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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1910)
TIIH NORFOLK WKRKfiL NEWS- JOURNAL , FRIDAY , JULY 22 , 1910. "The Be t Railway. " Hvor , since HID iHM'iilled llnrrlmnn Interests atiilrol ! ( | ( control of Ilio Un ion Pacific rallnmil , the controlling ' purpose IIIIH been to provide the tor- rllory nerved with the moat tip-tomato ! Horvleo inonoy anil brains could pro- ilnco. Tin * campaigning for not only a' ' 1)0tier ) railroad , hut for tlut host rail road. Him ted almost on thu very day j that the great "Overland Hontu" caino j nndnr the JtirlHdlctlon of Mr. Harrl- man. It wan In 181)8 ) that this pro perty , brought hy InvorHO rovoiuto tea a Htat'o of almost complete physical decadence , passed Into the hands of the present ownorH. I'hyHlcally as sembled , It at that tlnio symbolized In .almost a distressing degree nearly .ovory olcinont of traiiHportatlon weak ness that attends a railroad embar rassed In construction hy the lack of inonoy and hy the primitive methods and material. Sharp and dangerous .curves. cnmhorHomo grades , Unlit , rails. Imperfect road-hod , dilapidated build ings , liiHiilllclont facilities , were some of the things which stood boldly In the way of the now management. Those wore obstacles whoso removal Involved a tremendous outlay of inon- y , yet tholr removal was necesBiiry to tin ) production from this physical monstrosity of a high-classed rail road. It was an appalling task that con fronted Mr. Harrlman. The noli ! that was needed , If placed In sacks and loaded on wagons , would have made a long wagon train. National wars had boon waged for less and great oontors of commerce had cash as sets of much Inferior magnitude. The wealth of Croosns , which thrilled the fiction of the ages , was scarcely suf ficient to remove one of the many obstacles. Hut Mr. Harrlman , em boldened by confidence , both In his own judgment and In the great future of the territory traversed , was not awed by obstacles offaclahlo by money and effort. With a resoluteness which will distinguish him for all time he set himself at once fearlessly to the task of bringing out of this conglom eration the great Union Pacific of to- day. day.Ho Ho opened the great vaults and tholr millions were impressed Into ser- A'ice. Now alignments , new grades , new rails , new roadbeds , now motive power , new rolling stock , new repair shops , Inter-locking switches at dan gerous crossings , automatic signals , wore substituted with an alacrity that almost startled the business world and sot a new standard In railway Improvement. With broadened vision Mr. Harrlman foresaw the fruition of Inadequate transportation facility In Its relation to the industrial and com mercial development of the territory served by the Union Pacific. He rea > lized better than any one had before , that If the people , the industries and the resources along and contiguous to this line of railroad wore to progress and be developed , more and bettor moans of transportation must bo af forded. He easily discerned that with such boundless resources the suffi ciency of today would bo the Insuffi ciency of tomorrow ; that transpor tation facilities adequate for the Im mediate time would in the near future - turo be inadequate , and that to In sure against congestion on the one hand , and industrial and commercial lethargy on the other , a substantial augmentation in transportation ca pacity must be provided. New and better roadbed , rails , mo tive power and bridges , supplement ed hy corrective curvatures , and les soned grades , afforded wide relief. Hnt such relief while "sulliciont for the day thereof , " would apt square with the future. Stimulated by improved facilities , industrial and commercial progression rapidly foreclosed on the surplus energy and essentlalized at once further carrying expansion. The tremendous tonnage Incident to this progression , the net result of Indus- triarhourlshment through the medium of helpful transportation facilities , was rapidly encroaching on the train capacity of a single track and It became - came necessary , In avoiding harmful Interference with commercial evolu tion , to commence double-tracking the lino. Already several hundred miles of double-track have been constructed - ed , with the end In view of providing double-track service on the main line between Omaha and Ogden. Mr. liar- Tlman , by these Improvements , unlock ed tlio doors of oportunity to the mil lions of people along the Union Pa cific , and emancipated them from a thralldom which up to his time had sorely and effectively circumscribed both their resources and tholr efforts. It was a decade of Intense