The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 12, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Tfie CWB , Kntabllnht-d 1881.
Tne Journal. Kgtnbllghcd 1877.
W. N. fiuRi- , N. A. Huse ,
1'rcHldGiit. Secretary.
Every Friday. By mall per year. $1.60.
Entered at the postoinco at Norfolk ,
Neb. , an nocond class innttcr.
TelephonesEditorial : Department
No. 22. UuBlncBR Otllcc and Job Koomu
No. H 22.
Want to Bfll that furniture ? Want-
advertise !
A Brooklyn department Btorc has
2r > 0,000 cntnlpn trocs which they wish
to give to the children of the public
BchoolB of the city. AH the cntnlpn
IB n rapid growing , hnrdy , handsome
tree , they will be n constant delight
to the children who tend them , find
add greatly to the beauty of the city
after the lapse of a few years. It wits
n beautiful gift , and one sure to do
teed ; In several ways.
There Is no occasion for the country
to settle Into a state of chronic pes-
Himlsm. There has been crop damage ,
but thcro always Is crop damage.
Nowhere Is It so bad as the possl
inlstH have painted It. Business is
keeping up to a fair standard. The
country will harvest an average crop
mid every legitimate enterprise will
continue to prosper. Cheer up ! Look
for the best Instead of the worst.
Should Mr. Plnchot follow Mr
Hughes as governor of New York , he
would pursue the same policies innug
united by Governor Hughes and cii' '
dcavor to live up to the same hlgb
Ideals. Whether Mr. Plnchot would
prove himself possessed of the execu
tive ability shown by Governor Hughe *
only time can toll. Many believe hhr
to be of the right sort of tltnbei
which the nation should conserve.
Health experts admonish us to es
cape the worst terrors of summei
beat by reducing our food allowance
cutting out strong drink , letting heavj
greasy food alone , consuming quantl
ties of pure water Internally and ex
ternally and living chiefly on vege
tables , fruits , cereals and milk.
The death of John G. Carlisle whicl
has received Small notice only showi
how quickly men drop out of the pee
pie's eye. Carlisle was secretary o
the treasury under Grover Clevelnm
and a quarter of a century ago wui
one of the most prominent public mei
whose ability as a statesman was gen
erally recognized.
Mrs. John D. Heavls of Pasadena
Calif. , has achieved the distinction o
driving her own motor car 10,50i
mi's ! riiicol as July , miiKinq ner invi
repairs and replacing her own tire
without any assistance. Mrs. Reavl
eays there is no reason why any we
man of ordinary strength should no
drive her own aulo anywhere , am
she seems to have proven her statt
During the weeks that have elapse
since the close of congress , Preslden
Taft has exercised the right confei
red upon hiu by that body by witl
drawing millions of acres of publl
lands from entry , sale , or settlemen
pending the enactment of new legis
latlon. The conservation of our nai
ural resources has been put on a muc
tinner legal basis by the Taft admir
The large n"ij.ortou ! of boat pros
trations follow the mid-day luncl
This meal , eaten In the hottest pai
of the day , Is likely to be hastily ea
en , without rest mental or physlca
and many times of poorly chosen fee
is likely to prove disastrous. Tim
is gained In the end by walking t
lunch at a moderate pace , eating slov
ly , lightly and taking time to retur
to work without rushing.
Mason City , In. , reports thus fti
forty-eight cases of infantile paralysl
six of which have proven fatal. C
the balance about a third have reco'
ered , a third partially so and a thlr
crippled for life. The doctors are a
unanimous in the statement that th
disease , \\nlch Is infectious and prol
ably contagious , should be quarai
tined , and houses funilfuteu nfter tli
it'covery or death of tlie strlckei
and ro public fumrrtiallowed. .
It has become a popular theory tlu
n person should eat little food in he
weather and that of a very light ni
ture , a little ready-cooked breakfai
food and fresh fruit being nil that !
necessary. This may do for the pe
son who does not have to work , hi
for the hard working man or womn
substantial food in sulliclcnt qunntit
Is Just as necessary in hot weather r
in cold.
