The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 05, 1910, Image 1

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c. NTKNUASKA. FRIDAY. A"irorsfl > line ?
In an Interview Hamon , Accused by
Senator Gore as Having Offered
Bribe for Indian Land Legislation ,
Declares Charge Is Untrue.
Muskogee , Okla. , Aug. G. Jake L.
Hamon , accused by Senator T , P. Gore
with having offered him a $25,000 bribe
to influence legislation In congress for
the sale of Oklahoma Indian lands ,
took the stand for the Investigation
committee today.
Hamon entered n general denial of
Senator Gore's charges that ho offered
the senator $25,000 or other loan to
"put through" the $30,000,000 land
deal. He denied being himself Inter
ested In the McMurrny contracts and
said ho was In Washington In the In
terest of Governor Hnskoll of Okla
Ho also denied offering Congress
man C. E. Croagor nn "Interest" In
the deal.
Ilninon described himself as nn at
torney of Lnwton , Okla. , the home
town of Senator Gore. He said ho
had known the senator for nine years
and had loaned him money in business
Denies Offering Money.
"Did you toll Senator Gore that you
were ready to pay him $25,000 or $50-
000 and the money would not bo mark
ed , that there would be no checks hut
that the money would bo clean hard
cash ? "
"I never made such an offer , " re
plied Hnmon.
"Did you ever mention to Senator
Gore that Vice President Sherman ,
Senator Curtis , former Senator Longer
or former Senator Thurston were In
terested In the McMurray contracts ? "
Hamon was nsked-
Denles Mentioning Sherman , Thurston
"I never did. I was at Washington
In the interest of some Indian tribes
at a fee of $50 a day and exponais and
In the interest of Governor Hnokell In
the Muskogee town lots case. "
Won't Call Sherman.
Chairman Burke of the investigat
ing committee authorized a statement
that Vice President Sherman would
not bo summoned to appear before the
It was stated that no evidence had
been Introduced to show that Mr.
Sherman could throw any light on the
Muskogee , Okla. , Aug. G. It was ex
pected when the special committee
appointed by the house of representa
tives to Investigate what are known
as the McMurray contracts for the
sale of the Indian lands In this state
resumed Us session today that Con
gressman C. E. Creager of Oklahoma
would be recalled to the stand to sub
mit to cross-examination.
It was supposed he would add to
his previous testimony In which he
charged that J. K. Hamon approached
him on behalf of J. F. McMurray with
an offer pf a bribe to promote a
scheme whereby $3,000,000 would bo
paid In the form of "attorneys' fees"
out of money realized from the sale
of Indian lands.
It was said that Senator T. P. Gore ,
who had made charges of bribe of
$25,000 or $50,000 , although he might
bo called away , may be called for
more testimony.
Hamon Denies All Charges.
Mr. Hamon said he was ready to go
on the stand. In an Interview Mr.
Hamon denied ever offering a bribe
and that he ever had mentioned Vice
President Sherman or Senator Charles
Curtis of Kansas as having been "in
terested" in the McMurray contracts
"I am ready to toll all I know , " said
Mr. Hamon. "When that Is told ray
position , I am sure , will be clear of
reproach. "
Besides Mr. Hamon , another Impor
tant witness to bo hoard Is Congress
man B. S. McGulre of Oklahoma , who
was charged by Congressman Creage
with having occupied the same suite
of rooms with McMurray at a hote
In Washington , and by Senator Gore
with having been Interested In the
approval of the contracts for the sale
of the 450,000 acres of coal lands on n
10 percent attorneys' fee basis.
Senator Curtis to Testify.
Senator Curtis will be a witness
and will take the stand either tomor
row or Monday. Ho sent a telegran :
to Congressman Charles II. Burke ol
South Dakota , chairman of the Invostl
gating committee , stating ho was anx
Ions to testify that he was In no wnj
Involved In the land deal other thar
to have at heart the best Interests of
the Cboctaw and Chlckasaw Indlam
who now own the land ,
Sherman Brands It as False.
Big Moose , N. Y. , Aug. 5. Vice Pret
Ident James S. Sherman Issued bo
following statement concerning he
charges made by Senator Gore at Muskogee -
kogeo :
"The story that comes to me about
the charges made by Senator Gore nt
Muskogcc Is absolutely without the
slightest shadow of foundation. "
Senator Curtis Tells of Conference Be
tween Sherman and Taft.