activity. It took an avalanche of gold and the best effortb of master minds. Through it all , money was sacrificed to better ment. To Insure cleanliness and com fort , the line was ballasted with Sher man Hill gravel , so that passengers may travel at sixty or seventy miles per hour and bo almost free from dust. To Insure ease and safety In travel , heavy steel rails with contin uous joints , and automatic signals , were laid and Installed. It Is owing to Its superior service Its elegantly appointed trains , its safety to travel ers that the Union Pacific stands to day in the estimation of the travel ing public the premier of American railroads. In producing this very necessary and beneficial change in the physical condition of the property , It may bo said that in some degree at least , the future was mortgaged. It takes much more money to maintain a high-class railroad in a high-classed condition than It does to maintain a poor rail road In a poor condition. Notwithstanding the vast sums ex pended and the Improvements made , however , the Union Pacific management - ment is constantly on the lookout for anything calculated to promote effi ciency. It has installed telephone ser vice along its line and Is now about to make a study of the wireless ser vice of Europe , with a view to fur ther expansion In this regard. It Is maintaining a school at Omaha for general Instruction In all departments , and Is In this way systematizing the ; work and affording to Its olllclnls and > employes the fullest Information In re-1 sped to railway construction , opera- j lion and maintenance , that Is obtainable - , able , and to the public all the benefits , which flow from minds attuned to j safety , efficiency and comfort , In the operation of railway trains. SOME FAMOUS SPENDERS. I Broadway , New York , the Favorite Place to Scatter Money. The Chicago Hocord-Hcrald : There Is an old theory that the road to hades Is paved with good intentions. Pop pycock ! If you examine a popular stretch of the road you'll find that the surface Is composed of hard , round , milled American dollars , and the has relief of the lady always and always Is placed uppermost. The greatest and stralghtcst section of the highway Is made up of a portion of Broadway , Now York. There arc oth er pieces of boulevard and avenue In the world which , for some , trend the same way , but It Is on Broadway that the paying gang works overtime and Boss Satan personally supervises the Job. There Is more money squandered along Broadway and n few adjacent al loys of radiance every day and every night than an able receiving teller could take In over a counter In a month. Yet , singularly enough , while unnumbered dollars How and flow , the ordinary citizen finds It extremely dif ficult at this point to deflect much of the mighty current to himself. Unless you happen to be a waiter or a ho tel proprietor or a manager of a thea ter or a chauffeur of a taxicah you might wonder what becomes of it all. It's as baffling as one of Herrmann's tricks ; you have a fleeting glimpse of. the coin as It passes from hand to hand , and that , apparently , Is the end of It. Nearly all the fools who are trou bled with a clot of money In the breast pocket seek Broadway eventu ally. ally.Tho The roster of Broadway spenders Is as long as the linger of fate. The names of new ones are being added each year. Such names as Walter Farnsworth Baker , Graham Policy , J. Waldere Kirk , Harry E. Moore , James Rhodes , John Campbell Smith and Malon Wal ton Russell arc recognized by but few persons today. It was but recently , as years go , that they were associated with the most reckless sort of prodi gality. They startled Broadway for a few days or months or years these forgotten men. But when their mon ey ran out they dropopd hack Into ob livion. Yet they were valiant spendthrifts some of these youths , each of whom tried to stir up a bigger commotion than his predecessor. The scenes of their erstwhile activi ties are concerned with them no more. There are new favorites and new for tunes ready for dissipation ; fresh ma terial Is waiting. There was Harry G. Moore , who one bright afternoon a few years ago set himself the task of cutting a diz zy swatli up Broadway. Mr. Moore had money bales of it which he had acquired legally , if not laboriously. How much ho had no one ever knew. He never stopped to count It. Ho was too busy in the department of dis bursements. It was a dull month for Moore when he did not get rid of $20,000 or ? 