The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 05, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Start Little , Grow Big
Accumulate wealth from a small beginning.
This is the purpose of our Savings Department.
Tliis service is for your benefit. We want you to
take advantage of it by becoming a Savings De
positor. You may start in a small way , as low as a
dollar , and deposit whatever surplus you can save
from your regular income. If your resolve is firm
your success is assured.
The Nebraska National Bank
Bakery Goods
Don't wear yourself out by doing your
own baking during this warm weather.
Of course you want your bread and
cakes to bo good and don't want to
buy baker's goods , but when you are
HO fortunate as to have a bakery like
ours in your town , whose bread and
cakes you KNOW are right , it Is fool
ish to bake your own.
( "Good Things to Eat" )
BELL 59 AUTO 1159
One Pair
Of Eyes
to a lifetime Do not neglect
unil nliisc > thorn
Your EJON Mn ItiM'dltriilliia ,
and need It biull >
Don't put It off from day to dny.
Do you know the risk you iun7
Every da > a delay moans aildod
dungor to your health and eye
sight I provide glasses to moot
every defect of vision , and my
charges are model ate
Examination Free.
H. S. OVEROCKER , Optician
417 Norfolk Avenue.
Hammock Sale
Wo have four hammocks left
and want to get rid of them.
Here aie the pi ices :
| 4.GO Hammock now $3.50
$4.25 Hammock now $3.25
$2.75 Hammock now $2.25
$2.35 Hammock now $1.90
Fleming's Pharmacy
500 Norfolk Ave.
You Know
That rays of the sun under
proper conditions cause sun
stroke. Where one person suf
fers sunstroke , hundreds have
their eyes Injured by the ultra
violet rays from the sun or
strong artificial light. It has
been proven that In some cases
they cause cataracts. The so-
called "blinding glare" which
affects so many people's eyes on
an exceedingly bright sunny day
or when the ground Is covered
with snow Is simply the Injuri
ous effect of the ultra-violet
rays. We now have a light fil
tering lens which absolutely ab
sorbs those rays , whether com
ing from the sun or other
sources. No person with supersensitive -
sensitive eyes should be without
a pair , even If they do not ordi
narily wear glasses. If Interest
ed call or write for full partic
R.C. SIMMONS , Reg. Opt.
Cotton Block , Norfolk , Neb.
Cow Ease
Keeps the Files Away
Allows the cows to eat with
comfort. Makes them give more
milk and better milk ,
A , C. Logan of Center was hero.
W. C. Caloy of Crelghton was In the
Ernest Peters of Pierce was In the
A. D. Dillon of Oakdale was a visitor
In Norfolk.
Mra. Q. L. Evans has just returned
from a six weeks' trip through Yel
lowstone park , accompanied by a party
of classmates of Lincoln.
Julius Frohllck of Madison was in
the city calling on friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pofahl of Hos
kins were visitors In the city.
Mrs. T. W. Schilllngton of Omaha Is
In the city visiting with the Joseph
Pliant family.
Mrs. Frank Scott and daughter
Leona , returned from their trip to the
cbt nnd Canada last evening.
Among the Madison visitors In the
clt.v Thursday were : W. L. Dowllng
T. E. Alderson. M. S. McDuillo , F. A
Peterson , Harvey Hosklns.
Mrs. Earl Drown , her mother , Mrs
fiundorson , and Miss Julia Tnkhelm o
Dallas are in the city visiting at the
east and Canada last evening.
