The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 29, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Croat Strides Shown by the Wlnne-
bngo Indiana. !
WlnnobaKo , Nol ) . , .July 2(5. ( Never
Itnvo ntty of Undo Sinn's Iiullnn wards
ninilo HUcli progress toward becoming
genuine American citizens n have' '
theNobrnckn Wlnnobngoes during the
past eighteen nuiiitliH. The nnniuil re
port of Supt. Albert 11 Knoalo has
been niibnilttod to thu department nnd
It shows advancement morally , flnan-
clally nnd every other way which Is
Mr. Knenlo's report shows that the
Wlnnobngoes are becoming Industri
ous and sober. Not more than twenty
or twonty-tlvo members of the tribe
are now claused as drunkards , whllo
hundreds of them are fanning Intelli
gently with excellent prospects for
good crops. Two years , igo the Win-
iiobagoes had a bad reputation among
the Indians of the country. They wore
counted drunkards and loafers. They
liavo practically lost that bad reputa
tion now and and hundreds of the
members of the- tribe are pointing
with pride to the good work now being -
ing done.
The twelve men who are the coun
cilman for the tribe are among the
progressives. Most of them nro well
educated and they live In respectable
homes nnd work on their farms or at
their trades. They have greatly as
sisted Mr. Knealo In building up the
better spirit that now pefineatcs the
tribe. Under the Influence of the In
dians of the better class the members
of the tribe have helped to run out
the bootleggers , have assisted In mak
ing the WJnnelmgoos pay more atten
tion , to the marriage ceremony and
have helped to flro the ambition of
lazy ones toward farming their own
At a council held this week , nt the
Flagpole hill Superintendent Knealo
announced the names of the Wlnno-
Imgocs who will bo permitted to de
their own leasing In coming seasons.
The department has decided to put
this responsibility upon the Wlnneba-
goes In order to prepare them for the
tlmo three years bonce when the trust
on their lands will expire. It Is the
doslro of the department to. make the
Wlnnebagoes assume business respon
sibilities as rapidly as they are able.
The superintendent's annual report
shows that the Wlnnebagoes are farmIng -
Ing about 8,000 acres of their own
land tbis year. Inspection by the ex
port farmers of the reservation Indi
cated that much of the land has been
efficiently farmed. Some tracts of
corn and oats owned by ambitious
Wlnnebagoes are every bit as good as
that of white lessees close at hand ,
according to the reports of the ex
port farmers who are each In charge
of half of the Wlnnebago reservation.
One Wlnnebago farmer has 200 acres
of land under cultivation and his
crops are In excellent shape. About
GOO Wlnnebagoes are now farming
moro than garden spots , this number
being a great Increase over that of
other years.
The plan of employing expert farm
ers to assist the Indians on tl'e reser
vations was formulated by Fred H.
Abbott , assistant commissioner ; of In
dian affairs , soon after he was appoint
ed , and by agreement with Commis
sioner Valentine this part of the ad
ministration was put under the
charge of Mr. Abbott. The two
expert farmers on the Wlnnebago res
ervation have had the work of the
Indians constantly In mind. Every In
dian who attempted to farm has been
visited many times during the spring
and sumnipr. Indians have been as
sisted In the purchase of teams and
cows and seed grain. They have been
advised as to the sale of stock and
grain. The result has been most sat
isfactory , according to the superlnton
dent's report. He predicts that with
each year a greater number of Win
nebagoes will be making their own
livings from their own farms.
Against Speeding.
Madison Post : Chief Kennedy has
opened a campaign against auto speed
ing and states that be has determined
so far as it is in bis power to see that
the buzz wagons keep within the lim
it of the law. The chief states that
lie has endeavored to be fair with
the scorchers , but that they have not
boon inclined to be fair with him.
Dr. Smart appeared before bis honor ,
Judge Tannery , Thursday afternoon
nnd was taxed $10 and costs for speed
Several stop watches are now be
ing held on scorchers and It Is th
intention to keep a full and complete
record witnessed by two or three per
sons. In fact , there Is already one
record about a foot long which maybe
bo sprung at any time.
Water for Carter.