30- 000. Ho wanted to set the pace for the Broadway prodigals , and he did. Moore was strolling down Broadway one evening , with some friends , when his attention was arrested by a dis play in the window of a jewelry store. With his crowd of hangers-on he en tered the shop. He began by buying $10 stickpins , bracelets and the like. Then ho amused himself by purchas ing articles for which he had no earth ly use. His little shopping expedi tion became a saturnalia of spending. Ho bought gold watches , solitaire rings , diamond brooches , gold flag ons , jewel incruated cigar cases , cut glass punch bowls everything that caught his eye he bought. "Deliver nothing , " said Moore. "What would I want with all that truck In my apartments ? I'll take It with me. " Ho and his friends loaded them selves with the stuff. "This is souve nir night on Broadway , " said Moore. 'I want the gang to have something to remember mo by. " From cafe to music hall and back again to cafe they wended their opu lent way , even as Stevenson's whim sical youth with the tarts. At tables whore gay women were dining with "rollers" not so high they loft pres ents. Moore put gold watches Into the pockets of casually encountered Johnles , adjusted fine necklaces over the heads of pretty chorus girls , and placed diamond rings upon the fingers of women he never had seen before. Then ho ordered champagne for every" body. One of the most picturesque of the Broadway money dispensers was Prince Hunvah of Coroa. The prince , who had been a good boy at home , was permitted by his amiable parent , the potentate to come to the United States for a vacation. The young man's fa ther thought $30,000 an ample allow ance for a prince's sojourn In New York. Perhaps the royal youth thought so , too , at first , but It was only a few weeks before he was trying to levy against the honorable exchequer for additional funds. Most of the fortunes which have been squandered on Broadway have been squandered for some woman or women. John Campbell Smith , a poor clerk who Inherited and one-half one - mil lion dollars , might still retain a portion tion of his fortune If he never had heard the siren call. Smith leased a 20-rooai house and kept a yacht His money lusted nearly six years. Orn- ham Policy , another victim of the Broadway fever , gave a woman a house valued at $150,000. Walter FaniMWoith might be alive today If ho had not. attempted to toast every woman on Broadway. Malon Walton Russell spout $20,000 In Now York In throe weeks. Harry K. Thaw , who went to the asylum , and J. Waldero Kirk , who went broke and returned to the west , are well known victims of the Broadway complaint. There was the singular character , James Rhodes , who flung money up and down the Great White Way for months. His crowning exploit occur red In London , where ho wont to finish a spree. Rhodes dropped Into the Prince of Wales theater one evening while the orchestra was playing "God Save the King. " From his box he order ed the leader to render "Tho Star Spangled Manner. " The musician Ig nored him , and Rhodes drew n G-shoot- or and began shooting out the lights. Ho wont to jail for n while. When , a little later , he returned to New York the remnants of his fortune had dis appeared. They have been a numerous band these Broadway wasters and they all of them have paid the pen alty of their excesses. But there are always others to take the places of those who are dropping out. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. After the Autolsts. Fremont Tribune : Columbus has gone after the automobile speeders In a way that ought to meet the approval of its local scorchers. Three persons were arrested and fined for speeding lust week and all of them were tran sients who had been caught stretch ing the limit. Cumlng Against Bryan. West Point , Neb. . July 19. Special to The News : The democratic elect ors of Cumlng county met In conven tion on Thursday and elected the fol lowing delegates to the state conven tion : F. D. Hunker. William A. Smith , George F. Kenowor , Con McCarthy , Henry Witte , Henry Stalp , R. II. Staf ford , W. H. Galbralth , J. F. Kaup and Henry Klnzel and G. W. Norby. The county central committee was elected by the convention as follows : West Point , first , W. II. Harstlck ; West Point , second , E. M. von Soggern ; West Point , third , C. H. Carston ; Ban- croft , J. R. Kelly ; Cleveland , M. M. Tyrrell ; Grant , J. H. Schaffersman ; Blaine , J. F. Bussell ; Wisner 'town ship , J. G. Fischer ; Wisner , first , Ern est Melchor ; George F. Konower , WIs"- nor , second ; Beemer , W. H. Galbralth ; Loagan , Frank Kalka ; Ncligh , Wil liam Zuhlke ; Garlield , Charles Olson ; Sherman , Conrad Gerken ; Elkhorn , Albert Schlueter ; Bismark , G. II. Schutto ; Lincoln , Henry Dierkschnel- dor ; St. Charles , William Oligmueller ; Ginning , Henry Elllngliausen. The of ficers of the county