The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 12, 1910, Image 3
TIIK XOHKOI.K WKKKI/V XKWS.JorKXAL. FRIDAY. Al'WST 12 , 1910. PASTOR ORDERED OFF STUMP. Methodists Angry .it Speeches Against County Option. Oinro , WH. | , AUK. 8. At n mooting of the olllelal hoard of the Mothcdlbt Episcopal church of thin vlllin > a rom > - httlon wan passed calling upon thu lluv. Daniel Woodward , tlio pastor , to return to his charge lit once and COUBO campaigning In bo.half of Frnn els 10 , MeClovorn , anti-county option candidate for thu republican noinlna tlon for governor. Mr. Woodward , In IIB ! campaigning speeches , declares that ho believes that the IHHUO of roproHuntnllvo gov' orninont , for which McOovorn stands on a La Koltetto-ropubllean platform IH inoro Important than MeGovern'p antagonism to county option. The church , however , believes that the campaign Is In effect one for the 1I < 1 qiir Interests and thinks the clergy man Is weakening his inlluenco In the church by IIH ! political labors. The church Rave Mr. Woodward per mission to go on the stump for sb days of the week , HO long as ho vrtif borne to preach on Sundays. The Woodward factions claims that tin opposition to Woodward's campaign Ing has boon stirred up by one of tin other aspirants for the governorship who favors county option and whc also claims to be n La Follotto ropub llcan. The outcome may he that the Omrc preacher will bo tried by the church Ills presiding elder , the Hev. S. II Anderson of Oshkosh , Is greatly ngi tated at the manner In which his su bordlnato Is speaking for McOovorn and It was at his Instance that tin church meeting was called at Omro. Mr. Woodward has been popular a Omro , but the episode may cost bin his pastorate hero. The greatest objection to his speak Ing for McGovern Is that signs ad vortlslng his speeches as these of ! Methodist preacher who opposes tin county option bavo been dlsplayet prominently In saloons In every placi whore he has spoken. Mrs. Woodward today declared slu was certain her husband would slant by his political campaign , regnrdles of the action of the church authorl ties. Mr. Woodward himself Is In i distant part of the state , beyond tele phone or telegraph connections. BECAUSE MEN ARE STUPID. That Is Why Married Women Fllrl Says Miss Norrls. Now York , Aug. 8. Prof. Wllllan .7. S. Hall , who defined the six form of love the other day , also said tha It was natural for girls to lllrt. Ho Anderson Norrls , poetess and edlto of the East Side Magazine , tells whj It simply is because men are so ver ; stupid. "A married woman or an unmarrle- woman needs association with me : of brilliant minds , " 'Miss Norrls salt "The American woman Is denied thl because , as a rule , she is the montn superior of her husband , who is he only associate. " Which , by the way , is about as bar a tap , gently administered , as th mere men have had for some time. "That being true , " Miss Norris sale "is it surprising that a married w < man should lllrt just a little In th effort to lind a mental alllnity ? Nc at all. " Furthermore. a good busbar , shouldn't object to that kind of llir Ing , and , Miss Norrls says , or int mates , no woman , married or unina rled , need have any prudish scruple about that kind of lllrtlng. She admit she likes It herself. . "When men no longer flirt wit me , " she says , "I shall be ready t cross the great divide , because I sha feel that I am no longer charmlni Women , married and unmarried , Ilk flirting , not , of course , the edged to ( kind of. flirting , but the kind wblc the professor means and classes wit outdoor sports. "The married man has all the worl of femininity at bis command In tli matter of flirting , but bis wife has i most only some stupid male friend li brings homo now and then to fllnne If ho brought home more friends , an Interesting ones , there might not I so many divorces. And yet , agali there might be more. " Fop Each Tree , $2 a Year. Now York , Aug. 8. According to census just completed by the depai mont of parks there are 11,233 trees c the Island of Manhattan outside i those In the different parks. It cos the city about $2 yearly to care fi eac.h tree , the allowance for this pu pose being at present $25,000 a year. HOWEY IS ACCUSED. Man Said to Have Lived In Norfol Defendant In a Suit. Madison , Neb. , Aug. S. Special The News : Attachment