N THE NORFOLK WEEKLY . NEWS-JOURNAL. I ! ' VliMtl ? AViU * A IrltlllAV AlUllISl'P 1' * UlUI FOUR BULLETS ; FOUR ARE DEAD CHICAGO SHOOTING GALLERY MAN WIPES OUT FAMILY. TRUE AIM PROVES "DEAD SHOT" Using a Revolver , the Man Flrei a Bullet Through the Head of His Wife , of His Son and Father-ln-Law , Then Takes His Own Life. Chlifago , Aug. 11. W. J. Meyers , keeper of a shooting gallery , used his skill with a revolver with tragic pur pose today , shooting three members of his household through the head and then taking his own life. Just four shots wore fired and four j lives were snuffed out by his unerring aim. The dead : W. J. Meyers , aged 40 , 2934 Cottage Grove avenue. Mrs. Grace Meyers , ago 25 , wife. Ralph Meyers , 7 , son. F. S. Bouton , aged 55 , father of Mrs. Moyers. Moyors and his wife had separated recently after she had placed him un der bonds to keep the peace. There ' are' no witnesses to the tragedy. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO DENVER W. M. Mellsh of Cincinnati Is Elected Grand Commander. Chicago , Aug. 11. Eminent Sir Wil liam I ) . Mellsh of Cincinnati was to day unanimously elected grand com mander of the Knights Templar. Tin * committee that was entrusted with the duty of selecting the city for the next triennial conclave agreed on Denver. Other officers elected wore as fol lows : Deputy grand master , Arthur MacArthur of Troy , N. Y. ; grand gen- orallsslmo , W. F. Pierce , San Fran cisco ; grand captain general , Lee Smith , Plttsburg ; grand senior war den , Joseph K. Kyle , Atlanta , Ga. ; grand Junior warden , Jehtol W. Cham berlain , St. Paul. INDICT A PACKING EMPLOYE Head of Dressed Beef Sales Depart ment of Armour & Co. Chicago , Aug. 11. Thomas G. Lee of the dressed beef sales department of Armour and company , was today In dicted on the charge of perjury by the federal grand Jury which Is Investigat ing alleged working agreements among the big packers. A bench war rant was issued for his arrest. It Is alleged that Leo made false statements to the jury In denying that he attended meetings where output was discussed and prices fixed , and In denying that prices were fixed. INDIAN BABES SIGNED IT Papooses Agreed , Per Parents , to Pay McMurray 10 Percent. McAlester , Okla. , Aug. 11. It was brought out In the congressional in vestigation of the Gore bribery charges today that baby Indians ns well as adult ones , had "signed" the McMurray contracts providing for the i' ' sale of $30,000,000 worth of land on a 10 percent "attorney's fees" basts. Th names of the little "papooses" wore signed by the parents or guar dians , witnesses testified. It was Inci dentally developed that race suicide Is far from threatening among the In dians , as families of six to nine chil I dren are common. The present great wealth of the Ok lahoma Indians was brought out in testimony. Although the Choctow and Chlcka- I sha tribes of Indians are fighting for their Individual shares of the land now hold for them by the government , they are counted among the richest people In the world. MRS , JUDITH FOSTER DEAD a Well Known W. C. T. U. Worker and Prison Reformer , Succumbs. Washington , Aug. 11. Mrs. Judith Ellen Horton Foster , known through out the country as temperance lec -1 turer and writer and advocate of mis sions , died in Garfield hospital here , early today following an operation. Mrs. Foster was born at Lowell , Mass. , In 1840. While residing In Iowa she studied law and was admitted to _ the bar of that state. Later Mrs. Fos ter took an active Interest In the W. w C. T. U. and became a republican camA palgn speaker. During recent years _ ' o Mrs. Foster had made her homo In'p Washington , where she was actively , b engaged , up to within a short time of her death , In prison reform Investiga iMr. tions for the department of justice. Knoll-Bradbury. Neligh. Neb. , Aug. 11. Special to The News : Mrs. Ollie Egbert of this city announces the marriage of her daughter. Crystal Fern Bradbury to Charles Wlllard Knell on Wednesday a of this week at the homo of the grandparents - p