Carter News : The Western Town-
site company sent out a well drilling
outfit to this point this week , for the
purpose of sinking wells for the water
system which will soon be nut In at
this place. The outfit arrived here
last Monday evening and Tuesday
morning went to work. That Carter
will have an abundance of water
hereafter Is now an assured fact. Wa
ter was struck at forty feet In sand
and gravel and it Is of the purest
kind. This will Indeed bo the best
of news for the citizens of Carter ,
as well as all these Interested In the
development of the thriving little city.
A town without a good supply of wa
ter Is as a rule up against a very hard
proposition , and it Is gratifying indeed
to know that Carter will not have this
draw-back to contend with.
Just what kind of a water system
will bo put in here Is not yet decided.
There Is a difference of opinion as to
whether it will bo best to sink one
largo well or several small ones , but
tills will be determined later on at a
meeting of the citizens and the offi
cials of the townslto co'mp'any , which
wo understand will soon be held.
Now that it is conceded by nil that
Carter has plenty of water , and what
la more , water of the best quality , all
haste flhould ho made to have the sys
tem completed.
There Is nothing that will adver-
11riii a town , and especially a new
town , better than a good water sys
tem , flood water Is one of the neces
sities of life , and there arc not many
people who wish to locate In a town
where It cannot bo furnished. Let us
all get together and aid as much as
we can In bringing about the comple
tion of the proponed water system.
County Jail Crowded.
Madison Chronicle : The present
rowded condition of the county jail
both In the prison portion and In the
' residence portion , furnished the very
strongest kind of an argument in fav
or of turning over the jail building
entirely to Jail purposes and the buildIng -
Ing of a separate building on the court
house grounds for a sheriff's resi
dence. Wo believe this should bo
done , and done speedily , not merely
because of the present condition of
affairs , but because with the growtn
of the county * Its needs are growing
and the same condition that now ex
ists Is likely to occur nt any time.
At present the deputy sheriff who oc
cupies the living rooms In the jail
building finds himself crowded for
proper room for his family. This to
gether with the fact that there is nut
cell room for as many prisoners a1 *
are now In the Jail ( and the number
may Increase at any tlmo ) and to
gether with the further fact that what
ever family may occupy the Jail buildIng -
Ing is bound to be In too close proxi
mity to all sorts of characters who
may find themselves Inmates of the
jail , all Is a strong argument against
the present condition of affairs , and
In favor of a separate residence. The
present condition of affairs is not only
uncomfortable and disagreeable in the
extreme , at all times , but often a posi
tive menace lo the health of the ofii-
cor's family , If not to the morals of
his growing children. These words
are not Inspired by any word from
the sheriff or his deputy nor from any
other source have they been suggest
ed to us , but merely the result of our
observations. No one who will looic
the situation squarely In the face for
a moment can deny that the need for
a seperate residence Nfor the jailer ,
whoever1 may be , is great.
Stole His Clothes.
I'lainvlew Republican : A Niobrara
man who was taking a solitary dip
in the Missouri river at that place
last week left his clothes and horse
on the bank of the stream. A sneak
thief secured the borso and took along
the clothing. After enjoying his bath
the young man discovered his loss. In
the absence of a fig leaf he sought the
friendly branches of a willow tree
and made his way to a farm near by ,
dressed In cannibal fashion. We hope
It will not prove to be the editor of
the Niobrara Tribune who was the
To Enjoin the Extension.
Dallas News : Grading contractors
at work on the Northwestern exten
sion west from Dallas were served
with a notice of a temporary injunc
tion , issued at the Instances of Miss
Eleanor Sallee , a homesteader , two
miles southeast of Colome. The con
tractors are restrained from operation
on Miss Bailee's farm pending adjudi
cation of her claim for right-of-way
There arises in the case a peculiar
question in the matter of a home
steader's title. The tract of land from
which the grading contractors are
temporarily tabooed was taken up
under a filing by Otto Schnleder of
Mitchell who held No. 4 in the Trlpp
county land opening. Several months
ag6 be made right-of-way settlement
with the railroad company , receiving
the sum of $305 , although his entry
was at that tlrne under contest by
Miss Sallee. Subsequently the con
testant's rights were held to be good
and she was given a filing. She de
nies the validity of the settlement
made with the original entryman and
Is promoting a personal claim for
? 1,000.
Both federal and state laws make
provision for the legal acquisition of
railroad right-of-way through home
stead lands , and the right of a home
steader to make settlement of this
kind is unquestioned , unless adverse
rights are affected
Rate Start Fire.