procedlni were Hied Saturday against the sto ( 'of general merchandise owned by Wi lace M. Howoy of Norfolk , by Byrne X. Hammer Dry Goods company , pra Ing for judgment of $1,100.25. It charged that Howoy recently trail forred his stock In vlolaton of the bu sales law which requires certain n tlce to creditors and Is otherwise vol The Information alleges that Walla W. Howoy has absconded with Into to defraud his creditors and Is abe to convert his property Into money f fraudulent purposes. He Is now Vormllllon , S. U. AN EARL FOR MRS. ASTOR7 Rocksavage Was Her Fellow Passe ger From Europe. Now York , Aug. 6. Now York guessing on the ono band whether t Enrl of Rocksnvago has any chance marry Mrs. Ava Willing Astor and the other whether Mrs. Astor's retu from Europe yesterday has anythl to do with the considerable talk 01 reconciliation with Colonel John Jacob Astor. Society also doslroH to know what there Is In the talk about thu beautiful divorcee and Lord Curzon Mrs. Astor'n ' answer was given yes- teiday whi'ii tdio walked down tl ! gang plank from the Oceanic : "I do not Intend to be married tr Lord Curzon or anybody else , " she suld. suld.And And , of course , nobody would ex peel her to tell If she was. She maj have hail her fingers crossed when she said It. The Enrl of llocksavago , who Is said to be Mrs. Aslor's latest conquest , h a noted polo player In England. He came over on.the Oceanic and was noticeably attentive to bis fellow pas nongor , Mrs. Astor. Mrs. Astor would not say where she was going. Her ex-husband Is In Now port. Vincent Astor , who came dowi from Newport on the yacht Noma te meet his mother , said she was goltif ; to the Adlrondacks. Mrs. Astor's effort to swear aft al her duties as a transient non-resldcnl was not successful , although she stated that she did not own a square inch of real estate In the Unlte < States. Her twenty-eight pieces of bag gage wore adjudged to bo the proportj of a resident and n citizen and slu paid about $500 duty on the content ! of thorn. Blue Rock Shoot. West Point , Neb. , Aug. 8. The him rock shoot on the farm of Wllllan Haduecbel was participated In b ; twenty-three marksmen , who broki 124 blue rocks out of a possible 575 For the second time II. H. Denno hi 24 out of 25. He was tied by J. 0 Copplo of Bancroft. The next blgbes score of 22 was made by E. Iladuc bach. City Superintendent of Schools II M. Campbell has tendered bis reslg nation to the school board. Professo Campbell has been elected suporLn tendent of the schools at Columbus. SAVES SEVEN LIVES WITH POLE Resort Proprietor Responsible for Res cue of Chlcagoans from Drowning. St. Joseph , Mich. , Aug. S. Dennl Mlnney , proprietor of the Somolloytoi resort , Is a candidate for a Carnegl hero medal. Mlnney this afternooi was responsible for the saving of th lives of seven Chlcagoans. Two resorters went in bathing In th St. Joseph river , and after having beei In awhile were attacked with crampf They yelled for assistance and a part ; of live put out from shore after then In attempting to pull two Into the boa the craft went over and all seven wer thrown In the water , fighting for the ! lives. Mlnney , hearing their cries , rushc to the water's edge with a long pol and managed to bring all ashore. Dallas Ice House Burns. Dallas , S. D. , Aug. G. Special t j The News : Fire destroyed the bl Ice house of the Dallas Ice compan and barns and storage sheds of Job W. Stevyart about 3 o'clock this mon ing. The loss was covered by Insui ance ; cause unknown. Yankee Robinson's circus was her today. Large crowds came In throug i a line rain that began falling at mil , ' night. The Rosebud country was the : | oughly soaked. Y. M. C. A. Work Starts Soon. Pruden & 13eckenhauer , Norfol contractors , were awarded the coi tract for the construction of the No folk Y. M. C. A. building Saturda morning by the building commlttei who met In the library room at th i Bishop block and opened the tbre 1 bids on file. The price for the coi . I structlon of the three-story structur i was $18,765. T. W. Johnson was nex I bidding $18,950 ; Parker Bros. , of A i blon , bid $10.000. L I A number of the committee met ' . the omce of J. C. Stltt In the Mas block Friday night- but adjourned a tor not being able to get a quorun This was the response to revised bid asked by a quorum. Tbletaoletaol asked by the building commute