family affairs , " said j
the father of one girl. The judge then
took the parents and the girls into his
private office , where after questioning
the girls confessed they had on a pre
vious night met two strangers in front
of the postoffice. Later they went tea
a dance and remained there until
nearly 2 a. m.
Wayward Girls , Too.
"Where did you go then ? " ques
tioned the judge.
"To a lodging house on lower Doug'
las btreet , " answered one of the girls
"Who went with you ? " again asked
Judge Estelle.
"The two men , " answered the girls
At that moment the father who had
spoken hastily before , fell over the
table exclaiming :
"My God , I never dreamed of this. '
Judge Estolle made a great hit will
his audience , who swamped him wltl
congratulations after he had finished
Judge Estelle also made a hit wltr
the children In the audience , to whoir
between the lines of his lecture he
told stories of early days on the
The judge was accompanied by hli
son , Arthur M. Estelle.
"The Printer of Udells" was th (
subject lectured on by Everett Kemj
of Chicago. For over an hour he heli
his audience In close attention whil <
he pictured to them the hardships o
the Arkansas youth whoso drunkei
father's home he left the night afte
his mother died. He told of the starv
Ing printer in Iloyd City in the searcl
of employment , and of the treatmen
Dick Falkner received at the hands o
the church where he had gone li
search of relief. Ho pictured to hi
audience who , through Mr. Kemp'
wonderful power , imagined themselve
alongside the speaker In that Kansa
town , how the church was reformed
bow through the young people's sc
clety. and with the aid of Dick , th
printer , the congregation soon learnei
what true Christianity really was
That Mr. Kemp made a favorable In
presslon with his audience was in11
by many of the comments of the and
ence after the evening's program.
Mr. Kemp's Imitation of "Uncl
Hobby" and some of his expression !
were very clever.
Cummins Won't Come.
United States Senator A , 13. Cun
mins of Iowa , who was to have bee
the principal attraction at the Norfol
Chautauqua this week , has cancelle
his date here , as It was said in an A
soclatcd Press dispatch to The News
Rome weeks ago that he would.
Senator Cummins was to have been
here next Saturday , August 13. Owing
to a campaign in Kansas , and his weak
heart , he will be unable to come. Sen-
ator Clapp of Minnesota will take his
place. Senator Clapp Is said to bo a
first class lecturer.
"Why We Should be Happy. "
| Governor II. A. Huchtel , preacher-
governor of Colorado and chancellor
of the University of Denver , lectured
to a full tent of people at the chau-
tauqua grounds on "Why We Should
'Be Happy. " In the course of his lec
ture the governor analyzed American
"tiumor ; how It Is taken by our English
brothers and how we come by our wit.
He says the fact that wo have every
nation's brain on the globe In every
1 , community , Is the source of our wit.
! He praised Christian universities.
I I Ho told of how In America , Christian
I ' universities can take a common miner
from the depths of his dally tasks and
train him through college to a bach
elor of arts. Institutions here give
great opportunity for young people.
I His clever witticisms between the
' lines of his lecture , which dealt mostly
I with better chiistlanlty , kept his audi
ence alternately In cheers and laugh
The prelude by the Otterbeln male
quartet and bell ringers was good.
Wednesday afternoon after the pre
lude by the Otterhoin quartet. Dr.
James Hcdle > entertained another
large audience. , using as his subjec.
"The Sunny Side of Life. " This Ice
ture .Mr. Hedley has given from the
1 platform over t ; thousand times and It
never seems to grow old to the public ,
who are always ready with applause ,
j Tonight , Professor II. A. Adrian will
give an Illustrated lecture on Callfor-
I nia and Burbank. This Is said to be
one of the best lectures put on the
Norfolk chautauqua platform. It Is
enjoyable and Interesting to both
young and old. Mr. Adrian's lecture
. will have to do with the wonderful
work Ilurbank has done In the Increase
of all grains , vegetables and fruits.
Ball Tourpey Now Planned.