central committee were elected by the mooting as fol lows : William A. Smith , chairman ; J. C. Pinker , vice chairman ; J. A. Stahl , secretary ; J. F. Kaup , treasurer. The convention endorsed the administra tion of Governor Shallenhorger and also the work of Congressman Latta , favored the Initiative and referendum , and emphatically instructed the dele gates to vote as a unit against the In sertion of the county option plank In the state democratic platform. Huelle-Kurtr. Madison , Nob. , July 19. Special to The Xows : Judge Bates issued a marriage license to Louis Rcinhold Hnelle , son of Frederick Iluolle re siding near this city , and Miss Louisa Kurtz , daughter of William Kurtz of this place. May Save Her Eyes. Omaha , July 19. Edward A. Seller and wife of Cincinnati , who were ser iously Injured In a wreck at Rapid City on thte Black Hills and Western railroad Sunday , arrived on the North western last ovculng at 5 o'clock , and were rushe * ' l-- > a waiting ambulance to the Clarkson hospital , where they wore immediately attended by doc tors. The hospital authorities report ed that the condition of Mrs. Seitcr is much more favorable than they had expected , and the recovery of the sight of one eye is certain , while that of the other is not despaired of as yet. Antelope County Filings , Noligh , Nob. , July 19. Special to The News : The following are the names of the persons filing for nomi nations previous to the primary elec tion : Senator Ninth District J. D. Hat- field , Nellgh , democrat and people's independent. Representative Twenty-first District W. F. Conweil , Neligh , republican ; F. M. Housh , Nellgh , republican ; J. H. Hlldebrand , Clearwater , and Ira Ho ward , Orchard , democrats ; Claude C. Mlnteer , Nellgh , people's Independent. County Attorney Elbrldgo D. Kll- bourn , Nellgh , republican ; J. W. Rice , Nellgh , democrat and people's inde pendent. . Supervisor First District M. A. Baird , republican , Brunswick ; H. P. Llchty , democrat , Brunswick ; B. I. Rose , democrat , Brunswick ; David McCIIntock , democrat , Brunswick. Third District G. H. McGee , republican - publican , Clearwater ; A. F. Bare , democrat , Clearwator. Fifth District L. Thomson , republi can , Tllden. Seventh District P. W. Payne , democrat , Elgin. Stranger Suicides at Oeadwood. Deadwood , S. D. , July 19 ; Registered - tered as A. Charles Schrlver of Chicago cage , a young man about 30 was found dead in a room at the Franklin hotel here last evening by a bell boy who broke Into the room , He came here from Hot Springs , where he spent Sunday , arriving there in the morning. Some time during the night , Schrlver had swallowed a quantity of strych nine , but had carefully obliterated all clews to his Identity. He was dressed and wore a hat purchased In Boone , la. He was apparently In good health and the affair [ a a mystery. It Is learned he sent a letter to Mrs. Emma Schrlvor of Lamarvllle. Ohio. Marshall Entertains Editors. Nlobrara , Nob. , July 19. Special to The News : In Nlobrara Island park , Saturday , , Fred Marshall , editor of the Nlobrara' Tribune , entertained a num ber of follow editors from other towns. Through the Tribune Mr. Marshall has done good work In helping to build up Nlobrara. Judge Boyci is Endorsed. Noligh , Nob. , July 18. Special to The News : The republicans of Antelope - tolopo county met In convention at the court room In this city Saturday afternoon. C. L. Wattles called the convention to order , after which a temporary chairman and secretary were elected , who were J. F. Boyd and J. W. Splrk. Hon. J. F. Boyd thanked the dele gates for the honor that they had be stowed upon him , and stated that he was more than pleased with the rep resentation present from all parts of the county , or nearly so. Ho further remarked that the republicans of An telope county are certainly much alive and the results derived by their votes this fall will be surprising. It was moved and seconded and unanimously carried that the temporary ary organization he made permanent. A committee of live were appointed on platform , and on motion all resolu tions were to be referred to this com mittee. They composed of the follow ing delegates : Charles H. Kelsey , J. T. Fletcher , C. H. Frady. G. H. Me- Goo and T. L. MIskinen. These men presented the following resolutions , which were adopted : Wo , the republicans of Antelope county , in convention assembled , re new our allegiance to the principles of republicanism. Wo call the attention of all citizens to the progress of our country made during republican administrations , and especially to the record of the present national administration , and to the ef fective laws passed by the