Topeka , Aug. G. United States Sen
ator Charles Curtis left this afternoon
for MuHkogoo , whore he was called by
the Inquiry commission In response to
his offer to testify In regard to the
allegations made by Senator Gore
Thursday. Senator Curtis will take
the stand cither Saturday or Monday.
Senator Curtis said before he left
Topeka :
"I shall tell the committee that
President Taft sent for Vice President
Sherman and myself to discuss this
Indian matter and as n result of that
conference and acting on the advice of
Mr. Sherman and myself the presi
dent decided he would not open the
rolls nor would he further consider
the matter of placing his approval on
the contract with the lawyers McMur-
ray and Long1 for the big fee claimed
In the sale of Indian lands. This con
ference with President Taft should
alone set at rest any further consid
eration of the vague charges made by
Senator Gore In this matter. We have
proof beyond the shadow of a doubt as
to our standing In this case. "
Formei * vfc'i Pugilist is About
Ready fo , ? % < n Last Fight.
Pittsburg , Pa' . ° % ? / -Joe Cans ,
one-time lightweight jn of the
prize ring , will live to .ils parents
n Baltimore , toward which city ho is
peeding In a race with death.
Wasted by the ravages of tubercu-
osls , and only able to faintly articu-
ite , Cans passed through this city
his morning. Ills train was due at
Baltimore at 3:20 : this afternoon. With
jans was his wife , his attending phy-
ician , Dr. II. L. South worth of Pros-
iott , Ariz. , and "Kid" North , an old-
line ring partner of the former pug-
Heart Failure Causes Expiration of
Bishop of Dallas , Tex.
Green Bay , WIs. , Aug. 5. The Right
Rev. Edward Joseph Dunne of the
Roman Catholic diocese of Dallas ,
Tex. , died hero today.
Heart failure was the cause of
death. Father Dunne was born In
hlcago June 15 , 1840.
And Farmers Do Not Mortgage Homes
to Buy Cars.
Oberlin , Kan. , Aug. 5. "I do not
know of one instance in the western
mrt of Kansas where either a resident j.
of the towns or a farmer has mort
gaged his home to buy n motor car
'or pleasure. I believe , so far as west
ern Kansas is concerned , this talk of
extravagance In buying motor cars Is
very much overdrawn. Our farmers
who have bought motor cars have
been amply able to do so. They bought
: hem because they needed them In
their business , and not as one spends
money extravagantly for pleasure. "
This Is the opinion of H. O. Douglas s ,
vice president of the Oborllu National
bank , with regard to the motor car
situation , after reading many news
paper articles alleging an extravagance
gance in the purchase of motor cars
and that homes are being mortgaged
to pay for them. A careful Inquiry
develops the facts to be practically as
Mr. Douglas says. Farmers living far
from towns , who own motor cars , say
they have carefully compared the cost
of the car , the up-keep , the interest
earning capacity of the money Invest
ed and the value of the time used
with the same figures for horses and
that the motor car fully justifies Itself.
Besides , by having a car they can save
and rest their teams for the heavy
work of the farm.
A man living fifteen miles from the
county seat and desiring to bring his
family in to an entertainment or who
needs to make a quick trip to town for ,
required repairs for his machinery
considers that he is saving money by
using a car. This trip can be made 1
with a car to town and back without
hurrying In an hour. To drive to town
and back with a team would require
nearly an entire day's time.
Successful farmers say that theli
time is as valuable In their line ol
business as any other business man's
time. Investigation shows it is the
successful and prosperous farmer *
who can afford them who buy motoi
cars , and not the men who cannot af
ford them.
Deadwood , S. D. , Aug. 5. Captali
Seth Bullock , United States marsha
for South Dakota , is entertalnlni
young Archie Roosevelt and his friend
who came here for a fishing trip o
about a month through this part of tin
country. The former president sail
ho wanted Archie to spend his hoi
y day In the hills climate , which he dt
clnred was the finest In the west.
Missouri Insurgent Defeated.
