THR NORFOLK WBKKIiL NHWS.IOlTRNAIi , FKIDAV , JULY" 20. 1910 Salesmanship ns a Fine Art. The following address , dnllvorod b } Hugh Chalinerfl before tlio Advertla Ing Club of BimlnoHM Mon In Mlnno apollH , contnlim BO much of human Interest niul HO much of vital Impor'- nnco to oveiy miloHinnn and evciy htiHlnoBs man , that The News horc- with reprints It in full , na taken ft out the July lusuo of Ulbott Iluhbard's " " "Fra : Hvcry one IH an advortlHor , whether ho wants to ho or not. Our inannorH , our clotheH , our appearance , our Hpoech , everything thnt wo do or Hay advertises UH. A man IH n walking advertisement of himself. Now , the snmo Is true of your city , or any city , because a city advertises Itself. Hvery stranger that cornea to Minneapolis leaves thla city with n certain well-defined Impression , wheth er It he n good impression or a bad Impression. Now , since you hav'o ( o advertlso , why not do It right ? Advertising IH nothing but teaching people to believe In yon and In your goods. Your city Is nothing but n collodion of Individ uals , inul your town will Impress Itself ns your advertising Impresses. I am n great believer In advertising cities ns well as businesses. Chicago has n "Booster" club composed of three thousand members , as you probably all know , and they pay an advot Using manager ten thousand dollats a year to boost Chicago , and yet we do not think Chicago needs much boosting. Other cities are doing the name. The Age of Publicity. Now the most linpoitanl foatuio of nil Is to have some one whoso busi ness it Is to attend to the advoiUsing of your rlty. This Is an ngo of pub llclty , and unless jou keep after the people all the time they soon foi get you. You have got lo keep evoilast Ingly nt It , because the business of this country in all Us liansacllons is like a kaleidoscopic view , wo see Ihlngs for a. moment and then they pass away. I doubt wholhoi any one could toll offhand who was president of the United Stales. United Stales six toims ago ; but I do bellovo that almost eveiy ono can toll who was the last president of the Mammolh cave , in Kentucky , was once n great place , but you do not hear of It any longer publicity has stopped. The same thing Is true of the earthquake In San Fianctsco. Tills simply shows how gieat events and things pass ftom our minds unions constantly iccallcd. I often use the woid "booster , " al though my neighbor , Mr. Warnock , saya ho does not like the name. 11 Is perhaps nol an eleganl lei in , bul I have seen good acllon come ftom Ihe work of "booslors. " A boosler is a man who does all Ihe good he can to all the people he can as well as ho can , and then tittsls Ihe lest to God. A "knockei" Is defined as "a thing that hangs on the outside of a door. " The Problem of Distribution. The business pioblem before the Amotlcan people today , commercially speaking , is the pioblem of distribu tion of getting things from whore they nro to where they ought to be. The two big factors In this problem nro advertising and salesmanship. Now , the relationship between the two , in my opinion , is the closest re lationship it is possible to have. It Is closer than n team under n single yoke ; It is closer than friends ; it is closer than brothers ; yes , It Is closer than the relation between man and wife , because lliero can never ho a separation or n divotce. Advertising is salesmanship , and salesmanship Is adverllslng. Every ad is a salesman and oveiy salesman Is an ad There is llils dlffeience : adverllslng Is sales I- manship plus publicity ; salesmanship ID is adverlising plus gelling Ihe older signed. Advoi Using creates the at- mospheie of business , and the sales man follows and takes the otdeis. It Is like n chemical combination. For instance glceilne in itself is perfect' ly harmless , but combined with cer tain chemicals it forms one of Ihe most powerful explosives known. The true of salesmanship and ad vertlslng it takes brains to combine thorn and nerve lo sel them off , bul the results mo woith while. A mar says , "My business Is so thoioughl } established I do not need to adveitlsc It. " It puts mo In mind of a man will blue goggles winking al a girl. He knows lie is winking at the ghl , bul she doesn't. Now the close relation ship between the two Is most notice able when you got down to the bed rock of business and find out what it the foundation of all business. Tin foundation of business is confidence And ndvei Using and publicity are tin greatest builders of confidence knowi to the business man. Big adverltslnj looks like big sales ; It makes the pub lie familiar with Ihe seller of tin goods and will create confidence it those goods. Some people mistake ad \ertlslng for merit. Please hear li mind that advertising never added om dollar to the merit of any article ad \ortlsed. Advertising meioly tolls thi merit : it does not creale U. Good must have merit in them to sell , am they must also have merit , when sold 5 * . . * < S > I to stay sold. A sale does not em nowadays with the making of it 1 never ends as long as the man Is us ing the article you sell I think mos advertising men I have seen who d things realize what advei Using need