The "Dutch clock" is not n Dutc
clock , at all , hut is manufactured I
the village of Freyburg , German ;
India Ink does not come fro'r. Indl
any more than India rubber does. Tl
former comes from China and the la
ter largely from Africa. Camch ha
brushes nro not made from camel
hair , but from the tails of Russia
squirrels. Hut what Is In n nnm
iiftd nil , sj . - > rg as we get what v
are nfter
The Carnegie hero fund has bee
laughed at and ridiculed and EOII
have doubted If medals were reall
given , or If Mr. Carnegie merely sub
scribed $10 toward the purchase of
one when someone should bo found
to give $20. AB n matter of fact the
commission has really given to worthy
people $2iO.OOO ( in the six years It
has been in operation. This sum has
been divided between 33C people , each
of whom have also received medals.
Governor Charles E. Hughes nays :
" 1 notice that most successful men
are those whoso minds nro nlwnys
cool ; who , no matter how swift the
movements of their bodies , are able to
deliberate coolly and to produce calm ,
sober Judgment even under disturb
ing circumstances. It Is not the man
/ho reaches the corner first who -vlns.
ut the man who knows exactly what
e Is going to do when ho reaches
ho corner. " Governor Hugheb Is one
f the men who knows what he will
o when he gets to the corner.
Mr. Edison estimates that his Inven-
Ion of the Incandescent light has nl-
eady brought him about $3,000,000 ,
ind that it has created at least $300-
00,000 of new capital , while It gives
support to about one million people ,
t must give a man a satisfied feeling
o have achieved a success that lion-
stly enriched himself , blessed the
vorld and gave business aiid employ-
nent to n million people ; . And this
s only one of many such achieve-
nents to Mr. Edison's credit.
Secretary Wickersham in an ad
dress before the Harvard law school
some weeks ago presented for their
: onsiderntlon a new "paramount" per-
1. The danger which most seriously
confronts the American people , to his
notion , is not the use of money to
lofeat the ends of Justice or in po-
Itlcal corruption , or In the waste of
national resources or in socialism or
race suicide , but in contentment with
mediocrity. Prom this dread calamity
Secretary Wickersham feels that the
egal fraternity , alone , cane save us.
But some of us have even met medi
ocre lawyers.
Congress has a few Solomons in
among its members , yet as Is very
clearly shown by the way they have
managed the two contestants for the
Panama exposition New Orleans and
San Francisco. Both cities petitioned
congress for authorization to begin
preparations for the exposition and
more important still , for an nppioprin-
tlon of generous size. Solomon , like
congress , has decided against neither
city , but authorized the president tc
Invite foreign nations to na-ticlpate In
the exposition In the two cities named
whenever each shall have raised the
$7,500.000 for its show.This'leaves
the contestants to fight It out between
themselves. Wise work that !
It has often been said in later years
that New England was losing hoi
prestige as the manufacturing centei
of the United States , that she nc long
er had a monopoly of the cotton 01
woolen manufacture and heiue musi
be declining in prosperity. Hut this
does not follow. The country has
grown so rapidly thnt It is no l ngei
possible for New England to hold the
monopoly , but while her industralisn
has decreased , relatively it has In
creased in actual amount and value
of manufactured products. So tha' '
New England today , though no longei
sole manufacturer for the Unitei
States is , nevertheless , a greater , rich
er , more populous New England thai
ever before.
The great work which Jane Addami
has done through the Hull house set
tlement In bringing together upoi
some common ground the people o
wealth and culture and the poor am
Ignorant who need help , has glvei
her the title of "the Lady of the Melt
tag Pot. " "In the final estimate , '
writes Graham Taylor In the Revlev
of Reviews , "what she has done to re
attach to their rightful part and lo
In the life of the community , the class
es Isolated by the conditions of the !
labor or their poverty , may not prov <
to be of greater service than wha
she has done to help the flnnaciall ;
and socially resourceful classes out o
their detached class life into the strut ;
gle to make good their claim to i
name and place among all their fel
low men. "
Among the liberal votes of Nebras
ka are a good many of the more cor
sorvntive who are going to vet
against Dahlman , because they bellev
that If he were to be made governo
his administration would permit sue'
a wide open state of affairs that re
action would set in and close the stat
up tight. A number of conservatlv
liquor dealers are against Dahlman 01
this account.