St Louis , Aug. G. The renomlnntlo
of Congressman Charles A. Crov
standpatter , by the republicans of tb
' Fourteenth Missouri district was a
sured by late returns. David W. Hll
Insurgent candidate , admits his defea
The Government Is Alarmed by Fears
That the Demonstration Will As
sume the Character of an Uprising ;
Catholic Feeling Runs High.
Madrid , Aug. G. Alarmed by fears
that the proposed demonstration of
the clerical forces at San Sebastian ,
the summer capital , will assume the
character of an uprising , the govern
ment today began to rush troops Into
San Sebastian. A regiment of cavalry
and two bntnlllons of chnusseurs were
sent. A regiment of Infantry also was
ordered from Vlttoria.
Doth General Weller , the captain
general of Catallna , and Count Sagas-
ta , the minister of the interior , will
go to San Sebastian to be in imme
diate charge In case of disorder.
The government believes the sar-
Ilst3 and the members of the religious
orders , which are numerous in Spain ,
are openly Inciting their followers to
The governors of IJasnue province
and the adjoining province of Navarre
today Issued orders to the mayors of
all the municipalities In these prov
inces to warn the Roman Catholics
against assembling or entering the
city of San Sebastian with arms and
that the most energ'etlc measures
would bo taken to repress any attempt
at a manifestation.
Catholics Already Assembling.
Hilbno , Spain , Aug. . Since the
government has ordered the railroad
companies not to furnish special
trains for the proposed demonstration
at San Sebastian Sunday , the Catho
lic adherents are already commencing
to leave for the summer capital on
the ordinary trains. Feeling In the
city runs high.
The committee which Is organizing
the demonstration today sent a tele
gram of protest to the king against
the interference of the authorities
with manifestations and also Issued a
statement urging their followers In
dividually to telegraph similar mes
sages to King Alfonso. A telegram of
sympathy was also sent to the pope.
Three Lives Lost in Landslide Five
Miles from Middletown , N. Y.
Mldclletown , N. Y. , Aug. 5. A land
slide on the Erie railroad five miles
west of here early today caused the
wreck of an eastbound fast freight
train and the loss of three lives.
The dead :
James J. Bradley , engineer , Port
P. E. Taylor , fireman , Port Jarvls.
George G. Carpenter , brakeman
Jersey City.
Eleven refrigerator cars were piled
up around the locomotive.
Fatal Wreck On Lackawanna.
Scrnnton , Pa. , Aug. 5. Two train
men were killed , another Is reported
dead , and two others are missing ns
the result of a freight wreck today on
the Delaware , Lackawanna and West
ern at Analomlnk , west of Strouds-
Gale Rips up Tents of Fire Sufferers
and Lets Beds Get Soaked.
Campbellton , N. B. . Aug. 5. Wind
and rain raised havoc today with the
, Campbellton flro sufferers , many of
whom , since they lost their homes in
. the recent conflagration , have been
living In tents and other Improvised
structures. The wind ripped up the
tents , blowing them about the town
and leaving couches and beds exposed
to the heavy rain.
The Boy Is Arrested at Nellgh and
Father Will Start Suit.
Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 5. Special to
The News : Clarence Cain was ar-
rested Wednesday evening by Officer
Jackson for carrying concealed weapons
pens and placed In the county Jail for
the night. Ho was brought before Po
lice Judge McAllister the following
morning and paid a fine and costs
amounting to $13.25. Not only were
the revolver and cartridges taken
from him , but also nearly a full pint
of whiskey , that ho claimed was pur
chased from one of the saloons In
The young man stated that he was
18 years of ago , and by request of the
county attorney and In the presence
of witnesses he placed his name on
, the label of the whiskey bottle which
of was scaled up by tno court and placed
in his keeping. John Cain , father oi
the young man , was at the jail early
- yesterday morning and talked with
his son at some length. It Is stated
upon good authority that the fatboi
will at once start proceedings against
the persons selling his boy the liquor
, Maas Still Alive.
.he Hosklns , Neb. , Aug. 6. Special to
as- The News : Henry Maas , whoso leg !
, were cut off by a binder , Is gettlni
at. along as well as could be expected.
Mayor Dahlman Says He Never Said
He'd Reopen Midnight Saloon.