Work will be commenced Immediate ! Large Crowd at Nlobrara. Niobrara , Neb. , Aug. U. Special 1 The News : Yankee Robinson's cl cus was the attraction that drew ov < 2,000 people to Nlobrara Thursdn from far and near. Teams begn driving at 7 a. m. and by 9 o'clock tl streets were becoming crowded. The parade took place at 12:30 : ; 3 announced and was better than usun r The big show in the main tent , whei performances In two rings wore co tlnuous , with acrobatic , trapeze ar clown performances Intersperse pleased the spectators. The mo agerle was small , but Interesting av the animals well trained1. Money wi spent freely and was Indicative of tl splendid crop prospects for 1910 Knox county. Girl Kills Rattlesnake. Winner , S. D. , Aug. G. Miss Marls Salter , daughter of Fred II. Snlte register of deeds of Tripp county , wi making her way homeward on hors back from a trip to Winner , wh < she encountered a rattlesnake. 1 stead of remaining upon her horse m galloping away from the vicinity the deadly reptile , as most girls won have done , she stopped her horse ai dismounted with the Intention of kl Ing the snake. She made n rait search of the vicinity for a stick or stone to use as n weapon , but con find neither. As a last resort she to her horse's bridle , and with this cru weapon made a vigorous attack on t snake , which she finally succeeded killing. The snnko had ton rnttl and these the girl secured and to with her as a trophy of her ndventu Water Wagon Followed Jim. g Had Mayor James C. Dahlmau a Omaha turned to look back while r IIIK down Norfolk avenue from Fifth at rout to Fourth stool when tl > > band led the way to the speaker's stand , his ) ptlcM would have fallen on the olty'i * , vnter wagon which was emitting vol lines of water over the HUH beaten street. The band led the way , the ] Omaha mayor , \Vlllls E. Rood and tatter Van Pelt seated In the mayor' * lUtomoblle followed , then caui' ! the troot sprinkler. A largo crowd bean ! the mayor speak. He wont to Madl on In the aftornon where he dellv 'red ' an address. Death of Mrs. Frank Berger. Crelghton , Neb. , Aug. G. Special te The News : Mrs. Frank llerger , wife ) f a well known local contractor , died ust night after having been confined o her bed fourteen weeks with rheu natlsm. She leaves three sons and three daughters. She was a sister ol Peter Dow and Henry Dow of this > lnce. The funeral probably will be Monday. Hammond Tells Huge Tales. Omaha Bee : Hess Hammond , col lector of internal revenue , has return ud from a vacation spent In California He put In most of his time fishing am > y postal cards and letters tolling o Ills exploits he has driven Marsha Warner , Judge Munger , George Thum mol and others to the point of rebel lion against things as they are. Or Ills arrival homo Hammond at enc ( set out to solidify his statements ai to catching "fourteen over three fee long" and similar boasts. He hasn' made good to any extent as yet , no body having received any presents o large , gamey fish. Hammond look : well , though. Norfolk Won From Tllden. Tllden fought hard In a battli against the Norfolk aggregation 01 the driving park diamond Friday al ternoon , but the homo run by Lander ; In the seventh inning was a hoodoi and they lost the game to Norfolk b ; a score of G to 3 after one of the fios exciting exhibitions of baseball eve witnessed here. Eight hundred fans evenly divided In sentiment , rootei the players along to a high pitch o nervousness , and popular airs fron the Norfolk band in the grandstam kept them in good spirits. It was anybody's game all the wa ; through until about the sixth inning when Tllden ran In two scores , malt ing it a tie. In the last part of thl : Inning , however , Neno brought bacl the broken spirits of the fans with i two-bagger. Schelly was first man up , and got : base on balls. Then came little Nem with his two-bagger. Schelly cam homo and Znvadll , the star pitcher o the day , who pitched for Humph re ; and signed on the Norfolk team , sac rillced. Ills fly to the left field pu him out. Gllssman made second 01 an error of Warren at first. Bruegge man then struck out and Short ; Kralm's fly to center Held was gobblei up by Redenbaugh. Neno had Ion ; been home and Norfolk had two th better of It. In the first of the seventh Reder baugb was caught out when trying t steal second from first , by a