Justice Moody's retirement from th
supreme bench gives President Taf
the opportunity to nominate a chle
Justice and an associate Justice am
practically reorganize the court. Th
intimation is made that a brief oxtn
session of congress will ho called t
confirm the president' nominees , B <
that the court in full attendance ma ;
take up the Standard OH and tobac
co trust cases. To wait for the regi ;
lar session would set back the work o
the court two months or more.
The stntuo of General Leo is to oc
cupy one of Virginn's niches in th
Statuary hall. Since it IB the right of
each state to select the son whom she
dcsltes to honor , It Is very fruitless
and unwise for anyone to raise from
the dust the spirit of the civil war
ilttcrness over this matter. General
_ ee was a brave man and a good seller -
ler , and his statue will not disgrace
Statuary hall ( jven In the confederate
nlform , because all recognize , south
s well as north , thnt he fought on
ho wrong side.
Canada's action in demanding that
ach person enterting her domain
with the intention of becoming n cltl-
en shall bring a certain amount of
noney , is quite severely criticised , but
here are plenty of arguments in fav-
r of such n course. America needs
o make more careful requirements of
he immigrants who come to our
bores. One great need Is a system
jf distribution wr.lch chnll prevent
he massing of foreigners In the great
titles , where they have no opportunity
or becoming honest , swii'Siw-r"
Seems as if It was scarcely civil
lot to have allowed Robert E. Lee to
inve appeared in civilian dress in
hat statue In the hall of fame. Lee ,
he American gentleman , and the
brave military genius fighting for his
convictions , a united country admires
ind reveres. It seems one of those
wholly unnecessary attempts to set
jack the clock of time , however , on
he part of Virginia , to insist that he
should appear In full confederate uni-
'orm. Why glorify a cause that even
ts defenders rejoice because It was
est ?
There is a vast amount of misun
derstanding at the present time among
the republican leaders due much more
argely to the manner and personal at-
.itude of one toward another , rather
than to the facts In the case. The
Iowa progressives for instance , under
lie direction of Senators Cumtnins
and Dolllver claim that to them is due
the advanced legislation enacted by
congress. Nevertheless , it is a mat
ter of record that the tariff commis
sion , the new railroad bill and postal
savings banks were promoted and
urged by President Taft , whom the
Iowa republicans scarcely recognized.
Somebody lied.
As the case now stands , it looks
very conclusively as if Vive President
Sherman had been done a wrong , for
the sake of dirty politics , and that
either Hamon or Gore had lied about
Senator Curtlss' statement that he
and the vice president held a confer
ence with President Taft over the
Oklahoma Indian lands In which the
president determined not to approve
the land deal which would give two
attorneys $3,000,000 in fees , is of it
self enough to clear the record so
far as Mr. Sherman is concerned. If
he were "Interested" In the deal , it is
not likely that he would be advis
ing the president to disapprove the
Either Hamon lied to Gore in or
der to influence Gore's vote , or Gore
has lied to the investigating commit
Sherman's record in the matter ap
parently needs no white washing.
Swat the flies.
The paving bids are up to bat.
And likewise mow the weeds.
Only four more weeks before school
And primary election day is less
than a week away.
Ever notice how shabby a few
weeds can make a town look ?
Now that cooler weather has come
you won't have to change your shir !
quite so often.
The rain is welcome , all right , bin
of course it had to rain on wash day
Ask any woman.
If you had 75 cents to spend , whlcl
would you rather do with it , buy thre
watermelons or one golf ball ?
A Chicago man was shot on Sixty
first street by a robber. That's
dangerous spot to be wounded in.
Is there anything on earth thai
looks more desolate than a race tracl
after the races are over nnd the
norses gone ?
Collier's Weekly seems to be nboul
the only publicntlon In Nebrnskn thai
treats Whedon's senatorial candldncj
In n serious vein.
Horse rustlers used to he the para
mount issue up in northern Nebraskr
and southern South Dakota. Now iff
the rustle of the corn.
Better got all the wear you can ou' '
of that straw hat from now on , Olt
Scout. You've only another month tc
cap your lid with It.