Stanton Register : August Hartman
had the misfortune to have his barn
burn down Monday morning at 9
o'clock. Ho was at work out in the
field and saw the building on fire.
Ho lost all his harness , but the set
he was using and a new top buggy.
The loss will equal $400. Mr. Hart
man does not know how the building
caught flro unless some rats got to
knawlng matches In a coat ho had
hanging in the barn.
Acid in His Eye.
Battle Creek Enterprise : W. S
Justice , residing northwest of Battle
Creek , had a painful experience the
other day. He had been having a little
tlo trouble with his eyes and was us
ing a harmless lotion as a remedy.
Mistaking a bottle of diluted carbolic
acid for the lotion , be used some of
the llery stuff on his eye. Fortunately
the acid was not very strong , though
the burns demanded the attention of a
Bryan Loses On Test Vote ,
Grand Island , Neb. , July 2G. On a
test vote late this afternoon , it seemed
apparent that Mr. Bryan would go
down to sure defeat on the county op
tion Issuo.
On n test vote In an amendment of
fered by Mr. Bryan against elimina
tion of debate on resolutions to bo
submitted to the convention , the Bry
an amendment was defeated by a vote
of 4G5 to 394. The original motion
was made by G. M. Hitchcock.
The defeat of the Bryan amendment
precluded the delivery of the contem
plated speech of Mr. Bryan before the
convention for the adoption of county '
option unless made as a part of the i
minority report. i
The motion made by Mr. Hitchcock
upon which the test vote was made
was :
"Resohed , That all proposed plat
form planks or declarations of tills
wnventlon shall bo presented or re
ferred to the resolutions committee
without discussion and shall not be
brought before the convention except
when embraced In a majority or mi
nority report of that committee. "
No Quarter Given.
A fight for supremacy with quarter
neither given nor asked between the
former followers of William J. Bryan
and their one-tlmo leader was the sit
uation presented when the convention
was called to order today.
County option was the issue that
divided the delegations and the Insist
ence of Mr. Bryan that a county option
plank be Inserted in the platform was
combatted by n majority of almost
two to one of the 866 delegates.
Within the ranks of those who op
posed county option many factional
differences existed , which the candi
dates of rival leaders augmented , but
when the gavel of the chairman fell
the majority was solidly aligned
against the long time democratic lead
er of Nebraska , who apparently waste
to meet his first defeat at the hands
of the Nebraska democrats.
Bryan Won't Back Down.
The attempt of several Intimate
friends of Mr. Bryan to make him re
cede from his radical stand on county
option had been unavailable and Gov
ernor Shallenbergor and Mayor Dahl-
man , once his loyal adherents , stood
firmly against the granting of any
concessions to him.
A corollary of the county option
fight was seen In the contest of Con
gressman Hitchcock and R. L. Met-
calfe for the democratic nomination
for United States senator. Although
the convention contemplated no action
on the contest , It was evident that the
political fortunes of Mr. Metcalfe , the
associate editor of Mr. Bryan's publi
cation , were bound up with those of
his chief and that the downfall of Mr.
Bryan before the convention meant
also the elimination of Mr. Metcalfe's
candidacy for the senate. This in
spite of the fact that Mr. Metcalfo did
not share In the view of Mr. Bryan
on the county option Issue , having de
clared that the matter would better
be relegated to the legislature for ad
Split on 8 O'clock Lav/ .
Many delegations were split on the
question of the endorsement of the S
o'clock closing law and a fight In the
ranks of the majority against county
option wds anticipated.
It was not expected that the entire
work of the convention could be
crowded Into one session , and a night
session was planned.
The convention was called to order
at 2 p. m. and C. J. Smythe was at
once named as temporary chairman.
Mr. Smyth in his speech before the
convention made a plea for party unity
asserting that the disorganized condi
tion of the republican party made suc
cess assured if party differences were
buried after the primaries. A/notice
able feature of his speech was an utter
absence of any direct reference of any
kind to Mr. Bryan.
Fire on Stlrk Farm.
Battle Creek Enterprise : Fire de-
storyed the barn on the farm of Mrs.
Clara Stlrk , east of Battle Creek , to
gether with a large granary , corn crib
and machine shed. Everything In the
barn , including grain and harness was
burned , though no stock was Injured.