bal from Znvadil to Landers. Carson wen out to Neno and Warren fanned an Tllden was retired without a score. Norfolk went up to bat In the las of the seventh with Landers , wh peeled off a home run. This was th only score in this inning. Sout fanned , Miller was caught out at se < end , and Schelly struck out. Tllden in the first half of the eight got a single with Kingdon , who , In trj Ing to make second was put out b Glissman's good throw. Nelson's fl was dropped Into Miller's basket an Krumm followed suit , throwing hi little pop-up to Neno. Norfolk did not score In the last r the eighth , although Zavadll's thre < bagger helped their batting averag < In the first of the ninth Tllden trie hard for scores , and , although the found the location of Zavadll's curve ; the hits were gobbled up after Rya struck out , by Gllssman and Schelly. The scqre : Tllden AB. R. H. O. A. I Klngdon , p 3 0 2 0 10 Totals 33 3 4 24 18 , Norfolk AB. R. H. O. A. ] Glissman , c ' . 4 1 0 8 S Brueggeman , Ib 4 Krahn , rf 4 0200 Landers , 2b 3 South , 3b 3 0002 Miller , If 4 0 2 1 0 Schelly , cf 3 1 0 3 0 Neno , ss 4 1 1 2 2 Znvndlll , p 4 0 1 0 9 Totals 33 G 9 27 21 Score by Innings : Tllden 001002000- Norfolk 01002210 X- Summary : Two base hits , Ryan , Neno. Thn base hit , Zavadlll. Home run , Lan ers. Bases on balls , off Klngdon , : off Zavadlll , 9. Struck out , by Zav dill , S ; by Klngdon , 8. Left on base Norfolk , G ; Tildon 3. Hit by pltclu Stuart. Time , two hours. Urapli O'Toole. She Thought of Dolly First. Now York , Aug. 8. Edna Fetto. years old , of Brooklyn , thought of b "baby" when she was lifted by ; ambulance surgeon from under t .ruck of a trolley car which had r her down In front of her home It D. night. "Baby go to sleep , " her own ba lips said drowsily to her broken a if torn doll , which was placed besl J. her In the ambulance. Dr. Duff h Just amputated her le'ft arm , while a largo crowd looked on. Attentive to her doll , she was crossing the tracks when the car struck her. She rolled under the fender and was then dragged fifty feet. A Courtship of Thirty Years. New York , Aug. 8. After courting .1 girl for thirty years the wedding of the couple , sot for 4:30 : o'clock yes terday afternoon at Doblm Ferry , on the Hudson , was an hour late , because the bridegroom forgot to get a mar riage license. The bride was Miss Margaret McConnolI , daughter of a former editor of a Hastings nowspn- pen1 , and the bridegroom was Nathan D. Hallctt. a retired druggist , former ly of Dobbs Ferry. lyof Norfolk did Justice To the second day's race meet Thursday afternoon by turning out In full force. At the ticket olllce at the driving park over 1,100 tickets were reported sold and later It was estimated a 1,400- crowd of race fans witnessed the event. Madison was again well represented - sented and so were Nollgb and other surrounding towns. The departure of the band from Norfolk avenue enroute to the track was a signal for the busi ness bouses to close their doors for the day and employers and employes alike soon elbowed each other In the enthusiastic crowd of race fans. Weather conditions were Ideal and a fast track made It possible for some speedy races. Tom Jefferson won the 2:25 : trot King Bee was second and Joe Kane third. The best time made by Tom Jefferson was 2:2G1/ : , made In the second heat. Dudle Archdale's Sister Here. In the 2:35 : pace nine Dale was picked a favorite , more on account ol the reports that her half sister Dudle Archdale had won the merchants and manufacturers' $10,000 stake at De trolt Wednesday. Even money was bet on her for a winner , but It sooi went down for place , and after the first heat , when she came in last , bets were hard to pet. She , however , re tallated by coming third in the second icat , and In the last beat made a sen ational pace for first place , followed losely , however , by Star Junior , rub ring bis nose on her ears. In this race Colonel Davis not only set pace to the ither fast horses , but won the race naktng bis best time at 2:20i/2- : In the first heat of the pace delay vas experienced by Grooley Hal loslnf \ boot , but they were soon off will lal leading. At the half Hal still led iy a length , with Colonel Davis sec nd and Cupid C third. At the three liiarters , however , Colonel Davis coined to just walk away from then .11 , and on the homo stretch her drive ] vas enthusiastically cheered , his gooi Iriving bringing his Colonel in , win ling the heat. Greeley Hal came ir econd and Cupid C followed close be ilnd. Even money was bet on Cupid C t ( vin just as the horses came in for the econd heat , but the bets were slow wing to the mishap to the Cupid's ulky when colliding with Minnie L ai he turn. They were soon on theii vay , with Greeley Hal as usual male ng the pace. Colonel Davis , however vas taking it easy , holding down i good position ; Blue Dale was lookiiif or big money and made an effort t < show up , but in the home stretcl reeley Hal gave a spurt , but wai soon overtaken by Colonel Davis , win won again , stopping steadily , whll < Greeley Hal's driver used the whl ] uriously. In the beginning of the third hea odds were 2 to 1 that Blue Dale woulc lot even show , and money was lost she going second. Before startlni Blue Dale lost one of her shoes am md to be taken back to the stabli again , delaying the race. They wen off In a bunch and Colonel Davis wai soon two lengths ahead , winning eaa ly the heat and the race , with a flgh on between Blue Dale and Star Junior Friday to Be Best. In the trot Tom Jefferson was plckei \s winner from the start and Klttli Dillon , who was also a favorite , dli some bad breaking , coining In fo I fourth money. Joe Kane , winner o .be third mo-.ey , was also In for sonv I breaking. I In announcing the result Starte Vanpelt assured the crowd that Fri ) day's race , which will wind up th race meet hero , will be the best eve seen in any part of the state. A bucl ing broncho exhibition is schedule for the afternoon In connection wit the races. Dahlman to Talk. ) Mayor James C. Dahlman of Otnahi L who was entertained at the home e Charles Rice , a wholesale liquor dea er , last night , was scheduled to c ! < liver an address before Friday's race began. Summary : 2:35 : pace , purse $300. Colonel Davis , b. h. , Earl Breezley 1 1 Greeley Hal , b. h. , W. Tnl- rows 2 2 Blue Dale , r. m. , J. W. And- bert 7 3 Star Junior , b. h. , J. N. Miles. .4 4 Cupid C. , s. m. , Miller and Winder 3 G Little Star , b. h. , J. P. Halnes. , t > 5 Minnie L. , br. rn. , F. E. Reef..G 7 Time : 2:20'2:21 : ; : ; 2:21 : % . 2:25 : trot , purse $300. Tom Jefferson , s g.VI1 - lia.'ison 2 1 1 King Ree , blk. s. , H. Voeb- line 1 2 4 Joe Kane , br. s. , Ben Rhoades 3 3 2 Kittle Dillon , br. m. , J. E. Cox 4 4 3 Time : 2:29 : ; 2:2GVfc : ; 2:31 : ; 2:27. : Starter : F. D. Van Poll , Omaha. Judges : Sheriff C. S. Smith , Ma > y eon ; W. C. Caley , Crelghton ; Patrl Stanton , Tllden. lo Timers : George W. Cox , Norfol .d A. H. Bacbaus , Pierce , Z. M. Boa : Hartlimton. - . . Clerk : George W. Burton. Norfolk. Dust From the Track * The pacers had a hard tlmo starting In the first heat. "Now. gentlemen , " warned Starter Van Pelt. "I'll give you one more chance , then I'll toll you Koinothlng : I won't toll what that something js now. " The "ono more chance- " came and the starter told them that any driver who headed the pole hoi so would be fined $10 , and they worn off in a jiffy. Blue Dale would have a hard time making the record her half-sister. Dudle Arclidale has made. But she was nevertheless a "sticker. " Starter Van Pelt watches the track to see that children are in the clear with as much energy as ho does when starting a bunch of pacers. Miller , driving Cupid C , was called down by the starter , who said ho de layed two good starts for him. Pnt Stnnton was the race fan of the judges' stand , with Clint Smith having his tlmo divided evenly between the pacers and the ball garno. Great Races Seen Here. With the sound of Starter Van Pelt's gong at the driving park track Wednesday afternoon , the 2:40 : trot opened up the day's races with seven of the best trotting horses ever seen in Norfolk. Little difficulty was experienced by the starter to put In motion the start of the three days' race meet here as far as the trotters were concerned. They were off In a bunch and stretched out In a long line at the quarter , with Lord Dukes lending , also winning the heat over Miss Arclidale by a neck. The light was on , and to show her stubbornness Miss Archdale retaliated by winning every other heat with the Duke still pursuing her in second place. The Cochran , who was n fa vorite at the beginning of the race , was third. Countess R , whom the bookies wore