Among the day's out-of-town visitors
in Norfolk were : William Badger
Dallas ; Foster Rllhourn , Meadow
Grove : II. F. Plank , Neligh ; W
O'Toole , Dallas ; Leon Howard , Ne
Ugh ; Moses Ayers , Meadow Grove ; C
W. Clifton , Meadow Grove ; Mrs. WI1
Ham Maynard , Urlstow ; J. A. Komper
Crofton ; Fred Strong , Pierce ; W. II
Hansvvorth , Osmond ; O. J. Frost
Plalnvlew ; H. Albertson , Ponder ; J
E. Witten , Pierce ; H. Stelnkraus
Pierce ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hearst
Madison ; K. W. McDonald , Plainview
If your liver is siuggisn ana out o
tone , and you feel dull , bilious , constl
patcd , take a ilo&e of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Llv i Tablets tonight be
fore retiring and you will feel all right
iu the morning. Sold by all dealers
As so many men attended the races
3'esterday , our shirt sale was not so
well attended as it otherwise woulc
have been , so vve'U'contlnue It for fifty
nine minutes , beginning at 10 a. in
tomorrow. ? 1.00 , $1.23 and $1.50 neck
band shlits , 59c each. "Si. "
When the digestion is all right , the
action of the bowels regular , there Is
a natural craving ana relish for food
When this Is lacking you may know
that you new ! a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
strengthen the digestive organs , Im
prove the appetite and regulate the
bowels Sold by all dealers
Real values find buyers promptlj
when advertised for people , nowa
days , have come to "know. "
Dysentery Is a dangerous disease
but can be cured. Chamberlain's Col
Ic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has
been successfully used in nine epldem
Ics of dysentery. It has never been
known to fall. It Is equally valuable
for children and adults , and when re
duced with water and sweetened , It Is
pleasant to take. Sold by all drug
Junction News.
Mrs. Charles H. Baker and daughte
Idolta arrived home from Omaha las
evening , whore they had been on busl
Miss Nellie Morrison of Chicago Is
visiting with relatives In the city for
a few days.
Mrs. John Hlnze arrived home from
Omaha yesterday noon , where she had
been on a business transaction.
Miss Nellie Bennett returned to he
home In Long Pine yesterday noon
after a few weeks' visit with Miss
Ruth Grauel. Miss Bennett formerly
lived at the Junction.
Miss Jonas arrived home from Oma
ha last evening , where she had been
on business. Miss Jonas is a reslden
of Lincoln , but Is now a guest at the
home of her aunt , Mrs. C. H. Baker
Harry Morton of Wlnslde is taking
In the Norfolk races.
Tender Feel
A new scientific ! medical toilet table
Draws Out All Inflammation
and Soreness.
This remarkable foot bath remedy I
Superior to Powder , I'lnnter or bnlv
and Is guaranteed to cure Corns , Cal
louses , minions , Frostbites , Chilblains
Ingrowing Nails. Tired , AchingBvvol
Ion , Nervous , Sweaty , Bad Smelling
Smaller Shoe * Cnn be Worn by using
TIZ , because It puts and keupa the fee
In perfect condition.
TIZ is for sale at all druggists , 2
cents per box or direct. If you wish
from Walter Luther Dodge & Co , Chicago
cage , 111.
ssues Denial of the Sioux City Report
That He Would Re-establish the
Midnight Saloon In Nebraska Says
Prohibition Is Wrong.
"I'll toll you , boys , this prohibition
and local option , from my own actual
experience , Is going to put things on
the bum , " said Mayor James C. Dahl-
man of Omaha In a brief address last
night at the banquet given to a hun
dred friends by Charles Ulco , the Nor
folk wholesale liquor dealer , at which
the mayor was entertained. Mr. Dahl-
man's address contained his views on
county option. Ho said the local op
tion should be left to the people of the
various cities , who should have the
right to vote , "yes" or "no. " It should
not be put up to the county to regulate
for the towns. Willis E. Reed of Mad
ison , candidate for the democratic
nomination for the-Untted States sen
ate , also made a brief address on the
same subject.
The entertainment was given by
Charles Ulco to a number of his
friends. A three-course dinner was
served , after which a smoker was en
joyed In Mr. Rice's beautiful vineyard.
Stories wore told and a good time In
general made the event .a success.
The Ahhnan mandolin club furnished
the music for the evening. The entire
yard and veranda were beautifully dec
orated with palms and electric lights.
P. M. Barrett was toastmaster and
In a neat little speech Introduced each
speaker of the evening. A number of
Informal talks wore made.
Mayor Dahlman , who Is accompa
nied by his secretary. Henry Grapen ,
and Judge James Hartwlck of Omaha
are making the trip through this part
of Nebraska In an automobile driven
by George Colvin of Omaha. Among
the towns at which the mayor deliv
ered addresses were Stariton , Pllger ,
Verdigre , Crelghton and NIobrara.