present congress In compliance with the posi tion of our party upon all matters of national Importance. The revision of the tariff laws has been successfully made without bring ing on any of the ills which usually follow a change of tariff , and the pros perity of the country ; the employment of all Us citixcns , and a ready market at adequate prices for all products of the farm and factory are evidences of the successful operation of the repub lican .principles of protection and reci procity. In compliance with the declarations of the last republican national plat form , a republican congress has en acted laws for postal savings banks , enlarging the powers of the interstate commerce commission , giving it abso lute power to control freight rates for conservation of our natural resources , 'and other beneficial laws demanded by the people. Wo call the attention of all voters to the demands made in the democrat platform for reform in state legisla tion , and the course of the democratic party in this state when placed in power. In spite of the demands of that platform for Initiative and refer endum and other laws , the democratic legislature refused to be bound by the party platform and refused to enact the legislation which their platform had pledged. The republican party stands now , as always , for aii honest , elllcient and economical administration of all pub lic affairs , national , state and local , and for the enactment of all such laws and measures as are beneficial to the people , and which are demanded by the people , believing that the major ity should rule , and that those laws which are satisfactory to the majority and are demanded by them , will prove the most beneficial to the country. Believing that republican policies mean prosperity to the people of Ne braska , we urge the election of con gressmen and senators who will sup port the policies of President Taft and Theodore Roosevelt , and knowing our fellow citizen , J. F. Boyd , to be thor oughly In accord with progressive re publican policies , we endorse his can didacy for congress and commend him to the voters of the Third congres sional district. In its last national platform it de manded free lumber , the present tar iff on that commodity was oijly re tained by votes of democratic sen ators. ators.Wo Wo condemn the inconsistency of the democratic party. It demands postal savings hanks and its congressman from tills district voted against them. It demanded direct primaries and after a republican Isglslature enacted such laws ; it now condemns it and de mands Its repeal. It demanded the initiative and ref erendum and then hy the votes of Its own legislature refused to pass such law. law.Its Its candidates seek election upon platforms and policies which they do not endorse and by which they will not bo hound. Their object Is elec tion only , and to secure votes by any moans , and by attempting to bo upon both sides of many questions. The delegates elected to attend the state convention at Lincoln wore : Charles H. Kelsey , E. E. Beckwith , John Lamson , Charles Stockdale , W. W. Wilkinson. Z. D. Havens , J. F. Fan- non , W. E. Alexander , C. L. Wattles , J. E. Harper and A. H. Furnald. After appointing the delegates to the state convention the meeting ad journed , after which the county cen tral committee met and organized with C. H. Kelsey , chairman ; J. W. Splrk , secretary ; J. W. Lamson , treas urer. Team Dashes Into a Store. Madison , Neb. , July 19. Special to The News : One of the most unique and sensational runaway accidents over witnessed In this city was pulled off yesterday afternoon by C. E. Sher lock's team hitched to a lumber wagon gen and driven by Mr. Sherlock him self. The horses became frightened at an automobile , ran up Main street and sprang through the largo plate glass front of Jacob Henderson's furni ture store , completely shattering the entire s'luss front , drawing the wagon partly Into the store and demolishing the elegant furnishings which had Just boon placed there by the decorator. Sherlock fortunately was hurled from the seat to the bottom of the box when the wagon struck the edge of the curb and escaped being crushed to death against the ragged edges of the broken glass. As It was he received painful Injuries. The horses were badly slashed hut not permanently harmed. The damage to the store Is estimated at $300. $10,000 Case Is Dropped. Mrs. Emll Wachtor , who recently fil ed a suit In the district court asking for $10,000 damages from Henry Ueck- or , whom she charged with slander , has made a settlement out of court with Mr. Uecker , and the two are now good friends. At a meeting between the two par ties , which took place north of