parents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. N. a W. Job. The young couple drove to j Oakdale and from there took the at- ( i g ternoon passenger for Guide Rock , u Neb. , where they will make their fit- . ! [ , li turo homo. c FEAR FOR CAPTAIN SCOJT Fear for British South Pole Expedl- I tion Is 11 Days Overdue. I London , Aug --Considerable an- I xloty IB felt for Captain Scott's antarc tic expedition ship , the Terra Nova , ' now cloven days overdue at CapeAI town. The vessel has not been spoken on Hlnre she left Madorla. on June 27. Forest Fires Still Rage. ) Washington , Aug. 11. The forest service has called on the war depart ment for aid to fight the forest fires In Mon ° " General Leonard Wood , chlot 7 V. itaff of the army , has dl- recteirtf "p battalion of the Four teenth r ; . O "y , In maneuvers at ' Atnerlc ' . .tcamp , Oregon , bo or dered h ? ' My to Mlssoula , Mont. FRISt \ 'YERS IN JAIL. V Three Atto\ > tgln Serving Fiveed Day Sciences for Contempt. I San Francisco , Aug. 11. Escorted by Patrick Calhoun , president of the ' United Railways of this city. AttorLo noys A. A. Moore. Stanley Moore and John Barrett made a leisurely automobile - ' mobile trip out to the county Jail and surrendered themselves to the sheriff to bogln serving five-day sentences ImC1 posed on them by Superior Judge LawW1 lor last Wednesday for contempt of court. The elder Moore was twice sentencnK ed , the five-day terms to run concur- rently. ! The three attorneys arc members of Calhoun's legal brigade In his trial on I charges of bribing supervisors during the last Schmltz administration. Cnl- noun was first brought to trial over n year ago , the Jury falling to agree up on a verdict. The second trial was placed on Judge Lawler's calendar. Wednesday Judge Lawler read a statement from the bench setting forth his reasons for refusing to dis miss the case. Stanley Moore , In re ply , declared Judge Lawler guilty of playing politics from the bench. He was promptly sentenced for contempt. Ills father. A. A. Moore , took his place , and stating that he wishes everything that his son had snld to be considered as coming from him also , proceeding to declare his "contempt" for Judge Lawler In so many words. He was also sentenced. Barrett then made remarks similar to those of the two Moores and was sentenced. HER STORY OF MANY LOVES. Mrs. Ida Van Valkenburgh Tells Her History Before Going Abroad. New York , Aug. 11. Mrs. Ida Van Valkenburgh , the "eight million dollar widow. " sailed today on tha Kaiser Wllhelm II. She said that she was going abroad to give herself a rest. If she gets her divorce and ever mar ries again , she said , as a last word , she hopes to marry some man who has never heard of her. Simultaneously with her departure appeared a story of her life in a news paper purporting to have been writ ten by herself. It says In part : "I remember well my first childish love affair. I was born and brought up in Washington , and always lived very quietly. Why , I never even went to the theater until I was Ifi years old and came to visit my aunt in New York. "I was about 13 years old at the time , and he walked home with me from prayer meeting every week. Then sometimes he took me sleigh riding , though there wasn't much snow in Washington. We used to talk about running away and going to the thea ter , but somehow , I never had the courage. "Staying at the same hotel with us was Mr. Agnew , my first husband , we met through mutual friends and saw a good deal of each other. When was 18 years old I married him. Of course , It was too young for any girl to marry. I discovered before long that things were not as I would have them , but I tried to do the best could and by and by my baby came. Then for a while things went better. But finally I could no longer Ignore my husband's conduct and got a di vorce. "I met Mr. Chapman through friends of Mr. Agnew. We were all at a din ner one night and ho seemed to take fancy to me. "So , for several weeks he took us „ around a good hit , and we , in turn , j ' Invited him to dine. Then well , he saw that I