The machinery In the shed was saved ,
but about 1,000 bushels of corn and
some oats was a total loss.
Aside from the fact that the fire
originated In the hay , nothing Is now
known. The loss is estimated at about
$2,000 with insurance to the amount
of $860 In the Madison. Country Farm
ers" Mutual company.
Break up the Dishes.
Madison Chronicle : Deputy Sher
iff J. M. Smith now has nearly a doz
prisoners In the county jail , including
the six boy "bandits" from Norfolk
and some of the crowd seem inclined
to play at "rough house" at times
with the result that Mr. Smith's dish
es are not lasting as well as they
ought to with only natural wear and
tear , and he has been compelled to
replenish his outfit with enamel ware ,
which cannot be so readily broken.
Mr. Smith is not very highly elated
over the prospects for profit on his
"boarders , " considering the number
of dishes he Is compelled to buy.
Cuming County Candidates.
West Point. Neb. , July 26. Special
to The News : Following Is a list of
those who filed at County Clerk W.
H. Harstlck's office for nominations
at the primary election to be held on
August 10.
For representative Charles Graff
and Con McCarthy , democrats. The
republicans have no candidate up.
For county attorney S. S. Krake ,
T. M. Franse and Hugo M. Nicholson ,
democrats ; A. G. Burke , republican.
For county supervisor , districts 1 ,
3. 5 , 7 R. H. Stafford , L. C. Thlemko ,
S. P. Johnson and P. F. O'Sulllvan ,
democrats ; Chris Groth and Peter H.
Horst. In districts 1 and 3 , none In 5 ,
C. Rupp In No. 7 , republicans.
For float representative of the Cum
ing-Dakota-Thurston district F. L.
Gallagher and D. H. McNamarn , democrats
ocrats ; Cecil B. Boughn and Swan
Olson , republicans , filed with the secretary
rotary of state.
For state senator of Bnrt and Cum
Ing--Melville S , Wllcox , democrat ; B.
F. Griffin , republican , filed with the
secretary of state.
A Farmers' Union.
West Point , Nob. . July 26. Special
to The News : The farmers In the
southeastern portion of Cuming coun
ty have organized an association for
the purpose of handling for them
selves the products of their farms ,
and to buy farm necessities. They
think that by combining they will bo
able to obtain better prices for their
products and buy at a less price than
at pieaont. The officers are : L. Lor-
eiifion , president ; F. Wlese , vice presi
dent ; J. J. Clausen , secretary ; Her
man Relmers , treasurer ; H. R. Nel
son , C. W. Sass , Soren Jensen , direct
ors ,
' . M. Franso , a well known attor
ney of West Point , has filed for coun
ty attorney.
The local Deutscher Landwchr
Vereln will celebrate the anniversary
of the battle of Sedan on September
1 , at the Riverside park ut West Point.
A number of other German soldiers'
organizations of the west will join In
the celebration.
Frank A. Beyer of Sidney and Miss
Mamie Kuohler of Wlsner wore united
In marriage at the Catholic church at
Wlsner , Father Fitzgerald celebrating
the nuptial mass. The groom is a son
of Mrs. J. J. Byrne of West Point , and
the bride n daughter of Conrad Kueh-
lor of Wlsner. An elaborate wedding
dinner was served ut the residence of
the bride's father. The newly marj
rlcd couple , after the celebration ,
started on their wedding trip to points
In South Dakota. They will make
their home on the farm of the groom ,
near Sidney.
Lose Lives While Returning From a
Pleasure Trip.
Pierre , S. D , July 26. The news of
u triple drowning at Burtonn crossing ,
on the Cheyenne river , about 100 miles
north'vest of here , has been received
here. The victims , were Misses
Blanche Atwood , Sadie Turner and
Etta Aldrich. The women , with Frank
Wagner as driver of the rig , were re
turning to their homesteads near Mar
cus , Mcade county , after a picnic trip
In the bad lands south of Philip , and
were fording the Cheyenne river when
a wall of water from the cloudburst
in the Black Hills a few days before
swept down the stream , rolling the
rig along the stones at the bottom of
the stream. Wagner was saved by'
clinging to the lines and being pulled
out by the _ team after the rig had
broken loose. The girls were all
The body of Miss Aldrich was first'
to be recovered , and relatives near
Spencer , la. , wore notified. The body'
of Miss Atwood was recovered soon'
after , but nt last reports that of Miss
Turner had not been found.