most. There are hunch eels and thoi sands of people in Ihis country wh do not believe in advertising as som of us do. They think because som people take pages of magazines llin cost from four hundred dollars I three thousand six hundicd dollats page , they must he chaiglng highe pi Ices than they otherwise would. W know Just the opposite to be trui Through adverlising we are enable to build up volume , and that velum enables us to cut expense , and tli more we are enabled to sell , the mor advertising we should do But poop ] need lo be told of thnt , because lots c people still do not bellovo in it. The Main Chance. We imifct Keep fixed in onr mln thai which wo waul lo accompllsl Speaking of the object reminds 111 that I went to a school of cxprcssio in Boston because the man I wr working for thought I could brush u n good deal in speaking to salesmc nnd others In public if I went to th : school. I only wont there once , but i learned something there thnt I hav never forgotten. The man at tl school said to me , "I want you I make n speech to me. I am the am ! once nnd you nro the speaker No before you begin to talk , remombi these three things First , when yc get on your feet , nlwnys rise up r your toes nnd then back on your hoe that leads you to know you are c earth. Sooond , If you nro ever called upon nt a dinner nr n banquet to make n talk unexpectedly , don't got up and tell Ihe people It IH a gicnt surmise nn 4 that } oit nro wholly unprepared they will find that out soon enough The third thing IH the serious thing When you begin to talk to anybody , always keep In a Httalghl line In ft out of you the object of youi talk " I did not leant anything theio ftom the standpoint of being able to talk , but that has been with mo over since. and when I advertise aio thing I it > lo keep clonrl } before me Iho object I am trying to talk about There in n powerful IcsRon In thai piece of ml- vlco for us all The Making of an Advertising Man , The object of salesmanship and ad vertising IH to distribute goods at a profit. Anybody can give away goods , hut to sell them U taken a salesman Ono of the oldosl chcslnuls among advorlUlng men If you can call It such Is tlio ono Ihoy use In every argumonl "What jou need Is to con duct a campaign of education. " I think we ought lo forget Dial once and for all. I would like to know when wo have all the people educat ed. All advertising Is of nn educa tional chinaclor ; If It Is not , It Is not advertising at all. I differ with some people in regard to a statement I hcatd a gentleman make who said , "Advei Using luon are botn , not made. " I asked the gentle man "Who publishes the hlith llsl ? " I said I had never seen one. What I want to know Is how w nio going to tell when these men aie botn , so wo can pick them out. 1 think advertis ing men , like all other men , aic made as vvoll as bom. The thing that ham- pot s mon. Dial holds them back mote than anylhlng else , Is the doubt of Iholr own abtllly They pi also whal they consider great gonlus 01 gieat ability in some other man , when per haps the.v possess thnt same ability I do not think It Is colim too fat and I do not say It to you only , for I have said It lo olhers as well but I Ihlnk Iheio Is enough ability In tills loom 10 take care of almost any crisis this ( ounliy could over have There is moie latent ability in all men than we know of , and Ihe only icnson many moti do nol forgo faster to Ihe ftonl Is because they are nol able lo recog nise lhat fact. Fifty yeais rtgo this coiinliy confionled a ctlsis , and when the ctlsls came Iho country had a leadoi , but a } ear or two befoio it came the man had not been picked , but ho had it In him all the time to boLome a leader. Let us pi each the doctilno of "made" men as well as "bom" men. The Maklna of Goods. II Is easier lo maKe goods than lo sell them I have boon in the mann factuilng business all my lite , but it took mo some time to find thai enl Any man wllh money can buy ma ( ninety and bite men lo inn it and make goods , but It does not follow because - cause he can do this thai he can sell lliose goods. Ills money Is of no use if ho can nol sell Ihe goods afler Ihe } nro made It took mo some time lo find out lhat the making of Iho goods Is Iho leasl. When you me mnnufac- luting goods you aie dealing with both . men and metals , and you can put a thousand more men to woik and make moie goods ; but when you cross the line and attempt to sell those goods you will moot a different pioposition. When you make a sale of anything , . whether In n retail stole or on the load , that sale does not first take place in the pocketbook ; nor yet does 11 ilrsl lake place In Ihe oiderbook ; il does not even first take place In Ihe check-book Rather , every sale takes , place , whether it he a paper of pins era a house and lot , in the mind of the - man who buys ihe goods. A lawyer is as much a salesman as a business r man , because when he is in coutt he - wants to sell his side of Ihe case to the judge and juiy , and he Is the best L salesman known because he goes at It scientiflcallj' . ' Definition of Salesmanship. If I woie asked to define salesman ship in one sentence , 1 would say