the city , and at which were assembled about forty neighbors , It is said they shook hands and that Mr. Uecker humbly apologized to Mrs. Waehtor , the hatchet was buried , and the pipe of peace was smoked. Sunday at two churches In this vicinity , ministers made glad the hearts of their congre gation by announcing that ponce again had come between Mrs. Wachtor and Mr. Uocker. Mr. Uecker , said the ministers , had apologized to Mrs. Wachter and she would not go any fur ther in her suit against him in the district court. The two parties are relatives , Mr. Uecker having married Mrs. Waeh- tor's sister. Ad Writers Take Omaha. Omaha , July 19. The convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America got down to business today. The arrivals last night and this mornIng - Ing raised the attendance materially , big delegations coming from Minne sota's twin cities , Dos Molnes , St. Louis , Chicago and other cities. A big parade of advertising men fea tured the early day's movements of the advertising men. Thirteen addresses , five In the morn ing and eight in the afternoon , are scheduled for today , principal among them being that of Charles W. Fair banks. W. N. Huso of The Norfolk ( Neb. ) News was on the program for this afternoon for an address on "Tin Country Newspaper. " Three hundred "ad" writers kmve entered into the competition for a spe cial prize and contribution ! : have come from all parts of the country. Nearly every style of advertisement is to be seen on the walls of the con vention room. Texas delegates have been particularly profuse with their display , special attention being given to the 'Mono star" Hag which decorates all the poles. Yesterday Arthur Brisbane of New York , the highest salaried newspaper writer in the world , who receives $42- 000 a year from Hearst , was on the program. Zebell-Marquardt. Frank Zeboll and Miss Emma Mar- quardt were married at the St. Paul's Lutheran church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. John Wltte perform ed the ceremony , after which a cele bration was held at the home of the groom's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zebell , farmers'living north of the city. Miss Marquardt is the daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Julius Marquardt , also farmers , living three miles north of here. The young couple will live on the old Zebell farm. Groom-tittle. At I ! o'clock Monday afternoon at the Presbyterian church at Omaha oc curred the wedding of Howard H. Groom and Miss Arvlo Little , both of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Groom wrfl re turn to Norfolk in a few days and make this city their home. Mr. Groom Is a mechanic at the ice plant. He Is the son of Mrs. Hattie Gromn. Miss Little has been cashier at the Central meat market. Home from Big Elk Meeting. Past Exalted Ruler Jack Koenig- stein returned yesterday from Detroit , Mich. , where lie attended the conven tion of Elks as a delegate from the Norfolk lodge. Three hundred pros trations and a lire featured the three hours' parade by the visiting Elks from every part of the United States. Mr. Koenigstoin says that a horse Is a curiosity in Detroit , where the major ity of vehicles are propelled by gaso line or electricity. The famous Cherry Pickers , an Elk organization , and sev eral other drill teams won much praise , as did the various other delega tions from other cities. The cotton pickers from the south had three largo floats which cleverly pictured the cotton fields , cotton gins and the cotton after It Is baled and ready for shipment. The Los Angeles delegation had several floats In the parade , one of them filled with or anges , which wore thrown to the vast throngs that lined the sidewalks for many blocks. It took the parade three hours to pass one corner. The Chicago cage delegation made a hit , wearing white full dress clothes , white stiff hats and purple ties. There were Elks dressed as convicts , going the "lock stop , " Elks dressed as negroes , monks and some In other curious garb. It was a great gathering , says Mr. Koen- Igsteln. ASK MORSE'S FREEDOM. Petition Circulated In Norfolk for Con victed New York Banker. H. W. Slsson , n former Norfolk boy hut now a resident of Nebraska City , Is hero circulating a petition , asking President Taft for an absolute pardon for Charles W. Morse of Now York , who was convicted for violating the national banking act about two years ago. The petition , It is said , was \ started originally by Mrs. Morse , wlfo of the convicted banker who is now confined In the Atlanta , Gii. , penlton tlary. Morse has now served about two years of his term , ami the peti tion , which Is signed hy many promInent Inont