A baseball tournament for1 Norfolk
Is the next thing on the program In
the local sporting world. Clarence
Rasley , manager of the clerks' base
ball team , and Umpire O'Toole are
endeavoring to Interest the local fans
In --three days' baseball tournament
with $100 prizes set aside for the win-
ler of each game. Large crowds , say
he baseball fans , would come to Nor
oik to attend such an event. Nor
oik's teams now have some of the
iest players In this vicinity This
hey proved in their two games during
he races , and they have much confi-
lence that they will be liberally sup-
lorted. Among the teams mentioned
o come here for games during the
ournament are Nellgh , Plalnvlew ,
Wayne , Stanton , Tilden , Humphrey.
A meeting Is soon to be held to ells-
uss the proposed event which , says
Umpire O'Toole , may be held in about
lireo weeks.
Jumped Off Speeding Train.
The evening train from Wayne was
over a half an hour late Tuesday night ,
the reason for it being that a man who
found himself aboard the wrong train ,
ibout two miles out of Wayne , jumped
rom the fast moving car , throwing all
the passengers aboard into a state of
excitement. They believed he had
gone insane and committed suicide.
The train crew managed to have the
train stopped and returned to pick up
the presumably ( lead man , who was
found making his way back to Wayne.
The train backed all the way to
Wayne and then again started on Its
The man , whose name has not been
learned , climbed aboard the Norfolk
train , believing he was headed for
Wakefleld. He sat composed until no
tified that he was on his way to Nor
folk. Springing from his seat he
' reached the platform of the car and
, leaped out. Two women are said to
have fainted and excitement prevailed.
State University Has Nothing Over
Norfolk On That Score.
The state university has nothing
: over Norfolk when it comes to shirt-
: tall marches. Five Norfolk young men (
at night made the march from the
chautauqua camping grounds up Nor
folk avenue and back to their tents.
Their mission was to obtain soda wa
ter for the friends In camp.
The young men late In the night | t
made their ghostly trip , passing the
mill and thence directly to a local drug
store , where the refreshments were
obtained. Then they made the return
march , the same hardly being noticed
by the few people on the street at that
May Have to Re-Amputate.
Henry Maas , the 23-year-old son ol
Carl Maas , who lost both legs as the
result of a binder accident a week ngc
last Monday , on his father's farm be
tween Winslde and Hosklns , has had n
turn for the worse and It is feared
that both legs will have to bo re-ampu
18 tated. Gangrene Is said to have sel
cs In and it Is probable that the accident
us victim will undergo another operatior
usd Thursday. That his chances for re
10- eovery are slight , Is reported fron i
is. A Three-Day Horse Show.
in- Under the personal management o
Frank B. Graham of Kansas City
11- founder of the Scientific Breedinj
school of Kansas City , a three days
ile session of the school will be held ii
, Norfolk August 15 , 1C and 17. i I
weather conditions permit , the schoo
session will bo hold In the lot adjoin
ing the G L. Carlson breeding barmen
m- on East Norfolk avenue , otherwise tin
en lectures and other features will bi
ilk held In the Norfolk Auditorium.
ed In connection with this school , G. I
Is- Carlson will give his third annual sho\
of foaln , August 15 and 1C. No admis
sion Is being charged and the man *
igcmcnt expects to give the horse lov
ing public a fine three days' entertain
ment. Many scientific breeders from
all parts of the country will be In at-
endancc. Good lectures on horse
Breeding will be heard. Original dem
onstrations will be made each day.
Frank Uerkey of Ankeny , la. , the
well known breeder and Judge of.
torses , has been secured by Mr. Carl
son to place the ribbons In his foal
Herrlck Wins at Lynch.
At the G. A. II. reunion held at
Lynch , Neb. , the Herrlck baseball
team easily defeated the fast aggro-1
gallon from Spencer , Neb. and on
the following day successfully defend
ed their title against u team mam1 up
from Spencer's boat players and the
pick of the baseball talent from the
neighboring towns.
The Herrlck boys clearly demonstrated -
strated their superiority in each game ,
both outhlttlng and outllelding their
opponents. To dnU1 Herrlck 1ms been
victorious In practically all her games
and claim undisputed claim to the
championship of that section of the
The game with Spencer wis won
In the fourth innim ; when clean hit
ting by the /Herrick boys gav.i them
three runs and a ' 'our lead. Spencer
was unable to break Herrlck's defense
until the last half of the ninth when
a three bagger , following an error , re
sulted In ono run.