Norfolk , Neb. , Aug. I. Editor News :
Under my signature , I wish to deny
the statement published In a current
Issue of The Norfolk Dally News dat
ed from Sioux City saying that I felt
confident there was enough votes In
Nebraska to warrant my reestablishing
ing the midnight saloon , If I became
governor. I never Issued such n state
ment anywhere , and In my Ignorance
of knowing the source It originated
from , I wish this paper would publish
this retraction.
( Signed ) James C. Dahlman.
The Fire , a Small One , Starts in Hallway -
way , the Only Exit to the Three-
Story Building , and Escape is Prac
tically Cut off.
New York , Aug. 5. Seven lives
were lost early today in a fire which
destroyed a thrcestory lodging house
in the foreign quaiters known as
Jamaica. The blaze started in a hall
way , the only exit , and spread so
inpldly that few of the Inmates had
nn oppoitnnity to escape.
The lodging house was occupied for
the most part by poor workmen em
ployed in the neighborhood. The o > vn-
or , George Dunbeck , occupied apart
ments with his family on the ground
floor. He and his family escaped saie
ly In their night clothes by climbing
through the windows to the street
The dead , five men and two women ,
wore all foreigners.
They were asleep at the time , and
were all suffocated by smoke as they
lay in their beds.
The blaze was a ainall one , rnd a
single company of firemen with one
line of hose extinguished n within a
few minutes after their nnival. The
property loss will not exceed $1.500.
Right of Northwestern to Build Across
Her Claim is.Disapproved.
Yankton , S. D. , Aug. 5. After hav
ing had the case under advisement for
fourteen days , Judge R. B. Tripp has
handed down a decision in the im
portant case of Eleanor Salee of Tripp
county , versus the Northwestern Rail
road company , In which the court sus
tains the plaintiff and an injunction
ordered restraining the said road from
continuing its construction work
across the claim of the plaintiff , who
holds claim No. 4 In the Tripp county
drawing. The case is one of much
Importance and the decision is far
reaching , as it gives other homestead
ers the same rights under the same
conditions Miss Salee has successfully
contested. The question Involved was
somewhat complicated and turned on
an entryman on public land giving a
deed to the Northwestern
for right-of-
way while a contest was pending
against the entryman on his filing.
The court held that inasmuch as the
railroad had failed to file an approved
profile of Its road In the local land
office before the road was constructed
it acquired no right-of-way under a
deed given It by an entryman named
Schneider , whose claim was contested
by Miss Salee , who Is a very popular
settler of Tripp county.
Death of Sarah Relnert.
Ainsworth , Neb. , Aug. 5. Special to
The News : Sarah Relnert , an old settler
tlor of Brown county , was burled here
attended by n large number of rela
tives and friend . The deceased was
65 yeary of ago J'nd the mother of a
large family , most of whom llv In
this county. George A. Reinert. one
of her sons , lives on a ranch In the
Calamus region In the southern part
of Brown county , but for many years
he was engaged In the newspaper
business In this county , and In Polk ,
Koya Palm and Sherry counties.
Mrs. Relnert had been In falling
health for some time. On last Mon
day morning she was taken to Omaha
for treatment and was placed In the
St. Joseph hospital. After consulta
tion It was deemed necessary that an
operation bo performed. Drs. Dwyer
and Remy of Omaha and Lambloy of
Alnswortb performed 'the operation
and 407 gall stones were taken from
the gall bladder. The liver was found
to be badly diseased and death wae
but a short time awny at the best.
Recent Order of President Taft Arousei
Pierre , S. D. , Aug. 5. The recen
order of President Taft regarding tin
suspension of public lands from ho
horaosteadory , In which were Includei
200 townships along the state line between >
tweon North and South Dakota , ha
mot with the opposition of fourteoi
commercial clubs In that section o
the two states.
These organizations adopted resoli
lions against the order and appolnte
one delegate from each state to go t
Washington to secure , If possible ,
modification of the order.
"OUST 'EM" '
In His Paper , Mr. Bryan Stretches His
Advice Across the Plains to Illinois
and Telia Democracy to Oust Those
Who Were Disloyal.
Lincoln , Aug. G. In n statement
published In his paper today In refer
ence to the meeting held recently In
Lincoln , 111. , to protest against legis
lative corruption , William J. Bryan
declared that the democratic leglslat-
ors who voted to elect William Lori-
mer to the United States senate should
be read out of the democratic party.