U was nothing more noi less than mak ing the othei fellow feel as jou do aboul Iho goods jou have lo sell. Ad verlising and salesmanship aie Iho connecllng link , and always will bo between the invention mid the use of any niticle. The best Invention the world has evei seen would have been woilhlcss If Ihe man had nol t j. told anybody else about It , he had not t- advertised and given the widest pub licity to his invention. Every patent Ibis country giants is granted on the theory Unit the man who pioducod the Invention Is going to be a benefactor of humanlly , and he ia , theiefoie , giv en seventeen years' use of his Inven tion. tion.So So advei Using and salesmanship have pustted this woild ahead fastei than anything else. Advertising is a process of sales manshlp We hear It said lhat 'ad vei Using Is salesmanship on paper. ' Thai Is partly true , but it is not all the truth. Advertising is moie than salesmanship , It Is salesmanship plus publicity A salesman can talk onlj lo one or Iwo people at a lime , sc It might be pioperly said that sales manship applies only to the Individ mil , while advertising reaches the pub stlllc as well , because b } adverlising yoi lolcan reach hundreds and thousand ! Is nnd millions of people , while the sales man can reach only one or two at i 10 time. ie Three Ways of Selling Goods. 10 All goods are sold In ihreo ways at Firsl , by word of mouth , second , b ; to pictures and lllustrallons , and third by pi luted mailer. That practlcall : or sums up the ways there are of sell Ing goods. But advertising Is mon ie. than selling. There aio two object ed In advertising. One Is to sell you no goods , and the second is to e tablls1 lie a good name and Insure a conllnnanc re of Irade. Now some people say tha ilo when you are ontlioly sold out yoi of want to quit advei Using. Theie wa never a grealer fallacj lold lo bus ness men. One of oui slocUholdei id said to me not long ago , "Aro j on rer ih. sonablj sine of soiling your year's oui no put ? " I said , "Yes , sir. " "Then , when on don't you quit advertising ? " ho asl as ed. "How much can you save b ( up twoen now and Iho Hi si of July ? " on said , "Between slxly thousand an iat sevenly-flvo thousand dollars. " "The I why don't j-ou save It ? " ho said. M vo nnswcr was lhat If I were dead sur ho we had all sold this year of Nlnctoo to Hundied and Ton and up to Nlnctee Hundred and Twelve , I would nc spend a dollar less I am speakln I0r not only from the standpoint of th , 011 theorellcal adverllsor. but also of th 011 man who buys the space nnd pays th , ' 8 bill. My being in business is not coi on fined only to Nlnteen Hundred am , Twelve , and 1 am a firm believer In keeping oversold. You have got to deal wllh human nature , nnd human nature alwajs has wanted and always will want those thlngx which aie the hindoit to got Now then , I mild to this gentleman , "Look at that foun tain , 800 thai waiet gushing forth. The fountain has ll source of sup ply in Iho rlvor a mile and a half ills- lanl. You can get the supoilntendent lo shin II off , bul you will nol nollco any dlffoionce rlghl away ; you will sue It go down a little at a time un til Ihere IH no moie wnlcr supplied. You shul off the source of supply when } ou stop ndverllslng. You inusl send the best possible appeal to n million minds In order to sell u few thousands easily , and you must keep on appealing You must keep on If } ou wish to keep up your business. " No Necromancy In Advertising. There Is no mj'stery about this nd vei Using and selling of goods. Some would hnvo you think so , and some do not take It up because they Ihlnk U Is lee hind. Il Is nothing but plain common sense plus printer's Ink , and some of Ihe host copy I have ever seen was written by men who wore never known as advertising men , but they sold the goods and made tholr copy according ! } . 1 once heard it said that a man with a lltlle Idea always uses big words lo express himself , because ho wants to suuound his Idea with as big vvoids ns ho can , where as the man with the big Idea uses little Anglo Saxon words to express himself , because the Idea Is so big It needs no surrounding. When you come to wilte copy boai that In mind. Wilte II so plainly thai the man with out an education can undoistand what } ou aio talking about , and then It will he a cinch thai the college giadmite can , 01 onghl lo. understand It. Now then , 1 believe ndvei Using copy should be so wiitlon thai its Hist two lines shall be the nttrucllvo featuio of It , because If a man stalls to lend your copj and does not .finish lead ing It , don't blame him blame jour- self , because ho gave jou Hie chance. I once ptovod lhat , gentlemen. In Eng land. Wo soul oui a thousand cli- cular lotlois under'one cent postage and I said 1 would piove that nine tenths ot the people lend their one- cent mail. 1 got as much mall as the avoiage man , and 1 do not throw away mail with one cent postage attached I open It. Now , I said in lhat letter , "We are opening a icstauiant hcio which will bo completed about the lirbt of the month , and wo wiito to you as a gio cor lo quote us pi ices on Ihe follow Ing goods , and enclose a list of whal wo bhall need" We leeched over 900 icplles. Wh } ? Because 1 ap- pionched them , as a gentleman said , liom "the point ot tonlncl" This lolling a man all aboul youi business in the two opening lines ot your copy is like standing in the dooiway of a clothing stole and saying , " 1 am in the clothing business , wont' jou tome in ? " Convincing the prospective. So I say wo ought to use small vvoids , and we oughl to so expiess our selves for this loason : no sale was ever made until a man was convinced Ho is not convinced until he under stands. He cnn not understand unless in Ihe explanallon he can understand whal > ou mean , and Ihe average hu man being has a considerable nmoun < of pride. Wo dislike lo own up lo a thing we don't understand. 