was not happy with my' ' husband and tactfully dropped out of the way. Of course , after I had se-1 cured my divorce , there was no reaD son why I should not be happy with I j any of my former friends , and Mr. I Chapman and I got better and better acquainted , and finally we were mar- rled. rled."My "My marriage with Mr. Chapman was most happy , except for one thing. At that period commenced the nntag- onism of a woman , whom I consider primarily responsible for all my trou- bles. "Sho tried to make trouble between T Mr. Chapman and myself , but always si unsuccessfully. When ho died sho' | ' ti urged his relatives to attackme. . 1'c 1 ' paid them $100,000 to avoid the row n which she had instigated. I went' ' 5 abroad after Mr. Chapman's death. j ! n "On the same ship was Mr. Van Valkenburgh. Ho was most attentive. and his attentions grow even more pronounced after I landed and settled at the St. Rogls. j i p "Well. I married him at the St. eceed gls last November. And I hadn't been j i K married a week before that malign t' influence exercised by that other woman - a man began Its work. " ' e WENOLING GETS UGLY ALLEGED CHILD SLAYER WON'T GET OFF A TRAIN. PUTS , UP FIGHT WITH DETECTIVE Chief of Detectives Carney of Louis ville Orders Wendllng to Get Off Train , But Wendllng Resists Kicks Newspaper Reporter. Olnoy ' , 111. , Aug. 11. Joseph A. Wendllng , charged with the murder of Alma Kellnor In Louisville , became a refractory i prisoner today and object ed to Chief of Detectives Carney of Louisville taking him from the Balti more < and Ohio train. In a struggle Wendllng kicked a reporter for a Louisville paper who Is following the alleged ' | slayer. The prisoner was handcuffed to Car ney nt the time. He refused to leave the train when his attorney . R. Clements , spoke to him , Wendllng was put into nn automobile , which went southeast along the Illinois Cenj trr' tracks. Carney told the station agent that ho probably would take an Illinois ' Central train Into Kentucky. He wanted the time of his arrival in Louisville kept secret. Clements , who caught the train In St. Louis after Carney had put his prisoner aboard early today , rode In , the same car with Wendllng. As soon as Carney told Wendllng to leave the car Clements advised his client In an i undertone and a struggle ensued. Car ney , Colonel John II. Whalen and two ' newspaper men pushed Wendllng i through the door of the car and to the , station platform. The automobile was 1 J engaged by Carney by telegraph , Clements did not leave the train here. LANGFQRO-KAUFMAN FIGHT OFFL1 ! 1 Langford Refuses to Go Through With i Mill Unless Sure of $7,500. Philadelphia , Aug. 11. The Langhe ford-Kaufman fight , scheduled for this i city tonight , has been called off , Langpr ford having refused to go on unless i guaranteed $7,500. , j German Strike Spreading. j I Bremen , Aug. 11. The strike and I counter lockout in the ship building Industry Is spreading. The Vulkan [ and other yards locked out 5,000 men , today. The Wehr ship building works ' have dismissed GO percent of their employes and 1,000 others have given , ' legal notice of their Interest to quit t work. Serious Floods In Japan. | Tokio , Aug. 11. Serious floods connr tinuo throughout Japan. Thousands of houses are submerged and many lives have been lost. The Interruption to the railway service is unprecedentcc f , ed. There Is much suffering In Toklo. [ NEW YORK SHOULD BE HAPPY "Jack" Johnson is Going to Buy a Home in Brooklyn Heights. New York , Aug. 11. It will corneas a stunning surprise to the families of f the fashionable section known as Brooklyn Heights to learn that "Jack" Johnson , the negro champion pugilist of the world , wishes to become a res01 Ident of that section , which has mainai tained Its exclusive character for more than a century. Johnson Is negotlat- Ing for the purchase of a house at the southwest corner of Plerpont and Henry streets , erected by Herman Behr , a wealthy manufacturer of sand paper , at 75 Beekman street , Manhat- tan , and at present owned by Michael L. McLaughlln , who Is supposed to have made several millions In real estate speculation In Brooklyn. But for the interposition of a motor car accident in Chicago , in which his brother was injured , Johnson prob ably now would be the owner of this choice parcel of Brooklyn. The deal was to have been closed yesterday. The following named Brooklyn Heights residents would be "Jack" Johnson's neighbors If the purchase of the property goes : Col. Willis Log- den , Joslah T. Mnreau , supreme court Judge ; Almet F. Jenks , supreme court Judge ; Edward M. Thomas , supreme court judge ; the Rev. Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllls of Plymouth church , John , Hill Morgan , Norman S. Dike , county Judge ; C. D. Menneley , B. R. T. treasurer ; Gen. Horatio C. King , St. Clalr McKelvey , Judge Wlllard Bartlett - lett , William C. Beecher , Robert H. Elder and about 50 percent of Brook lyn's society whoso finances are listed In the Brooklyn blue hook. Elfin | News. Elgin , Neb. , Aug. 11. Special to .The News : Frlsbio & Fee recently sold their new double brick building to John A. Penne & Co. , who will oc- cupy It about January 1 , as a general merchandise store. The building is it'50x80 feet with full cemented base- ment. An Election In Alaska. Juneau , Alaska , Aug. 11. Judge James Wlckorsham , independent re- publican , was elected yesterday to sue- ceed himself as congressional dele- gate from Alaska by a plurality estl- mated ' at from 1,500 to 2,000. The exact - act figures will not bo known for several - oral days , or perhaps weeks , as many precincts are In Isolated sections and the returns must bo sent long dis tances by courier to the military tele graph stations. TEXANS ENDORSE TAFT. No Mention Made of Name of Former * President Roosevelt. Dallas , Tox. , Aug. 11. Republicans of Texas unqualifiedly endorsed the administration of President Taft and refrained from making any mention of former President Roosevelt In their platform or resolutions. The follow ing nominations for state offices were mini e : Governor , T. O. Torrel , San An tonio ; lieutenant governor , C. W. Ogden - don , San Antonio ; associate judge supreme court , J. W. McOray of Fan ning county ; for railroad commission er , J. A , Hnuloy , Galveston ; comptrol ler , Fred Hoffhelnz , Comal county. Cecil A. Lyon was unanimously reelected - elected state chairman. The platform deplores what It terms radical legislation hampering the growth of the state and bespeaks a more liberal policy towards outside capital. AIRSHIPS j IN A GALE i i Lf BLANC LUCKILY RIDES AHEAD I OF THE STORM. HE'S SURE TO WIN THE RACE One of the Flyers Loses His Chart In the Wind and For a Time Sails Through the Air Without Knowing Where He is at. Mezlores , France , Aug. 11. M. Le- Blanc's good fortune in the cross- country aerial race continued on the third leg of the course today. Although - though he experienced great difficulty he was again the first to arrive at the post. The day's flight was from Nancy ) to this town , a distance of 99.3(1 ( miles. The leader's time was 1 hour 58 minutes and 3 seconds. Lo Blanc , barring accidents , is practically sure of winning the race , although M. Aubrun and M. Le Gagn- eaux , who completed the first two laps in single flights , still have a chance. Aubrun arrived here today two hours after Le Blanc had landed. M. Llndpaintcr 1 descended and abandoned the . race at a point twelve miles from Nancy. ' All of the aviators experienced the roughest sailing thus far encountered. Le ' Blanc had the best luck. He came to the town just ahead of a violent storm ' which caught his pursuers soon after the start. After leaving Nancy , a gust of wind blow away his chart land ) for n time ho was lost in thick haze. He finally recognized the Mouse river , which he followed over the towns of Mouzon and Sedan. Aubrun , 1who was the next to get away , re- celved the force of the storm and the thick weather and lost h.s course. Eventually he found nlmself over Chalons , where he got the direction to Mezleres. FATALLY HURT BY AIRSHIP Brookins'Machine Crashes Into Crowd , Aviator