Steiner , Kelley and Elllston carried
off the hitting honors with two hits
Tingle , for Herrick , pitched what
should have been a shut-out game al
lowing but three hits and never being
In danger. He struck out fourteen
The second game was between Her
rlck and the Irish Feelers , and it was
a case of the llrlbh being peeled by
the Irish. Kelley In the role of chief
peeler was a decided success. He al
lowed but three hits , and In the sev
enth pitched himself out of the only
trouble made for him. The bases
were full with one down , when Kelley
tightened and struck out one man and
threw O'Keefe out at first on an easy
Rlchter was hit hard all through
the game * , but was saved by fast in-
Held work , four double plays being
pulled off by his infield in the first
six Innings. In the eighth Inning the
Herrick boys got busy ami bunched
hits with their opponents errors pushIng -
Ing five runs across before the side
was finally retired.
The stellar fielding feature was Sam
Illlers one-handed stub of a terrific
ne drive near second base.
The scores by innings :
R. H. E.
lerrick . .01030000 1 5 10 2 ;
pencer . .00000000 1 1 3 2 <
R. H. E.
lerrick . .00000005 0 rt 11 1
Peelers . .00000000 0 0 3 4 I
Struck Out Fifteen Men.
Newport , Neb. , Aug. 9. Special to
'lie" News : Newport took one more
ame from Ainsworth.
The score was 11 to 3 in favor of f
Score by Inlngs :
Newport 30221120 x 11 L
Mnsworth 00000210 0 3 j
Batteries : Anderson and Curtis ,
S'ewport ; Sawyer and Robinson , Ains- !
Anderson struck out fifteen men.
Herb Anderson got hurt in sixth in-
ling and Boyton finished In his posi- ;
Valentine Wins Two.
Valentine , Neb. , Aug. 9. Special to
The News : Gordon played ball here
> oth Sunday and Monday , the home
earn wining both games , the first one
j-2 and second 7-2.
First game R. H.
Valentine. . . 00020003 0 5 C
Gordon 01000001 0 2 3
Batteries : Gordon , Scealy and Fink-
3r ; Valentine , Grimes and Cox. Um
pire , Bard.
Second Game R. H.
Valentine. . . 20102002 x 7 0
Gordon 00000011 0 2 4
Batteries : Gordon , Cress and Fin-
ker ; Valentine , Grimes and Cox. Urn- [
lire , Jackson.
. How Crops Looked.
Madison Chronicle : The. writer
took a trip to Norfolk on Saturday
going thence to Oakdale In the even-
ing where he spent Sunday at the
home of his brother Charles. Charley
is doing a successful real estate busl
ness in connection with O. B. Manville
of that place. While there we took a
drive north and west of Oakdale , re
turning by way of Nellgh. On Mon
day we took a drive with Charley tc
Elgin and thence southwest , and land'
Ing at Petersburg for the night. A
trip by train next morning brought
us home to Madison. We speak ol >
the trip thus in detail to show the
scope of country over which we had
an excellent opportunity of observing
crop conditions. We found oats In j.
t variably shorter than the average ;
straw , but usually well headed and
well "oated , " the heads being heavilj
filled with grain for the most part
Fields would probably vary all the
way from fifteen to sixty bushels pei
acre. Corn was In various conditions
according to soil and circumstances
Early planted and well tended fields
look well , and show little or no effects
fects of dry weather , other than pos
sibly being a little shorter in the stall
than some years. Many fields havi
a more or less scattering stand. Lnti
planted or poorly tended corn Is no
withstanding the drouth so well , ant
some of It will never make corn nn
der any conditions , while other field Is
will yield only lightly at the best t
On the whole with the rains that hav <
fallen this week , there will perhap [
be nearly an average crop of corn in
the territory , over which our observa
tions extended. A heavy rain fell on
Tuesday morning In the territory of
Bradlsh to Lindsay , and small creeks
were running , in some cases a foot
Editor Has a Kick.