1 have had men explain things lo me , am say , "You understand that ? " and I would nod my head. It would be a rellection upon myself lo do othei wise , and so I kept on nodding mj head , and when the explanation was finished 1 changed to a lateial inslead of an up-anddovvn motion. That was all You can nol soil lo an } bed } unless he understands what you aie talking about. Be sine jour explanation Is plain , and imitlculnrly lo Ihose who aie in a technical business , because half the people do not know technical teims. I lemombei Geoige W. Per kins telling this story of his expeii once as Insurance sollcllor in Cleve land. He said he had boon Utng lo place a policy tor $100.000. bul he could nol do it , and the other man , got Ihe business. Mr. Perkins asked the man , "How did jou insure Mr. But toughs ? I It led for live yeais and I could nol gel him. " The man ie- piled , "I don't wish to be disrespect- tful , but he said he didn't undei.stand half the time what you were talking aboul. He said you lalked to him about 'tontine' policies and 'endow ment' Insurance , and he didn't know whether you were selling life Insur ance or hair oil. " The man in busi- nes is so close to it he does not take the other fellow's viewpoint. Health It Is haul to analyse the successful man , but after all , the analysis gels down really lo Ihe peisonal equation personalltj' . There are ceilaln qualities I have been asked to give here tonight which I believe wo should have In business lo be successful. We are all sales men ; every man is trying to sell his own good qualities to his fellow cltl yens. That Is why he puts on a clear collar and a clean shlit , and eveiy Ihlng that goes with it , because lu wants to sell his good qualities. The flrsl essential is lo be healthy to have health. Most of us are pale foi having good livers , but unfortun alely some have bad ones. There is nothing helps a man sc much as to take care of himself. Mos of us have injurious habits : we smok < too much , wo eal lee much , or w < chink lee much we are hnndlcappci In some way. I know men with gooi minds , but their bodies are not heal : thy , and I would ralher take m ; chances with n healthy mind In i healthy body. Honesty. The next quality is honesty. I tli not lefoi lo il In Ihe baser sense , be cause a man is a fool nowadays un less he Is absolnlely honest. Theio Is an old maxim , "Honest ; Is the best policy. " Theio is nolhin "best" about it , honesty Is the enl policy From any ethical or leligiou standpoint 1 leave It to jou that 1 the lasl analysis nobody know w bethei a man Is honest but hlmsel If id You do not know whether I am hot n est or not. Our wives think wo ar ly honest , and whether we aie or no re It Is a good thing to keep them thlnl an Ing thai way , but they could not prov , it to save Iholr lives It is a goo ot thing some men are dishonest I hav 1K seen men with so much ability the lc If they woio honest along wllh it llo of us would have no chance th ? l,0 would get nil the monoj I bollov in. gentlemen , j-ou are honest man Moi > ,1 men I have met have two arms , t\v logs ( unless lost by accident' , two ejes. two ems a nose and n mouth. and. consldorlns Mtelr height , they weigh about the < < niiio. What IH the dlffoieneo in men1 Power , nhlllly' Some people may have ihnt dovolopul ii.oie than others , but ' snj nlnolonlha JOB. ninety nln < ono-iiimdredliH could develop nbllllv. om roin'nd ' mo voiy much of the paitible ol the talents. We have ont < talent and \ve wiap It up In a napkin : we have thnt ono only and we hnvo never added nij thing to It. It Is like a man who tpplles for a Job. and , hU letter of ecommomlatlon says. "This man is hoioughly honest. " If ho has no oth- > , r quality but honesty ho does not dove - vo much credit for staying that viij- . It Is what we develop that nl- vaj's counts. Three Kinds of Men. I find jusl Unec kinds of men In this vorld The kind you tell once to do i thing , and you can hot jour life It s done The second class you have lo oil four or five or a dozen times to lo It , because thc > do not think. The third class Is the groal class of nen who have made Ibis country what t Is men with initiative men whole lo things , who do things bofoie jou mvo a chance to toll thorn what to 10 I do nol say Ihls for any "slar- ipangled-banner" efteol , hut I thank 3od that I was born and i eared In n ountry whore povoily is no ban lor 0 success , but whore It can