Norfolk business men. state * that from the knowledge of the sign ers , Mr. Morse did not Intend to wrens the Bank of North America , anil also states that no depositor lost $1 \ lai'KO number of friends , says tinpoti tlon , nro willing to go Mr. Morse's bond for an unlimited amount. Mr. Slsson has circulated the poll tlon in many other Nebraska towns and reports that it Is being liberally signed by the most prominent men ( n Nebraska. Mr. Slsson's petition Is | probably the only one of its kind In ; this state , but In the east many peti tions asking for the banker's release have been circulated. Forty Years In Pulpit. Forty years a minister In German Lutheran churches In this country Is the record attached to Rov. Mr. Brauer , pastor of the Hadar Lutheran church , who Monday was given a' ' pleasant surprise by his congregation. ' With the aid of the Hadar band the I congregation gathered in the Hadar church to celebrate the minister's for tieth year in the pulpit. Rev. Mr. Aaron of Hosklns was on hand to deliver - . liver an able sermon , after which the I band boys serenaded Mr. Brauer at' ' his residence. Seated in his study In his home Mr. Braner was called to the church , where the surprise awaited him. All the scats wore filled hy his congregation , who came from miles around to shake Ills hand. The organ soon sounded and Mr. Aaron took his place In the j pulpit and services commenced. The minister was then presented with an ' elegant leather couch and a line gold headed cane. The band struck up popular Gorman airs and the minister I was heartily congratulated. In the , meantime an immense American flag was placed over his homo , and a pro fusion of Japanese lanterns soon adorned the veranda. The ladles of the congregation brought with them many eatables , which were later served at the Lutheran schoolhouse , where the band boys gave a concert. Mr. Brauer is well known In German circles all over the state. A number of Norfolk and out-of-town visitors wore on hand to help celebrate the event. Rev. Mr. Martin of Stanton was also a guest. TUESDAY TOPICS. Judge Douglas Cones of Pierce was a visitor in the city. Miss Grace Hockman of Hosklns was a visitor In the city. E. P. Weatherby returned from a business trip at Emerson. George A. Brooks of Bazllo Mills was in the city on business. Miss Carrie McClary of North Bond is hero visiting witli friends. Miss Verena Nenow went to Pierce for a few days' visit with friends. S. W. Warner lias gone to Chadron for a few days' visit with relatives. Dr. G. A. McMillan of Elgin lias gone to his old home in Quebec for a n-lslt. nlslt.A. A. T. Ilutchinson returned from a business trip at Dallas and other Rose bud towns. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sherman and niece of Valentine were in the city enrouto to Fullerton. Mrs. Patrick Cm-ran and children have gone to Iowa to spend about two months with friends. Mrs. A. T. Ilutchinson returned from Arlington , Neb. , where she had been visiting with her sister. Mis. J. W. Dietrich , wife of North western Agent Dietrich , is expected in the city from Dubuqne , la. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Asmus of Kan sas City , Mo. , are in the city visiting with his mother , Mrs. Louise Asmus. Mrs. G. A. Joy of Oak Park. 111. , who has been here visiting with her sister , Mrs. A. L. Kllllan , has gone to South Dakota to join her husband. Miss Helen Schwlchtenberg was a visitor at Iladar , overseeing her school and attending the surprise party given in honor of Rev. Mr. Brauer. Miss Alleen Brown of Lincoln has returned to her home after visiting a couple of weeks with her grand mother , Mrs. Charles Lodge. Rev. M. Press of WInslde and Rev. Mr. Aaron of Stanton were In the city calling on friends enroute to their homes after visiting at Hadar cele brating the 40th preaching anniver sary of Rev. Mr. Brauer. Frank Krause of Lincoln was In the city , accompanied by Louis Klug , the youngest son of John Klug. After a short visit with friends here they went to Spencer for a short visit with relatives. C. A. Henderson , agent of the Luso Land company of Canada , was in the city visiting with P. H. Davis , of the same company. Mr. Henderson will probably accompany Mr. Davis and other Norfolk men to Canada tomor row , The new residence of R. J. Ecclep at the Junction Is Hearing completion. Fred Sprccher , a Northwestern cwltchman , has moved to 103 South Eleventh street. Sherman Poland caught fifteen crappies - pies at the mill dam yesterday mornIng - Ing , In the short space of thirty min utes. It Is reported that a large number of Junction people are preparing to attend the national saengcrfest to beheld held In Omaha