Ueemer Times : I want to toll you'
right now that for down-right , bold-
t faced gall , some of the promoters of
the Interstate fairs , airship fairs and
the great events which take place In
the cities now and then , arc a hard
bunch to beat. A day or so ago we
got a letter from the advertising de
partment of the big aerial meet at
! Sioux City , and enclosed In It was a
j"comp , " worth about seventy-five cents ,
If we had spent the price to go to
Sioux City to see It , and with this
, comp there was a string of matter
1 about a column long and they wanted
us to print as much as we could for
I the little seventy-five-cent ticket. Last
I week we got the same eloso from
Omaha , this week Sioux City comes
back at us again with another column
for us to print.
Then people stand around like a
set of mummies and want to know
why the editor don't wear decent
clothes and be a llttlo respectable to
the town that supports him. They
wonder why he don't pay his bills
promptly and they decide that he is
an awful spendthrift or ho could do
that. We have talked about this com
plimentary business until we are black
in the face and some people think wo
have- turned to a nigger , but It does
make us all-fired mad to get those re
quests and they are so utterly unrea
sonable. Those wise guys jetting in
the armed chair in the upper stor >
| know full well how the newspaper
can be worked and I am surpilsed to
note through the exchanges how well
j they succeed and yet , those very same
fellows ore getting well paid for theli
trouble or don't you think for n mo
ment they would do It. The sooner
those fellows learn that the day of
the comp is passed and the sooner
some of those cheap guy editors come
j to realize that they are only being
worked , the sooner these country papers -
[ pers will be put on a paying basis and
editors too wll be riding in autos like
the fellow who is getting out copy for
the press.
Nebraska Irrigation.
Ainsworth Democrat : Kent Me
Manee , who has a ranch on Cedar
creek , five miles west of Johnstown
and about twenty miles from Al
worth , has experimented successfully
this year in the line of irrigation. He
laid out about ten acres early In the
spring , put In his ditch and the later
als necessary to cover this plot of
ground , and the result , so people who
have visited the place declare , is as
tonishing. Everything- planted has
produced a wonderful crop , and so sue-
cessful has It been that Mr. McManee
is making arrangements to Irrigate
approximately 100 acres next year.
The proposition has up to this time
increased the price of his land many
j ' times and he refused several offers at
what before he attempted Irrigation
would have been considered an excel
lent price.
Has Disappeared.
Clarkson Heram : Emll Mrsny has
j disappeared and his family , relatives
j ' and friends are much worried as to
his whereabouts. He is farming the
John Rybacek place near Heun. Last
i Wednesday he came in from the field ,
hitched his team to a bucgy , and
I without making a change of clothing
i drove to Schuyler , wiiere he put nls
team In a feed barn , since which tlm&
no trace of him has been found. His
family relations were the most pleas
ant , as to his finances he was , In fair
circumstances , being an industrious ,
thrifty young man of good habits.
Mrs. Mrsny says ho had brooded over
poor crop prospects , and It Is feared
that his mind has been affected , and
that he has strayed away or possibly
taken his life. This morning his
brother , John , with Peter Hajek ,
; Adolpli Fiala and Charles Renter went
| to Schuyler to Institute a search for
' him.
Bullock Overhauls Mill.
Fairfax Advertiser : Ellsworth A.
Bullock , president of the Bullock Pub
lic Service company , arrived in Fairfax -
- fax Monday noon to personally super
intend the placing of the Fairfax roller
mill in charge of his new miller and
manager , T. M. Traughber of Butte ,
Neb. , who has had a large experience
in the milling industry and thoroughly
- understands his business , both as a
miller and manager. The mill Is now
undergoing a thorough renovating and
. repairing. Orders have been sent In
for all new materials necessary to
place the mill in a condition second to
. none' In the country. A new brand of
. flour will be put on the market which
will bring the Fairfax mill into prom-
. inence in this part of the country.
Our citizens will soon have cause to
be proud of their mill , and will be
glad to use only the home product.
Every loyal citizen will no doubt enter
the "booster" ranks when they see
what the mill can and will do In the
. production of flour. In another column
will be found the company's advertise-
ment for No. 2 wheat , of which they
will take all they can get. The light
. and power plant will be overhauled
and placed in the hands of an experl-
r enced electrician , and a good service
, Is assured.