often be 11 oven to a mathematical certainly .hat It Is n help. Just in piopoillon IH wo leach joting men how to do Lhlngs , If nothing more than to shine Ihoii own shoos something thai Is of value lo themselves as well as to the ) lhois will they make a success In Ife Theio jito some who glow up .o bo : . ' " > voais of ago , and the only : v\o things they know aio how to roll 1 clgaiotto and how lo doxloiously mix a diink. Wo want mon lo do .hlngs , and what this countiy is to bo twontj'-flve yeais fiom now depends on vvhnl we leach Ihe jonng mon when Ihoy me joung Most men do nol want their bojs to go thiongh the things they did , and thnt Is where they mnko the grealest mlslnke They call It skill In the surgeon ; wo would call It Initiative In the busi ness man. The stngeon gets jou on the table and opeiates for appendicitis and finds you haven't gel it , as Ihey sometimes do ; he cannot let j-ou llo on the table , and say , "Walt , I will road up in the books and see what he has. " He has to act quicklj' , he has to finish his job , whether It Is his finish 01 join finish. They call that skill If he gets thiongh all light In our case we would call It initiative. Wo must do Ihings quickly , wo must have Inltialive , and that Is the great- esl quality a man can possess. I would lalhei have a man in my em ploy who would do six out of ten things light and never did anything things light and never did naythlng else. There is nothing vviong in mak ing a mistake , the only vviong Is In making the same ono twice. Thorough Knowledge of Business. Next to lhat 1 think a man ought to have a Ihoiough knowledge of his business. I was at a convention in Berlin , Germany , of 200 salesman. They did not understand anything I safe ! and 1 did not understand any thing they said , and so got along all light. Theie was a man Iheio who had can led off Ihe banner for four successive yeais , and as we wete dis- liibnling the pii/es I said to him , "Mr. Holfmaii , will you toll the men why you have been leader for four yeais in succession ? " He could not have given a heller answer than he gave He said , "Gentlemen , I defy nnjbody in Germany lo ask a quesllon aboul my business lhal 1 cannot answer. " That was Ihe sec i el of his success' he knew his business. Tact. Another qnalily we need is tact. Tact1 What is tact ? That ability Ithough it is rare thai enables one nin lo deal witli olhei men of differ- nt temperaments in the light way ml get along with them all. Some eople mistake tacl for "jolly. " Tacl s not so much w hal a man says , ' but . ow he says Jt. A man in Deli oil sent .is . son to Haivard college. In De- ember the boy wiote home , and this vas the letter "Dear Father. I am roke ; please send me $50 at once. - 'our loving bon , John. " Dveiybody hat man came in contacl with that ay knew he got that letler. They new It because theie aie some of us vho cannot help but pass our feeling if "grouch" to everyone we meet. At , ny rate he takes his letler homo , and aj's , "Sniah , look at that Impudent - etler ! Didn't I tell j-ou It wouldn't o any good to send that boy to col- ege ? " She leads If "D13AII Father : am bioke , PLEASE send me $ , " > 0 al Mice. Your LOVING son , John. " Thai s exactly the same leltor in each ase , t'he same words That Is what mean by tacl. It is not so much vhat you say as Ihe way you say It One brilliant example in this -country vas Robeit G. Ingeisoll , because if some men had said some things In .orsoll said they would have been ilssed from the American paltfonn t was not altogether what he said but the way he said it , and those ol ou who hcaid him know that is all tiue. You men who are w riling let ; ers to tiavellng men and other poole le those hot woids jou dlclale become come cold type when received. A mai ; ets exactly what you say and reads t lhat way. Lot us be caieful aboul the lelleis we wrlle ; let us devoloi .his quality of tact. Industry. The next thing we ought to have Is Industry the man you always fim on Iho Job , who does a good day's work bul it is unnecessaiy to talk l < western men about woik. because 1 is the westoin man who occupies tin highest positions In Now York. Bos lo ton and othei eastern conteis. If yoi will investigate you will find westori men In seven-tenths of those positions because they weio taught to woik litho the west , and they can led that quallt ; wilh Ihem lo Iho easl Sincerity. Now , then , 'blnccrltj Is n quality w ought to possess. Next lo bolng hoi " esl and able wo ought to be slncoi men. Slnceiity is that quality whlc Ifre not only makes fi lends , but hold re them. A man cannot bo Inslncei rek without Injuiy to himself. Whetlie k you are talking to ono man or to thousand , whether } ou nro talkln > lo me or to a customer , you nro throv Ing thoughts to his binln , you 'cannc see them bul Ihey are tangible , anjou j-ou cannot thiovv Inslnceie thought to the hi nln nnd not have the bra I cntch Inslncoio thoughts no inoi ' 3 than I could throw this glass to yc nnd jou catch a pitcher So I sc wo must perfect thin quality of sin- cot Ity if wo nro to attain success. You know men In whom jou nbso lately bollovo , because they mo sin coio You say jou