No wonder wo had great weathei
for the races , with Pete Barrett at
secretary. Anybody oven the weath
er man would do anything for Pete
A few more mornings like Sunday a
in. before daylight , nnfl tno weathei
man will have everybody runnlni
down collar to shako the furnace fire
But perieh the thought.
Politics is merely quarreling over
If people hate you , there's usually
a reason.
The average amateur actually be
lieves he Is making history.
Some men are born lucky : A CoolIdge -
Idge undertaker has no sense of smell.
If you are told you iire n good talker
bo careful. You arc liable to talk too
We've never had nn ambition to
play In ' " amateur baseball team ,
With ml duo respect to the old ( lag ,
the people under It are robbed n good
deal In Its name.
Our Idea of nothing to rend Is base
ball news de-natured for use In maga
Why this delay In publishing "The
Life and Uattles of John Arthur-John
son , Esq ? "
When a man brags about how "well
rals-ed" he was , that is an indication
that he wasn't.
Some women think they are hap
pily married if their husbands are
afraid of them.
We have noticed that when weeds
grow rapidly , com also does well ,
when taken care of.
Our idea of a smnit man is one who
begins to take care of his health be
fore he is scared into it.
It Is the nature of most men to be
opposed to kings , unless they are the
king , or are holding kings.
A crowd of people can find amuse
ment in looking at each other , and
making remarks.
"If I have anything on my mind I
talk about it until everybody tires of
it. " Parson Twine.
If you want to put your sympathy
where it will be appreciated , offer it
to the manager of a losing baseball
Perhaps that style of wearing
dresses that fasten up the back isn't
new. They always did make shrouds
that way.
A woman believes that she hasn't
treated her friends right unless she
has written to all of them all about
her new baby.
When a woman has to chop the
wood , she doesn't mind the physical
effort so much as she minds the hurt
of her feelings.
If you have sense enough to realize
why flies gather around a restaurant
you should be able to appreciate wh >
men run for ofllce.
The arguments of the office-seekers
are beginning to sound as a patenl
medicine advertisement reads neai
the close of a year's contract.
A man with a toothache never suf
fers as much as he claims , and con
never suffers as much in hot weathei
as is generally said by farmers.
Advertising Is not allowed or
United States flags. Now let ndver
Using be ordered off circus elephants
when they are parading the streets.
About all we can say for the coun
try town band man's playing Is tha
he usually does It bettor than h <
wears his uniform.
There is much discussion and doub
about nearly everything , but you cai
depend on this : You can't get mucl
of a diamond ring for $10.
Goodness knows Ed Bilimek hasn'
a very good figure , but his wife , <
truly loves him , probably believes hi
Is a perfect Apollo.
The horns which were formerl ;
blown at Atchlson celebrations , great
ly to the disgust of people , have beei
sent to Washington , and added to Joi
While the defendant in a breach o
promise suit may object to paying tin
amount demanded , theio Is little ques
tlon that he always thinks ho is wortl
Boys , gather around your mother
while they read this Important iten
In the paper : "A boy was drownei
'yesterday afternoon while swimmini
In the river. "
The man who cures himself of n bai
habit Is also stubborn in other pai
ticulars ; he spends a good deal of tlm
Insisting that anyone else should b
able to do as well.
If a work apron and a cookbook ar <
on the top layer of a visitor's trunk
It never enters the head of any mcr
her of the family to wonder how Ion
she intends to stay.
A late reform mov > "ion' Is to prt
vent unsuitable marriages. How ca :
they be helped , when thoio are enl ;
three or four really good "catches" li
the average community ?
We have lately been trying to locat
the smallest woman In this viclnltj
About all wo have discovered Is tha
nearly all the small women welgl
about ninety-seven.
When you go up to * man you foi
merly knew , nnd ask him"Do yoi
know me ? " and ho says "Yes. " Don'
try and catch him in a lie by nsklni
him : "What's my name ? "
Nothing discourages us more thnn
to come down town In the morning
after a good shower , and hear n farm
er say , the first thing : "We didn't
get enough to lay the dust in our sec
tion. "
Oklahoma Is having a big fuss as
to changing the capital city. As thnt
state changes its laws about as often
as the fashion plates shlfl , It is natural
inat the capital s'M-i'd ' go on Its o\\n
At the circus Saturday night , two
women sat In front of us , and gos
siped about everyone who came In.