Black Hills Man , Who Jumped Out of
Third Story Window.
Deadwood , S. D. , Jjily 2G. While re
covering from an attempt at suicide
last week when he jumped from the
fourth story of the Smead hotel In
Lead , AValter Vanderhoof , a clerk ,
aged 24 , strangled himself with a bed
sheet at the county hospital this morn
ing. Ho was Insane and was to have
been sent to Yankton as soon as he
was able to travel.
John P. Biehn of Fairfax was here.
C. H. Scott of Foster was In the
F. G. Coryell went to Plalnvlew on
Mrs. J. F. Zajicek of West Point was
In the city.
C. L. Anderson went to Wlnnetoon
on business.
Miss Josle Miller of Hadar called on
friends here.
S. J. Mannen of Spencer was here
on business.
Miss Leota Shaw , who has been
here visiting with Mrs. A. M. Leach ,
lias returned to her home at Deadwood -
wood , S. D.
Mrs. M. C. Nelson of Niobrara was
a visitor in the city.
R. Y. Hyde of Fremont Is in the city
transacting business.
Charles Lederer , sr. , of Pierce Is In
the city on business.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lowry of Stanton
were visitors in the city.
A. A. Corkle f Omaha was in the
city visiting with friends.
Miss Pearl Carlson spent Sunday
with relatives at Madison.
W. C. Ahlman 1ms gone to Omaha
to attend the aviation meet.
E. P. Weatherby returned from a
business trip at Sioux City.
W. R. MacFarland returned from a
visit with his parents at Madison.
A. Buchholz and W. C. Roland have
gone to Omaha on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Heckman have
gone to Omaha for a visit with friends.
Mrs. Frank He wins of Evansvllle ,
Ind. , Is vfsitlng nt the home of Mrs. 3.
E. Hewlns.
Mrs. Max Schuman of Manlstee ,
Mich. , is In the city visiting with Mrs.
Emma Tappert.
Albert Kloke , cashier of the Gross ,
Neb. , state bank , was In the city en-
route to West Point on business.
Mrs. E. Zemerly , who has been here
visiting at the R. C. Simmons home ,
has returned to her home at Fairfax.
Miss Edith Herman has returned
from a week's vacation , which she
spent with friends near Wlnnetoon
and Niobrara.
Henry Haase , bis daughter Miss
Ada Huasc , and Miss Josle Miller
have gone to Pierce for a short visit
with relatives.
Mrs. A. T. Burroughs and daughter ,
Miss Leona Burroughs , have gone to
Pipestone. Minn. , for a three weeks'
visit with relatives.
Mrs. Gustavo Fechner , Mrs. August
Halnlo and Miss Francis Becker of
Stanton were here visiting with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Huebner of
Pierce , who were hero visiting with
relatives , have gone to Hot Springs ,
S. D. , to visit with relatives.
Mrs. Chris Behrns and son Fred of
Portland , Ore. , are In the city visiting
with friends and old neighbors. This
is Mrs , Behrns' first visit to Norfolk
in thirteen years ,
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. John Ray , a
, The 3-year-old son of E. E. Gillette
Is reported very 111.
I > Aitbur Hyde , son of 0. L. Hyde , Is
suffering from an attack of tonsllltls.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller celebrated
their fifth wedding anlvorsnry yester
A mooting of the ( litcolors of the
j I city baseball league was hold at the
P. E. Carborry store last evening.
Peter Stafford , Jr. , who undorwofit
nu operation for appendicitis at Oma
ha , Is expected to return homo this
evening. His brother , Gerald Stafford ,
went to Omaha this morning to ac
company his brother to Norfolk.
Frank Fox. assistant to the city en
gineer , Is busy getting out the annual
< report of the Norfolk fire department
Gustavo Fechnor has sold bis hard
ware store at Stanton and will leave
In a few days for an extended visit on
the Pacific coast.
Harry DIefenderfer. son of D. S.
Dlefenderfer. living on the Mapes
farm , Is laid up with a bad attack of
sciatic rheumatism.
j Officials of the Norfolk fire depart
ment's baseball team have called a
special meeting , which will take place
at the city hall this evening.