The Dahlman party are making their
headquarters at the Oxnard hotel.
This afternoon It Is thought the mayor
will deliver an address from the grand
stand at the driving park. He leaves
tonight for St Edwards and Hum
phrey , where he will deliver addresses.
After returning to the Oxnard hotel
from the Charles Rice banquet Thurs
day night , Mayor Dahlman nnd his
party held a reception In the lobby of
the hotel , where politics in general
were discussed. Former State Senator
F. J. Hale was one of the party.
Speaks On Street.
Mayor James C. Dahlman of Omaha
spoke to a large crowd of Norfolk people
ple Friday afternoon on Norfolk av
enue. He made his address very brief
owing to the fact that he was sched
uled for an address at Madison In the
evening. Willis E. Reed also made a
brief address.
Standing In the rear seat of his au
tomobile the Omaha mayor said :
Mr. Chairman nnd Citizens of Norfolk
folkIt gives me great pleasure to
be able to speak to you here today. I
shall make my address brief as you
came for the purpose of witnessing a
racing affair and not attend a political
I feel peculiarly at home when at
tending a racing meet. Twenty years
of the best part of my life were spent
upon the plains of western Nebraska
In the capacity of cowboy , and I feel
proud of having been one. Often have
I tried my skill with less fortunate
"punchers" in an effort to break the
spirit of some unruly animal. It was
our only diversion and sport.
But to got down to business , I am a
candidate for governor on the demo
cratic ticket. I am fighting for what
I believe Is right , and for the rights
of the masses. In the first place , I am
unalterably opposed to county option ,
because It takes away from the Indi
vidual the right of personal liberty
for which our forefathers died under
the leadership of Washington and
more than that , It deprives the various
towns in the counties from running
their own affairs.
Tor Instance , suppose Omaha hap
pened to be In the same county as Is
Norfolk. Stretch the Imagination still
further and for the moment wo will
suppose that wo had county option In
actual operation. On this basis , If the
voters of Omaha , a majority of them ,
decided that they were not In favor of
saloons , Norfolk citizens would be de
prived of the right to drink a glass of
beer in the saloon , because there
would be none , regardless of whether
the majority ot people here wanted
Cure the Drinking Husband by Using
Orrlne Can Be Given Secretly.
No more terrible affliction can come
to any home than the craving for
strong drink of husband and father.
Wo appeal to wives , mothers and sis
ters to save the husband and father
or the brother with Orrlne. n scientific
cure for the liquor habit. Can be giv
en secrotly.
Orrlne Is sold under an absolute
guarantee that It will cure the drink
habit or money will be refunded. Save
the happiness and prosperity of the
home with Orrlne. $1 per box. Wrlto
for free booklet "How to Cure Drunk-
enness. " Orrino Co. , G80 Orrlno Build
ing , Washington , D. C. Orrine Is sold
In this city by Geo. B. Chrlstoph , Nor
folk , Neb.
saloons or not.
For Home Rule.
Do you call that Justice do you call
that homo rule ? Is there a man with
in the range of my voice who can show
me where I am wrong when I say that
ever since democracy was born , It has
stood for local self government nnd to
make the mill as small as possible ?
Surely none will contradict mo when
I say that county option enlarges the
unit. Why not be content with our
present manner of having each town
nnd village decide for Itself whether
or not they want the saloons ?
At the Grand Island convention I
helped to vote down the leader of the
national democracy , and although I
hated to do this , I did It because I
thought that the majority of Nebraska
voters are against county option. I
still believe so , nnd my belief will be
molded Into pi oof on the Ifith day of
August when voters everywhere will
rast their Individual vote for or
against the candidates taking sides on
county option , and if I am any judge
of indications I will win over my op
ponent by nn overwhelming majority.
After helping to vote down our na
tional leader , Sliallenbcrger arose be
fore _ the convention and announced his
willingness to sign a county option
bill , if pabsed by the legislature.