"Any democrat who voted for Lori-
iner for 'patriotic' reasons ought to bo
letlred to private life and kept there
long enough to learn what patriotism
means , " said Mr. Rryan.
"It is almost ns dangerous to have
a fool In the legislature as a knave.
"A democratic legislator who could
be convinced that he was performing
a patriotic duty in voting for Lorlmor
could he persuaded to do anything
desired by a lobby , piovided the same
patriotic arguments were used. He
is not lit for any representative posi
tion It Is hardly safe to allow him to
run at large.
"Turn them out. The party cannot
pause to defend those who are guilty
or who , if innocent , have aroused sus
picion which can never be removed. "
George M. Hansen of Maine Chosen
for Supreme Chancellorship.
Milwaukee , Aug. . Vice Chancel
lor George M. Hanson of Maine was
elected to the supreme chancellorship
of the Knights of Pythias order. At
the conclusion of four ballots for su
preme vice chancellor Thomas J. Car-
ling of Macon , Ga. , was elected.
Other officers elected are as follows :
Supreme keeper of records and seals
Fred F. Wheaton , Minneapolis.
Supreme prelate Rev. Joseph S.
Spearing , Shreveport , La.
Supreme master of exchequer
Thomas D. Mears , Wilmington , N. C.
Supreme master-at-arms Edward
Horton , St. Thomas , Out.
Supreme Inner guard Harry A.
Drachman , Arizona.
Supreme outer guard H. Al. Wads'
worth , Philadelphia.
Members of board of control Insur
ance department George A. Bangs ,
Grand Forks , N. D. ; W. J. Duval , Kan
Niece of Mrs. McMahin is Jointly
Charged With the Crime.
Sturgls , S. D. , Aug. 5. Charges
against Mrs. Nelllo McMahin , who
shot and killed David P. Thomas Sat
urday morning , were dismissed by the
state and Immediately a new Informa
tion filed and warrant Issued charging
Nellie McMahin and Mary Hanlfy
Jointly with murder. Mrs. Hanify Is
a niece of the late Michael McMahin.
Defendants were Immediately araign-
ed and the preliminary hearing set
for 2 o'clock. The state was repre
sented by W. M. Kasher , states at
torney by special appointment assign
ed by Robert Stewart of Deadwood ,
and the defense by Harry P. Atwater
and A. K. Gardner.
Col. George Harvey Has Been Installed
as a Member.
New York , Aug. 5. Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt has added another dis
tinguished member to the Ananias
club in the person of Col. George Har
vey , editor of the North American Re
The Initiation took place In the of
flee of the Outlook , of which Colonel
Roosevelt Is contributing editor , and
the new member , while not actually
present , was put through with much
vim and considerable bounce.
While Colonel Roosevelt did not use
the "shorter and uglier word" In con
nection with Colonel Harvey , his Ian
guage was distinctly blunt and plain.
The reopening of the club , which
was closed Just prior to Mr. Reese
velt's departure for Africa , was
brought about through an article In
the August number of the North
American Review entitled "Is Rooso-
f volt an Asset or a Liability ? " which
was signed "Tho Editor. " In one para-
graph this sentence appears :
'But recently Roosevelt , the man ,
declared that If a national election
were to be hold next November he un
doubtedly would be the republican
candidate and would win. "
When Colonel Roosevelt saw this
his eyes snapped and his teeth click
ed as ho almost shouted :
"That Is n simple falsehood ; I have
never said anything like that. "
It was pointed out to Colonel Rooso-
velt that Colonel Harvey evidently
e- meant to convoy the impression that
as ho would be forced to accept the noml
nation. By this time Colonel Reese <
of volt appeared extremely angry ; and
again repeating that ho had novoi
lu- made the statement attributed to him
ed made a rush for the waiting elevator
to "it may be unseemly for mo to en
gage with JIr. Roosevelt In a contro
versy Involving a question /eraclty
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum 81
Minimum til
Average 60
Barometer 29.90
Chicago , Aug. G. The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of thu
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Partly cloudy , with probabl-y showI
ers west portion tonight or Saturday ; (
warmer east portion tonight. i
That which I wrote , of course , is all
true , " said Colonel George Harvey.