Lieutenant Edward Maloney of the
[ Second regiment staff was In the city
at the C'omapny D armory , where the
regular weekly drill was being held.
Herman Tappert has resigned his
position as collector for the Nebraska
Telephone company and accepted a
position as passenger brakemiui with
the Northwestern Railroad company.
A heavy shower fell a mile north of
Norfolk avenue Monday night , though
there were but a few drops of rain In
town. The rain at the Country club
grounds lasted ten minutes and was a
soaker , accompanied by some hall.
i A modern white enameled operating
table has been Installed In the operat
ing rooms of the Sessions & Bell un
dertaking parlors. The table is only
the third of its kind in the state. The
mechanism Is of the most modern
' A fast game of baseball Is promised
by the city league this evening , when
the bookkeepers and the Edgewater
teams will cross bats on the driving
paik diamond. The Edgewater boys
j j ' have improved and promise to ghe
. the bookies a run for their money.
I I ' John Krantz has on exhibition a
i sample of oats which lie claims kills
i all reports of any drouth in this terri
| tory. The oats was not selected , but
gathered on Ills farm two miles south
east of the city. It measures fully
five feet in height and some of the
beau's are a foot long.
A. H. Kiesau , who has returned from
' a business trip in the east , is in favor
1 of brick for material to be used in
j paving Norfolk avenue. Mr. Kiesau
wlille in the east visited several cities ,
I including Fond du Lac , Wls. , Green
[ Bay , Wls. , and Chicago , where there
Is concrete pavement.
R. F. Sclilller has received word
from liis wife , who Is spending six
weeks' visit with her parents at To
ronto , Out. Mrs. Schiller reports a
delightful boat ride from Toronto to
the Niagara Falls , where she says the
weather is pleasant and cool. Mrs.
Schiller will return 'to Norfolk In
about one month.
Rev. E. F. Hammond , pastor of the
Presbyterian church , was given a
pleasant surprise when members of
the Tuesday Night club of that church
called on him at his home and pre
sented him with a gold coin. Herman
Tappert made the presentation ad
dress. The event was in honor of Mr.
Hammond's birthday anniversary.
Monday evening's News , in Its "ten
years ago" column said that Gus Kuiil
caught sixty bullheads. It's Just the
opposite this year on the same date ,
time and place. Mr. Kuhl returned
from his fishing trip last night empty
handed. "Ten years ago I caught six
ty bullheads , " said Mr. Kuhl. "Last
night I fished and fished , but didn't
even get a bite. "
While repairing a separator In the
Hutchinson bakery yesterday Daniel
Muno , a baker , sustained severe in
juries on bis right arm and hand. The
muscles of his arm were cut. He will
not be able to work for several weeks.
The machine has been out of order for
some time and Muno had "been endeav
oring to repair It , when the blades ac
cidentally fell on his arm. Muno's
homo is in Denver , but he Is now
boarding at the home of Peter Wurtz
on Braasch avenue.
Twenty-five more race horses have
been added to the largo list of Norfolk
wntrles. The track Is full of fast
horses undergoing training for the
coming events. The barns are in fine
shape and there Is plenty of room to
I accommodate many more horses. Be-
J cause a record breaking crowd of race
fans is expected contractors are busy
bidding on the construction of a 32-
foot extension on the grandstand ,
which , the race officials believe , will
not seat the large crowds expected.
Captain C. L. Anderson of the Nor
folk national guard company has re
turned with more honors from the
Ashland target practice. In the state
rifle association's meet Captain An
derson came in second to the winner ,
A. Rankiu of Crete , Neb. , also n mem
ber of the national guard. Captain
Anderson came within six points of
winning first prize. In tills contest
civilians were allowed entry. When
the official count Is made local officers
believed the Norfolk boys will get
still more honors.
Placing a ladder up to the upper
story window of the Hutchlnson bak
ery building on West Norfolk avenue
during the evening , thieves who were
probably familiar with the surround
ings , entered a room and rifled the
pockets of the workmen's clothes
which were left there. The workmen
who are usually on the night shift
make it a practice to change their
street clothes upstairs and don their
working clothes. The thieves prob
ably know of this Luckily only a
little change was taken. The work
men are paid Friday evenings , and
the thieves probably looked for n big
Sore On Dorsey.