Painfully Hurt. I i Asbury Park , N. J. , Aug. 11. All but t one of the eight victims of yesterday's j' ( ai ; . j Ing of Walter Brookins' machine [ ( among a group of spectators on the aviation field here , were doing well 1 today and are expected to recover. Brookins was painfully but not dan gerously Injured. The eighth victim , George Barnett , a boy of 14 , was ap i. parently no better today and It is feared that his injuries , consisting of a fractured skull and dislocated hip i , will prove fatal. Asbury Park , N. J. , Aug. 11. A se i- rious mishap to Walter Brookins In i which the daring Wright aviator was ' painfully hurt , marred the first day of the aviation meet here. Brookins was dashed to the earth when the machine - chine suddenly turned turtle , after he had been forced to swerve the airship suddenly to avoid crashing into a crowd of spectators. b Seven other persons among whom the machine tumbled were more or less seriously injured. The mishap was due to the thronging of spectators out upon the field. Brookins In - | scendtng had no room to operate the ' r machine and'was driven to make a c sudden turn to avoid crashing among the watchers. The tricky wind caught the machine and sent it spinning over c backwards. vici ci German Aviator Injured. Johannlsthnl , Germany , Aug. 11. - n The noroplanlst Helm met with a serious J- , n rious accident at the aviation meeting t here. While flying at a height oftl | j about 225 feet in a Wright machine , j b ono of the propellers broke. The othtl j or continued to run , causing the craft e to turn over several times' It fell with a crash and was completely de molished. Ho Immediately was car ried off the field unconscious. Naval Collier Is Sunk. Norfolk , Va. . Aug. 11. Tlio naval collier Marcellus Hos nt the bottom of the Atlantic , sunk ten hours after she $ was struck by the Norwegian fruit steamer Rosarlo. The collier Ledo- nlas arrived off Sewall's point with the crew of the Marcellus aboard. IS HELD FOR KILLING ROPP . A3CROFT CHARGED WITH FELO. NIOU3 ASSAULT BY JURY. ROPP'S SKULL WAS FRACTURED Ascroft Is Held for the Killing and His Preliminary Hearing Is Scheduled for Today Two Fractures In Dead Man's Skull Are Found. Pierce , Neb. , Aug. It. Special to The News : After n postmortem oxam- ( nation yesterday afternoon a coron er's Jury held an Inquest over the dead body of Harry Ropp , the Yankee Robw" Inson circus employe , and returned a verdict at 3 o'clock stating that Ropp came to his death by a blunt Instrument - ment In the hands of Roy Ascroft , felo nlously. , The prisoner was remanded to the Pierce county jail and will have his preliminary hearing today. i A fracture of the skull was found In the left frontal region , extending IMs Inches forward and 14 Inches at right angles upward. A largo blood clot was found on th brain. | The coroner's Inquest was under the supervision of Dr. F. G. Salter , the Pierce county coroner. Alleged Bootleggers Bound Over. M /brara , . r Aug. . H ; > ' : lo " . ' .10 News. Albert Holjj n , l ) e Rule an-1 . 'on * Murth' i'd before United States Commissioner Bayha for bootlegging to the Indians , and bound over to the district court. Falling lo get bonds they were taken to the county jail at Center. ELOPED WITH LEGLESS MAN. Hastings , Neb. , Girl of 19 Runs Away With Helpless Cripple. Sallna , Kan. , Aug. 11. Interrupting an elopement unique in the annals of Kansas , the police took George Dolnes , a legless man of Russell , Kan. , and Lillian Schaffer , aged 19 , of Hastings , Neb. , from an eastbound Union Pacific train here pursuant to the request of the girl's father. Dolnes has n very largo head , has no legs and one arm Is paralyzed. Ho is 32 years old. The girl met Dolnes in Hastings a few J , days ago. They left Hastings last Satari ' , urday , stopped at several cities and [ tried to get some one to marry them , but were repeatedly refused a license. INSURGENTS VISIT T. R. Garfield and Plnchot Call at Sagamore Hill for Secret Session. ' Oyster Bay , N. Y. , Aug. 11. Theodore - dore Roosevelt had a secret conference - j ' ence last night with James R. Gar-1 field of Cleveland , ex-secretary of the Interior , and Gifford Plnchot of New- York , deposed chief forester , who are regarded as two of the most ardent of Insurgents. The two men whom Roosevelt numbers bors as among his closest friends proCG ' tested they could not talk about their plans or the significance of their visit' to Colonel Roosevelt. Mr. Plnchot ; said : "Colonel Roosevelt Invited Mr. Garst field and myself to visit him and that's 1 all there is to it. " When asked about his California 1 trip , he said that he made speeches 1 In behalf of Hiram Johnson , a candlv date for the republican nomination for governor , and for William Kent , a 1 candidate for the republican nomlna- tion of congress from the Sacramento 1 district. "I delivered eight speeches , which 1 Is four more than I intended to make , " he said. He was told that since his depar0 ture from New York , Colonel RooseA volt had received many Inquiries from 1 California as to whether the exforesgj ter had gone there as his representa tive to support Johnson and Kent. He replied that he had never had any such idea , had given no such impresH s'sion and that he had gone to Califor- nla entirely on his own responsibility. "How did I find the sentiment in the west in regard to the Rqosevelt pollm cies ? Very enthusiastic , " said the exfc forester , with emphasis. Colonel Roosevelt also refused to be < interviewed on policies after his guests arrived. Mine Workers Meet. Indianapolis , Aug. 11. Nearly 1,000 delegates are In Indianapolis today ready < for the opening of me special 1 convention < of the -.ilted Mine Worktl ers , called oy President Thomas L. Lewis , ostensibly to discuss the waee contracts < and strike situations In the various districts. One clause in the call states that one object of the consi ventlon Is "to take such action as Is h necessary to require the officers and Ji members of the United Mine Workers h to respect and comply with the iby thorlty of the International executive s board. " President John H. Walker of the Illinois district and so-called lead- | or of the anti-Lewis faction , Is hero. . V LO LEARNS MORE DETAILS. P Ptl tl Oklahoma Congressman Tells of How ti an Indian was to Get Profits. o McAlcstor , Okla. . Aug. 11. "Lo , the tl poor Indian. " learned a few more c things about the proposed sale of > tl $30,000.000 worth of his land before n iho congressional Investigation comd mlttee. Congressman C D. Carter of o the fourth Oklahoma district , testified c that at an Interview at the home of h CONOhlUN OFJHE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. : : Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum . 90 Minimum . , . fit ; Average . 73 llnrumotur } . 29.90 Unlnfnll . 33 Chicago , Aug. 11. Tim bulletin Is sued by tlio Chicago station of the United States wenthor bureau gives tin forecast for Nebraska as follows : I Unsettled and partly cloudy tonight and Friday. - Richard . , C. Adams , an attorney at Washington , Adams had said he bad nn arrangement by which ho was to secure , 5 percent of the "prollts" to j'f derived from the McMurray con tracts. , "Ho also told me , " testified Mr. Carter - ter , "that Congressman B. S. McGuIre . was In on the deal and would get his share. ? ' | Ho also told mo that Lr. ) Wright , a delegate for tlio Choctaw Indians ' at Washington with n salary of $ (5,000 ( , was In on the deal. Ho also said ' 'wo'vo got some others,1 but ho did not mention any other names. " , "Did Adams say he was going to get * 5 percent of all the money Me- Murray was to realize on the deal ? " asked Chairman C hnrlos S. Uurko. j ' , "He said ho was going to make sure of it , as M f Murray had double-crossed him at other times , but this time ho l was going to fix It so he wouldn't lose out , and when McMurray got his 10 percent 1 > , or $3,000,000 , or whatever it amounted to , he was going to got 5 percent of the proceeds. I ! "I also met Jake L. Hamon at Washn" Ington. Ho told me to go to that old man Gore and got him to withdraw that fool bill of his against