They Ran Away.
- Humphrey Democrat : The follow
- ing from nn Oklahoma City paper will
be of interest to many Humphrey peo-
j pie , Inasmuch as the lady was a for
mer resident of Humphrey , she and
her husband George Schmid , having
I ran a saloon In the Kosch building for
n-1 several months , The old gentleman
, died about a year ago"What Is said
, to have been a runaway match oe
cured Sunday , when Mrs. Victoria
is Schmid of Enid was married to Her
man Wien of the name city by Jus
tice Zwlck. The couple came to Ok
lahoma City Sunday afternoon , went
to the home of Theodore Ingola , and
asked him to make the necessary ar
rangements. They went to the jus
tice's home , but found they had no li
cense. The marriage clerk was fin
ally located , n license secured , and
then Ingola had to lend his ring for
the ceremony. Mrs. Schmid ran the
Columbia hotel on Grand avenue In
this city for several years , and Is the
proprietress of the Eagle hotel of
Enid. The groom Is a wholesale
butcher In Enid. "
Good Cropi at Tliden.
Tilden Citizen : While reports from
nil over the corn belt have been gen
erally discouraging from insufficient
rainfall , this locality has been favored
with showers frequent and copious
enough to practically assure an abun
dant yield of Nebraska's great staple.
After extremely hot weather a gentle
rain fell for several hours Monday
night , placing the crop beyond all dan
ger from the blighting from the hot
winds which have on several occasions
threatened to play havoc during the
month of July. The oats crop has
been a surprise to most farmers , the
yield from most of the fields being far
In excess of all estimates. Forty-live
bushels to the acre have been threshed
In some Instances , and the quality of
the grain Is excellent.
Found His Relatives.
Madison Chronicle : Ik-re Is an in
teresting story of a young man and
his relatives being reunited. Wo have
been unable to run all the particulars
down to a line point , but the story ,
as we have been able to gather it runs
as follows : At the age of 9 Jesse
Spinokle and another lad left their
homes In Oklahoma , and drifted into
Texas , where they came across a crew
of railroad builders. The boy Jesse
found employment with the gang , car
rying water at fifty cents a day.
Among them was a man named John
son , with whom the boy went to live
when they quit the railroad finally
landing In Potawattamle county , la. ,
where In some way he got separated
from Johnson , but went by the name
of Johnson. He was picked up by
a Mr. Wells , a relative of the Madlron
Wells' , and finally for the past two
years has worked for S. D. Wells ,
near this city. To him for the first
time he told his story , and a letter
of inquiry by Mr. Wells brought the
Information that his parents were still
alive and at the old home. They had
given him up for dead , after long
search , but were anxious to see him
again , and a brother arrived last week
and accompanied him home. In the
twenty years since he left home , five
of his brothers and sisters had died.
Chadron , Neb. , Aug. 0. Between 3
and 4 o'clock a. m. , while Night Agent
Costley , jr. , and the Northwestern rail
road at this place , was entering the
ticket office preparatory to commenc
ing his routine of work of checking up ,
he was confronted by two unmasked
men who had gained entrance by an
outside window , evidently intending to
plunder the safe during his absence.
At the point of his own revolver ,
which the robbers had picked from a
shelf , Mr. Costley was compelled to
keep quiet and open the safe. Be
tween $200 and $250 was quickly tak
en , as well as personal effects of the
ticket agent , being a diamond , his
watch and $57 in cash.
The robbers tied the agent's feet ,
bound bis hands and gagged him. Af
ter they had fled , Costley succeeded in
getting loose and giving the alarm.
One robber'was a tall , slim man with
bushy black beard , and the other of '
heavy , low stature.
Standing of the League.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Tilden 1 1 0 1.000
Clearwater 1 1 0 1.000
Nellgh 1 0 1 .000
Oakdale 1 0 1 .000
Clearwater , Neb. , Aug. 10. Special
to The News : The opening game of
the Elkhorn league series between
Clearwater and Nellgh ended in a row
here yesterday afternoon , Nellgh leav
ing the field as the result of objection
to an umpire's decision in the eighth
inning. The game was forfeited to
Clearwater , 9 to 0.