There must have been 5,000 people
pret-ent , but they knew a "story" on
The general disposition of late
seems to be to place a portion of the
burden of blame on the automobile ;
whisky and cigarettes were probably
tired of carrying it all anyhow.
"When I feel tough , It seems to me
I can feel tougher than any other
man ever felt before. But when 1
feel good , I don't seem to feel par
ticularly good. " Parson Twine.
A woman said to a man : "Call mo
May ; don't be so formal. " "No. " the
man replied. "I've been- fooled that
way before. I'll fcl no closer to you
than I am. "
"Tell ne- candidly , " said n voter tea
a candidate today ; "do you wain of
fice in older that you may do good
| or do you want office because you nre
mercenary ? "
When a man comes to Atchison
from Chicago , and opens a stor < j
smaller than those we have , people
nt once have a suspicion that he Is no
Marshall Field.
The real martyr In a country town
Is the man who puts on his winter uni
form these hot nights , nnd goes to a
hot hall to perfect his evolutions as
a member of the uniform rank of his
We are never quite so tired hearing
of anything as we are of Lysander
John Appleton's "future. " . Ever since
we have lived In Atchison , it has been
said John has "a future. " As he is
45 years old , he'd better be getting it ,
if he ever hopes to.
We don't like the word "Prole-
tarlt. " A reporter used it in the
Globe Saturday , and the next time he
does it , he is going to get Into trouble
with the management. The manage
ment doesn't know what the word
means , and doesn't like the looks of
it , anyway.
You are always hearing of the im
portance of chewing your food more.
But don't let the chewing agitation
cause you to forget the importance of
keeping your mouth shut. Everybody
respects a man who keeps his mouth
shut ; people are afraid of a silent
A bold woman may annoy a man
for a time , but finally she gets the
worst of it. Miss Mae Wood ( we
never did like that way of spelling
May ) made Senator Tom Platt some
trouble , but his memoirs are appear-
ings in the magazines now , and where
is Mae Wood ?
"He should be drummed out of the
country , " said a man today , speaking
of an enemy. But you can't do that.
People are always saying that such
and such a person should be drummed
out of the country , but suppose it
should be actually attempted ; what a
lot of excitement it would create !
Children often complain because
they are compelled to obey so many
rules. There are not half as many
rules for children as there are for
adults. And the punishment for violation
lation is not so severe ; what is a lit
tle whipping to a child compared with
the way in which adults are punish
ed !
When a man throws an almanac In
the yard , the children should destroy
it. If it falls into the hands of their
mother , she will find in it a lot of ad
vice about giving children sulphur and
molasses , or other nasty stuff. Moth
ers take spells of dosing the children
with nasty medicine that does them
no good.
Mrs. John J. Ingalls says her hus
band never "fussed" except about one
thing , that the sleeves of his shirts
were always too long. Ever know a
man who didn't make the same com
plaint ? Why don't shirt manufac
turers save material by making the
sleeves of men's shirts of the proper
length ?
"How I love procrastination ! For
twenty-five years I have been wearIng -
Ing shirts the sleeves of which are
too long , and rub my wrists , and an
noy me. To have them fixed would
require not to exceed twenty minutes ;
I have Intended having it done every
day for a quarter of a century , but
put It off until tomorrow. " Parson
"A Card : I desire in this public
manner to express my appreciation of
the kindness of my enemy. George
R. Holllngsworth. Mr. Hollingsworth
has hated mo twenty-five years , and I
appreciate the gentlemanly manner in
which ho has done It ; no man In town
has treated mo better , since ho lets
me alone. And I wish to add that I
have treated Mr. Holllngsworth , my
enemy. In an equally courteous manner -
nor 1 hope that our relations , so sat
isfactory to me , and no doubt to Mr
Holllngsworth will continue. " Parson
After Road Is Completed It Should De
Rolled Thoroughly With a Roller
Weighing Not Less Than Three Nor
More Than Five Tons.
Hniidwn.vH of brick , if properly con.
Htrii' ' led , will prove to be ns lusting n
Highways built of any other material.