Accoidlng to repotty In pollen cir
cles hen1 two of the boys awaiting
tilnl at the Madison jail. chargi < il with
loYiin ; Northwestern freight cars ,
have IhronttMied to kill Wallace Her
sey should he bo taken to Madison and
locked up with them. Dorsey Is the
only one of the boys arrested who secured
cured an attorney and was able to
stay out on bonds. "Tho boys are
sere on Horsey because he got out on
ball , " said an official.
Fremont Tribune : An Instant after
bo had dodged a train of cars on a
side-track at the Main street crossing
at 9 o'clock , George Heine , n North
western fireman was struck by passen
ger train No. 8 , and hud his foot bad
ly crushed. Fortunately , ho had near
ly cleared the track In a leap , and
the Incoming train struck only one of
his legs.
Heine was crossing the tracks In
company with several young men. A
switch engine was bucking a string
of cars on the siding and the young
men dodged around the end of the
line. Ills companions saw No. S approaching
preaching and sought to warn Heine ,
but the latter did not hear their cries.
The Injured man was taken to the
hospital in the ambulance and County
Physician Calkins was summoned Ho
found the foot to bo badly crushed ,
a number of the bones being broken.
Amputation , however , will not be nec
Father-in-law Withdraws Charge When
He Finds It's His Kin. |
After filing charges against his son- j
In-law's brother for disturbing the !
ponce , threatening to fight , using loud I
language and kicking in his door , D. j
H. Caron came before Justice Elseley
and , after long pleading succeeded in
withdrawing his charges by paying
the costs.
According to the judge , Caron made
a mistake in filing his charges. The
guilty man proved to be his son-in-law
and not Sylvester Cokley , against
whom the charges were filed , the
Judge says.
"I want to pay the costs if that will
stop the case , judge , " ho said. "You
see , it was my own door that was
kicked in , and it's only a family af
fair , so I want it dropped. "
Played Ball Twenty Years Ago.
Twenty-two years ago Norfolk had
n paid baseball team that was fast ,
and it is interesting to note that it
defeated the Lincoln Western League
team with ease. Harry Lodor , now a
prominent Norfolk cafe man , was Nor
folk's star right fielder , and In the
Lincoln team George O'Toole , owner
of a Norfolk pool hall and official um
pire in the Norfolk city baseball
league today , was second baseman.
Following is the story of a game be
tween those teams , as printed in The
News at that tlmo :
The battle between the Lincoln
Western League and Norfolk clubs
was a rather slow affair , and the audi
ence left at Its close with a look of
weariness depleted on their counten
ances. The locals had the game from
the start , and the visitors were only
saved from a complete shoutout by the
general ennui and wild and woolly
playing of the home team in the fifth
Inning. McAllister , though a member
of the Lincoln club was a good um
pire and did his work honestly and
well , though the visitors kicked a
good deal because he refused to take
a player's word for what he didn't
see , and call Edinger out for not
touching first base. It Is to be hoped
the visitors will put up a better game
this afternoon. Below is yesterday's
score *
B. H. A. PO. E.
King , cf 2 2 0 0 0
Wilson. 3b 1 1 1 1 1
McVicker , If 1 2002
Edinger. 2b 2 0 0 G 0
Lockwood , ss 1 0 2 1 0
Wake , p 1 1 1 0 1
W. Campbell , Ib 0 0 0 5 0
Lodor , rf 0 0 1 0 0
F. Campbell , c 1 0 2 14 1
Totals 9 G 11 27 5
B. H. A. PO. E.
Robinson , 3b 1 0 1 1 0
Camp , p 1 2 3 1 2
Lucas. Ib 0 1 0 7 0
Huffman , c 0 1 1 5 1
Lord , cf 0 1 1 3 2
O'Toole. 2b 0 1 2 4 0
Chamberlain , ss 0 0 3 0 1
Denninger , If 1 0 0 1 0
Nash , rf 0 1 0 5 0
Totals 3 71127 G
By Innings.
Norfolk 30110310 0 9
Lincoln 00003000 0 3
Earned runs Norfolk 3 , Lincoln 0.
Two-base hits Wilson.
Stolen .bases Wake , McVicker ,
Lockwood , "W. Campbell.