Corn Good In Brown.
Ainsworth , Neb. , Aug. G. Special to
The News : The recent rains in this
section have revived things nicely
and the farmers now sa > ; that they
never ! had a better prospect for corn.
Other crops are short.
Man Serving Time at Fremont for
Land Fraud , Dying of Cancer.
Washington , Aug. G. President Taft
lias commuted the sentence of A. B.
Todd , who has served almost his en
tire term of three months In Fremont.
Neb. , jail for fraudulent homestead
entry. Ills sentence Included a line
of $1,000. T.odd Is reported dying
from cancer of the stomach.
While Laughing a Brooklyn Man Fell
Five Feet and Was Killed. I
New York , Aug. 5. Thomas Tallas-
son Is dead at his home In Brooklyn
because a funny story caused him to
laugh so heartily that he lost his bal
ance and fell five feet from a railing.
Ills nkull was fractured and he died
In a hospital ten hours later.
In England He Placed Five Millions in
Railroad Bonds.
New York , Aug. n. Having placed
five million dollars In bonds with Eng
lish investors , Arthur E. Stilwell ,
president of the Kansas City , Mexico
& Orient railway , returned on board
the Rotterdam of the Holland-Ameri
can line.
He made a tour of Europe after the
placing of the five million dollar bond
Issue and felt the pulse of Investors
there. While he Is cheerful and hopeful -
ful over the future of American se
curities abroad , he declared that this
country was losing millions of dollars
of 'io inoiiL of European Investors
because of the uncertainty of condi
tions here. Money that would ordi
narily come into the market here
through the buying of our bonds and
stocks is finding Its way Into South
American countries , particularly Ar
gentina. '
"The investor seems afraid of con
ditions here , " he continued. "No one
seems to know what Is going to hap
pen next. There have been so many
changes In the laws , so imny Investl-
gallons , that the European Investors
have become wary. "
"The charge has been made that
there has been too much politics , " he
was told.
"I guess that's part of the trou
ble. " he replied , "because there Is no
denying that this Is a wonderful coun
try , a great portion of It being unde 1
veloped , especially the great south
"The railroads will have to be Riven
encouragement , however , to go ahead.
For the railroad Is the agent of pros '
perity and development goes with It.
Give the railroads a chance to make a
good rate , so that their earnings will
be ample to pay the Investors and 1
this country will see the * cjraacost. pros '
perity It has ever known. I think I 1
cn say without contradiction that
the railroad companies in the United '
States are prepared to spend MO mil
lion dollars In the next ton years If
the officials of the railroads are sat
isfied that they will not be held hack :
by legislation that Is founded on agi
tation rather than on good , sound
law. "
The bonds Mr. Stllwell sold In Eng
land are the Kansas Cltv. Mexico &
Orient railway's first mortgage .M-year )
gold 4 percent bonds. This railroad '
will , when entirely completed , ran be
tween Kansas City ard Topolobampo ' ,
Mexico , on the Gulf of California , a
distance of 1,659 miles. Already flS 3
miles of this line are In operation and
now that five million dollars' worth of
lv nds have been successfaily sold the
remaining part of tno railroad wl'l be >
pushed to completlu : and Mr. Stilwell
Ltlloves Mil be reidv In two years.
"As a railroad mar. and an Ameri I-
can looking forward to the prosperity
of this country and sincerely hoping
for It , " ho said , "and having faith In
It , I wish financial conditions were set
tled here so that the railroads all over
the country could go ahead and spend
money for Improvements and exten
sions. Allow them this and there need
bo no worry about prosperity. Then
there need ho no worry about foreign
Investors coming Into our securities.
"People generally do not quite un
dcrstand what all this means , but take
the territory along the Orient road
Thousands are coming Into that conn
try because wo are spending mono )
and making extensions. Rut we wan
, good rates to allow ample earnings t to
continue our work. "
, Mr. Stilwell will remain In this clt ty :
. nt the company' * offices In the Singe
- building. Ho will then make a shor
- trip to Mexico and will afterward re
. turn to England.
No , Greater Duty Ever Devolved Upon
the Two Town Criers of Province-
town , Mass. , Than Announcement
Friday of President's Coming.