yelling for place , also ran. ran.Although Although the trotters all drew even money as far as betting was concerned they did not draw the Interest the pacers did. In this race Bonnie B was the winner , Minnie Onelda second nnd Cooney Woods third. Interest In Pacers. Every pacer had admirers among the 500 race fans present , who , en thused by the beautiful weather condl < tlons and a fast track , made up a crowd of race fans that would put to shame some of the Oakland crowds. Five automobile loads of Madison people and six auto loads from Stanton - ton , with a large number of other VP- nicies filled witli fans from other towns , were on hand to give encour agement to their favorites. As soon as each heat was ended the Stanton and Humphrey ball players commenced playing , giving an all around entertainment. The gong sounded again and the field of step pers was off , with the band playing popular airs to help them on their way , Clang , clang , clang , sounded the starter's gong as he furiously labored to get a start. Although the grand slanders could not make out his voice as he cautioned each driver , it was the voice of a trained starter which was heard by the drivers through the meg aphone. "Go slow there. Oh , you can't starl that way. Take It easy. All of you gc o the turn and come back , slow , slow here now , slow , slow , oh , that's nc tart. " Clang , clang , clang. Hero the horses were sent bacli again and again , and Starter Van Pelt vho seemed to know each man bj lame , talked to them gently througl : ils megaphone until be bad them lined ip. "Now gentlemen , easy , easy ; I don'i vant to make a running record anj nore than you do. There , now ; come on slow , slow , that's It ; Go ! " They're off , and the pacers with which class le had the most trouble were around he track and things were quiet. Austin , driving Bonney B , seemee o be feeling his way In the first heal and was locked up In a deadly em ) race behind Onelda. Cooney am Mayme Woods came In one , two am hree in this heat , with Bonnie Ii 'ourth place. Austin scorned wise li : he second heat and pushed Bonnli .o tb ° . front , winning that heat am every other one , claiming first money Minnie Onelda , the winner of second end place in this race , came in secom nnd Hands , driving Peter Hal , gavi : he crowd a surprise party by gettlni third. The bookies got a little rusl on Peter Hal for place , but the drean was-short lived , Hal not showing u any more. more.A A Sensational Heat. The last beat was a sensational one They were off In a bunch with Bonnl B ns usual leading by a length. The were soon stretched out , and when n the half , William Zulauf driving Cooi ey Woods , entered a pocket , but on th home stretch created a sensation ne often seen on the race track. Runnin around Prince L he spurted out aheac coming In for third place. The summar > ; Class 2:40 : trotters , purse * $300. Miss Arclidale , blk. m. , N. J. Ronln , Fremont 2 1 1 Lord Dukes , br. B. . R. L. Graham , Madison I 2 2 The Cochran , b. g. , L. W. Murray , Dayton. Neb 3 3 4 Glen Onward , b. b. , John R. Fox , Columbus 5 5 3 Ilnttlo Nester , b. m. , Jack Cameron , Teknmah 4 4 5 Red Pine , s. g. , Myron , J. Brown , Osceola 7 7 G Countess R. , b. m. , G. T. Reynolds , Beatrice G G 7 Time : 2:23V2:24V4 : ; : ; 2:21 : / 2:24Vi. : Class 2:20 : pacers , purse $300. Bonnie B. , br. m. , W. V. Austin , Groeloy. Neb 4 1 1 Minnie Onelda , blk. m. , Wil k liam Page , Tilden 1 2 7 Cooney Woods , blk. m.- Wil liam Zulauf , Pierce. . . . 2 G 9 Prince L , , s h , Enrl Broez- ley , Syracuse , Neb G 5 2 ! Peter Hal , b. H. , W , .L. Hands , Newklrk , Okla.J ( 3 4 C Windsor Walnut , b. s. . Ches ter Slaughter , Dallas.,7 7 3 C Mayinc Woods , b. m. , Grllllti XFlebbe , Cairo 3 4 R 7 Brunswick , b. g. , C. Paul , Lincoln U 1) ) G S Giotehon , ch. m. , George Dennis , Fremont S 8 S 9 Time : 2U : , i ; 2:1SMi : ; 2:19i/ : . ; 2:1 : ! > H. Judges : C. S. Smith. Madison ; (3eorge ( > Boch. Norfolk ; W. R. Locke. Stanton. Timers : Arthur Ryan , O'Neill ; J. M. Smith , Madison ; J. S. Hancock , Stanton. Starter : F. I ) . Vanpelt , Omaha. Clerk : John L. Rynerson , Madison. A large crowd Is expected to attend the races this afternoon , owing to the fact that n largo list of fast horses are entered for both the 2:35 : pace and the 2:17 : trot. A fast ball game Is scheduled and with a fast truck