With all republican candidates
pledged by their party's platform to
sign a count yoption bill , It can be
plainly seen that I am the only candi
date on cither side who has come out
in the open and pledged myself , as I
pledge myself to you now , that I will
veto any county option bill , should It
be passed by the legislature.
Would Move Capital.
Then again , I am In favor of moving
the state capital from Lincoln to the
central pnit of the state , where It
would be talr to all Nebraska. I ob
ject to Lincoln containing the capital
when It ought to be in the central part
of the state. Coming as it docs , Is the
fact that w Itlilu a year or two we will
be forced to appropriate enough
money to build a new capltol costing
from two to four millions of dollars.
I am in favor of establishing an ar
bitration board that will , In my opin
ion as well as in the opinion of many
labor leaders , do away with strikes In
our great state.
Business Woman's Opportunities Better
ter Than Stay-at-Home
Benton Herald : The girl who goes
out to business has certainly a better
chance of marriage , more offers , than
her stay-at-home sisters. In the first
place , the girl who proceeds daily to
town has a better opportunity of meet-
ting young men.
All day long she Is In the company
of the opposite sex ; one way or an
other she meets her fellow-clerks , gets
to know many of them Intimately ;
has , moreover , the advantage of see
ing them day. after day nnd thus Is
enabled to judge of their characters
more closely than the one who sees
her lover only on his best behavior ,
and out of business hours.
Men cannot help admiring a gh-1
who , trim and neat , without any great
ostentation or affectation of the latest
fashion , always appears well and suit
ably attired at business.
The very presence of n girl's sweet ,
smiling face seems to brighten up the
dullest office or workroom , as the case
may be , and many Is the inun who has
met his fate this way. Almost urtcon-
sciousl at first he has looked forward
to her coming ; he likes to see the
bright face near him , to be asked lit
tle favors by her , while the pleasure
of being able to help , the very thought
of her leaning upon him , the fact that
he Is able to assist her In any way ,
no matter how trivial , becomes an ec-
stacy , and Is looked forward to and
seized upon by him vUth avidity.
Again , the presence of a woman , or
girl either , In office or factory , has ,
without doubt , a rostralnltn ; influence
upon man , helps to cultivate nnd pol-
ISQ Ir.elr manners. Few men will be
coarse and rought to a slrl In busi
ness , they like to appear at their best ,
TV ell In her eyes , oven th'JiigU not in
lo/o with her , for a woman's weak
ness arouses all the slumbering chiv
alry In a man's nature.
Then , again , if ot a sweet , obliging
disposition , the business girl makes
both friends and admirers , 'or how
can a young man who is coirnnutly in
'he society of a fair lady clerk or
other assistant , help learning to love
her ?
The business gUTs choice of a hus
band Is widely diversified ; 3he has nu
merous admirers end friends who will
Introduce others , ind likewise meets
u < ertaln class of fellow passengers
traveling to business daily with her.
W'mt ' more easy , fhn , for .in introduc
tion to bo procum' througn natural
friends once Cir/.d sets his dart to
woi I ; .
A slight service offered and accept
ed often leads to a genuine courtship ,
nnd in this way the busluess girl who
has the chance of meeting her admirer
dally has more scope than others who
stay at homo.
And last , but not the least , the ordi
nary business girl often makes very
good matches Indeed. For one thing ,
she Is generally a girl of refinement ,
brightness , education , and perhaps
charming manners ; It Is not , then , to
be wondered at If men of position ask
her to become their wife.
Health Department of American Me
tropolis Arraigned in Report Kal-
sen's Investigators Find Mortality
Rate In British Empire Lower.
A tremendous growth In Infant mor
tality lias aroused consternation In
New York city. Across the seas a
Blmllnr cry comes from Germany.
The situation In New York led to the
issuance of a statement by the bu-
reiiu of municipal research , which ar
raigned the department of health ,
charging that city physicians dcvotn
so much time to their private prno-
tlcc that they tire unable to serve the
city properly.
Totals Are Alarming.