HKo a mnn you can believe In , because he can sell the goods liiHlncoilty has taken some or- dei s. but U has never hold n job. We are willing to ask for nnd 10 colve suggestions. The mnn who knows It nil Is like the fellow stand ing on the street with the foolklllor waiting Just mound the coiner None of us knows It all. Wo might bo up to dale at 0 o'clock , but unless we nio uptodnlo right now we don't know II all 1 have made U a tale lo bo will ing lo accept suggest Ions , and I would as soon bo stopped In the hall by the janitor as by Iho general manager , because the chances are ten to one that the janitor knows more about the business ho wants to talk about than docs the general manager. People say to me , "Do you belto\e In aeroplanes ? " I toll them , "Yes , I do , and I think the day-Is coming when eveijbody will" 1 don't think the neioplnne will get the contract today to carry the mall , but I bollovo It will some day. Wo should not ridi cule any now thing or any now kind of thought ; If wo do we cast asper sion upon our entire clvllls-allon. Enthusiasm. In addition to nil Ihoso Ihlngs men tioned , a man must have enlhuslasm Unless he has enlhuslasm he is n moie statue ; because enthusiasm Is the white heat that fuses all these qualities into one ofioctlve mass. I can besl lllusliale It by tolling } ou that if jou will take a piece of plain blue glass and a piece of sapphlto , and polish the glass until il has a sutfaco ns hind as Ihe sapphlie , Ihon put them bolh on a piece of w bile paper nnd look al them , jon will find the sap phiio has a thousand glllloilng HUlo llghls which you cannot got out of the blue glass In a thousand yeais Those HUlo llghls can bo compated with the enthusiasm thnt shines fiom a man's o.ves he cannot hide It' ' I don't object to going lo 'a ball game and hearing some fellow root for the home team. And I want to tell you thai we have a preltj' good homo team at Detroll not because we have an aggiegatlon of star players in the team eilhei , but because I think that the success of our team is duo moie than anything else to the enthusiasm of thai lilllc led headed manager. Thai Is enthusiasm I would not glvo a cent foi a man without enthusiasm. If a mnn has no enthusiasm he is no good. If you over got enough money so yon could do so , you don't want to leliie. Men who letlio fiom business do not live as long as those who do not no moi o thah a plant will grow and thrive that Is transplanted liom one kind of soil Into another. What we want to do Is to have our business in such shape that wo can got some leasuio and play enl of it as well as \oik. Lot us enjoy our woik , and et us alleinalo business and pleasuic. hoie Is no one man in 1,000 who caches the goal where he can letiro. We must keep up enthusiasm If we vanl to Keep out of a int. The only ifference between a rut and a grave s in the width and the depth. We radnate from one lo the other. This use of publicity In advertising s one of the gieatest ethical forces n business loday , because dishonest goods cannot stand ndvertlslng , nnci ishonesl methods cannot stand pub Iclty. Therefoie. advoi Using is Ihe lonest man's greatesl bulwark , while t is Iho dishonest man's grealosl jngaboo. You can calch Ihe people nee , bul you can't continue to do It Dishonesty hides in dark places , but idveitlslng Is getting out into the Ight. Publicity collects Iho abuse n public lite. We know men are de ent foi one of two causes , elthoi mm fear of punishment or tiom hope of row aid , and I am thankful to sa } hat decency in business as well a n other things is becoming fashion ible In this country. People Who Drive Tacks. Now , gentlemen , you who have lo landle men , jour lime does nol amount to much , mj lime does not amount to much , as an individual. Some of us who handle men succeed only in piopoitlon as we intelligently diiect Ihe woik , lhat is , as we gel in- : elligenl woik fiom Ihe men under is. That Is all our time amounts to. Let me give you a suggestion * Don't di ive tacks w ith a sledge hammei ; .heie me enough people using tack lammers. You cany a sledge ham- nor and you atlend tof important things only. One thing has helped me in my busi - ness. I make il n point to keep bo Coio me the ten most impoitant things I have to do. I have a llllle pad on mj desk , upon which are noted the most important things , theie might be seven or ten or Iwelvo , but the most Impoitant aie daily before me. , If 1 go to a business man and say , 'What are Iho len most important things you have lo do In your busi ness ? " and he saj's , "I really don't know , " if he doesn't know , how Is he sine he Is doing them ? It is a good thing lo keep Ihem before you , and as Ihlngs come up maik them. Every morning my stenographer has on my desk Ihe ten mosl important things I must atlend to. Suppose a farmer had an elghtj'-acre cornfield , and he should say to his helper , "John , I want you to go and dilve the pigs out of the cornfield , " and if you have never done that you aie not in a position to lealize the task John has before him , He does not know how many pigs theie aie , and so he goes all over the coinllold to see whether Ihey aie all oui Bul if Iho farmoi had said "John , Ihoro aio Ion pigs in Iho corn field ; go and drlvo them out , " he would diivo the ten pigs out. and he would no longer chase pigs that die not oxist. Some Pertinent Suggestions. Thoio are live Ihlngs lhat I woult suggest } ou increase , and five thai } on deciease In your city. There should he an incicnso of the paved Flieols and paiKs Thai Is wha attracts people to a city , and woik ' ingmon mo becoming more cnrofu 10 about the place they select in vvhlcl " lo llvo. 18 Second , an inci eased desirable pop 10 ulntlon. Some people seem lo Ihlnl 01 lhal population Is everything in a city a Theie Is not a city In the I'nltei ' B States but what would bo better ol * without 10 percent of Us populalior * Numbers do not mnko quality. 