the management promises u line enter tainment , The farmers' relay race has not been filled up to date. Dust From the Track. Coming back from a had start Prince L. ran Into a youngster selling soda water and destroyed all his cool drinks. Graham , driving Lord Dukes , com plained to the Judges that Ronin , driv ing Miss Archdalo , Insisted on run < ning Into him. fie was closely follow ed up the ladder leading to the judges' stand by Ronln , who denied it , saying Graham 'nslsled on > 3wervlug around In front of him- Dennis , driving Getchen , was given two callings down for holding back , He took the last call from Starter VanPelt by trimming up his harness and making a good effort for place. Countess R. changed drivers from Beasley to Reynolds. This Uldn't help , but she also ran. The little shower that came uji sent the crowds running for shelter , Although the judges' stand provides very little shelter , the crowd made themselves comfortable until the few drops of rains disappeared. Starter Van Pelt keeps his hannnci In his pocket. Once he knocked the gong off the stand onto the race track endeavoring to stop the pacors. Two Local Horses Win. With Mayor James C. Dahlman ol Omaha as a drawing card and good races In sight 800 race fans witnessed the last day of the Norfolk race meei at the driving park Friday afternoon The races were not up In any waj to the first day's events , but fasi races were enjoyed. Friday's crowi was familiar with the workings of th < management and while the ponies were not running , they made them selves hoarse rooting for both tlu Tilden and Norfolk baseball teams who were in a deadly combat on tlu ball diamond. O'Neill is next on the program , witl the events commencing there on nex Wednesday , August 10 to 12 ; Neligli August 17 to 19 ; Pierce , August 2- to 2fi ; Cretgbton , August ! ! t to Sep ember 2. II. J. McKenmi of O'Neill drove hi : Speed On to victory In the 2:14 : pace Us best time was 2:17Vi : , with liar iska close behind him In every heat \da Garnett , the little brown man rein Denver , was always behind ii tartlng , but got third place owlnj o Boaco being distanced In the firs eat. Bosco's driver forfeited $ li nd was out of the raco. II. was al ne sided , Speed On having It all ti Imself , until Earl Breezley , who wa : ined $10 for running ahead of Speei On at first place In the start , tool barge of the horse and commence ! . hot fight. His horse , however , wa icaten to the wire easily by tin O'Neill animal. The 2:17 : Trot. Elmore , who was expected to mnki a good showing In the 2:17 : trot , wa reaking badly. Trouble between th .rivers . and a general breaking al iround spoiled n fine race. Wllllai ulauf of Pierce drove King Woodfon o victory In this race coming In firs n every heat. The Judge , driven b W. O. Couber of Dewltt , la. , ofte : breatened to walk away from Kin \Voodford \ , but the King's able drive ) rought him first to the wire , nfte ils horse had broken n number e lines and fallen behind at the threi marter mark. In the first bent of the trot Th ludgo looked like n winner In jroke twice , nnd Zulauf drove h' King Woodford to victory. Had Th Judge not broken It would have bee close race. The King led off the second he ; with Elmore a nose behind. At t' half The Judge was three lengths b hind with the two first horses me1 tloned in the same position as In tl start. At the three-quarters Elmo : broke and The Judge climbed in her place and spurting on furtln juiced alongside of the King. Tl home stretch run wns a sensation ono with The Judge and King Woe ford an oven break. At the finish tl King won by a nose , The Judge driver pushing him hard. Elmore w far behind. Trouble was experienced In t t' ' ird and last heat In stnrtlng , nil t horses being off stride. They wo ? ff with The Judge In the lend ci tlr.j ; n gap between him and the Kli A 'bo qunrter , however , ho broke n Eluiore for once took the lead , I broke badly. They were still n lit off at the three-quarters and Kl Woodford led them both a mer chase , winning the race. The brei ing spoiled n fast and oxcltlng race The 2:14 : Pace. In the first bent of the 2:14 : pa the horses were off In a bunch w Speed On leading at the quarter. I half , and the throe-quarters nnd H rlska and Ada Garnett fighting second placo. Ada , however , fell bi on the home stretch only ( o bent lloHi'o to third