July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pliant have gone to Omaha , where Mr. Pliant will undergo medical treatment Mr. Pl iant Is reported qulto 111. P. F. Stafford returned from Omaha , whore his son , P. F. Stafford , jr. , un derwent an operation for appendicitis. It is reported the patient Is doing qulto well at Omaha. Mrs. L. Doling , well known for her beautiful singing , formerly a Norfolk resident but now of Lincoln , Neb. , Is here visiting with the A. P. Ely family The ONE Cleanser For The Farm. Cleans , Scrubs , Scours Polishes Old Dutch Cleanser Is the only thing you need to do all your cleaning in the kitchen , dairy , bath-room , parlor , pantry and throughout the house and in the barn. Old Dutch Cleanser polishes brass , copper , tin , nickel and all racial surfaces. Excellent forclean- ing harness ; no icid or caustic ; ( not a soap powder ) , Fop Cleaning Hameaas Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser on wet sponge , rub harness well , rinse with clean water and wipe dry removes all dirt and will not harden or crack. For Polishing Metal : Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser on wet cloth , rub briskly , rinse with clean water , wipe dry and polish with a little dry powder easiest tnd quickest. 102 Large Sifter * Can on North Eighth street. I. T. Cook of Norfolk , owning a farm north of Meadow Grove , lias filed suit in the district court against the Hart ford Insurance company for $900. Cook's house burned down last Febru ary and no settlement bus yet beou made by the insurance company. Master Martin Davenport Is the luckiest fisherman among the Ushers at the Davenport-Stltt-Logan camp. The young man Monday succeeded lu pulling in a four-pound catfish. The triennial conclave of the Knights Templar will bo held in Chicago cage August S to 13. It is said a spe cial car will carry a large number oC Norfolk people to the conclave. M. F. Spenner returned yesterday from a week's visit with friends at Dallas. Mr. Spenner reports that the corn crop in the vicinity of Dallas Is looking very good. The small grain , lie says , is also good , considering the season. Mr. Spenner is loud in his praise over the bustling little city in Gregory county. Eugene Ely , the aviator who was injured at San Francisco last week , Is a nephew of Mrs. E. E. Gillette of Norfolk. Ho was born at Davenport , la. , being a son of N. D. Ely , a lawyer there. The young man is but 22 years of ago and is said to be the only one of the aviators who learned to fly without lessons. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gough , who were married at Omaha , returned here last evening and wore met by a largo party of friends , who made a pathway from the depot , around the city and to the home of J. W. Ransom on South Fourth street , white with rice. At the Ransom residence a quartet rendered a few selections for the benefit of the newlyweds. August Raasch left for Lamro , S. D. , to visit with his daughter , Miss Agnes Rnasch , who Is holding down a claim near Lamro , Miss Raascli has been on the claim for fourteen months now. A new railroad and the now town of Jordan , four miles north of the Nor folk girl's claim means that her land will be'quitf valuable soon. Miss Ranscli Is a favorite among the home steaders , her vocal talent having made a great hit. A fast game of baseball is prom ised by the city league this evening on the driving park diamond , when the bookkeepers and the clerks will battle for the top place on the city league's lineup. The clerks are thirsting for revenge over tholr losing a decision In a recent ball game to the bookkeepers , which gave the bookies top place in the league. The clerks will go to Wayne Wednesday for a game with the Wayne team. Dr. O. R. Meredith returned from Madison , where ho witnessed the run away of Charles Sherlock's team , when it ran through the front plate glass window of the Jake Henderson furniture store. Neither of the horses was Injured , says the doctor , but they ran Into the store , carrying with them crockery and glass of all kinds. The front wheels of the lumber wagon were on the Inside edge of the win dow. The driver was not Injured. Four chemicals In the hands of Fire men Boyd , Bruce and Tapport of the hose company extinguished a blaze last evening which started on the roof of the electric light plant , originating from sparks coming from the smoke * \ stack there. The fires at the electric light plant have been qulto numerous \ recently , the roof having caught fire three times In one afternoon. This la the first time , however , that the as sistance of the Hro department was asked. The fire on other occasions was put out by employes at the plant