A coed method for towns contemplnt-
Ing the construction of brick roads to
follow IN one used by road experts
during a rcvciit experimentation , which
is as follows :
All brick should be strictly pavers of
tlu * size commercially known as block ,
the widths of which should not vary
more than one-eighth of an Inch. They
I From Good Heads Magazine , New YorlcJ
should be thoroughly annealed , tough
and durable , regular in size , shape and
evenly burned.
Wbeu broken the block should show
a dense stouellke body , uniform in
color inside , free from lumps of uu-
crushed clay. lime , nlr pockets , cracks
or marked laminations ; kiln marks or
surface cracks must not exceed thrce-
bixteeuths of nn inch In depth.
All blocks so distorted in burning ns
to lay unevenly In the pavement should
be rejected.
All blocks should be tested for abra
sion and absorption , the limits of loss
by abrasion test and amount of nb-
'sorption ' to be determined by the en
gineer In charge of the work.
The filler should be composed of one
part each of clean sharp sand and
poitlnnd cement. The sand should be
dry. The mixture , not exceeding one-
third bushel of the sand , together with
a like amount of cement , should be
placed In the box nnd mixed dry until
the muss assumes an even and unbro
ken shade. Then water should be add
ed , forming a liquid mixture of n con
sistency of thin cream.
The side * nnd edges of the brick
should be thoroughly wet before the
filler Is applied by being gently sprin
The mixture must be removed from
the box to the street urfiico with n
suiop shovel , all the while beinu stirred
In the box ns the same N being thus
emptied. The bofor this purpose
Bhi ll be 4 feet S Inches long. 3d Inches
wide and H Indies deep , resting on
legs of different lengths. BO that the
mixtures will readily flow to the corner
of the box. the bottom of which should
be six Inches iibove the pavement. Tills
mixture from the moment It touches
The brick should be thoroughly swept
Into the Joints.
Two such boxes should be provided
In rife the street Is twenty feet or less
In width : exceeding twenty feet In
width , three boxes should be used.
The work of Illllni : should thus be
carried forward In line until an ad-
vnnce of fifteen to twenty yards has
I n laid , when the same force and
appliances shall be turned back nnd
cover the same space In like manner ,
evrept lo nuike the proportion two-
thirds portland cement and ono-thlrd
To avoid the possibility of thicken
ing at any point there should be n man
with a sprinkling can. the head per
forated witli small holes , sprinkling
pently the surface ahead of the sweep-
Within one-half to three-quarters of
an hour after this last coat Is npplled
nnd the grout between the joints has
fully subsided and the initial set is tak-
IIIK place the whole surface must be
shululv sprinkled and all surplus mix
ture left on the tops of the brick swept
linn tinJol. . j. bringing them up flush
and full.
After the joints are thus filled ( lush
wltn the top of the brick and sufficient
time for hardening tins elapsed , so thnt
the coating of sand will not absorb
nn.v moisture from the cement mix
ture , oiic-lmlf Inch of snud shall be
spread over the whole surface , and In
case the work Is subjected to a hot
summer sun an occasional sprinkling ,
sufficient to dampen the sand , should
be followed for two or thice days.
After brick In pavements are Inspect
ed nnd the surface Is swept clean the
pavement shall then be rolled with
n roller weighing not less thnn three
nor more than live tons.
Now Watch tha Cubs.
Now that the Indications are that
Roulbneh and Overall nre nil right
ncaln the Chicago Nationals look all
the more formidable.
There nro n thousand persons in tbe
world who can hurt you to one thnt
cnn help you.
Postal Department Has Decome Strong
Agency of Highway Improvement ,
The marvelous development of tlm
niral mall service shows how greatly
the people prize thin dally blessing and
indicates that they would bo oxtretuo-
ly reluctant to give It up or he de
prived of It for liny cause. This being
RO. the postal department has In lt
power to become a stronger agency
for highway Improvement.
There are certainly few communities
that would give up their mull sorvlco
rather than Improve their roads , and
if the department Bhould sw lit to put
It up to the people whore the rands
nre bad. give them the * choice of mik
ing better roads or doing without mall ,
It seeuiH that they would. In common
parlance , "get busy. " The department
has sent out n number of bulletins
containing a warning , and these nro
en id to have been partially effective.