the Mebe Murray contracts. " Congressman Carter , who ! s part Cherokee Indian and who was for two years a member of the house commit tee on Indian affairs , was next asked : "Do you think a majority of the Inre dlans are in favor of the xO percent for McMurray ? " "There is no doubt that they are , " he replied. "But there is also no doubt that In signing contracts many were inllueiiclla cd to do so by persons who have an interest in them. " Adams was described as a Deleware Indian , who frequently has been men- j tioned as having called on President ] Taft , on matters pertaining to Indian 1 < affairs. It was Adams to whom the In- dlans in this state were asked to ad- dress telegrams urging President Taft to approve the sale of the lands. Me- Murray Is the holder of the contracts 1 by which , according to Senator Gore , ; a 10 percent , or $3,000,000 "attorneys' fee" would be allowed. Before Carter left tl.e stand McMurray's attomejs obtained from his testimony tending j I ' 'to show that McGuIre In previous In-1 dian matters had supported measures [ . In congress opposed to the interests j of McMurray. - "SIT ON" MAYOR. . - Aberdeen Citizens Will Not Have to Resort to Courts to Get Election. Aberdeen , S. D. , Aug. 11. The courts will not be asked to mandamus the mayor and city council to force them to submit the city detective bute reau ordinance to a referendum election - tion , as contemplated in proceedings started by Attorney L. T. Vian Slyke. This was decided at a special meeting of the city council , when the motion I Of Alderman John Wade declaring the petition I rejected by Mayor Rock to be valid , and setting August 23 as the date for a special election , was passed. in discussing the resolution Alderman J Wade expressed the belief that the mayor's action was Illegal , and said he ( believed the council had the right to act upon a petition from the people. Mayor Rock interrupted to say his action had been based upon the advice [ of ( City Attorney Charles N. Harris. ; Alderman Wade denied this , stating Mr. Harris had Informed him he had given the mayor no such advice. - . REDUCE | ICE CREAM BACTERIA , - Hereafter There Mustn't Be More Than Five Million In Centimeter. Chicago , Aug. 11. An official limit ol 5,000,000 bacteria per cubic centw ! meter of Ice cream Is a new standard for the state of Illinois , announced here by A. Hanby Jones , chairman of the state food commission. Thestan- dard will go Into effect August 15 and the commission threatens to prose cute violators. | According to the statement ice cream must be of not more than 1 percent gelatine , gum , or harmless vegetable < gum and contain not more than five million bacteria when melted 1. - . c Neligh Lad Breaks Arm. | Neligh , Neb. , Aug. 11. Special to The News : Harold , the 2-year-old ' son of R. H. Rice , accidently broke his right arm Monday evening while jumping off from the porch at his home. The fracture was soon reduced 1 by a physician , and the little fellow Is s getting along nicely at present. t - | , , i Oklahoma Democrats Meete. ' ' Oklahoma C'Uy , Okia. , Aug. 11. - With more than 1,000 delegates prest out and the state democratic convention - n tion began hero today. Principal In- H tcTPst centers In the probable action o of the convention on the question of t the rcsuhmlsslon of the prohibition ' I clause to a vote of the people. 1Did I though the resubmlssion faction Is I making ovrry effort to commit the i democratic party to an endorsement i of the Idea It seems probable that the convention may steer clear of the pro- hibltlon question altogether. CRITICAL g DAY FOR GAYNOR . SURGEONS WILL BREATHE EAS IER WHEN DAY ENDS. IS DANGER OF BLOOD POISON | The Mayor Spent a Comfortable Night , Getting Good Sleep Wound Lookn All Right Bullet , Left In , May Cause Sudden Rupture Any Time. I New York , Aug. II. Because of alarming ' ' rumors regarding Mayor Gaynor'n condition which wore In cir culation this afternoon Dr. Arlltz , who was . In charge of the patient , Issued the following bulletin shortly after a ' o'clock : "Pulse , temperature