Provlncotown , Mass. , Aug. 5 No
greater ' duty ever devolved upon
, Provlncetown's town crlera , George *
Wiitthburn Ready and Walter Smith ,
than their announcement today of the
coming , of President Taft and the ded
ication of the granite shaft on Town
Hill erected to the memory of the pil
grim ( fathers.
This old custom of crying Important
events ( through the stteelH lemalns In-
tart ( In Provlneotown.
The cornerstone of the monument
was laid August 7 , 11(07 ( , by President
Roosevelt. Its dedication by Presi
dent , Taft attracted a crowd that taxed
to their limits the narrow streets ot
this | old fashioned town. A line .nor'-
wester' was blowing straight across
the bay from Hoverly to Cape Cod ,
and running before the wind , the pros-
Idont'H yacht Mayflower came flying
across to bo welcomed by a mighty
array of the nation's naval power
Preparations for receiving the crowd
and the distinguished guests were
completed last night and before the
exercises today the Hoot sent ashore
n couple of thousand of Its sailors ,
who formed along the streets from the
wharf , where the president landed , to
the grandstand
The principal act of the dedication
of the monument was the unveiling of
a bronze tablet over the door faring
the harbor which was given by Pro-.l-
dent Emeritus Charles Eliot of Har
Mrs. Van Valkenburgh Says Her Husband - '
band Divided His Affections.
New York , Aug. G. "I am the other
woman. I have been the other woman
for six years. Now you are his wife ,
and I want $1G,000. "
i This telephone message was re
ceived by Mrs. Philip Van Valken
burgh , the "eight million dollar wid
ow. " on the first day of ber honey
moon , according to adMuvIts she has
made In her suit for at > . ; olu.e ! divorce
against Philip Van Vnlkenburgh , mil
lionaire clubman of Fifth avenue and
Newport , whom she married last No
Continuing , the affidavit says of
! i "the other woman : " "She said that
Mr. Van Valkenburgh had' paid her
? lj,000 , but had promised her ? 'iOOOO.
She said that she wanted the remain
ing $15.000. "
i The complaint alleged that the
plaintiff , Mrs. Van Valkonburgh , then
1 went to the defendant , Philip Van
Valkenburgh , her husband , and asked
him if the other woman was a reality ,
and that he admitted that she was.
It further states that Van Valkenburgh
asked her for a loan of $15,000 to pay
off his obligation to "the other wo-
man , " which she provided , on the
agreement that he was to have no
more to do with this second wrman ,
whose name does not appear.
According to the papers In the suit.
Van Valkenburgh did not live up to hla
agreement and continued to see the
mysterious "other woman. " It also la
charged that at times after his mar-
rlage there were as many as two
"other women" In the case.
Failure to pay her bills at the St
Regis , refusal to protect her against
slanderous stories circulated concernIng -
Ing her character by still another woman -
man , an old time enemy , and general -
al failure to fill the bill of a good
husband are mentioned , as also la or-
treme "stinginess" In providing for
her wants In the way of money and
1 clothing.
i But despite all those things the wld-
ow forgave him and made every posirt-
ble allowance for him , according to
the affidavit , until , angered because
the hotel clerk presented him a bill
of $45 for rooms that were hers , he
packed his trunks secretly and depart-
Fairmont Creamery Company Files
Complaint at Washington.
Washington , Aug. 5. The Fairmont
ICrenviery company of Omaha , Neb , ,
filed n complaint with the Interstate
commerce commission against the
Atchlson , Topeka and Santa Fe ; Chicago
cage , Burlington and Qulncy ; Kansas
City and Southern ; Missouri Pacific ,
and St. Joseph and Grand Island rail
road companies , alleging unjust
charges by the railroad on fuel oil
shipped from Sugar Creek , Mo. to
Omaha , Crete , and Grand Island , at
which points the creamery company
maintains companies and operates ,
them with fuel oil.
- Jeff , the Bear , Won a Bout.
New York , Aug. 5. Fighting for the
supremacy of the cage , Jeffries , a
white spotted bear , yesterday gave
the "knockout" to Johnson , the big
black bear In the Bostock arena at
Dreamland , Coney Island. The purse
was a big square of maple sugar ,
which was posted by one of the visit
ors to the arena.