11'1 ' Thlid liuioaso tlio number of fat ts toilos ami other Industiics In jou , "i illy 'TO Fourth provide efficient schools " Fifth publicity Tell the pcopl ay what you have got up hero In thl You Can Have a Model Kitchen ns cool and white as a dairy. No smell , no smoke , no heat , no dust. No old-fashloncd contrivances. The , Oil Cook-stove Is the latest practical , scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen. Boils , bakes , or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second. Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top , with collapsible rests , towel rack , nnd every up-to-Jnta feature imaginable. You want It , be * cause it will cook any dinner and not heat the room. No heat , no smell , no smoke , no coal to bring in , no ashea to carry out. It does away with the drudgery of cooking , and makes it pleasure. Women with the light touch for pastry especially appreciate it , be cause they can immediately have quick tire , simply by turning a handle. No half-hour preparation , It not only U less trouble than coal , but it cost * _ v | 1 KM. less. Absolutely no smell , no smoke | and it doesn't heat the kitchen. The nickel finish , with the turquoise blue of the enameled chimneys , makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1 , 2 and 3 burners ; the 1 and 3-burner ntovcs can bo had wither Cautionary If ale : Be eure or without Cabinet. get thli stove see you that the name-pinto Every dealer everywhere : If not t your * , re di New Perfection. " write for Descriptive Circular to th acarut agency of the Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) KI oat noithwosl toultoty ' There aio the things you should ilociensn Flist , unnecossaiy expense. Second , dcciease jour debt If you lime any. Tlilid , decrease dirt and unsanitary conditions , which nro the woist things any town can have. Konith , deoicnso law breaking. Fifth , decrease the number of use less and Inelllclent city employes. You will progress Just as fast ns you solve these things in your city. The New Code of Ethics. 1ant to say this In conclusion : We know that in the last five or sl\ yoais there has come n great change over tills country , a great change In the code of ethics of doing business , and whether we ftilmit it or not , whe ther wo like It or not , or whether the splilt pioinptlng it Is in Afilca or Ameilca. leally makes no difference. I want to say to jou men of Minne apolis that I was ne\or 111010 snrptlsed in my life than I was on a recent trip 1 took to the southwest. Wo have nothing to fear fioin Wall street gamhleis ; we are the people. It Is the people like you gatheied here who make the country , and not the men who gamble on what you do. I never saw such prosperity anywhere. Lit tle Oklahoma City putting up two 12- story skyswapeis and one of fourteen stories ; 108 miles of paved streets ; n beautiful hotel eveij thing indicat ing the progress of intelligent and successful eftoit and if we continue as Intelligent , sincere and earnest men , such as we are here , each in his own way solving the problems of life , the piobloms of hlb city , we have noth- to fear as long as we live up to this new code of ethics and continue to do our business in the right way. O'Neill Won at Valentine. Valentine , Neb. July 25. Special to The Xevvs The O'Nelll sluggois crossed bats with Valentine at the baseball paik. O'Neill winning the g.une by an enot of the home team In the seventh , as up to that time O'Neill did not get a man by first. first.R.H R.H O'Neill 00000020 2 4 . ' Valentine . . .10000001 0 2 5 Batteries' O'Neill Harriman and Cole ; Valentine , Hanson and Fischer. I'mplies , Jackson and Rosseter. O'Neill Beats Valentine. Valentine , Neb. , July 23. Special to The NewsO'Neill and Valentino again pla.vod hall here at Baseball park , O'Neill winning an easy vlcloiy by a score of 10 to 1. Scoie by innings : Valentine 000000100 1 O'Neill 30041002 * 10 Batteries Valentine' Bishop and Fischer. O'Neill , Coyne and Fi&cher. FOR HITCHCOCK AND DAHLMAN. Cherry County Democrats Denounce Bryan for Butting into Game. Valentine. Neb , July 2.r , Special to The News. The demociat county convention was held heie In the resolutions they condemned the ad ministration of Taft , condemned the republican congiess for failing to cany out their platfoim pledges , es pecially on the tailff question , de nounced W. J BI.V an's attempt to In terfere with state