and respiration remain unchanged since 8:30. : lOvory- ' thing Is satisfactory. " ! i New York , Aug. 11. Mayor Gay- nor's wounds were dressed at S o'clock this ! ' morning , following which this bul letin ' was given out shortly before 9 9 o'clock : "Tho wound has been dressed and looks ' } l well. The mayor converses cheerfully J and the situation Is oucour- aging. l > " No further ofllclnl bulletins will bo announced until this afternoon. Spent Comfortable Night. All reports this morning from the bedside of Mayor Gaynor were of an encouraging naturo. At 7 o'clock tula morning < the following official bulletin was Issued : "Mayor Gaynor spent a comfortable night. Temperature ' 100'/fe ; pulse 70 ; respiration 17. " The official bulletin was informally supplemented by Dr. Stewart , who re mained ; all night at Mayor Gaynor'a bedside. Dr. Stewart reported that the mayor awoke this morning at his usual hour and appeared refreshed by the comfortable sleep he had been able to secure during the greater part of the night. Not an unfavorable symptom had developed. Dr. Arlltz , relieved shortly before midnight for a few hours' rest after his ( long vigil , was at the hospital bright and early this morning. He went | over the mayor's condition with Dr. Stewart and joined the latter In the issuance of the morning bulletin. Dr. Arlltz was very cheerful. "This Is , the best bulletin yet , " ho said as the Ktntement v.as hande < | out. Keeping Temperature Down. It was noted that the bulletin gave those details concerning the patient's condition which hitherto have been merely informally stated or the sub ject of unofficial reports. It was learned that the chief efforts of the physicians all day yesterday were to keep < down the mayor's temperature and the fact that this morning it was oflicially announced that the thermom- eter reading showed only lOOVfe do- grees , approximately the same as yea- terday , seemed to indicate they had been < successful. This a Critical Day. It was generally conceded , however , that ( today was likely to bo an import * ant ] one in the history of Mayor Gay- nor's | case. Perhaps the chief fear of his medical attendants has been that blood poisoning might develop. The end ] of the two-day period commonly allowed ] for the appearance of such Infection comes today. Bullet May Cause Sudden Rupture , The two sections of the bullet fired by : James J. Gallagher , the discharged dock employe , remain embedded in the mayor's neck and throat. The possibility of danger from these frag- ments grows less with eacli day. It the Infection period be safely passed practically the sole apprehension of the medical men will be from the pos sibility that one of these fragments lies so near an arterial surface that dangerous hemorrhage may result , Such a rupture might como without Iwarning. . Near the mayor's bedside through the night were Mrs. Gaynor , the son Rufus , Mrs. Vlngtit , daughter , and Sec- tretary Robert Adamson. Dr. Stewart was the physician In charge. Fine Rain at Neligh. Neligh , Neb. , Aug. 11. Special to The News : A most welcome rain visited this vicinity early last even- Ing that continued for nearly two hours. The evening program of the .chautauqua ! was not given. To Play in Morning. d'Neligh. . Neb. , Aug. 11. Special to The News : Owing to the annual chau- tauqua having full sway at Riverside park , the first baseball game of the Klkhorn : Valley league In this city. scheduled with Oakdale Friday , will take : place on the park diamond In the forenoon , , Instead of the afternoon. This 1 arrangement has been agreed to by the managers of both teams. Al- 3though no admission can he charged at the gate , the price of grandstand 11seats Is reduced to 10 cents for this occasion only. Tickets are selling for the game at 2. cents and each Is la- holed. : "First League Game. I Paid. Did You ? " Manager Wattles states that ho will strictly observe the rules as laid down by flu- association , and that his play- ors will play clean , honest ball Wrangling of any nature will not bo allotted on the Neligh diamond