place. Speed On won this bent by n length. Eve ii money wan hot on Sliced On against the lle'ld In the HOI-OIK ! heat. Th horse's were coming too fant ami a start was haul to net. When they got off. Speed On led. At the half IlnnlMka and Hence were Unhung for hocoml place , but llosco fell behind hail. Sliced On winning the heat by n walk with HarrlHlui lorond nndtlii inifU third , llosco wns * o fur be hind that she was dlsln'iood. Hop drhor forfeited $ lf > ii'id she was nut ol the iiu-o. With only two horses against her in the third and last boat Speed On led them a merry cliaso. llnrrlskn , her strongest opponent , was get u whipping from her driver at the half. Ada Garnott was far behind and for a time looked as If she would bo flag' god , but she made third place and that's all. Speed On won with tlmo to waste. Summary : 2:17 : trot , purse , $300. King Woodford , b. s. , William Zulnuf 1 1 1 The Judge , br. g. , W. O. Cou ber 3 Klmoro , s. h. , Rhondes .2 3 Time : 2:22 : ; 2:21 : V , ; 2:20i. : . 2:14 : pace , purse $300. Speed On.s. h. , McKonnn 1 1 1 llarrlska , br. s. , Murray 2 2 2 Ada Gnrnctt , b. m. . Harrison..3 3 3 llosco , br. s. , J. 10. Cox ( dis tanced ) 4 Time : 2:17-T : , : 2:17',4 : ' ; 2:22V : * . Judges : G. W. Pox , Sioux City ; James Waller , Norfolk ; W. C. Cale > y , Crelghton. Timers : Z. M Heard , H'.ir.-lngtonr Patrick Stanton. Tllden ; P. C. DeMlop , Hartlngton. Starter : Van Pelt , Omaha. Clerk : George C. Burton , Norfolk. Dust From the Track. Elmoro's drivnr wan a visitor In the judges' stand wl'h ' a complaint against The Judge's driver vho , he said , lilt Elmore over ( he head with bis whip , cnuslng all the breaking. Couber The Judge's drive.r , wns soon In the stnnd with n denial snylng It wns an accident , but Zutauf called him pay ing ho wilfully ran into him several times. Breezley , driving llnrrlskn , was fined $10 for running abend of Spc ° d On , but his line was remitted after the judges held a council of war. McKennn , driving Speed On , had some cnlllng down eeimlng , himself , and was threntom.d with a line un less he came down from the start faster. Starter Colonel Von Pelt , cf Oma ha says Norfolk IP the besl town In the state. All ' .ho Judges agioed with him. / "It's funny bow drivers look up at the bell to see if t am going to say ' ' ' .be " saiJ Starter 'go' or clang , Van Pelt. "Cox looks up at me evory- time. Sometimes ho seems m say. "Gee , don't let mo RO now. " Financially a Success. The races from a financial stand point as far as Norfolk Is concerned says the local race association authori ties , has been good. What the not receipts were is not yet known but it is believed it will not be necessary to draw on Hie business men for lliu sum guaranteed to carry on th' events. The 2:14 : trot was protested last night by Rhondes , driving Elmore. He claims Carber , driving The Judge , fouled him. The first money wns paid to King Woodford , whoso owner took him to Mineral Point , Wis. , this mornIng - Ing to race in the 2:17 : trot there. The second money Is now held up pending the decision by the race as sociation. The Judge Is scheduled for races In Iowa. VS ANTED SuL-cths Magazln i one with experience , out woulc con sider any applicant with good natural qualifications ; srlary $1.50 per day , lulres the services of n man In Nor folk to lf-ik nfter expiring subscrip tions nnd lo secure new business by means of special methods usually ef fective ; position permanent ; prefc with commission option Address , with references , R. C. Peacock , Room 102 , Success Magazine Bids , New York. F1ANK REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER 1420-24 LAWRlNCt DINVCP COIO raur 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE D * SICMS Copvn'CMTS ' Ac. , nnuelrhand "f 'ttnninnj . . ' r at quickly aaourtom our m-iimni ! . Invent mil H piuhnbir p-iiei i i'1'1 ' ' 'nuiiiiiniii. ' tlontntrictlrroiillilpnt il. IIAtiUCflnK " " 1'i'cuta ( enl fn > . ( il'le t nuni" r f r " i inutft" * . 11.1101110 lak 'ti tt rxiiuD > i > r t \ t J. ivculvf rjvcial nollcf , oiilmut cIMrvo , i.UIio th o , Sclenttf ic jflfmcrican. 1C A hnnilnomelr llln 'r iM woek'r Iftvftl clr rll.ut" 'I ' I I' T f ' .I * 'UP ' ll. ' " Ml H IS iror re ir I inr mi-nm , tt , buidbyuii n < < ! i' leM or ' ' ( lOHH ft CfJ OIBroadway , iltyfl YOffl ilraucti UTlfn. ti V ft WMUIIUIUII. 1) . 0.