Both teams put up a good article ol
ball and it was a hard fought game.
In the last half of the eighth , with the
score 5 to 4 in Nellgh's favor , Clear
water had one man out and runners
on third and first , when Nellgh object
ed to a decision of the umpire and lefl
the field.
Batteries : Clearwater , Forman , Fos-
burg and Alberts ; Nellgh , Phillips and
: Cole. Struck out : By Forman , 1 ; by
! Fosburg , 5 ; by Phillips , 5. Umpire , S.
T. Moulding , Time of game , 1 hour 40
Oakdale , Neb. , Aug. 10. Tilden won
out over Oakdale In the tenth inning
of the first game of the Elkhorn Valley
i series here yesterday , score 7 to 5.
President Torpin pitched the first ball
| Tilden men said they had never been
treated bettor or given a squarer deal 1.
Score by innings :
fOakdale \ 030120000 0 f
Tilden 002120100 1 '
Batteries : Oakdale , Ray and Gllss
man ; Tilden , Cooper and Stuart. Um i-
plre , Dr. Bayzery.
West Point. Neb. , Aug. 9. Specia
to The News : The farm homo of An
ton Psota , known throughout the state
as the "Corn king of the Elkhorn val ' !
ley , " at West Point has been brough it
Into state-wide prominence by reasoi
of the fact that the race track ane
' grounds of the West Point Speed asso
elation are adjoining , the main en
i trance being through the grounds of
. Mr Psota , traversing what has beei
rnamed "Blooming park , " the mos
beautiful portion of the Psota farm
While In floriculture ana Horticulture
Mr. Pnota excels , It is In' the raising
of corn , the staple crop of the state
that his unique methods and remark
able success demonstrate that his ti
tle1 has been well e'lirncd and Is rich
ly deserved. The farm lays on the
right bank of the Elkhorn river , one
half mile west of the city proper.
When he took charge of the land
some thirteen years ago It was a cold ,
wet , seiur tract , subject to overflow
and , although It had been cultivated
care-lessly for eivcr thirty years It
would not produce a good crop of any
thing , not excepting weeds.
Mr. Psota says , In reply to the ques
tions of The News correspondent who
visited the farm :
"Corn needs three most important
things : First , water ; second , food ;
third , air. These three elements are
the most necessary to successful corn
culture. Without them no corn can
bo grown. Any man can ralso corn on
alfalfa sod , but to raise it with a
profit on old , wornout , wormy land
requires Intelligent application of the
three foregoing cardinal principles.
My average yield of corn for the first
few years was eighty-seven and one-
half bushels to the acre ; this has been
materially Increased In recent years.
Heavy manuring Is nn essential fac
tor , In fact , It Is the principal secret ,
and the manure should , if possible be
stored under cover for a long time ,
where it will generate the phosphates
i-o necessary for the corn. I have a
shed , IGxSfi , filled three feet deep with
ilch , red manure , some of It twelve
years old. Last season I hauled COO
one-horse loads of this on two acres
of ground , followed by 200 loads of
sand and gravel. Manure , carelessly
laid on the surface will not , of Itself ,
produce good results , the value being
in the amount of organic salts and
either chemical constituents , which
are dissolved and become incorporated
with the soil. Hog , horse and cattle
manure are the most valuable as the
main fertilizer , with a liberal applica
tion of chicken manure as a top-dress
ing. This chicken manure acts power
fully as a solvent of the chemical ele
ments of the stable manure under
neath. The next most important
point is the circulation of air about
the roots of the corn , after it has at
tained a strong growth. This I ac
complish by the use of gravel and
sand. This warms the clay soil , es
pecially In early spring , renders It
porous , is good as drainage and
assists materially In dissolving the
constituent elements of the manure ,
producing excellent plant food , rich
In phosphates and other chemicals.
"During the month of October I
ise a one-horse cultivator of my own
nventlon , and find no difficulty in
plowing between the rows , thoroughly
nixing the sand , soil and manure and
assisting the dissolving process.