Double plays Wilson to Edinger ,
Lord to O'Toole.
Bases on balls Wakt ! 1.
Hit by pitched balls Wake 1.
Struck out Wake 1 ? , Camp 5 , Lu
cas 4.
Passed balls Campbell 1 , Huffman
Wild pitches Wake 2.
Umpire McAllister.
Time of game 2:30. :
Fremont Won Golf Game.
Fremont came and saw and con
The live bunch of golflsts from Nor
folk's neighboring city went back
homo last , night with an all-around
victory perched upon their drivers ,
nnd with good words for the beauty of
the Norfolk Country club grounds.
"I'\o seen every country club In Ne
braska , and not one of them approaches
preaches the Norfolk grounds for
natural beauty , " said ono of the
The Fremont golf men are much
younger than the Norfolk players and
they clearly outclassed the locals In
every department of the game Incl- ;
Clean Your Cream
Separator with
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Not only the quickest and
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tains no caustic or alkali no
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Old Dutch Cleanser
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Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all-'round cleanser. It
Gleans , Scnibs ,
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and is the best cleanser to use
in the kitchen and throtiuh-
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your cleaning with
this one handy , me
chanical Cleanser
( IVot a ivasliinu
powcfof. )
Large Sifter Can 10 *
( k'lilulb one of their men , Chappell ,
established n nov record for the
links , playing the course In 4(5 (
strokes as against the record of 47
formerly held by Dr. P. 11. Salter.
The visitors showed the losiills of
prufesHlonnl instruction. They play
with a vim nnd n dash that Is good
to see , nnd yet with such a careful
delihcintion over every stroke that
they seldom make a "foozle. "
Eight Fremontei-s were hero eight
of the best Fremont players. Here's
the list : Pnscoo , Thomas , L. Hammond
mend , Chappell , Overguard , Cook , Ehr-
hardt , Richards.
In the morning a Scotch foursome
was played , Fremont winning by 8
points. In the afternoon an 18-hoIe
contest was begun but only two
teams completed the entire eighteen
holes before train time. Fremont's
combined eight players won the af
ternoon play by 43 strokes.
The eight local players wore : P. II.
Salter , Christoph , Collls , Burnham ,
Mayer , Iloyuolds , Bnulen , N. A. Huso.
Norfolk Postoffice Still Working With
Old Hand Methods.
Postmaster John R. Hays believes
It Is possible that In time the postolllce
department will do away with the
back-stamping of all mall received In
Norfolk which will make It possible
for the local postolllce to deliver mall
to citizens moro promptly. Although
not certain that this will go into effect
Mr. Hays says the back-stamping Is
really not necessary and causes callers -
ers for mail at the postofilco to watt
a long time before they can bo given
their mall at the general delivery win
dow or In their private boxes.
The back-stamping Is done immedi
ately when the screen wagon brings
the mall from the trains. The mall
sacks are opened and the postal em
ployes Immediately begin stamping
each letter , card or parcel with the
"received" Norfolk stamp. The stamp
they use Is the old fashioned kind ,
the Norfolk office not being as fortu
nate as other cities smaller In size ,
in having a cancelling machine.
After each letter is stamped , which
is slow work , the letters are filed In
their separate departments and then
the windows are opened.
In the meantime a large number r
of people have crowded the lobby and
are many times Impatient over their
long wait.
When asked why Norfolk does not
have one of these machines , Postmas
ter Hays said :
"I have thought about It a good deal.
It would save much time and give
quicker service to the largo crowd
which usually waits In the lobby when
the mall Is received. I really believed
the department would not furnish me
one. But we should have one. On the
other band , I have believed that the
department would In tlmo do away
with the back-stamping , but even with
that away we could do quicker work
with the cancelling machine. "
When asked about the cancelling
machine postolllco employes say the
hand stamp often times cannot bo
read , while a cancelling machine's la
plain , with Norfolk standing In full
view of every receiver of a letter.
This they say is a great advertisement
for the city. Norfolk has electric cur
rent , and should the department fur
nish a cancelling machine hero It
could bo run by electricity. It saves
tlmo , gives prompt service , and every
postmark Is plain , say the postofilco
forco. Towns such as Columbus
York. Hastings , Grand Island , Beat'
rice and Nebraska
City have cancel-
ling machines.