Part of the last bulletin Issued to post
masters contained this :
"You an- directed to Inform yourself
with reference lo the condition of
roads and bridges ou ( lie rural routes
out of your ofllce , and If you ( Ind thnt
they require Improvements you should
present the matter In the strongest and
most positive way to the patrons and
road officials , informing them Unit im
provements must be made as soon as
practicable. If. after n reasonable
time has elapsed , the Improvement : ;
have not been made or started , you
will report the fact to this ofllce In or
der thnt action may be taken looking
to the discontinuance of the service.
"The department Is not Immediately
concerned In elaborate rend Improve
ments , but In the Interest of the best
service to the largest number of pn-
irons It must Insist upon roads being
kept In good repair , the lack of which
Is usually due to Improper drnlnntco
nnd unsuitable grading iind surface
work , which cnn be enslly nnd cheaply
accomplished by timely work and the
regular use of the split log drag or
similar device. "
Colleges In Three States Establish
Chairs of Good Roads.
The board of directors of the Texas
Agricultural and Mechanical college
bus decided to establish a chair of good
rend s. The stale of Washington and
the state of Virginia have done the
same. The Little Rock ( Ark. ) Gazette ,
nothing this , hopes thnt the next Ar
kansas legislature will do the snmo
"If we hnd nil over this state men
who have been taught to build roads
we should soon have better roads , " it
says. "Some of the graduates In rend
building would devote themselves to \
the engineering profession of hlghwny
construction nnd maintenance.
"Others. In various lines of business
nnd especlnlly in fnrmliiK. would be
useful to their communities In the mat
ter of highways. How fortunate , for
Instance , would n township be to have
for rend overseer n graduate In road
building ! "
Interesting to Rondmakers.
The number of automobiles now
owned In the United States Is esti
mated at LTiO.OOO. and the number Is
rapidly IncreaHthg.
France Is wild to have the most BU-
perb system of highways In the world.
It Is said that her good roads have
cost her $ ( i2.ri.000.000
Scientific road builders nre concen
trating attention on securing a road
surface that will withstand the tre
mendous wear and tear of automobiles.
Nothing damages nn Improved rend
ns much as a heavy machine driven at
a high rnte of speed. Little or no
dnmnge Is Inflicted by automobiles
moving nt nn.v rate up to twenty miles
an hour. Beyond tbnt the damage is
plainly seen.
It Is claimed that nine-tenths of the
dust produced by man comes from his
streets and highways. The roads ,
therefore , hnve been dubbed the "nn-
tionnl dust fnctory. " The dustlcss
rend is an Ideal of builders. Dust not
only means thnt the improved road is
wearing nwny. but It is highly Injuri
ous to public health , to stock and to
crops along the way.
Bill Nye's Good Roads Sermon.
"Our wagon roads throughout the
country. " said Bill Nye. "are n dis
grace to civilization , and before wo
undertake to supply underwear nnd
eenlskln covered Bibles with flexible
backs to the Africans It might be well
to put n few dollars into the relief of
called nnd broken down horses that
have lost their health on our miserable
highways. " Extract From "State's
Duty. "
What It Means to Farmers.
It is essential thnt farmers know
how and what crops to produce most
profitably , but what Is the use of
knowing that unless the farmer has n
rend over which he can haul his har
vest ? Why save money by practicing
farming methods and lose money in
hauling produce to market ?
To Make Roads For Autos.
Plnns for the laying out of county
rends near Jacksonville , Fin. , so thnt
the center could be used for teams nnd
each side for automobiles have been
submitted to the hoard. The purpose
of the plans Is to reduce the possibility
of collisions between nutos nnd wag
Use the Split Log Drag.
Where people cannot build n perma
nent rend they cnn nt Icnst grade and
crown the dirt road , using n split log \ \
drng , nnd , while the Immediate cost Is
more. It will pay them to build con
crete bridges on such rends rather
( linn wooden bridges.
Horse Racing In Mexico ,
Thcro will be 100 days of rnclnjj nt
Junrcz , Mexico , next winter , beginning
Nov. 25. The purses will aggregate