' I do not plow the land in spring ,
but make trenches eight inches deep
with the one-horse cultivator , adjust
ed for tills purpose , in order to get
jelow the manure. This destroys the
worms and produces a fine , mellow
seed-bed in which I plant the corn six
inches deep. To keep the corn awake
at night I place a pinch of gun powder
at the foot of each hill. The sulphur ,
saltpetre and charcoal contained in
the powder I find of great benefit.
"My corn is now eleven feet high
of a luxurious color and the other
crops , notably cabbages , show the
same good condition. This result I
attribute solely to the methods used.
"I aim to keep from three to four
Inches of manure on top of the ground
during the entire growing season ; this
conserves the moisture and insures
the strong growth of the plant in ! ts
early stages.
"Sand and gravel should be placed
at least three feet below the surface
the deeper the better.
"I cure alkali spots by digging a well
in the center of the patch , In the win
ter time , filling It with horse manure ,
and thus forming natural drainage for
the alkali poison , which is drawn down
into the well by the suction created by
the steam and heat produced by the
manure. "
This is an uncommonly dry season
generally throughout the west , making
the crops on this farm show out in
marked contrast to the general run
of fields In this section.
Mr. Psota is an enthusiast on the
producing qualities of Ciimlng county
land when properly treated. He is a
native of Bohemia , and has lived In
this county for the past thirty Jive
Mr. Psota is the inventor and pat
entee of a one-horse cultivator which
he has named the "Bohemian Eagle. "
This cultivator has the peculiar epial-
I Ity of penetrating to the roots of the
3-1 corn without Injuring them , being GO
| adjustable that it can be placed as
j close to the roots and as deep as ele.
. sired. It can be run through the
corn rows at any stage of growth with
out the slightest Injury to the stand'
Ing stalks.
Mr. Psota extends a standing Invl
tation to all agriculturists and all
, others Interested In the Intensive cul
. i ture of our state staple corn , to vlsll
. | the farm and allow him to explalr
i his methods of cultivation. He Is firm
. , In the belief that in course of time
I with Improved methods In general use
C that the average yield of this cerea
7 throughout the corn belt should not be
sless , than 100 bushels to the acre ,
Madison Store Change.
Madison. Neb. , Aug. 9. Special te
The News : Again the Farmers Mercantile
cantilo company of this city hai
| changed managers. Valentino Schmidt
nwho has been In charge temporarily
for the last six months , resigned Sat
unlay evening and Dell Sterner , whe
has been employed In the store as i
clerk , takes his place as temporar ;
1 manager.
- ! Woman Falls to Appear ,
Madison Neb. , Aug. 9 Special t (
n The News Charles Cozad of Waym
appeared In court for prollmlnar ;
, hearing , but the complaining witness
a daughter of a Mrs. Phillips of Nor
folk , falling to appear , Cozad was re
leased from custody.
Nlobrara Dairying ,
Nlobrara , Neb. , Aug. 9. Special to
The News : \ \ M. Woods who con
ducts the * preiduco station offered sub
stantial prlcH to two farmers bring
ing the highest percentage of butter
fat to his station for ten days. Kay-
nieind teiNvnshlp fanners won eiut.
Christopher Johnson claimed 100
pounds of granulated eugur with 3K8.2
pounds of butterfat ; and Charles Ilart-
lett a sack of high grade flour with
375.0 pounds of butter fat. Other geieiel
irlzes are eiffered te ) a greater number
if conteHtantH In the future.
Notice of Hearlno.
To Mrs. L. E. May hew , first and real
mine unknown , Belinda Holt/man ,
.auru Hcltznmn. llnttle Helt/man. ami
IVarren Helt/.man and Clarence Hetty.-
nan. minors/ and all other petrsons In-
crested In the estate' eif Samuel F.
leltzman , deceased.
You are hereby neitllled that em fhe
10th day of August , 1910. Itollndii
leltzman. administratrix of the estate ;
if Samuel F. I leltzman. deceased , filed
ler petition In the ellstrlct e-ourt of
Madison county , Nebraska , the eibjeu-t
ind prayer eif which are tei obtain a
lee-re-e' authorizing and directing Be > -
inela llelt/.inaii , administratrix of salel
estate , to execute and eh'llver to Mrs.