legislation and in using his. influence to Insett some of C his own pet measures In the demo cratic platform They endotsed Hitch cock for the senate and pledged their , suppoil to him foi senator , apposcd to county option plunk being insett ed In state platfoim , eitdoised D.thl- man's candidacy lor govoinor , en ' dorsed M Chiistensoii for leprosonla- live The following iiio the seven delegates gates to the state convention lioni Choiry comity : N Houtlllenos , M 0 Chilstonson. O. W Halm , Alo\ Burr M McDonald , James Callow nv , I C Stolls. PIERCE AGAINST BRYAN. Democrats Give County Option Blacl Eye Endorse Shallenberger. Pleice , Neb. , July 2.1 Special t < The News The domoctats of Plerci : 11' count } In convention at this pl.uo Sal c. urdity aftiMiioon declared in favor o , the initiative and lefciondum bn gave county option a black eye Checkbook' Latin received an e.n lo dotsemont and Governor Shnllonbert nK la er cauio In for n half-hearted oudotsi mont nftor considerable missionary vvotk had boon pcifoimod upon the delegation fiom Osmond who had coino to the convention with the pur pose of "whooping hoi up" foi Jim Uahlman for the next govoinoi of Nebiabka. They only gave In after announcing that they vveio all going to vote foi "Jim" In the primniles anywa.v Theie woio sovoial sets of icsolutlons on the county option ques tion spuing on the lesolutlon commit tee b } the dolegatos. One delegate wanted to decline against option and In favot of D.thlman and adjoin n An other had a set of lobolutlons that had a joker concealed , in that It opposed county option but did not pledge or Instinct the delegates collectnlng the same at the state convention. The lesolutlon as finally adopted by the convention Is as follows1 " \Ve favor the submission of a piopet amendment to the constitution of the state pet milling the people of the stale of Nebtaska full and tinro slilcted voice Ihrough the adoption of the initialivc and rcfoiendiitii and under II lo settle economic questions that do not pioperly belong to parti san politics.Vo do not believe that any ilomociat should bo lequlred to be lested as lo his parly fealt } by his views upon Iho llqttoi question and wo bolline thai Hie injection of the cotm- ly option question Into out slate plat foim will bo ptodnctlvo of only harm and in novviso botllo llio quesllon in Iho pioper logulatlcm of the liquor tialllc within the state" REPUBLICANS OF WAYNE COUNTY Delegates Are Elected and Resolutions of Loyalty Adopted. Wa.vno. Nob. July 25 The Wayne county topublican convention was held C. Closben of Sholes was elect ed c hnii man and W. I * . Iloonoy of Wa.vno sectetaiy. The following dole gales were elected to atlond the state convention : A. A. Wolch. J. M. Ross , S. K. Au ker. C. Clossen. II. McHachin , A. B. Woodiuff , Tred Ulrich , W. P. Rinco and J. Davis. The following resolution was adopt ed : "Be it Resolved , , By the republicans of Wayne count } in convention assem bled , that we rcafllun our loalt } and support to the pilnciples and record of ihe republican pail } as announced in Us plalfotiiis , Us execution of wise and beneticenl laws , Us fallhtul per formance at Us li usts for the progress , welfare and ptospetlty of the Amer ican people. "Resolved That we heartily endorse Ihe icpublican nalional administration as exemplified In Us ictoid during the last session of congiess in making into laws the pledges contained In the lopublkan piatfoim and we commend and appiovc Ihe attitude of our lepub llcan lepiesentnthos and senatots , Neil is Brown and K. J. Burkoll during the last session of congiobs , and com mend and nppiove the attitude of Hon George W. Norils Iheieln as a talth- lul guaidlan of the people's lights and an able champion of ftoe goveinmenl. Thai wo unqualifiedly condemn the present appoiiloninenl of stale son- alors ; uid icpiesentatlvos as shown by their ie pouive dlblrlcls and the pop ulation thereof and Hi inly believe that a gioss injustice is being done certain sec lions of the stale lo the advantage of others , and wo lieieby Instinct our siale soimlor and representative to use their powet and influence lo s euro a lair and equitable icappoitlon me'nt of the legislative district of tlio stale We believe In the initiative and lotorenduin and heartily favor the in at intent of such a law. " llfnurc f Oliitiiirntit ( nr Cnlnrrli Hint Ciiiilnlii Merrill- ) , 03 morrurj will surely destroy the bonso of f- < nell nun rompletolj ileraimo tliu whole BjKttMn when oiitorliiK It tlnotiKh the mucous siirfuns Si h articles HliouM novot bo used except on prim-rlptloiis from roputnllo plus , duns , na tln > Unningo they will tin la ten fold to the KOOI ! sou < mi possibly ( liitivo from tin-in Hall's Catarih Cure , o inunufnrtured by JJ Clit'iii'y & Co ot oe Toledo , Ohio oontnlrm no morctiry , and In taken internally , nttliiB directly up. tif nn tlio < looil and mill OUH Hurfnoes of if the HjHtem In busing Hall B Catarrh Curt * bo sure > ou " 1 tha goiiulno It ite. is taken Intonuilly and mailo In To e. ledo Oblo b ) P J Chene ) A. Co Tes- Uinoiiluls free n- Sold \ty \ DruKK'sts ' Price "Be per * bottle , Take Halls Fwnll ) Pilli for cons.l- e- patlon.