The report Indicates the seriousness
of the situation by citing these statis
tics :
"In the first week In June 120 per
rent more babies under one year of
age died than In the snmo time last
year , " says the statement. "The ex
cess during the second week In Juno
WJIH ! > 0'per cent , the third week 10 per
cent , the fourth 30 per cent , the first
week of July 00 per cent , the second
week 55 per cent and the third week
of July 7. per cent.
"The week preceding July 2 , when
00 per cent more bnbles died thnn last
year , the maximum temperature was
three degrees lower than lu 1009 , the
mean temperature was more than four
degrees lower and the mean humidity
was seven degrees lower. In the week
of July , when 55 per cent more bn-
ble- . died than the year before , the
maximum temperature was one degree
lower than In 1000 , the mean tem
perature was a little over one degree
lower and the mean humidity wns
four degrees lower. "
Germany Is alarmed over the rlso
lu Infant mortality In the empire ,
which now exceeds IT per cent. Out
of 2,000G < iO persons born during the
year 351,000 died under the age of one
year. The highest mortality by king
doms Is In Huvarla , 212 per cent. The
lowest mortality. 10.8 per cent , Is In
Prussia. Of the German cities Hamburg -
burg has the best record , which Is un
der H per cent. The Infant mortality
in the other typical cities Is :
Per cent.
Dreslau 3.2
Munich 20.4
Lolpslc 175
Blrassburg 17.3
Berlin IG.t
Stuttgart 15.7
Dresden 15.2
English Mortality Lower.
As compared with the British Isles
the Infant mortality lu Germany Is
very high. Here are some English flg-
ures for n year :
Per cent.
United Kingdom 10.1 ?
England and Wales 113
London ll.'J
Edinburgh 12.1
Scotland 11.5
Ireland 3.2
In New York , based on the number
of births , the Infantile mortality , by
the latest statistics from the health de
partment , 1010 , Is about 10 per cent.
The great Increase lu the price of food
In America has led American doctors
to ask If America Is not In danger of
n deterioration of race duo to Insuffi
cient nourishment. This would show
first of all In Infantile mortality , but
the data would not be available In
America until the end of the present
Years of Talk In Invitations H Has
Theodore Roosevelt recently received
the two thousand nnd thirty-fourth In
vitation to deliver an address that has
been urged upon him since his return
to the United States on Juno 18.
If he made one speech each calen
dar day It would take him D years nnd
203 days to make 2,03-1 of them.
If he made one speech each week
duy It would take him 0 years and
Ifio days.
Iloosevelt speeches average about
in hour In length. Two thousand and
thirty-four of them , delivered contin
uously , would consume 84 days and
IS hours , or 254 days and 3 hours If
he observed the eight hour day of the
Public Speakers' union.
Talking ut the rate of 75 words a
minute , which Is the Roosevelt av
erage , 2.034 speeches would embrace
D.153,000 words.
To print these 9,153,000 words would
take 0 , ] , " ; ! newspaper columns and
would make 1,144 pages , with one col
umn over.
To got the best available stenogra
pher Is worth some want-advertising
and would bo even If want advertising
wore the costliest , Instead of the very
cheapest , thing in town.
Kidney trouble preys
upon the mlndi dlg.
AND courages and lessons
11/ / / l M FJ N ambltlon ! beauty , vis-
W \J ill L. I or and cheerfulness
soon disappear when the kidneys are
out of order or diseased. For Rood re
sults use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot the
Rrcat kidney remedy. At druggists.
Hamplo bottle by mall free , also pam
Address , Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Dlngham-
ton. N. T.
Byciclc Repairing
Do You Feel This Way ? f\
Do you feel all tiri-il out ? Do ) < m loinctiiuoi
think > i > i pit "nn't w irk iw > iy at jour profct-
Ion or trade * lunger ? Po you lm\c rt poor np3
titc , atul lit } untikv ill in lii % unuMo ( o sleep f Are
> uur ner\ci till gone , uiul > our stiiniiicli loop llni urn-
hition ( o forge nlicnd in ( lie world left } oup K so , you
mi ( < lit ui well put u .1(1,1 ( ! j nir i , , . . ) ' > " cl'v ' ) ' ' ' '
you will. Dr. I'icrco's Golden Medical DUcovcry nilt
make ) > " a dtlTcrcnt iudividuul. It will vet your lu/.y liver
to nork. It ill set tilling right in your stomach , and
your appetite Mill conic Inick. It \\ill purify your blood.