L. U. Mayhew ti deed containing full
L-ovcnnntH of warranty to the follow
ing described real estate , lot seven
(7) ( ) , Durland's Suburban Lots to Nor
folk , Madison county , Nebraska , In
purmmncc tei the1 terms of a eortnln
written contract between said Samuel
V. llelt/inan and Mrs. L. 10. Mayhenv.
Said petition will be heard at thes
court house In the city of Madison , In
said county , on the 1st elay of October ,
1910 , at the hour of a. in.
It Is further ordered that notice of
the pendency ot this petition and of
the time and place fixed for the hear
ing thereon be given by publication
for six successive weeks in the Nor
folk Weekly News , a newspaper pub
lished In said county and state.
Dated this llth elay eif August , 1910.
Alison A. Welch ,
District Judge.
FInht Ends In Death.
Pierce , Neb. , Aug. 10. Special to
The News : Harry Ropp , a tough
hanger-on of the Yankee Robinson cir
cus , died in jail here yesterday after
noon from the effects of a beating ad
ministered to him on the circus
grounds here Monday evening by Ross
Ascroft , a showman , with a tent stake.
Ropp was very drunk at the time ,
suffering from delirium trcmens , and
was making trouble around the circim
grounds. For fifteen minutes he fought
Ascroft like a madman and during this
battle Ascroft delivered blows upon
the temple , the head and In the face ,
* nd in fact all over the body. Soon
after his beating , Ropp was taken to
jail , where he lapsed into unconscious
ness , never regaining his senses up to
the hour when he died yesterday af
When it became known yesterday
that Ropp could not live , .Sheriff Goff
and Deputy Martin Owen went to West
Point , where Ascroft was arrested and
brought back to Pierce this morning.
The coroner's inquest was scheduled
for tills morning and it was thought
that the verdict would free Ascroft on
the grounds of self defense.
Ropp was making trouble around the
circus grounds all day Monday. Show
people were afraid of him. A side
show ticket seller was the victim of
Ropp's abusive tongue and finally he
seized a pickaxe with which to drive
the drunken man away , asking if there
was nobody around the circus who
could take care of the man.
Ropp Fought Like Mad.
Ascroft spoke up. "I'll take care of
him. " he said. He picked up a stake
with which to subdue Ropp and Ropp
became aggressive , fighting Ascroft
like a demon. For fifteen minutes As
croft drove the fellow bark with the
stake , pounding him with terrific
blows , and then he stopped. Another
showman said he could take care of
Ropp but didn't want to get his clothes
bloody. Finally he took off his outer
garments and , slipping up behind the
drunken fiend , grappled with him and ,
after a hard struggle , threw him to
the ground ,
Ropp's legs and arms were ropeel
and he was taken to jail. Shortly af
terward he became unconscious anel
yesterday he died.
The circus had left money here with
' which to take care of Ropp. Frank
- I MeCard , a show detective , returned to
Pierce with Ascroft and the sheriff
this morning. Attorney O. S. Stlllman
of Pierce was retained to defend As-
. croft.
He Insulted Women.
All elay Monday Ropp walked arounel
' pointing out "things" in the air to
people. He was In the habit of insult
ing women , insulting a number of
Pierce women in a vile manner. Show
men all feared him.
On the dead man was found n card
which said : "In case of accident , no
tify F. O. Harris , 2527 West Washing
ton street , Indianapolis , Ind. , or F. O.
Ropp. Olenwood , Miss. My name is
Harry Ropp. Ex-soldier , enlisted for
three years In 1905 at Fort Meaele , S.
D. "
Ropp was 20 years of age. Ascroft
Is 40.
Antelope County Teachers.
Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 10. Special to
The News : The Antelope county
teachers' insJtuto opened in this city
yesterday morning in the high school
building , and will continue the remain
der of the week.
Ninety-eight teachers were enrolled
the first day. County Superintendent
Ward states that thi attendance will
be about the same as previous years
115 , Instead of having lectures dur
ing Institute week as has been the cus
tom , all teachers are attending the