I ( tliero in tiny tendency in ) our family tnnnrd cnimimnlion ,
it will keep that drciid destroyer nwny. Hvcn niter con
sumption Inii almost gained u foothold In the form of a
lingering cough , bronchitis , or bleeding at llio lung * , it will bring about ti
euro in 93 per cent , of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. U. V. I'icrco ,
ofDuQalo , N. Y. , whoso advice It given free tn all who wish to write him. His
great success has oomo from his wide experience nnd vuricd practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grubbing dealer into taking inferior lubnti-
lutes for Dr. Tierce's medicinci , recommended to be " juit as good. " Dr.
I'ieroe's medicines are OP KNOWN coMromioN. Their every ingredient nrintcJ
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit-
forming drugs. WorU's Dispensary Mcdicnl AsHoaiation , HutTalo , N. Y.
Pan Cakes
Arc at Their Best When
Made of
Jersey Self Rising
Pancake Flour
No bother mixing the night before. Made from
the choicest portions of selected wheat ,
combined by our own special process
with the purest of leavening. It is
nature's own product. Ask
your Grocer. He sells it
JHablta cured by u thorough nnd nciontUlc course of
treatment which removes the craving or neeentilty
for liquor or drugs , nnpurtn in > w utrt-riKth to very
organ and bulldH up the * cnerul hnaltli I'rovon
I I'ftlcac lous by 30 years' UBO and the euro of more
tiian 350,000 patients. Bovvure ot Imitation * Th genuine Koeley treat
merit Is administered In this state only ( it
I'lli : KKtil.UV INSTITUTIS. nml Cn Mreem , OMAHA , NKII.
If there's a half-likelihood of your
moving soon , the want ads are live
reading matter for you nowadays.
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis , llinn. "I was a great
sufferer from female troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of the
system. I read so
E. Pinkhaa's Vegetable -
etable Compound
had done for other
suffering women I
felt sure it would
help me , and I must
say it did help mo
wonderfully , lly
pains all left me , I
grow stronger , and within three months
I was a perfectly well woman.
" 1 want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. " Mrs. JoiiKG. MOLDAN ,
2115 Second St. , North , Minneapolis ,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu-
hie testimonials like the above prove
the elliciency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkharn'a
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you \vnnt special advice write
to Mrs. Plnkham , at Lyim , Muss.
confidential. For 2O years she
has been hclplnpr sick women in
this way , free of charge. Don't
hesitate write at once.
Plnmblnir , Strom nnd Hot Water
Hentlnir. Etlnintr > fnrnUhe *
Dlion rrqueiit.
Hell Phone Office Illnck 10 * .
Hou.r A 431 nnd F 332.
In All Markets
you will lind something to tempt your
appetite In the choicest summer dain
ties In broilers , poultry of all kinds ,
spring lamb and veal and the primest
beef nnd mutton at this market. Our
market Is always kept scrupulously
clean and sweet and the most fas
tidious patron will not hesitate to
come to the
Central Meat Market
R. E. THIEM , Prop.
Bell Phone 60. Auto Phone 1160.
Five and a Half and Six Per Cent
for Your Money.
One to Five Years' Time.
W. J. GOW & Bro. , Norfolk , Neb.
Veterinarian , S-irjceon and Dem-
tint , Ex-State Veterinarian.
Office :
216 So. 3d St. , NORFOLK ,
Bell 16 , Auto 1208. NEBRASKA
Rock Springs Coal
at the
Farmeri Grain & Liv Ito k
II 474. Auto 1M
ft Dentist
ft Mast Block Norfolk , Neb. ft
* ft
ftftftftftft ftft ftft 4 ;
are always paid by the
Phone 216. Norfolk , Neb.
Quick Service
If you want to ship , store or
niovo anything call us up for
. ' MM ! efficient service.
Let our Messenger Doya run
Your Errands. \
Hell 428 Automatic 10&4
304-3041 SoBth 7th St.